Miscellaneous Marriage Announcements from Area Newspapers


Married.  On the 22inst, by the Rev. Francis A. Chenoweth, Mr. David J. JOHNSON of Colchester to Miss Alice RICHARDSON of Muscatine county.

DAVENPORT GAZETTE, Davenport, Scott, IA Thurs., Sep 30, 1841
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married.  At Dubuque, Iowa on Wednesday 15th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Carpenter, Mr. Thomas HUGHES, Publisher of the Bloomington Herald, to Miss Louisa C.F. KING, of the former place.

DAVENPORT GAZETTE, Davenport, Scott, IA Thurs., Sep 30, 1841
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married.  On the same day, (26th inst.)  by A. Washburn, Esq., Mr. Job WALTZ to Miss Mary PALMER, both of Bloomington.

Davenport Gazette Davenport, Scott, Iowa Thursday, Oct 14, 1841
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married:  On Thursday, the 14th inst., at Hudson, by he Rev. J.P. VanHagan, Mr. William ST JOHN of Bloomington, to Miss Cornelia VAN HAGEN, of Hudson, Muscatine Co, Iowa.

DAVENPORT GAZETTE Davenport IA Thursday, Oct 28, 1841
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married: In Township 76 Range 4 West, on the 27th inst, by the Rev. Mr. Kirkpatrick, Mr. Morton BROWN, to Miss Sarah P. JEAN, both of that township.

Davenport Gazette Davenport, Scott, Iowa Thursday, Nov 4, 1841
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married:  At Hudson, by the Rev. Mr. Woods, on Thursday evening the 28th inst, Dr. Henry MURRAY, of Iowa City to Miss Ellen B. LEFFINGWELL, of Hudson, Muscatine Co.

Davenport Gazette Davenport, Scott, Iowa Thursday, Nov 4, 1841
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married:  In Bloomington, on Tuesday evening 9th inst., by T.S. Parvin Esq Mr. Conrad STAKE to Miss Catharine LENING, both of that city.

Davenport Gazette Thursday, Nov 18, 1841
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married. In Bloomington, on Thursday last, by the Rev. Mr. Stocker, Mr. Hiram WILSON to Miss Carline REED, all of that place.

Davenport Gazette Davenport, Scott, Iowa Thursday, Dec. 2, 1841
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married.  In Bloomington, on Thursday, 25th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Stocker, Mr. Hiram WILSON to Miss Catharine REED, all of that place.

Davenport Gazette Thursday, Dec. 16, 1841
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project
(apparently to correct bride's name from previous week's publication)

Married. At same place (Bloomington), on the same day (Thursday last), by the same Mr. Joseph WOODWORTH, of Iowa City to Miss Esther BITTENBANER, of Salem, Pa.

Davenport Gazette Davenport, Scott, Iowa Thursday, Dec. 2, 1841
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project
note: appeared in same column with WILSON/REED marriage which is why it is worded same day same place


MARRIED. In Iowa City, on the 4th inst, by the Rev. M. Hummer, Mr. Robert A. STELLE, of Dayton, O., to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of E.T. SMITH, Esq. of Muscatine co.

Davenport Gazette Davenport, Scott, Iowa Thursday, May 12, 1842
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married.  Near Poweshiek, on Wednesday 4th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Weed, Mr Nathan BROWN to Miss Filinda ODELL, both of Muscatine county

Davenport Gazette Davenport, Scott, Iowa Thursday, May 12, 1842
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

MARRIED.  At Hope Farm, Louisa county, on the 7th inst. By the Rev. A.L. Learned, Mr. Jos B. NICHOLLS to Mrs. Ellen J. ISETT.

Davenport Gazette, Davenport IA, Thursday, June 23, 1842
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

MARRIED. In Bloomington, on 30th ult. By Robert Stuart, Esq., Mr. George G. SPURGEON of Cedar county to Miss Margaret HATTEN of Muscatine Co.

Davenport Gazette Davenport, Scott, Iowa Thursday, July 7, 1842
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married On the 12th inst, in Bloomington, by T.S. Parvin, Esq. Mr. Adolph F. HOFFMEYER to Miss Catharine FRYBERGER, both of that place.

Davenport Gazette Thursday, Sep 24, 1842
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married On 14th inst., in same place (Bloomington), by the Rev. Mr. Stocker, Mr. George W. MARTIN to Miss Mary Ann MAGOON, both of that place.

Davenport Gazette Thursday, Sep 24, 1842
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married.  In Bloomington, on 2d inst., by the Rev J.P. Van Hagen, Mr. Abiel L. HEALY to Miss Mary ADAMS, both of that county.

Davenport Gazette Davenport, Scott, Iowa Thursday, Oct 13, 1842
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married.  In Bloomington, on 31st ult., by Rev. Mr. Goldsmith, Co Charles MATTOON to Miss Lucia Ann HUMPHREYS , both of that place.

Davenport Gazette Thursday, Nov. 17, 1842
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married.  In same place on same day, (Bloomington 31st ult ) by Rev. Mr. Stocker, Mr. Norman S. DUNBAR to Miss Amanda ROACH, both of that place.

