Palestine Reporter: March 27, 1902. An overview of people living in Palestine.
(Transcriber's remarks) I copied the front, back and inside front and back. I found this at the Argus. However the pages were not numbered and believe the following material found at the museum, came from more of the paper I did not have at the Argus.
- Mrs. Czarina Newland Norton
- Mrs. Czarina Newland Norton was born in Massachusetts, June 20, 1815. She is the daughter of John Cobb. When she was quite a small child, her father moved to Ohio, and a few years after, he came to Crawford county and entered land. Then moved his family to the farm now occupied by Al Cobb.
- Mrs. Newland can remember her father’s house being the place of voting during election times. Their home was also used as a place for the soldiers to muster.
- "Aunt Rena," as she is usually called, tells in an interesting way of her early school days in Palestine and how all the people of the town gazed at the log house owned by Harvey Kitchell’s mother, for it had a painted door! They were the first to indulge in the luxury of paint on the woodwork, and even had the outside of their front door painted red.
- Czarina Cobb was married to William Newland in 1834. They were the parents of seven children. Mr. Newland died in 1874. His widow afterwards became the wife of Asa T. Norton. Mr. Norton lived but six years, leaving "Aunt Rea" quite alone. She is in good health for one of her age, and is proud of the fact that she is the oldest living resident in Palestine.
- A. A. Newland
- A. A. Newland, son of Wm. Newland, is of English descent, began his life in Crawford county in 1839. His boyhood days were spent on his father’s farm. He was married in 1869 to Tamar Beach, who died in ’81, leaving two children. In 1882 Mr. Newland was wedded to Miss Addie Beecher, by whom he has three children. They have a nice home on Harrison street.
- Bert, as he is familiarly called, enlisted in the 98th Illinois Vol., in 1863, and served twenty-one months in the war. He saw very hard service. He is a member of the G.A.R. Mr. Newland’s business house is located on the corner of Main and Harrison streets. It is twenty by forty feet wide. He keeps a nice line of fancy groceries, and keeps up with the markets in fresh vegetables and the latest baker’s products.
- Miss Charlotta Mills
- Miss Charlotta Mills was born on Walnut Hill farm, south of town, in 1862. On account of poor health, she has for many years been much of a "shut in." But this has not in the least kept her from doing much for her church and being a happy and contented girl. She is a talented young lady, studies, writes or works as she desires. Miss Mills has drawn to her many friends by her pleasant, cheerful manner. She and her mother are both members of the Christian church.
- Mrs. Emily Mills
- Mrs. Emily Mills widow of the late Wyatt Mills, was born in Crawford county in 1826.Her maiden name was Fesler. Her father was a cooper and later a farmer.
- When Mrs. Mills was quite small, her parents, with Mr. Woodworth’s family took her and Martin Woodworth, who was near her own age, to Merom to hear the wonderful Lorenzo Dow preach.
- Mrs. M. had the pleasure of being at Harness landing and watching the first large boat from the Ohio that came up the Wabash. And she remembers well going to a spelling school one night and seeing a strange young man there with Charles Walker, son of Thomas Walker, and upon being introduced to him, found his name to be Ulysses S. Grant, who was on a business trip with Mr. Walker, and had come with Charles to the "spelling bee." This, however, was long before he had attained the rank of General or president.
- Mrs. Mills was married in 1851 and moved with her husband at once to his famous ‘Walnut Hill’ farm, where she lived until about three years ago, then bought a nice cottage in our town and has since, with her daughter, Charlotta, resided here.
- Mrs. Mary Matthewson
- Mrs. Mary Matthewson was born November 7, 1817, and came to Palestine about sixty years ago. She is the widow of Daniel Matthewson, to whom she was married four years after coming to this country. She now has two living children. Alonzo Moler is her grandson. With the exception of a few years on the farm, Mrs. Matthewson has lived in the house where she is at present, ever since she came to Illinois. She is in excellent health and enjoys telling the incidents of her early life. Mrs. M. has been a member of the Methodist church for many years.
