Muscatine Journal
Friday, June 17, 1983
Page 5b
'43 Class Reunites
The 40th anniversary of the 1943 graduating class of Muscatine High
School was held this past week at the Holiday Inn.
On Saturday, classmates took a bus tour of Muscatine and were given
a ride on the Kent Feed Boat that afternoon.
George Gallaher of Davenport, president of the 1943 class, gave
the invocation. Clair York, master of ceremonies, introduced Mayor
Don Platt, who welcomed the 150 guests in attendance.
Faculty members who attended the reunion were James Loper,
Louise Gaekle and A..A. Johnson
Jack Weiershauser presented special category gifts to A.A. Johnson,
Viola Kuebler, Robert Keubler, Wayne Carter, Neal Werner, Warren Hammer,
Palma Pagel, Margaret Nobis, Carl Paetz, Viola Sadel, Frances Woodson,
Lelah Schlegel, Ruth Denison, Robert Lamb andd Norma Jean Boorn.
Movies of the class taken in 1943 were shown.
A dance was held following the program, with music provided by the
Muscatine Sound System.
Classmates attend Reunion (photo)
Classmates of the 1943 graduating class of Muscatine High School
attending their 40th reunion were:
(1st row left to right) Douglas Watters, Reva Holtz Hetzler, Ruth
Kemper Dennison, Betty Miller Thompson, Jack H. Weiershauser, James Nehas,
James Foster, Bob Kuebler, Neal Werner, Clair York, Marge Bowen Bateman,
John Grosjean, Margaret Roberts Nobis, Kenneth Leech, Marilynn Pilgrim
and Bob Musser.
(Second row) Betty Rhodes Bishop, Jo Hazen Oveson, Minnie Bair Ewoldt,
Beverly Glass Harris, Frances Krider Woodson, Doris Raushenberger Stelzner,
Charlene Gordy O'Brien, Viola Tiedeman Kuebler, Shirley Boldt Sizek, Patricia
Mahurin Hauer, Barbara Weis McNeal, Carol Boehl Steinmetz, Palma Powell
Pagel and Adele Foster Reddick.
(Third row) Marion Tomfield Michael, Lelah Howell Schlegel, Margret
Kranz Mathes, Lola Mewes Aull, Dorothy Strouse Hagy, Wanda Lloyd Valley,
Norma Jean Holliday Boorn, Twyla Gauger Marolf, Del Wagler, Rose Green
Rummery, Leila Swank Richardson, Mildred Lang Ziegenhorn, Violet Dollman
Walker, Dorothy Lange Bailey, Gloria Gremmel Hull, Dale Goss, Doris Eichelberger
Lamb, Betty Cottrell Bradley, Betty Noret Hed and Sylvia Brookhart Barr.
(Fourth row): Carl Paetz, Wes Hunter, William Emmert, Calvin Drumm,
David McClean, Robert Valley, Warren Hammer, Forrest Brady, Mary Kemper
Hauck, Libbie Polsky Stool, Corrine Gibbs Wagler, Robert Lamb, Mary Funk
Milholin, Betty Flake Hain, Herman Pagel, Shirley Eger Madsen, Betty Talkington
Watson, Carrol Colberg and Madison Tomfield.
(Fifth row): Arthur Sadel, VIola Knetsch Sadel, George Gallaher,
William Battey, Marge Rode Olson, Ruth Sylvester Flickinger, Wayne Carter
and Robert Barr.
(Note from transcriber: In attendance but not pictured: Elsie Titus
Transcribed by Susie Martin-Rott from original owned by Elsie Titus Martin. Thanks mom!!!