Texas Obituaries

Transcribed by William Morris Higginbotham

The Commerce Journal 02/16/1906

G. R. Higginbotham (????-1906) TX

Killed in His Daughter’s Arms

Wharton, Tex., Feb. 11-At a late hour last night, G.R. Higginbotham, a traveling man, was shot to death by his son-in-law, W.L. Jackson. Higginbotham had been drinking heavily. Jackson left town yesterday to avoid trouble, and when he returned found Higginbotham had been arrested. Jackson secured his release and shortly after Higginbotham got a money order cashed. Later in the evening he went to the room in the Watts hotel occupied by Jackson and his wife and had a gun in his hand, the weapon being pointed at Jackson. Mrs. Jackson sprang towards her father in an endeavor to disarm him, but Jackson fired, the bullet hitting Higginbotham. Mrs. Jackson’s neck was badly powder burned. Jackson was jailed and will have an examining trial tomorrow.



Santa Fe New Mexican 03/21/1906

W. G. Higginbotham (????-1906) TX

Alamogordo, March 21-W.G. Higginbotham of Fannin County, Texas, was burned to death and other occupants scarcely escaped  a similar fate when the ten room Gatlin boarding house was destroyed by fire at 4:30 o’clock yesterday morning. Mr. Gatlin, proprietor of the boarding house, was seriously burned but will recover. The house and all its furnishings were burned to the ground, and with the exception of $2000 insurance the proprietor will suffer a total loss. At first it was believed that the fire was the work of a murderer who had set the building on fire to cover up his crime. The justice of the peace was called and empanelled a coroner’s jury, which reached the conclusion that the fire had been caused by electrical wires and that the direct cause of Higginbotham’s death was a shock from these wires.



The Weekly Advocate (Victoria, TX) 03/24/1906

Mrs. A. C. Higginbotham (????-1906) TX

Mrs. A. C. Higginbotham was fatally burned near Hico.



Waco Daily Times Herald 07/01/1907
I. G. Higginbotham (ca1853-1907) TX
I. G. Higginbotham of China Springs, aged 54 years, died Saturday evening and the services were held at 11 o'clock this morning.  Mr. Higginbotham was an old settler and a man who was really and truly beloved by the people.  It is stated that the concern and anxiety manifested by the people of the neighborhood, when they learned of the serious illness of Mr. Higginbotham, was touching in the extreme.  Few men in the county were more highly esteemed or generally beloved, and his death will cause sadness wherever he is known.



San Antonio Gazette 07/15/1907

Benjamin Riley Higginbotham (1850-1907) MS/TX

Runaway Mules Kill Farmer

Temple, July 15-While trying to stop a pair of runaway mules a farmer named Higginbotham, living near Rodgers, was killed. His son was driving the team to a plow in the field and the mules suddenly started to run away. In attempting to stop them Mr. Higginbotham was struck a heavy blow in the side by the plow tongue, from which death resulted within five minutes.



The Galveston Daily News 12/29/1909

Capt. Charles Wesley Higginbotham (1839-1909) TX

Calvert, Tex., Dec. 28-The remains of Capt. C. W. Higginbotham were laid to rest in the City Cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham was an ex-confederate soldier and leaves a wife and daughter and many friends.



Washington Post 02/24/1918

James Horace Higginbotham (1893-1918) TX

Higginbotham Falls 1,000 Feet

Horace Higginbotham, former All-American football star from Yale, and a cadet naval aviator at Hicks field, near here, also was killed this afternoon when the airplane in which he was flying fell 1,000 feet.

The wreck was discovered an hour after the accident by a farmer who had seen the plane fall. He thought at the time that the aviators were descending in full control of the machine.

Higginbotham was the son of R. W. Higginbotham, a wealthy business man of Dallas, Tex.



Denton Record-Chronicle 02/08/1923

Jasper Holliday Higginbotham (1852-1923) AL/TX

J. H. Higginbotham of Frisco Died Wednesday Afternoon

J. H. Higginbotham, well known citizen of Frisco and uncle of Mrs. E. M. Acker, Mrs. E. H. Whitehead and Mrs. Alta Cole of Denton, died Wednesday afternoon about 4:30 o’clock. Information received here by friends’ states Higginbotham was about 55 or 60 years of age and had been in poor health for sometime. He had been seriously ill only a few days and the immediate cause of his death was not learned here. Hiss nieces went to his bedside a few days ago. The deceased is survived by his wife and three daughters, Mrs. Mack Fisher of Frisco, Mrs. L. S. McGuire of Oklahoma City,  and a daughter living at Sentinel, Okla. The funeral services and burial were to be Thursday afternoon at Bethel cemetery.



The Mexia Daily News 04/20/1924

Mrs. L. H. Higginbotham (????-1924) TX

Mrs. L. H. Higginbotham of the Cottonwood community, died at her home Friday night of last week after an illness of several weeks. She is survived by a devoted husband and several children, the youngest we understand, was only four months of age.



The Lubbock Morning Avalanche 05/17/1924

Russell W. Heginbotham (1914-1924) TX

Body of Child is Recovered from Lake

Wichita Falls, Texas, May 16-Last seen alive when sitting on a pier eating ice cream cones the body of Russell Higginbotham, 11, was dragged from Lake Wichita after being in the water more than an hour Thursday. The boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Higginbotham, had gone to the lake with his older brothers on a fishing jaunt.




Doctor Frelin Higginbotham (1873-1925) TX

D. F. Higginbotham, former well known citizen of the Bonanza community, died on Aug. 13, 1925, in San Angelo where his family went several months ago on account of this health. Born in Rains County, east of Emory, Texas, Jan. 19, 1873. The remains were brought back to Sulphur Springs and carried to Liberty where burial took place. He was 52 years old and leaves a wife, one son, and five daughters. One child preceded him death. In his youthful age he moved from near Emory to Bonanza, in Hopkins County. He married Miss Mary Campbell in the year 1902.



Logansport (IN) Pharos-Tribune 04/15/1927

Harry Thurman Higginbotham (1886-1927) TX/CO


DENVER. Colo., April 15.-One man was killed and many others were seriously injured in a severe storm that has swept Colorado and Wyoming.

H. T. Higginbotham, 45, of Stephenville, Texas, was killed on the highway near Greeley, Colo., when he was struck by a Colorado motorway bus.



San Antonio Express 08/09/1930

Hattie Louise Smith Higginbotham (1866-1930) TX

Dallas, Tex., Aug. 3-Mrs. R. W. Higginbotham, 64, wife of the president of the Higginbotham-Bailey-Logan Company, died today of a heart attack while en-route from her summer home at Adrein, Conn., New York City, Dallas relatives were advised.



San Antonio Express 03/27/1931

Rufus Wilson Higginbotham (1858-1931) MS/TX

Dallas Merchant Succumbs at 72

R.W. Higginbotham Leader in Civic Affairs

Dallas, Tex., March 26-R. W. Higginbotham, 72, prominent in Dallas business and civic affairs, died late today at his home here of a heart attack.

He was president of the Higginbotham, Bailey, Logan Company, the Higginbotham Bartlett Lumber Company, the Higginbotham Millinery Company, Higginbotham Brothers & Company and the De Leon Peanut Company, chairman of the directors of the Higginbotham Pearlstone Hardware Company and a director of the First National Bank.



The Mexia Weekly Herald 11/24/1933

Margaret Desdimona Copeland Higginbotham (1850-1933) GA/TX

Mrs. M.D. Higginbotham, 83 years old, mother of Rev. J.L. Higginbotham, of Tehuacana, died while seated in her chair at her son’s home at 4:30 p.m. Saturday. Funeral services were held Sunday at the First Baptist church at Tehuacana by Rev. W.A. Cockrell, for six years pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. W.O. Milburn, friend of the family. Burial was in the Tehuacana cemetery.

Born as Margaret Odessa Copeland, March 15, 1850 in Georgia, she married H.O. Higginbotham in 1867. Her husband died 26 years ago. Four of her seven children survive her. They are Rev. Higginbotham, who served as pastor of various Baptist churches at Limestone County for more than 25 years and Dennis Higginbotham, both of Tehuacana, Mrs. G.O. Moss, of Atlanta, Mrs. W.B. Maroney, of Spartenburg, S.C. Nineteen grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild survive her. She was converted and united with the Baptist church at the age of 15 years. She had lived with her son at Tehuacana many years.



Greenville Morning Herald 01/21/1934

Lola Ann Higginbotham Hopkins (1880-1934) TX


Mrs. F.N. Hopkins, 53, prominent Greenville woman, passed away at 7:30 o’clock Saturday morning at her home, 4108 South Wesley street. She had been in poor health for the past four years and her condition had been critical for several months. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon from the home, conducted by Rev. Paul E. Martin, pastor of Kavanaugh Methodist church. Burial will be in Forest Park cemetery. Pall bearers will be: J.E. Morris, J.D. Middleton, Dr. Ed Taylor, Dr. W.L. Yarbrough, Naud Burnett, E.H. Cashell, Leon Schiff, R.O. Hudspeth, Frank Wolfe and Hal Ellis. Mrs. Hopkins, nee Lola Ann Higginbotham, was born in Alba, Wood County, on April 28, 1881 the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Higginbotham, pioneer East Texas citizens. She was married to F.N. Hopkins in Alba on January 20, 1898 and Saturday would have marked their thirdeth (sic) wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins came to Greenville in 1912 and had since made this their home. Mrs. Hopkins was one of the city’s most beloved women and during her residence here had been quite active in various church and social activities. Early in life Mrs. Hopkins professed faith in the master and united with the Christian Church. She lived a consecrated Christian life, and was always ready to serve her Savior. Following her marriage to Mr. Hopkins she joined him as a member of the Methodist Church and soon after coming to this city she placed her membership with Kavanaugh Methodist Church where it remained until her death. She was a regular attendant at church services, and a leader in various activities as long as her health permitted. In addition to her various church activities Mrs. Hopkins was an untiring worker among the unfortunate of this city. She was of a charitable disposition and in her unassuming manner administered relief to those in distress. Mrs. Hopkins was devoted to her family and did everything that a wife and mother could do to give her loved ones all the comforts and happiness in a home. She was one of Greenville’s most prominent women and loved and admired by all who knew her. She is survived by her husband and six children, F.N. Hopkins, Jr., Mrs. Thurman Bouknight, Mrs. J.G. Jackson, Miss Maud Hopkins and Miss Ted Hopkins, all of Greenville and Mrs. Bill Pratt, of Lufkin. Four grandchildren, Rose and Thurman A. Bouknight, Elizabeth Ann Jackson and Bill Pratt and two brothers, and two sisters, Homer and Lum Higginbotham of Alba, Mrs. J.N. Robinson of Longview and Mrs. Kate Robertson, of Kansas City, also survive.



Port Arthur News 03/09/1934

Walfred Higginbotham (1889-1934) LA/TX

Walfred Higginbotham, 41, a resident here 21 years, died suddenly at his home, 710 Ninth, at 8:05 a.m. Friday, of a heart attack.

A former employee of the Gulf Refining Company, Higginbotham came here from Church Point, La., where he was born.

He was a member of the Catholic church.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Nita Higginbotham; one son, Walfred Jr.; and two daughters, Hilda and Hazel Higginbotham, all of Port Arthur; his mother, Mrs. Jiles Higginbotham, of Church Point; six brothers, Henry Higginbotham of Port Arthur and Cemure, Pierre, Asa, Jiles and W. Higginbotham, all of Church Point; and four sisters, Mrs. Rollie Matte of Port Arthur, Mrs. Eldridge Higginbotham, Church Point, Mrs. Lollie Belloit, Crowley, and Mrs. Louise Richard, Church point.

The body will be sent by rail to Church Point from the Grammler Funeral home. Services and burial, according to tentative arrangements, will be in Church Point.



San Antonio Express 04/29/1934

Mary Jane Murphy Higginbotham (1845-1934) TN/TX

Mrs. Mary Jane Higginbotham, 89, died at her home, 207 Thelka Street, Saturday morning. She was a native of Lincoln County, Tenn., and had been in San Antonio 25 years.

Funeral services will be held at the First Assembly of God Church, Lancaster and Dittmire streets, Sunday afternoon by Rev. T.P. Anthony.

Survivors are four sons, A. H. and Barton Higginbotham of San Antonio; Joe Holt and French Woodward of Tennessee; three daughters, Mrs. Z. R. Limbaugh of Tennessee, Mrs. Della Riddle and Mrs. Mary Holt of San Antonio; 20 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren.



The Abilene Morning News 06/26/1934

Luna A. Higginbotham Graham (1888-1934) AL/TX

Mrs. Graham is Interred

Long Illness Fatal to Tuscola Woman

Tuscola, June 25-Funeral rites for Mrs. J.E. Graham, 56, pioneer resident, were held from the Baptist church here Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock, under direction of the pastor, Rev. Thomas J. Young. Burial made in a local cemetery.

Mrs. Graham died at the family residence here Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock, following an illness of more than a year. Suffering from cancer of the stomach, she had undergone treatment at both Temple and Laredo hospitals during the last four months.

Surviving are her husband, two daughters, Annie Bell and Mrs. Flavous Roberson; and six sons, Earl, William, Edward, Robert, Joe and Jimmie Graham, all of Tuscola. Other survivors include two brothers, Jess Higginbotham of Crosbyton, and Henry Higginbotham of Lynn City, Texas.

Mrs. Graham had been a resident of Tuscola for more than a score of years, having been married here in 1909. She was born December 26, 1888, in Alabama.

Pallbearers named for the service were Jim Cox, O.E. Blackwood, Elmo Jones, Jess Hicks, Floyd Hodge and Ray Stevenson, and friends of the family were honorary attendants. Flower girls were Rose Ledbetter, Bobbie Joe Cox, Patty Mullins, Mary Elizabeth Jones and Martha Ballard.

The Jenkins-Hodge undertaking concern was in charge of burial arrangements.



The Galveston Daily News 08/01/1934

Joseph Berry Higginbotham (1860-1934) TX

Funeral services for Joseph Higgenbotham, League City farmer who died in a local hospital Sunday night after a brief illness, were held yesterday afternoon in the Levy funeral home. Rev. V.L. David officiated and interment was in Galveston Memorial Park.



The Abilene Morning News 03/14/1935

Lucille Higginbotham (1892-1935) TX

Abilenians’ Kin Is Buried

Miss Lucille Higginbotham Dies at Roscoe

Funeral services for Miss Lucille Higginbotham, 42, who died at 9:15 p.m. Tuesday at her home in Roscoe, was held Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock from the Roscoe Baptist church. The pastor, Rev. J.N. Easterwood, was assisted by the former pastor, Rev. W.G. Parks, in officiating. Burial was made in the Roscoe cemetery beside the grave of her father, Emmette Higginbotham, who died eight years ago.

Miss Higginbotham was a niece of J.G. Higginbotham of Abilene. Miss Dot Higginbotham, a cousin, and J.A. Elliott, whose wife is a cousin to the Roscoe woman, attended the funeral. Elliott’s Funeral Home of this city was in charge of arrangements.

Survivors include a niece and nephew, Johnnie Charline and L.C. Higginbotham, Jr., 13 and 10 years of age, respectively, who had lived with Miss Higginbotham since the death of their father. Other survivors are a sister, Mrs. Lloyd Knowles of Aspermont, and a brother, Leonard of Arlington.



The Abilene Daily Reporter 07/18/1935

Joseph G. Higginbotham (1852-1935) MS/TX

Pioneer Dies-Higginbotham Rites at 4:30

Pioneer Oil and Cattleman Dies at Home After a Long Illness

Funeral services for J.G. Higginbotham, well known among old time oil and cattlemen of Texas, will be held this afternoon. Brief rites will be held in the house, 2101 Swanson Avenue, for the family at 4:30 o’clock, after which the body will be conveyed to the Southside Baptist Church where final service will be held at 5 o’clock.

Rev. W.C. Ashford, pastor of the Southside Baptist Church, assisted by Dr. F.M. Warren, First Christian Church pastor, and Dr. J.D. Sandefer, president of Hardin-Simmons University, will officiate the church rites.

The body was lying in state at the house until the funeral hour. The casket will not be opened at the church, it was announced from Elliott’s Funeral Home. Burial will be made in Cedar Hill Cemetery.

Pallbearers are O.S. Burkett, Lee Gowan, Bob Davis of Dreckenridge, Aubrey Stevenson, Gus King and Dr. B.P. Rhodes. All friends of the family were named honorary pallbearers.

Mr. Higginbotham died at 11:00 p.m. Wednesday at his home. In declining health for several years, he had been seriously ill for nine weeks. He was 83 years of age.

Born in Mississippi, November 15, 1852, J.G. Higginbotham came to Texas as a small boy of nine and settled with his family in Bosque County. For many years he lived at Breckenridge, where he owned extensive farm, ranching and oil interests.

The family moved to Abilene in 1920 and Mr. Higginbotham identified himself with church, civic and educational movements. He had been a trustee of the West Texas Baptist Sanitarium since its founding and was one of the largest contributors to the institution. He was also a member of the board of trustees of Hardin-Simmons University for many years, asking to be relieved of duties a few years ago when his health began to fail with advancing age. He was a member of the Southside Baptist Church.

Survivors are eight daughters: Misses Minuda, Dorthula an Bertha Higginbotham, Mrs. J.A. Elliott, Mrs. G. Wragg. Mrs. O. C. Allen, Mrs. D.P. Russey, all of Abilene, and Mrs. Hugh Dickey of Woodson. Other survivors are 13 grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Mollie Majors of Barstow and Mrs. Sallie Orr of McAllen, and three brothers, J.D. and R.S. Higginbotham of Morean and J.T. Higginbotham of Hico. Mrs. Higginbotham died at Breckenridge in February, 1908. Mrs. Majors has been visiting in Abilene for the past two months.

Mr. Higginbotham had been a member of the Masonic Order for more than 50 years and had held high office in the organization. He was a past worshipful master and a former member of the Mosiah Shrine, Forth Worth He held memberships in the Abilene Chapter No. 159, Abilene Blue Lodge No. 559, Commandry No. 27 and Eastern Star Chapter No. 30.

He was a former member of the Texas Cattleman’s association.

John Browning of Snyder, a cousin of Mr. Higginbotham, is here for the funeral.



The Mexia Weekly Herald 01/03/1936

Mary Lois Leonard Higginbotham (1879-1935) TX

Mrs. J.L Higginbotham, 56, died at the family home near Tehuacana Sunday morning at five o’clock, after several months illness. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at the Baptist church at Tehuacana at 2 o’clock, the Rev. W.A. Cockrell officiating, interment in the Tehuacana cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband and eight children, Jack and Dick Higginbotham of Pampa, Texas; Mrs. R.E. Martin, Mrs. T.K. Cole and Miss Sunshine Higginbotham, Tehuacana; Mrs. Glen L. Jones, Throckmorton; Mrs. Paul Johnston, Overton; Mrs. Ernest Barfield, Coolidge; one brother, Walter Leonard, Tyler, and one sister, Mrs. B.F. Dorsey, of Waxahachie. Also a number of grandchildren survive.

Mrs. Higginbotham has been a member of the Baptist church since a mere child, and a faithful helper of her husband, J.L. Higginbotham, who is a minister of that denomination. She died on the farm where she lived almost all her life.

J.J. Riddle and Co. was in charge of arrangements.



The Abilene Daily Reporter 02/17/1936

Ezekiel Holly Higginbotham (1877-1936) AL/TX

Higginbotham Burial Today

Abilene Photographer, Merchant Succumbs to Long Illness

Funeral services for E.H. Higginbotham, 58, prominent Abilene photographer and merchant, will be held from Elliott’s chapel this afternoon at 2 o’clock, with Dr. Millard A. Jenkens, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiating. Burial will be made in Cedar Hill cemetery.

In failing health for the past three years, Mr. Higginbotham became acutely ill last Wednesday at his place of business, the Rex Studio and Gift Shop on Pine street, and was taken to the sanitarium. Emergency surgery followed. From the first his condition was grave and relatives were summoned. The end came Sunday afternoon at 1 o’clock.

E.H. Higginbotham was born December 13, 1877, in Montgomery, Alabama. With his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Higginbotham, he moved to Erath county, Texas, in childhood. From there the family moved to Scurry county and resided for many years near Hermleigh. He was in business for several years in Snyder and later moved to Ranger. From that place he came to Abilene. He was a member of the First Baptist church, the Victory Bible class and the Masonic lodge.

Survivors are Mrs. Higginbotham, a son, Elmo, and a grandson, Theron Higginbotham, of Abilene; a sister, Mrs. Mattie Bowling of Snyder; eight brothers, J.L. and A.L. Higginbotham of Dallas; W.A. of Fort Worth, T.S., D.L., and C.E. Higginbotham of Abilene; G.R. and A.D. Higginbotham of Hermleigh. With exception of the brother, A.D., who is ill, all will attend the funeral.

His father died several years ago and the mother succumbed last August in Dallas. Both are buried at Hermleigh.

Pallbearers will be B.F. Cox, W.C. Cosby, C.L. Johnson, James P. Stinson, Thomas E. Hayden, Jr. and R.A. Middlebrook.



The Abilene Daily Reporter 08/29/1935

Emily Dozier Strickland Higginbotham (1861-1935) AR/AL/TX

Aged Scurry Woman Dead

Mrs. A.T. Higginbotham, Mother of 4 Abilenians

Mrs. A.T. Higginbotham of Hermleigh, pioneer of Scurry county and the mother of four Abilenians, died in a Dallas hospital Wednesday night at 8:05 following an illness of eight weeks. She was 74 years of age on August 11.

Abilene children are E.H. Higginbotham, T.S. Higginbotham, D.L. Higginbotham and C.E. Higginbotham.

Funerals rites will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Baptist church at Hermleigh, and burial was made in the cemetery beside the graves of Mr. Higginbotham, who died February 10.

Ill since early in the summer, Mrs. Higginbotham had gone to Dallas three weeks ago for treatment. Last Friday, she underwent major surgery, but failed to respond and her condition immediately became grave. She slowly sank until death came Wednesday night.

Her body is being tonight to Hermleigh by train. Members of the family from Fort Worth and Dallas will come here later today, and will accompany Abilene relatives to Hermleigh early Friday.

Emily Strickland was born August 11, 1861, near Camden, Arkansas. She was the only daughter of Captain E.E. Strickland, who served in the Confederate army to his death. He was killed in battle at Pleasant Hill, La. Later her mother moved to near Oxford, Alabama, where Miss Strickland was married to A. T. Higginbotham in 1875. The Higginbothams moved to from Alabama to Dublin in 1889, and then to Scurry county in 1898. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Baptist church from childhood.

Mrs. Higginbotham was the mother of eleven children, all of whom are living except one. Besides the Abilene sons, the children are G.R. Higginbotham and A.D. Higginbotham, Hermleigh; Mrs. Jack Bowling, Snyder; L.J. Higginbotham, Dallas; W.A Higginbotham, Fort Worth; A.L. Higginbotham, Dallas.



San Antonio Express 11/26/1936

Mary Baldwin Higginbotham (1859-1936)

Mrs. Mary Higginbotham, 78, mother of Mrs. Guy E. Cox, 128 Sunset Drive, died Tuesday night in her home in Dallas, according to word received here Wednesday. Mrs. Cox left Wednesday morning for Dallas, where funeral services will be conducted.



The Port Arthur News 02/03/1937

Hazel Ruth Donovan Higginbotham (1917-1937) TX

Pneumonia Proves Fatal To Mrs. Higginbotham

ORANGE. Feb. 3. - Mrs. Hazel Ruth Higginbotham, 19, died Monday night at the Frances Ann Lutcher hospital of pneumonia.

Surviving are her husband, Wilton Higginbotham; mother, Mrs. Daniel Donovan of Orangefield, also seven sisters and one brother.

Funeral services were held from St. Mary's Catholic church at 3 p. m. Tuesday with the Rev. Father George Berberich officiating.

Burial was in the Granger cemetery under direction of the Ortmeyer funeral home.



Moberly (MO) Monitor-Index and Democrat 02/03/1938

William Harold Higginbotham (1858-1938) TX


HIGBEE, Feb. 3 — Word has been received here of the death of William Higginbotham at his home in Ennis, Tex., January 23. Funeral services were conducted there January 25.

