Capt. Benjamin Houghton Jr1,2,3

M, #7891, b. 30 March 1764, d. 4 May 1837

Family 1: Hannah Newhall b. 13 Jul 1769, d. 12 Jul 1794

Family 2: Lydia Bennett b. 1 Jun 1771, d. 8 Aug 1825

Family 3: Sally Billings b. 17 Mar 1785


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
BirthMar 30, 1764Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA5,4,6,7,8,9
MarriageAug 2, 1787Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA5,10,11,9
1790 Census1790Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA, 1 male 16+, 1 male under 16, 2 females12
ChurchOct 3, 1790Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA, First Church13,14,9
MarriageSep 27, 1796Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA, MLM: Aug. 2715,7,9
1810 Census1810Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA, 9 Total: 2 male <10, 1 male 10-15, 2 male 16-25, 1 male 45+//1 female <10,1 female 16-25, 1 female 26-4416
Note1817Lancaster, MA, USA, He was the original owner of pew number 78, Fifth Meeting House at Lancaster, 1817. They had also owned a pew in the Fourth Meeing House at Lancaster9
1820 Census1820Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA, 5 Individuals: 2 male 16-26, 1 male 26-45; 1 female 10-16, 1 female 26-4517
1830 Census1830Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA, 2 Total: 1 male 60 to 70 (1761-1770)// 1 female 40 to 50 (1781-1790)18
MarriageMar 31, 1831Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA, Lancaster VR: Mrs. Sally Keyes to Capt. Benjamin, her second husband19,20,21
Will1837Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA, W.P. Case # 3091722,21
DeathMay 4, 1837Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA, aged 73, dropsy23,21,24,9
BurialOld Settler's Burial Ground (Middle Cemetery), Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA, aged 7325,24


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 337 #393.
  2. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 128, 144, 149, 161, 162, 368.
  3. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 51 #1160.
  4. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 92.
  5. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 337.
  6. [S76] Whitcomb, Whitcomb Family in America, p. 405.
  7. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 51, 93.
  8. [S747] Rev. Frederick Lewis Weis Lancaster MA Early Families II- Weis, p. 322.
  9. [S747] Rev. Frederick Lewis Weis Lancaster MA Early Families II- Weis, p. 327.
  10. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 128.
  11. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 51.
  12. [S1220] 1790 U.S. Federal Census , Lancaster, Worcester, MA, p. 224.
  13. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 322.
  14. [S36] Letter, from Clifford C. Fifield, Jr., Aug. 1998: Rev. Weis Chart.
  15. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 162.
  16. [S1222] 1810 U.S. Federal Census , Lancaster, Worcester, Massachusetts; Roll: 22; Page: 685.
  17. [S235] U.S. Census, Lancaster, Worcester, Massachusetts; Roll: M33_54; Page: 49.
  18. [S1224] 1830 U.S. Federal Census , Lancaster, Worcester, Massachusetts; Roll: 68; Page: 6.
  19. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 239.
  20. [S96] NEHGR, 94 [1940]: 55.
  21. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 93.
  22. [S409] Probate Records , Worcester Co., MA.
  23. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 368, 430.
  24. [S10] Gravestone, Old Settler's Burial Ground (Middle Cemetery), Lancaster, MA, Aug. 10, 2002.
  25. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 430.
  26. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 118.
  27. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 145.
  28. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 208.
  29. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 341.
  30. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 207.
  31. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 149.

Hannah Newhall1,2

F, #7892, b. 13 July 1769, d. 12 July 1794

Family: Capt. Benjamin Houghton Jr b. 30 Mar 1764, d. 4 May 1837


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
BirthJul 13, 1769Bolton, Worcester Co., MA, USA, Weis: prob. Lynn MA3,4
Origincirca 1787Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA5,6
MarriageAug 2, 1787Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA7,5,8,4
DeathJul 12, 1794Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA, age 25, of erysipelas; JWH: 17957,9,10,4
ParentsDLynn, Essex Co., MA, USA, Captain (the Worshipful Master of Trinity Lodge) Michael Newhall of Lynn MA and Joanna Collins10,4


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 337 #393s.
  2. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 128, 145.
  3. [S36] Letter, from Charles D. Anderson, Apr 21, 2003.
  4. [S747] Rev. Frederick Lewis Weis Lancaster MA Early Families II- Weis, p. 327.
  5. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 128.
  6. [S76] Whitcomb, Whitcomb Family in America, p. 405.
  7. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 337.
  8. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 51.
  9. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 161, 351.
  10. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 93.
  11. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 118.
  12. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 145.

