MuscatinePension1883 Muscatine County Iowa
1883 Military Pension Roll

The majority of those listed were collecting pensions related to sevice in the War Between the States (Civil War) but a few War of 1812 widows & veterans were also still living at this time and are included in the listing.
Certificate Number Name of Pensioner Post Office Address Cause for which pensioned Monthly rate Date of Original Allowance
117,162 Abbott, William Muscatine g s w lft leg 
res in ulceration
12.00  .
185,645 Aikens, Grace Atalissa widow 8.00 Oct, 1879
11,162 Aleshire, Rebecca Muscatine widow 1812 8.00 Nov, 1878
165,359 Amerine, Moses Muscatine g s w l.leg & 
chro diarrhea
10.00 Mar, 1880
199,207 Anderson, John W Muscatine g s w of head 8.50 Dec 1881
19,192 Armstrong, Robert Wilton Junction wd of rt leg 8.00
43,303 Ayers, Oliver Muscatine g s w rt breast 4.00 May, 1865
8,580 Beach, Judith C Wilton Junction dept mother 8.00 Nov 1863
59,389 Beard, John Muscatine wd rt shoul 
& elbow
175,951 Beauchamp, Francis M. Conesville g.s.w.r. thumb 2.00 Oct, 1880
166,215 Bell, Jacob L Muscatine chr diarr 2.00 Mar, 1880
59,982 Berry, James L Muscatine chro diarrhea 5.33 1/3 
38,985 Biggins, Richard Muscatine fract. Rt leg 6.00
125,651 Billings, George W Muscatine g s w rt thigh 6.00
141,233 Blake, Levi M Muscatine curvature of 
211,277 Blanck, Diederich Muscatine injury to 
4.00 June 1882
147,347 Blessing, John G Muscatine shell wd rt side 4.00 Jul 1877
181,235 Block, Jacob Wilton Junction dis of lungs 
and heart
8.00 Jan 1881
168,913 Bodman, Robert D Muscatine g s w rt shoulder 6.00 June, 1880
61,209 Bowman, Gabriel Muscatine wd left hip 10.00
180,170 Brown, Newton M. Muscatine g s w lft thigh 4.00 Dec, 1880
163,693 Browning, Edwin J. Muscatine measles res in 
chr. Dia & 
dis of eyes
72.00 Nov, 1869
59,355 Burr, Daniel O Muscatine g s w lft side 14.00
170,321 Busch, Battus Muscatine g s w rt thigh 2.00 June, 1880
152,145 Carter, Francis Muscatine partial deafness 4.00 Apr., 1878
163,346 Casebeer, Jonathan Wilton Junction chro dia & dis 
of abd visc
2.00 Nov 1879
101,668 Caughlan, Margaret Muscatine widow 8.00 Oct, 1867
170,025 Chapman, Charles W. Adams dis. Of eyes 8.00 June, 1880
203,574 Chapman, Orange J. Muscatine dis rt hip & 
4.00 Feb, 1882
164,194 Chase, Samuel E. Moscow inj. Of spine 6.00 Jan, 1880
44,003 Chaudon, Jane J. Muscatine widow 8.00 Feb, 1867
191,347 Cheeney, Barbarra A. Muscatine widow 8.00 Mar, 1881
67,813 Cheney, Joseph W West Liberty wd left leg 4.00
6,820 Clark, Joanna A. Atalissa widow 8.00 May, 1867
186,195 Clark, John W. Muscatine inj to bck, 
chro dia & 
dis of 
abdominal viscera
8.00 Apr, 1881
40,050 Clinton, Mary E. Muscatine widow 8.00 Feb, 1865
157,861 Clough, John M. Muscatine loss mid. 
