Alliance Chapter Patriot Ancestors
George Abel (Elizabeth) Maryland
John Acker Virginia
Matthew Adams (Mary Fisher) New Jersey
William Adams (Lydia Mahlin) Virginia
William Aiken (Hannah Hale) South Carolina
John B. Akers (Nancy Jeffs) Virginia
Richard Allen Virginia
James Allnutt Sr. Maryland
Joshua Anderson Maryland Joshua Anderson PennsylvaniaRobert Anderson Maryland William Annin New JerseyBarnabas Arthur Virginia Cornelius Atkinson (Mary Cross) Pennsylvania Thomas Averill (Elizabeth Robinson) Vermont Moses Baker North Carolina Amos Balch North Carolina Joseph Ball (Rachel Thompson) New Jersey Benoni Banning Virginia John Banta (Ann/Anaejte Demaret) New Jersey Jean Cardinal Baptiste Virginia Richard Bardley Virginia Moses Barnard (Hannah Williams) Connecticut James Barnett (Jane Greenlee) Virginia Robert Beall Maryland John Bell Virginia Thomas Beggs (Sarah Barnes) Virginia James Berry (Hannah Williams) Pennsylvania John Berry Virginia Hans/hance Black North Carolina Joseph Blackwell (Sally Chandler Banks) North Carolina Jacob Blaisdell (Ruth Morse) New Hampshire Reading Blount North Carolina Reading Blouny (Lucy Harvey) North Carolina John Bogue/Booge (Asenath Rogers) Connecticut Daniel Boone (Rebecca Bryan) Virginia Charles Borror (Sidney Wees) Virginia Dr. John Boudinot (Rachel VanNorden) New Jersey Nathan Bourme (Patience Jones) Massachusetts Thomas Bowen (Elizabeth Spicer Daugherty) Pennsylvania James Boyd Virginia John Bradley VirginiaRobert Brashear North Carolina Samuel Bridgewater (Mary Ann Coughman) Virginia Elijah Brittin (Jane Evans) Pennsylvania Consider Brockway (Keziah Ferry) New York Abner Brown (Naomi) Massachusetts Matthew Brown (Mary Throckmorton) Pennsylvania John J. Brown New Jersey Reuben Brown Connecticut John Burnham (Tryphena) Connecticut James Callaway Virginia Jean Cardinal Virginia John Carhart New York Hanchrist Carlock (Sarah Whitman) Virginia John Carr New Jersey Thomas Carr (Ann Sanders) Virginia Thomas Carr Virginia Pierre Cartier Virginia Patrick Cassidy Pennsylvania Berry Chase (Pheobe Wixon) New York Simeon Chester Connecticut Simeon Cole Connecticut David Condit (JoAnna Williams) New Jersey David Conger (Elizabeth Ayers) New Hampshire Isaac Cook (Lydia Gray) Rhode Island Thomas Copenhaver Sr. Pennsylvania Thomas Copley (Mary Holcomb) Connecticut Ephriam Corey (Susanna Stevens) Massachusetts Jacob Corson (Charity Stillwell) New Jersey Robert Stuart Coulter South Carolina William Crawford (Martha Cooper) Virginia Thomas Cresap (Anna/Hannah Johnson) Maryland Andrew Creveling New Jersey William Crowson North Carolina Samuel Culbertson Pennsylvania William Curle (Sarah Brown) Virginia Benoni Cutler (Laurana Leavens) Connecticut Thomas Dagley North Carolina Moes Daniels (Abigail Aldrich) Massachusetts Azariah Davis (Elizabeth Wolison) Robert Davis (Sarah McElroy) North Carolina Samuel Davis Maryland Noah Day (Anna Loomis) Connecticut Gideon Dean (Mary V. Lancey) Massachusetts James DeAtley Virginia William Denny (Mary Shields) Peter DeWitt (Jane Bray) Virginia William Dickey (Mary Stephenson) Virginia Obediah Dickinson (Susannah Knowles) Connecticut Asael Disbrow Connecticut Elijah Dodson (Sarah Everett) Virginia John Doane Massachusetts James Drummond Pennsylvania Joseph Dutton (Mary Winchell) Connecticut Samuel Dyer Maryland Peter Earle New York Thomas Eaton Massachusetts Lawrence Eberhart (Mary) Massachusetts Rev. Jedediah Elderkin Connecticut Rev. Robert Elkins Virginia Rev. Joseph Leveron Eugene Virginia Rev. Oliver Everett Connecticut Rev. Lawrence Everhart Maryland John Files South CarolinaEdmond Fitzgerald Virginia Samuel Fletcher Vermont Michael Freeman North CarolinaMartin Fritz (Catherine Wildt) PennsylvaniaGeorge Harris Fuller Virginia William Gannon (Elizabeth Tibbits) North Carolina William Gannon (Betty Tramble) North Carolina William Garrard South Carolina William Garrett (Elizabeth Black) Virginia James Garrison North Carolina James Gaston South Carolina Silas Gates Connecticut Nathan Gilbert (Elizabeth Scout) Virginia James Gilmore (Martha Dennison) Virginia William Gilmore Virginia Benjamin