- Millard Hawkins
- Millard Hawkins is a product of Crawford county, having been born in 1854 on his father’s farm near Flat Rock. He carries with him the pleasant recollections of the country school. Mr. Hawkins has always been a lover of live stock and the farm. Leaving the country five years ago he took up his residence at bachelor quarters under "Dad’s" supervision in this city. Millard as he is generally known, enjoys life to its fullest extent. He is chiefly engaged in looking after a good time, but at leisure moments oversees his large stock farm near Richwoods. All in all Mr. H. is as happy as a king.
- George W. Highsmith
- George W. Highsmith, the senior member of the smithing firm of Highsmith & Barker, is the son of Thomas and Eliza Reavill Highsmith. He was born in Crawford county in 1851.When yet in his teens, he was apprenticed to Al Crews of Allison, to learn the blacksmith trade. In 1872, he came to Palestine to work for Henry Beam; afterwards was in a shop here for two years for himself.
- In 1885, Mr. Highsmith led Miss Selina Plymell to the hymeneal altar. In 1879, the western fever seized Mr. H. and he immigrated to Bozeman, Montana. There in the heart of the great Rocky Mountains, working industriously at his trade, George made for himself and wife a home. After sixteen years residence there, Mrs. Highsmith grew homesick for her home in the old Prairie state, and they returned to Palestine.
- Mr. and Mrs. Highsmith have an elegant residence in the northeast part of our city. They have an adopted daughter, Julia, who came with them from their mountain home. Mr. Highsmith is a member of the Presbyterian church and belongs to the Order of United Workmen. His shop is 50x60 feet and the style of the firm of Highsmith & Barker.
- While blacksmiths are plentiful here, few, if any, are equal to these men in knowledge of the business. They are mechanics of high order and all work turned out by them is warranted to give satisfaction. They do general blacksmithing and repairing, and use only the best materials. They have built up a business here of which they should feel very proud.
- Frank Deitz
- Frank Deitz our popular restaurant man, was born May 12, 1852 at Carmi, Illinois. He was educated in the common schools. At an early age Frank began clerking in a grocery store, and for five years was a trusted employee of Craver and Crebs. It was at the end of this time that he concluded to go into the grocery business for himself, and established a store at Harrisburg; but six months later his stock was burned. He then returned to Carmi, and was for a few months in the dry goods business. Leaving this he came to Robinson and started a bakery. Soon the place was known as "Deitz and Hardgrave’s Restaurant."
- Mr. Deitz married Miss Alice Lanham of our town soon after coming to Crawford county, and they now have two children. Ten years ago Frank came to Palestine and bought the restaurant stock of T. C. Keller, and has built up an excellent trade. He has a short order restaurant, lunch counter and confectionery line. His soda water, lemonade, and ice creams have no equal in the town. Mr. D. always keeps a brace of fine bird dogs, and his chief delight outside of his business, is his kennel and the hunt.
- True S. Barker
- True S. Barker began life in Star City, Indiana, in 1858. At the age of six, his parents moved to Merom. Here he was reared, educated and learned the smithing trade.
- In 1897, Mr. Barker and Miss Luella Erfft were united in marriage. To them have been born two children, one of whom is living. Mr. B. owns his residence property here, and is associated with Mr. Highsmith in his blacksmith shop.
- True is another one of our men of the "Holy City," who enjoys to the fullest extent, the fun of the lodge room, as proof of which, we find him a member of the Modern Woodmen of American, a Knight of Pythias, a Mutual Protective League man and an all around good fellow.
- L. W. Spradlin
- L. W. Spradlin, who has a watch, clock, and jewelry repair shop on West Main street, was born in 1867 in Monroe county, Illinois. His father George W. Spradlin moved to Missouri when L. W. was quite a small boy, and it was there he received his education. He learned the trade of silversmith at Springfield, Missouri where he worked at his calling for several years. Eleven years ago he married Miss Mary E. Jocob, of Rolla, Mo. In 1897 Mr. Spradlin located in our town, establishing a general jewelry repair shop. He also handles a small line of jewelry. He is a skillful and trusty workman.
