Certificate Number | Name of Pensioner | Post Office Address | Cause for which pensioned | Monthly rate | Date of Original Allowance |
117,162 | Abbott, William | Muscatine | g
s w lft leg
res in ulceration |
12.00 | . |
185,645 | Aikens, Grace | Atalissa | widow | 8.00 | Oct, 1879 |
11,162 | Aleshire, Rebecca | Muscatine | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Nov, 1878 |
165,359 | Amerine, Moses | Muscatine | g
s w l.leg &
chro diarrhea |
10.00 | Mar, 1880 |
199,207 | Anderson, John W | Muscatine | g s w of head | 8.50 | Dec 1881 |
19,192 | Armstrong, Robert | Wilton Junction | wd of rt leg | 8.00 | . |
43,303 | Ayers, Oliver | Muscatine | g s w rt breast | 4.00 | May, 1865 |
8,580 | Beach, Judith C | Wilton Junction | dept mother | 8.00 | Nov 1863 |
59,389 | Beard, John | Muscatine | wd
rt shoul
& elbow |
6.00 | . |
175,951 | Beauchamp, Francis M. | Conesville | g.s.w.r. thumb | 2.00 | Oct, 1880 |
166,215 | Bell, Jacob L | Muscatine | chr diarr | 2.00 | Mar, 1880 |
59,982 | Berry, James L | Muscatine | chro diarrhea | 5.33 1/3 | . |
38,985 | Biggins, Richard | Muscatine | fract. Rt leg | 6.00 | . |
125,651 | Billings, George W | Muscatine | g s w rt thigh | 6.00 | . |
141,233 | Blake, Levi M | Muscatine | curvature
spine |
12.00 | . |
211,277 | Blanck, Diederich | Muscatine | injury
abdomen |
4.00 | June 1882 |
147,347 | Blessing, John G | Muscatine | shell wd rt side | 4.00 | Jul 1877 |
181,235 | Block, Jacob | Wilton Junction | dis
of lungs
and heart |
8.00 | Jan 1881 |
168,913 | Bodman, Robert D | Muscatine | g s w rt shoulder | 6.00 | June, 1880 |
61,209 | Bowman, Gabriel | Muscatine | wd left hip | 10.00 | . |
180,170 | Brown, Newton M. | Muscatine | g s w lft thigh | 4.00 | Dec, 1880 |
163,693 | Browning, Edwin J. | Muscatine | measles
res in
chr. Dia & dis of eyes |
72.00 | Nov, 1869 |
59,355 | Burr, Daniel O | Muscatine | g s w lft side | 14.00 | . |
170,321 | Busch, Battus | Muscatine | g s w rt thigh | 2.00 | June, 1880 |
152,145 | Carter, Francis | Muscatine | partial deafness | 4.00 | Apr., 1878 |
163,346 | Casebeer, Jonathan | Wilton Junction | chro
dia & dis
of abd visc |
2.00 | Nov 1879 |
101,668 | Caughlan, Margaret | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | Oct, 1867 |
170,025 | Chapman, Charles W. | Adams | dis. Of eyes | 8.00 | June, 1880 |
203,574 | Chapman, Orange J. | Muscatine | dis
rt hip &
results |
4.00 | Feb, 1882 |
164,194 | Chase, Samuel E. | Moscow | inj. Of spine | 6.00 | Jan, 1880 |
44,003 | Chaudon, Jane J. | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | Feb, 1867 |
191,347 | Cheeney, Barbarra A. | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | Mar, 1881 |
67,813 | Cheney, Joseph W | West Liberty | wd left leg | 4.00 | . |
6,820 | Clark, Joanna A. | Atalissa | widow | 8.00 | May, 1867 |
186,195 | Clark, John W. | Muscatine | inj
to bck,
chro dia & dis of abdominal viscera |
8.00 | Apr, 1881 |
40,050 | Clinton, Mary E. | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | Feb, 1865 |
157,861 | Clough, John M. | Muscatine | loss
Fing lft hand |
2.00 | Mar, 1879 |
216,786 | Coleman, Thomas | Nichol Station | chr
diarr &
g s w rt should |
2.00 | Aug, 1882 |
171,844 | Coriell, James | Muscatine | g.s.w lft leg | 4.00 | July, 1880 |
129,460 | Courtney, Ellen | Muscatine | dep. Mother | 8.00 | May 1869 |
152,410 | Culumber, Mary A. | Moscow | widow | 8.00 | July, 1871 |
205,765 | Cunningham, John | Muscatine | dis