Goble (Amelia Howell) Pennsylvania Henry Goodman Pennsylvania John Goodman (Catherine) Pennsylvania Samuel Gore Connecticut Hugh Gormley Pennsylvania Philip Gossard Pennsylvania Charles Green New York/Rhode Island Charles Greene (Waite Bailey) Rhode Island John Greider North Carolina Jacob Gundy (Katherine Maury) Pennsylvania William Guthrie (Esther McClelland) Pennsylvania Joshua Hadley (Ruth Lindley) North Carolina William Hamilton South Carolina Joel Harbour Virginia Talmon Harbour Virginia Thomas Harbour Virginia Joseph Hardin (Jane Gibson) North Carolina Alexander Hawkins (Tabitha Satterly) New York John Hazeltine (Jane Wood) Vermont John Hendershot Pennsylvania Daniel Higgins (Mary Pegg) Pennsylvania Minor Hilliard (Abigail Hill) Connecticut Rev. Oliver Hitchcock (Nancy Parker) Pennsylvania Derrick Hoagland Virginia
Asahel Hoisington Vermont Henry Holman Virginia Tunis Hood Sr. North Carolina John Hopkinson Massachusetts Christopher Horn (Elizabeth) Virginia Elijah Horton (Jemima Currie) New York Mathias Houck Maryland Abraham Houser Maryland Uriah Howe (Martha Graves) Vermont Phillip Howell (Mary Bewer) North Carolina Abraham Howser (Nancy Rohner) Maryland Philip Huckaby North Carolina Jonathan Hughes Virginia Jacob Hunter (Polly) South Carolina William James (Elizabeth Wells) Virginia Thomas Jeffery Virginia Thomas Jeffris (Martha Ferguson) Virginia Micah Jepson Massachusetts John Johnson North Carolina William Johnson (Catherine Tartar) Pennsylvania Enos Jones (Mary Whitmore) Massachusetts Thomas Keeler (Elizabeth Woolson) New Jersey Henry Keim Pennsylvania Thomas Kelso Maryland Jacobus Kiersted (Charity Taylor) New York Eliphalet Killam (Submit Abbey) Connecticut Andrew Kincaid Pennsylvania Isaac Kirby (Phoebe Haines) New Jersey Samuel Kistler (Catherine Brobst) Pennsylvania Peter Knouf (Judy Sullivan) Maryland Thomas Lackey Virginia Mathias Lair Sr. Virginia Daniel Lake New Jersey Rudolph LaRosh Pennsylvania Isaac Larue Virginia Jacob Larue Virginia Judah Monis Lawrence New York Felix Leeds New Jersey Joseph Leveron Virginia Daniel Linder Virginia Peter Lukens (Martha Johnson) Pennsylvania James Lutton Maryland William Magill Virginia Samuel Magruder Maryland Moses Mann (Frances Bland) Virginia Abraham Marlatt (Ann Linder) Virginia Abraham Marlatt Jr. Virginia John Martin (Margaret) South Carolina William Matteson (Mehitabel) New Jersey Benjamin Maxwell William McCain (Charlotte Johnson) New York Samuel McCall (Rebecca Sherry) Virginia George McConnell (Eva) Pennsylvania George McConnell Pennsylvania John McCormick Virginia Phillip McCracken (Mary McKeever) New Jersey Alexander McKinley (Mary Wilson) Virginia Alexander Mckinley Virginia Thomas McLaughlin (Margaret Ayers) New Hampshire Thomas McLaughlin Sr. New Hampshire Patrick Mcneil Virginia Daniel Merriman (Damaria Andrews) Connecticut Nathaniel Mershon (Martha Stevens) New Jersey John Millikin Virginia John Mitchell North Carolina Abraham Monnette (Ann Hilleary) Virginia Asa Moor (Huldah King) Connecticut John Morehart Pennsylvania Robert Morris (Content Dunham) - New Jersey Robert Morris New Jersey Zebediah Morse (Mary Sabin) Massachusetts Thomas Morton South Caroloina Peter Mull (Barbara Kline) North Carolina John Mulvane Pennsylvania Heman Munson (Abigail Fenn) Connecticut John Musick (Mary Berry) Virginia Caleb Nash (Rachel Nash) Massachusetts Edward Nason Massachusetts John Newland Pennsylvania Walter Newman (Catherine Lair) Virginia John Nicholson (Catherine Stephenson) New Jersey George Nixon Delaware Thomas Norman Virginia Lot North (Silence Horsford) Connecticut William Offutt Jr. Maryland David Ogden New Jersey David Ogden, Jr. (Mary Wilkinson) New Jersey Joseph Ogle (Drusilla Biggs/Briggs) Virginia George Pack Virginia John Park (Sarah Hiscox) Rhode Island Joseph Parrott Virginia Jacob Roush Paul Virginia Joahannes Mull Peter (Barbara Kline) North Carolina Joel Phillips Sr Georgia Joel Philbrook (Mary Leadbetter) Massachusetts George Pitts (Lydia Stetson) Massachusetts Charles Polk (Delilah Taylor) North Carolina Gershom Pope Connecticut Elias Porter Virginia Rev. Nehemiah