1919 Letter from Maude Brei to Joseph Titus Letter from Maude A. Brei
to Joseph Cyrus Titus

 This letter (minus the envelope...darn) was found in the effects of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Titus after they had both passed on.

 The couple was married on March 27, 1920, less than a year after this letter was written.

Muscatine, Ia
Oct. 30 - 1919

Dear Joe--

 Well, Joe, I thot you had forgotten me and was surprised to get your letter yesterday. I was glad to hear from you however and will answer right away and say indeed I have not forgotten you. I am fat and sassy as ever and feeling fine. Elsie says to ask you how is Jack and where is he? What are you doing now-days.

 I am still working at my same old place and like it better every day. I was to a dance last night at the new Armory and had a good time went to bed about two oclock so I took a nap this afternoon. It has been raining every day so I get wet quite often because you know I never stay home because it rains. I jut go any-way. I havent been in the country for quite a while but think I will go out Sunday. Wish you was here to go along.

I'm sorry that the girl in Letts has for gotten you and don't write any more. Maby she doesn't know your address.

 Well, Joe, I think I must close now as I have some work to do. And tell me what is the meaning of the letters on the outside of the envelopes you send to me. If you do not tell me I shall not write to you again. I will close and hope to hear from you again soon.

 With Best Wishes
I remain your friend,
Maude A. B.

519 N. 3rd St.

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