of throat &
partial deafness |
2.00 | Mar, 1882 |
72,605 | Davidson, Leroy P | Muscatine | loss
rt thumb
& fingers l hand |
18.00 | . |
17,540 | Davis, Charles B. | Atalissa | frac.rt.ankle-joint | 8.00 | . |
93,318 | Dell, Moses | Wilton Junction | g
s w head &
both hands |
6.00 | . |
18,990 | DeShong, Maria M | West Liberty | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Feb 1879 |
176,584 | Dill, Katherine | Muscatine | dep. Mother | 8.00 | Mar, 1877 |
114,572 | Dill, William | Muscatine | g s w left leg | 10.00 | . |
68,745 | Dillon, Elizabeth | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | . |
145701 | Downing, George W | Wilton Junction | g s w rt thigh | 2.00 | . |
3,631 | Drake, Elizabeth | Sweetland Center | widow | 8.00 | Apr 1867 |
16,650 | Drake, Elmira | Muscatine | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Jan,1879 |
212,864 | Drake, Hiram | Muscatine | g s w rt foot | 4.00 | June 1882 |
111,285 | Dugan, James | Muscatine | chro diarrhea | 4.00 | . |
101,353 | Duncan, Perry A | Wilton Junction | g s w left thigh | 8.00 | . |
122,058 | Dunn, Samuel C | Muscatine | injury to abdomen | 8.00 | . |
8,270 | Edwards, Alice | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | Nov, 1863 |
184,161 | Edwards, Jacob | Muscatine | erysipelas,
dia & dis of lungs |
4.00 | Mar, 1881 |
189,521 | Embree, Barclay J. | Atalissa | deafness
rt &
par. Deafness l. ear |
4.00 | June, 1881 |
28,622 | Esmoil, Peter A. | Muscatine | g s w left hip | 16.00 | . |
90,984 | Evans, Jeremiah | West Liberty | ophthalmia | 18.00 | . |
16,071 | Everett, Catherine | Muscatine | dep. Mother | 8.00 | Mar, 1864 |
204,209 | Fitzsimmons, Thomas | Muscatine | chro
diarr &
lumbago |
4.00 | Mar 1882 |
71,669 | Foley, John | Muscatine | loss of left leg | 18.00 | . |
19,752 | Foulk, James D | Muscatine | wd rt arm | 8.00 | . |
162,414 | Frohner, John | Muscatine | chro diarrhea | 12.00 | Sept 1879 |
122,865 | Fulmer, John F | Nichol Station | no disability | 4.00 | . |
15,521 | Galbraith, Sarah | West Liberty | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Jan 1879 |
39,391 | Gatton, John | Moscow | g.s.w.r.leg,
side & chest |
8.00 | . |
8,887 | Geselle, Stephen | Muscatine | inj to rt leg | 6.00 | . |
150,600 | Getter, Diana | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | Mar 1872 |
87,304 | Gibson, Charles D | West Liberty | g s wd rt arm | 8.00 | . |
89,020 | Goodrich, Ozra | Muscatine | g s w lft leg | 5.00 | . |
46,673 | Graters, Mary | Muscatine | dep. Mother | 8.00 | May, 1865 |
28,968 | Green, Elizabeth | Muscatine | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Mar, 1880 |
158,738 | Greenblade, Henry | Muscatine | diar, chills & fever | 6.00 | Apr, 1879 |
184,693 | Gurtner, Henry R. | Muscatine | dis of eyes | 8.00 | Mar, 1881 |
172,105 | Hammer, Catherine | West Liberty | dept mother | 8.00 | . |
144,603 | Hare, Abraham | Muscatine | g s w rt hand | 30.00 | . |
172,398 | Hare, Danforth L | Muscatine | sunstroke
nervous prostration |
4.00 | Aug, 1880 |
189,817 | Harrington, James | Muscatine | inj to spine | 6.00 | June, 1881 |
160,700 | Harrington, William E | Muscatine | loss
sight rt &
impaired l. eye |
18.00 | June, 1879 |
9,485 | Hartman, John | Muscatine | wd
rt foot
crushed in sawmill |
8.00 | . |
192,405 | Hawthorne, Robert A. | Muscatine | injury to abdomen | 8.00 | July, 1881 |
122,333 | Hearwig, Catherine | Muscatine | dep. Mother | 8.00 | Dec, 1868 |
