Obituary for John W. Barr
 9 October, 1859 - 23 June, 1938
 From The Caldwell News-Tribune,
 dated Thursday, 23 June, 1938
 Contributed by Dennis McIndoo

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Aged Caldwell
Man Dies Today
At Canyon Home

     John W. Barr died this morning at his home on Canyon Hill.  He was born October 9, 1859, at Cedar Falls, Ia., and came to Caldwell in 1918 from Minnesota.
     He is survived by his wife, Agnus Barr, Two daughters, Mrs. Zola Sinkey, California, and Mrs. Vera Hire of Caldwell;  one son, Clyde Barr of Caldwell, and eight grandchildren.
     Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 at the Peckham chapel.  Dr. F. E. Springer will officiate and burial will be in the Canyon Hill cemetery.


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