Fing lft hand
2.00 Mar, 1879
216,786 Coleman, Thomas Nichol Station chr diarr &
g s w rt should
2.00 Aug, 1882
171,844 Coriell, James Muscatine g.s.w lft leg 4.00 July, 1880
129,460 Courtney, Ellen Muscatine dep. Mother 8.00 May 1869
152,410 Culumber, Mary A. Moscow widow 8.00 July, 1871
205,765 Cunningham, John Muscatine dis of throat & 
partial deafness
2.00 Mar, 1882
72,605 Davidson, Leroy P Muscatine loss rt thumb 
& fingers l hand
17,540 Davis, Charles B. Atalissa frac.rt.ankle-joint 8.00
93,318 Dell, Moses Wilton Junction g s w head & 
both hands
18,990 DeShong, Maria M West Liberty widow 1812 8.00 Feb 1879
176,584 Dill, Katherine Muscatine dep. Mother 8.00 Mar, 1877
114,572 Dill, William Muscatine g s w left leg 10.00
68,745 Dillon, Elizabeth Muscatine widow 8.00
145701 Downing, George W Wilton Junction g s w rt thigh 2.00
3,631 Drake, Elizabeth Sweetland Center widow 8.00 Apr 1867
16,650 Drake, Elmira Muscatine widow 1812 8.00 Jan,1879
212,864 Drake, Hiram Muscatine g s w rt foot 4.00 June 1882
111,285 Dugan, James Muscatine chro diarrhea 4.00
101,353 Duncan, Perry A Wilton Junction g s w left thigh 8.00
122,058 Dunn, Samuel C Muscatine injury to abdomen 8.00
8,270 Edwards, Alice Muscatine widow 8.00 Nov, 1863
184,161 Edwards, Jacob Muscatine erysipelas, chro
dia & dis of lungs
4.00 Mar, 1881
189,521 Embree, Barclay J. Atalissa deafness rt & 
par. Deafness l. ear
4.00 June, 1881
28,622 Esmoil, Peter A. Muscatine g s w left hip 16.00
90,984 Evans, Jeremiah West Liberty ophthalmia 18.00
16,071 Everett, Catherine Muscatine dep. Mother 8.00 Mar, 1864
204,209 Fitzsimmons, Thomas Muscatine chro diarr &
4.00 Mar 1882
71,669 Foley, John Muscatine loss of left leg 18.00
19,752 Foulk, James D Muscatine wd rt arm 8.00
162,414 Frohner, John Muscatine chro diarrhea 12.00 Sept 1879
122,865 Fulmer, John F Nichol Station no disability 4.00
15,521 Galbraith, Sarah West Liberty widow 1812 8.00 Jan 1879
39,391 Gatton, John Moscow g.s.w.r.leg, 
side & chest
8,887 Geselle, Stephen Muscatine inj to rt leg 6.00
150,600 Getter, Diana Muscatine widow 8.00 Mar 1872
87,304 Gibson, Charles D West Liberty g s wd rt arm 8.00
89,020 Goodrich, Ozra Muscatine g s w lft leg 5.00
46,673 Graters, Mary Muscatine dep. Mother 8.00 May, 1865
28,968 Green, Elizabeth Muscatine widow 1812 8.00 Mar, 1880
158,738 Greenblade, Henry Muscatine diar, chills & fever 6.00 Apr, 1879
184,693 Gurtner, Henry R. Muscatine dis of eyes 8.00 Mar, 1881
172,105 Hammer, Catherine West Liberty dept mother 8.00
144,603 Hare, Abraham Muscatine g s w rt hand 30.00
172,398 Hare, Danforth L Muscatine sunstroke & 
nervous prostration
4.00 Aug, 1880
189,817 Harrington, James Muscatine inj to spine 6.00 June, 1881
160,700 Harrington, William E Muscatine loss sight rt &
impaired l. eye
18.00 June, 1879
9,485 Hartman, John Muscatine wd rt foot 
crushed in sawmill
192,405 Hawthorne, Robert A. Muscatine injury to abdomen 8.00 July, 1881
122,333 Hearwig, Catherine Muscatine dep. Mother 8.00 Dec, 1868
191,354 Henderson, John Muscatine inj lft leg & 
chr diarr
8.50 June, 1881
46,015 Henderson, Robert Montpelier g.s.w.l. arm 6.00
168,042 Henning, Jacob Muscatine inj to chest 8.00 May, 1880
85,197 Herschman, Barbara Muscatine dep. Mother 8.00 Oct, 1866
16,671 Hetherington, Margaret Muscatine widow 8.00 Mar, 1864
14,151 Hetticker, Mary Muscatine widow 8.00 Feb, 1864
189,563 Hierkly, Philander Muscatine g s w rt thigh 2.00 June, 1881
47,555 Hill, Martha J. Muscatine widow 30.00 Dec, 1873
122,625 Hoge, Clark W West Liberty lost sight rt eye 
& imp vision of left
154,238 Horton, Charles C. Muscatine g.s.w. back 10.00 July, 1878
165,332 Houge, Elijah West Liberty rheumatism 5.00
10,922 Howell, Phebe West Liberty widow 1812 8.00 Nov 1878
197,158 Hubbell, John Muscatine partial deafness 6.00 Oct, 1881
129,123 Huffman, John L Muscatine g s w lft hip 8.00
79,059 Hunter, Charles H Muscatine varicose veins 8.00
118,773 Husted, Horace Muscatine g s w lft leg 8.00
123,780 Hyink, Jennekin Muscatine dep. Mother 8.00 Jan, 1869
220,367 Irwin, Samuel Pleasant Prairie inj to back 4.00 Nov 1882
69,298 Jackson, Louisa J. West Liberty widow 8.00
176,431 Jacoby, Sarah F Wilton Junction widow 8.00 Feb 1877
173,658 Jelly, Andrew J West Liberty g s w lft forearm 4.00 Sept 1880
47,152 John, Zenas W West Liberty wd rt arm 18.00
48,229 Johnston, James S Muscatine inj to left leg 14.00
199,073 Jones, Theodore C. Atalissa injury to abdomen 4.00 Dec, 1881
214,961 Kasper, Frank W. Muscatine g s w right shoulder 4.00 Jun, 1882
68,768 Keckler, George W Muscatine pistol shot wd
rt lung & chro diarr
146,685 Keif, Mathias Muscatine g s w lft breast 6.00
48,726 Kelly, Cornelius Muscatine loss lft arm 
above elbow
137,904 Kelly, Edward Muscatine inj to hip &
small of back
218,036 Kempton, Edward Muscatine chr diar 4.00 Sept, 1882
12,826 Kennedy, Wilfred M. Muscatine wd rt foot 18.00
192,326 Kerr, Jesse W. Muscatine dis of lungs & 
chron diarr
6.00 Jul, 1881
71,894 Kile, Zachariah B Muscatine wd and rehumatism 6.00
82,981 Knott, John Muscatine loss first & 
second fing. 
