by Scarlett Williamson
Members of the Isaac Hutson family, his wife and six children were masscred by Indians in March 1812. Isaac Hutson found his family massacred upon his return from the fort at Palestine. Hutson returned to Fort Turman and later joined the army in Terre Haute, IN. He subsequently lost his life in a battle with Indians.
The original land where the Hutson massacre occurred and where the Hutson Memorial Village now stands was entered by Major John W. Barlow a Blackhawk War soldier, in 1816. John Barlow's daughter, Sarah Jane Barlow, married William McCoy. Their descendant Charlie McCoy, Hutsonville postmaster and Justice of Peace had always dreamed of a memorial to the massacred Isaac Hutson family. Several years after the McCoy's death, the memorial became a reality, located 64 rods west of the original massacre site.
In the year of 1967 the Hutsonville Chamber of Commerce was offered a log cabin by Wayne Brock of the Trimble area. The cabin was located west of Route One about two miles on what is now the Don Purcell property. The cabin had been built in 1892 by Eli Correll, Clint Jordan and Dave Baron for Mr. and Mrs. Dave Baron and their daughter, Esther.
The Joseph Mitchell family were the last occupants of the cabin. (The Mitchell family members were: Joseph and Lizzie with their children, Clyde, Lester, Carl Ruth and Veo.)
The cabin was not in good condition, but suitable for restoration.
Clinton Correll, Ben Correll, the late Harry Milam, Gordon Meeker marked the logs, dismantled it, and moved it to the acre of land which had been donated by the Charles McCoy heirs, Earl, Oris, Mervyn and Alva.
On Feb. 3 1967, a group of interested persons from the Hutsonville area met at the home of Chamber President Jim Winter to make plans to organize a Historical Society. On February 23, 1968, Scarlett Williamson was elected president, Kay Kraemer, vice-president and Carolyn Colliflower, secretary-treasurer. The society officially formed on March 3, 1967.
Work to reconstruct the Hutson cabin, as a memorial to the Isaac Hutson family massacred by Native Americans in March of 1812 was started on April 15, 1968. By June 7 of that year the cabin was ready to be dedicated, filled with many loaned and donated items.
A swinging crane in the native limestone fireplace was removed from a home in the Vincennes, IN area which was built the year of the Hutson massacre. The spinning wheel from the Daniel Lowe family, a rocking chair which belonged to the ancestors of the Rex King family, and irons from Capt. Colliflower, who brought them to Crawford County following the Civil War, candle stick holders which were made by Charles McCoy from the cedar tree which marked the original massacre site are a few of the authentic items in the log cabin.
By August of that year some 1,000 visitors had toured the cabin to see its shuttered windows, latchhook in the front door, a native limestone fireplace and hearth, a handmade round log table and benches which feature wooden pegs. The roof is covered with shingles, some of which the men of the Society had split under the supervision of the late neighbor and sawyer, Henry Mehler.
In conjunction with the Illinois Sesquicentennial, the Historical Society began plans for a Hutson Massacre Pageant which was written by the late Elizabeth Winters. This outdoor performance was given for the first time on August 3, 1968. Plans are now underway to present the pageant for the 30th anniversary (1998).
On October 27, 1968, the Pittman Lowrey Post of the American Legion in Hutsonville presented to the Historical Society and dedicated a flag of the USA in appropriate ceremonies.
By July 1969 over 2,500 visitors had seen the Hutson cabin during its first year on display at the Memorial Village. In two years another building would be added to the site.
Between these years, in 1970, a split rail fence was donated to the Hutsonville Historical Society by the late L. E. Seitzinger. the fence serves as a backdrop for the outdoor pageant of the Isaac Hutson family massacre which has been enacted by the Society in various summers since the Village was founded.
On August 26, 1971, the second building was started to serve as a museum. Logs from cabins donated by the late Mabel Turner of Casey, mother of Morgan Newling and Martha Grant of Hutsonville and the Gossets of Casey were combined to form a large museum to house Hutsonville memorabilia.
This memorabilia includes: harness, several clothing items of 1900 ladies side saddle mortar and pestle which belonged to Dr. Golden, an old sewing machine with footshaped pedals, copy press from Newlin Bank, wooden chests used for transporting fabric from Louisiana up the Wabash River to the Hurst-Olwin store, old farm tools, and a singletree (pivoted bar to hitch horses' reins) off the stagecoach which ran from Vincennes to Danville. These are a few of the things a visitor can see.
The museum cabin also accommodated the first shop until the country store was assembled on the premises.
In April of 1972 the Hutsonville Historical Society was offered the cabin which had been displayed at Palestine during the Sesquicentennial Celebration
This cabin was of extreme interest to the Hutson Village complex as it was the Chauncey Rains cabin and originally had been built in Hutsonville Township.