Deacon Jonathan Houghton Jr1,2,3

M, #7893, b. 4 June 1786, d. 1862

Family 1: Thirza Flint

Family 2: Susan Littlefield b. c 1765

Family 3:


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
BaptismJun 4, 1786Harvard, Worcester Co., MA, USA, age 50-60 in 1840 census; age 64 in 1850 census; age 74 in 1860 census; JWH: 6,14, 1786;5,6,4,7
1820 Census1820Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, USA, 4 Individuals: 1 male 45+; 2 female 0-10, 1 female 26-4510,11
ChurchWaterford, Oxford, ME, USA, and a Josiah Houghton signed off from Congregational to the Baptist Church12
1830 Census1830Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, USA, 7 Total: 1 male 5 to 10 (1821-1825), 1 male 20 to 30 (1801-1810), 1 male 40 to 50 (1781-1790)// 1 female under 5 (1826-1830), 2 female 15 to 20 (1811-1815), 1 female 30 to 40 (1791-1800)14,15
ResidenceWaterford, Oxford, ME, USA, a farmer16
Office1833Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA, selectman, and in 1835 and 184117
NoteWaterford, ME, USA, exchanged the care and support of their parents.13
1840 Census1840Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, USA, 4 Total: 1 male 10 to 15 (1825-1830), 1 male 50 to 60 (1780-1789) // 1 female 15 to 20 (1820-1825), 1 female 50 to 60 (1780-1789)18
1850 Census1850Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, USA, age 64, a farmer19
1860 Census1860Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, USA, age 35, farmer; property $1200-60020,21


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #395.
  2. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 324.
  3. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95 #3251, 143.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 258.
  5. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  6. [S43] Thomas W. Baldwin, Harvard MA VRs, p. 63.
  7. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95.
  8. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 258-9.
  9. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95, 143.
  10. [S235] U.S. Census, 1820 US Census, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, p. 208.
  11. [S1223] 1820 U.S. Federal Census , Waterford, Oxford, Maine; Roll: M33_37; Page: 208; line 10.
  12. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 94.
  13. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 143.
  14. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, Maine Census, 1800-1900, 1830 Census, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, p. 214.
  15. [S1224] 1830 U.S. Federal Census , Waterford, Oxford, Maine; Roll: 50; Page: 214.
  16. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  17. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 210.
  18. [S1225] 1840 U.S. Federal Census , Waterford ,Oxford, Maine; Roll: 147; Page: 280; line 17.
  19. [S1226] 1850 U.S. Federal Census , Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, Box 262, p. 178, line 27, dwl 420-435.
  20. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, Maine Census, 1800-1900, 1860 Census, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, p. 698.
  21. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Waterford, Oxford, Maine; Roll: M653_444; Page: 32; line 1, dwl 247-250.

Polley Houghton1

F, #7894, b. circa 1788


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Birthcirca 1788JWH: 1738 (CJV: error)3
Deathdied young3


  1. [S43] Thomas W. Baldwin, Harvard MA VRs, p. 64.
  2. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 258.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.

Rev. Josiah Houghton1,2,3,4,5,6

M, #7895, b. 16 March 1790, d. 22 May 1838

Family 1: Joanna Richards b. 6 Jan 1799, d. 7 Jul 1822

Family 2: Lona Richards b. 31 Jan 1796, d. 13 Jan 1864

  • Marriage*: Rev. Josiah Houghton married Lona Richards on Sep 8, 1823 w/2; MLM: Dec. 8.8,12,15


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
BirthMar 16, 1790Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA, JWH, p. 375, MLM: 2,16, 1790; MLM: Harvard, MA9,10,4,6
Residence1816Winthrop, ME, USA11
MarriageJan 2, 1817Winthrop, Kennebec, ME, USA8,2,12,4,13
1820 Census1820Winthrop, Kennebec Co., ME, USA, 6 Individuals: 1 male 0-10, 1 male 10-16, 1 male 26-45; 1 female 0-10, 1 female 10-16, 1 female 16-2614
Note1823Winthrop, Kennebec, ME, USA, was active in the building of the Baptist meeting house and soon after he became a minister of that denomination but not pastor of that church11
ImmigrationApr, 1823Newburyport, MA, USA, Winthrop ME Hx: c 182211,6
MarriageSep 8, 1823w/2; MLM: Dec. 88,12,15
1830 Census1830Fayette, Kennebec Co., ME, USA, 7 Total: 1 male under 5 (1826-1830), 1 male 5 to 10 (1821-1825), 1 male 10 to 15 (1816-1820), 1 male 40 to 50 (1781-1790)// 1 female 5 to 10 (1821-1825), 1 female 10 to 15 (1816-1820), 1 female 30 to 40 (1791-1800)16
Churchbetween 1835 and 1838Turner, ME, USA, church17
DeathMay 22, 1838Turner, Androscoggin Co., ME, USA, a. 48; in C.C., Jun 8, 18388,18,11,17,19,15,20
BurialIsland Park Cemetery, Winthrop, Kennebec Co., ME, USA19
BiographyJWH: 'Josiah was a Baptist minister. Res., Turner and Winthrop, Me., and also Newburyport, Mass. Secretary of Baptist Home Missionary Society of Maine.

