Palestine High School, Palestine, Crawford Co., IL.
Alumni as of the 1920 Yearbook.
Compiled by Sue Jones.
Graduating Class of 1889
- Lida Emmons, Mrs. H. K. Alexander - Palestine, IL
- Mollie Steel, Mrs. W. G. Voliva - Deceased
- Laura Caley - Bloomington, IN
Graduating Class of 1891
- Eva Steal, Mrs. Arthur Voliva - ST. Louis, MO
- Sallie Haskett, Mrs. J. T. Johnson - Kent, OH
- Ruth Horning, Mrs. E. E. Pifer - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1892
- James Griffin, Marble Engraver - Robinson, IL
- W. H. Alexander - deceased
- A. K. Steel, at home - Palestine, IL
- John Garrard - Peoria, IL
- Ola Olwin, Mrs. Boehinger - Cleveland, OH
- W. B. Freeman, Reporter - Chicago, IL
- Harlan Hasket - Deceased
- Orville Mills - Deceased
- Olive Davis, Mrs. Musgrave - Hutsonville, IL
- Plymel Mills, Postman - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1893
- Virgil Walker, Farmer - Palestine, IL
- Ed Miller, Farmer - Palestine, IL
- Edgar Swain, Telegrapher - Michigan
- Maud Overholser, Mrs. Worley - Dayton, OH
- June Steel, Mrs. H. O. Smith - Palestine, IL
- Ola Kitchell, Mrs. O. G. Taylor Palestine, IL
- Blanche Emmons, Teacher - Robinson, IL
- Pearl Hawkins, Mrs. C. Horning - Robinson, IL
- Belle Wesner, Mrs. V. Walker - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1895
- J. C Richey, Cashier - Palestine, IL
- H. W. Miesenholder, Banker - Chicago, IL
- C. C. Mills, Farmer - Peabody, KS
- Cora Wheat, Mrs. J. C. Richey - Palestine, IL
- J. E. Decker, Farmer - Arkansas
- Jess Walker, Real Estate Agent - Palestine, IL
- Vola Mills, Mrs. Spragg - Lansing, MI
- P. Z. Green, Painter - Robinson, IL
- Harry Hulse, Locomotive Engineer - Bloomington, IN
- Anna Kitchell, Mrs. W. Hamilton - Bangor, MI
Graduating Class of 1896
- Mabel Fox, Mrs. P. Goodwin - Palestine, IL
- Cliff Crews, Farmer - Palestine, IL
- Frank Thompson - Deceased
- Oro Poe, Mrs. Sager - LaFayette, IN
- Mame Ambrose, Mrs. Brashears - Logan, OH
- Ida Crawford, at home - Palestine, IL
- Edith Hughes, Mrs. Schultz - Chicago, IL
- Verda Bishop, at home - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1898
- George Martin, clerk - Robinson, IL
- Cleo Overholser, Mrs. Whitted - Terre Haute, IN
- Eva Martin, Mrs. H. Gogin - Riverside, CA
- Frank Shaw, Farmer - Hutsonville, IL
- Cliff Alexander, Marshall Field's - Chicago, IL
- Ina Bone, Stenographer - Palestine, IL
- Lida Martin, Mrs. J. G. Harris - Palestine, IL
- Z. J. Cawood, Farmer - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1899
- Marion Garrard, Minister - Battle Creek, MI
Graduating Class of 1900
- Elva Bishop, Mrs. C. Peck - Detroit, MI
- Fred Richey, Farmer - Palestine, IL
- Lulu Gogin, Teacher - Los Angeles, CA
Graduating Class of 1901
- Maud Higgins, Mrs. W. B. Pickens - Joplin, MO
- Harriet Patton, Mrs. M. E. Cox - Robinson, IL
- Pearl White, Mrs. H. G. Rowe - Merom, IN
- Frank Alexander - Kansas City, MO
- Bess Kitchell, Mrs. Fred Richey - Palestine, IL
- Birdie Allen, Mrs. P. Stiles - Robinson, IL
- Lulu Martin, Teacher - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1902
- Ida Ransom, Teacher - Palestine, IL
- Fairy Martin, Mrs. C. Persinger
- Chester Mills, Employee I. C. R. R Palestine, IL
- Edith Postlewaite, Mrs. E. Richards - Palestine, IL
- Minnie Cawood, Teacher - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1903
- Ernest Hawkins, Machinist - Palestine, IL
- Harry Miesenhelder, Traveling Salesman - Palestine, IL
- Sam Markee, Traveling Salesman - Palestine, IL
- Kack Richey, Garage Sierre Madre, CA
- Vernon Haskett, Dentist Bloomington, IN
- Hervey Cawood, Contractor - Mt. Vernon, IL
- Frank Miesenhelder, Miller - Palestine, IL