Surviving are his widow; and two sons, Herbert and William, Jr. Mrs. Higginbotham is a sister of Mrs. Dorcas Cave and Mrs. W. D. Burke of Higbee, Mrs. William McGlothlin of  New Franklin and Joel Rucker of Renick.



The Morning Avalanche 07/11/1939

Ortha Higginbotham (ca1905-1939) TX

Two Killed, One Is Hurt In Collision

Cold Springs, July 10-Two men were killed and a 17-year-old girl injured today in a two truck collision 16 miles south of Livingston.

The men killed were Ortha Higginbotham, 34, and Pink Rash, 32, of Etoile, Texas.

Higginbotham died a few minutes after the crash, and Rash died in a Livingston hospital.

Margaret Davis, of San Augustine, was taken to a Livingston hospital for treatment of minor injuries. Two other passengers were not hurt.



The Port Arthur News 10/17/1940

Lorenza Higginbotham (1872-1940) TX

Beaumont, Oct. 17-Funeral services for Lorenza Higginbotham, 68, China rice farmer, who died Wednesday, were to be held in Our Lady of Sorrow church in China at 3 p.m. today. Burial under direction of Broussard's mortuary was to be in China cemetery.



San Antonio Express 04/13/1941

William Terrell Higginbotham (1920-1941) TX

Cleburne, Tex., April 12-William Terrell Higginbotham, 20, North Texas agricultural student, died today of an accidentally inflicted bullet wound while he was on a camping trip.



The Mexia Daily News 08/15/1941

Rufus Lewis Higginbotham (1870-1941) TX

Marquez Man Dies in Local Hospital Friday

Last Rites Held for R.L. Higginbotham

R. L .Higginbotham, age 71, died early Friday afternoon in a local hospital after several days’ illness.

Mr. Higginbotham had lived in the vicinity of Marquez for the last thirty years.

He is survived by his wife and four children, Russell Higginbotham of Midland, Lewis Higginbotham of Huntsville, Mrs. Weldon Streator of Houston and Miss Fannie Higginbotham of Marquez. One brother, John Higginbotham, of Fordyce, Ark., and three sisters, Mrs. Euphenia Daniels, Mrs. Cora Stell and Mrs. Mattie Hearne, all of Fordyce, Ark., also survive.

Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Baptist church in Marquez with Rev. T.L. Mathis officiating. Interment was in Marquez cemetery with J.L. Riddle and company in charge of the funeral arrangements.



The Port Arthur News 05/05/1942

Jefferson Edward Higginbotham (1878-1942) LA/TX

Orange, May 5-Jefferson Edward Higgenbotham, 63, died at the family residence in Orangefield Monday at 2:10 p.m.

Surviving are two sons, J.W. and Wilton Higgenbotham of Orangefield, and three daughters, Mrs. Felix Gantreaux of Orangefield, Mrs. Branch Rogers of Orange and Mrs. Lonil LeBlanc of Port Arthur.

Funeral services will be today at 3 p.m. in Orangefield Baptist church, the Rev. T.S. Huff, pastor of the church, officiating. Fuller funeral home will direct burial at Granger cemetery.



The Mexia Weekly Herald 10/30/1942

Rev. James Leon Higginbotham (1871-1942) TX

Funeral services were held this afternoon at 3 o’clock for J. L. Higginbotham, 71, long-time resident of Tehuacana, who died in Jacksonville Wednesday night after a short illness.

A well-known and prosperous farmer of Tehuacana, he was also a retired preacher and deacon of the Baptist Church there. Since his wife’s death in 1935, he had made his home with his daughter in Longview.

Survivors include eight children-Mrs. W.W. Wheeler of Houston; Mrs. Glenn L. Jones, San Diego, Calif.; Mrs. F.K. Cole, Longview; Jack Higginbotham, Pampa; Mrs. Paul Johnston, Kilgore; B.B. Higginbotham, Van; Mrs. Ernest Barfield, Los Angeles; Miss Joyce Higginbotham, Van; thirteen grandchildren, one brother, G.D. Higginbotham, Tehuacana, and two sisters, Mrs. V.B. Maroney of Atlanta, Georgia; and Mrs. G.O. Moss, of Atlanta, Georgia, also survive.

Funeral services were held at the Tehuacana Baptist church with the Rev. Robert L. Dobson, officiating, and Guy Yelverton, Will Reese, Lauris Mallard, Will Needham, Gordon Scott and Ben Calame serving as pallbearers.

Interment was in the Tehuacana cemetery with J. I. Riddle and Co. in charge of arrangements.



Port Arthur News 05/11/1943

Henry Higginbotham (1878-1943) LA/TX

Henry Higginbotham, 85, former employee of the Port Arthur Independent School District and resident of Port Arthur for 30 years, died today at 4:50 a.m. at his home, 209 Eight Street, following a lingering illness.

Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Church Point, La., and a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church. He was employed as a janitor for the school district for a number of years until forced to retire because of his health earlier this year. He was a member of Company B, 9th Battalion, of the Texas Defense guard.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. H. Higginbotham, of Port Arthur; a son, Ernest Higginbotham of Port Arthur; an adopted son, Fewrden Guidry of the U.S. Army Air Corps at Ellington Field; four daughters, Mrs. Frank H. Cosnahan, Mrs. J.P. Logan and Miss Maxine Higginbotham of Port Arthur and Mrs. Jack Estes of Beaumont; four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 9 a.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Burial will follow about 5 p.m. Wednesday following military services at the grave in Calvary Cemetery by the Texas Defense Guard.



The Fresno (CA) Bee 05/25/1943

Roswell Park Gunby Higginbotham (1898-1943) TX

Former SMU Head Coach Dead

Higginbotham Dies at Naval Station

Dallas, May 26-Funeral services are expected to be held at Sherman, Texas, for Lieut. (jg) Roswell G. (Little Hig) Higginbotham, 43, former head baseball coach and freshman football coach and scout at Southern Methodist University, who died at Quonset Point, R.I., naval air station yesterday.

One of the great backfield men of Texas A. and M back in the twenties, Higginbotham left Dallas about a month ago to enter the Navy. Approximately two weeks ago he underwent an emergency abdominal operation from which he did not recover.

Higginbotham was born in Howe, Grayson County, and first gained prominence as a star backfield man at Sherman high school and then later as a triple threater at Texas A. and M. in 1919 and the early twenties.

He once pitched a no-hit no-run game against the University of Texas in the days of Uncle Billy Disch, University of Texas coach.

Higginbotham played semi-pro baseball in north and west Texas after leaving A. and M. and was signed by the St. Louis Cardinals, but did not report. He returned to A. and M. at the invitation of Coach D.X. Bible, under whom he had played, to become freshman coach. He remained there two years under Bible, five under Matty Bell and one year under Homer Norton. At A. and M. he was head baseball coach for five years and developed two championship teams.

He came to SMU March 1, 1936 and was installed by Matty Bell as freshman football coach and varsity football scout and head baseball coach. Later he became varsity backfield coach where he served four years under Bell.

Lieutenant Higginbotham is survived by his wife, the former Elizabeth Tuck of Sherman; a son, Robert Gene Higginbotham; a brother, Graley, and two sisters, , Mrs. E.S. “Woody” Wilson, Davis, Calif., and Mrs. L.S. Aston, Fort Worth.



Abilene Reporter News 01/07/1944
Nancy Lually Higginbotham Bartlett Smith (1856-1944) MS/TX

Widow of Founder of H-SU Succumbs
Mrs. Lou Smith, 83, wife of the late Rev. G.W. Smith who organized many churches in West Texas and was one of the founders of Hardin-Simmons University died tonight at the home of a son here.
A native of Mississippi, Mrs. Smith came to Texas in 1887. Funeral will be held tomorrow. Burial will be in Abilene.
Survivors: son - C.W. Bartlett; brother - J.M. Higginbotham of Dallas; sister - Mrs. Sue Fry of Dublin
Abilene Reporter News 01/08/1944
Mrs. Lou Smith To Be Buried Here
Burial for Mrs. Lou Smith, 83, widow of one of the founders of Hardin-Simmons University whose funeral was held in Dallas Friday will be here Saturday with Rev. Millard A. Jenkens, pastor of the First Baptist church officiating at the graveside.
Arrangements are in charge of Laughter's Funeral home. Body will be brought overland from Dallas.
Mrs. Smith was the wife of the late Rev. G.W. Smith who organized many churches in West Texas. Survivors: son - C.W. Bartlett of Dallas, at whose home she died; brother - J.M. Higginbotham of Dallas; sister - Mrs. Sue Fry of Dublin.
Pallbearers: R.N. Richardson, T.E. Roberts, D.D. Parramore, George L. Minter, E.M. Collier, Ellis Douthit.



The Port Arthur News 01/11/1945

Carrie Elizabeth Murff Higginbotham (1891-1945) LA/TX

Beaumont, Jan. 11-Funeral services will be held today at 4 p.m. in Broussard’s chapel for Mrs. Carrie E. Higginbotham, 53, of 1558 Sabine Pass Avenue, who died Wednesday at the residence. Burial will be in Forest Lawn cemetery. She had been ill two months. A native of Crowley, La., she had lived in Beaumont 10 years.

Surviving are her husband, Ed. M. Higginbotham of Beaumont; two sons, S-Sgt. Ed M. Higginbotham, Jr., with the Army in France, and Cpl. Robert Higginbotham, somewhere overseas; two daughters, Lt. Evelyn Hughes, a nurse in France, and Miss Grace Higginbotham, nurse at Magnolia refinery; her mother, Mrs. H.A. Dorr of Beaumont; and three grandchildren.



Lubbock Morning Avalanche 02/20/1945

Grant Taylor Higginbotham (1871-1945) TX

Funeral services for Grant T. Higginbotham, Lubbock County resident for 25 years and recently of Richmond, Calif., will be conducted at 2 o’clock Wednesday at the Apostolic Christian Church, Twenty-second and Ave. J, with Rev Floyd Dawson of Lubbock and Rev. Jack Willis of Littlefield officiating.

The body is expected to arrive from Richmond this afternoon, Rix Funeral Home said.

Higginbotham, who had been living in Richmond with his daughter, Mrs. B.R. Woodward, since last may, died there Saturday.

Burial will be in Lubbock Cemetery.

Higginbotham moved to Lubbock from Runnels County in 1920.

Other survivors are one son, Rev. W.E. Higginbotham of Lubbock; three brothers, George of Comanche, Sam of Highland, Bob of Palestine; seven grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be Mike Brady, J.A. Simer, C.C Bloodworth, Hugh Dixon, George Campbell and C.D. Willingham of Fort Worth.



The Abilene Reporter-News 04/25/1945

Clant Elly Higginbotham Jr. (1924-1945) TX


Abilenians' Son Killed in Action

Pfc. Clant Higginbotham Jr., 20, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Clant Higginbotham of 1134 Amarillo, was killed in action in Germany April 9, less than two months after he went overseas, his parents were informed this morning.

Private Higginbotham, born Aug. 31, 1924, was reared in Abilene and moved with his family to Big Spring several years ago. His family returned to Abilene last August.

A graduate of Big Spring high school, he entered service April 7, 1942 and got basic training at Camp Polk, La. He transferred to the air forces in September 1942 and was sent to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, for schooling. In April 1943 he was transferred back to the infantry and sent to Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. He went to Camp Cook, Calif., in June 1944 and shipped out last Feb. 17.

He was serving with the 15th Army.

Surviving are his parents and one sister, Jo Ann, of Abilene.



The Abilene Reporter-News 05/03/1945

Linnie Annie Thornton Higginbotham Jacks (1881-1945) TX

Funeral for Mrs. J.R. Jacks, 62, resident of Abilene since 1928, is to be at 2:30 p.m. Thursday in Elliotts Chapel with J.L. Collins of the Primitive Baptist Church officiating. Burial to be in Cedar Hill Cemetery.

A native of Arkansas, she is survived by her husband; three sons of a former marriage, R.M. Higginbotham of De Leon, T.H. Higginbotham of Phoenix, Ariz., and J.J. Higginbotham of San Antonio; and three brothers, A.B. Thornton of Anson, Willie Thornton of Merkel and D.Y. Thornton of California.



The San Antonio Light 03/08/1946

Bobby Joe Higginbotham (1929-1946) TX


WACO, March 8.-(AP)-Bobby Joe Higginbotham, 16, of Waco drowned in a gravel pit here yesterday.



Big Springs Herald 06/07/1946

Sarah Louisa Burnett Higginbotham (1861-1946) TX

Funeral for Mrs. Sallie Higginbotham, 84, who died in a local hospital Thursday at 2:47 p.m. will be held in Ennis Saturday at 2:30 p.m.

The body was shipped by the Eberley-Curry Funeral Home for services and burial by the side of her husband in the Ennis Cemetery.

Survivors include Mrs. G.W. Chowns, a daughter, and Jean Ellen Chowns, a granddaughter.

Pallbearers will be H.R. Thomas, Craig Haynes, Gordon Hill, Archie Crane, Billy Peterman, Bob Bush, C.A. Denbow and Keith Milkey.



The Amarillo Daily News 10/13/1948

William Jones Higginbotham (1884-1948) TX

2 Killed, 3 Hurt In Car Collision

HOUSTON, Oct. 12. (AP)-Two men were killed and three women were critically injured when their car struck the rear of a pipe laden truck today on the Hempstead highway, one mile east of Cypress.

The dead men were identified as W. J. Higginbotham and E. B. Caldwell, both of Waco.

The two injured women at Houston hospital are Mrs. Higginbotham, who is unconscious and suffering from chest and head injuries; and Mrs. Caldwell, who is suffering from a broken left arm, shock, and other injuries.

The third injured woman, Mrs. W. W. Smith, also of Waco, was brought to a Houston hospital.



Amarillo Daily News 02/01/1949

Gertrude Higinbotham Jones (1913-1949) TX

Funeral services for Mrs. Gertrude Jones will be conducted at 10 o’clock this morning in Sacred Heart Cathedral, with Msgr. John Steinlage officiating.

Pallbearers will be P.F. Sapp, Thad Ansley. B.C. Thompson, Tom Morgan, Worth Nichol and Fred Wheeler.

Burial will be Llano Cemetery, under direction of Blackburn-Shaw.

Mrs. Jones, 35 years old, died Sunday Morning at her home, 1009 West Tenth. A coroner’s verdict of "death from natural causes” was returned by Justice of the Peace Ivy Wilkinson.

A native of Amarillo, Mrs. Jones was born July 6, 1912. She was the daughter of Mrs. E.L. Higginbotham of Amarillo and the late Mr. Higginbotham.

A graduate of Amarillo High School, she attended Amarillo College and the University of Kansas at Lawrence.

She married Joe. W. Jones, auditor in the offices of the Santa Fe Lines, here, Jan. 20, 1936.

Mrs. Jones was a member of the Catholic church.

Beside the mother and husband, survivors include: two children, Tommy, 12 years old, and Margaret Evelyn, 10; two brothers, Frank W. Higginbotham, Amarillo, and Robert L. Higginbotham, Casper, Wyo.; and two sisters, Mrs. Winifred Dunaway and Mrs. C. Richard Wagner, both of Amarillo.



The Baytown Sun 02/02/1952

Caleb Joshua Higginbotham (1870-1952) TX

'Mr. Josh' Higginbotham Dies At 81

Josh Higginbotham, who was 8l yesterday, died during the noon hour today at his home here.

He had been in declining health for the past several months, and his death was not unexpected by members of the family.

He is survived by his widow, the former Miss Penelope DeZavala, a member of one of Southeast Texas’ oldest families, and four sons, Floyd R. and Jesse Higginbotham of Baytown and Edgar and Louis Higginbotham of Houston.

Higginbotham was born at a wagon camp that was stopping at the lower end of Galveston Island. He spent his entire life in Chambers, Galveston and Harris counties.

He and Mrs. Higginbotham observed their golden wedding anniversary on November 22, 1948, and soon after that moved to Baytown.

Earthman Funeral Home will announce arrangements.

Valley Morning Star 02/03/1952

Harris County Pioneer Dies at Age of 81

C. J. Higginbotham, 81, east Harris county pioneer, died at his home in Baytown today.

Higginbotham grew up at Hankamer and the day after the great hurricane hit Galveston in 1900 he sailed a boat to the island and ferried 59 persons to the mainland.



The Abilene Reporter-news 02/19/1954

Geneva Mildred Higginbotham Randall (1914-1954) TX

Buffalo Gap, Feb. 18-Mrs. and Mrs. Sid Young have returned from Hamilton where they attended funeral services for Mrs. Young's niece, Mrs. Geneva Randall. Burial was at Hamilton.

Mrs. Randall is the former Geneva Higginbotham, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Higginbotham, pioneer settlers of this community.

Other survivors include the husband, one daughter, Joyce, 12, one brother and two sisters. The family is well known in this area.



The Gilmer Mirror 02/10/1955

Grundy E. Higginbotham (1876-1955) TX

Grundy E. Higginbotham, 77, lifetime resident of Upshur County, died Friday Feb. 4, at his home on Rt. 1, Gilmer.

Mr. Higginbotham was a farmer. His wife, Maude Stracener, whom he married 1903, preceded him in death.

He had been a member of the Baptist Church since 1915.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Mary Lou Cole of Grapevine, Mrs. Gladys Margaret Porter of Gilmer and Mrs. Katherine Gillispie of Leroy, Kans.; a brother, John Higginbotham of Tyler; a sister, Miss Burse Higginbotham of Beckville, and five grandchildren.

Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. at the Oak Hill Baptist Church, Bro. Fannie Fitt officiating. Burial was in Oak Hill Cemetery.

Pallbearers were Odis Moore, Willie Stracener, Fred Cox, Bennies Waits, June Higginbotham and Brownie Gaston.

Croley Funeral Home was in charge.



The Abilene Reporter-News 03/29/1955

Claudia Bettis Higginbotham (1878-1955) TX

Tuscola, March 28-Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Roberson and daughter, Lura, were called to Waco to attend last rites for Mrs. Roberson’s aunt, Mrs. Jeff Higginbotham, who was buried Monday at the China Spring Cemetery near Waco.

Mrs. Higginbotham was the former Claudia Bettis of China Spring, who taught school at the old Knight school house west of Tuscola over 40 years ago. Her husband was a former resident of this community many years. His parents were early settlers here. Mrs. Higginbotham was a first cousin of Mrs. Sid Young of west of Lake Abilene.



The Waco News-Tribune 07/20/1955

Elizabeth Frances Mason Higginbotham (1903-1955) TX

Former HD Agent Dies At Belton

BELTON, July 19 - SPL- Mrs. Bess M. Higginbotham of Belton died at her home a t 9:27 p. m. Tuesday.

She was born at Mount Pleasant and was married to Frank C. Higginbotham Sept. 23, 1918. They lived In Oklahoma for several years before they came to Temple in 1942. They lived there until 1953, when they moved to Belton.

Mrs. Higginbotham was formerly, a home demonstration agent in Bell County and served as district agent with the extension service of Texas A and M College. She was a graduate of Texas State College for Women and the University of Oklahoma and was a member of the Presbyterian Church. She was past president of the Women’s Study Club of Temple, past regent of the Betty Marlin Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and a charter member of the Temple branch of the American Association of University Women.

Survivors include her husband; two sisters, Mrs. Jessie Lane and Mrs. B. D. McAfee, both of Mount Pleasant: three brothers, W. W. Mason of Dallas, J. Henry Mason of Mount Pleasant and Victory Mason of EI Paso.

Funeral services will he at 10 a. m. Thursday in the family home with Rev. Harold Odum officiating. Burial will be in Mount Pleasant after a service at the Greenhill Presbyterian Church at 3 p. m. Friday. Heartfield Funeral Home at Belton is in charge of arrangements.



The Abilene Reporter-News 08/08/1955

Beulah Ellis Higginbotham (1888-1955) TX

Mrs. T.S. Higginbotham, wife of an optometrist who formerly practiced here for 38 years, died in a Dallas Monday morning at 5 a.m.

She died unexpectedly of a heart attack.

Funeral will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the College Baptist Church in Fort Worth.

Dr. and Mrs. Higginbotham moved to Dallas from Abilene in 1952. The elderly doctor retired and sold his Abilene offices to Dr. W.C. Hambrick.

Among the survivors are two sons, Paul of Fort Worth and Tol of Dallas.



The Waco News-Tribune 09/16/1955

Lydia Margaret Walker Higginbottom (1857-1955) IA/TX

Funeral is Held for 98-Year-Old Red Cross Worker

Temple, Sept. 15-Funeral services for Mrs. Lydia M. Higginbotham, 98, were held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Newett’s Chapel with Rev. L.B. Parks and Rev. Grady Metcalf officiating. Burial will be at Fredonia, Kan.

Mrs. Higginbotham died at 12:48 p.m. Tuesday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. R. W. Snyder of the VA Center here. She had been chronically ill for more than a week.

She was born at Columbus Junction, Iowa, May 18, 1857. She was married to Albert J. Higginbotham in 1873 in Iowa. She came to Texas in 1932 and moved to Temple nine years ago. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Church of God. Last year she received a certificate for 100 hours of volunteer work with the Red Cross at the VA Center.

Survivors include five children, Mrs. Snyder, E. E. Higginbotham of Lawrence, Kan., E. R. Higginbotham of Lebanon, Ore., Glenn Higginbotham of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Claude Whaley of Pine Center, Minn.; 28 grandchildren; and 50 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild.



The Abilene Reporter-News 09/23/1955

Columbus Jackson Higginbotham (1883-1955) TX

Buffalo Gap, Sept. 22-C. J. (Lum) Higginbotham, about 70, died Wednesday at his home in Crosbyton.

Mr. Higginbotham was a brother of Mrs. Sid Young of the Lake Abilene community and brother-in-law of Bill and C. W. Stockton of this community. His wife is the former Jane Stockton, who was reared here.

In failing health for several months, Mr. Higginbotham died of a heart attack unexpectedly. He was reared west Tuscola and his parents were early settlers in this area. Mrs. Young and members of her family left for Crosbyton today and other relatives here will attend the last rites to be held in Crosbyton Friday afternoon. Other survivors include the wife and one daughter.



The Abilene Reporter-News 02/20/1956

Lillie Lee Higginbotham Patterson (1888-1956) TX

Former Abilene Woman Succumbs

Mrs. Lillie Patterson, 68, a former Abilene resident, died in her home in Rogers Feb. 10 after a long illness.

Mrs. Patterson lived in Abilene a number of years with her brother R. M. Higginbotham. She was a sister of Mrs. R. L. Briley of Tuscola, and an aunt of Mrs. M. W. Mitchell of 1525 S. 3rd St.



Corpus Christi Times 11/05/1956

Millard Edwin Higginbotham (1924-1956) MS/TX

Juanita ???? Higginbotham (ca1914-1956) TX

Mrs. Juanita Higginbotham, 42, of Yorktown, was killed and her husband, Millard Edwin, 32, was fatally injured early yesterday when their car overturned near Edinburg.



The Amarillo Globe-Times 08/19/1958

Landis Ray Higginbotham (1943-1958) TX

Hereford, Aug. 19-Funeral services for Landis R. Higginbotham, 15, were held today in the First Methodist Church here. The boy was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Higginbotham.

The Rev. Alby Cockrell, pastor, officiated and burial was in Rest Lawn Memorial Park with Kreig-Marcum Funeral Home of Hereford in charge of arrangements.

The youth was found dead Sunday in a barn on his uncle’s farm near Crosbyton. Justice of the Peace W. H. Nickson of Crosbyton ruled the death “Self-inflicted death…possibly accidental.”

Young Higginbotham, who was visiting his uncle, Bill Higginbotham, was born April 22, 1943, in Lubbock and moved to Hereford in 1952 from Spur.

He is survived by his parents, who farm 8 miles north of Hereford on Highway 51; a sister, Ann, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Higginbotham of Crosbyton and Mr. and Mrs. Ned Hogan of Spur.



The Abilene Reporter-News 10/15/1958

Elmo Holly Higginbotham (1911-1958) TX

Funeral will be held at 10 a.m. Friday at Elliott’s Chapel of Memorials for Elmo Higginbotham, 47, former Abilene resident, who died Wednesday.

The Rev. Woodson Armes, pastor of the Polytechnic Baptist Church of Fort Worth, will officiate. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery.

Pallbearers will be Sam Beall, B. F. Cox Jr., Freeman Davis and John Curry, all of Abilene, M. L. Denham of Salina, Kan., and Claude Wilson of Fort Worth.