Little: a clergyman

Waterford ME Hx: was a cabinet maker (apprenticed under Dea. William Warren), then in the Baptist ministry, set. at Turner and Winthrop ME and at Newburyport MA, and then was secretary of Baptist Home Missionary Society of Mane.

Norway ME Hx: a pupil of Rev. Noah Cressey

MLM: Elder Josiah Houghton and Michill Jewett preached for several years under Deacon Chaplin. He transferred from the Congreg. to the Baptist Church, along with his brother Jonathan, ca. 1818. He first learned the cabinet-maker's trade under Dea. Warren, but became interested in the ministry. He first settled at Turner and Winthrop; he was a resident of E. Winthrop as early as 1816. The dwelling next east of the meeeting house was built by his son, Marcellus, a carpenter, to replace an earlier one. Josiah was active in building the Baptist meeting house in 1823; soon after he became a minister of that denomination. He was pastor at East Redfield Baptist Church from 1812 to 1822. His wife died in 1822, soon after he arrived in Newburyport, Mass., and he soon married her sister. He was afterwards secretary of the Baptist Home Missionary Society of Maine. Hist. of Turner, ME., p. 124: Elder Josiah Houghton, pastor of the First Baptist Church, 1835, and until death in 1838.8,3,21,22,15


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #397, 375 #962.
  2. [S28] DAR Lineage Book, 162:303.
  3. [S164] Little, Gen. and Family History of Maine, p. 903.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  5. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95 #3253, 144.
  6. [S999] Joshua Coffin, Newbury MA Hx, p. 373.
  7. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  8. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  9. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338, 375.
  10. [S28] DAR Lineage Book, 162: 303.
  11. [S648] Everett S. Stackpole History of Winthrop Maine II, p. 426.
  12. [S648] Everett S. Stackpole History of Winthrop Maine II, p. 426, 568.
  13. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95, 144.
  14. [S1223] 1820 U.S. Federal Census , Winthrop, Kennebec, Maine; Roll: M33_35; Page: 636; line 21.
  15. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 144.
  16. [S1224] 1830 U.S. Federal Census , Fayette, Kennebec, Maine; Roll: 48; Page: 123.
  17. [S788] Rev. W. R. French D.D., Turner ME Hx, p. 124.
  18. [S28] DAR Lineage Book, Vol. 162, p. 303.
  19. [S973] Maine Old Cemetery Association, Maine Cemetery Inscriptions V, p. 3436.
  20. [S1494] American Antiquarian Society, ndex of Deaths in Mass. Centinel & Columbian Cent.
  21. [S785] William Berry Lapham, Norway, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 223.
  22. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 95, 298.
  23. [S300] Newburyport MA VRs I, p. 196.

Deacon Henry Houghton1,2,3,4

M, #7896, b. 1791

Family 1: Melinda Bryant b. 1799

Family 2: Susan Brown b. c 1807


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
Birth1791Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA, age 40-50 in 1840 census; age 57 in 1850 census6,5,7
Milit-BegHe was in the military.2,10
OccupationWaterford, Oxford, ME, USA, tavern proprietor11
ResidenceNorway, ME, USA, JWH: Norwich and Windon ME6
1820 Census1820Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, USA, 3 Individuals: 1 male 45+; 1 female 0-10, 1 female 16-2612,13
Note1822Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA, a Henry Houghton with several others were "arrested (not to their discredit) by constable Levi Brown and taken to jail at Paris ME for refusing to pay the minister tax. They sued and won.15
Officebetween 1826 and 1829Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA, Collector16
1830 Census1830Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, USA, 7 Total: 2 male 5 to 10 (1821-1825), 1 male 30 to 40 (1791-1800)// 1 female under 5 (1826-1830), 1 female 5 to 10 (1821-1825), 1 female 15 to 20 (1811-1815), 1 female 30 to 40 (1791-1800)17
ChurchJun 14, 1832Windham, Cumberland Co., ME, USA18
1840 Census1840Windham, Cumberland Co., ME, USA, 6 Total: 1 male under 5 (1836-1840), 1 male 15 to 20 (1820-1825), 1 male 40 to 50 (1790-1799) // 1 female 10 to 15 (1825-1830), 1 female 15 to 20 (1820-1825), 1 female 30 to 40 (1800-1809)19
1850 Census1850Windham, Cumberland Co., ME, USA, age 57, a trader; next door to brother Lewis20