- J.M. & R. A. Plunkett
- J. M. & R. A. Plunkett is the style of the firm whose general merchandise business, is located on the south west corner of West Main and Grand Prairie streets. John M. Plunkett is a farmer and lives two miles east of Trimble. Their business in this place is managed by Robert A. Plunkett, who owns a large amount of real estate. He has a farm of one hundred and twenty acres in Owens county, Ind., eighty acres of fine land on Lamotte prairie, a nice house and lots in West Union and three or four houses and lots and a number of business buildings in our own city.
- His mercantile stock consists of dry goods, shoes, clothing, hats, caps, gents’ and ladies’ furnishing goods. Fraternally, Mr. Plunkett is a K. of P. and his been a very successful insurance man.
- A. R. Taylor
- A. R. Taylor hails from the Buckeye state. He first beheld the earth in 1847. His parents moved to Kentucky when he was quite young, where he lived on a farm until he was seventeen. He served as an apprentice to Frank Cowan, as a painter in a carriage shop. Afterwards worked in car shops at Dayton, Ohio. Later he worked for McCorkle and Samson in a sash, door and blind factory. He came to Palestine in 1872 and was married in 1874 to Miss Emma Gaines. In ’76 they moved to Texas where they farmed for two years. Then he returned to Palestine, and began making harness and carriage trimmings. But for many years Mr. Taylor and his son have been engaged in the paper hanging and painter’s trades. They are thoroughly "up" in their business. They have worked in many cities through the central states. Dick is what the people, outside of fraternal orders, call a "joiner." He being a member of the Red Men, Modern Wood- men, K. of P., I.O.O. F. and A. F. and A. M. of the latter, he is secretary.
- Harry L. Taylor
- Harry L. Taylor, son of A. R. and Emily Taylor was born in Palestine twenty-six years ago. He was educated in our city schools, and in 1898 was married to Miss Lola Gordon. Harry has been working with his father at his trade of painting and paper hanging since he was quite small. He has a new cottage on the lot joining his father’s home.
- Bethel Martin
- Bethel Martin began life forty-four years ago, on a farm six miles south of town, where his boyhood was spent. In 1881 he was joined in wedlock with Miss Hetta Morris, who was an Ohioan by birth. For awhile they lived on a farm, but moved to town about thirteen years ago.
- For some time Mr. Martin was a contractor for building abutments and iron bridge work; but is better known as a produce dealer. He buys poultry, eggs, hides, furs and junk. He ships to the city markets from two to four times a week. During the busy season he runs six or seven hands and works about twenty hours out of each twenty-four. Mrs. Martin assists her husband in his office. They do the largest produce business in this part of the county.
- H. L. Goodwin
- H. L. Goodwin, the son of the late S. R. Goodwin, is one of Palestine’s own boys. He was born here and was educated in our schools. In 1886 he went into the flour exchange trade with his father. In 1894 he was united in marriage with Miss Anna Belle Richards. In ’96 his father retired from their business, leaving Harlan sole proprietor. Besides running a flour and feed exchange, he sells Plano harvesting machines. Fraternally, Mr. Goodwin is a Modern Woodman of America.
- Peter Reed
- Peter Reed is a Pennsylvanian by birth, but has lived in Ohio and Indiana. In ’52 he traded for a farm near Hardinsville, Ill., and moved to it. Later lived on Lamotte Prairie. In ’64 he enlisted in the army and served ten months, returning to his farm at Hardinsville. In 1889 he moved to Palestine and farmed.
- Mr. Reed’s first wife was Miss Mary A. Garrard who died leaving him with three children. He afterwards married Mrs. Rose Goss; by this marriage he has one child. In 1892 Mr. Reed went into the butcher business here. He has his shop in Garvin Kitchell’s building on the east side of south West Main street. He understands cutting thoroughly, and makes great efforts to please his customers and gives them their money’s worth. He is assisted in his work by his son.
- Irvin Dry
- Irvin Dry is a Pennsylvanian by birth; came from that state to Lamotte Prairie with his parents when he was a small boy. His first school days were spent in the district school, but he completed his educational career at Union Christian College at Merom, Indiana.