- Guy Mills
- Clessie Hendrickson, R. R. Employee - East Chicago, IN
- Bess Alexander - Deceased
- Joy Dietz, Mrs. Sam Markee - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1905
- Ruth Patton, Mrs. C. Phillips - Knoxville, TN
- Laota Wright, Mrs. Noble Brown - Palestine, IL
- Robert Busard, Physician - Muskegon, MI
- Viola Shipman, Mrs. Mall - Oklahoma City, OK
- Nell Batey, Mrs. J. Haurahan - Palestine, IL
- Clara Hotchkiss, Mrs. J. M. Waters - Vernoa, WI
- Kate Thompson - Berkely, CA
- Mable Todd, Mrs. L. Morrison - Chicago, IL
- Edna Richards, Mrs. V. Haskett - Bloomington, IN
Graduating Class of 1906
- Oral McCoy, Mrs. C. Curry - Palestine, IL
- Lizzie Dickinson - Deceased
- Julia Highsmith, Postmistress - Palestine, IL
- Nell Batey, Mrs. H. Hanrahan - Palestine, IL
- Lyle Burridge, Pharmacist - Newton, IL
- Lawrence Haskett, Dentist - Indianapolis, IN
- Chase Condrey, Teacher - Canyon, TX
- Ray Alexander, Clerk - Fairfax, OK
Graduating Class of 1907
- Irl Ransom, Carpenter - Palestine, IL
- Myrl Erfft, Mrs. E. McCormick - Palestine, IL
- Flora, Stout, Mrs. Burroughs -
- Kizzie Robiason, Clerk - Palestine, IL
- Carrie Lackey, Mrs. John Berry - Indianapolis, IN
- Ercell Newland, Mrs. L. Root - Robinson, IL
- Elizabeth Miesenhelder - deceased
Graduating Class of 1908
- Alva Dimmit, I. C. R. R. Employee - Palestine, IL
- Roscie Climber, Agent - Palestine, IL
- Ed McCormick, Prop, of Billiard Hall - Palestine, IL
- June McGahey, Mrs. R. Adams - Wert, OK
- Clara Fox, Mrs. C. Rivers - Indianapolis, IN
- Emma Dickinson, Mrs. Arthur Dorsett - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1909
- Ralph Hawkins, Dratsman - Fort Wayne, IN
- Orvie Burress, Merchant - Palestine, IL
- Lala Pifer, Mrs. C. L. Elston - Terre Haute, IN
- Bertha Evans, Mrs. B. Burge - Palestine, IL
- Ella Climer, Teacher - Palestine, IL
- Maude Hotchkiss, Mrs. R. Taylor - Palestine, IL
- Dawn Horning - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1910
- Dessa Martin, Stenographer - Chicago, Il
- Kate Sweet, Clerk - Palestine, IL
- Claude Loughery, I. C. R. R. Employee - Palestine, IL
- Hoyt Templeton
Graduating Class of 1911
- Ben Misenhelder, Miller - Palestine, IL
- Gertrude West, at home - Tulsa, OK
- May Nelson, Mrs. West - Tulsa, OK
- Milo Kitchell, Merchant - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1912
- Harry Thomas
- Kathryn Misenhelder, Mrs. Lester Magill - Palestine, IL
- Clara Turner, Mrs. Dave Roy - Palestine, IL
- Lois Creswell, Clerk - Palestine, IL
- Achash Little, Mrs. T. McPheeters - Charleston, IL
- Dale Climer, Teacher - Palestine, IL
- Florence Martin, Mrs. L. Maddox - Palestine, IL
- Esther Alexander, Mrs. V. Hughes - Palestine, IL
- Rebecca Dickison, Mrs. L. Buchanan - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1913 and 1914
- Minnie Rousch, Teacher - French Lick Springs, IN
- Carrie Espy, Teacher - Oblong, IL
- Flossie Horning, at home - Palestine, IL
- Nellie Ransom, Prop. of Royal Theatre - Palestine, IL
- Lola Hawkins, Mrs. S. Miesenhelder - Palestine, IL
- Ethel Adams, Mrs. N. H. Moss - Pensacola, FL
- Paul Richards, dentist - Hammond, IN
- Mark Wakefield, Teacher - IN
- Paul Beachamp, Bookkeeper - Linton, IN
- Ronald Ross, Student of W. R. M.C. - Linton, IN
- Harold Loughery, Student of U. of I. M. C. - Chicago, IL
- Brooks Horning -
- Leo Hawkins, Teacher - Palestine, IL
- Fay Mills, at home - Palestine, IL
- Charles Morrison, at home - Palestine, IL
- Earl Shimer, Liberty Starter Co. - Detroit, MI
- Dessie Richey, Teacher - Palestine, IL
- Margaret Richards
- Clara Climer, Teacher - Palestine, IL
- Joseph Martin, Pharmacist - Chicago, IL