Porter (Rebecca Chipman) Massachusetts William Porter North Carolina Daniel Preston (Ann Rigdon) Maryland Jonathan Purcell Virginia John Pyle North Carolina John Quick (Phoebe Smith) New Jersey Francis A. Ramsey Virginia Henry Reavis North Carolina Josiah Record (Susannah Tulley) Pennsylvania Conrad Reedy Pennsylvania John Reynolds (Hishey Gheskie) North Carolina Jesse David Reynolds Virginia Stephen Reynolds Massachusetts Titus Reynolds New York Sylvanus Rice Massachusetts John Riddell New Jersey Daniel Riegel Pennsylvania William Roark New Jersey Rev. Elkin Robert (Sarah) Virginia Jacob Roller Pennsylvania Jacob Roosa New York David Rose New York Philip Rothrock (Catherine Kuntz) Pennsylvania Zacharias Rothrock Pennsylvania William Rourke New Jersey/Pennsylvania Jacob Paul Roush Virginia Increase Rudd (Bathsheba Johnson) Vermont Reuben Rugg Massachusetts Henry Rule Sr. Virginia Ebenezer Russell (Elizabeth Stark) Connecticut John Rutherford Sr. Virginia John Rutherford Jr. Virginia Henry Ruyle, Sr. (Catherine) Virginia Andreas Schadt/Shade (Maria Kraft) Pennsylvania Thomas Shafer (Mary) Pennsylvania John Shaffer Maryland Philip Shepler Pennsylvania Robert Sisson (Sarah Crump) Virginia Joshua Skidmore (Catherine Hous) - Pennsylvania Daniel Skinner Massachusetts Shorten Smth New York John Snell (Elizabeth Watt) Virginia Jacob Snyder Pennsylvania James Sodowsky Virginia Jacob Solliday (Barbara Laux) Pennsylvania Mordecai Soper (Naomi Owens) Vermont George Speak (Jemima Gaines Hurt) Virginia George F. Spears Virginia Amasa Spencer Virginia Abraham Spitler Virginia Simon Stevens (Lydia Silsby) Vermont Lemuel Stewart (Rebecca Rose) Connecticut/Rhode Island Ephraim Stinchfield Massachusetts Jacob Stoneking Pennsylvania David Stout (Sarah Parke) - New Jersey Jacob Strait - Virginia Comfort Streeter - Massachusetts Clayton Stribling (Evaline Kinchloe) South Carolina John Stringfield (Sarah Boylston) North Carolina Robert Sutherland North Carolina Jonathan Swain Massachusetts John Swearingen (Jennie Barkley) Pennsylvania Samuel Swing New Jersey Isaac Taylor (Phebe McIntyre) South Carolina Richard Taylor (Sarah Ann Cornet) Virginia Abraham Teeter Pennsylvania Charles Thrift (Elizabeth) Virginia Mashac Tipton Pennsylvania Joseph Tomlinson, Jr. (Elizabeth Hartness) Virginia John Todd New Jersey Gilbert Tracy Connecticut Peter Trautman Maryland John Trees Pennsylvania Thomas Truxtun (Mary Van Driell) New Jersey Ephraim Tucker New Jersey William Tuggle Virginia Elijah Twining (Lois) Massachusetts Oakey Van Arsdale New Jersey Simon Van Arsdale Pennsylvania Tunis Van Arsdale (Martha) New York Oakey Vanosdal (Mary South) New Jersey John Wadell (Mary Dickey) Pennsylvania John Walker Virginia John Wallace Pennsylvania John Michael Wallick Pennsylvania John Ware (Elizabeth Miller) Virginia Benjamin Wayne (Nancy Tankersly) Virginia John Weaver (Martha Nichols) Virginia Philologos Webster (Sarah Scott) - Connecticut Philogos Webster (Sarah Scott) Connecticut Benajah West (Anna Younglove) New York Agnes Whigham Georgia John Wilmore (Mary Clayton) Virginia George Wisegarver (Mary Elizabeth Steele) Pennsylvania John Wiseman Pennsylvania Adam Woods (Sarah) Virginia Jonathan Woodworth Connecticut Richard Woolsey (Sarah) Pennsylvania *The name in parentheses is the patriot's spouse. See link for types of acceptable service. We regret that we cannot provide lineage details. The information on this page cannot be used as proof of service or lineage for purposes of joining DAR. For membership inquires, please contact our chapter or fill out the membership interest form on the DAR Web Site at http://www.dar.org/national-society/become-member/membership-interest-form. |