Mr. Higginbotham died in All Saints’ Hospital in Fort Worth. He had been ill with cancer for five years.

Born July 11, 1911 in Snyder, he moved to Abilene in 1920, graduating from Abilene High School in 1931. He attended Murray State College in Tishomingo, Okla. for a short time. He left Abilene in the early 1940’s.

Mr. Higginbotham’s last employment had been as a salesman in Oklahoma for Warner Electric Brake Co., of Beloit, Wis. He had lived in Fort Worth for the past four years.

He was a member of the Abilene First Baptist Church and the Masonic Lodge in Corsicana.

Mr. Higginbotham’s father was an early day Abilene photographer.

Survivors include his wife; a son, Theron of Port Arthur; his mother, Mrs. E. H. Higginbotham of 226 Palm St., and two grandchildren.



The Waco News-Tribune 05/19/1959

Maggie Elizabeth Alda Higginbotham (1894-1959) TX

Belton-Miss Alda Higginbotham of Belton died at 2 p.m. Monday in a Temple hospital.

Funeral services will be at 4 p.m. Wednesday at Heartsfield Funeral Home with burial in North Belton Cemetery.



Brownwood Bulletin 06/23/1960

Nicodemos Keith Higginbotham (1892-1960) TX

Comanche-Nick Keith Higginbotham, 68, a Comanche resident for some 18 years, died Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. in the Methodist Hospital at Lubbock following injuries received in an auto mishap Saturday.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at First Baptist Church. Burial will follow in De Leon Cemetery.

The Rev. Henry M. Chambers, pastor of Comanche First Baptist Church, will officiate.

A native of Erath County, he was born April 19, 1892. He was reared in Stephenville and was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ben Higginbotham.

He was a wholesale buyer for the Higginbotham store here. He and Mrs. Bessie Sloan were married Feb. 21, 1931.

Survivors include his wife; one brother, Paul Higginbotham of Stephenville and a sister, Mrs. Burk Yeager of Lubbock.

Comanche Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



Lubbock Avalanche Journal 12/17/1960

Martha Jane Stockton Higginbotham (1890-1960) AR/TX

Crosbyton-Martha Jane Higginbotham, 70, was found dead in the bathroom of her home, 615 N. Durham, here early Friday. Death was attributed to a heart attack.

A daughter, Mrs. Floyd McGinnis, Crosbyton, found her mother while making a routine visit. Mrs. Higginbotham had lived alone for several years.

She was born in Grant County, Ark., and moved to Crosby County in 1915. She was a member of the Methodist Church.

Funeral services have been set for 2:30 p.m. Sunday in the First Methodist Church of Crosbyton. The Rev. Carlton Thompson, pastor, will officiate, and burial will be in Crosbyton Cemetery under the direction of King Funeral Home.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by the daughter; three brothers, T.W. Stockton, Crosbyton; Charlie and Bill, both of Buffalo Gap; and two sisters, Mrs. Roy Flippe, Abilene, and Mrs. Ross Gentry, San Juan, Tex.

Pallbearers will be Jessie Robertson, Dennis Robertson, Marland Robertson, Willie Smith, Roy Lee Ellis, Gene Ellis, U. C. Smith and Bill Crump.



Silsbee Bee 02/02/1961

Guy R Higginbotham (1897-1961) TX

Guy Higginbotham died Jan. 26, 1961, at 8:30 p.m. in the Mixon Memorial Clinic in Kirbyville. He was survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Lee Higginbotham; a daughter. Mrs. Shirley Jordan of Nederland: and a son G. R. Higginbotham Jr. of Houma, La ; also one sister Mrs. J . F. Gaminill of Silsbee and four granddaughters. He had lived in Buna about 10 years, and was the owner of the drug store there. Ile was a member of the Methodist Church and the Buna Lions Club. Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church at Buna, with Rev. James Tunnel, the pastor, officiating, assisted by Rev. J. C. Marshall, a retired Methodist minister, and Rev. Frank Oretake, of the First Baptist Church. Burial was at the Wright Cemetery under the direction of the E. F. Stringer Funeral Home of Kirbyville.



Panola Watchman 03/16/1961

Burse Augusta Higginbotham (1886-1961) TX

Funeral services were held at 3 p.m. Sunday at Pine Grove Assembly of God Church near Beckville for Miss Burse Higginbotham, 75, who died Saturday at her home in Beckville.

She was a native of Panola County and was a member of the Assembly of God Church.

Officiating ministers were the Rev. Jack Harris and the Rev. Billy Schofner. Burial was in the Youngblood Cemetery under the direction of the Hawthorn Funeral Home.

Surviving are two foster sons and two sisters daughters who were reared by Miss Higginbotham. The sons are J.L. Higginbotham of Odessa and Junior Higginbotham of Fort Worth. The daughters are Mrs. Tilford Rodgers of Beckville and Mrs. Jim Gaston of Lufkin. A brother, John Higginbotham, resides in Tyler.



Amarillo Globe-Times 06/01/1961

Richard Don Higginbotham (1946-1961) TX

Boy Slain by Accidental Shot

Paducah, June 1-An Irving, Tex., boy, who would have been 13 years old this month, was accidentally shot and killed by a younger brother Wednesday as the two were playing on the Pease River in northeast Cottle County near the home of their grandparents.

Dead is Don Higginbotham, shot through the right side of his head with a .22 rifle. His brother, Werner Lee, 12, told authorities he was reloading the rifle while standing on higher ground than his brother and it accidentally discharged.

An inquest was held by Justice of the Peace M.M. Parker who returned a ruling of accidental death by shooting.

The two boys arrived at their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Werner, for a two week vacation on Tuesday.

Father of the boys is R.A. Higginbotham, a carpenter in Irving. Their mother is a physician in a Dallas hospital.

The boy’s body was taken to Newberry Funeral Home in Childress.



The Abilene Reporter-News 06/25/1961

Alice Agnes Roche Higginbotham (1878-1961) NY/TX

Ranger-Mrs. Alice A. Higginbotham, 82, a resident of Ranger for the past 40 years, died Saturday at 12:59 a.m. in Ranger General Hospital.

Funeral will be held Monday at 10 a.m. in St. Rita’s Catholic Church, with burial in Evergreen Cemetery.

Rosary will be said Sunday at 7:30 p.m. in Killingsworth Funeral Chapel, with the Rev. Van Winkle officiating.

She had fallen and broken her arm about six months ago and had been ill since that time.

Born in Arcade, New York July 26, 1878, she and Frances A. Higginbotham were married Nov. 14, 1906 in St. Mary’s, Ohio. He died Jan. 6, 1928.

A member of St. Rita’s Alton Society, she had lived in the Ranger area since 1914 and was a former resident of Ballard and Moran.

Survivors include a brother, Dan D. Roche of Youngstown, Ohio; two sons, the Rev. Paul J. Higginbotham of Forth Worth and James L. Higginbotham of Ranger; two daughters, Mary Frances Higginbotham of Ranger and Mrs. W.N. Robinson, 2241 S 12th St., Abilene; and five grandchildren.

Pallbearers will include Charles Milliken, W.M. “Bill” Bourdeau, Marvin McGee, S. L. Kirkpatrick, Bob Dawntain and Joe Daskervich, Jr.



The Abilene Reporter-News 08/14/1961

Luther Judson Higginbotham (1887-1961) AL/TX

L. J. Higginbotham, 74, of 4811 Tremont in Dallas and brother of D. L. Higginbotham of 1390 Amarillo. Abilene, died at 4 p.m. Sunday in Baylor Hospital in Dallas after a short illness.

Funeral services will be held at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday at Sparkman Funeral Home Chapel in Dallas with burial to be in a Dallas cemetery.

Surviving are five brothers, four daughters, a sister.

Mrs. Higginbotham died four years ago. Another brother, A. L., of Dallas, died June 19, 1961.



Brownwood Bulletin 09/26/1961

Lillian Georgia Gallaway Higginbotham (1890-1961) TX

Services for Mrs. Guy Higginbotham of Meridian will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. in Brister Funeral Home Chapel in Meridian. Burial will be in China Springs Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham died in a local rest home Monday about 8 p.m. She was born in Texas Aug. 14, 1890. She had lived with her brother, L. D. Galaway, 2012 Coggin Ave., since June.

She is survived by one sister, Mrs. J. A. Allison of Portland; three brothers, L. D. Galaway Jr. and John W. Galaway of Brownwood, and W. T. Galaway of Brady.

Wright’s Funeral Home will be in charge of arrangements.



The Gilmer Mirror 10/26/1961

Annie Maud Fife Higginbotham (1892-1961) AR/TX

Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Maudie Higginbotham, 69, were held Tuesday afternoon at Ore City Pentecostal Church.

She died Sunday at a Gilmer Hospital. Mrs. Higginbotham made her home in the Cedar Springs community near Ore City.

Born in Eldorado, Ark., on April 15, 1892, she had lived in Upshur County for 35 years.

She was married to H. S. Higginbotham in 1918 at Rayville, La., and he survives her. She had been a member of the Pentecostal Church for many years.

Surviving besides her husband are a son, Herbert E. Higginbotham, stationed with the Army at Ft. Sam Houston; a sister, Mrs. Beatrice Lee, Clark, La., and one grandchild.

B. L. Todd conducted the services. Burial was at Coffeyville Cemetery. Croley Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.



Austin Statesman 01/08/1962

Myrtice Ann Rushing Higginbotham (1910-1962) TX

Mrs. Myrtice Ann Higginbotham, 51, of 4604 Shoalwood, died Monday morning in a local hospital. She had lived in Austin for the past 20 years and was a member of the University Methodist Church. Mrs. Higginbotham was a former resident of Lampasas and attended high school in Temple.

She is survived by her husband, J. Ben Higginbotham; three sons, James B. Higginbotham, Bob Higginbotham and Sam Higginbotham; two daughters, Mrs. Vic Armstrong and Miss Cynthia Myrtice Higginbotham, all of Austin; three sisters, Mrs. C. H. Fairies, Austin, Mrs. W. D. Denson, Temple, and Mrs. Sarah Baker of Los Angeles; two brothers, James Rushing, San Diego, Calif., and Terry Rushing, South Gate, Calif.; and six grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at the Weed-Corley Funeral Home Tuesday at 2 p.m. Dr. James W. Morgan will officiate, and burial will be in Austin Memorial Park.



Gatesville Messenger and Star Forum 03/09/1962

Mabel Higginbotham McElvany (1886-1962) TX

Mrs. McElvany, Longtime Coryell Resident, Dies

Funeral services for Mrs. W. D. McElvany, a longtime resident of Coryell County, were held last Friday afternoon at Scott's Chapel. Mrs. McElvany died Thursday, March 1, in the local hospital. She was 75. Rev. A. K. Marney conducted the funeral rites, and burial was in the Ater Cemetery. Pallbearers were Luke Walker, E. R Huey, Elmer Watts, Otis Pruitt, Ernest Rivers and Elzy Timmons. Mrs. McElvany was born Miss Mabel Higginbotham in Iredell April 15, 1886, and had lived in Coryell County since the age of six. She was married to Mr. McElvany, a farmer, Dec. 16, 1903, and they lived in the Ater and Garden communities before moving to Gatesville in 1948. Mr. McElvany died in 1948. Mrs. McElvany was a member of the First Methodist Church. Survivors are a son, William Donival McElvany of Gatesville; one daughter, Mrs. Wilma Louise Snoddy of Grand Prairie; a grandson, Jimmy Phillips of Gatesville; a granddaughter, Mrs. Myna Lou Rose of Euless; a great-granddaughter, Tammy Louann Rose of Euless; one brother, O. L. Higginbotham of Deming, N. M., and two sisters, Mrs. G. L. Rogers of Arnett and Mrs. Eunice Livingston of Stephenville.



The Abilene Reporter-News 03/22/1962

William Emile Higginbotham (1883-1962) WV/TX

Eastland-W. E. Higginbotham, 78, died at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Eastland Memorial Hospital after suffering a heart attack at his home five miles west of Eastland.

He was born in New Martinsville, W. Va., Oct. 18, 1883, and came to Eastland County in 1919. Fifteen years ago he retired as an oilfield driller.

Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the First Christian Church.

Funeral arrangements are pending at Hamner Funeral Home here.

Survivors include his wife and three daughters, Mrs. Waverly Massengale of Eastland, Mrs. W. S. Weske of Citronele, Ala, and Mrs. James Matthews of Moran.



The Abilene Reporter-News 07/24/1962

Georgia Peek Higginbotham (1871-1962) TX

Spur-Mrs. Georgia Higginbotham, 91, of Spur, died at 2:15 p.m. Monday in the Eastland Memorial Hospital in Eastland.

Funeral is pending at Campbell Funeral Home in Spur.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born March 28, 1871 in McLennan County and had been a resident of Eastland for the past year. She was a resident of Spur from 1949 until 1961, and lived in Girard in Kent County for about 30 years prior to moving to Spur.

She was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church.

Survivors include two sons, Glen of Fort Worth and Edgar of Spur; four daughters, Mrs. Shirley Bryant of Eastland, Mrs. Frances Daffern of Eastland, Mrs. Emmer Bell Vincent of Bomarton, and Mrs. Cecelia Tucker of Torrence, Calif.; three brothers, Eaf Peek of Midland, Earle Peek of DeLeon, and Jack Peek of DeLeon; 19 grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren.

Burial will be in Girard Cemetery.



The Abilene Reporter-News 08/22/1962

Emma Amarillo Garrard Higginbotham (1883-1962) TX

Snyder-Mrs. Emma A. Higginbotham, 79, of Hermleigh, died Tuesday at 1:35 a.m. in Cogdell Memorial Hospital after a lengthy illness.

Funeral will be Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the First Baptist Church at Hermleigh with Bob Creswell, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Hermleigh Cemetery, under direction of Bell Funeral Home.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born Feb. 21, 1883, in Wise County. She married Griffin Ray Higginbotham July 31, 1902, in Ira. He died in 1960.

Survivors in clued three daughters, Mrs. V. A. Cross of Seguin, Mrs. Leon Andress of Walnut Springs and Mrs. Sam W. Head of Snyder; two sons, J. Hall Higginbotham of Hermleigh and Alfred A. of Merritt Island, Fla.; one sister, Mrs. Ida Shaw of Carlsbad, Tex.; one brother, Joe W. Garrard of Long Beach, Calif.; nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be Tom Bowen, Carman Hobbs, Glenn Foster, Ray Wright, Bill Love, Glen Cupt Jr., Alfred Davis and Dave Hammons.



Brownwood Bulletin 01/15/1963

Inice Kerby Higginbotham (1892-1963) TX

Comanche-Funeral services for Mrs. Inez Higginbotham, 70, of Dallas, and former resident of the Hasse community, were to be held today at 3 p.m. in the Hasse Baptist Church with burial in Sardis Cemetery at Hasse with Comanche Funeral Home in charge of local arrangements.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Monday in Dallas.

She is the widow of John Lewis Higginbotham who died in February of 1955.



The Austin Statesman 02/25/1963

Vernon Lloyd Higginbotham (1915-1963) TX

Final Rites Held For Lloyd Higginbotham

Funeral services for Vernon Lloyd Higginbotham were held at the Harrell Funeral Chapel February 26 a t 2 p.m., with the Rev. Bobby Paxton of Gatesville officiating. Singing was by Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gardner and Mrs. Johnnie Wilson with Mrs. Harbin at the organ.

Mr. Higginbotham was born near Highland November 28, 1915, the son of the late Sam Higginbotham and the former Rhea House. He was a roofing contractor and only recently became operator of a cafe. He died February 24 in the Dublin Hospital as a result of a traffic accident.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lillian Higginbotham of Lampasas; two step-children, Miss Carol Mchaffey and Wayne McHaffey of Lampasas; two daughters, Shirley Fincher of Lewisville and Saundra Wilson of Dublin and five grandchildren. Mrs. L. R.  Whorton, his mother, also survives.

Interment was in Round Grove Cemetery with directors of Harrell Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.



The Austin Statesman 04/17/1963

Olan Alexander Higginbotham (1904-1963) TX

Olan Higginbotham Is Buried Tuesday

Olan A. Higginbotham, 58, Rt. 3, Belton, and a resident of the Nolanville community died Sunday night in a local hospital after a short illness.

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Heartfield Funeral Chapel, with Rev. Sam McNeil, pastor of the Nolanville Baptist Church, officiating. Burial was in Oakalla Cemetery. Pallbearers were Julius Glazener, Fred Wilkerson, Paul Rogers, Jim Higginbotham, Bob Higginbotham and Charles Fox.

Mr. Higginbotham was member of the Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife, one daughter, Mary Elizabeth; three sons, Olan Don, Ronnie Lee and Charles Dean Higginbotham, all of Belton; one brother, Ben Higginbotham of Austin and one sister, Mrs. Dora Lee Matejowsky of Bartlett.



The Hearne Democrat 05/31/1963

Thomas Lawson Higginbotham (1892-1963) TX

Thomas Lawson Higginbotham, 70, of Montgomery, died Monday in Conroe. He was a native of Hearne and had lived in Montgomery for three years. Mr. Higginbotham was a retired pipeline superintendent.

Funeral services were held Tuesday from the Montgomery Methodist Church with burial following in Montgomery Cemetery.

He is survived by his wife of Montgomery, a son, Thomas L. Higginbotham Jr. of Wharton and four grandchildren.



The Hearne Democrat 08/16/1963

William Morrison Higginbotham (1908-1963) TX

Funeral services for W. M. (Bill) Higginbotham were held from the Assembly of God Church in Hubbard August 10 at 11 a.m. with burial following in Hubbard Cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham, a former resident of Robertson County, succumbed in a Fort Worth hospital on August 8 after a short illness.

He was a brother to Mrs. R. G. Mandrell.

Others surviving include his wife, a daughter, Eunice, of Houston; and nine grandchildren. Also six other sisters and four brothers.



San Antonio Light 02/12/1964

Archie Henry Higginbotham (1882-1964) TN/TX

Archie Henry Higginbotham, 81, of 501 W. French Pl., died Tuesday, Feb. 11, 1964, in a local hospital. He was a member of Travis Park Methodist Church, San Antonio Rotary Club, a 32nd Degree Mason, member of Alzatar Temple and was a retired art and antique dealer. Survivors: Wife, Mrs. Housie D. Higginbotham; sons, Major E. A. Higginbotham (ret.), Burnet, Texas; John W. Higginbotham, Casiro Valley, Calif.; daughters, Mrs. D. A. Thaxton, San Antonio; granddaughters, Mrs. Ernest Yates Jr., San Antonio; Barbara D. Higginbotham, Castro Valley, Calif. Service Thursday, Feb. 13, 1964, at 2 p.m. at Travis Park Methodist Church with Dr. Walter Brower and the Rev. Nat Melderi officiating. Should friends desire, contributions may be made to Travis Park Methodist Church or the charity of their choice. Interment in Mission Burial Park under the direction of Porter Loring, 323 S. McCollough.



Dublin Progress 03/05/1964

Mary Ada Whiteside Higginbotham (1872-1964) TX

Mrs. Higginbotham Dies At Houston

Mrs. B. T. Higginbotham died in Houston March 4, according to reports received here today. Interment will be in DeLeon Friday following graveside services at 11:00 a.m. Mrs. Higginbotham is the aunt of Mrs. D. R. Franks of Dublin. She is the last member of her generation of the Higginbotham family, prominent in Dublin business and social circles for many years. After her marriage, Mrs. Higginbotham lived in De Leon until the family moved to Alvin 30 years ago, where she remained until her death.



The Denton Record-Chronicle 05/28/1964

Minnie Melissa Higginbotham Fisher (1893-1964) AL/TX

Frisco-Services for Mrs. Minnie Melissa Fisher, 70, were held at 10 a.m. today in first Methodist Church here, the Rev. Jack Smith and Rev. T. H. Minga officiating.

Burial was in Bethel Cemetery.

Mrs. Fisher died Tuesday night in a Wichita Falls hospital. She was the widow of a Frisco stockman and farmer, Mack Fisher, who died in December, 1960. They were married in 1913.

Mrs. Fisher was born Nov. 26, 1893, in Alabama and moved to Frisco at the age of seven. She was the daughter of J. H. Higginbotham and the former Nannie Hendrix. She was a member of First Methodist Church and Eastern Star.

Survivors include two sons, Donald and Jasper, both of Frisco; one sister, Mrs. Ned Thomas of Rocky, Okla.; and six grandchildren, all of Frisco.

Pallbearers were Pete Norris, Robert Cobb, Dexter Elliott, Wysong Keeram, Sam Sonlag and Robert Christie.



The Abilene Reporter-News 03/10/1965

Mary Jane Higginbotham Briley (1878-1965) MS/TX

Tuscola-Funeral arrangements for Mrs. R. L. (Jennie) Briley, 85, are pending at Fry Funeral Home.

A Tuscola resident 58 years, Mrs. Briley died at 8:10 p.m. Monday in Rosewood Nursing Home. She had been under care there for 2 ½ years.

She was born June 30, 1879 in Mississippi.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. M. W. Mitchell and Mrs. Ben Faulkner, both of 1541 S. 10th in Abilene, and Mrs. Horace Embree of Tuscola; a son, Robert of 1281 Sycamore in Abilene; two sisters, Miss Alice Higginbotham and Miss Ida Higginbotham, both of Rogers, Tex.; 12 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.

Tuscola-Funeral was to be held at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in Tuscola Church of Christ for Mrs. R. L. (Jennie) Briley, 85, resident here for 58 years.

Paul Will of Abilene Christian College was to officiate, assisted by Bobby Bates, local minister. Burial was to be in Tuscola Cemetery, Fry Funeral Home in charge.

Mrs. Briley died Monday in Rosewood Nursing Home in Abilene.



The Abilene Reporter-News 05/25/1965

Futha S. Higginbotham (1888-1965) TX

Bronte-Funeral for F. S. Higginbotham, 76, Bronte stockman and farmer and former sheriff, was to be held at 3 p.m. Tuesday in First Baptist Church.

The Rev. Wayne N. Stout, pastor of Central Baptist Church, was to officiate, assisted by the Rev. Harry Morris, pastor of First Baptist Church and the Rev. A. S. Masterson, pastor of First Methodist Church.

Burial was to be in Fairview Cemetery, Williams Funeral Home in charge. Masonic graveside services were to be held.

Mr. Higginbotham died Monday in Bronte Hospital after a long illness.

Born in Erath County July 9, 1888, he came to Coke County that same year and married Mattie Hutchinson here April 11, 1908.

He was sheriff of Coke County from 1930-34, was on the Bronte school board for 11 years, was a member of the Coke County Soil Conservation Board, and headed the county’s flood control project.

Survivors are his wife; six daughters, Mrs. Warren Hames of Crosbyton, Mrs. H. A. Fitzhugh of San Antonio, Mrs. W. E. Myer of Houston, Mrs. Frank Sayner of Albuquerque, N. M., Mrs. Jack Hamilton of Dallas, Mrs. George Hughes of Houston; eight grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be Jack Morrow, D. K. Glenn, J. L. Brunson, Sid Evans, Oden Willoughby, Floyd Fancher, O. L. Pittman and Milton Wylie.



Amarillo Globe-Times 08/30/1965

Mary Pearlene Higginbotham (1965-1965) TX

Graveside rites for Mary Pearlene Higginbotham, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Higginbotham, 1003 Alabama, will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday in Memorial Park Cemetery.

The Rev. M. O. Garner, pastor of Grace Baptist Church, will officiate. Burial will be by Schooler-Gordon Funeral Directors.

The infant died Sunday morning in St. Anthony’s Hospital.

Surviving besides the parents are the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pulliam of Ady, Mr. and Mrs. Odie Maddox of McAlester, Okla., and Joe Higginbotham of Concord, Calif.



Corpus Christi Times 09/27/1965

Mattie Era Wren Higginbotham (1879-1965) TX

Funeral services for Mrs. Mattie Era Higginbotham, 86, of 1507 Sixth, were to be held at 10 a.m. today in Mabank at the Eubank Funeral Chapel with burial in Mabank Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, a Corpus Christi resident 23 years, died Saturday at her home. She was born in Kemp.

