Muscatine County Funeral Homes
These are some of the Funeral homes in Muscatine Co which may help you find information on your ancestors. Please take a moment to let us know how your record finding attempts with these funeral homes turn out.
Barker Funeral Home
205 E. 3rd Street
West Liberty, IA 52776
(319) 627-2151
George M. Wittich Funeral Home
2907 Mulberry Ave
Muscatine, Iowa 52761-2750
Has Wittich records to 1895
and Fairbanks Lamb Records to 1959
Lacock-Bentley Funeral Homes Inc.
302 W. 5th St.
Wilton, Iowa 52778-0523
Nichols-Chapel Funeral Home
114 West 4th St.
Muscatine, Iowa 52761-3829
Ralph J. Wittich-Riley-Freers
Funeral Home
1931 Houser Street
Muscatine, Iowa 52761-3703
Merger of RalphJ Wittich Funeral
Home with Riley Funeral Home
St. Mary's Cemetery Records
from 01 Aug 1878-1965
Louisa County Funeral Homes
Stacy-Lewis Funeral Home
603 2nd Street
Columbus Junction IA 52738
(319) 728-8151
Cedar County Funeral Homes
Fry Funeral Home
220 E. 6th St.
Tipton, IA 52772
(319) 886-6336
Lacock-Bentley Funeral Homes
1001 6th St.
Durant, IA 52747
(319) 785-6152
Johnson County Funeral Homes
Sorden's Funeral Home
100 Devoe St.
Lone Tree, IA 52755
(319) 629-5118
I have received several copies of funeral records from this funeral home. The records are very complete, in most cases listing the deceased place and date of birth, cause of death, parents names and cause of death, as well as the name of the party to whom the body was released for burial. Most of the people buried in Lone Tree Cemetery probably have records here.
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Copyright 1996 Rootbound Genealogy
updated April 6, 2000