Vicksburg Daily Citizen 30 June 1863
The Hollers of Vicksburg

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The Daily Citizen
J.M. Swords ..... Proprietor
Vicksburg, Miss.
Tuesday, June 30, 1863

Mike Donovan, an old and respected citizen of this place, had his arm frightfully lacerated by a shell which exploded in front of the Catholic church on Sunday morning, while the early service of the day was progressing. A shell also entered and exploded in the sacred edifice, but miraculously injured no one.

We are pained to announce the death of Brigadier-General Green of Missouri who was killed at the trenches on Saturday morning. Gen. Green had a dash of daring bravery, combined with cool courage and a generous heart which made him almost an idol in the eyes of the [men] of his command, and his death will be another item to the long account the Misouri boys have to settle with their foe.

We regret to announce that last week the following ladies of our city were wounded, vis: Mrs. Major T.B. Reed, Mrs. C.W. Peters, Mrs. W.S. Hazzard, Mrs. W.H. Clements, Miss Lucy Rawlings and Miss Ellen Canovan. Most of the ladies were severely though not dangerously injured, and it affords us pleasure to state that they are doing well. The wounds were all from fragments of shell and splinters, with the exception of Miss Rawlings, who was struck with a Minie ball.
Grant's forces on Saturday made a considerable fuss, and for some time the opinion was entertained that a serious demonstration would be made on our lines; but the little good judgment they possess prevailed, and further than wasting considerable ammunition nothing was done. Sunday was a day of rest with them, and was quieter than any Sabbath since our city has been invested by the enemy. Yesterday was also extremely quiet, and we are under the belief they are sick of their undertaking.

Gen. Pemberton, in an address said to have been made to the soldiers within our lines, is reported to have stated that he would not surrender our city so long as there was a mule or dog left whereon the men could subsist. The possiblity being that such animals will ultimately be brought into requisition as food, induced some of our officers, the other day, to try mule meat, and accordingly a couple of these animals were slaughtered, dressed and properly cooked, whereof a large company bountifully partook. We learn the flesh is not only very palatable, but decidly preferable to the poor beef which has been dealt out to the soldiers for months past, and that a willingness was expressed among those who tried the meat to receive it as regular rations. We have not as yet learned of any one experimenting with the flesh of the canine species. The proprietor of the "Citizen" insinuated that the above officers omitted to extend the customary courtesy to the Press, and broadly asserts that mule meat would not "go bad."

The Mobile Tribune is in receipt of the Mississippian of the 14th, from which it extracted the following news:
We learn from a gentleman direct from Natchez that the Yankee gunboat Arizona is aground hard and fast at the head of Natchez Island, about five miles below the city. Communication with Natchez is interrupted.

Kirby Smith's Texas troops, under General Walker, dashed upon the enemy's wagon train opposite Vicksburg on last Monday and captured three hundred wagons with their full complement of wagoneers, provisions, etc.

Information was received here yesterday that General Jackson had captured the Big Black bridge, driving the Yankees away from it.

Panola, June 12 --
Not an item in the Memphis Bulletin of the 12th.
A gentleman this moment from Memphis informs me that Gen. Burnside had arrived at Memphis with two divisions.

The Provine Block is being filled. There is no more hospital room in Memphis for the wounded from Vicksburg.

There is no doubt of Marmaduke's defeating the Feds near Helena. His taking steamers is doubtful. Boats are continually passing to Vicksburg laden with troops. Reinforcements up to date are estimated by officers stationed on the river at twenty-two thousand.
McCullough destroyed three miles of the Memphis and Charleston railroad, between Germantown and Collierville, and demolished four miles of telegraph. A Yankee and a negro regiment still occupy LaGrange. Harlburt has given ten days' grace on oath order is .... [remainder this section missing]
The Copperheads in Council.
Special dispatch to the Chicago Tribune. Springfield, June 16
The Copperheads are arriving from all quarters, but not yet in such numbers as was anticipated. The leaders attribute this to the hot weather, and are preparing in advance for a failure, as regards numbers. I believe, however, it has been determined to set the figures at 100,000. There has been [quite] a contest as to Chairman. The naming of Judge Constable, Dick Richardson, John Moore, Gen. Singleton, Sam Marshall, O'Melveny (?), and Mayor Sherman of Chicago have been severally pressed by their friends. Constable was [soon] agreed upon but it turned out he would not be here and his name withdrawn. The friends of Marshall and O'Melveny (?) have [ ] the other as a representative of the ancient Democracy of Egypt. But I learn that, on account of the rivalry, all will be sat aside after [one man is] selected, according to the ancient usages of the party.