Surviving are three sons, R. L. Higginbotham of Mabank, J. W. Higginbotham of San Antonio and D. E. Higginbotham of Bishop; four daughters, Mrs. Ross Smith, Mrs. M. C. Aduddell and Miss Stella Higginbotham, all of Corpus Christi, and Mrs. Coy Radney of Amarillo; three brothers, L. C. Dellis of Corpus Christi, M. M. Dellis of Longview and Will Wren of Mabank; 17 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandchild.

Cage-Mills Funeral Home was in charge of local funeral arrangements.



Big Spring Herald 10/27/1965

Joseph Lattimore Higginbotham (1908-1965) TX

Joseph Higginbotham, president of Higginbotham-Bartlett Lumber Company and son of one of the founders, died Tuesday in Dallas.

Services have been set for 2 p.m. Thursday at the First Community Church in Dallas, and the Higginbotham-Bartlett Company outlet here at 200 E. 2nd will be closed from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in memory of Mr. Higginbotham.



Belton Journal 01/06/1966

Lonnie Elonzo Higginbotham (1895-1966) TX

L. L. Higginbotham Buried in No. Belton

Funeral services were held Tuesday at Hewett Funeral Home for Lonnie E. Higginbotham, 71, of Rt. 1, Temple.

Higginbotham was a native of Temple, a retired farmer and was a member of the Lakeview Baptist Church. He died on Saturday.

The Rev. B. B. Thomas officiated by Dr. A. A. Hyden, dean of Mary Hardin-Baylor College. Burial was in North Belton Cemetery.

He is survived by his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Louise Fontana of Killeen; two sisters, Mrs. Lillian Proctor and Mrs. Zora Brakebill, both of Temple and two grandchildren.




The Abilene Reporter-News 05/28/1966

Della Higginbotham Wragg (1896-1966) OK/TX

Funeral for Mrs. G. R. Wragg, 70, Abilene resident since 1920, will be at 3:30 p.m. Saturday in Elliott’s Chapel of Memories with the Rev. Ray Ellis of Hardin-Simmons University and the Rev. William King, officiating.

Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery beside the graves of her husband and son, William. Her husband died in 1949, and her son in 1947.

She died at 7 a.m. Friday at her home, 2141 Swenson, following a three year illness.

Mrs. Wragg was born Della Higginbotham, Jan. 5, 1896, in Truby, Okla., and married G. R. Wragg in 1920. That same year, she moved to Abilene from Stephens County where she had taught school for 10 years.

Mrs. Wragg was a member of University Baptist Church and of Abilene Chapter 30, Order of the Eastern Star.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Waldo W. Moultray Jr., of 3537 N. 9th and Mrs. Sarah Jo Rozelle, of 2141 Swenson; seven sisters, Mrs. Ludy Dickey Woodon, Mrs. Mollie Allen of Fort Stockton, Mrs. Pete Elliott of Albany Highway in Abilene, Mrs. D. P. Russey of 894 Elmwood and Minnie Dorothy and Bertha Higginbotham, all of 1213 Highland; and two grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be her nephews.



Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 11/01/1966

Adron Draper Higginbotham (1883-1966) AL/TX

Snyder-A. D. Higginbotham, 83, Hermleigh, died Monday morning in Gogdell Memorial Hospital here. He was a retired farmer.

Services will be at 3 p.m. today at the First Baptist Church, Hermleigh, with the Rev. Bon Creswell, pastor, officiating. The Rev. T. L. Nipp, retired Baptist minister, will assist. Burial will be in Hermleigh Cemetery under direction of Bell-Scale Funeral Home sere.

Higginbotham was born in Oxford, Ala., and moved to Scurry County about 1900.

Surviving are his wife, Clara, of the home; three daughters, Mrs. J. L. Ashley, Ivanhoe, Calif., Mrs. A. K. Bayless, Hermleigh, and Mrs. Ruby Vernon, San Antonio; four brothers, T. S. Higginbotham and W. A. Higginbotham, both of Fort Worth, D. L. Higginbotham, Abilene, and C. E. Higginbotham, Ruldoso, N. M.; a sister, Mrs. Mattie Bowlin, Hermleigh; 10 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.



Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 11/12/1966

Ann Higginbotham (1948-1966) TX

Hereford-Services for Miss Ann Higginbotham, 18, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Higginbotham of Hereford, will be at 10 a.m. Monday at First Methodist Church, the Rev. Clifford Trotter, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Rest lawn Cemetery, Gilliland Funeral Home in charge.

Miss Higginbotham, a resident of Mexia State Hospital, Mexia, since 1953, died at 7 a.m. Saturday at the hospital. Survivors also include her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Hogan, Spur.

Contributions may be made to the Patient’s Comfort Fund, Mexia State Hospital, Mexia, the family said.



The Abilene Reporter-News 11/22/1966

John Taylor Higginbotham (1900-1966) TX

Dallas-Services for former Dublin native John T. Higginbotham, 66, whose name was synonymous with the dry goods business in Texas, were held Monday at 4 p.m. in the Highland Presbyterian Church here. Burial was in Hillcrest Mausoleum.

Mr. Higginbotham, a leader in the dry goods and hardware business in Texas, died Sunday in Dallas.

Mr. Higginbotham was chairman of the board of Higginbotham-Bailey Co., wholesale dry goods firm, and was president of Higginbotham-Pearlstone Hardware Co. and Higginbotham Bros. & Co., which operate general stores, lumber yards and an implement company.

He was a director of the First national Bank in Dallas, Dallas Power and Light Co., Brenham Cotton Co., De Leon Peanut Co. and Higginbotham-Bartlett Lumber Co.

Mr. Higginbotham, a native of Dublin, Erath County, moved to Dallas in 1914, when Higginbotham-Bailey was established. He was the son of Rufus T. Higginbotham.

He attended Terrill Preparatory School here, the University of Virginia and Texas A&M. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta social fraternity.

Survivors include his wife; a son, John T. Higginbotham Jr. of Dallas; three daughters, Miss Rosa Nell Higginbotham, Mrs. C. Edward Acker and Mrs. Stewart Campbell of Dallas; a brother, R. W. Higginbotham Jr. of Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. Robert H. Stewart of Dallas and Mrs. George Nalle of Austin, and five grandchildren.



The Abilene Reporter-News 11/06/1966

Sarah Ida Higginbotham (1880-1966) MS/TX

Tuscola-Miss Ida Higginbotham, 86, died at 1:30 a.m. Nov. 5th in Singleton Nursing Home at Temple. Services will be held at Rogers at 2:30 p.m. Sunday.

Miss Higginbotham was born April 12, 1880, in Winston County, Mississippi, and came to Texas with her parents in 1894.

Survivors are one sister, Miss Alice Higginbotham of Rogers; four nieces, Mrs. Vivian Patterson of Temple, Mrs. Pearl Faulkner and Mrs. Marvin (Eva) Mitchell of Abilene and Mrs. Horace (Belle) Embree of Tuscola; a nephew, Robert Briley of Abilene.

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell left Saturday morning for Temple to attend the funeral.



San Antonio Express 01/24/1967

Roger McDonald Higginbotham (1906-1967) GA/TX


Roger M. Higginbotham Sr., age 60, of 906 Overhill, died Saturday at a local hospital. Survivors: Wife, Mrs. Margarite Higginbotham; son, Roger M. Higginbotham Jr.; daughter, Mrs. Nancy Edlund, all of San Antonio; 2 grandchildren; brother-in-law, William B. Milstead, San Antonio. Rosary Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the Colonial Chapel of the Porter Loring Mortuary. Graveside service and interment Wednesday at 10:30 at Ft. Sam Houston National Cemetery. Arrangements with Porter Loring McCullough at Elmira.



The Port Arthur News 01/24/1967

Marie Onezida LeDoux Higginbotham (1887-1967) LA

Sulphur-Funeral services for Mrs. Onezida Higginbotham, 80, of Sulphur, were held today at 1 p.m. in Immaculate Conception Catholic Church.

Burial was to be today at 3 p.m. in Forest Lawn Memorial Park of Beaumont. Mrs. Higginbotham died Monday at 9:30 a.m. in a nursing home after a long illness.

Survivors include a son, Stafford Higginbotham Jr., of Beaumont; and three daughters, Mrs. Gabriel Bruce and Mrs. Artemo Thibodeaux, both of Beaumont and Mrs. M. Hebrard of Loeb.



Port Arthur News 03/06/1967

Jiles J. Higginbotham III (1892-1967) LA/TX

Giles J. Higginbotham, 74, of 40 Texas Avenue, Bridge City, a resident of the Port Arthur area in 1942, died today at 7:40 a.m. in Doctor’s Hospital in Groves after an illness of six months, He had been a patient in the hospital for two days.

A rosary will be recited Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Clayton-Thompson Funeral Home chapel. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Groves. Burial will be in Greenlawn Memorial Park.

A native of Church Point, La., Mr. Higginbotham had lived in Bridge City only a short time and had formerly resided in Part Arthur. He was an insulator working in construction and he was a member of the Insulators Local No. 112 of Lake Charles, La., and St. Henry’s Catholic Church in Bridge City.

Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Bernadette Higginbotham of Bridge City; four daughters, Mrs. H. P. Rodrigue of Port Arthur, Mrs. Tommy K. English of Groves, Mrs. Fred Guidry of Rayne, La., and Mrs. Ella Barousse of Sulphur, La., six sons, Ferdie Higginbotham of West Lake, La., Gervais and Patrick Higginbotham, both of Orange, Staff Sgt. Larry Higginbotham of Barksdale Air Force Base at Barksdale, La., J. B. Higginbotham of Bridge City, and Aaron Higginbotham of Nederland; three sisters, Mrs. Amy Matte of Port Arthur, Mrs. Josephine Higginbotham of Opelousas, La., and Mrs. P. L. Bellard of Crowley, La.; one brother, Asa Higginbotham of Church Point; 30 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.



The Port Arthur News 06/30/1967

Marie Myrtle Higginbotham Watson (1897-1967) TX/KS

A memorial service for Mrs. Myrtle Higginbotham Watson, 70, of 5000 Lakeshore, a resident of Port Arthur since 1909, will be held Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in the Methodist Temple with the Rev. Chester R. Steele, pastor, officiating.

A former teacher in the Lamar and Franklin elementary schools, Mrs. Watson died Tuesday at 4:30 a.m. in Shawnee Mission, Kan., after a long illness.

The body was to be cremated in Kansas with burial in Greenlawn Memorial Park of Port Arthur under the direction of Grammier-Oberle Funeral Home.

The family has suggested that memorial contributions be made to the Port Arthur Community home.



The Abilene Reporter-News 08/16/1968

Joe Hall Higginbotham (1903-1968) TX

Snyder-Funeral for Joe Hall Higginbotham, 65, of Rt. 2, Hermleigh, a lifelong resident of Scurry County, will be at 4 p.m. Friday at the First Baptist Church in Hermleigh.

The pastor, the Rev. Bob Creswell, will officiate. Burial will be in Hermleigh Cemetery under direction of Bolger Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham died at 3:17 a.m. Wednesday in Cogdell Memorial Hospital following a brief illness.

He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Hermleigh.

Survivors include his wife, Velma, of the home; four daughters, Wynona Higginbotham of Snyder, Mrs. James Barnett and Mrs. Kathleen Hocutt, both of Dallas and Mrs. Myrtle Teaff of Ropesville; three sisters, Mrs. Virgil Cross of Seguin, Mrs. Vern Andress of Waco and Mrs. Sam Head of Del Rio; a brother, Alfred, of Florida; and four grandchildren.



The Port Arthur News 08/27/1968

Nita Lavergne Higginbotham Kline (1900-1968) LA/TX

Mrs. Nita Kline, 68, of 5048 Fourth Street, a 45 year resident of Port Arthur, died today at 1:30 a.m. in Park Place Hospital following a brief illness.

A native of Church point, La., Mrs. Kline was a member of St. James Catholic Church.

Survivors are her husband, W. H. Kline; and one son, Walfred Higginbotham, both of Port Arthur; three daughters, Hazel Higginbotham of Port Arthur, Mrs. Virgie Watson of Bridge City and Mrs. Hilda Brennan of Beaumont; two sisters, Mrs. Arthur Leger of Opelousas, La., and Mrs. Matilda Fontenot of Eunice, La.; four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday at 4 p.m. in the chapel of the Clayton-Thompson Funeral Home. A priest from St. James Catholic Church will officiate and burial will follow in Greenlawn Memorial Park.



The Port Arthur News 10/10/1968

Joseph Stafford Higginbotham (1886-1968) LA

Beaumont-Funeral services for Stafford Higginbotham 82, of Sulphur, La., father of Mrs. Gabriel Bruce and Mrs. Artemo Thibodeauz, both of Beaumont, were held today at 10 a.m. in the Immaculate Conception Catholic church in Sulphur. Burial was to follow in Forest Lawn Memorial Park under the direction of the Hammer Funeral Home in Sulphur.

Mr. Higginbotham died Tuesday at 12:55 p.m. in the Holly Hill Nursing home at Maplewood, La., following a long illness.



Corpus Christi Times 12/13/1968

Emma Bell Higginbotham Aduddell (1906-1968) TX

Funeral services will be at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow in Cage-Mills Funeral Chapel for Mrs. Marvin A. Aduddell, 62, of 9113 McNorton, who died yesterday in a local hospital after a short illness.

Burial will be in Memory Gardens. Officiating at funeral services will be the Rev. Leon Aduddell of San Antonio.

A resident here since 1939, she was employed by Sears Roebuck Co.

Survivors include her husband; a son, Marvin A. Aduddell Jr. of Kingsville; a daughter, Mrs. Clayton Cardwell of Robstown; three brothers, J. W. Higginbotham of San Antonio, R. L. Higginbotham of Mabank and D. E. Higginbotham of Bishop; three sisters, Miss Stella Higginbotham and Mrs. Mae Smith, both of Corpus Christi, and Mrs. Marie Radney of Amarillo, and three grandchildren.



The Port Arthur News 04/18/1969

Vernon T. Higginbotham (1904-1969) LA/TX

V. Higginbotham Funeral is at 2

BEAUMONT, — Funeral services for Vernon T. Higginbotham, 64, retired former owner-operator of the Majestic Photo Finishers here, will be held today at 2 p.m. in the L. M. Williams and Sons Funeral home chapel. The Rev. Glenn Moore, pastor of First Christian church, will officiate.

Mr. Higginbotham, who had operated the photo business here for some 30 years and retired several years ago, died Thursday at 3 a.m. in Baptist hospital.

Burial will be in Forest Lawn Memorial park.

He was a native of Crowley, La., and had resided in Beaumont for 40 years. He was a member of the First Christian Church and resided at the Crosby hotel.

Survivors are one daughter, Mrs. George Fecel of Beaumont; one sister, Mrs. Ed Cooley of Crowley; one brother, Herman G. Higginbotham of Abbeville, La.; and three grandchildren.



Pampa Daily News 05/20/1969

Benjamin Bush Higginbotham (1907-1969) TX

Funeral services for B. B. (Dick) Higginbotham, 61, will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Central Baptist Church with Rev. T. O. Upshaw, pastor, and Rev. Carroll Ray, area missionary, officiating. Burial will be in Memory Gardens Cemetery directed by Duenkel Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham was dead on arrival at Highland General Hospital at 8 p.m. Sunday after suffering a heart attack. A resident of 512 Powell, he was visiting his brother-in-law, M. O. Burns, 922 E. Frederick, when he became ill.

Pallbearers will be J. R. Poston, J. B. Stephens, M. C. Dorman, L. J. Baker, J. S. Barnes, Travis McMillian, J. L. Duncan and W. R. McLeon.



The Abilene Reporter-News 11/17/1969

Kate Higginbotham Harvey (1883-1969) TX

De Leon-Funeral for Mrs. R. R. (Kate) Harvey, 86, lifetime resident of De Leon, will be at 2:30 p.m. Monday in the First Baptist Church here with the pastor, the Rev. Ralph Heickman, officiating, assisted by Payne Hattox, Church of Christ minister, and the Rev. Bobby Weathers, Methodist minister.

Burial will be in De Leon Cemetery, under the direction of Higginbotham Funeral Home of De Leon.

Mrs. Harvey died at 7:15 p.m. Saturday in the De Leon Hospital after an illness of about one month.

She was born here May 24, 1883, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bolivar Taylor Higginbotham, one of the founders of the Higginbotham stores here. She married R. R. Harvey, retired president of the Farmers and Merchants Bank here Sept. 15, 1904.

She was a member of the First Baptist Church.

Survivors include her husband; one son, Ray of De Leon; three daughters, Mrs. Leroy Wren of San Angelo, Mrs. Ruth Young of Stamford and Mrs. M. O. Pittman of Houston; two brothers, Mack Higginbotham of Dallas and Louis Higginbotham of Houston; seven grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be Sam Weaver, Les Shelby, Thomas Moore, A. J. Crittenden, W. T. Carruth, Everett Hansford and Jeff Tate.



Brownwood Bulletin 02/16/1970

John Bill Higginbotham (1948-1970) TX

San Saba-Marine Pfc. John Bill Higginbotham, 21, who had been in Vietnam less than one month, was killed in combat Thursday.

He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Higginbotham of San Saba.

Services are pending at Howell-Doran Funeral Home. Time of arrival of the body is to be announced by the U.S. Marine Corps.

Born Dec. 24, 1948 in San Saba, Pfc. Higginbotham graduated from San Saba High School in 1969.He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church.

He enlisted June 9, 1969 and received his basic training at Fort Ord, Calif. He was a member of Co. B, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, 2nd Platoon.

Survivors other than his parents are two brothers, Tony Higginbotham and Tim Higginbotham, both of San Saba; maternal grandmother, Mrs. W. D. Moore of San Saba, and paternal grandmother, Mrs. Ernest Castleberry of San Saba.



San Antonio Express 03/02/1970

Alford B. Higginbotham (1887-1970) TX


Mr. Alford B. Higginbotham, 82, of Somerset, Texas died March 1st. Resident Somerset, Texas 52 years and member and deacon of Somerset Baptist Church, member of Odd Fellows and Rebekah Lodges. Mr. Higginbotham worked in oil fields for 52 years and helped develop the Somerset Field. He celebrated 63rd wedding anniversary last December. Survivors; wife, Mrs. Mahala (Haley) Higginbotham, Somerset, daughter, Mrs. Ben Culp, Somerset, sons, J. B. Higginbotham, Delhi, La., Oscar W. Higginbotham, Colo. City, Tex., Ira Higginbotham, Kingsville, Tex., sister, Mrs. Ellen Ann Barker, Imperial, Calif., 13 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, numerous nieces and nephews. Services 3 p.m. Tues. March 3rd Somerset Baptist Church, Somerset, Tex. with Rev. Roy Box and Rev. Jesse Cooke officiating. Interment Bexar Cemetery. Honorary pallbearers will be all deacons of Somerset Baptist Church. Arrangements by Roy Akers CA6-7201.



The Abilene Reporter-News 06/18/1970

Dora Alice Dile Higginbotham (1888-1970) IL/TX

Eastland-Funeral for Mrs. Dora A. Higginbotham, 81, will be at 10 a.m. Friday in Arrington Chapel with burial in Oakwood Cemetery in Cisco.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Wednesday in Western Manor Nursing Home in Ranger after a six month illness.

Born July 23, 1888 in Lawrenceville, Ill., she had resided in Eastland County 40 years. She married W. E. Higginbotham July 7, 1910 in Lawrenceville. He died in 1962.

She was a member of the Methodist church.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Waverly Massengale of Colorado City, Mrs. W. C. Weske of Elkview, W. Va., and Mrs. James Matthews of Moran; three grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.



The Gilmer Mirror 07/02/1970

Ruben Perry Higginbotham (1895-1970) TX

Funeral services for Ruben Perry Higginbotham, 74, were held Tuesday, June 30, at 2 p.m. at Croley Chapel.

Rev. Mike Williams and Rev. Balford Adams officiated. Burial was in Floyd Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham dies Sunday at 10:15 a.m. at Gilmer Hospital. A native Texan, he was a resident of Upshur County since 1934.

Surviving are his wife, Hazel Higginbotham; two sons, Perry and Oran Higginbotham, both of Gilmer; one daughter, Carroll Jean Higginbotham of Gilmer; two brothers, Chester Higginbotham of Houston and J. H. Higginbotham of Oklahoma; and two sisters, Mrs. Dillie Wells and Mrs. B. M. Phillips, both of Ore City.

Pallbearers were Lonnie Nix, Grady Davidson, Jerry Robinson, Hub Pinkerton, Bill Jones and Norman Tuel.



The Abilene Reporter-News 10/16/1970

Alice Belle Higginbotham (1874-1970) MS/TX

Tuscola-Alice Belle Higginbotham, 96, the aunt of two Tuscola women, died at Scott-White Hospital in Temple Wednesday.

Miss Higginbotham was born Aug. 29, 1874, in Mississippi and had lived in Bell County since 1896.

She will be buried in McCann Cemetery near Rogers Friday.

Survivors include two nieces, Mrs. Pearl Faulkner and Mrs. Belle Embree, both of Tuscola.



The Abilene Reporter-News 11/25/1970

Paul Higginbotham (1885-1970) TX

Stephenville-Paul Higginbotham, 85, died at 5:55 a.m. Tuesday in Stephenville Hospital after a lengthy illness.

Funeral will be at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday in Stephenville Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. James Heflin officiating, assisted by the Rev. Emil V. Becker, pastor of First Baptist Church.

Burial will be in Erath Garden of Memories.

Mr. Higginbotham was born July 23, 1885, in Dublin. He married Lenora Council Aug. 3, 1924. She died Jan. 13, 1967. He was a retired merchant and had been manager of the Higginbotham Brothers Inc. store in Stephenville for many years. He was a member of the First Baptist Church. He had been a lifelong resident of Stephenville.

Survivors are one sister, Mrs. W. B. Yeager of Lubbock; two nieces, Mrs. Russell Bean of Lubbock and Mrs. James M. Heflin of Nacogdoches; and three great-nephews and two great-nieces.



The Abilene Reporter News 01/13/1971

Clara U. Clements Higginbotham (1883-1971) TX

Hermleigh-Funeral for Mrs. A. D. Higginbotham, 87, a resident of Hermleigh since 1900, will be at 3:30 p.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church with the Rev. Bob Cresswell officiating.

Burial will be in Hermleigh Cemetery, directed by Bell-Seale Funeral Home.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Wednesday at Hillcrest Lodge.

Born Oct. 31, 1883, in Celeste, she married A. D. Higginbotham Aug. 14, 1903 in Hermleigh.

Survivors are three daughters, Mrs. J. L. Apchley, of Ivanhoe, Calif., Mrs. A. K. Bayless of Hermleigh and Mrs. Ruby Vernon of San Antonio; a brothers, Howard Clements of Snyder; 10 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.



The (Hagerstown, MD) Daily Mail 06/29/1971

Bettie Jean Higginbotham Goodwin (1929-1971) TX/MD/FL

Mrs. Bettie Jean Goodwin, 42, of T-31, 1400 Raven Road, died Thursday at a hospital in St. Augustine, Fla., following a short illness.

Born in Maud, Tex., she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Higginbotham of Texarkana, Ark.

She was a member of the First Christian Church, the Christian Heits Church School Class, and she was a Red Cross volunteer.

Besides her parents, she is survived by her husband, W. Gene Goodwin; two sons, Michael Goodwin, stationed in Vietnam and Craig Goodwin, at home; one daughter, Miss Patti Goodwin, at home; five brothers, one sister; and one granddaughter.

Services were held Monday in Texarkana, Tex.

The family requests memorial donations be made to the Mrs. Bettie Goodwin Memorial Fund to be used for ministerial students. Contributions should be sent to the Rev. Rudolph C. Tatseh, 1608 S. Chilton St., Tyler, Tex., 75701.



The Odessa American 08/09/1971

Mollie Earnest Higginbotham Allen (1890-1971) OK/TX

Fort Stockton-Services for Mrs. Molly Allen, 80, who died Sunday in the Comanche View Nursing Home, will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday in the Fort Stockton Funeral Home Chapel with burial in East Hills Cemetery.

She came to Fort Stockton from Abilene in July, 1927. Mrs. Allen was born March 28, 1890, in Indian Territory, Okla. She was a member of the Baptist church and the Order of the Eastern Star.

Survivors are two sons, J. C. Allen of Fort Worth and Ernest Allen of Fort Stockton; five sisters, Mrs. Ludie Dickie of Woodson, Mrs. Mittie Elliott of Abilene, Minnie Higginbotham, Dorothy Higginbotham and Bertha Higginbotham, all of Abilene; and one grandchild.