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #398.
  2. [S164] Little, Gen. and Family History of Maine, p. 903.
  3. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 258-9, 324.
  4. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95 #3254, 143.
  5. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  6. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  7. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 143.
  8. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 237, 258-9.
  9. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95, 143.
  10. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 324.
  11. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 163.
  12. [S235] U.S. Census, 1820 US Census, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, p. 203.
  13. [S1223] 1820 U.S. Federal Census , Waterford, Oxford, Maine; Roll: M33_37; Page: 203; line 30.
  14. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 258-9.
  15. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 148.
  16. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 209.
  17. [S1224] 1830 U.S. Federal Census , Waterford, Oxford, Maine; Roll: 50; Page: 214.
  18. [S861] "Maine Gen. & Hist. Register", IX [1898], 4: 107.
  19. [S1225] 1840 U.S. Federal Census , Windham,Cumberland, Maine; Roll: 139; Page: 452; line 28.
  20. [S1226] 1850 U.S. Federal Census , Windham, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: M432_251; Page: 153; line 23, dwl 16-20.
  21. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 260.

Rachel Houghton1,2,3

F, #7897, b. 23 September 1793, d. 23 April 1870

Family: Artemas Fairbanks b. 3 Nov 1787, d. 22 Jul 1874


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
BirthSep 23, 1793Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA, MLM: 17965,6,4,7
Origincirca 1815Waterford, ME, USA8,9
DeathApr 23, 1870a. 76 y. 7 m.6


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #399.
  2. [S164] Little, Gen. and Family History of Maine, p. 903.
  3. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95 #3255.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  5. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  6. [S537] Lorenzo Sayles Fairbanks, Genealogy of the Fairbanks Family in America 1633-1897, p. 401.
  7. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95.
  8. [S43] Thomas W. Baldwin, Harvard MA VRs, p. 183.
  9. [S640] Rev. Donald L. McAllister and Lucille E. Naas, Maine Marriages, Oxford Co., p. 108.
  10. [S43] Thomas W. Baldwin, Harvard MA VRs, p. 36.
  11. [S43] Thomas W. Baldwin, Harvard MA VRs, p. 38.

Sally Houghton1,2,3

F, #7898, b. August 1795, d. 14 February 1874

Family: Stephen Nourse b. Mar 1793, d. 16 Oct 1874


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
BirthAug, 1795Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA5,4,6,7
MarriageOct 22, 18205,8,9,4,6
DeathFeb 14, 1874Worcester, MA, USA7
BurialHope Cemetery, Worcester, MA, USA7


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #400.
  2. [S164] Little, Gen. and Family History of Maine, p. 903.
  3. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95 #3256.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  5. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  6. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95.
  7. [S1485], online,
  8. [S693] Daby-Dorby Data, p. 23.
  9. [S699] Viola A. Derby Bromley, Derby Genealogy, p. 119.
  10. [S699] Viola A. Derby Bromley, Derby Genealogy, p. 57.
  11. [S1485], online,
  12. [S1485], online,

Mary Houghton1,2,3

F, #7899, b. 1797

Family: Levi Howard b. 6 Dec 1788, d. 1875


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Birth1797Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA4,6,7
MarriageApr 2, 1812Bolton, Worcester Co., MA, USA8,9,6,4
ResearchWaterford ME Hx: Mary b. 1788, m. Levi Howard; Mary, b. 1797; MLM: md. Leonard Thorpe, Lt., 2nd Cavalry, Waterford Militia, 1835-18445,7


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #401.
  2. [S164] Little, Gen. and Family History of Maine, p. 903.
  3. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95 #3257.
  4. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  5. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  6. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 258.
  7. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95.
  8. [S67] Vital Records of Bolton, p. 141.
  9. [S96] NEHGR, 85 [1931]: 438.

Betsey Houghton1,2,3

F, #7900, b. 1799


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
Birth1799Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA5,4,6
MarriageWaterford, Oxford, ME, USA5,4,6


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #402.
  2. [S164] Little, Gen. and Family History of Maine, p. 903.
  3. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95 #3258.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  5. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  6. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95.