- On January the 11th 1894 Mr. Dry was united in marriage to Miss Ella Stout of this township, Irvin has had his turn at the farm, the store, the grist mill and the threshing machine, but now has located a planing mill at this place. He has a traction engine of twelve horse power. He is doing a nice business; is kept constantly employed dressing lumber, making tongue and grove lumber, shiplap and flooring.
- I. L. Decker
- I. L. Decker, son of John E. and Mary E. Decker was born on Lamotte Prairie in 1851. His father died when Isaac was a small boy. His mother remained on the farm, sent I. L. to school in the country and then to Normal, Ill. Soon after he returned home, he married Miss Ida Pearce, who was born and raised on the prairie.
- Mr. Decker has always been a farmer and stock dealer. He owns about three hundred acres of land on Lamotte. His son John has charge of the home farm, which is stocked with horses, cattle and hogs. Mr. Decker, senior owns a pretty cottage in the northwest part of town, to which he moved his family two years ago.
- H. K. Alexander
- H. K. Alexander, Editor of The Palestine Reporter, was born, raised and educated in our town. He was for several years a teacher in the public schools of this county.
- In 1880, he bought a half interest with his brother, E. R. Alexander, in the "Palestine Enterprise," a newspaper which had been established here the year previous, by John Griffin and Ed. Alexander. He stayed with this paper until 1890, when he was married to Miss Lida Emmons, and moved to Chicago, where he engaged first in the real estate and insurance business. Afterwards going into a job printing office in Englewood.
- Mr. Alexander left Chicago and worked in the newspaper business at Niantic and Illiappolis, Illinois. Returning to Palestine in ’93, where for two years he worked at the carpenter trade.
- In 1898, Harry began the publication of the Farmersburg Record, which he continued for eighteen months, then moved his press to Palestine, and established the present newspaper.
- The Reporter occupies its own home, a nice two-room building on Grand Prairie street. The office is nicely equipped with a How cylinder press, and eight-horse power gasoline engine, thirty-inch power paper cutter, Liberty job press, a stereotype outfit, sufficient type, rules, leads, slugs, etc., to do the advertising and job work and also run the usual paper, which is a five column quarto. The business of the office requires a force of two men. Mr. W. E. Bateman, who has had twenty-nine year’s experience, is foreman, and H. K. Alexander, editor.
- Catterton & Son
- William T. Catterton was born October 14, 1842 on a farm in Lawrence county, where the village of Pinkstaff is now situated. He is the son of Dyler and Jane Catterton. Mr. Catterton farmed for about thirty years. Married Miss Maria Robinson in 1879. In 1875 took charge of the mail route, which extended from Palestine, via Russellville, to Lawrenceville, which he held for two years. This necessitated his removal to Palestine. After this mail route was discontinued he established and ran a grocery store here for two years. Selling, this he moved to the Wilson farm west of town where he remained for eight years, leaving that place he moved back to town, an bought the Andrews house and began keeping hotel.
- Mr. Catterton was fortunate in securing a most excellent location for his hostelry. His lot is one hundred fifty by one hundred fifty feet in dimensions, on the east side of north Main street. He has concrete walks the entire length of his lot with an insert of concrete twenty-four feet from side walk to the veranda.
- Mr. C. has very much improved the house since he bought it, and has added to it, until he now has twenty nice rooms, all lighted by electricity.
- The barn is a story and a half, the dimensions being fifty by seventy five feet. Cattertons continue to build up and equip their stables with every convenience for their customers. They have eleven head of fine driving horses, eight single seated buggies, two surreys and three trunk wagons.
- The proprietor of the Catterton Hotel is a happy, jovial disposition, and enjoys to the fullest extent the pursuits which he follows. He is kind and accommodating to this trade and his table always bespeaks the market.
- Edward O. Catterton
- Edward O. Catterton the "son" part of this firm was born in Lawrence county in 1872. Ed finished the public school course in the Palestine High School, attended the Valparaiso Normal two years; and graduated in the business course in the Austin College, at Effingham. In 1894 Edward married Miss Ada Clark, they have one little daughter, Nellie.