Transcribed by Susie Martin-Rott. Note that no changes other
than arranging the names in alphabetical order were made to this information.
Spelling is as it appeared in the book. The only
additions made to the list are the links in the notes section to
biographies of some of the individuals which appear elsewhere on this website.
If a name appears more than once on this list, it is because it was on
the list more than once in its original form. I have no way of determining
if these were two separate individuals, or two people with the same name.
From the book we learn:
"We are able to give some of hte prominent names in the roll of
settlers who came prior to 1840, and are recorded in the Old Settlers'
Society's register. We do not pretend that the list is a complete
one, but we give all whose names have been furnished to us by reliable
parties. The settlements in the several townships are spoken of in
more detail in the chapters devoted especially to the towns and villages.
We give the names appended in about the order of their coming, by years
only. "
The listing begins with the with the assumption that settlement was made in 1834 and in closing the list the book further states:
"It is possible that some errors have crept into the arrangement
of the foregoing list, but great care has been taken to avoid such mistakes.The
names are all copied from records and papers, or taken from statements
made to the writer in person. The settlers here enumerated were in
the county prior to 1840, beyond question, and probably came as indicated.
The list might be swelled to include hundreds of other names, but suach
a task as the preparation of the roll would be obviously impossible."
Name | Date of Settlement | Notes |
Abbott, C.A. | 1839 | |
Abbott, John S. | 1837 | |
Ayers, W.S. | 1838 | |
Bamford, Robert | 1836 | |
Bamford, Samuel | 1838 | |
Banks, A.T. | 1838 | |
Barney, George | 1838 | |
Baston, Benjamin | 1837 | |
Beard, William | 1836 | |
Beatty, James | 1838 | |
Bennett, Joseph | 1839 | |
Benson, J.H. | 1836 | |
Berg, J. | 1837 | |
Berkshire, M.M. | 1838 | |
Bidwell, James | 1837 | |
Bidwell, Peter | 1837 | |
Blair, Solomon | 1836 | |
Blanchard, Aaron | 1836 | |
Blanchard, Ahimaaz | 1837 | |
Brady, J.W. | 1838 | |
Brewer, John Aaron | 1836 | |
Bridgman, Joseph | 1837 | |
Briggs, John | 1837 | |
Brockway, A. | 1838 | |
Brockway, J.M. | 1838 | |
Brophy, Stephen B. | 1839 | |
Brownell, William | 1839 | |
Browning, Charles | 1838 | |
Bumgardner, George | 1837 | |
Burdett, H. | 1836 | |
Burdett, Thiomas | 1836 | |
Burns, Christopher | 1837 | |
Candee, S.N. | 1839 | |
Casey, Frank | 1836 | |
Casey, James W. | 1835 | |
Chamberlain, Levi | 1837 | |
Chambers Isaac | 1836 | son of William |
Chambers, Anderson | 1836 | son of William |
Chambers, John | 1836 | |
Chambers, Vincent | 1836 | son of William |
Chambers, William Jr. | 1836 | son of William |
Chambers, William Sr. | 1836 | and his sons |
Champ, John | 1836 | |
Cloud, D.C. | 1839 | biography |
Cobb, John | 1836 | |