Lt. Cyrus Houghton1,2,3,4

M, #7901, b. 1801, d. before 1900

Family: Leonora Thorpe b. Dec 1806


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
Birth1801Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, USA, age 30-40 in 1840 census; age 46 & 49 in 1850 census; age 58 in 1860 census; age 79 in 1880 census5,6,3,7
Living1820age 188
Milit-Begcirca 1825Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA, Lt., 2nd Cavalry, Waterford Militia, 1835-18552,9,7
1830 Census1830Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, USA, 5 Total: 1 male under 5 (1826-1830), 1 male 10 to 15 (1816-1820), 1 male 20 to 30 (1801-1810)// 1 female under 5 (1826-1830), 1 female 20 to 30 (1801-1810)10
1840 Census1840Bridgton, Cumberland Co., ME, USA, 5 Total: 1 male 10 to 15 (1825-1830), 1 male 30 to 40 (1800-1809) // 1 female 10 to 15 (1825-1830), 1 female 30 to 40 (1800-1809), 1 female 60 to 70 (1770-1779)11
1850 Census1850Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA, age 49, a farmer, next door to brother Jonathan12
1860 Census1860Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, USA, age 59, farmer, property $800-30013,14
Deathbefore 1900wife a widow


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #403.
  2. [S164] Little, Gen. and Family History of Maine, p. 903.
  3. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  4. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95 #3259.
  5. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  6. [S235] U.S. Census, 1850 US Census, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, Box 262, p. 178, line 27, dwl 436.
  7. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95.
  8. [S249] White, Geneal. Abstr. of Revol. War II, p. 1718.
  9. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 188, 324.
  10. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, Maine Census, 1800-1900, 1830 Census, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, p. 214.
  11. [S1225] 1840 U.S. Federal Census , Cumberland Co., Maine; Roll: 139; Page: 508; line 12.
  12. [S1226] 1850 U.S. Federal Census , Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, Box 262, p. 178, line 29, dwl 420-436.
  13. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, Maine Census, 1800-1900, 1860 Census, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, p. 791.
  14. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Waterford, Oxford, Maine; Roll: M653_444; Page: 701; sheet 35, line 15, dwl 275-277.

Esther Houghton1,2,3

F, #7902, b. 1803


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Birth1803Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA5,4,6
Biographytwin of Lucy2


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #404.
  2. [S164] Little, Gen. and Family History of Maine, p. 903.
  3. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95 #3260.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  5. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  6. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95.

Lucy Houghton1,2,3

F, #7903, b. 1803


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Birth1803Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA5,4,6
Biographytwin of Esther2


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #405.
  2. [S164] Little, Gen. and Family History of Maine, p. 903.
  3. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95 #3261.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  5. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  6. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95.

Harriet H. Houghton1,2,3

F, #7904, b. 1804

Family: H. Daniel


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Birth1804Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA5,4,6
Biographytwin of Daniel2
ResearchMarriage to H. Daniel only in JWH and MLM and not in Waterford ME Hx; prob. is her brother Daniel


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #406.
  2. [S164] Little, Gen. and Family History of Maine, p. 903.
  3. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95 #3262.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  5. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  6. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95.

Daniel Houghton1,2,3

M, #7905, b. 1804


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
Birth1804Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA, twin of Harriet5,2,4


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #407.
  2. [S164] Little, Gen. and Family History of Maine, p. 903.
  3. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95 #3263.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  5. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.

Dr. Lewis Willard Houghton M.D.1,2,3,4,5

M, #7906, b. 1806, d. 1870

Family 1: Mary Ann Nourse b. 3 Mar 1805

Family 2: Esther T. Weston b. 15 Sep 1812

Family 3: Susan Henrys b. c 1826

Family 4: Frances E. Coolidge

  • Marriage*: Dr. Lewis Willard Houghton M.D. married Frances E. Coolidge out west; 4th wife per Waterford ME Hx.21,9


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
Birth1806Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA, age 30-40 in 1840 census; age 44 in 1850 census; age 54 in 1860 census; age 64 in 1870 census7,8,9,10
Graduation1832Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Cumberland Co., ME, USA, in medicine7
MarriageAug 1, 1833Harvard, Worcester Co., MA, USA, MLM: Waterford11,6,9
Officebetween 1837 and 1841Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, USA, Town clerk7,12
1840 Census1840Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, USA, Total: 1 male 30 to 40 (1800-1809), 1 male 50 to 60 (1780-1789) // 2 female 30 to 40 (1800-1809)13
MarriageJan 4, 1842Otisfield, ME, USA, w/27,14,6,9
1850 Census1850Windham, Cumberland Co., ME, USA, age 44, a physician; with two medical students, Henry Wardwell and Jacob Brown, age 2310
1860 Census1860Portland, Cumberland Co., ME, USA, age 5415
NoteGorham, ME, USA, He practiced medicine and built a house there16
Immigrationbefore 1870Windham, ME, USA, and, in 1870, Naples, ME7,17,9
1870 Census1870Naples, Cumberland Co., ME, USA, age 64, physician19
Death1870Naples, Cumberland Co., ME, USA20,17
Marriageout west; 4th wife per Waterford ME Hx21,9
ProblemJWH does not give Coolidge as wife, only Waterford ME Hx and MLM.
Frances E. Coolidge is given as wife of both Dr. Lewis W. Houghton and Dr. Joel Houghton by MLM. Latter is given by St. Johnsbury VT VRs
1860 census gives a Fannie E. as wife of Joel


