
Surnames, Researchers and Additional Information

Please submit your surnames and limited information about the family/families you are searching for in Cass County, Illinois. If your Email address changes, or you wish to add other surnames, please contact us. When an Email address is found to be inactive, the surname information will be deleted. Email - Cass County Historical and Genealogical Society - [email protected]

Cass County Surname


Additional Information

LANDES[email protected]

Mark E. Landis, Trodwood, Ohio
LAUNERErnie Launer - [email protected]

Contact Sylvia Moulton, Chicago, IL
LEBKUECHER[email protected]
Bill Wasmund - [email protected]
Jacob LEBKUECHER 1812-Dec. 17, 1838
and Margaret KOHLMAN 1808-Mar 13, 1859
LEDERSBob Miller - [email protected]

Wilhelmina Yeck's married names were Becker and Leders. She was married to Frederick Leders. Her marriage license records the name Lader and a death certificate of a child records Laden. Although possibly not the name child, the dates are close to one of her children.
LEEDS[email protected]

Contact Sylvia Moulton, Chicago, IL
LOSERErnie Launer - [email protected]

LOUGHARYSteve Dyer - [email protected]
LOWRY[email protected]Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
MACARTHUR[email protected]

MAINS[email protected]

MALLORYBill Wasmund - [email protected]

MANLY[email protected]
Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
MARTIErnie Launer - [email protected]

MARTINMary Rhodes - [email protected]

McCARTHYKeith McCarthy - [email protected]

McDANIELErnest J. Nall - [email protected]

McDOLEDuane Thomas - [email protected]

MCKILLIP/MCKILLOPKerry Springer - [email protected]

MENKERichard Drew - [email protected]
Beardstown, IL
MERZBill Wasmund - [email protected]
Ernest J. Nall - [email protected]

METZMAKER[email protected]
Ernest J. Nall - [email protected]

MIDDLEBUSHER (various spellings)[email protected]

MILLERBob Schoonover - [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

MILNERCharlie Rumble - [email protected]

MIZELL [email protected]Contact Edward Neiderer
MORALES[email protected]Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
MORGANBob Schoonover - [email protected]

MOOREMary Rhodes - [email protected]

MOORMAN(N)Bill Wasmund - [email protected]

MORRISONCarol Orwig - [email protected]

Contact Sylvia Moulton, Chicago, IL
MURRAY[email protected]
[email protected]
Contact Rev. Frank Helton of Bloomington, Indiana
NALLErnest J. Nall - [email protected]

NESTERJackie Hicks Feuhner - [email protected]
Researching marriage and relatives of Charles E. and Sarah Elizabeth (Nester) Hicks, married in Virginia, Illinois March 1, 1888 then moved to Oklahoma and Wray, Colorado
NEWBERN[email protected]
Patricia S. Casper - [email protected]
Researching John Henry NEWBERN
- lived, farmed in Cass Co. 1880 until death in 1923
Contact Gail Anderson, Rolling Meadows, IL
NIEDERER [email protected]Contact Edward Neiderer
NIXONPeggy Riggs Kopp - [email protected]
Researching Joseph R. and Sarah A. (Gregg) Nixon, 1852-1865.
OSMERRichard Drew - [email protected]
Beardstown, IL
OSMOTHERLYRichard Drew - [email protected]
Beardstown, IL and South Dakota
OVERTONHolly Schrank - [email protected]

PARKS[email protected]Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
PASCHALL[email protected]Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
Contact Marcia Gibson, California
PENNELL[email protected]Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
PHELPS [email protected]Contact Edward Neiderer
PLUMMERMarcia Cox - [email protected]
Isaac PLUMMER of Cumberland, Virginia-William C. PLUMMER and descendants-William PLUMMER of Cass County, Illinois-Elijah Smith PLUMMER and descendants
POTTER[email protected]

PURVIS[email protected]
Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
QUENESBERRY[email protected]Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
REDSHAW[email protected]

