Original Muscatine Co IA Genealogy Home Page-Johnson Co IA Cemetery Information
Johnson County Iowa
Cemetery Information

1895 Map of Johnson County
to the northeast Cedar Co
to the southeast Muscatine Co
to the Southeast corner Louisa Co
to the Southwest Washington Co
To the west (southern) Iowa County
To the West (northern) Benton Co
To the North: Linn Co.

Many Muscatine County families spread into the surrounding counties, like mine did, so we've begun to include Johnson County burials in this project. If you have Johnson County burials in your family tree, please email the information to us so we might include them in this project.

 We cannot guarantee the accuracy of these submittals. Please contact the submitters for source information and verification of this information.

 Also included here is a partial listing of cemeteries located in Johnson County Iowa. The city named next to the listing is not necessarily the name of actual location but is the designated location map published by the United States Geographical Survey on which the cemetery will apper at the listed set of coordinates.

 If you can provide better information on the locations of these cemeteries, listings of cemeteries which did not appear on the USGS listing, or burials in these cemeteries, please feel free to send us  email .
Cemetery Location  Also Known As Data Status
Agudis Achim Jewish 414121N 0913140W    Iowa City W 
Alt Penn Twp NE 1/4 Sec 17 near North Liberty
Amish Washington Twp NW 1/4 Sec 28  Joetown
Pleasant Hill
Anderson Jefferson Twp Sec 5 near Swisher
415055N 0914035W 
Bethel 413501N 0914830W    Amish
Blain  Jefferson Twp Sec 18 Swisher
414953N 0914219W 
Brenneman Jefferson Twp Sec 34 near Kolona
Brick Chapel Scott Center Sec 8
Burge Pleasant Valley Twp Sec 23 Sandtown
Pleasant Valley
Castek  Monroe Twp Sec 9 
415050N 0914625W    Amana 
Cherry Scott Twp
Cline  Liberty Twp Sec 34 south of Ia City Mellow
Clark's Penn Twp Sec 32 Old Coralville
Coralville Oak Hill Penn Twp Sec 32 Oak Hill
Dupont Monroe Twp Sec 26 
414828N  0914405W 
Earhart Liberty Twp Sec 16
Eash Sharon Twp Sec 30 near Kalona
413448N 0913907W 
Evans Fremont Twp  Sec 18  Lone Tree
412808N 0912827W 
WPA listing 
East Union Mennonite  Sharon Twp Sec 30 near Kalona
Fackler's Grove Big Grove Twp Sec 3
Fairview Graham Twp Sec 34
414135N 0912502W 
Fairview Mennonite Sharon Twp Sec 28 near Kalona
Fountain Pleasant Valley Twp Sec 31
413112N 0912822W 
Old Pokertown WPA listing
Friends Scott Twp Sec 35 burials reportedly removed c 1906 
to Muscatine Co Friends Cemetery
Frytown Washington Twp Sec 11
Graper Farm Washington Twp Sec 1 nea Kalona
Gingerich Sharon Twp Sec 18
413319N 0914209W 
North Gingerich
Sharon Bethel
Grabin Oxford Twp Sec 5 
414614N 0914803W 
Green Castle  Madison Twp Sec 5 Babcock
Greencastle Penn Twp near North Liberty
414615N 0914125W 
Grout Sharon Twp Sec 23
Hala Monroe Twp Sec 7
415042N 0914904W 
Heifner Oxford Twp Sec 5 Grabin
Hemphill Penn Twp Sec 32
Hochstetler Washington Twp Sec 23 near Kalona
Hog Ridge Liberty Twp Sec 21 Overholser
Hummer Sharon Twp Sec 5 nr Kalona
413551N 0914139W 