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #408.
  2. [S164] Little, Gen. and Family History of Maine, p. 903.
  3. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 241, 259.
  4. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95 #3264.
  5. [S1322] Unknown author, Genealogy of the Hale Family, p. 337-338.
  6. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  7. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  8. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 193, 259.
  9. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95.
  10. [S1226] 1850 U.S. Federal Census , Windham, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: M432_251; Page: 153; line 18, dwl 16-19.
  11. [S67] Vital Records of Bolton, p. 141.
  12. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 210.
  13. [S1225] 1840 U.S. Federal Census , Waterford,Oxford, Maine; Roll: 147; Page: 282; line 28.
  14. [S646] Otisfield ME VRs, p. 217.
  15. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Portland, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: M653_436.
  16. [S772] Hugh D. McLellan, Gorham ME Hx, p. 283.
  17. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 193.
  18. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, Leominster, Massachusetts Directories, 1883-95, Sep. 25, 2001.
  19. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Naples, Cumberland Co., ME, p. 378, line 28, dwl 115-119.
  20. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 339.
  21. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 241.

Betsey Green1

F, #7907, b. 17 February 1786

Family: Capt. Abel Houghton b. 13 Oct 1784, d. c 1869


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
BirthFeb 17, 17862,3
ParentsDLt. Thomas and Lydia (Kilborn) Greene, of Waterford2
Relativeand both married Abel2


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #394s.
  2. [S164] Little, Gen. and Family History of Maine, p. 903.
  3. [S524] DFPA Lineage Book, Vol. 30, 1955, p. p. 74.
  4. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  5. [S43] Thomas W. Baldwin, Harvard MA VRs, p. 61.
  6. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 258, 259.
  7. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95.
  8. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.

Lydia Green1,2

F, #7908, b. 1782

Family: Capt. Abel Houghton b. 13 Oct 1784, d. c 1869


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
MarriageDec 9, 1811Waterford, ME, USA, w/23,2,4,5,6
Relativeand both married Abel2


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #394s.
  2. [S164] Little, Gen. and Family History of Maine, p. 903.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 258-9.
  5. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 143.
  6. [S864] David C. Young and Elizabeth Keene Young, Newspaper VRs of ME, p. 298.
  7. [S305] Lowell MA VRs II, p. 438.

Thirza Flint1

F, #7909

Family: Deacon Jonathan Houghton Jr b. 4 Jun 1786, d. 1862


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?


  1. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 258.
  2. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  3. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 258-9.
  4. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95, 143.

Susan Littlefield1

F, #7910, b. circa 1765

Family: Deacon Jonathan Houghton Jr b. 4 Jun 1786, d. 1862


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Birthcirca 1765Waterford, ME, USA, age 67 in 1850 census; age 77 in 1860 census2,3
1850 Census1850Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, USA, age 64, a farmer6
1860 Census1860Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, USA, age 35, farmer; property $1200-6007,8


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #395s.
  2. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1850 US Census, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, Box 262, p. 178.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 258-9.
  5. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 143.
  6. [S1226] 1850 U.S. Federal Census , Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, Box 262, p. 178, line 27, dwl 420-435.
  7. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, Maine Census, 1800-1900, 1860 Census, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME, p. 698.
  8. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Waterford, Oxford, Maine; Roll: M653_444; Page: 32; line 1, dwl 247-250.

Louisa Houghton1,2,3

F, #7911


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
MarriageWaterford, Oxford, ME, USA4,5,3


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #395c.
  2. [S76] Whitcomb, Whitcomb Family in America, p. 462 #447s.
  3. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 143.
  4. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  5. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259, 301.

Calvin Whitcomb1,2

M, #7912

Family 2: Mrs. Sarah Meserve


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
MarriageWaterford, Oxford, ME, USA3,4,5
ParentsSAbraham and Sally (Atherton) Whitcomb, of Harvard, MA5


  1. [S76] Whitcomb, Whitcomb Family in America, p. 462 #447.
  2. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #395cs.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259, 301.
  5. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 143.
  6. [S76] Whitcomb, Whitcomb Family in America, p. 462.

