Rootbound Genealogy Copyright Statement
Rootbound Genealogy
Copyright Statement

It's not nice to take someone else's work.....

Why is there a copyright notice on all our websites, even those which include information gleaned from public domain??

Well, designing and editing web sites takes a lot of time. Hunting down and transcribing data from a variety of public domain sources also takes time, money and hours of labor.

With this in mind, all information presentation, web site design and personal transcriptions are off limits for use by commercial entities or other groups who may be tempted to "borrow" our work without asking first.

Moving it to another server is NOT ok, nor is publishing it for profit either online or in hard copy.

Linking to our sites is acceptable if you link to the main page of the site and not directly to an internal page.  This is for YOUR benefit as pages within the site get moved around and you may suddenly find yourself with a dead link if you bypass the main page of the site.

Information on any "Rootbound Genealogy" page is free for use by individual researchers who may make one copy for their personal use. Any other usage requires written permission.

 Why is this necessary??

Recently on the internet there have been thefts of large numbers of files from genealogy pages and archives by individuals who have placed these files, altered or unaltered, online as part of their personal or business sites without the consent of the original transcribers and authors. This is NOT acceptable and is in fact ILLEGAL. We provide information from Rootbound Genealogy to assist individuals and (with permission) printing in not for profit Genealogical Society publications, not for someone else's archives or commercial schemes.

 If you have any questions about our materials, please contact us via email at Rootbound Genealogy

Susie Martin-Rott
Rootbound Genealogy

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