The Abilene Reporter-News 11/21/1971

Lola Gray Higginbotham (1879-1971) TX

Lola Higginbotham, 92, died at 11:30 p.m. Friday in Williamsburg Nursing Home after a short illness.

Funeral will be at 2 p.m. Sunday in Prospect Baptist Church, near Henderson, with Elliott’s Funeral Home in charge of local arrangements.

Burial will follow in Wright Cemetery near Henderson.

Born Nov. 19, 1879, in Church Hills in Rusk County, she married Homer S. Higginbotham in Rusk County in 1902. She moved to Abilene from Longview in 1960. She was a member of the Baptist church.

Survivors include two sons, H. S. of Rt. 1 Abilene, and Black of Cisco; five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.



The Abilene Reporter News 12/13/1971

Ware Arthur Higginbotham (1912-1971) NM/TX

Ware A. Higginbotham, 59, of Fort Worth, brother of J. Weldon Higginbotham of Abilene, died at 10 a.m. Saturday at the Anderson Clinic in Houston.

Funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Shannon North Funeral Home in Fort Worth.

Survivors are his wife; one daughter, Mrs. Joe VanMeter of Fort Worth; one son, Jim Ware of Las Vegas, Nev.; three grandchildren; his father, W. A. of Fort Worth; one sister, Mrs. Dorothy Stickney of Seattle, Wash.; one brother, J. Weldon of 2208 Glenwood; one uncle, D. L. Higginbotham of 1390 Amarillo.



The Abilene Reporter News 03/06/1972

Ludie Higginbotham Dickie (1889-1972) OK/TX

Mrs. Ludie Dickie

BRECKENRIDGE (RNS) - Mrs. Ludie Dickie, 82, longtime Woodson resident, died at 2:30 a.m. Sunday in Villa Haven Nursing Home in Breckenridge where she had been a patient since March 1971.

Funeral will be at 3 p.m. Monday in Woodson First United Methodist Church with the Rev. J. C. Merrill, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Woodson Cemetery under direction of Melton Funeral Home.

Born Ludie Higginbotham Oct. 4, 1889, in Indian Territory (Oklahoma), she came to Texas as a child. She married Hugh Dickie Sr. in April 1912 in Breckenridge.

They ranched near Woodson all their married life. He died in 1939.

She was a member of Woodson First United Methodist Church.

Survivors are one daughter, Mrs. Ruth Baker of Jacksboro; four sons, Joe of McKinney and Dave, Ray and Hugh Jr., all of Woodson; four sisters, Mrs. Millie Elliott and Minnie, Dorothy and Bertha Dickie, all of Abilene; seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers will be Wade Boyd, John A. Pevey, Kent Turner, Curtis McGough, Waldon Lenoir and Rayford Mahiews.

The body will lie at the church from 2 to 3 p.m. Monday.



Greenville Herald Banner 06/18/1972

William Alton Higginbotham (1905-1972) TX

Dallas-William A. Higginbotham, 67, of 1103 Pleasant Dr. in Dallas, died at 7:30 a.m. Friday in a Dallas hospital.

Funeral services have been set for 2 p.m. Sunday at the Coker-Mathews-Peters Funeral Home Chapel in Greenville, with the Rev. Briggs officiating. Masonic graveside services will be held at Liberty Cemetery in Hopkins County.

Pallbearers will be Floyd McMillian, Harley Pipkins, Ken Kitter, Jay Smegner, Udel Hammock, B. S. Lamb and Riley Brown.

Mr. Higginbotham was born April 5, 1905, in Hopkins County, the son of Dr. Frelin Higginbotham and Mary Jane Campbell Higginbotham.

He married Mhodree M. Carrell Feb. 22, 1948, in Phoenix, Ariz.

He was an inspector for Southwest Airmotive, a member of the North Mesquite Full Gospel Assembly Church and of Acacia Masonic Lodge No. 47.

Survivors include his wife of Dallas; his mother, Mrs. Mary Jane Higginbotham of Greenville; five sons, Earl Carrell of Houston, Bobby D. Higginbotham of Greenville, Billy Joe Higginbotham of Mesquite, James Harold Higginbotham of Columbia, S. C., and Charles Lee Higginbotham of Dallas; three daughters, Norma Jean McKenize of Austin, and Edna Lois Higginbotham and Betty Higginbotham, both of Dallas; four sisters, Mrs. E. O. Raymond, Mrs. R. E. Irons and Mrs. H. C. Laing, all of Greenville, and Mrs. Effie Vinsant of Dallas; 23 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Two sisters preceded him in death.

The family will be at 3026 Templeton St. in Greenville.



Greenville Herald Banner 08/08-09/1972

Mary Jane Campbell Higginbotham (1885-1972) AL/TX

Funeral services are pending with Coker-Mathews-Peters Funeral Home For Mary Jane Campbell Higginbotham, 86, of 3308 Templeton St.

She died at 6:15 p.m. Monday in a local nursing home.

Born Oct. 30. 1885, in Selma, Ala., she was the daughter of William A. and Nancy Ann Davenport Campbell. She was married in December, 1902, in Hopkins County to Dr. Freling Higginbotham, who preceded her in death. She was a member of Park Baptist Church.

Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. E. O. Raymond, Mrs. H. C. Lang and Mrs. Raymond E. Irons, all of Greenville, and Mrs. Effie Vinzant of Dallas; 21 grandchildren; 49 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren.

She was also preceded in death by two daughters, one son and one great-grandchild.

Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. today in the Coker-Mathews-Peters Funeral home for Mary Jane Campbell Higginbotham, 86, of 3308 Templeton St., who died at 6:15 p.m. Monday in a local nursing home.

The Rev. B. J. Bell and Bob Laymon will officiate. Burial will be in the Liberty Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Jack Wall, David Lynn, Jackie Wall, R. J. Peavey, Milfred Goen and Johnny Vinsant.



The Port Arthur News 01/19/1973

Lillie McAlister Higginbotham (1884-1973) TX

Mrs. Lillie Higginbotham, 86, of Groves, formerly of Abilene, died at 9:30 a.m. Friday in a Groves nursing home following a sudden illness. Funeral will be at 9 a.m. Saturday in the St. George Episcopal Church in Groves. The body will then be brought to Abilene, where funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday in Elliott’s Chapel of Memories.

The Rev. Lester Vinson, assistant pastor of First Baptist Church, Abilene, will officiate. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born Aug. 31, 1884, in Texas. She moved to Abilene with her husband, the late E. H. Higginbotham, in 1920. They owned and operated a photography studio and gift shop here until Mr. Higginbotham’s death in 1936.

Mrs. Higginbotham lived in Abilene until 1965, when she moved to Groves. She was a member of First Baptist Church here, and Royal Neighbors of America.

Survivors are one daughter-in-law, Mrs. Gladys Higginbotham of Berry; one sister, Mrs. Essie Totshett of Gage, Okla.; one grandson, Theron Higginbotham of Groves; four great-grandchildren.

One son, Elmo, died in 1958.

The family will be staying at 2208 Glenwood.



The Odessa American 02/01/1973

John L. Higginbotham (1928-1973) TX

Longview-Services for J. L. Higginbotham, 44, a former resident of Odessa who died Tuesday at his home in Longview, where scheduled for noon Thursday in the Welch Funeral Chapel.

Burial was set for 4:30 p.m. in Oakland Memorial Park in Terrell.

Born Nov. 3, 1928, in Texas, Higginbotham was assistant manager of the Piggly Wiggly and Safeway Stores in Odessa before moving to Longview in 1968.

Survivors include his widow of the home; two daughters; a brother and two sisters.



Amarillo Globe-Times 02/27/1973

Levi Harper Hickinbotham (1903-1973) TX

Borger-Funeral services for Levi Harper Hickinbotham, 69, a Borger resident since 1943, will be at 4 p.m. Wednesday in First Christian Church.

The Rev. Kenneth E. Jones, pastor, will officiate and burial will be in Memory Gardens Cemetery by Simpson Funeral Home.

Mr. Hickinbotham died Sunday night in Northwest Texas Hospital in Amarillo.

He was a retired shift superintendent for Phillips Petroleum Co.

Surviving are his wife, Effie; a son, Eddie of Kansas City, Kan.; a daughter, Mrs. Marcel Poulain of Phillips; three brothers, Tom W. of Alton, Mo., Roy of Barnsdall, Okla., and Paul of Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Young of Caldwell, Ohio, and Mrs. Elsie Morris of El Dorado, Ill.; six grandchildren and a great-grandchild.



The Galveston Daily News 03/23/1973

Johnnie Isom Higginbotham (1921-1973) TX

Johnnie I. Higginbotham, 51, manager of the Galveston News Agency Inc., died at 5:35 a.m. Thursday in St. Mary’s Hospital.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today in the Malloy and Son Funeral Home with the Rev. Grayson Glass officiating. Elks Lodge memorial services will follow.

Burial will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in De Leon Cemetery, De Leon, with Masonic graveside rites.

Mr. Higginbotham was born July 9, 1921, in Comanche County.

He had resided in Galveston for 25 years and made his home at 114 Dolphin. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of De Leon, the Albert Pike Masonic Lodge 1159 of San Antonio, and Elk’s Lodge 125.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Velma Lee Higginbotham, a son, David M. Higginbotham, and two daughters, Miss Susan Higginbotham and Miss Elizabeth Higginbotham, all of Galveston, and two brothers, Marcell Higginbotham of Gorman and Hampton Higginbotham of Phoenix, Ariz.



Lubbock Avalanche Journal 07/06/1973

Clara Louise Higginbotham Yeager (1890-1973) TX

Services for Mrs. W. B. (Clara) Yeager, 83, of 2609 21st. St., who died about 7 p.m. Thursday in a Lubbock nursing home will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. Saturday in Ford Memorial Chapel of First Baptist Church.

Officiating will be the Rev. James Heflin of Baytown, district superintendent of the Baytown District of the United Methodist Church.

Burial will be in City of Lubbock Cemetery with Sanders Funeral Home in charge.

Pallbearers will be Russell Bean, Dr. David Edwards, Byron Edwards, James Heflin, Wayne Davis and Roe Tipton.

Mrs. Yeager's late husband, who died about four years ago, was manager of Higginbotham-Bartlett Lumber Co. here for many years.

Mrs. Yeager was a native of Dublin and had lived in Lubbock 47 years, moving here from Stephenville.

She was a member of First Baptist Church where she attended the Elizabeth Sunday School class.

Mrs. Yeager was a member of Amigo Needle Club.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Russell Bean of 2806 21st St. and Mrs. James Heflin of Baytown; five grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.



The Mexia  Daily News 09/20/1973

George Dennis Higginbotham (1891-1973) GA/TX 

Funeral services for George Dennis Higginbotham, 82, of Tehuacana, will be held Friday at 3 in Blair-Stubbs Funeral Home Chapel.

The Rev. W. B. Hammond will officiate and burial will be in Tehuacana Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham died Wednesday night at 8:25 in Wortham Hospital. He was born Sept. 23, 1891 in Georgia and had lived most of his life in the Tehuacana Valley area. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Baptist church.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Pearl Jane Higginbotham, of Tehuacana; two daughters, Mrs. Frances Morton of Kilgore and Mrs. Norma Mitchell of Albuquerque, N. M.; one niece, Mrs. Bessie Cole of Tehuacana; and three grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.



Dublin Progress 01/17/1974

Willie D. Higginbotham Puls (1895-1974) TX

Funeral services were conducted Tuesday, January 15, 1974 at 2:00 p. m. in the First Baptist Church for Mrs. Willie D. Puls, who died January 13 in the Dublin Hospital at the age of 78. Rev. Bob Perrin, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiated the service with music by the church singers. Burial was in the New Dublin Cemetery. Mrs. Puls was born September 8, 1895 in Dublin to John W. Higginbotham and Mary Willie Durham Higginbotham She married Elmer F. Puls on December 23, 1918 and they had two children. One daughter preceded her in death. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Surviving relatives include her husband Mr. Elmer Puls of Waco; a daughter Mrs. Mary Anne Hoffman of Houston; five grandchildren; three sisters Mrs. John Horn of Dallas, Mrs. D. R. Franks of Dublin and Lorine Higginbotham of Dublin. Pallbearers were Karl R. Hoffman, Paul F. Hoffman, Christopher J. Hoffman, William Bowen, John H. Rozelle and Charlie Foust.



Dublin Progress 02/21/1974

Lorena Rhea House Higginbotham Wharton (1887-1974) AR/TX

Funeral services were held February 19 at 3:00 p.m. in the Highland Baptist Church for Lorena Rhea Wharton. Rev. Barnett Rippetoe officiated the service with music by the Church Quartette. Burial was in the Round Grove Cemetery.

She was born January 17, 1887 in Arkansas to C. C. House and Mattie Ross House. She married Hugh Wharton and he preceded her in death in 1962. She had one son by her first husband, Sam Higginbotham, who preceded her in death in 1963. Mr. Higginbotham also preceded her in death in 1947. Mrs. Wharton was a member of the Highland Baptist Church and was the last living charter member.

Surviving relatives include two granddaughters, Shirley Fincher of North Dakota and Saundra Boulder of Arp; nine great-grandchildren; one niece, Mrs. B. W. Mathis of Dublin and a nephew, Thurston House of Dublin.

Pallbearers were Wayne Keith, Johnnie Wilson, Hardy Hazzard, S. E. Keith, Lewis Bays and Ronnie Couch.



The Abilene Reporter-News 03/25/1974

Willie Lee Norred Higginbotham (1897-1974) TX

Mrs. Willie Lee Higginbotham, 76, of 1300 Amarillo, died at 10 a.m. Monday in a Pasadena nursing home. Funeral is pending at Elliott-Hamil Funeral Home.

Born June 16, 1897 in Burnet, she moved to West Texas with her parents. She was a deputy county clerk in Snyder before her marriage to D. L. Higginbotham November 1918 in Snyder.

The family moved to Abilene and opened D. L. Higginbotham Floor Co., 1317 Enternal, in 1939. They closed the company in 1972.

She was a member of the First United Methodist Church.

Survivors include her husband of the home; one son, Dewey, of Pasadena; one daughter, Mrs. Margarette Brandenberg, of Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. Ora Pierce of 926 South Jefferson and Mrs. Maggie Lewis of Lampasas; two brothers, Wesley Norred of San Angelo and Martin Norred of Sweetwater; five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.



Amarillo Daily News 08/10/1974

Ruth Mae Holley Higginbotham (1893-1974) TX

HALE CENTER – Funeral services for Mrs. Ruth Mae Higginbotham, 81, who died at 5 p.m. Friday in Hi-Plains Hospital here, will be at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in the First Baptist Church. The Rev. Carrol Green, pastor, will officiate. Burial will be in Muleshoe Cemetery (now Bailey County Cemetery) by Freeman Funeral Home of Hale Center. Mrs. Higginbotham, born in Rockwall County, moved to Hale Center in 1967 from Muleshoe where she and her husband had farmed before his death in 1964. She was a member of the First Baptist Church and formerly had been active in the home demonstration club program. She was married to Henry Higginbotham Sr., in 1912. Survivors include two sons, Ben R., of Wilson, and Henry Jr., of Crosbyton; two daughters, Mrs. Truitt (Margie) Smith, of Hale Center, and Mrs. R.V. (Hallie) Chesser of Anton; five sisters, Mrs. Verma Richardson and Mrs. Iola Honeyman, both of Garland, Mrs. W.E. Rolator of McKinney, Mrs. Nola Yandell of Plano, and Mrs. Lottie Yandell of Richardson five Brothers, Horace Holley of Canton, George of Richardson, Byron of Emory, J.P. of Carrollton; nine grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.



Corpus Christi Times 08/13/1974

Stella Higginbotham (1900-1974) TX

Miss Stella Higginbotham, 73, of 1507 Sixth Street, died Friday.

She had lived in Corpus Christi since 1943 and was a retired Civil Service worker.

Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Ross Smith of Poteet and Mrs. Marvin Aduddell of Corpus Christi; and three brothers, R. L. Higginbotham of Mabank, Wren Higginbotham of San Antonio and D. E. Higginbotham of Bishop.

Cage-Mills Downtown Chapel.



The (Port Arthur) News 12/29/1974

Joseph Larry Higginbotham (1933-1974) LA/TX

Funeral services for Joseph Larry Higginbotham, 41, of 3501 15th St., are set for Monday at 10 a.m. in St. James Catholic Church with the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Martin Enderk officiating. A rosary will be recited Sunday at 7 p.m. in Clayton-Thompson Funeral Home.

Mr. Higginbotham died at 6 a.m. Friday in Park Place Hospital after a sudden illness. He was a native of Church Point, La., and had lived in Port Arthur most of his life. He was retired from the Air Force after 24 years service. He was a member of the American Legion Post No. 7 in Port Arthur.

Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Bernadette Higginbotham of Port Arthur; five brothers, Ferdie Higginbotham of West Lake, La., Gervase Higginbotham of Orange, J. B. Higginbotham of Port Arthur, Aaron Higginbotham of Garrison and Patrick J. Higginbotham of Bridge City; four sisters, Mrs. Ella Barousse of Sulphur, La., Mrs. Cecile Guidry of Rayne, La., and Mrs. Georgia Ridrigue and Mrs. Dorothy Bescher, both of Port Arthur.

Clayton-Thompson Funeral Home, 2105 Proctor. 985-5504.



Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 04/09/1975

John P. Higginbotham (1882-1975) TX

Seminole-Services for John. P. Higginbotham, 93, of Seminole, will be at 11 a.m. today at Singleton Funeral Home Chapel of the Chimes.

Officiating will be the Rev. R. W. Francis, pastor of the United Pentecostal Church of Seminole, assisted by the Rev. John Russell, and evangelist of Billings, Mont.

Burial will be in Seminole Cemetery.

Higginbotham, a Twilite Acres Nursing Home resident, was dead on arrival at 7:02 p.m. Monday at Memorial Hospital in Seminole. He had been in the nursing home since 1970.

Born in Smith County, Higginbotham lived there until 10 years ago when he moved to Seminole from Troup. He was a retired farmer. He was a member of the United Pentecostal Church of Seminole.

Survivors include a son, Earl A., of Fort Worth.



The Abilene Reporter-News 05/17/1975

Toliver Strickland "Tol" Higginbotham (1879-1975) AL/TX

Dr. T. S. (Tol) Higginbotham, 95, of Fort Worth and formerly of Abilene, retired Abilene optometrist, died Thursday night in a Fort Worth nursing home. Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday in Greenwood Funeral Home Chapel in Fort Worth.

Burial will follow in Greenwood Cemetery.

Born Nov. 17, 1879, in Oxford, Ala., Dr. Higginbotham moved to Texas in 1889, settling with his family in Dublin. He was an optometrist for 38 years, 33 of which were in Abilene. Dr. Higginbotham retired in 1952 and later moved to Fort Worth. He was a Baptist.

Survivors include three brothers, Arthur of Fort Worth, Dewey of Abilene and Clant of Ruidoso, N. M.; a sister, Mrs. Mattie Bowling of Hermleigh; three grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.



The Abilene Reporter-News 07/07/1975

Betty Higginbotham Young (1889-1975) AL/TX

Tuscola-Mrs. Sid J. Young, 86, longtime resident of the Lake Abilene area, died at 5:45 p.m. Saturday at Sunny Dale Nursing Home after a lengthy illness. Services will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Buffalo Gap Baptist Church.

The Rev. Michael Hicks, pastor, and the Rev. Jack Riddlehoover, pastor of Pioneer Baptist Church in Abilene, will officiate. Burial will be in Buffalo Gap Cemetery, directed by Fry Funeral Home.

Born Bettie Higginbotham April 28, 1889, in Alabama, she married Sid Young July 18, 1908. They lived in the Lake Abilene area where they ranched. She was a member of the Buffalo Gap Baptist Church. Mr. Young died Feb. 15, 1968.

Survivors include a son, Bert of Tuscola; six daughters, Mrs. Opal Hodges of Phoenix, Ariz., Mrs. Alice Walton of Abilene, Bobby Moody of Angleton, Maydell Box of Abilene, Helen Barbieri of Dallas, and Merle Young of Peoria, Ariz.; 14 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

A son, Frank, preceded her in death.

Pallbearers will be Frank Hammons, Raymond Dickson, Charlie Stockton, Hugh Stockton, Joe Graham and Jim Graham.

The family will be at the home of Mrs. Alice Walton, 1957 S 15th, in Abilene.



The Abilene Reporter-News 09/13/1975

Lorrine C. Turner Higginbotham (1925-1974) LA/TX

Services for Mrs. Lorrine C. Higginbotham, 49, of 3517 Pine will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at Elliott-Hamil Chapel of Memories, 542 Hickory.

O. B. Proctor of the Oak Street Church of Christ will officiate. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham, the former Mrs. Turner, died at 12:05 p.m. Thursday at Hendrick Memorial Hospital.

Born in Baton Rouge, La., Dec. 23, 1925, she moved to Abilene in October 1974.

Survivors include her husband; and a sister, Mrs. Joe Gunter of 3517 Pine.

Pallbearers will be Danny Lackey, Carl Corley, Ron Hays, Pete Forbes, Lloyd Gunter and Vernon Dye.



The Abilene Reporter-News 04/15/1976

Helen Higginbotham Higginbotham (1924-1976) TX

Fort Worth-Mrs. Harvie L. (Helen) Higginbotham, 53, of Fort Worth died in a Fort Worth hospital Tuesday. Services will be at 3 p.m. Thursday at the Moore Funeral Home Chapel.

The Rev. Stanley Brown, pastor of Handley Baptist Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery.

Born April 5, 1924, in Texas, she married Harvie L. Higginbotham. She lived in Fort Worth 25 years.

Survivors include her husband; a daughter, Hope, of Fort Worth; a sister, Mrs. Earl Dyson of Fort Worth; and her mother, Mrs. Winnie Collum of Fort Worth.



Big Spring Herald 06/14/1976

Effie McClinton Sumpter Higginbotham (1886-1976) TX

Mrs. Effie Higginbotham, 89, a former resident of Lamesa was dead on arrival at a local hospital at 9:55 a.m. today.

Funeral services are pending at Branon Funeral Home in Lamesa.



The Abilene Reporter News 06/14/1976

Mattie Alice Hutchinson Higginbotham (1891-1976) TX

Bronte-Mattie Alice Higginbotham, 84, of Bronte died at 5:45 p.m. Saturday in North Runnels Hospital in Winters after a lengthy illness. Services will be at 3 p.m. Monday at First United Methodist Church in Bronte.

The Rev. Earl Lewis, pastor, will officiate. Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery, directed by Newby Funeral Home.

Born Aug. 5, 1891, in Ballinger, she moved to Coke County in 1901. She had lived here since. She married F. S. Higginbotham April 11, 1908, in Bronte. He died in 1965.

She was a member of the Eastern Star and a member of the First United Methodist Church.

Survivors include six daughters, Mrs. Tommy Hames of Crosbyton, Della Fitzhugh of San Antonio, Gwyn Meyers of Houston, Mozelle Sayner of Albuquerque, N. M., Modelle Hamilton of Dallas and Betsey Hughes of Houston; two sisters, Modenia Ellis of Altus, Okla., and Della Blankenship of Fresno, Calif.; a brother, James Hutchinson of Altus, Okla.; eight grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.



Big Spring Herald 08/17/1976

Thomas Leath Higginbotham (1892-1976) TX

Lamesa-Funeral for Thomas Leath Higginbotham, 84, of Dallas and formerly of Lamesa, will be at 10 a.m. Thursday in Branon Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Jack Thompson, retired Methodist minister, officiating.

Burial will be in Lamesa Memorial Park.

Higginbotham died at 9:25 a.m. Monday in Doctors Hospital in Dallas.

Born in Dublin, Higginbotham was a retired farmer who had lived in the Lamesa and Dawson County area for many years before moving to Dallas three years ago.

Survivors include a step-daughter, Mrs. Richard Snyder of Lancaster, Pa.; a sister, Mrs. J. H. Wellencamp of Dallas; and two brothers, W. C. Higginbotham and Fred C. Higginbotham, both of Dallas.