The resolutions agreed upon, so far, contain but three points, vix: Freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of the ballot box. The influential leaders desire to pass only these, but it is feared by them that the masses will demand armistice and peace resolutions. The rank and file are ahead of the leaders on this subject. They fear the conscription and the taxes.

All day to-day the leaders are engaged in endeavoring to restrain the masses. This may be seen [as] manipulating the heads of the masses in all directions. The leadership fears that the rank and file will come in to-morrow with secession flags. Indeed, it is stated that they will place secession flags upon the State House and Governor's Mansion. The leaders want to avoid any display which would give their meeting a disloyal aspect.

The invasion of Pennsylvania and Lee's advance on Washington are having a bad effect upon the tone of the meeting. It does appear out of character to see a meeting of dastardly peace and concession Copperheads held in the Capital of one of the great States, while that of another is probably being attacked by the public enemy, who is also [m---ing] the Capital of the country. Oh, Democracy, [-----] for they degenerated sons.

Gov. Seymour has sent on for the reporter of the New York World to take down his speech, but he cannot now come. He would be here were it not for the alarming state of things at the East. Dick Merrick is here. He is opposed to giving a man or a dollar more for the war, and says the only thing we can now do is to look to the Northwest.

He and Gen. Singleton had a discussion in the street to-day, the General taking ground in favor of the prosecution of [unintelligible] ... the free States [unintelligible] ... Lincoln another soldier, except to defend the ... [unintelligible].
There are from 1000 to 1500 strangers in and about the place already - not more. All the crowds so far are reported. There are trains of wagons from various countries reported, but I have yet to see the [Brit?] make Its appearance. Some Democrats have got up the story that Gov. Yates has left town, but this is not so. He is the last man to leave.

Another brave and noble spirit has fallen. On Thursday evening, June 24th, Col. Eugene Erwin of the 6th Regiment Missouri Vols. was killed while mounted upon the works with a view to leading a charge against the enemy. He was struck with a minnie ball which passed through his body, killing him instantly.
For several weeks previous to his death his health had been delicate, and at times compelled his absence from the field. During the siege of this place, he had more than once been driven to his bed, and on the day of his death he was out contrary to the advice and urgency of his friends, feeling, as he said, that it was his duty, so long as he could stand, to stand at his post. No one felt more than he did the importance of every man's discharging his duty - no one did more to discharge it.
Col. Erwin, at the first outbreak of the war, left his home and family and offered himself a willing sacrifice upon the altar of his country's liberty. He has borne deprivation and hardships of [the duty?]. Throughout the campaigns of Gen. Price in Missouri, Arkansas and Mississippi, and this without a murmur, he has ever shown himself an excellent soldier and a gallant officer. More than a half dozen battlefields - Elk Horn, Corinth and Port Gibson included - hear testimony to his coolness and daring bravery. He was strict in discipline, yet generous, kind and true, possessing the confidence and esteem of all his men and officers. He esteemed religion highly, and did all in his power to promote its interests. Those who knew him best loved him most; for the more intimate the acquaintances, the brighter shown the excellence of his character.

But he has fallen - fallen at his post defending the cause of justice and truth. At midnight's hour amid the roar of cannon and the whistling of enemy's balls, we bore him gently and laid him in the soldier's humble grave, where he shall rest in peace till he is called forth to his reward in the resurrection morn.

He by his example speaks --

"'Twere sweet to live, yet I can die,
And in the grave forgotten lie,
To know I have my duty done,
And nobly life's last triumph won.
Know ye my comrades in the field,
I die a freeman's death;
Cease not to wield the battleshield
With life's last lingering breath -
The banner which we bore on high,
Still bid it all their hosts defy -
For where the war tide wild shall wave,
So fit to be a soldier's grave."

He leaves a wife and three sweet little girls to mourn his loss. May our Heavenly Father sustain and comfort them in their bed of bereavement and grant them all a happy reunion in ....
[remainder unintelligible].

GLORIOUS INTELLIGENCE! Interesting Views from Port Hudson - The Enemy Twenty-Five Times Repulsed - Late News from Grant's Lines - Former Advices Confirmed - Discontent of His Officers - Important from Port Hudson - Successful Sortie of the Garrison - The Enemy's Siege Guns Spiked - Despondency of the Enemy at New Orleans - Boat Loads of Wounded Arriving - Dash upon Jackson, La. - Prisoners, Horses, Arms etc. Captured, etc., etc.
Special Dispatches to the Mobile News.
JACKSON, June 17. -
An escaped citizen-prisoner from Vicksburg by Memphis, confirms the reports of immense slaughter of the Federals. He says army officers wish to resign but can not. The siege of Vicksburg and Port Hudson are in full blast.
OSYKA, June 16. - A desperate fight took place at Port Hudson on the 12th. The Confederates left their entrenchments to charge the enemy, drove him from his fortifications and spiked his siege guns.

