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Biographical Sketch of
John Rahn
from the
History of Cass County, Illinois
Edited by William Henry Perrin
Published by O. L. Baskin & Co. Historical Publishers, Chicago, 1882.
Reprinted in 1968 in its in entirety as part of the
Sesquicentennial History of Cass County, Illinois
Edited by Virgil M. Dowdall
JOHN RAHN, County Assessor and Treasurer, Arenzville; was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, about fourteen miles from Frankfort-on-the-Main, April 19, 1839, and is a son of John and Ann M. Rahn, who were parents of four children. His father, John Rahn, a native of Germany, and a farmer by occupation, still living; emigrated to America, and Oct. 12, 1854, located in Arenzville Precinct, on Sec. 32, town 17, range 11. Our subject received a good education, having attended school in Germany eight years, and, after coming here in October, 1854, attended the Arenzville schools, and also in Morgan County for some time. He began life as a farmer in this county, where he has since followed that occupation. During the late war he served two years in Company I, 115th Illinois Volunteers, under Col. Jesse Moore, of Decatur, Ill., and was discharged on account of disability. In Morgan County, Ill., Nov. 5, 1863, he married Susan Coffin, a native of that county; born Nov. 7, 1843; daughter of Charles and Olive Coffin. From this union six children have been born: Charles J., James M., George H., Lizzie, Hattie and Olive. Mr. Rahn is present County Assessor and Treasurer of this county, being elected to each office for a two years' term; has been for twelve years a member of the School Board, and was recently elected for another term of three years. He is a member of the Lutheran Church; is Recorder and Lodge Representative of Lodge No. 28, A. O. U. W., in Arenzville; he is a Democrat.
(page 320, Perrin's History of Cass County, Illinois)