Zera Girdner Higginbotham (1890-1976) TX

Funeral services for Mrs. George Higginbotham, 86, of 2307 Brookfield, a Dallas resident for 35 years, will be held at 3 p.m. Monday Sorrell & Son Funeral Chapel in Greenville, Hunt County. Burial will be in Old Concord Cemetery in Jacobia, Hunt County.

A native of Jacobia, she died Friday in a Dallas hospital.

Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Vince Lowry; two sisters, Miss Ouida Girdner and Mrs. Austin Swann, and four grandchildren.



The Abilene Reporter-News 09/13/1976

Dewey Lee Higginbotham Sr. (1898-1976) TX

D. L. Higginbotham, 78, of 1390 Amarillo died at 7:34 p.m. Sunday in Pasadena, where he had been living since July with his son. Services are pending at Elliott-Hamil Funeral Home.

Born Aug. 12, 1898, in Dublin, he married Willie Lee Norred in November 1918 in Snyder. She died in March 1974. They were in the floor covering business here from 1939 to 1972.

Survivors include a son, Dewey L. Jr. of Pasadena; a daughter, Margarete Brandenburg of Dallas; two brothers, Clant of Big Spring and W. A. of Fort Worth; a sister, Mattie Vaughn of Lubbock; five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.



Amarillo Globe-Times 03/18/1977

Mattie Lee Higginbotham March (1898-1977) KY/TX

Mrs. Lee (Higginbotham) March, 78, of 3911 S. Polk, died yesterday.

Services are pending with Boxwell Brothers Funeral Directors.

Mrs. March was born in Warren County, Ky., and had lived in Amarillo 45 years. She was a member of the Temple Baptist Church and Order of the Eastern Star. She married Clyde J. March on July 15, 1914, in Madill, Okla. He died Dec. 18, 1976.

Survivors include two brothers, R. L. Higginbotham and Wilburn Higginbotham, both of Hugo, Okla.; one sister, Mrs. Ollie B. Little of Austin; and several nieces and nephews.

The family will be at 3301 Westlawn.



The (Port Arthur) News 05/28/1977

Edith Higginbotham (1895-1977) OK/TX

Edith Higginbotham, 82, of 2212 9th St., died at 3 p.m. Thursday in St. Mary Hospital.

A native of Muskogee, Okla., she had lived in Port Arthur 20 years. She was a former school teacher and a member of St. Mary Church.

Funeral services are set for 2 p.m. Sunday in the Clayton-Thompson Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will be in Greenlawn Memorial Park.

Survivors include one son, Danny Blackmon of Las Vegas; one daughter, Betty Jo McCrea of Atlanta, Ga.; two sisters, Mrs. E. L. Farrow of Port Arthur and Donna Kerman of Sacramento, Calif.; five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Clayton-Thompson Funeral Home, 5200 39th St., 962-8336.



Odessa American 08/18/1978

Clara Helen Whitten Higginbotham (1920-1978) AL/TX


Services for Clara Helen Higginbotham, 58, of Monahans will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in Wilson-Miller Funeral Home chapel with burial in Monahans Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Thursday at 6 a m. at the home of a relative in Monahans after a sudden illness.

She was born June 18, 1920, in Rabbit Head Mines, Ala., and came to Monahans in 1961 from Louisiana. Mrs. Higginbotham was a housewife and a Baptist. She was married Oct. 19, 1940, in Mississippi to James Higginbotham Sr.

Survivors include her husband; four daughters, Mrs. J.D Keith of Monahans, Mrs. Jessie Weaver of Big Lake, Mrs. Bill Gist of Hale Center and Anna Higginbotham of Mississippi; three sons, Burel Higginbotham and Edward Higginbotham, both of Monahans, and James Higginbotham of Wink; two brothers. Bob Whitten of Monahans and Bill Whitten of Mississippi; one sister, Mrs. W W. Tisdell of Mississippi; and 16 grandchildren.


Mid County Chronicle Review 01/09/1980

Robert Owen Higginbotham (1901-1980) TX

Funeral services were held Jan. 7 at Southside Baptist Church in Port Neches for R. O. "Red" Higginbotham, 78, of 2630 Mazur Drive, Port Neches. Rev. Wilton Anthony officiated. Additional services were conducted Jan. 7 at the First Baptist Church in Frankston with Rev. Louis Barron officiating, assisted by Rev. James Duncan, Pastor. Burial was in Frankston City Cemetery. Local arrangements were under the direction of Davis Funeral Home.

Higginbotham died Jan. 5 at Mid-Jefferson County Hospital, Nederland. A native of Lindale, he had resided in the Golden Triangle since 1938. He was the owner of G & H Paint Company until his retirement in 1970. Higginbotham in 1971 moved from Beaumont to reside with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Hallum in Port Neches.

A veteran of World War I, he was a member of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1806, a life time member of Painters Local 243 and a member of Southside Baptist Church.

In addition to his daughter, Mrs. Shirley Hallum of Port Neches, survivors include six sisters, Mrs. Aubrey Juanita Ward of Tyler, Mrs. Ange (Helen) Chastain of Whitehouse, Tex., Mrs. Johnny (Edna) Mullins of Fort Worth and Mrs. W. D. (Dovie Lea) Lamb, Mrs. Chet (Dorothy) Lamb and Mrs. Lillian Merriweather, all of Irving; five brothers, James "Buck" Higginbotham of Longview, Roland Higginbotham of Palestine, Tex., Vernon Higginbotham of Timpson and Charles Higginbotham and Nolan Higginbotham, both of Tyler; and two granddaughters, Pamela S. Hancock and Polly Ann Hallum, both of Port Neches.



New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung 08/06/1980

Mary Adeline Mudd Higginbotham (1887-1980) TX

Funeral services were held this morning at Zoeller Funeral Home for Mary Adeline "Addie" Higginbotham, 93, of 455 W. Nacogdoches, who died Aug. 3. The former finishing room worker at Mission Valley Mills and Second Baptist Church member was buried at Comal Cemetery, with the Rev. Jim Flynn officiating. Higginbotham, who had lived in New Braunfels since 1934, was born June 1, 1887 to Jim F. Mudd and Louise Manning. She married William M Higginbotham April 8, 1908 in Gonzales. He died in 1957. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. Eva O'Bar of New Braunfels, Mrs. Hazel Schaefer of San Antonio, and Mrs. Evelyn Trager of Georgia; two sons, Floyd Higginbotham of New Braunfels and Edward Higginbotham of Bandera; 14 grandchildren, 33 great-grandchildren, and 13 great-great-grandchildren.



Lockhart Post Register 09/04/1980

Robert Ernest Higginbotham (1916-1980) LA/TX

Robert Ernest Higginbotham, 64, passed away on Aug. 30, in the Centex Health Care Center of Austin. A retired Master Sgt. in the United States Air Force, Higginbotham was born in Crowley, La.

Funeral services were conducted at Eeds Funeral Home on Sept. 1, with Rev. W. H. Barsh officiating. Military and Masonic graveside services were held at Lockhart Cemetery.

Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Catherine Higginbotham of Austin; one son, Robert E. Higginbotham Jr. of Canyon; one daughter, Mrs. Zady Chouinard of Lawton, Okla.; two sisters, Mrs. Evelyn Hughes and Mrs. Grave Burgess of Beaumont; one brother, Edwin M. Higginbotham Jr. of Beaumont; and two grandchildren.

Pallbearers were Col. Bon Vaughn, Dan W,. Vaughn, Larry Sparks, Robert Sparks, Paul McKee and Rodney Ellis.



Galveston Daily News 10/06/1980

Oleta Grey Polling Higginbotham (1915-1980) WV/TX

LEAGUE CITY-Services for Mrs. Oleta G. Higginbotham, 64, will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the Wilson Funeral Home in Charleston. W. Va. Burial will follow under the direction of Wilson Funeral Home. Mrs. Higginbotham died Sunday at Jennie Sealy Hospital in Galveston.

She was born Dec. 3, 1915 in Braxton County, W. Va. She was a member of League City Garden Club and of the Dickinson Presbyterian Church. She was a resident of League City for the past eight years.

She is survived by her husband, J.W. Higginbotham of League City; her son, Jim Higginbotham of Barboursville, W. Va.; her daughter, Vickie Hardin of Myrtle Beach, S.C.; her mother, Mrs. Jane Poling of South Charleston, W. Va.; her sister-in-law, Wanda Lette of South Charleston, W. Va., and one grandchild.

Visitors may call after noon today at the Jack Rowe Funeral Home.



Port Arthur News 05/03/1981

Patrick Joseph Higginbotham (1960-1981) TX

Patrick J . Higginbotham, 20, of 325 Clover ill Bridge City, died at 8:50 a.m. Saturday at Orange Memorial Hospital as the result of an automobile accident Friday.

Higginbotham was a native of Groves and had been a resident of Bridge City. He was employed as an industrial technician at DuPont in Orange.

Services will be at 11 a . m . Monday at the Clayton-Thompson Bridge City Funeral Home with burial at Hillcrest Memorial Park.

He is survived by his wife, Jody Higginbotham of Bridge City; his father, Patrick J. Higginbotham of Bridge City; his mother, Ernestine Fountain of Livingston; one brother, James L. Higginbotham of Livingston; two sisters, Dana Lynn Sickles of Lufkin and Tommye Kaye Higginbotham of Byna; his grandparents,  Bernadette Higginbotham of Port Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dartez of Pineland.



The Paris News 02/10/1982

Eric Neal Higginbotham (1979-1982) OK

Hugo, Okla.-Eric Neal Higginbotham, 2, of Rt. 2, Hugo, Okla., died in Dallas Monday, Feb. 8, in Parkland Memorial Hospital.

Funeral services were set for Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the Clayton Avenue Baptist Church with the Rev. Dean Young officiating. Burial will following Mount Olivet Cemetery under the direction of Lampton-Mills Funeral Home.

He was born Aug. 18, 1979 in Hugo, Okla., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Higginbotham.

Survivors include one sister, Chrisan Higginbotham, of the home; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Higginbotham, of Hugo, Okla.; Mrs. Bobbye Cazzell, of Hugo, Okla.; two great-grandparents, Robert Browning, of Calif.; and Sara Buchanan, of Mississippi.




Marguerite Marie Raines Higginbotham (1906-1984) TX/NM

Jal-Funeral services for Marguerite Marie Higginbotham, 78, 632 South Fourth Street, will be at 10am Tuesday at the First Baptist Church here, with the Rev. Jim Green officiating. Graveside services and burial will be at 10am (CST) Wednesday at Memory Garden Cemetery in Pampa, Texas. Mrs. Higginbotham died of natural causes Sunday morning at the Permian General Hospital in Andrews. She was born Jan. 12, 1906, in Fort Worth and married Jack Walter Higginbotham Oct. 10, 1923, in Corsicana, Texas. A resident of Jal for 14 years, she was a member of the First Baptist Church where she taught Sunday school. Survivors are her husband of the home; a daughter, Mary Butler of Jal; four grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.



Dublin Progress 01/16/1985

Jackie Higginbotham Dyson (1921-1985) TX

Mrs. Jackie Higginbotham Dyson, 63, of 2512 Yeager Street, Fort Worth, died January 7, at 8:30 a.m. in a Fort Worth hospital after a sudden illness.

Services were held Monday January 7, at 10 a.m. at the Harveson-Cole Funeral Home in Fort Worth with Rev. Franklin Segler of the Broadway Baptist Church officiating. Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery.

Mrs. Dyson was born June 22, 1921, near Proctor in Comanche County to George Marshall Higginbotham and Winnie D. Carnes Higginbotham. She attended school at Proctor and graduated from Dublin High School in 1938. She was married to Earl P. Dyson on Feb. 27, 1947 and they were residents of Fort Worth for the past 38 years.

Survivors include her husband, a niece, Hope Higginbotham of Fort Worth, two aunts, Mrs. Earnest Belyeu of Dublin, and Mrs. Jo Rhea of Mt. Pleasant.

A sister, Helen Higginbotham, preceded her in death in 1976.

Pallbearers were Dean D. Allen, Warren G. Bell, Howard Van Bowser, Arthur F. Rhea and two others whose names were not available.



Nederland Community Post 06/26/1985

Cornelius Higginbotham (1906-1985) LA/TX

Services for Cornelius Higginbotham, 79, of 711 12th Ave. were June 18 at St. Joseph's Catholic Church with the Rev. James Young officiating. Burial followed in Greenlawn Memorial Park, directed by the Grammier-Oberle Funeral Home.

He died at 10 p.m. June 15 at St. Mary Hospital. He was a native of Iota, La., and a resident for 70 years. He was a retired engineer with Sabine Towing Co. and Picton Towing Co. He was a member of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Sea Farers International Union, A.A.R.P and Port Arthur Senior Citizens.

Survivors Include his wife, Earline Trosclair Higginbotham; a son. Rev. Neil Higginbotham of Fort Collins, Colo.; two daughters, Mrs. Barry (Crystal) Fulda of Arlington and Mrs. Lynn (Carol Lee) Broussard of Port Neches; two sisters, Effie Boyd of Port Arthur and Hilda Patin of Orange; eight grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.



Galveston Daily News 07/24/1985

Regina Myers Higginbotham (1933-1985) AL/TX

TEXAS CITY - Regina M. Higginbotham, 52, died Tuesday at John Sealy Hospital in Galveston. Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Emken-Linton Funeral Home in Texas City. Burial will follow at Grace Memorial Park in Hitchcock. Mrs. Higginbotham was born March 17,1933, in Mobile, Ala. She was a housewife. Survivors include her husband, Charles Higginbotham of Texas City; two daughters, Elizabeth Lang and Kathryn Higginbotham, both of Texas City; a brother, Jack Myers of Mobile; a sister, Mary Ross of Mobile; and two grandchildren. Visitors may call at the funeral home after 5 p.m. today.



The Baytown Sun 05/07/1986

Juanita Fortenberry Higginbotham (1927-1986) TX

Services for Juanita Higginbotham, 59, of Baytown will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Earthman Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Roy Parker officiating.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Tuesday at a Baytown hospital. She was well known by her citizen's band radio name of Lady Butterfly.

She is survived by her husband, Roy M. Higginbotham of Baytown; her mother, Martha B. Meachen of Baytown; her sister, Gladys V. Wilson of Baytown; and several nieces and nephews.

Burial will be at Memory Gardens. Services are under direction of Earthman Funeral Home.



Frankston Citizen 11/13/1986

Josephine Hardin Lankford Higginbotham (1899-1986) TX

Funeral services for Mrs. Josie Lankford Higginbotham, 87, Frankston, were held at 4:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 10, at the Thompson Funeral Home Chapel in Frankston with the Revs. George Folmar and J. A. Griffin officiating. Burial was in the Frankston City Cemetery. Mrs. Higginbotham died Saturday night, Nov. 8, in a Jacksonville nursing home after a short illness. She was born Feb 24, 1899, in Henderson County and lived most of her life in the Frankston area. She was a Baptist. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Billie Fisher of Frankston; three granddaughters, Mrs. Mary Jo Mullins of Arp, Mrs. Sarah Sutherland of Ketchikan, Alaska, and Mrs. Glenda Hayes of Odessa; 10 great grandchildren; three nieces; and two nephews. Pallbearers included Tommy Mullins, Elbert Pollard, Harold Johnson, James Johnson, Charlie Bettge and Everett Waldrum.




Winfred C. Higginbotham (1909-1987) TX

Mr. Higginbotham was the son of John Calvin Higginbotham and Ida May (House) Higginbotham. He was born in Corsicana, Texas and raised in the east Texas area. He was united in marriage with Mary Blanche Conaway on August 21, 1927. Mr. Higginbotham had retired from Humble Oil (Exxon) where he had worked for over 35 years as a pumper. He was assigned to the northern East Texas Area, where he maintained and checked gas wells, and received special recognition from Humble Oil for his services. He was an active member of the Calvary Baptist Church, member of the I.O.O.F. and Rebekah #10 of Kilgore and #113 of Overton. He was a volunteer fireman and drove the ambulance for the Overton, Texas Fire Department for many years. He loved the outdoors and enjoyed fishing, especially for white perch. His reputation was that he would almost always catch more fish. He is survived by Wife Blanche (Conway) Higginbotham, sons W.C. Higginbotham of Natchez, Ms., John Franklin Higginbotham of Cleburne , Tx., Rush Quinn Higginbotham of Shreveport, La., and Walter Douglas Higginbotham of New London, Tx.; daughter , Martha Cooper of Nacogdoches, Tx.; brother, Frank Higginbotham of Kilgore, Tx.; sisters, Creole Roundtree of Alvin, Tx. and Maggiebell Smith of Jacksonville, Tx. He had 23 Grandchildren and 18 Great Grandchildren. Interment was at the Overton Cemetery in Overton , Tx. Pallbearers were , Elvin Cook, Johnny Newton, Tommy Miller, Loran Halbert, Clifford Bass and James McGuire.



New York Times 09/23/1988

William Rufus Higginbotham (1914-1988) TX

W. R. Higginbotham, a former correspondent and news executive for United Press, died Wednesday at District of Columbia General Hospital. He was 74 years old and lived in Fort Worth.




Mary Blanche Conaway Higginbotham (1909-1988) TX

Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Blanche Higginbotham , 79 of Nacogdoches will be held Sunday, Sept. 25, 1988 at 1:30 p.m. in the Laird Funeral Home Chapel with the Reverend Steve James , pastor of Fredonia Hill Baptist Church, and the Reverend Danny Elliott, Associate pastor of Fredonia Hill Baptist Church, Officiating. Graveside services will be at 4 p.m. at the Overton Cemetery in Rusk County. Music will be by Steve O. Payne and Rhonda Thomas. Mrs. Higginbotham was born July 6, 1909, the daughter of James Franklin Conaway and Autra Bell Callaway Conaway. She died Friday Sept. 23, 1988 in Nacogdoches. A homemaker, Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Calvary Baptist Church of Nacogdoches. She was a member of Rebekah Lodge # 113 in Overton. Mrs. Higginbotham and Winfred C. Higginbotham were married August 21, 1927 and he preceded her in death. Survivors include, 4 sons, W.C. Higginbotham Jr. of Natchez, John Franklin Higginbotham of Odessa, Tx., Rush Quinn Higginbotham of Shreveport, La. and Walter Douglas Higginbotham of New London, Tx., one daughter Martha Cooper of Nacogdoches, Tx. 23 grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Billy McGuire, David Higginbotham, Mart Higginbotham, Gary McGuire, Tommy Miller, Darvin Higginbotham and James McGuire.



Dublin Progress 07/19/1990

Frances Lorine Higginbotham (1888-1990) TX

Frances Lorine Higginbotham, 101, of Dublin died Thursday, July 12, 1990 at the Dublin Nursing Center. She was born in Dublin on December 31, 1888 to John Willis Higginbotham and Mary Willie Durham.

She was a retired history teacher and a member of the First Baptist Church.

Survivors include five. nieces, Joan Lamb and Harriett Skeen, both of Littleton, Colorado, Virginia H. Rozelle of Dallas, Frances H. Noble of Cisco and Mary Ann Hoffman of Spring; three nephews, William J. Bowen of San Angelo, D.R. Franks, Jr. of Nacogdoches, and D.C. Higginbotham, Jr. of Cleveland.

Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, July 14 at the First Baptist Church with Dr. Joel McCoy officiating. Burial was at the New Dublin Liveoak Cemetery.

Arrangements were by Harrell Funeral Home.



Park Cities People 10/25/1990

Sybil Elizabeth Johnson Higginbotham (1904-1990) TX

Memorial services were held Monday for Sybil J. Higginbotham. She was a member of the Park Cities Baptist Church, Dallas Womens Club, Marianne Scruggs Garden Club, Pi Beta Phi Sorority. She was a graduate of Baylor University.

Survivors include her husband, Rufus T. Higginbotham; daughter, Elizabeth McKee; son, Rufus T. Higginbotham Jr., all of Dallas; daughter, Carolyn Gene Schley of Laguna Park, Texas; grandchildren, David L. Sparkman, Alan T. Sparkman, Stephen R. Sparkman, Bryan T. Schley. Scott H. Schley, Elizabeth Elliott Higginbotham, R. Taylor Higginbotham III, Andrew Higginbotham; five great-grandchildren; sister, Charlotte Bowie of Rochester, N. Y.

Memorials may be made to the Higginbotham Scholarship Funds at Southwestern Baptist Seminary, PO Box 22000, Fort Worth, TX 76122-0500 or Childrens Village, PO Box 6564, Tyler, TX 75711-9970.



The Galveston Daily News 01/26/1991

Rosa Mae Ogden Higginbotham (1905-1991) MS/TX

WEBSTER — Rosa Mae Higginbotham, 85, of Dickinson died Friday at Humana Hospital-Clear Lake in Webster. Services are Sunday at First National Funeral Home in Winnsboro, La. Burial follows at Harris Cemetery in Franklin Parrish, La., under the direction of Jack Rowe Funeral Home. Born Aug. 8,1905 in Mississippi, Mrs. Higginbotham was a housewife and member of Warsaw Baptist Church in Madison Parrish, La. Survivors include her daughters, Doris Jean McHenry and Phyllis Reid of Dickinson; brother, John Ogden of Madison Parrish, La.; sisters, Alice Ogden and Vera Chevalier of Franklin Parrish and Linnie Allison of Gulfport, Miss.; four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.



Park Cities People 08/27/1992

Elizabeth Ewing Bell Higginbotham (1910-1992) IL/TX

Elizabeth Bell Higginbotham, born October 31, 1910, in Chicago Heights, Il., died after a lengthy illness in Dallas on August 21. She was preceded in death by her husband, Joseph Lattimore Higginbotham, in 1965. She is survived by daughters, Jane H. Bayes of Santa Monica, CA; Ellen H. Rogers of Dallas; Marian H. Niles of Pacific Palisades, CA; Harriett H. Stoneham of Dallas; and nine grandchildren.

Mrs. Higginbotham was a graduate of the Walnut Hill School in Massachusetts and of Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. While living in Dallas, Mrs. Higginbotham contributed her time to many educational institutions as well as to local cultural organizations. She was president of the Childrens Medical Hospital Auxiliary in Dallas, a board member of the Visiting Nurse Association, the Metropolitan YWCA of Dallas and Dallas County, the Dallas Child Guidance Clinic, KERA Channel 13, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Hockaday School as well as a Life Trustee and Honorary Alumna of the school, a long time member of The Dallas Shakespeare Club and a volunteer for the United Way.

In addition to these activities, she was a member of the Junior League of Dallas, the Dallas Womens Club, The Womens Council of Dallas and Dallas County, the Dallas Council on World Affairs, the Smith College Alumna Association and served as president of the local alumnae club as well as serving as a Smith College Alumnae Trustee. Mrs. Higginbotham was a a patron of the Dallas Symphony, the Dallas Chamber Music Society  and the Dallas Museum of Art. At Southern Methodist University she was a founding member of the Dedman College University Lecture Series as well as Advisory Board member of the Campus YMCA and YWCA.

In lieu of flowers, memorial may be made to the Elizabeth B. Higginbotham Endowed Faculty Fund at The Hockaday School, 11600 Welch Road, Dallas, TX 75229 or to Smith College Alumnae Association, Northampton, MA 01063.



New Braunfels Herald Zeitung 10/13/1992

Hazel Lee Higginbotham Schaefer (1919-1992) TX

Funeral services for Mrs. Hazel L. Schaefer, a former resident of New Braunfels, were at 9 a.m. this morning at Zoeller Funeral Home. Interment was in Comal Cemetery. Mrs. Schaefer died Saturday in San Antonio at the age of 73.



Park Cities People 11/19/1992

Betty Lewis Boggs Higginbotham McDaniel (1915-1992) TX

Memorial services were held Friday, September 25, for Betty Boggs Higginbotham McDaniel. She died in Dallas on September 22 after a short illness.

Born in Taylor, TX on February 3, 1915, to Irene Lloyd and Waller Kyle Boggs, she graduated from Austin High School and attended the University of Texas.

She was preceded in death by husbands, Tol S. Higginbotham III and Hugh Hines McDaniel.

She is survived by her daughters, Betty Higginbotham Selzer and her husband Dale of Highland Park; Nancy Higginbotham Mabry of California; son, Tol S. Higginbotham IV of Austin and Buda; step-children Hugh H. McDaniel II of San Diego, Carl Nimitz McDaniel and wife Mary of Troy, N. Y., Susan Holland McDaniel of Boston; grandchildren Douglas Alan Selzer of Richmond, VA., John Howard Selzer of Dallas; Lisa Stevens Bell and husband Wes of Plano, and Bryan Richard Higginbotham of Austin; step-grandchildren Stuart and Virginia McDaniel of Troy; great-grandchildren Edwin and Christina Ganter of Plano.