A citizen, a prisoner of Grierson, from New Orleans on Saturday evening reports many regiments arriving from Baton Rouge. The Federals are despondent, believing they cannot take Port Hudson by assault.

Provisions are high and rising in New Orleans. The river is very low. There is other cheering but contraband news. The St. Charles hotel is filled with wounded from Port Hudson, brought by boatloads at night.

SUMMIT, June 17. - A courier from Logan states that Logan dashed into Jackson, La., on Monday, and captured a hundred Yankees of the 14th New York cavalry, twenty negroes, with wagons and arms, and one hundred twenty horses. A major and other officers are among the prisoners.
CHARLESTON, June 16. - The steamer Margaret and Jessie, from Nassau, arrived here this morning with an assorted cargo.

Fears are entertained of the capture of the steamer Calapso, which left Nassau for Charleston ten days ago.

The peace movement at the North
begins to assume important proportions.
Fernanda Woods' speech at the Peace Convention was the boldest yet. He declared the Union forever gone, denounced a farther prosecution of the war as an impious resistance to the manifest will of Heaven; eulogized Vallandigham, and dared and defied the [...] to the command of New York.
He announced his readiness to die resisting the Lincoln tyranny, and called on the people to avenge him if he fell. The convention numbered 30,000; was united and determined in spirit, and adopted an address and resolutions of a similar defiant tone.
CULPEPPER, June 16. - Gen. Ewell, at the head of Stonewall Jackson's old command, took Winchester on Sunday, capturing many supplies and some prisoners.
PANOLA, June 16. - Burnside in person is not at Memphis. He sends Grant 20,000 troops, of which 5000 left Memphis Friday. The rest are at Cairo awaiting transportation. The soldiers express an unwillingness to go to Vicksburg.

The Memphis Bulletin says 7000 persons have taken the oath of fealty and 301 the foreign oath, six have taken the oath as enemies.

A Washington dispatch says the rebel Government have stopped exchanging prisoners in consequence of a violation of the cartel.

Eight transports have passed down for Vicksburg with troops and horses. Some of the troops are reported to be from Virginia.

Correspondents say Banks lost 4000 men. He says 1000, and that the negroes fought better than the whites.

RICHMOND, June 16. - There is no news of interest. The Governor of Ill., upon the pretext that the Legislature could not agree upon the time of adjornment, issued his proclamation adjourning them, and the Republican members had left. The Democrats, not having a quorum, were unable to transact any business, which caused intense excitement.

The Supreme Court of Indiana has decided that the interest on the States debt cannot be paid, as the Legislature has not made any appropriation to meet the same.

Gen. Curtis, late commanding the Department of Missouri, has gone to Iowa with Assistant Quartermaster Larkin.

The railroad companies of Pennsylvania are erecting defensive works to protect their bridges.

Farmers residing near posts where Quartermasters are now stationed are required to deliver to the Government portions of the crops of small grain, hay and clipped wool, for the present year, and take receipts for the quantity delivered in advance of the assessments.

RICHMOND, June 16. - A dispatch to the President from Gen. Lee, of the 15th, says: "God has again crowned the valor of our troops with success. Early's division stormed the enemy's entrenchments at Winchester, capturing their artillery, etc."

The New York Herald, of the 15th, is received. The Herald predicts that Lee will made a descent upon Winchester and Harper's Ferry, with an overwhelming force, and then move Stuart's whole column across Maryland into Pennsylvania, upon a mission of plunder and destruction by way of retaliation.
The resolutions adopted by the Democratic Convention declared, among other things, that they will hail with delight a desire of the seceded states ... to their allegiance .... [remainder this section unintelligible].

The Siege of Vicksburg.
Special dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.
The United States hospital steamer D.A. January and steamer L.M. Kennett arrived to-day, direct from Young's Point. The news generally was anticipated. Upon two [...] there were about nine hundred sick and wounded soldiers from Gen. Grant's army, mostly from Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky and Missouri. Twenty-one died on the way up from Memphis within the space of forty-eight hours. The bodies of these men were taken off here by Quartermaster Woolfolk, and interred in the soldiers' graveyard. With commendable attentiveness, [...] have each grave properly [...] and relatives coming for their [...] easily claim them.
MEMPHIS [...] via Cairo, June 14. - Arrivals from below this [...] official dispatches from Gen. Grant [...].
The movement of Kirby Smith's forces on the Louisiana side of the river are attracting attention. He will be closely watched. It is doubtful about his having the means of crossing the Mississippi, but the numerous [...] may enable him to obtain means to make the attempt.
It is pretty well ascertained that the garrison of Vicksburg is on quarter. Rations of corn meal and pea flour and the supply of [...] are very limited. Their fresh beef is all [gone].

