Original Muscatine Co IA Genealogy Home Page-Louisa County Cemetery Information
Louisa County Iowa
Cemetery Information
Cemeteries and Funeral Homes can be a big help in your search for your Iowa anscestors. Here's some information assist in using these valuable resources.

Several Louisa County cemetery locations are currently listed below.  If you have information on one of the cemeteries in these areas, listed or not, please send us email. We would like to make this listing as complete as possible.

 These listings are contributed by family members and area researchers. We can not guarantee the accuracy of the data submitted. Please contact the submitter for source information.
Beauchamp Cemetery Oakland Twp
Section 23
Beechum Rewalked Jul 2000 by
Susie Martin-Rott & Mary Hamilton Singleton
Cedar-Bethel  . . partial listing
Columbus City Columbus City . partial listing from WPA
surnames A-D completed
Edwards  . . partial listing
Forbes Cemetery Oakland Twp
Section 10
. rewalked Jul 2000 by
Susie Martin-Rott & Mary Hamilton Singelton
Grandview Cemetery . . original list by Gary Arihood; update by Larry Biek (in progress)
Harrison Cemetery . . walked, compiled and contributed by Rachelle Curtis
Indian Creek Cemetery . . walked, compiled and contributed by Rachelle Curtis
Letts Cemetery . . walked, compiled and contributed by Rachelle Curtis
Port Louisa Cemetery  . . walked, compiled and contributed by Rachelle Curtis
Wagner Cemetery  . Westbrook walked, compiled and contributed by Rachelle Curtis

Cemetery Information - Cedar County
Cemetery Information - Johnson County
Cemetery Information - Muscatine County
Cemetery Information - Scott County
Cemetery Information - Rock Island Co IL
Funeral Home Information
Muscatine County and vicinity Obituary Listings

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Copyright 1996-1999 Rootbound Genealogy
Updated 12 Oct  2002