Rt. Hand & 
g s w rt hand
67,491 Knowles, Augustus Muscatine wd rt thigh 6.00
128,370 Kranz, August Muscatine g s w mouth 2.00
203,441 Lantry, Barna Wilton Junction dis of abd vis 
& dropsy
8.00 Feb 1882
21,948 Livingston, Richard Nichol Station g s w lft wrist 8.00
217,075 Long, Jacob Atalissa g.s.w. l.hip 2.00 Aug, 1882
100,447 Long, John S. Muscatine dis of abdominal 
199,752 Loring, Milton I Muscatine g s w lft hand 2.00 Dec, 1881
132,711 Luckey, John Muscatine g s w rt forearm & anchylosis lft elbow 8.00
88,429 Lyons, Sarah Atalissa dep. Mother 8.00 Feb, 1865
58,526 Lysen, Peter Muscatine g s w lft hip 8.00
196,336 Mackey, Ellen M. Muscatine widow 8.00 June, 1882
98,985 Madden, Richard R Muscatine wd lft forefinger 8.00
91,052 Manly, William Muscatine g s w right 
side of face
110,548 Martin, Adam Muscatine chr conjunctivitus 18.00
8,478 Matthews, Betsey M. Muscatine widow 1812 8.00 Sept, 1878
210,294 McDonald, Donald Muscatine sunstroke resulting 
in prostration &
irritable heart
6.00 June, 1882
169,677 McElravy, James West Liberty partial deaf & 
inj to rt side
8.00 June 1880
567 McKeough, Catherine Muscatine dep. Mother 8.00 Feb, 1863
180,380 McNall, Ozias Muscatine g s w lft hip 1.00 Dec 1880
127,637 Mellinger, Mary Ann Muscatine widow 20.00 June, 1875
220,790 Mensch, John West Liberty g s w rt arm 4.00 Nov 1882
48,480 Mettur, George Muscatine g s w rt leg 12.00
165,311 Mikesell, Martin L. Muscatine disc heart,lungs & stomach 12.00 Mar, 1880
22,677 Minturn, Hariet S Muscatine widow 1812 8.00 Apr, 1879
113,855 Mockmore, Jemima Fairport widow 8.00 May, 1868
183,948 Moore, Martha E West Liberty widow 8.00 Apr 1879
65,820 Morgan, James E Muscatine g s w face & head 14.00
153,911 Morris, Mary C. Muscatine widow 17.00 Oct, 1871
143,304 Moses, Samuel C Muscatine wd rt hand & loss 
mid finger
16,575 Muller, Bridget Muscatine widow 8.00
169,309 Murdink, Henry Muscatine g s w rt leg 1.00 June, 1880
193,036 Murphy, James West Liberty inj to lft ankle 6.00 Jul 1881
90,498 Murray, Charles Lee West Liberty injury to abdomen 8.00
218,911 Oaur, George F. Wilton Junction dis of eyes 2.00 June, 1882
174,742 Ossman, John H. West Liberty dis of eyes 8.00 Oct 1880
146,417 Owen, Smith Muscatine g s w left thigh 1.00
158,906 Park, James C West Liberty chr. Rheumatism 4.00 Apr, 1879
196,213 Parvin, Sophronia H. Muscatine widow 8.00 Jun, 1882
10,342 Patrick, Jacob C Muscatine loss of rt arm 24.00
49,661 Pendergast, Thomas Atalissa g.s.w.l.leg &
loss lft eye
15,826 Philbrick, Eleanor Muscatine widow 1812 8.00 Jan, 1879
218,285 Phillips, Noah M West Liberty chr rheumatism 4.00 Sep 1882
141,257 Pigman, John H. Fruitland frac. L forearm 3.00 Sep, 1876
65,519 Powell, Lewis Muscatine injury to abdomen 8.00
285 Prather, Delia West Liberty widow 8.00 Dec 1867
194,140 Price, Theodasia A Muscatine widow 8.00 Jan, 1882
164,822 Purcell, Michael Muscatine injury to abdomen 8.00 Feb, 1880
35,084 Redmond, Catherine Muscatine dep. Mother 8.00 Dec, 1864
172,623 Reeves, William Fairport injury to abdomen 4.00 Aug, 1880
168,737 Reynolds, Mary Muscatine dep. Mother 8.00