Gen. Walker is at Yazoo City, and Jackson with a division of cavalry, is said to have arrived from Bragg's army. Gen. Grant is confidentially hopeful. About 200 prisoners arrived in this city from Vicksburg this morning.

The steamer Belle Memphis will leave for St. Louis on Monday evening.

CAIRO, June 16.
News from Vicksburg to the evening of the 12th.
No change in progress of the siege.
Gen. Dennis, in command at Milliken's Bend, has been largely reinforced, and has started on an expedititon to Richmond La. to attack McCullough, who is reported to have nearly 6,000 troops.

Two hospital steamers arrived here to-day, having on board 950 sick soldiers, mostly from Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. They proceded to Jefferson barracks. Thirty-seven died on the way up. Five were buried at Helena, nine at Memphis, and twenty-three at Cairo.

Over 600 condemned horses and mules arrived from below on two steamers.

June 10, 1863.
The siege is still [...] with much firing during the past two days. Several [...] have been [...] by our batteries and sharpshooters.
[...] say that the garrison is upon the point of [remainder this section unintelligible].

Navigation on the Mississippi is becoming more hazardous.

No trouble has been experienced from Gen. Johnston. Predictions are in vain about the fall of Vicksburg.

CAIRO, June 16. - By the arrival of a steamer, we have news from Vicksburg to Friday afternoon.
There is no change in the progress of the siege. Our scouts have been forty miles out in the country from the army, but found no rebels except small squads of cavalry. The country is entirely devastated for fifty miles, and judges say it is impossible for Johnston to move an army, with the transportation he could get, over the hills, and then carry supplies to them. The impression is that he will not attempt it, and that Pemberton is abandoned to his fate.

Official figures of the battle at Milliken's Bend are as follows: Killed and wounded white men 65, negroes 180. Gen. Dennis, in command, has been reinforced, and was preparing to attack McCullough at Richmond, La. One hundred and thirty-seven rebel dead were left on the field, and their wounded fill the court-house at Richmond.

From a perusal of the adjoined correspondence, the reader will perceive that some party or parties have been maligning our old friend and fellow citizen, A. Genella. The charges are proved to be as base as the heart of the author of the calumny is cowardly and contemptible, and was doubtless concocted to cover the guilt of those engaged in the offense atributed to Mr. Genella:

Vicksburg, June 29th 1863,
General Taylor - Sir: As it is currently rumored and credited by soldiers and citizens that the commander of the post seized over two hundred (200) barrels of flour, concealed and held over by me, for speculation of the necessities of the people, I take the liberty to appeal to your office for a specific refutation of the charge. By so doing, you will enable me to refute a calumny, and preserve a reputation, I hope as yet sustained by any imputation which might be a cause of dishonor to a good citizen, or a believing christian.
Respectfully, your much obliged,

Vicksburg, June 29th, 1863.
No flour has been seized from Mr. Genella, nor has Mr. Genella ever been suspicioned by the commander of the post of having concealed either flour or anything else. Neither has any flour been seized from any other citizen.
By order of Brig. Gen. TAYLOR
C. McRae Gelph A.A.G.

TO THE EDITOR -- Mr. Editor: I desire simply to express to the public, through the medium of your paper, the grateful feelings of my heart toward that accomplished gentleman and skillful practitioner of medicine and surgery, Dr. P.B. Minor, for his [...] attentions and [...] and obliging manners to myself and fellow-suffering sick and wounded under his charge, as chief-officer at Hospital No. 1, now removed to the Marine Hospital, which was vacated for him on account of the terrible shelling at No. 1 by the Yankee mortar boats.
Vicksburg, June 29, 1863.
DENTISTRY. Dr. J.D. Miles is prepared to perform ... [remainder unintelligible].
Family History Library Film Area 0960049 Item 9
The Daily Citizen (Vicksburg, Mississippi)
Microfilm of newspaper (for June 30, 1863) in the Public Library, Keokuk, Iowa
Format: 1 microfilm reel, 35mm
Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1974

Some graphics courtesy of Clip Art Warehouse.

© 1996 Richard Holler