191,354 | Henderson, John | Muscatine | inj
lft leg &
chr diarr |
8.50 | June, 1881 |
46,015 | Henderson, Robert | Montpelier | g.s.w.l. arm | 6.00 | . |
168,042 | Henning, Jacob | Muscatine | inj to chest | 8.00 | May, 1880 |
85,197 | Herschman, Barbara | Muscatine | dep. Mother | 8.00 | Oct, 1866 |
16,671 | Hetherington, Margaret | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | Mar, 1864 |
14,151 | Hetticker, Mary | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | Feb, 1864 |
189,563 | Hierkly, Philander | Muscatine | g s w rt thigh | 2.00 | June, 1881 |
47,555 | Hill, Martha J. | Muscatine | widow | 30.00 | Dec, 1873 |
122,625 | Hoge, Clark W | West Liberty | lost
sight rt eye
& imp vision of left |
8.00 | . |
154,238 | Horton, Charles C. | Muscatine | g.s.w. back | 10.00 | July, 1878 |
165,332 | Houge, Elijah | West Liberty | rheumatism | 5.00 | . |
10,922 | Howell, Phebe | West Liberty | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Nov 1878 |
197,158 | Hubbell, John | Muscatine | partial deafness | 6.00 | Oct, 1881 |
129,123 | Huffman, John L | Muscatine | g s w lft hip | 8.00 | . |
79,059 | Hunter, Charles H | Muscatine | varicose veins | 8.00 | . |
118,773 | Husted, Horace | Muscatine | g s w lft leg | 8.00 | . |
123,780 | Hyink, Jennekin | Muscatine | dep. Mother | 8.00 | Jan, 1869 |
220,367 | Irwin, Samuel | Pleasant Prairie | inj to back | 4.00 | Nov 1882 |
69,298 | Jackson, Louisa J. | West Liberty | widow | 8.00 | . |
176,431 | Jacoby, Sarah F | Wilton Junction | widow | 8.00 | Feb 1877 |
173,658 | Jelly, Andrew J | West Liberty | g s w lft forearm | 4.00 | Sept 1880 |
47,152 | John, Zenas W | West Liberty | wd rt arm | 18.00 | . |
48,229 | Johnston, James S | Muscatine | inj to left leg | 14.00 | . |
199,073 | Jones, Theodore C. | Atalissa | injury to abdomen | 4.00 | Dec, 1881 |
214,961 | Kasper, Frank W. | Muscatine | g s w right shoulder | 4.00 | Jun, 1882 |
68,768 | Keckler, George W | Muscatine | pistol
shot wd
rt lung & chro diarr |
18.00 | . |
146,685 | Keif, Mathias | Muscatine | g s w lft breast | 6.00 | . |
48,726 | Kelly, Cornelius | Muscatine | loss
lft arm
above elbow |
24.00 | . |
137,904 | Kelly, Edward | Muscatine | inj
to hip &
small of back |
24.00 | . |
218,036 | Kempton, Edward | Muscatine | chr diar | 4.00 | Sept, 1882 |
12,826 | Kennedy, Wilfred M. | Muscatine | wd rt foot | 18.00 | . |
192,326 | Kerr, Jesse W. | Muscatine | dis
of lungs &
chron diarr |
6.00 | Jul, 1881 |
71,894 | Kile, Zachariah B | Muscatine | wd and rehumatism | 6.00 | . |
82,981 | Knott, John | Muscatine | loss
first &
second fing. Rt. Hand & g s w rt hand |
4.00 | . |
67,491 | Knowles, Augustus | Muscatine | wd rt thigh | 6.00 | . |
128,370 | Kranz, August | Muscatine | g s w mouth | 2.00 | . |
203,441 | Lantry, Barna | Wilton Junction | dis
of abd vis
& dropsy |
8.00 | Feb 1882 |
21,948 | Livingston, Richard | Nichol Station | g s w lft wrist | 8.00 | . |
217,075 | Long, Jacob | Atalissa | g.s.w. l.hip | 2.00 | Aug, 1882 |
100,447 | Long, John S. | Muscatine | dis
of abdominal
viscera |
18.00 | . |
199,752 | Loring, Milton I | Muscatine | g s w lft hand | 2.00 | Dec, 1881 |
132,711 | Luckey, John | Muscatine | g s w rt forearm & anchylosis lft elbow | 8.00 | . |
88,429 | Lyons, Sarah | Atalissa | dep. Mother | 8.00 | Feb, 1865 |
58,526 | Lysen, Peter | Muscatine | g s w lft hip | 8.00 | . |