Davenport Gazette Thursday, Nov. 17, 1842
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married In Bloomington on Sunday evening last, by Arthur Washburn ,Esq., Mr. Philemon W. HAMILTON to Miss Catharine DEETZ, all of that place.

In the same place, on Monday last, by the Rev. Mr. Fisher, Mr Albert L. BEATTY, to Miss Jane M., daughter of Henry SUMMERS, Esq. all of that place.

In the same place, on last evening, by the Rev. Mr. Stocker, Mr. Benj. D. HOWLAND, to Miss Emiline FISH, all of that place.

In the same place on the same evening, by T.S. Parvin, Esq. Mr. Henry STAHL to Miss Margaret LEHNING, all of that place.

All four of the above from Davenport Gazette Thursday, Dec 8, 1842
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project


Married In Bloomington, on 24th ult., by Rev. S. Sherwell, Henry FELKNER, Esq. Member of the House of Representatives to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Mr Enoch LEWIS of Muscatine county.

Davenport Gazette Davenport, Scott, Iowa Thursday, Jan 5, 1843
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married In Louisa county, on 23d ult., by Rev. Mr. Stocker, Mr. Thomas T. ISRAEL, of Bloomington to Miss Martha Jane LOWTHER of that county.

Davenport Gazette Davenport, Scott, Iowa Thursday, March 2, 1843
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married  In Bloomington, on the 23d by N.H. Brandenberg, Esq, Mr. Reeves EDGINTON to Miss Rachel SIMPSON, both of Muscatine county

Davenport Gazette Davenport, Scott, Iowa Thursday, Mar 16, 1843
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married.  In Columbus City, on 28th ult., by Rev. James Thompson, Morgan RENO, Esq., of Iowa City to Miss Margaret A. HAMMER of former place.

Davenport Gazette, Davenport IA, Thursday, Mar 23, 1843
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married.  In Bloomington, on 17th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Stocker, Theodore S. PARVIN, Esq. To Miss Agnes McCULLY, both of that place.

Davenport Gazette, Davenport, Scott, IA May 25, 1843
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project

Married.  On the 15th ult., at Red Oak Grove, Cedar co. by the same, Mr. Elzy CAREL to Miss Sarah DALLAS

Davenport Gazette, Davenport, Scott, IA Dec 7, 1843
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project


WILEY, Miss Mary A., of Muscatine, Iowa, married Benjamin S. LODGE of Rock Island, Ill., at Muscatine on Christmas morning.

Rock Islander and West Illinois Times, Monday, 01 Jan 1855


ROBINSON, D.T., of Muscatine, Iowa, married Miss Julie E., only daughter of Judge J.W. SPENCER of Rock Island at the Methodist Church in Rock Island on April 26th.

Rock Island Weekly Register, Wednesday, 04 May 1859


Married.  At Muscatine, on the 28th inst. By Rev. Mr. Page, Mr. Charles DAVIS, of Muscatine, and Miss Fanny CHANNON, of this city.

The Daily Gazette Davenport IA Wednesday Morning July 30, 1862 Local Matters
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann of the Scott Co ILGenWeb Project




Mrs. Anna Wiseman of 4513, 45th street, Rock Island, a sister of Mrs. Porter Pratt of 1206 Smalley avenue was married at Rock Island, Wednesday evening, November 16th to Matt Jager of that place. The bride has visited here on numerous occasions and is well known in  this community.

The ceremony was performed in the presence of fifty friend's of the bridal couple. The home was tastefully decorated in an orange and white color scheme for the occasion, palios and chrysanthemum forming the principal decoration. Following the ceremony an elaborate six course wedding dinner was served.

The bridal couple left later in the evening on an extended wedding tour. They will be at home after the first of the year at 4413 Fifth avenue, Rock Island. The groom is employed in the railroad offices at that place.

Muscatine paper 1918
Contributed by Susie Martin-Rott
note: maiden name of both Anna and her sister was METZ.



Miss Frances Rhodes Is Bride Of Henry Eis.

The marriage of two well known Muscatine young people, Miss Frances Rhodes 120 West Second street and Henry Eis, 317 West Second street, was solemnized at 8 o'clock last evening at the parsonage of the First Baptist church.  The Rev. George E. Dawkins, pastor, officiated.

Miss Dorothy Rhodes sister of the bride and John Eis brother of the bridegroom, attended them.

Both the bride and her sister wore gowns of a brown shade of satin with accessories to match.  The bride's flowers were rosebuds.

Mr. and Mrs. Eis left later in the evening for a wedding visit in Kansas City.  They will reside here.  Mr. Eis is employed as a Tinner at a local sheet metal company.

Taken from the Muscatine Journal Dec. 25, 1925 page 2.
Contributed by June Brewer Welsch


Miss Edna HAYES and Virgil OAKS, both of Muscatine, were married Saturday at 2 P.M. in the office of Justice of the Peace A. M. Kloye.  Samuel Hayes attended the couple.  The bridegroom is a farmer.

Taken from the Muscatine IA, Journal Nov. 29, 1932
Contributed by June Brewer Welsch

Muscatine Co Marriage Records 1837-1855

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