Robert Kirk was born in the year off ower lord novemer 1815
Martha Kirk was born in the year off ower lord June the 11
lisa Jene Kirk was born in the year off ower lord March the
3 1842
Matilda Kirk was born in the year off ower lord Jenuary 8
Thomas Kirk was born in the year off ower lord June the 5
Sereh Kirk was born in the year off ower lord junury 21 1849
Robert Kirk was born in the year off ower lord March the
10 1852
Emly Kirk was born in the off ower lord mey the 3 1854
Martha Kirk was born in the year off ower lord September
8 1857
William John Kirk was bornin the year off ower lord July
the 9 1860
(Next page)
William Henry Beatty Born Octbr 4 1860
Sarah Emma Beatty Born June 25th 1862
Margret Anna Beatty Born May 15th 1864
Marthe Jane Beatty Born March 25th 1868
Robert James Beatty Born Febuary 25th 1866
John Thomas Beatty Born July 21st 1870
Stewart Samuel Beatty born August 19th 1872
(Next Page)
Charles Kirk Beatty Was Born December 1st 1874
Elisa Matilda Beatty Was Born Febuary 7th 1877
Cora Ellen Beatty Was Born March 2nd 1879
William Arthur Beatty was born August 20th 1882
(Next Page)
Elisa Jane Kirk was Meried Jenuary the 8 1860 (John K. Beatty)
Metilde Kirk was Meried Jun the 11 1862 (Richard Milholin)
Sereh C. Kirk was Meried Desember the 28 1869 (William W.
Robert Kirk Was married March the 18, 1873 (Sarah Benedict)
Thomas Kirk Was married November the 12 1870 (Clara "Carrie"
Emma S. Beatty married Oct 15th 1884 (Howard Betts)
Maggie A. " " " " " (Thomas J. Thompson)
Robt. J. Beatty " Nov 4th 1888 (Sarah Dowling)
Mattie J. Beatty " Feb 18th 1891 (Carlos Briggs)
Lizzie M. Beatty " Oct 12th 1897 (John T. Healey)
(Next Page)
William Henry Beatty Died Feb 6th 1862 Aged 1 year 4 month
and 3 Days
John Thomas Beatty Died Nov 20th 1871 Aged 1 year 3 months
& 29 Days
John K. Beatty died Oct 27th 1886 Aged 57 yr. Thursday
Stewart Samuel Beatty died April 21st 1889 age 16 yr 8 mo
1 da Sunday
(This is not my family. This family was the family of a distant
cousin through another line and I did
some research in Muscatine Co. Iowa for her as I had time
back in 1972. She sent me a copy of her
book in return.-Donna VanZandt