146,685 Richards, Jane West Liberty dept mother 8.00 Dec 1870
25,027 Richmire, Charles C West Liberty ophthalmia 18.00
189,513 Risk, John W. Muscatine dependent children 12.00 Aug 1880
165,158 Rixroth, Lorenz Wilton Junction injury to abdomen 12.00 Mar 1880
3,329 Robinson, Lucretia Muscatine widow 8.00 Jun, 1863
9,944 Roseman, James B Muscatine g s w rt hand 6.00
152,502 Roth, John Muscatine g s w rt thigh 2.00 Apr, 1878
99,405 Runnery, James Nichol Station chro diarrhea 8.00
5,791 Schlosser, Catherine Muscatine widow 8.00 Oct, 1867
222,994 Schmidt, Gustav Muscatine frac rt leg 4.00 Dec, 1882
60,541 Schmidt, Wilhelmina Muscatine dep. Mother 8.00 Nov, 1865
134,443 Schnier, John Muscatine injury to abdomen 6.00
107,276 Schott, John Muscatine erysipelas rt 
foot & leg
176,108 Seiler, John Muscatine inj to back 6.00 Oct, 1880
172,393 Shafnit, Jacob J Muscatine g s w lft leg 4.00 Aug, 1880
167,847 Simons, George Muscatine dis lungs, spine,
& lft ear
8.00 May, 1880
77,863 Sissell, Sarah Wilton Junction widow 8.00 Sept 1867
214,275 Slater, George W. Moscow dis. Of lungs 4.00 June, 1882
16,117 Smith, James K Wilton Junction g s w rt arm 6.00
192,705 Snyder, Abraham N. Muscatine chro dia & 
dis of abd. Vis
10.00 July, 1881
187,298 Stafford, Andrew J. Nichol Station chr diarr 4.00 Apr 1881
207,916 Stanfer, Ulrich Muscatine chr dia & res 
paralysis agintans
24.00 May, 1882
24,044 Stiles, Martin Muscatine survivor 1812 8.00 May, 1879
56,631 Stone, William P Atalissa g.s.w. l. leg 6.00
215,337 Sullivan, Thomas Muscatine g s w head 2.00 July, 1882
165,535 Syas, Owen Wilton Junction chro dia & 
8.00 Mar, 1880
83,289 Taylor, William G. Muscatine wd of back 8.00
161,083 Thompson, Jackson Muscatine injury to abdomen 8.00 June, 1879
100,051 Toahlinger, Anthony Muscatine injury to abdomen 6.00
149,087 Underwood, Addis E Nichol Station chr rheumatism 24.00 Nov, 1877
168,716 Underwood, James Muscatine g s w rt thigh 4.00 June, 1880
21,130 Varner, Harvey Muscatine g s w rt foot 6.00
14,727 Vennick, Henry Muscatine wd lft arm 4.00
101,492 Wallis, Jonathan  Muscatine dis of spine 24.00
94,287 Wansley, Dallas Conesville g.s.w.l thigh 6.00
171,446 Watkins, Celma C West Liberty dept mother 8.00 Dec 1875
165,103 Webel, Frederick Muscatine chro. Diarr 24.00 Mar, 1880
131,066 Wiker, Albert Atalissa chr. Diar 4.00
61,210 Wilhelm, Simon P. Muscatine g s w of head 12.00
46,869 Wilson, Charley Muscatine g s w lft arm 18.00
194,490 Winn, Warren Muscatine rheumatism 4.00 Nov, 1881
151,189 Wintermute, Baltis K Muscatine g s w rt forearm
& leg
3.00 Jun, 1879
73,107 Wolfgang, Cissler Nichol Station inj to spine &
left side
7,500 Wooden, Emily Moscow widow 8.00 Oct, 1864
163,821 Worrall, George Atalissa dis. Of eyes
and lungs
8.00 Dec, 1881
167,684 Wright, Frank R West Liberty chro diarrhea 2.00 Apr 1880
200,505 Wright, John W West Liberty g s w lft leg 4.00 Jan 1882
177,729 Wymer, Solomon Muscatine lung & heart
dis result of measles
6.00 Oct, 1880

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Last Updated on 11/21/2001
By Susie Martin-Rott