Rose Hill Cemetery
Fayette Twp Sec. 3
Lamoni, Iowa

This database from the Rose Hill Cemetery is a very current listing of burials in the cemetery, but is not a complete record of the dates of birth and deaths. Their database is geared toward where each person is buried within Rose Hill, but some maiden names and dates do appear. Dates and other information added from sources outside what was included in the original database will be entered in a contrasting colored text with source information listed at the bottom of each page. If you can assist us in further updating the information with ladie's maiden names and dates (with documented sources) please send the information via email to Rose Hill Update.
Spelling of names is as it appears in the Rose Hill database. Corrections are welcome, as some names may have been entered incorrectly from the original records.

Dates are formatted numerically, "year, month, day" and in cases where no month and day were listed, they sometimes used a zero (0) as a place marker.

 The only changes I have made to the original database was the very occasional abbreviation of a middle name due to space constraints, and the abbreviation of the word "TOMBSTONE" to TS. There are some terms such as "head" and "foot" used by Rose Hill which are NOT parts of the anatomy, but determine if the burial is at the "head or foot" of a particular space. Most of these relate to the burial of infants who may be sharing a space with an adult burial.

A very special thank you to Marvel Hansen of Graceland College, Lamoni Iowa , for obtaining this database for use on our site!!


Click on the appropriate letter to view surnames

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