196,336 | Mackey, Ellen M. | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | June, 1882 |
98,985 | Madden, Richard R | Muscatine | wd lft forefinger | 8.00 | . |
91,052 | Manly, William | Muscatine | g
s w right
side of face |
2.00 | . |
110,548 | Martin, Adam | Muscatine | chr conjunctivitus | 18.00 | . |
8,478 | Matthews, Betsey M. | Muscatine | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Sept, 1878 |
210,294 | McDonald, Donald | Muscatine | sunstroke
in prostration & irritable heart |
6.00 | June, 1882 |
169,677 | McElravy, James | West Liberty | partial
deaf &
inj to rt side |
8.00 | June 1880 |
567 | McKeough, Catherine | Muscatine | dep. Mother | 8.00 | Feb, 1863 |
180,380 | McNall, Ozias | Muscatine | g s w lft hip | 1.00 | Dec 1880 |
127,637 | Mellinger, Mary Ann | Muscatine | widow | 20.00 | June, 1875 |
220,790 | Mensch, John | West Liberty | g s w rt arm | 4.00 | Nov 1882 |
48,480 | Mettur, George | Muscatine | g s w rt leg | 12.00 | . |
165,311 | Mikesell, Martin L. | Muscatine | disc heart,lungs & stomach | 12.00 | Mar, 1880 |
22,677 | Minturn, Hariet S | Muscatine | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Apr, 1879 |
113,855 | Mockmore, Jemima | Fairport | widow | 8.00 | May, 1868 |
183,948 | Moore, Martha E | West Liberty | widow | 8.00 | Apr 1879 |
65,820 | Morgan, James E | Muscatine | g s w face & head | 14.00 | . |
153,911 | Morris, Mary C. | Muscatine | widow | 17.00 | Oct, 1871 |
143,304 | Moses, Samuel C | Muscatine | wd
rt hand & loss
mid finger |
2.00 | . |
16,575 | Muller, Bridget | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | . |
169,309 | Murdink, Henry | Muscatine | g s w rt leg | 1.00 | June, 1880 |
193,036 | Murphy, James | West Liberty | inj to lft ankle | 6.00 | Jul 1881 |
90,498 | Murray, Charles Lee | West Liberty | injury to abdomen | 8.00 | . |
218,911 | Oaur, George F. | Wilton Junction | dis of eyes | 2.00 | June, 1882 |
174,742 | Ossman, John H. | West Liberty | dis of eyes | 8.00 | Oct 1880 |
146,417 | Owen, Smith | Muscatine | g s w left thigh | 1.00 | . |
158,906 | Park, James C | West Liberty | chr. Rheumatism | 4.00 | Apr, 1879 |
196,213 | Parvin, Sophronia H. | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | Jun, 1882 |
10,342 | Patrick, Jacob C | Muscatine | loss of rt arm | 24.00 | . |
49,661 | Pendergast, Thomas | Atalissa | g.s.w.l.leg
loss lft eye |
8.00 | . |
15,826 | Philbrick, Eleanor | Muscatine | widow 1812 | 8.00 | Jan, 1879 |
218,285 | Phillips, Noah M | West Liberty | chr rheumatism | 4.00 | Sep 1882 |
141,257 | Pigman, John H. | Fruitland | frac. L forearm | 3.00 | Sep, 1876 |
65,519 | Powell, Lewis | Muscatine | injury to abdomen | 8.00 | . |
285 | Prather, Delia | West Liberty | widow | 8.00 | Dec 1867 |
194,140 | Price, Theodasia A | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | Jan, 1882 |
164,822 | Purcell, Michael | Muscatine | injury to abdomen | 8.00 | Feb, 1880 |
35,084 | Redmond, Catherine | Muscatine | dep. Mother | 8.00 | Dec, 1864 |
172,623 | Reeves, William | Fairport | injury to abdomen | 4.00 | Aug, 1880 |
168,737 | Reynolds, Mary | Muscatine | dep. Mother | 8.00 | . |
146,685 | Richards, Jane | West Liberty | dept mother | 8.00 | Dec 1870 |
25,027 | Richmire, Charles C | West Liberty | ophthalmia | 18.00 | . |
189,513 | Risk, John W. | Muscatine | dependent children | 12.00 | Aug 1880 |
165,158 | Rixroth, Lorenz | Wilton Junction | injury to abdomen | 12.00 | Mar 1880 |