Cole, J.C. | 1837 | |
Colver, S. | 1837 | |
Comstock, S.C. | 1836 | |
Cone, A. | 1837 | biography |
Coombs | 1837 | "the family" |
Couch, Moses | 1836 | |
Craig, J. | 1836 | |
Cunningham, Luke | 1837 | |
Daniels, G.E. | 1839 | |
Davis, Isaiah | 1837 | biography |
Davis, James | 1837 | |
Davis, Robert | 1837 | |
Day, Irad C. | 1838 | |
Deming, Horace | 1838 | |
DeWeber, W.W. | 1839 | |
Drury, Charles | 1836 | laid out Moscow in 1836 |
Dunsmore, Alexander | 1839 | |
Edginton, Daniel | 1836 | |
Farnsworth, A. | 1838 | |
Farnsworth, Azel | 1838 | |
Fay, Edward E | 1836 | |
Fay, Pliny | 1837 | biography found under Fry |
Fish, Charles H. | 1837 | |
Fish, Jeremiah | 1837 | |
Fletcher, J.E. | 1838 | |
Foster, Suel | 1836 | |
Franklin, J.H. | 1836 | |
Frierson, John | 1837 | |
Fryberger, P. | 1939 | |
Fullington, Norman | 1836 | |
Funck, Adam | 1837 | |
Funck, Henry | 1837 | biography |
Gilbert, Hiram | 1836 | |
Gilbert, M. | 1839 | |
Gilbert, Samuel | 1836 | |
Giles, John | 1839 | |
Gillett, Addison | 1837 | |
Gillett, Harvey | 1836 | |
Goldsbury, Slias | 1837 | |
Gordon, William | 1836 | |
Gordon, William A. | 1839 | |
Graham, Robert | 1837 | |
Gregg, Asa | 1837 | |
Hare, A.M. | 1839 | biography |
Hastings, S. Clinton | 1837 | |
Hawkins, Mr. | 1838 | |
Hawley, Silas | 1839 | |
Higginbotham, Niles | 1837 | |
Higley, Joshua | 1836 | son of Mr. Higley |
Higley, Mr. | 1836 | "the pioneer peddler" |
Hine, L.C. | 1836 | |
Hines, H.H. | 1837 | |
Holliday, Elias | 1836 | |
Holliday, John | 1836 | |
Holliday, Samuel | 1836 | |
Holliday, Thomas B. | 1836 | |
Holmes, William G. | 1837 | |
Howland, B.T. | 1838 | |
Huber, John J. | 1836 | |
Humphreys, G.W. | 1839 | |
Hunt, G.W. | 1839 | |
Hunter, William | 1836 | |
Isett, T.M. | 1836 | |
Isler, John | 1838 | |
Israel, J.E. | 1839 | |
Jackson, Peter | 1838 | |
Jeffers, Dennis | 1839 | |
Jennison, H.Q. | 1839 | |
Kane, J.M. | 1839 | |
Kidder, John M. | 1838 | |
Kiefer, David | 1837 | |
Kincaid, G.W. | 1839 | |
Kindler, John | 1837 | |
Kinney, R.C. | 1836 | |
Kinney, Samuel | 1836 | |
Kinsley, George M. | 1839 | |
Kiser, Jacob | 1837 | |
Lathrop, Isaac | 1837 | |
Lathrop, Silas | 1837 | |
Lawson, John | 1837 | |
Lee, Barton | 1839 | |
Lee, H. | 1837 | Dr. |
Leffingwell, William | 1839 | |
Lillibridge, Amos | 1838 | |
Lilly, Benjamin | 1838 | |
Long, Jacob | 1837 | |
Lord, Richard | 1837 | |
Lucas, Samuel | 1838 | |
Magoon, George D. | 1839 | |
Magoon, Isaac | 1839 | |
Main, John | 1837 | |
Maine, Charles | 1836 | |
Maine, Silas | 1836 | |
Marble, John | 1836 | |
Mathews, Benjamin | 1839 | brought by C.A. &
D.R. Warfield as
emancipated slave from Maryland |
Mathews, Clark | 1839 | |
Mathews, Edward | 1839 | brought by C.A. &
D.R. Warfield as
emancipated slave from Maryland |
Mathews, Hiram | 1839 | |
Mathews, Mathew | 1839 | |
Mauck, Daniel | 1837 | |
Mauck, Isaac | 1837 | |
Maxon, Dr. | 1837 | |
McClaren, Robert | 1837 | |
McCloud, J. | 1839 | |
McCormick, J.A. | 1839 | |
McCurdy, Andrew | 1838 | |
McGrew, John | 1835 | |