Joanna Richards1,2

F, #7913, b. 6 January 1799, d. 7 July 1822

Family: Rev. Josiah Houghton b. 16 Mar 1790, d. 22 May 1838


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
BirthJan 6, 1799Winthrop, Kennebec, ME, USA1,3,4
MarriageJan 2, 1817Winthrop, Kennebec, ME, USA5,6,7,8,9
DeathJul 7, 1822Winthrop, Kennebec, ME, USA, age 23; JWH: 27 Jul5,10,7,11,4
BurialIsland Park Cemetery, Winthrop, Kennebec Co., ME, USA11
ParentsDWilliam and Joanna (Whiting) Richards, the son of Wilbur and Anna (Cummins) Richards, 6th generation from Edward Richards, who settled at Winthrop, ME, after the Revol. Joanna was the dau. of Jonathan Whiting.2,4,12


  1. [S28] DAR Lineage Book, Vol. 162, p. 303.
  2. [S648] Everett S. Stackpole History of Winthrop Maine II, p. 426.
  3. [S648] Everett S. Stackpole History of Winthrop Maine II, p. 568.
  4. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 144.
  5. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  6. [S28] DAR Lineage Book, 162:303.
  7. [S648] Everett S. Stackpole History of Winthrop Maine II, p. 426, 568.
  8. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  9. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95, 144.
  10. [S28] DAR Lineage Book, 162: 303.
  11. [S973] Maine Old Cemetery Association, Maine Cemetery Inscriptions V, p. 3436.
  12. [S96] NEHGR, Vol. 3.

Lona Richards1,2

F, #7914, b. 31 January 1796, d. 13 January 1864

Family: Rev. Josiah Houghton b. 16 Mar 1790, d. 22 May 1838


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
BirthJan 31, 1796Winthrop, Kennebec, ME, USA, age 54 in 1850 census; JWH: 17973,4,5
MarriageSep 8, 1823w/2; MLM: Dec. 83,6,5
1850 Census1850Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA, Alona R Houghton, 54; William R. Houghton, a coppersmith7
DeathJan 13, 1864age 683,6,8,5
BurialIsland Park Cemetery, Winthrop, Kennebec Co., ME, USA8
ParentsDWilliam and Joanna (Whiting) Richards, the son of Wilbur and Anna (Cummins) Richards, 6th generation from Edward Richards, who settled at Winthrop, ME, after the Revol. Joanna was the dau. of Jonathan Whiting.2,5,9


  1. [S300] Newburyport MA VRs I, p. 196.
  2. [S648] Everett S. Stackpole History of Winthrop Maine II, p. 426.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  4. [S648] Everett S. Stackpole History of Winthrop Maine II, p. 568.
  5. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 144.
  6. [S648] Everett S. Stackpole History of Winthrop Maine II, p. 426, 568.
  7. [S1226] 1850 U.S. Federal Census , Worcester Ward 3, Worcester, Massachusetts; Roll: M432_342; Page: 149; line 16, dwl 3-3.
  8. [S973] Maine Old Cemetery Association, Maine Cemetery Inscriptions V, p. 3436.
  9. [S96] NEHGR, Vol. 3.

Melinda Bryant1

F, #7915, b. 1799

Family: Deacon Henry Houghton b. 1791


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Birth1799Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA2
ParentsDRichard Bryant and Mary Whitney2


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #398s.
  2. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 237.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 237, 258-9.
  5. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95, 143.

Susan Brown1

F, #7916, b. circa 1807

Family: Deacon Henry Houghton b. 1791


Corresponded with author?
A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Birthcirca 1807NH, USA, age 30-40 in 1840 census; age 43, ME, in 1850 census; age 53, NH, in 1860 ce nsus2
1860 Census1860Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA, age 532


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #398s.
  2. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Boston, Ward 9, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts; Microfilm: M653; Page: 103, line 37, dwl 498-715.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 258-9.
  5. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 143.
  6. [S1226] 1850 U.S. Federal Census , Windham, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: M432_251; Page: 153; line 23, dwl 16-20.

Maj. Edwin Brown Houghton1,2,3

M, #7917, b. circa 1839, d. before December 1910

Family: Eliza B. (?) b. c 1843

  • Marriage*: Maj. Edwin Brown Houghton married Eliza B. (?) on circa 1878 mar 32 y in 1910 census.13


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
Birthcirca 1839Waterford, Oxford, ME, USA, age 11 in 1850 census; age 21 in 1860 census; age 30 in 1870 census; age 71 in 1920 census2,4
ResearchAug 18, 1862
Mil. Enlsbetween Nov 16, 1863 and Jun 11, 1865Portland, ME, USA, in the Union Army, Comp. A & H, 17th Maine Infantry, 1st Sergeant, then Captain; JWH: p. 338 'Capt. and Major of the 17th Maine Vol. in the War of the Rebellion.); p. 372: 'major in the army, also historian of the regiment.`;Waterford ME Hx: army major, historian of the regiment; Army Register: Capt., 17th Reg., ME Inf., fought at Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, etc; length 2 y 11 y 1 d5,2,6,4,7,8
Author1866The Campaigns of the Seventeenth Maine, United States. Army. Maine Infantry Regiment, 17th (1862-1865)
Physical Description:      x, 333 p. 20 cm.
Publisher/ Date:      Portland, Short & Loring, 1866.
"Published soon after the war; and based on a diary, this narrative affords a clear view of life in the Army of the Potomac in the latter stages of the conflict."9,10,11
1870 Census1870Bethel, Oxford Co., ME, USA, age 30, a clerk, with Oliver P. Brooks, 81, Susan J. Brooks, 63, and Lucy M. Brooks, 3412
Marriagecirca 1878mar 32 y in 1910 census13
1890 Veterans Census1890Neville, Allegheny Co., PA, USA8
PensionInxOct 26, 1897PA, USA, as invalid
1910 Census1910Neville, Allegheny Co., PA, USA, age 71, newspaper editor13,14
Deathbefore Dec, 1910