3,329 | Robinson, Lucretia | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | Jun, 1863 |
9,944 | Roseman, James B | Muscatine | g s w rt hand | 6.00 | . |
152,502 | Roth, John | Muscatine | g s w rt thigh | 2.00 | Apr, 1878 |
99,405 | Runnery, James | Nichol Station | chro diarrhea | 8.00 | . |
5,791 | Schlosser, Catherine | Muscatine | widow | 8.00 | Oct, 1867 |
222,994 | Schmidt, Gustav | Muscatine | frac rt leg | 4.00 | Dec, 1882 |
60,541 | Schmidt, Wilhelmina | Muscatine | dep. Mother | 8.00 | Nov, 1865 |
134,443 | Schnier, John | Muscatine | injury to abdomen | 6.00 | . |
107,276 | Schott, John | Muscatine | erysipelas
foot & leg |
10.00 | . |
176,108 | Seiler, John | Muscatine | inj to back | 6.00 | Oct, 1880 |
172,393 | Shafnit, Jacob J | Muscatine | g s w lft leg | 4.00 | Aug, 1880 |
167,847 | Simons, George | Muscatine | dis
lungs, spine,
& lft ear |
8.00 | May, 1880 |
77,863 | Sissell, Sarah | Wilton Junction | widow | 8.00 | Sept 1867 |
214,275 | Slater, George W. | Moscow | dis. Of lungs | 4.00 | June, 1882 |
16,117 | Smith, James K | Wilton Junction | g s w rt arm | 6.00 | . |
192,705 | Snyder, Abraham N. | Muscatine | chro
dia &
dis of abd. Vis |
10.00 | July, 1881 |
187,298 | Stafford, Andrew J. | Nichol Station | chr diarr | 4.00 | Apr 1881 |
207,916 | Stanfer, Ulrich | Muscatine | chr
dia & res
paralysis agintans |
24.00 | May, 1882 |
24,044 | Stiles, Martin | Muscatine | survivor 1812 | 8.00 | May, 1879 |
56,631 | Stone, William P | Atalissa | g.s.w. l. leg | 6.00 | . |
215,337 | Sullivan, Thomas | Muscatine | g s w head | 2.00 | July, 1882 |
165,535 | Syas, Owen | Wilton Junction | chro
dia &
bronchitis |
8.00 | Mar, 1880 |
83,289 | Taylor, William G. | Muscatine | wd of back | 8.00 | . |
161,083 | Thompson, Jackson | Muscatine | injury to abdomen | 8.00 | June, 1879 |
100,051 | Toahlinger, Anthony | Muscatine | injury to abdomen | 6.00 | . |
149,087 | Underwood, Addis E | Nichol Station | chr rheumatism | 24.00 | Nov, 1877 |
168,716 | Underwood, James | Muscatine | g s w rt thigh | 4.00 | June, 1880 |
21,130 | Varner, Harvey | Muscatine | g s w rt foot | 6.00 | . |
14,727 | Vennick, Henry | Muscatine | wd lft arm | 4.00 | . |
101,492 | Wallis, Jonathan | Muscatine | dis of spine | 24.00 | . |
94,287 | Wansley, Dallas | Conesville | g.s.w.l thigh | 6.00 | . |
171,446 | Watkins, Celma C | West Liberty | dept mother | 8.00 | Dec 1875 |
165,103 | Webel, Frederick | Muscatine | chro. Diarr | 24.00 | Mar, 1880 |
131,066 | Wiker, Albert | Atalissa | chr. Diar | 4.00 | . |
61,210 | Wilhelm, Simon P. | Muscatine | g s w of head | 12.00 | . |
46,869 | Wilson, Charley | Muscatine | g s w lft arm | 18.00 | . |
194,490 | Winn, Warren | Muscatine | rheumatism | 4.00 | Nov, 1881 |
151,189 | Wintermute, Baltis K | Muscatine | g
s w rt forearm
& leg |
3.00 | Jun, 1879 |
73,107 | Wolfgang, Cissler | Nichol Station | inj
to spine &
left side |
8.00 | . |
7,500 | Wooden, Emily | Moscow | widow | 8.00 | Oct, 1864 |
163,821 | Worrall, George | Atalissa | dis.
Of eyes
and lungs |
8.00 | Dec, 1881 |
167,684 | Wright, Frank R | West Liberty | chro diarrhea | 2.00 | Apr 1880 |
200,505 | Wright, John W | West Liberty | g s w lft leg | 4.00 | Jan 1882 |
177,729 | Wymer, Solomon | Muscatine | lung
& heart
dis result of measles |
6.00 | Oct, 1880 |
Muscatine Co IA Genealogy Home Page Civil War Rosters & Information
Last Updated on 11/21/2001
By Susie Martin-Rott