McGrew, L.T. | 1837 | |
McKee, A.L. | 1837 | |
Miles, John | 1837 | |
Miller, John | 1837 | |
Miller, John H. | 1836 | |
Mitchell, Mr. | 1837 | |
Mockmore, Henry | 1836 | |
Moore, Henry W. | 1838 | |
Morford, John | 1837 | |
Morford, R. | 1838 | |
Morford, Thomas | 1838 | |
Morford, William | 1838 | |
Morrow, J.G. | 1837 | |
Mounts, Joseph | 1837 | |
Norton, Mr. | 1836 | and wife |
Nye, Azuba | 1834 | |
Ogilvie, Adam | 1836 | |
Olds, Benjamin S. | 1839 | |
Pace, Anderson | 1837 | |
Parker, Samuel | 1836 | |
Parker, Samuel | 1837 | |
Parsons, Nathan | 1837 | |
Parvin, John A. | 1839 | biography |
Parvin, T.S. | 1838 | biography |
Petriken, D.R. | 1838 | |
Pettibone, Giles | 1836 | |
Pettibone, Giles | 1837 | |
Pettibone, Jonathan | 1836 | |
Phillips, James | 1838 | |
Purinton, J.A. | 1839 | |
Rayburn, C. | 1837 | |
Reece, John | 1836 | |
Reece, Joseph | 1836 | |
Reuling, J.A. | 1838 | biography |
Reynolds, Allison | 1836 | |
Reynolds, Eli | 1835 | Dr. |
Richardson, F. | 1837 | |
Richardson, S. | 1837 | |
Richman, J. | 1837 | |
Richman, J.Scott | 1839 | |
Sams, W.H. | 1836 | |
Sany, H. | 1837 | |
Schenck, E.T.S. | 1839 | |
Shefrey, John | 1837 | |
Shortridge, Samuel | 1837 | |
Sinnett, Samuel | 1839 | |
Smalley, Abraham | 1838 | |
Smalley, Henry | 1839 | |
Smalley, Jackson | 1839 | |
Smalley, John | 1839 | |
Smalley, Shepherd | 1839 | |
Smalley, Tiley | 1839 | |
Smalley, William | 1839 | |
Smith, Daniel S. | 1839 | |
Smith, Robert | 1837 | |
Sparkes, William | 1837 | |
Springer, G.A. | 1839 | |
St John, William | 1836 | |
Standard, Alonzo | 1838 | |
Starke, Thomas J. | 1837 | |
Starks, Thomas | 1837 | |
Starr, Samuel | 1837 | |
Stearn, Browning | 1836 | first settlers on Muscatine Island |
Stearn, Joshua | 1836 | first settlers on Muscatine Island |
Stewart, S.W. | 1838 | |
Stone, F.H. | 1839 | |
Stormes, Samuel | 1837 | biography found under Storm |
Storms, George | 1837 | |
Sutherland, Martin | 1837 | |
Tarr, Samuel | 1839 | |
Tebow, W. | 1838 | |
Thornton, Err | 1834 | |
Thornton, Levi | 1836 | |
Thornton, Lott | 1834 | |
Todd, William | 1837 | |
Trowbridge, S.C. | 1837 | |
Truesdale, L. | 1839 | |
Usher, Aaron | 1837 | |
Vanater, John | 1835 | Vanatta |
Vandever, Mr. | 1837 | |
Viele, S.D. | 1839 | |
Viele, W.D. | 1838 | |
Walton, Amos | 1837 | |
Walton, John W. | 1838 | |
Walton, Josiah P. | 1838 | |
Ward, Alexander | 1837 | |
Ward, Alexander | 1837 | |
Ward, Myron | 1837 | |
Warfield, A.O. | 1838 | |
Warfield, D.R. | 1838 | |
Washburn, Arthur | 1835 | |
Washburn, Z. | 1839 | |
Weed, James | 1839 | |
West, A. | 1838 | |
Whicher, S. | 1839 | biography |
Whiting, A. | 1837 | |
Wiley, H. | 1837 | |
Williams, J. Jr. | 1838 | |
Williams, J.K. | 1839 | |
Williams, Joseph | 1838 | Judge |
Winn, A.M. | 1838 | |
Woodward, A.R. | 1839 | |
Woodward, W.G. | 1839 | |
Wright, William P. | 1836 | |
Wright, Wilson | 1837 | |
Yates, J.S. | 1837 | |
Ziegler, J. | 1839 |
Original Muscatine Co IA Genealogy Home Page Table of Contents
Last Updated on 11/29/2001
By Susie Martin-Rott