Services were held at Trinity Episcopal Church with the Rev. C. V. Westapher and Rev. Michelle Tatlock, Chaplain of Presbyterian Village North officiating.

In lieu of flowers the family requests memorials to Trinity Episcopal Church or Presbyterian Village North Foundation of Dallas.



The Galveston Daily News 11/23/1992

James Milburn Higginbotham (1918-1992) MS/TX

Galveston-James M. Higginbotham, 74, of Galveston died Saturday Nov. 21, 1992, at Humana Hospital-Clear Lake in Webster.

Services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Carnes Brothers Funeral Home. Burial will follow.

Visitation will be after 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 23, 1992, at the funeral home.

Mr. Higginbotham was born on July 9, 1918, in Jackson, Miss., to Thomas E. and Essie Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham served his country in World War II and was a retired master diesel mechanic. He was with the city of Galveston with 31 years of service and was of the Baptist faith.

Survivors include his wife, Mary Alice Higginbotham of Galveston; his son, James M. Higginbotham II of Gainesville, Fla.; his daughters and sons-in-law, Debi and Keith Brecheen of Galveston, and Hazel and Steve Hendrick of Bowling Green, Kentucky; his grandchildren, Ryan, Kylie, Benjamin, Jessie, Sarah and Stevie Ray; his father and mother-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Glen West of Houston; his sister and brother-in-law, Dorothy and Jim Wilks of Little Rock, Ark.; his sister, Myrtle Price of Baton Rouge, La.; a devoted friend, Esther Donnavon of Galveston; and numerous nieces, nephews, family and friends.

Pallbearers will be Troy Baker, John Husky Jr., Phillip Ziesemer, Herman Ziesemer, Dale Bolton and Danny Donnavon.

Memorial may be sent to Carnes Brothers Funeral Home.



The Herald-Zeitung 07/12/1994

Talmage Eugene Higginbotham (1936-1994) TX

One of New Braunfels own, Talmage Eugene Higginbotham, was called to rest July 12, 1994.

He was born in New Braunfels on Feb. 11, 1936, to Floyd and Fern Higginbotham, who presently reside in New Braunfels.

Talmage was the greatest salesman.

His deep love of the jeweler business grew over the years.

He worked himself up from a salesman to the rank of an assistant vice president for Zales Jewelers.

After 16-1/2 years with Zales he embarked on his own business in southern California in 1975. In California he was a member of the 24 Karat Club and was also active in the Masonic Lodge.

He moved with his wife Nancy and son Jason to New Braunfels in 1985 to have a business here.

Talmage very bravely fought cancer. He was part of a cancer research program in San Antonio.

It was his wish to do something positive for himself and also for society. One person can make a difference and hopefully due to his participation in this program they will find a cure.

Talmage is survived by his sister, Betty Brissenden and family, Darlene Caddell and family, and his brother, Dwight Higginbotham, all of New Braunfels.

He is also survived by sons Scott Higginbotham and family from Fontana, Calif., and Justin Higginbotham and family from New Braunfels.

Memorial services will be at Saint Johns Episcopal Church at 11 Thursday morning, July 21, 1994. The Rev. Bo Keith will officiate.




Paul J. Higginbotham (1911-1995) TX

MONSIGNOR PAUL HIGGINBOTHAM, 84, died Friday, March 3, 1995 in a local nursing home. Burial was in Evergreen Cemetery in Ranger Mr. Higginbotham was born in Corsicana on January 29, 1911 and attended school in Ranger and Amarillo. He later returned to Ranger and worked in the oilfield. He worked for an aircraft company in California and was a U.S. Navy veteran of World War II. He attended St. John's Seminary in San Antonio and was ordained in 1950 at the age of 39. He served 12 parishes in the Dallas and Fort Worth dioceses and was pastor of St. Mary's Parish in Henrietta for 15 years. His activities included being chaplain of military groups and hospitals, bus driver, catechist, coach, scoutmaster, church secretary, gardener and janitor. One day after he turned 75 - the mandatory retirement age for priests under the new Code of Cannon Law - Higginbotham was informed by Bishop Joseph P. Delaney that he would be given the title of Monsignor. Higginbotham wrote a book of poetry titled "The Seven Stars", published in 1955, and wrote a weekly feature called "Rambling with the Rambler" under the pen name Wayne Wallace for the Ranger Times in 1937-38. He was a member of Knights of Columbus at St. Rita's Catholic Church. Survivors at the time of his death include one sister, Mary Francis Higginbotham of Ranger. 



The Seguin Gazette-Enterprise 03/10/1995

Nola Addie Higginbotham Cross (1908-1995) TX

Funeral services for Nola Cross, formerly of Seguin, will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 11, 1995 in Goetz Memorial Chapel with the Rev. Neil Kibbe officiating. Burial will be in Guadalupe Valley Memorial Park under the direction of Goetz Funeral Home.

Visitation began after 11 a.m. today, March 10, in the funeral home.

Mrs. Cross died Wednesday, March 8, 1995 in Waco. She was 86.

Survivors include one son, Joe R. Cross and wife Linda of Arlington; one daughter, Nerita McKinnon and husband Cameron of Houston; seven grandchildren, Laura and Dale  McKinnon, Paul Dandy, Connie Dean; Ray, Christen and John Cross; five great-grandchildren; one brother, Alfred Higginbotham of Merrit Island, Fla.; one sister, Evelyn Head of Del Rio.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Virgil Cross in 1971, two sons, Dwight Cross and Paul Wayne Cross; her brother Bud Higginbotham, and her sister, Fern Andress.



The Herald-Zeitung 05/23/1995

Justin Brent Higginbotham (1968-1995) TX

A memorial service for Justin Brent Higginbotham, age 27, of New Braunfels, will be held at First Baptist Church in Rice Hall on Saturday, May 27, at 3 p.m. Friends and family are welcome to come to the service.



The Brazosport Facts 09/24/1995

Raymond Walter Higginbotham (1927-1995) TX

A memorial service for Raymond Walter Higginbotham, 68, of Freeport, will be held at 2 p.m. Monday, September 25, 1995 at the First United Methodist Church in Freeport with the Rev. Don Storey officiating.

Raymond passed away September 22, 1995, in Tennessee Colony, Texas.

Raymond was born March 2, 1927, in Anderson County, Texas. He was a World War II Army Veteran and worked for Union Pacific Railroad for 38 years.

He is survived by his wife, Patsy Higginbotham of Freeport; two sons, Mark Ray Higginbotham of Angleton and Roy Neil Higginbotham of Bastrop; three grandchildren, Harper Higginbotham, Hayden Higginbotham and Colin Edward Higginbotham; step-mother, Edith Higginbotham of Flint; four brothers, Elmer J. Higginbotham of Palestine, F. M. Higginbotham of Lancaster, William Higginbotham of Flint and Weldon Higginbotham of Corsicana; five sisters, Helen Hogg of Goodrich, Laura Welch of Lancaster, Laurine Jacobs of Mesquite, Ruth Hodo of Tyler and Barbara Grice of Lancaster.

In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorials be made to the First United Methodist Church of Freeport Memorial Fund.

Arrangements by First United Methodist Church of Freeport.



Texas City Sun 12/17/1995

Charles William Higginbotham (1932-1995) AL/TX

Chuck Higginbotham

Charles W. "Chuck" Higginbotham, 63 , formerly of Texas City, passed away Thursday, Dec. 14, 1995 in Mobile, Ala.

A graveside service will be held 11 a.m., Monday at Grace Memorial Park. Visitation will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. today at the Emken-Linton Funeral Home in Texas City.

Mr. Higginbotham was born Feb. 2, 1932 in Birmingham. Ala. He was a newspaper circulation manager and a former employee of the Texas City Sun.

Survivors include his daughters, Kathryn Higginbotham of Galveston and Elizabeth Reed of Austin; a brother, J.D. Higginbotham; grandchildren. Zachariah Higginbotham and Allen and Shannon Lang ; and special friends. Bill and Rita Lang.



San Angelo Standard-Times 10/09/1996

Margaret Elizabeth Higginbotham Chowns (1901-1996) TX

MARFA - Margaret Higginbotham Chowns, 94, at 2 p.m. at First United Methodist Church; burial in Marfa Cemetery; arrangements by Memorial Funeral Home.



The Herald-Zeitung 10/30/1996

Eva Higginbotham O'Bar (1909-1996) TX

Eva H. O’Bar of New Braunfels died Monday, Oct. 28, 1996, at Eden Home at the age of 87 years. She was born Jan. 31, 1909 in Gonzales, Texas, to Melvin Higginbotham and Addie (Mudd) Higginbotham. She married Helery Carl O’Bar Jan. 16, 1926, in Gonzales, Texas. He preceded her in death Oct. 9, 1987. Mrs. O’Bar was a New Braunfels resident since 1941. She was a homemaker and a member of the First Baptist Church.

She is survived by four daughters, Beatrice Soechting, Frieda Mosier, Faye Gallion and Mary Lowrie, all of New Braunfels; brother, Floyd Higginbotham of New Braunfels; 11 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren, four great-great-grandchildren, numerous nieces and nephews.

Funeral services will be 9 a.m. Friday, Nov. 1, 1996, at Doeppenschmidt Funeral Home. Burial will be at the Guadalupe Valley Memorial Park. Visitation began at 11 a.m. today, Wednesday, at Doeppenschmidt Funeral Home. Memorials may be given to Hospice New Braunfels.



San Angelo Standard-Times 05/17/1997

Laura Ann Higginbotham (1976-1997) TX

MONAHANS - Laura Ann Higginbotham, 21, died Wednesday, May 14, 1997, in West Memphis, Ark.
Service will be at 2 p.m. Sunday in Harkey Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Monahans Memorial Cemetery.
She was born April 2, 1976, in Kermit. She was a homemaker.
Survivors include her parents, Burl and Linda Higginbotham of Monahans; two sons, Chris Higginbotham of Kermit and Bryan Higginbotham of Marion, Ark.; two sisters, Barbara Torres of San Antonio and Susan Fredrick of Monahans; and a brother, John Bernard of Drumright, Okla.



Odessa American 01/24/1998

Loma Ella Caraway Higginbotham Nichols (1902-1998) TX

MONAHANS _ Loma Higginbotham Nichols, 95, of Athens, a former cafe owner, died Thursday, Jan. 22, 1998, at South Place Nursing Home.
Graveside services will be held at 3 p.m. today at Monahans Memorial Cemetery with the Rev. Bill Cook officiating. Arrangements by Carroll-Lehr Funeral Home.
She previously lived in Grandfalls and Monahans. She was Baptist.
SURVIVORS: Son, Jack Higginbotham of Grandfalls; daughters, Doris Turrentine of Mountain Park, N.M., Billie Welch of Athens; sister, Lillian Spahn of Athens; nine grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild.

San Angelo Standard-Times 01/25/1998

Lovie L. Higginbotham Jones (1899-1998) TX

SAN ANGELO - Lovie L. Higginbotham Jones, 98, of San Angelo died Wednesday, Jan. 21, 1998, in a local nursing home.
Graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in Pioneer Rest Cemetery in Menard. Arrangements are by Johnson's Funeral Home.
She was born May 17, 1899, in Robert Lee. She was a retired licensed vocational nurse.
Survivors include several nieces including Bernice Weinkauf of Miles, Nell Draper and Stella Brooks, both of Big Spring, and Treasa Kerby of Sand Springs.



Amarillo Globe-News, 04/04/1998
Nedra Melvin Hogan Higginbotham (1918-1998) TX
HEREFORD - Nedra Higginbotham, 79, died Friday, April 3, 1998.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Monday in First United Methodist Church with the Rev. Cliff Custer, evangelist, and Dr. Tom Fuller, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Rest Lawn Memorial Park by Gililland-Watson Funeral Directors.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Spur. She married Raymond A. Higginbotham in 1940 at Spur. She moved from Spur to Deaf Smith County in 1951.
She was a homemaker and a member of First United Methodist Church. She was a Sunday school teacher and an accomplished pianist.
Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by a son, Landis Ray Higginbotham, in 1958; and by a daughter, Ann Higginbotham, in 1966.
Survivors include her husband; and a sister, Peggy Duckworth of Lubbock.
The family requests memorials be to the Cliff Custer Ministries of Grants Pass, Ore.



Lake Charles American Press 04/20/1998

Florence Higginbotham Bible (1938-1998) LA/TX

Funeral services for Mrs. Florence (Higginbotham) Bible, 60, of San Angelo, Texas, will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 21, in Johnson Funeral Home.
The Rev. Edgar Stevens will officiate. Burial will be in Graceland Cemetery. Visitation is from 2-10 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. Tuesday.
Mrs. Bible died at 7:10 a.m. Saturday, April 18, 1998, in her residence.
A native of Bell City, she lived in West Texas most of her life. She was a member of First Assembly of God Church.
Survivors include one son, Wayne Doucet of San Angelo; two daughters, Brenda Chaline of Lake Charles and Shelia Faulk of San Angelo; one step-son, Earl Trahan Jr. of Lake Charles; three sisters, Elda Tramonte, Mary Louise Trahan and Ethel Marie Arabie, all of Lake Charles; and six grandchildren.


San Angelo Standard-Times 07/01/1998

Don Michael Higginbotham (1947-1998) TX
MONAHANS - Don Michael Higginbotham, 51, of Grand Prairie and formerly of Monahans, died Saturday, June 27, 1998, in a Grand Prairie hospital. Graveside service was Tuesday in Monahans Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements were by Harkey Funeral Home. He was born Feb. 2, 1947, in Sweetwater. He was a project manager in telecommunications and had served in the ROTC. Survivors include his wife, Pamelia Gail Higginbotham of Grand Prairie; his mother, Merle Higginbotham of Monahans; two daughters, Pamela Jo Cote of Branson, Mo., and Amber Jorgensen of Palm Coast, Fla.; a sister, Camila Blum of Monahans; and seven grandchildren.



Van Zandt News 07/19/1998

Willie Mae Salters Higginbotham (1913-1998) TX

Funeral services for Willie Mae "Billie" Higginbotham, 85, Canton, were held at 10 a.m. July 17, at the First Baptist Church, Canton, with Rev. Charles Richardson officiating. Burial was in the Elm Grove Cemetery, Van Zandt County, under direction of the Eubank Funeral Home, Canton. Mrs. Higginbotham died July 15, 1998, in Canton.
She was born May 13, 1913, in Wills Point to the late Garvin and Femmie Bell Woodard Salters. She lived in Canton since 1938 and worked with her husband in their electrical service operation, Canton Radio Service. She was a homemaker and member of the First Baptist Church, where, she taught a Sunday School class for 25 years.
She was preceded in death by a grandson, Kevin Heddins, and sister, Alma Miller. Survivors include her husband, Everett Higginbotham; son, John Franklin Higginbotham; four daughters, Mary Dell Heddins, Almolene Cornwell, Peggy Jean Ashmore, and Ruth Ann Willis; 13 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers were John Turner, Cary Hilliard, Butch Hilliard, Charles Page, Howard Paul Stegall, Laffy Dan Stegall, J. L. Pearce and Jerry Bums. Honorary pallbearers were Billy Jack Peace, Edgar Jiminez, Kent Eubank, George Hilliard and Dr. Charles Van Cleave.



Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 07/25/1998

Elva Viola Palmer Higginbotham (1920-1998) TX
FORT WORTH (Special) - Services for Viola Higginbotham, 77, of Haltom City will be at 2 p.m. Monday in Lakeland Baptist Church with burial in Mount Olivet Cemetery under direction of Mount Olivet Funeral Home.
She died Thursday, July 23, 1998, in a Haltom City convalescent center.
She was born Aug. 8, 1920, in Hillsboro. She was a member of several senior citizens clubs in Haltom City, North Richland Hills and Fort Worth. Her husband, T.W. "Dub" Higginbotham, preceded her in death.
Survivors include two sons, Taylor of Fort Worth and Gary of Possum Kingdom; two sisters, Alpha Russell and Elsie Day, both of Fort Worth; four grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.


Herald-Zeitung 09/20/1998

William Floyd Higginbotham (1914-1998) TX

William “Floyd” Higginbotham, born February 16, 1914, in Cuero, Texas to William Melvin Higginbotham and Mary Adeline Mudd Higginbotham, died Friday September 18, 1998, at the McKenna hospital. He married Fern Burchfield on Dec. 17, 1933. He was a member and deacon of the Second Baptist Church in New Braunfels and had retired from N. B. Textile Mills with more than 40 years of service. Mr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by his daughter, Nancy Anita, and a son, Talmage Higginbotham. He is survived by his loving wife of 64 years, Fern Higginbotham; daughters and son-in-law, Betty Dunham and Darlene and Jackie Caddell; Son, Dwight Higginbotham; daughter-in-law, Mary Higginbotham; 13 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren, all of New Braunfels. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m., Monday, Sept. 21, 1998, at the Zoeller Funeral Home Chapel with Reverend Clarence Branch of Corpus Christi officiating. Interment will follow at the Comal Cemetery. Family will receive friends from 2 until 4 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 20, at the Zoeller Funeral Home.



Amarillo Globe-News 09/29/1998
Raymond Alexander Higginbotham (1916-1998) TX
HEREFORD - Raymond A. Higginbotham, 82, died Monday, Sept. 28, 1998.
Services will be at 4 p.m. Wednesday in First United Methodist Church of Hereford with Dr. Tom Fuller, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Rest Lawn Memorial Park by Gililland-Watson Funeral Home.
Mr. Higginbotham was born in Floydada and moved to Chillicothe where he graduated from high school in 1934. He received his degree in agriculture engineering from Texas A&M. From 1938 until 1942, he was an agricultural engineer for the Soil Conservation Service.
In 1942, Mr. Higginbotham joined the Army Air Corps as an aviation cadet. After training at Yale University, he was commissioned as a second lieutenant. He was assigned to aircraft maintenance in the Ferring division where he was officer in charge. He later served in Casa Blanca in Northern Africa.
Mr. Higginbotham attained the rank of captain by the end of World War II. He transferred to the Air Force Reserves and rose to the rank of major. In 1956, he retired from the reserves.
Mr. Higginbotham returned to the Soil Conservation Service as an agricultural engineer in Spur, resigned in 1951 and moved to Deaf Smith County to become a farmer. He served on the Texas Farmers' Sugar Beet Board for the American Crystal Sugar Beet Co., of Hereford. He served on the Holly Sugar Beet Farmers' Board until 1975.
In 1957, Mr. Higginbotham was named Soil Conservation Farmer of the Year. He served on the Deaf Smith County Electric Coop Board for 19 years. He was a longtime member of the First United Methodist Church.
Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the Masonic Lodge. He became a master Mason in 1951 and was elected worshipful master in 1952. In 1996, he was presented the Masonic 50-year service pin.
He married Nedra Hogan in 1940 at Spur. She preceded him in death in April. He also was preceded in death by a son, Landis Higginbotham, in 1958, and by a daughter, Ann Higginbotham, in 1966.
He is survived by a brother, Billy Frank Higginbotham of Pecos; and two sisters, Frances Doll of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Mary Louise Work of Crosbyton.



Amarillo Online 10/28/1998

Victoria Marie Higginbotham (1998-1998) TX
PERRYTON - Victoria Marie Higginbotham, infant daughter of Stanley Higginbotham and Angela Hayes, died Monday, Oct. 26, 1998.
Graveside services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday in Ochiltree Cemetery with the Rev. Bobby Roger officiating. Arrangements are by Boxwell Brothers Funeral Home of Perryton.
Miss Higginbotham was born in Perryton.
Survivors include her parents; and her grandparents, Verlin Hayes of Guthrie, Okla., Ginger Stoffels and Patricia Biggs, both of Gainesville, and Stanley Higginbotham of Memphis.
The family suggests memorials be to Perryton Shrine Club c/o Children's Hospital.



Amarillo Globe-News 01/24/1999
Marie Blanch Higginbotham Aduddell (1912-1999) TX
Marie Blanch Aduddell, 86, of Amarillo, died Tuesday, Jan. 19, 1999.
Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. Monday in Memorial Park Cemetery with the Rev. G.A. Roach, chaplain of Northwest Texas Hospital, officiating. Burial will be by Colonial Funeral Chapel, 1010 W. Ninth Ave.
Mrs. Aduddell was born in Maybank, moved to Amarillo in 1991 and was a member of First Baptist Church.
Her first husband, Coy Radney, died in 1962 and her second husband, Marvin Aduddell, died in 1988.
Survivors include a son, Coy Radney of Amarillo; a brother, Dale Higginbotham of Bishop; five grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren.
The family suggests memorials be to the local Hemophiliac Foundation.



Amarillo Globe-News 04/23/1999
Chester Lee Higginbotham (1928-1999) TX
PADUCAH - Chester Lee Higginbotham, 72, died Wednesday, April 21, 1999.
Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Garden of Memorial Cemetery with the Rev. Carl Savage, pastor of First Assembly of God Church, officiating. Arrangements are by Seigler Funeral Home.
Mr. Higginbotham was born in Muleshoe. He married Faye Sisam in 1968 at Elko, Nev. He moved to Paducah in 1979 from Salt Lake City. He and his wife owned and operated the Rolling Plains Motel in Paducah. He was a lifetime member of the Fraternal Order of the Eagle.
He was preceded in death by a son, Michael D. Higginbotham.
Survivors include his wife; a son, Chester Lee Higginbotham Jr. of Salt Lake City; two daughters, Vickie Aldridge of Dallas and Teresa Malupo of Salt Lake City; a sister, Helen Marie Gabel of Phoenix; four half sisters; seven grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.

Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

Chester Higginbotham
(Special) Graveside services for Chester Lee Higginbotham, 72, of Paducah will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Garden of Memories Cemetery with the Rev. Carl Savage, pastor of First Assembly of God Church, officiating.
Burial will be under direction of Seigler Funeral Home of Paducah.
He died Wednesday, April 21, 1999, at his residence.
He was born Aug. 15, 1928, in Muleshoe. He married Faye Sisam on Oct. 28, 1968, in Elko, Nev. He moved to Paducah in 1979 from Salt Lake City, Utah. He and his wife owned and operated the Rolling Plains Motel in Paducah. He was a lifetime member of Fraternity Orders of the Eagle.
Survivors include his wife; a son, Chester Lee Higginbotham Jr. of Salt Lake City; two daughters, Vickie Aldridge of Dallas and Teresa Malupo of Salt Lake City; a sister, Helen Marie Gabel of Phoenix, Ariz.; four half-sisters; seven grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.



Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 06/03/1999

Willia Catherine Higginbotham (1922-1999) IL/TX
HERRIN, Ill. (Special) Funeral services for Catherine Higginbotham, 76, of Lubbock will be 1 p.m. Saturday at Van Natta Funeral Home in Herrin.
Burial will follow in East Lawn Memorial Park in Energy, Ill.
Local arrangements under direction of Resthaven Funeral Home.
She died Tuesday, June 1, 1999, at her home in Lubbock.
She was born June 24, 1922, in Christopher, Ill.
Survivors include two sons, Gary Yates of Lubbock and Kenneth Yates of Columbus Grove, Ohio; three grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.


Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 09/11/1999
Rhonda Keys Higginbotham (1962-1999) GA/TX
STANTON (Special) Graveside services for Rhonda Keys Higginbotham, 36, of Midland will be at 10 a.m. Saturday in Evergreen Cemetery with the Rev. Robert Frazier of Midland officiating.
Burial will be under the direction of Gilbreath Funeral Home.
She died Wednesday, Sept. 8, 1999, near Sterling City.
She was born on Oct. 13, 1962 in Atlanta, Ga. She had lived in Midland for four years and was assistant manager at a Town & Country store. She loved music, collecting Indian artifacts and spending time with her family.
Survivors include a daughter, Amber Higginbotham of Midland; a son, Ricky Higginbotham of Midland; her mother, Sandra Keys of Midland; a brother, Randy Keys of Odessa; two sisters, Tori Keys Steen and Staci Keys Baker, both of Odessa; and a granddaughter.
The family suggests memorials to a favorite charity.


