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Biographical Sketch of
Dr. J. M. Swope
from the
History of Cass County, Illinois

Edited by William Henry Perrin
Published by O. L. Baskin & Co. Historical Publishers, Chicago, 1882.

Reprinted in 1968 in its in entirety as part of the
Sesquicentennial History of Cass County, Illinois
Edited by Virgil M. Dowdall

    DR. J. M. SWOPE, Arenzville; was born in Scott County, Ind., Dec. 13, 1854, and is a son of A. F. and Caroline T. (Sullivan) Swope; both are still living. A. F. Swope, a farmer by occupation, was born in Kentucky; his wife is a native of Indiana; they are the parents of seven children. The doctor received his primary education in Adams County, Ill., and having chosen the medical profession, entered the Medical University of Louisville, Ky., of which institution he is a graduate. He began the practice of his profession in Scott County, Ill., and in the spring of 1880, moved to Arenzville, where he has since been engaged in the duties of his profession, meeting with good success, having a large and steadily increasing practice. In Arenzville, Dec. 7, 1880, he married Mollie J. Yeck, who was born in Arenzville, Dec. 6, 1862. They have one child, Nina Grace. (For Mrs. Swope's parents, see sketch of her brother, Edward Yeck, which appears elsewhere in this work.) Dr. Swope is a member of Clayton Lodge, No. 147, A. F. and A. M., and of Arenzville Lodge, No. 481, I. O. O. F.; he is a Democrat.

    (page 322, Perrin's History of Cass County, Illinois)