American Revolutionary War heroines - There is the little known story of Rachel and Grace Martin who disguised themselves as men and assailed a British courier and his guards. They took his important dispatches, which they speedily forwarded to General Greene. Then Rachel and Grace released the courier and guards who never knew that they were women. American Revolutionary War heroines - Another heroine of the American Revolution was Anna (Warner) Bailey, wife of Captain Elijah Bailey, who earned the title of "The Heroine of Groton" because of her fearless efforts to aid the wounded on the occasion of the terrible massacre at Fort Griswold in Connecticut. Anna went from house to house to collecting material for bandages for the wounded. American Revolutionary War heroines - Angelica Vrooman, during the heat of battle, sat calmly in a tent with a bullet mould, some lead, and an iron spoon, moulding bullets for the rangers. American Revolutionary War heroines - Some women went to extraordinary lengths in liberty's cause. At Pepperell, following the men's departure for Concord, the women met, formed a military company, dressed as men, armed themselves, and patrolled the town. Prudence Cummings, elected captain, captured a Tory officer at gun point. American Revolutionary War heroines - Mary Hagidorn, upon hearing the order by a Captain Hager for the women and children to retire to the long cellar, said: "Captain, I shall not go to that cellar should the enemy come. I will take a spear which I can use as well as any man and help defend the fort." The captain, seeing her determination, answered, "Then take a spear, Mary, and be ready at the pickets to repel an attack." She cheerfully obeyed and held the spear at the pickets till hurrahs for the American flag burst on her ear and indicated that all was safe. American Revolutionary War heroines - Margaret (Cochran) Corbin (Captain Molly) was the wife of John Corbin, an artilleryman in Captain Thomas Proctor's 1st Company of Pennsylvania Artillery. Following her husband's example, she was taught how to load and fire cannons gaining the respect and admiration of the soldiers in the company. On November 16, 1776, Margaret assisted in the battle at Fort Washington, New York. "Molly," as she later became known, stood on the front line with her husband John. In the course of the battle he was mortally wounded. As a result she assumed his duties as matross and was injured herself. Once the fort fell she was moved to Philadelphia where she was paroled and later pensioned by Congress. Corbin was later assigned to the Corps of Invalids at West Point where she remained until her death in 1800. "Captain Molly" is now buried on the grounds of the United States Military Academy. American Revolutionary War heroines - In Menotomy (Arlington), Mother Batherick while digging dandelions accepted the surrender of six fleeing British soldiers with the admonishment, "...tell King George that an old woman took six of his grenadiers prisoner." American Revolutionary War heroines - Alice (Stearns) Abbott, like many others, remained at home (Watertown) with her mother and sisters making cartridges and sending food to the army. Later she would write, "I suppose it was a dreadful day in our house and sad indeed for our brother, so dearly loved, never came home." American Revolutionary War heroines - Mrs. Butterfield, of Menotomy, returned home one day to find a bleeding, dying British officer in her bed. Though accused of being a Tory, she cared for him some 10 days until he died. When a neighbor threatened to kill him, Mrs. Butterfield protected him shouting, "Only cowards would want to kill a dying man." American Revolutionary War heroines - Mary (Flint) Hartwell, of Lincoln, upon hearing Dr. Prescott's night alarm for her Minuteman husband, handed their baby to a servant and ran a distance in the dark to warn Lincoln's Captain Smith of the approaching danger. American Revolutionary War heroines - At age 71, Martha Moulton, of Concord, was at home when the soldiers entered town. When sparks from burning captured materials caught the Town House roof on fire, Martha begged and harangued the British into extinguishing the blaze. The resulting smoke was observed by the Americans mustered near Buttrick's farm and caused them to march to the town's rescue, precipitating the "shot heard 'round the world." American Revolutionary War heroines - Various acts of bravery were performed on that fateful day by women of Concord. Mrs. Amos Wood