Muscatine Co Genealogy's Family Reunion Page

If you have items regarding upcoming or past family reunions, please submit them via e-mail.

Upcoming Reunions            Historical Clippings

DICKERSON- The descendants of Sally Dailey Dickerson will hold a reunion in Durant, Iowa
on Sunday, August 12, 2001. Sally, a widow, and her 10 children settled in Muscatine in 1836
(then Bloomington). The family has been holding reunions in Grandview since 1916.
This year it will be at the home of Dick & Marilyn  Stammer in Durant. Are you kin? Come join us.
Family names:
Stammer-Cobert-Hiett-Hendrix-Grau-Bosten-Martin-Thompson-and many many more.
Come to our pot luck picnic to share your tree.
For details e/mail Bill  Dickerson at: [email protected].

MARTIN- Descendants of William and Martha Tucker MARTIN (England to Kewanee IL to IA) slated for July 15, 2000 at the main shelter of the park in Grandview, Louisa Co. IA.
Related surnames include but are not limited to: Whitehouse, Lamb, Tucker, Woodward, Garland, Atkinson
If interested e-mail Susie Martin-Rott

TITUS- Descendants of Joseph & Mary Jane Rogers Titus (Muskingum Co OH to Iowa) being planned for Saturday, June 30, 2001 at Muscatine IA. The primary group attending in the past have been the descendants of Joseph & Mary's son Robert Harvey Titus and his wife Julianna Gideon, but all descendants of Joseph & Mary are welcome.
If interested e-mail Susie Martin-Rott  or Alice Titus Cattoir

September 1921; Muscatine Journal
Columbus Junction, Iowa, Sept. 21-- The Idle family enjoyed a delightful reunion at the Chautauqua grounds recently.
Officers elected were president F.B. Idle of Letts; vice president, Mrs. J. L. Berry of Muscatine; secretary Mrs. Clara Shearer, of Waterloo; treasurer, Mrs. E.S. Rabe of Letts.
Others in attendance were: Mrs. Louisa Riggs of Burlington; Mrs. Frank Idle, Mr and Mrs. J.G. Small and son, Ratis (sic; Ratio, short for Horatio); Mrs. E.S. Rabe and son, Harry Shearer and wife, Marie Small and Louisa Lowe of Letts; Frank Shearer of Davenport, Austin Shearer, Mrs. Monte Carter and sons, Delmar and Bobbie, of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shellabarger and son, of Muscatine; Mr. and Mrs. J.K. McKee of Conesville; Mr and Mrs Harvey Ward, Esther Edward and Lucile of Cranston; and Mr. and Mrs. Albert McCollugh of Columbus Junction.

1992 Muscatine Joural
The annual Titus family reunion was held June 6 at the lagoon shelter house in Weed Park.  Seventy-seven family members and guests attended.
The oldest attending was John Cattoir, 80, the youngest was 6-week-old Matthew Leon Dilbeck.  The person travelling the farthest was David Case of Oregon.
Alice Titus Cattoir provided a clown to entertain with magic tricks and balloon animals.
Those attending from Muscatine were Scott and Debbie Haskins, Zane and Lynda; Betty and Holly Dickens; Virgil Titus,  Maxine Pill, Brad and Rose Titus, Alicia, Joseph and Ann Marie; Dan and Norma Titus, Twyla and Mark Auberg, Austin, Hannah, Tegan, Aaron and Cathrine; Leon and Terri Titus and son; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hahn; Russell Roser, Mike and Pam Dilbeck, Michael, James and Matthew; Linda Dickens, Mary Rexroth; Lenora Fuerer, Amber, Faith and Elmer; Jerry Adkinson; Dan and Judy Haskins of Fruitland.
From out of town were Joseph Titus Vane of Alburquerque NM, Leora Titus Howard, Phillipine Howard and April, all of Keithsburg, IL; Elsie Titus Martin of Orlando FL, David Case; Jack Titus of Peoria Ill., Leon and Ruby Dilbeck of Nichols; Ada Titus Stevenson and Brittany of Rock Island Ill; Bill and Penny Truitt, Chris and Angela of Joy Ill., Dick and Mary Sue Truitt and Jennifer of Springfield Ohio; John and Roberta Renner of Grandview; John and Alice Titus Cattoir of Moline Ill; Mr. and Mrs Wes Duncan of Wisconsin; Ezra Howard of Keithsburg (Ill); David Titus, LaVonna, Vanessa, Stephanie and Austin of Killeen Texas; and Audrey, Jerry and Jordan Nylin of Seaton Ill.
The June 5, 1993 reunion will be at the tennis shelter house in Weed Park.

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