- Arthur Hotchkiss, Farmer - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1915
- Hazel Mills, at home - Palestine, IL
- Helen Bone, Teacher - CA
- Lloyd Maddox, farmer - Palestine, IL
- Grace Wilkerson, Clerk - Palestine, IL
- Wilma Richard, teacher - Newman, IL
- Samuel Bussard, student - East Lansing, MI
- Margaret West, Mrs. E. Bradford - Chicago, IL
- Gerald Goodman
- Myrtle Rowe, Bookkeeper - Terre Haute, IN
- William Dickison, mail carrier - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1916
- Neva Horning, teacher - Palestine, IL
- Golda Climer, Mrs. C. Brashears - Palestine, IL
- Lois Richey, at home - Palestine, IL
- Mary Shoup - KS
- Kathryn Cobb, at home - Palestine, IL
- Lela McCoy, Mrs. Brown - Palestine, IL
- Tura Kincaid, at home - Palestine, IL
- Lester Lawrence, Navy - New York
Graduating Class of 1917
- Arthur Richey, merchant - Palestine, IL
- Mable Hulse, student at U. of IN - Bloomington, IN
- George Rowe, stenographer - Indianapolis, IN
- Esther Higgins, stenographer - Indianapolis, IN
- Opal Maddox, nurses' school - Chicago, IL
- Harry Cobb, I. C. R. R. employee - Palestine, IL
- Lisle Switzer, student U. of I. - Urbana, IL
- Edith McNary, Mrs. N. Nelson - Palestine, IL
- Clifton Bone, stenographer - Indianapolis, IN
- Paul Hulse, student of U. of Ind. - Bloomington, IN
- Leo Gullett, clerk - Palestine, IL
- Don Mayhue, student of U. of I. - Urbana, IL
- Homer Richey, farmer - Palestine, IL
- Richard Hotchkiss, farmer - Palestine, IL
- Sam Slater, I. C. R. R. Employee - Palestine, IL
- Jean Taylor, at home - Palestine, IL
- Glenn McGahey, physical training school - Chicago, IL
- Glen Brock, student of U. of I - Urbana, IL
- Aubrey Buchanan, farmer - Palestine, IL
Graduating Class of 1918
- Harold Fife, student of U. of I. - Urbana, Il
- Steele Smith, student - Washington, D. C.
- Madge Miller, at home - Palestine, IL
- Claude Buchanan, teacher - Palestine, IL
- Owen Forte - Tulsa, OK
- Rebecca Morrison, at home - Palestine, IL
- Dorothy Armstrong, student - Indianapolis, IN
- Jean Pifer, teacher - Palestine, IL
- Mary Mail, teacher - Palestine, IL
- Ruth McCoy, teacher - Palestine, IL
- Paul Climer, farmer
- Otto Shimer, Liberty starter Co - Detroit, MI
- Roy Maddox, farmer - Palestine, IL
- Glen Schlifer farmer - Palestine, IL
- Guy Richey, teacher
Graduating Class of 1919
- Tura Allen, at home - Palestine, IL
- Luther Barrick, farmer - Palestine, IL
- Mary Anne Barker, clerk - Palestine, IL
- Mary Bussard, Nurses' school - Muskegon, MI
- Miles Conrad, farmer - Palestine, IL
- Genieve Crawford, teacher - Palestine, IL
- Charles Eidson, merchant - Palestine, IL
- Maggie Garrard, Mrs. Earl Richards - Palestine, IL
- Ralph Espy, student U. of I - Urbana, IL
- Mary Houser, Mrs. W. K. Gettinger - CO
- Audrey Jordan, student of Merom College - Merom, IN
- Lloyd Fox, farmer Palestine, IL
- Edith McGahey, Mrs. Conrad - Palestine, IL
- Marceline Mayhue, student U. of I. - Urbana, IL
- Francis Lockhart, farmer - Palestine, IL
- Ruby Martin, at home - Palestine, IL
- Paul Lockhart, student U. of I. - Urbana, IL
- Lester McGahey, post graduate student - P.T.H.S.
- Wrenzy Pifer, stenographer bookkeeper - Memphis, TN
- Juanita Richey, student U. of I. Urbana, IL
- Laura Rowe, bookkeeper - Palestine, IL
- Mark Templeton, student U. of I. - Palestine, IL
- Dorothy Mildred Richards, teacher - Palestine, IL
- Dorothy Schifler, post graduate student - P. T. H. S.
- Lois Welsh, clerk - Palestine, IL
- Glen Welsh, student U. of I. - Urbana, IL
- Nellie Walker, file clerk - Indianapolis, IN
- Mable Wesner, at home - Palestine, IL
- Jacob Johnston - Indianapolis, IN