saved military stores from British capture by insisting a locked room harbored women and thus it was left unopened. Hannah Barron/Barns/Burns protected the Provincial Treasurer's chest of money and important papers by blocking soldiers from entering a tavern room, claiming it and the trunk to be hers. American Revolutionary War heroines - Abigail Wright, wife of the Concord Tavern proprietor, is said to have secreted the church communion silver in soap barrels to avoid it being stolen. The same tale is attributed to Mrs. Jeremiah Robinson, who supposedly gathered the silver, hid it in her basement soap barrels and barricaded her door against British intrusion. American Revolutionary War heroines - Rebecca Barrett, wife of Concord's militia colonel, helped hide military stores and equipment around the farm and then remained at home to protect family and property from the expected British. She fed the searching soldiers upon request but refused money thrown at her commenting, "we are commanded to feed our enemy" and that their coins were "the price of blood." Rebecca's actions saved valuable military materials from discovery as well as her property from damage and her son from arrest. Another Barrett womanJames' and Rebecca's granddaughter, Meliscent, age 15had learned from a British officer how to roll powder cartridges. On the night of April 18th, she supervised young women of Concord in preparing these items that were most likely used against the Regulars at North Bridge. American Revolutionary War heroines - Margaret (Kemble) Gage, American-born wife of Boston's British military governor, was suspected by both sides and harbored hopes that her husband's actions would not be the cause of blood-spilling. It is believed that she may have been the "spy" who leaked word of the Regulars' mission to Concord. American Revolutionary War heroines - For most wives and mothers, it was a time of fear, trauma, uncertainty, terror, and often sadness as their husbands and sons went off to fight. Yet the women contributed to freedom's stand as best they could. Lydia Mulliken, Lexington, watched her fiance Dr. Prescott ride off with Revere and Dawes to warn Concord of the British threat. During the enemy's retreat, the soldiers would burn her house and shop. From her house near Lexington Green, Ruth Harrington watched as her husband, Jonathan, who was standing with Parker's company, was struck by a British musket ball and crawled to their house and died at her feet. From the Manse, Phoebe (Bliss) Emerson, the Concord minister''s wife would watch the bridge fight in dismay and wonder after the welfare of her William. American Revolutionary War heroines - Many women spied for the cause: Ann (Trotter) Bailey carried messages across enemy territory in 1774. Sarah (Bradlee) Fulton, sometimes called the "mother of the Boston Tea Party," delivered dispatches through enemy lines. Emily Geiger rode 50 miles throough British and Tory enemy territory to deliver a message to General Sumter. American Revolutionary War heroines - On Oct. 27, 1991, a new stone was placed on the grave of Elizabeth Pledge Poindexter by the Jonathan Hunt Chapter of the NSDAR, Surry County, North Carolina, to honor her as a Patriot of the American Revolution. Elizabeth was born in Goochland County, Virginia, in 1740, the daughter of William and Betty Pledge. She married Thomas Poindexter February 12, 1760, in Goochland County, Virginia, and he died on February 9, 1816. They had 12 children: Ann Radford, Frances A., William, Martha Milner, Thomas, Elizabeth P., Mary W., John G., Archibald Pledge, Sarah/Sallie, Robert A., and Dorothy/Dollie Poindexter. Thomas was a Captain in a company of Revolutionary soldiers in the North Carolina Militia. There were skirmishes along the Yadkin River that brought the enemy (Tories) close to the Poindexter home. Elizabeth sewed letters in her young daughter's petticoat and sent her through the enemy lines. On Oct. 14, 1780, a few miles down the rivers, the Whigs met the Tories in the "Battle of Shallowford." |
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