Original Muscatine Co Genealogy Surnames
Muscatine County
Surname Listings Archive

Surnames Beginning with K thru P

Surnames are now listed with the queries when you post at the GenConnect Query Forum.  We have retained these old listings but will no longer be adding to them except during periods when we are archiving the older queries.  If you encounter an email address on this page which is no longer working, please email us so that we can remove the listing during regularly scheduled maintenance cycles.
KAEFRING Rachel Olson [email protected]
KEMP Michelle Kemp Shockley [email protected]
KESSELLS  John M. O'Melia [email protected]
KINCAID Karrie Herlein Middaugh [email protected]
KIRCHNER Susie Martin-Rott [email protected]
KISTENMACHER Sandra Tennyson [email protected]
KNIPFER Jerry Hopkins [email protected]
KNOWLTON Peggy Knowlton [email protected]
KOEHLER  Marcia Fiedler [email protected]
KOEPPING  John M. O'Melia [email protected]
KORSCHOT  Marcia Fiedler [email protected]
KRELL  Susie Martin-Rott [email protected]
LAKE Tom Howard [email protected]
LAMBERT Adele Bowden [email protected]
LANDRY Lynn Oliver [email protected]
LANG  Pam Munro  [email protected]
LANGE  Marcia Fiedler [email protected]
LANGE Sandra Tennyson [email protected]
LARUE Julie Glauninger [email protected]
LATCHAW Scott Latchaw [email protected]
LEONARD  Carol Mead-Barrett [email protected]
LEE Doris O'Brien [email protected]
LOEPEER Carol Hochstatter [email protected]
LONGFELLOW Jim Albanese  [email protected]
LONGSTRETH  John M. O'Melia [email protected]
LORD Margot Mills [email protected]
LUCAS Marcia Fiedler [email protected]
LUCAS  Ella Hartwig [email protected]
MAIDEN Janis McManus [email protected]
MANBY  William Manby [email protected]
MARTIN Susie Martin-Rott  [email protected]
MARTIN Nancy Neipert [email protected]
MASSEM  John M. O'Melia [email protected]
MATASH J. D. Morgan [email protected]
MAURER Susie Martin-Rott  [email protected]
MAYER  John M. O'Melia [email protected]
McCLARREN Nancy Neipert [email protected]
McEVOY  John M. O'Melia [email protected]
McFATE Marlene McFate Burkheimer [email protected]
McKEAN Nancy Neipert [email protected]
McVICKERS  John M. O'Melia [email protected]
MEINCKE Sandra Tennyson [email protected]
METTEER Richard Metteer [email protected]
MEYER Marcia Fiedler [email protected]
METZ Susie Martin-Rott [email protected]
MIDDLETON Jim Albanese  [email protected]
MILNES Richard Neumann [email protected]
MINERT  Heidi Goetsch-Guio [email protected]
MINOR  Pam Lucas [email protected]
MORAN Mary Clarkson Buckholz [email protected]
MORGAN Adele Bowden [email protected]
MORIARTY Mary Clarkson Buckholz [email protected]
MORRIN Pat Trecker [email protected]
MOTTCHELL Jerry Hopkins [email protected]
MOYNAHAN Walter Pfeffer III  [email protected]
MULLINS  John M. O'Melia [email protected]
MUNN  Linda Munn Violante [email protected]
MURRAY  John M. O'Melia [email protected]
NAGEL Bill Rohr [email protected]
NASH Jim Albanese [email protected]
NEELY Adele Bowden [email protected]
NESMITH  Susie Martin-Rott  [email protected]
NIVER  Walter Pfeffer III  [email protected]
NUGENT Sandra Tennyson [email protected]
O'BRIEN  John M. O'Melia [email protected]
O'BRIEN  Ella Hartwig [email protected]
O'DELL Bob Kay [email protected]
O'MELIA  John M. O'Melia [email protected]
OPAL/OPEL Susie Martin-Rott [email protected]
PADESKIE Karene Arp Nagel [email protected]
PAISLEY Ivar Kvalnes [email protected]
PALLETT Michelle Kemp Shockley [email protected]
PARVIN  Jim Albanese  [email protected]
PAUL Susie Martin-Rott [email protected]
PAULEY Marcia Fiedler [email protected]
PAULLINS  Michelle Kemp Shockley [email protected]
PECK John M. O'Melia [email protected]
PEDESKIE Karene Arp Nagel [email protected]
PEEKS  Pam Lucas [email protected]
PETERSON Jim Albanese [email protected]
PEZDENSKE Karene Arp Nagel [email protected]
PHILLIPS  Jan Baker [email protected]
PIERCE Richard Metteer [email protected]
PILKINGTON Richard Neumann [email protected]
PLETT Sandra Tennyson [email protected]
PORTER Arthur Rankin III [email protected]
PRESTON Doris O'Brien [email protected]
PURCELL Jim Albanese  [email protected]
PURVIS Linda NOEL SLYCORD [email protected]

Surnames Beginning with Q thru Z

Muscatine Co Genealogy Table of Contents

Copyright 1996, Rootbound Genealogy
Last Update 15 Dec 1998