Indian Burials Hardin Twp location unknown
John Helmuth  Sharon Twp Sec 17 nr Kalona
Kempf Sharon Twp Sec 28 Peter Miller or 
Miller Cem.
Lone Tree Cemetery Fremont Twp, Lone Tree WPA listing plus visitor submittals
updated Aug 2003
Lower Deer Creek  Washington Twp Sec 29
413217N 0914755W 
Memory Gardens Lucas
413903N 0912954W    Iowa City East 
partial listing
Mentzer Liberty Twp Sec 18 Hills
413327N 0913520W 
Molback Farm Scott Center Sec 27
Miller  Sharon Twp Sec 28 near Kalona
413117N 0914053W 
Peter Miller
Morfordsville Pleasant Valley Twp Sec 23 Burge
Pleasant Valley
Morman West Lucas Sec 7
Morse  Graham Twp Sec 9
414441N 0912636W 
Mount Calvary Oxford Twp Sec 17
414348N 0914812W 
North Gingerich Sharon Twp Sec 18 Gingerich
Sharon Bethel
Oak Hill Penn Twp Sec 32   Coralville Coralville Oak Hill
Oak Hill Clear Creek Sec 30 Tiffin Tiffin Oak Hill
Oakland East Lucas Twp IA City
414014N 0913109W 
Oakland Big Grove  Sec 23 Solon
414845N 0913034W 
Oasis Graham Twp Sec 26
414202N 0912309W 
Old Coralville Penn Twp Sec 32 Clark's
Old Hummer Sharon Twp Sec 6
Old Newport Newport Sec 13
Old Scott Church Scott Twp
Overholser Liberty Twp Sec 21 Hog Ridge
Oxford   414352N 0914817W   Oxford 
Peter Miller Miller
Pleasant Valley  Pleasant Valley Twp Sec 23 Sandtown,
Ridgewood 414612N 0913613W    Ely
River Junction Fremont Twp, River Junction Stumptown WPA listing plus visitor submittals
St Bridget's Cedar Twp Sec 36
St Johns German Lutheran Sharon Twp Sec 21 Sharon Center
Saint Joseph East Lucas Twp
414020N 0913113W    IA City
St Mary's Catholic Newport Twp Sec 13
St Mary's Big Grove Twp Sec 24 Solon
St Peter & Paul Cedar Twp Sec 5
Saint Peter  Hardin Twp Sec 23 Cosgrove
Saint Peters  Hardin Twp Sec 35 Windham
Saint Stanislaus Liberty Twp Sec 30 Hills
Sandtown Liberty Twp near Hills
413316N 0913025W 
Sharon Bethel Sharon Twp Sec 18 near Kalona Gingerich
North Gingerich
Sharon United Methodist Sharon Twp Sec 22 near Sharon Center
Shetler Washington Twp Sec 30 near Kalona
Shueyville Jefferson Twp Sec 10
415037N 0913846W 
Smith Family Fremont Twp Sec 34 south of Lone Tree rewalked Jul 2001
permission for access required due to condition and location on private farm
Stage Farm Clear Creek  (abandoned)
Stancel Farm Oxford Twp Sec 15
Sulek  Jefferson twp Sec 11 WPA listing
Summerhays  Family Clear Creek Sec 32 may be the same as Oxford
Sutliff  Cedar Twp Sec 10
415030N 0912528W 
Swank Fremont Twp Sec 32 near Lone Tree Swank Church WPA listing and visitor submittals
Thompson Scott Twp Sec 32 
Trowbridge  Pleasant Valley Twp
Unity Union Twp Sec 27
Walker Pleasant Valley Twp
413107N 0912925W 
Weber Sharon Twp Sec 11
Welsh Union Twp Sec 36
Wertz Washington Twp Sec 20
Windham  Hardin Twp Sec 34
413642N 0914600W 
Yoder Sharon Twp Sec 15 near Kalona

Cemetery Information - Cedar County
Cemetery Information - Louisa  County
Cemetery Information - Muscatine County
Cemetery Information - Scott County
Cemetery Information - Rock Island Co IL
Funeral Home Information
Muscatine County and vicinity Obituary Listings

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Copyright 1996-1999 Rootbound Genealogy
Updated Aug 2003