REED[email protected]
Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
REICHERTMarcia Cox - [email protected]
Johann Heinrich REICHERT of Germany to descendants in Cass County, Illinois, including Johann Conrad REICHERT and descendants
REITHERSteve Dyer - [email protected]
RELLERRon Culves - [email protected]
RETHORNBill Wasmund - [email protected]

RICHARDSONMary Rhodes - [email protected]

RIDINGERChristopher Hill - [email protected]

RINGErnie Launer - [email protected]

ROHNBill Wasmund - [email protected]

ROONEY[email protected]
Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
ROSSEN (various spellings)J. Patton - [email protected]
Jesse Rosson, Mary C. (Bingman) Rosson and descendants. Jesse was a carpenter
and preacher in Virginia, Illinois and was shown in 1860, 1870, and 1880 Cass County Census.
RUMBLECharlie Rumble - [email protected]

RUSSELL[email protected]
Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
RUTHERFORD[email protected]Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
RYANKerry Springer - [email protected]

SANDERS[email protected]

SCHAEFFERMary Rhodes - [email protected]
Marcia Cox - [email protected]

SCHALLCarol Orwig - [email protected]
Marcia Cox - [email protected]
Karl "Carl" Heinrich "Henry" SCHALL of Hessen Darmstadt, Germany to Cass County, Illinois and descendants
SCHEWEBill Wasmund - [email protected]

Contact Gail Anderson, Rolling Meadows, IL
SCHOONOVERBob Schoonover - [email protected]
[email protected]
Ernest J. Nall - [email protected]

SEEGERMark V. Mondello - [email protected]

SHADE[email protected]Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
SHELTON[email protected]Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
SHIELDS[email protected]Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
Contact Gail Anderson, Rolling Meadows, IL
SHOWALTERSteve Dyer - [email protected]
SIDEBOTTOM[email protected]Contact Janene Nichols
SKAGGSBob Schoonover - [email protected]

SKIDMORE[email protected]
Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
SMARTWOOD[email protected]

Contact Alta June Powell, Jacksonville, IL
SMITH[email protected]Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
STUCKERay Harmon - [email protected]

SUMMEY[email protected]

SUNDERMAN[email protected]

TAPSCOTT[email protected]Contact Rev. Frank Helton, Bloomington, Indiana
TAYLORMarcia Cox - [email protected]
Angus TAYLOR b. Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland
m. Florence "Flora" THOMPSON in Scotland. Parents
of John S. and Alexander of Urbana, OH, Archibald, Robert TAYLOR of Cass County, Illinois.
THOLEN[email protected]

THOMASDuane Thomas - [email protected]
Wm. THOMAS m. Minerva McDOLE,
bu. Mt. Olive Cem., Cass Co., IL
THOMPSON[email protected]
Samuel H. THOMPSON; Richard
Davis THOMPSON and ch.
THOMPSONClarence Eisberg -
[email protected]

Robert B. THOMPSON, b. 1 Mar 1852 Cass County, m. 17 Feb 1880 at St. John's Lutheran to Marie Elizabeth Vesler d. 21 Dec. 1935, Father Louis B. Thompson m. Martha Ann Davidson May 8 1856 in Cass County lic 899, b. abt. 1828 in Tennessee.
VANCLEVE[email protected]
Jesse VANCLEVE Sept. 30, 1889-Dec. 12, 1963;
James VANCLEVE Feb. 1, 1887-Jun 9, 1965;
VANETTEN[email protected]

Contact Sylvia Moulton, Chicago, IL
VINCENTPatricia S. Casper - [email protected]

VOTSMIERStuart Jenkins - [email protected]
Researching Henry and Elizabeth Sallen Votsmier
Contact Audrey Maurice, Decatur, IL
WELLSPeggy Riggs Kopp - [email protected]
Researching Charles W. Wells, 1858.
WHEELOCKErnest J. Nall - [email protected]

Contact Alta June Powell, Jacksonville, IL
WILMOTT[email protected]Contact Janene Nichols
ZILLION Ron Culves - [email protected]

Surnames A-K

Please Contact Us!

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