Muscatine County Iowa
Pioneers Page

Histories and information on Muscatine County Settlers with references to Cedar,Scott,Johnson,Louisa and other Iowa Counties

While searching for Muscatine information I run across interesting articles related to Muscatine County settlers. Links to some are provided here. History submittals gladly accepted!

Norman BAKER
Baker fancied himself a doctor with a cure for cancer, butted heads with the AMA and had some VERY UNUSUAL techniques for displaying his methods of surgery. Former owner of Muscatine radio station KTNT (which Norman said stood for Know The Naked Truth).

After Norman left Muscatine he moved to Eureka Springs  Arkansas, where in 1937 he turned the Cresent Hotel into a hospital and health resort.   Visit the Crescent Springs Hotel ghost report site for more information on Norman Baker.

I mentioned Mr. Baker to my mother who was born and raised in Muscatine and she told me that a LOT of what was said about Norman Baker were nothing but rumors and that in fact many of his medical ideas considered so radical back then (such as removal of cancerous body parts) are now considered perfectly normal. It was also pointed out to me that the radio station on the hill above my grandparents old home on Second Street in Muscatine was in fact  the old KTNT. When we were kids we were always told not to go up there by grandpa....
Take all stories of Norman Baker with a grain of salt. If you are related, PLEASE contact us with the FACTS!

Orlando C. BROWN
While researching in the "American Biographical Library: The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans, Volume 3", I ran across this brief blurb regarding Orlando BROWN and thought it might be of assistance in researching the BROWN line. There is no link associated with this biography. Due to the size, I have just quoted it directly from the above source:

BROWN, ORLANDO C., col. of the 1st Iowa reg. vol.; son of Capt. Geo. B., of Perch river, Jeff. co., N.Y.; emigrated to Muscatine, Iowa, about 1857; was engaged in merchandise, and was killed at the battle near Springfield, Mo, Aug. 10., 1861.

Jonathan Emerson FLETCHER
Another entry in the "American Biographical Library: The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans, Volume 3", I ran across was Jonathan Emerson FLETCHER. There is no link associated with this biography. Due to the size, I have just quoted it directly from the above source:

 FLETCHER, JONATHAN EMERSON, b. in Hartford, Vt.; went to Ohio when young and settled at Muscatine, Iowa, in 1838; In 1846, was appointed Indian agent to the Winnebagoes and held 11 years; residing during this time at Port Atkinson, Iowa, and Long Prairie and Blue Earth, Minn.; returned to Muscatine in 1858; and d. April 6, 1872.

Contributed by Jim Albanese, a profile of his great-great grandfather Benedict HOUVENAGLE, which appeared in a book about prominent people in Muscatine County, published around 1885. Following the profile you will also find Jim's "Muscatine Kinfolks" listed for you. Includes CONNER, PARVIN, HOUVENAGLE, PURCELL, and many more Muscatine County surnames he is researching.

Milt HOWARD and Family
Read the fascintating history of Muscatine's Milt HOWARD, born a free man, kidnapped and sold to slavery. Learn about his family, his escape through the "Underground Railroad" and his return to Muscatine. This record found at Augustana Library in Illinois in their ethnic section gives names, dates and places relevant to the HOWARD family as well as some beautifully preserved photographs.

Shaidlock NEGUS, Jr.
Homer Beers James has online a very detailed genealogy of the NEGUS family. I have linked you to Shaidlock NEGUS, Jr. who had Muscatine ties, but DO follow all the links Mr. James has for the NEGUS family, as many of them lead to Muscatine and Cedar Counties and NEGUS family connections. This genealogy is a MUST SEE even if you are NOT related, simply because it is so well done!

Elijah Watt SELLS
This Muscatine County native specialized in keeping order..numerical order. Elijah Watt SELLS became a well known Certified Public Accountant, did much work with railroads and was inducted into the Accounting Hall of Fame. We now forward you to the Hall of Fame for a glimpse at his accomplishments and a great charcoal rendering of Mr. SELLS.

The WINTERMUTE Family History, originally written in 1900, was updated in 1996 by the Genealogical Commitee of the WINTERMUTH FAMILY ORGANIZATION. They have placed online excerpts from this very detailed history. In generation 5, you'll find ties to Muscatine via Alexander WINTERMUTE and his family. Rebecca Lewis, secretary of the organization, has added direct links on the page to the Muscatine County related families and back to this site and updated some of the Muscatine related names. We thank her for the EXTRA EFFORT! The entire book is available for sale through the Organization.

NEW!!  Personal Home Pages with Muscatine Area Connections
This is a listing of researchers with data on their area families online! Each has granted us permission to link to their sites. I found two new family members in my first outing on this list!!

Original Muscatine Co Genealogy Table of Contents
Muscatine County History Page

Copyright 1996 Rootbound Genealogy
Last update: 04 May 2000