Robinson Argus - December 6, 1928; School's - Bits and Pieces
The Homecoming at Mann school house on Friday evening, November 30, 1928, was very interesting and the room was comfortably filled. An impromptu program was given, consisting of songs, readings and instrumental music. Special mention should be made of the music on the violin and guitar by Roy Mann and Medford Pearson, which was much appreciated by all. The reminiscences by former pupils were much appreciated, also.
Mrs. Grace Highsmith and Mrs. Mamie Montgomery deserve special thanks in making and serving the oyster soup which all who were present enjoyed. Mann school has been an institution for about 78 or 79 years. The first school, taught by Andrew Richart, was in a log house about three-fourths of a mile southwest of the present location and Henry Sears, now eighty-five years old, was one of the pupils.
One or two years later a frame building was erected just across the road from where the school house now stands, with Miss Abi Dee as the first teacher there.
Some of those who were in attendance in that building, and who are now living are, besides Henry Sears are Abner Sears, Lome Sears, Mrs. Elizabeth Sears Kent, Wiley Mann, Frank Mann, Mrs. Kate Collins Wilson and perhaps others. "Uncle Billy" Eagleton was one of the teachers in the old frame house. Several years passed and a brick building was put up on the present site; and it was here that many of the parents in the neighborhood received their start along educational lines, even if the spelling book was the only book some of the pupils used the first few years of their school life. In those days the enrollment sometimes reached 65 at "Skeeter"; and as there were not enough desks for all, some of the younger children had to sit on the recitation benches.
Some of the teachers in the old brick house were: Sam Lindsay, W. B. Adams, Miss Emma Bussard, L. F. Taylor, Allen Connett, Dr. Jim Connett, Miss Jane Kirk, Miss Elizabeth Titus and Vernon Taylor. After the brick building was condemned it was torn down and sold and the present building erected. The enrollment this year is 27 and the fourth generation is now in school.
Mann district has furnished soldiers for three years.