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #398c, 372 #904.
  2. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 260.
  3. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 144 #5612.
  4. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , CivilWarData.Com, Civil War Research and Genealogy Database, Nov. 2001.
  5. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338, 372.
  6. [S922] Unknown compiler, Army Register - Volunteers, Vol. I, p. 41.
  7. [S1354] Janett Hewett, Union Soldiers Roster ME and NH, p. 188.
  8. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, Neville, Allegheny, Pennsylvania; Roll: 88; Page: 1; Enumeration District: 329.
  9. [S996] LDS Family History Libaray Catalogue.
  10. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , American Antiquarian Society Online Catalog:
  11. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Columbia University Libraries Online Catalog: Houghton Surname search, Nov. 2003.
  12. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Census, Bethel, Oxford Co., ME, Reel 550, Pg 39b, Ln. 29, dwl 267-288.
  13. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Neville, Allegheny, Pennsylvania; Roll: T624_1296; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 170;
    line 57, dwl 119-123.
  14. [S235] U.S. Census, 1910 Soundex, Allegheny Co., PA, Reel 523, Vol. 186, E.D. 14, V.N. 170, Ln. 123.

Artemas Fairbanks1,2,3

M, #7918, b. 3 November 1787, d. 22 July 1874

Family: Rachel Houghton b. 23 Sep 1793, d. 23 Apr 1870


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
BirthNov 3, 1787Harvard, Worcester Co., MA, USA4,5
OccupationHarvard, Worcester Co., MA, USA, a farmer5
DeathJul 22, 1874a. 86 y. 8 m. 19 d.6
BiographyJWH gives Artemus Fairbanks; Harvard VR gives Artemas Fairbank, s. of Jonathan and Hannah Fairbank.


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #399S.
  2. [S43] Thomas W. Baldwin, Harvard MA VRs, P. 183.
  3. [S640] Rev. Donald L. McAllister and Lucille E. Naas, Maine Marriages, Oxford Co., p. 108.
  4. [S43] Thomas W. Baldwin, Harvard MA VRs, P. 35.
  5. [S537] Lorenzo Sayles Fairbanks, Genealogy of the Fairbanks Family in America 1633-1897, p. 401.
  6. [S537] Lorenzo Sayles Fairbanks, Genealogy of the Fairbanks Family in America 1633-1897, p. 401.
  7. [S43] Thomas W. Baldwin, Harvard MA VRs, p. 36.
  8. [S43] Thomas W. Baldwin, Harvard MA VRs, p. 38.
  9. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95.
  10. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.

Stephen Nourse1,2

M, #7919, b. March 1793, d. 16 October 1874

Family: Sally Houghton b. Aug 1795, d. 14 Feb 1874


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
BirthMar, 17933
MarriageOct 22, 18204,2,5,6,7
DeathOct 16, 1874Worcester, Worcester Co., MA, USA3
BurialHope Cemetery, Worcester, MA, USA3


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #400s.
  2. [S693] Daby-Dorby Data, p. 23.
  3. [S1485], online,
  4. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  5. [S699] Viola A. Derby Bromley, Derby Genealogy, p. 119.
  6. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 259.
  7. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 95.
  8. [S699] Viola A. Derby Bromley, Derby Genealogy, p. 57.
  9. [S1485], online,
  10. [S1485], online,

Levi Howard1

M, #7920, b. 6 December 1788, d. 1875

Family: Mary Houghton b. 1797


A Contributor to Houghton Surname Project?
Corresponded with author?
BirthDec 6, 1788Bolton, Worcester Co., MA, USA
MarriageApr 2, 1812Bolton, Worcester Co., MA, USA2,3,4,5
Biographyson of Job Howard and Hannah Capen6


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338 #401s.
  2. [S67] Vital Records of Bolton, p. 141.
  3. [S96] NEHGR, 85 [1931]: 438.
  4. [S787] William Warren and Samuel Warren, Waterford, Oxford Co., ME Hx, p. 258.
  5. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 338.
  6. [S96] NEHGR, 85 [1931]: 437.