It was moved to its present location intact on a low boy and is now used to house weaving implements. Displayed in the one-room cabin are a professional weaver's loom and the handmade loom of the late William Dispennett. Mr. Dispennett, who died in 1928, had made and operated the loom whcih was given to the society by his grandson, the late Roscoe Butler.
An antique quilting frame holds an antique blue quilt which was made by the late Mrs. Will (Mary) York of Trimble.
The Hutsonville Historical Society now has a weaver who demonstrates the art on most Sunday afternoons and at special events. A second loom, a professional loom, is in the process of being rebuilt.
Cabins at the Memorial site are chinked with concrete to look as authentic as possible. This process, which takes only several hours, is not what would have been used originally. Chinking was made of clay, weeds and water. The pioneers had to chink the logs yearly with clay.
The entryway cornerstones at the Hutson cabin grounds were made of native limestone.
Also to be seen at the Hutson Memorial Village are a covered wagon, donated by Morgan Newlin of Hutsonvile, a well sweep and wooden well cover, large black kettle, and a privy which was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gurley of Quaker Lane.
In 1977 a Country Store was completed, using logs from the Guy McCoy home (which was located one mile west of the cabin site) and the Blankenbeker cabin from near Annapolis. The large cabin houses a gift shop and the Lawton Winters barber shop which was in West York for over 60 years.
The late Lawton Winters took his apprenticeship at and later purchased the barber shop in West York when he started barbering there in 1921. The relocated shop is as he left it when he retired in 1971. The pink marble sink has a reservoir at the top for running cold water, and a copper boiler, heated by kerosene, provided hot water.
The country store has a beautiful counter which has several compartments in the front which shows many different beans, etc. This counter was in the Tuttle Cox store. An antique cash register sits on that counter.
A pot bellied bellied stove, from the home of the late Allen Correll of Trimble, flanked by antique chairs and a spittoon.
A feed box, originally a bread box used at the Buress store in Trimble, is also in the country store.
The Country Store features a gift shop with many handmade items.
In 1978 work began on the Hutson Chapel which was constructed from logs donated by the Mike Richards family of the Palestine area. The logs were from the original Phillippe home near Heathsville. Some logs in the belfrey were from the Olive Branch church located north of Annapolis.
The chapel houses an antique organ which is used during church services, and beautiful white oak pews, handmade by the late William Cox, which are from the Church of Christ. Kerosene lights are placed along two walls of the chapel. The pulpit is from the Country Baptist Church and holds a large family Bible belonging to the Rev. Randy Hout's family. The pulpit was built by the late Chilton Rogers.
Other pews are originals from the Lamotte Prairie Church of the Brethen, old Christian Church, a native oak pew from the Country Baptist Church, a pew from Highland Church of Christ in Robinson, one pew from Darwin Methodist Church, and two which were used in the polling place in Licking Township, also a high-back chair from First Christian Church in Hutsonville.
During the summer, the chapel holds church every two weeks with local Hutsonville churches responsible for the services. The public is invited to "step back in time" to a log church on Sunday at 6 p.m. from June to September. This year's (1998), dates will be announced later.
In August 1978 our neighbor, Paula Kay Mehler, who lived one mile south of the cabins, and Grag Stepp of St. Louis, MO were the first couple to be married in the log chapel. The Rev. Ausby Swinger officiated.
The chapel was formally dedicated on September 1979 with local ministers taking part. A large crowd, dressed in clothing reminiscent of that era, was in attendance.
December 1985 the Hutsonville Historical Society presented an 1812 Christmas, and a recruiting drive for the Company D of the Illinois Rangers reenactment group. The cabins were beautifully decorated with pine cones, candles, popcorn and gingerbread cake decorations, and cedar boughs much as it would have been in 1812. Hot apple cider and donuts were served.
In June of 1986, in conjunction with the Crawford County Flag Day celebration, activities at the site included: a flea market, tours of the cabins and the serving of beans cooked in the big iron kettle and cornbread.
The Co. D. of the Infantry of Illinois Territorial Rangers held a muster at the cabins. Demonstrations, crafts, hawk (tomahawk) throwing, black powder shooting, campfire cooking, etc. were shown during the two-day event.
All the buildings and maintenance of the site have been done solely with public funds (NO federal or state funding). Only through the generosity of the people of Hutsonville and surrounding areas, the generous visitors, and those who have donated so much of their money, time and energy has this beautiful, authentic 1812 pioneer village been made possible.
Many school children, scout groups and nursing homes tour the site each year.
Appointments may be made for any group or organization to tour the site by calling 618-546-1557.
An average of 1,000 people a year visit the village located one and a half miles south of Hutsonville on Outer South Rose Street, to learn of the early pioneer life; as it was in the 19th century. Plan to visit the village this summer any Sunday afternoon from 2 to 4 p.m.