Carroll County Arkansas Sugg Cemetery Listings
Carroll County Arkansas
Cemetery Listings


Sugg Cemetery

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Thanks to Rosa Cline for cemetery data and photos.

Rosa Cline reports: This cemetery is a small "family" cemetery inside a chain length fence. It sets on a corner and is across Highway 412 from the Dry Fork General Store. It's located about 6 miles from the town of Marble heading toward Dry Fork. I tried getting as accurate as I could,..but with weathering, and time some of these were badly in need of I did as best as I could on these. For this being a small cemetery and as old as most of the stones are it is a well kept up one. I came across this cemetery as it is on the end of the county road where Liberty Cemetery is on. (Liberty Cemetery is 2 1/2 miles from this cemetery) This was transcribed on October 6,2001. There are two headstones that was so faded I couldn't make them out. If anyone has any obits, pictures or anything else they would like to share with me please feel free to contact us at [email protected] Thanks, Robert and Rosa Cline..

  • Collier, Martha --b. Feb. 8, 1827 d. Oct. 30,1846
  • Hudson, J M --b. Dec. 20, 1842 d. Apr. 21, 1864
  • Seitz, Eva L --b. Nov. 28, 1906 d. Jul. 25, 1907
  • Stone, Infant Daughter --b. Feb. 28, 1893 d. Feb. 28, 1893
  • Stone, J M --b. Apr. 5, 1868 d. Aug. 20,1892
  • Stone, Martha A --b. Mar. 4, 1844 d. Oct. 24, 1926
  • Sugg, Elijah Hiram --b. Mar. 25, 1831 d. Aug. 25, 1887
  • Sugg, Elizabeth --b. 1790 d. unknown
  • Sugg, Henry Belle Seitz --b. Jul. 28, 1868 d. Nov. 3, 1960
  • Sugg, Infant Son --b. Feb. 12, 1905 d. Feb. 12, 1905
  • Sugg, John David --b. Apr. 14, 1859 d. Jul. 2 ,1924
  • Sugg, John Roy --b. May 12, 1906 d. Apr. 26, 1928
  • Sugg, Mabel Marie --b. Sep. 21, 1909 d. Oct. 2, 1994
  • Sugg, Minnie V. Stamps --b. Jun. 28, 1877 d. May, 1942
  • Sugg, Nancy Matilda Boydston --b. Jun. 25, 1840 d. Nov. 29, 1926
  • Sugg, Samuel Paul --b. 1869 d. Jul. 6, 1950
  • Sugg, Stella --b. Apr. 24, 1902 d. Apr. 2, 1917
  • Sugg, Troy --b. May 12, 1906 d. May 20, 1992
  • Sugg, Tuck Seitz --b. Oct. 1, 1895 d. Jun. 5, 1916
  • Sugg, William Clinton --b. Jul. 10, 1906 d. May 15, 1991
  • Walker, Belle --b. Oct. 1, 1858 d. Feb. 5, 1863
  • Walker, Benjamin "Bennie" Lee --b. May 6, 1869 d. Sep. 23
  • Walker, Carl --b. Nov. 8, 1887 d. Dec. 12, 1893
  • Walker, Elizabeth Ann Sugg --b. Sep. 27, 1823 d. Oct. 2, 1866
  • Walker, Elizabeth J --b. Jun. 18, 1848 d. Sep., 1856
  • Walker, James Marion --b. unknown d. Sep., 1846
  • Walker, Ruth --b. Aug., 1862 d. Feb., 1865

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  • Carroll County Historical and Genealogical Society, Inc.
    P.O. Box 249
    Berryville, AR 72616-0249
    Phone 870 423-6312
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