Temple Daily Telegram

Esta Lee Brittian Higginbotham Warren (1925-1999) TX

WARREN, Esta Lee Higginbotham, 73, Belton, 1 p.m., Dossman Funeral Home, Belton. Burial in Gilliam Cemetery.



Corpus Christi Caller-Times Sunday, November 28, 1999

James Pierce Higginbotham (1914-1999) TX

Police car hits pickup truck, killing one
Retired minister driving home when Farmers Branch cruiser slammed into him
Associated Press
FARMERS BRANCH - A police car slammed into a pickup truck at a suburban Dallas intersection Friday, killing the truck's 85-year-old driver and injuring the officer.
Retired minister and juvenile probation officer James Higginbotham was killed near his Farmers Branch home as he was returning from the bank, police said.
He was driving southbound and was turning east when Officer William Wilson's northbound police cruiser slammed into the passenger's side of his truck.
Wilson was treated at Parkland Hospital in Dallas and released.
Farmers Branch police Lt. Robert Pascual said Wilson was en route to a traffic accident without his lights or sirens on. Witnesses said he was driving faster than the posted 35 mph speed limit, but investigators said they have not determined his speed.
"We don't have any knowledge of any wrongdoing," Pascual said.
Wilson has been with the department for two or three years. Because his injuries will keep him from returning to duty immediately, he has not been put on administrative leave, as is routine after such accidents, police said.
Under Farmers Branch policy, "if you're responding to an emergency situation, you will have audible and lights flashing as a warning," police Capt. Kirk Riggs told The Dallas Morning News.
He declined to say if the officer should have had his sirens and lights on under the policy.



Texarkana Gazette 12/27/1999

R. V. Higginbotham (1913-1999) TX
R.V. Higginbotham, 86, of Houston, died Thursday, Dec. 23, 1999, in a Pasadena, Texas hospital.
Mr. Higginbotham was born March 26, 1913 in Minton, Texas. He was retired from Red River Army Depot, a member of the Christian Church, former member of the Maud, Texas VFW, and was an Army Air Corps veteran of World War II.
Survivors include one son and daughter-in-law, Kenneth and Zella Higginbotham of Houston; one daughter, Caroline King of Tyler, Texas; one stepdaughter, Wanda Jinks of Sugarland, Texas; and a number of grandchildren.
Graveside services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Center Ridge Cemetery, Maud, with Doris Lytle and Charlie Tutt officiating, under direction of Texarkana Funeral Home.
Visitation will be 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.


Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 03/04/2000

Ruth Kirk Higginbottom (1909-2000) TX
GORMAN (Special) Services for Ruth K. Higginbottom, 90, of Gorman will be 2 p.m. Sunday at First United Methodist Church in Gorman with the Rev. Victor Pena officiating.
Burial will be in the Gorman Cemetery under the direction of Higginbotham Funeral Home.
She died Friday, March 3, 2000, at DeLeon Hospital.
She was born March 5, 1909, in the Gorman area. She married Edgar Higginbottom on Dec. 23, 1931, in Walters, Okla. He died April of 1992.
She was a graduate of Gorman High School and Daniel Baker College in Brownwood. She was superintendent and teacher of the children's department of First United Methodist Church. She was also teacher of the adult class and president of the United Methodist Women. She was a member of the Pythian Sisters Lodge and the Order of the Eastern Star. She was a retired teacher, having taught at Mountain, Almeda and Gorman for 27 years.
Survivors include a son, Ted Higginbottom of Seminole; two granddaughters; two step-granddaughters; five brothers, Glynn Kirk of Brownwood, Ardell Kirk of Tomball, Odell Kirk of Pasadena, Robert Kirk of Carlsbad, Calif. and Weldon Kirk of Sweetwater.
Visitation will be Saturday from 6-9 p.m.



Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 03/19/2000

Cleon C. Higginbotham (1928-2000) TX
Graveside services for Cleon C. Higginbotham, 71, of Lubbock will be at 10 a.m. Monday in Resthaven Memorial Park.
Services are under the direction of Resthaven Funeral Home.
He died Friday, March 17, 2000, at his home.
He was born March 21, 1928, in Malone. He married M. Louise Law on June 17, 1950, in Fort Sumner, N.M. He served in the Army during World War II and had been employed by the Coca-Cola Company, West Texas Hospital, and Wendall's Refrigeration. He had been retired since 1983.
He was preceded in death by son, Wendall C., in 1995.
Survivors include his wife; a son, Randall L. of Lubbock; two daughters, Linda L. Brown of Ridgedale, Mo., and Bonnie S. Garrison of Springfield, Ore.; two sisters, Elsie Muncy and Betty Williams, both of Vega; seven grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.
The family will receive friends from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday at the funeral home.



Amarillo Daily News 04/25/2000
Billie Louise Higginbotham Stegall (1921-2000) TX
Billie Louise Stegall, 78, of Amarillo, died Sunday, April 23, 2000.
Services will be at 2 p.m. today in Victory Church with David Brown, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Citizens Cemetery at Clarendon by Robertson Funeral Directors of Clarendon.
Mrs. Stegall was a resident of Fritch for 10 years before moving to Amarillo four years ago. She was a homemaker and a member of Victory Church.
She married Richard Thomas "Dick" Stegall in 1949 at Stephenville. He died in 1993.
Survivors include a daughter, Cheryl Gipson of Amarillo; two sons, Tommy Stegall and Roddy Klinnert, both of Amarillo; two sisters, Jo Mac Carter of Antioch, Calif., and Linda Brown of Bandera; two brothers, Russ Higginbotham of Ramona, Calif., and Dean Higginbotham of Chula Vista, Calif.; seven grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren.
The body will be available for viewing until noon today.


Corpus Christi Caller-Times 05/05/2000

Catherine Miller Higginbotham (1921-2000) VA/TX

Catherine Higginbotham, 78, of Sinton, Texas, formerly a resident of Ingleside, Texas, passed away Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at her home in Sinton. She was born June 12, 1921 in Massies Mill, Virginia to Cleveland and Kate Miller. Prior to moving to Sinton, she had been a resident of Ingleside, Texas since 1965. She worked at the Aransas Pass Progress News for over 10 years before retiring and then she spent 23 years working tirelessly for North Bay Hospital Auxiliary.
She was preceded in death by her husband Charles in 1992.
She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Kay and Joe Zorn of Sinton; two sisters, Ellen McElveen of Houston, Texas and June Wood of Roseland, Virginia and one granddaughter, Kylie Zorn of Corpus Christi. Mrs. Higginbotham will lie in state at Charlie Marshall Funeral Home Chapel, Aransas Pass, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Funeral services will be conducted Monday, May 8, 2000 at First Presbyterian Church, Aransas Pass at 10:00 a.m. with Rev. James Stewart officiating.
Interment will follow at San Patricio Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Portland, Texas.


Texarkana Gazette 10/25/2000

Zella Louise Koepke Higginbotham (1952-2000) TX
Zella Louise Koepke Higginbotham, 48, of Houston died Monday, Oct. 23, 2000, at her home.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born Feb. 22, 1952, in Texarkana, Texas. She was a teacher at Triple E Workshop School for the Handicapped and member of East Houston Revival Center, where she was president of the Women's Ministries.
Survivors include her husband, Kenneth W. Higginbotham of Houston; one brother and sister-in-law, Lee and Donna Koepke of Queen City, Texas; two sisters and two brothers-in-law, Ruth and Walter Park of Little Rock and Martha and Gay Deen of Texarkana; and a number of other relatives.
Graveside services will be 10 a.m. Thursday in Chapelwood Memorial Gardens with the Revs. Doris Lytle and Charlie Tutt officiating. Burial will be under direction of Texarkana Funeral Home.
Visitation will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.
The family will be at 2725 S. Lake Drive.
Memorials may be made to Triple E Workshop School for the Handicapped or East Houston Revival Center Church.


Van Zandt News 12/03/2000

Everett DeWitt Higginbotham (1912-2000) TX

Services for Everett D. Higginbotham, 88, Canton, were held at 2 p.m. Saturday, December 2, at Eubank Funeral Home Chapel, Canton, with Rev. Lynn Mullins officiating. Burial was in Elm Grove Cemetery, Van Zandt County. Mr. Higginbotham died November 30, 2000, in Canton. He was born July 29, 1912, in Elm Grove Community to the late John Ernest and Mary Francis Wisdom Higginbotham. He had lived in Canton since 1938, and owned and operated an electrical and refrigeration service business. He was a member of Elm Grove Methodist Church and attended First Baptist Church of Canton for many years. He was preceded in death by his wife Bill Higginbotham, in 1998; and grandson, Kevin Heddin.


Stephenville Empire-Tribune 05/10/2001
Velma Grace Higginbotham Whiteside Rincon (1908-2001) TX
Funeral services for Velma Rincon, 93, of Odessa will be at 11 a.m. Friday, May 11, in the Rutledge Funeral Home chapel in Hico.
Burial will follow in the Hico Cemetery.
Rincon died Tuesday, May 8, at the Medical Center Hospital in Odessa.
She was born Feb. 27, 1908, in Erath County to John and Euna Higginbotham. She was a retired insurance agent for Rio Grande Insurance Co. She was a traveler and a member of the University Heights Baptist Church in Odessa.
Survivors include her husband, Raul Rincon of Odessa; two daughters, Mary Barker of Odessa and Pat Matheaus of Pipe Creek; one son, Glen Whiteside of Bangs, 11 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by one daughter, Euna Price.



Amarillo Globe-News 06/10/2001
Margaret E. Higginbotham (1904-2001) TX
MEMPHIS - Margaret Higginbotham, 96, died Thursday, June 7, 2001.
Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday in the First Christian Church with Tom Posey officiating. Burial will be in Moline, Kan., by Memphis Funeral Home.
Mrs. Higginbotham had lived in Memphis for three years. She was a member of Cotton Hills Christian Church in Duncan, Okla.
Survivors include two daughters, Carolyn Boutell and Sharon Brand, both of Memphis; five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
The family suggests memorials be to the National Federation of the Blind, 2233 West Shepperd, Littleton, CO 80120; or the American Cancer Society, 3915 Bell, Amarillo, TX 79109.



The Bryant-College Station Eagle 06/17/2001

Georgia Faye Higginbotham Wilburn Holmes (1939-2001) TX
Aug. 19, 1939 — June 14, 2001
SAN AUGUSTINE, Texas — Services for Faye Higginbotham Holmes, 61, of Hilltop Lakes are set for 10 a.m. Monday at Wyman Roberts Memorial Chapel in San Augustine.
Bros. Kenneth McCauley and Ray Radden will officiate. Burial will be in Liberty Hill Cemetery.
Mrs. Holmes died Thursday at her home.
She was born in San Augustine County and was a homemaker. She was a Protestant.
Survivors include her husband, Don Holmes of Hilltop Lakes; a son, Michael Wilburn of Santa Fe, Texas; two daughters and sons-in-law, Sharon and Tim Clark of Santa Fe and Cindy and Craig Stepic of Ely, Minn.; five brothers, Sam Higginbotham of Tyler, Floyd Higginbotham of Navasota, Billy Higginbotham of Center, Texas, S.G. Higginbotham of San Augustine and Joe Higginbotham of Shelbyville, Texas; five sisters, Pauline Rash of Mauriceville, Texas, Lucille Calk of Monroe, La., Dorothy Raddin of Houston, Peggy Shannon of Shreveport, La., and Kathryn McCauley of San Augustine; and two grandchildren.




Hubert Leon Higginbotham (1927-2001) TX

Hubert Leon Higginbotham of Baytown, Texas, passed away Oct. 11. Funeral services will be held Monday, Oct. 15 at 2 p.m. at Missouri Street Church of Christ. Burial services will be at Mt. Carmel Cemetery in Wolfe City, Texas, on Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 2 p.m. Higginbotham was born in Wolfe City on Sept. 5, 1927, and graduated from high school in Commerce in 1944. He began his college work at East Texas State Teachers College, now Texas A&M University-Commerce, in 1944. His college training was interrupted soon after his 18th birthday. After the fall semester of 1945, he entered the United States Army in February, 1946. He was honorably discharged in August, 1947, after being on duty in California where he attained the rank of T/4. Returning to Commerce, Higginbotham enrolled again in East Texas State University and received a B.S. degree with a major in business administration in January, 1950. He received a master's of education degree, also from ETSU, in January, 1952. He also did further graduate work at the University of Texas. After teaching four years in Greenville, he left to begin his tenure at Robert E. Lee High School in Baytown in 1954. He taught at Lee until his retirement in 1985. Although he taught most of the courses in the Business Education Department from time to time, his main focus was accounting. He encouraged students to continue the study of accounting in college, and over the years many of these students expressed their appreciation to him for his dedication for helping them decide on an interesting career. When he retired, he had been serving as the Lee Business Education Department as chairman. He had also taught part-time at Lee College, and worked for the City of Baytown Parks and Recreation Department as Aquatic Supervisor during the summers for 18 years. Higginbotham enjoyed traveling and had visited in most states of the continental United States and extensively in Mexico. He read extensively, enjoyed classical music, collected rare coins, enjoyed genealogy and restoring classic cars. A member of the Missouri Street Church of Christ, he attended regularly. He was also a life member of the Texas State Teachers Association. He was preceded in death by his parents, Hubert Lee Higginbotham and Ruby Florence Stephens Higginbotham; his sister, Marie Higginbotham Gardner, and her husband, Burl, and a nephew, Robin Lee Gardner, all of Commerce. Survivors include his daughter, Tresa Kay Wyatt, and her husband, Rick, and a granddaughter, Jennifer Simkulet, all of Baytown; a grandson, Christopher A. Moore; sister-in-law, Wanda Gardner of Bonham; and cousins, Margaret L. Ellsberry and Dwight Neal Stephens of Dallas, and Roy Wayne Stephens of Longview. In lieu of flowers, please send memorials to the Parkinson's Society, the Missouri Street Church of Christ, P.O. Box 4295, Baytown, Texas 77522-4295, or any other organization of your choice.



Amarillo Globe-News 12/30/2001

Cecil Richard Higginbotham (1928-2001) OK/AR/TX
Cecil R. Higginbotham, 73, of Amarillo, died Friday, Dec. 28, 2001.
Memorial services will be at 2 p.m. Monday in Brooks Funeral Directors chapel in Canyon with Tim McMath, pastor of Bethel Baptist Church of Amarillo, officiating.
Mr. Higginbotham was born Aug. 19, 1928, in Oklahoma City to Joseph and Ode Ruth Foster Higginbotham. He moved to Arkansas and then to Texas in 1945. He was a truck driver for most of his adult life.
Survivors include five brothers, Ovie Higginbotham of Fayetteville, Ark., Raymond Higginbotham of Reno, Nev., and Carl Lee Higginbotham, J.C. Higginbotham and S.G. "Red" Higginbotham, all of Amarillo; four sisters, Maybelle Gibson of Concord, Calif., Eulila Higginbotham and Imogene Riddle, both of Desney, Okla., and Jessie Hartwell of Amarillo; numerous nieces and nephews; numerous friends; and a very special friend and companion, Barbara Williams.
The family will be at 4001 Harmony in Amarillo.
The family suggests memorials be to Crown of Texas Hospice, 1000 S. Jefferson, Amarillo, TX 79101; or to a favorite charity.



Amarillo Globe-News 01/02/2002

Thomas Ray Hickenbottom (1930-2002) TX

Thomas Ray "Shorty" Hickenbottom, 71, of Amarillo, died Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2002. Services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday in Memorial Park Funeral Home Chapel of Memories, 6969 E. Interstate 40, with Chaplain Bob Thomas of Crown of Texas Hospice officiating. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery. Mr. Hickenbottom was born in Amarillo to Clarence Ray and Anna Lee Parker Hickenbottom. He was a lifelong resident of Amarillo and was a member of Glenwood Baptist Church. He married Alma Cain on Oct. 27, 1951, in Clovis, N.M. For many years he owned and operated Ray's Paint and Body Shop. Car racing was his hobby. Survivors include his wife; two sons, Ray Hickenbottom and Gary Hickenbottom, both of Amarillo; five daughters, Kathy Randall of Fresno, Calif., and Brenda Tennison, Linda Nugent, Paula Chapman and Rhonda Trimble, all of Amarillo; 17 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.



Lake Charles American Press 02/13/2002

Ethel Irene Davis Hebert Higginbotham (1901-2002) LA/TX
WELSH — Funeral services for Ethel Irene Hebert Higginbotham, 100, of Longview, Texas, will be at 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 14, from Our Lady of Seven Dolors Catholic Church. The Rev. Herbert May will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery under the direction of Hixson Funeral Home. Visitation is 3:30-9 p.m. today, with a rosary at 7 p.m., and from 8 a.m. Thursday in the funeral home.
Mrs. Higginbotham died at 8:15 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2002, in Welsh. She was a native of Welsh. She was a homemaker. She was a former town clerk and was Welsh's first librarian. She was a parade marshal for the Welsh Fourth of July parade. She was an oil painter and a member of the Oil Painting and China Painting Guild. She was a member of Our Lady of Seven Dolors Catholic Church, the Ladies Altar Society, Catholic Daughters of America and the church rosary group.


San Antonio Express-News 02/26/2002

Elisabeth Janota Higginbotham (1922-2002) Czechoslovakia/TX
Elisabeth J. Higginbotham, a native of Czechoslovakia, passed away Saturday, February 16, 2002 at her residence. She is survived by her brother, Willie Janota and wife Frieda residing in Augsburg, Germany; niece, Henriette Richter, her husband Harald and their son of Gessertshausen, Germany. She had numerous friends here and in Europe. Arrangements are entrusted to Oak Hills Mortuary.


Texarkana Gazette 03/04/2002

B. Claudene Higginbotham McGee Doss (1915-2002) TX

Claudene Doss, 86, of Wake Village, Texas, died Saturday, March 2, 2002, in a local hospital. Mrs. Doss was born Oct. 13, 1915, in Maud, Texas. She was a homemaker, past president of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, member of Over 30 Club and Rose Hill Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husbands, Perry McGee and William Doss. Survivors include two daughters and one son-in-law, Flora and Carrell Sutton of Mineral Springs, Ark., and Dr. Carol Royal of Lubbock, Texas; one son, Perry McGee of Houston; one brother, Marvin Higginbotham of Linden, Texas; three sisters, Hazel Chambers of Sapulpa, Okla., Lorene Minton of Dallas, Ruth Lewis of Redwater, Texas; six grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; and a number of nieces and nephews. Services will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at Chapelwood Funeral Home Chapel with Tim Jones officiating. Burial will be in Redwater Cemetery. Visitation will be 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. today at the funeral home. The family will be at their home, 720 Westwood, Wake Village, Texas. Memorials may be made to Alzheimer's Association, Greater Texarkana Chapter, P.O. Box 7812, 1012 Texas Blvd., Texarkana, Texas, 75505.




Gladys Ivy Higginbotham Matthews (1917-2002) IL/TX

Gladys Ivy Matthews, 84, died Monday, March 4, 2002 in a Abilene nursing home.

Funeral services wee held Friday, March 8 at Moran Baptist Church with Dr. James Shields and Rev. Jim Smithee officiating. Burial was in Moran Cemetery.

Mrs. Matthews was born March 5, 1917 in Lawrenceville, Illinois. She married James T. Matthews September 23, 1934 in Cisco. He preceded her in death in 1994. She was a member of the First Baptist Church and was a homemaker.

Survivors include one daughter, Ivy Jane Mason of Abilene; one son, Wesley Matthews of Buffalo; six grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and five great-great-grandchildren.

Pallbearers were Grant Robinson, Barney Tabor, Bert Jones, Alvis Parrish, Jimmy Brooks and Johnny Branham. Honorary pallbearers were Paul Harper and Don Doyle.



San Antonio Express-News 03/17/2002

Johanna Mae Anderson Higginbotham (1924-2002) TX

Johanna Mae Higginbotham of San Antonio, entered into rest on Friday, March 15, 2002 at the age of 78 years. Johanna was a former buyer for Joske's of Texas and was a demo lady. She will be remembered as a very talented ceramic artist. Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her daughters, JoAnn Frisco, DyAnn Aramendia and her husband Richard, and Nelda Garcia; son, Phillip Higginbotham; five grandchildren; four great-grandchildren and numerous friends and other family members. Visitation will be held in the Dellcrest Chapel on Sunday, March 17, 2002 from 5:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. with a Rosary to be recited at 6:30 P.M. Funeral Services will be held in the Dellcrest Chapel on Monday, March 18, 2002 at 10:00 A.M. Interment will follow in Marion, TX at St. John's Lutheran Cemetery. Services entrusted to Dellcrest Funeral Home.


Texarkana Gazette 05/11/2002

Betty Braumiller Higginbotham (1928-2002) TX/LA

SHREVEPORT, La.--Betty Braumiller Higginbotham, 73, of Shreveport died Wednesday, May 8, 2002, in a local hospital.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born Aug. 9, 1928, in Texarkana, Texas. She was retired from Hutches Sheet Metal and a member of Asbury Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Aubrey N. Higginbotham.
Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law, Blake and Julia Higginbotham of Tennessee and Karl and Nell Higginbotham of Bossier City, La.; one daughter and son-in-law, Marsha and Don Dillman of Shreveport; one sister and brother-in-law, Ann and Dale Chichester of Texarkana; one brother, Nick Braumiller of Shreveport; one brother-in-law, Randy Higginbotham; 11 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and a number of other relatives.
Services will be 10:30 a.m. today at Rose-Neath Funeral Home Bossier Chapel with Barry Hughes officiating. Graveside services will be 1 p.m. in Rose Hill Cemetery, Texarkana.


Texarkana Gazette 07/16/2002

Marvin H. Higginbotham (1910-2002) TX

Marvin H. Higginbotham, 92, of Linden, Texas, died Sunday, July 14, 2002, in a Linden hospital.
Mr. Higginbotham was born May 26, 1910, in Maud, Texas. He was retired from the oil industry and was a member of the Church of Christ.
Survivors include his wife, Mary Moser Higginbotham of Linden; three sisters, Hazel Chambers of Sapulpa, Okla., Lorene Minton of Dallas and Ruth Lewis of Redwater, Texas; one special cousin, Ramona Lewis of Maud; and a number of nieces and nephews.
Graveside services will be 2 p.m. today in Center Ridge Cemetery with Norman Miller officiating. Burial is under direction of Chapelwood Funeral Home.
The family will be at the Higginbotham home, Linden.
Memorials may be made to Alzheimer's Association Greater Texarkana Area Chapter, P.O. Box 7812, Texarkana, Texas, 75503 or Medina Children's Home, Star Route 16, Box 75, Medina, Texas, 78055.


Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 07/19/2002

Willis Reeves Higginbotham (1926-2002) TX

OKLAHOMA CITY — Services for Willis Reeves Higginbotham, 75, of Oklahoma City will be at 10 a.m. Friday at Vondel L. Smith & Son Mortuary in Oklahoma City.
Burial will be in Resthaven Memory Gardens under the direction of Vondel L. Smith & Son Mortuary.
He died Monday, July 15, 2002.
He was born Dec. 29, 1926, in Flomont. He served in the Army through World War II during the occupation of Japan. He graduated from Texas Tech with a degree in chemical engineering. He worked for Phillips Petroleum for 35 years until retiring. He married Annie Mae Graham on Aug. 28, 1948. She preceded him in death.
Survivors include a daughter, Cynthia Ball of Tulsa, Okla.; two sons, Walter of Chicago and Edwin of Piedmont; three brothers, Vernon, Walter and Glen, all of Lubbock; two sisters, Mildred Sinclair of Irving and Vernell Johnson of Midland; seven grandchildren; and one great-grandchild.



San Antonio Express-News 07/24/2002

Robert Henry Higginbotham (1907-2002) TX

Robert H. Higginbotham, age 95, entered into eternal rest on July 22, 2002. He was born on June 22, 1907 in San Antonio, TX. He was preceded in death by his wife, Genevieve Navarro Higginbotham; daughter, Roberta Genevieve Balmos; brother, Raymond Higginbotham and grandson, Paul Balmos. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Jo Ella Higginbotham; son-in-law, Donald E. Balmos; grandsons and their wives, Barry and Venesa Balmos, Robert and Linda Balmos, Larry and Cheri Balmos and five great-grandchildren. Mr. Higginbotham was a loving husband, father, grandfather and friend. Visitation will be Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at Sunset Funeral Home Chapel from 5:00-9:00 P.M. with a Rosary to be recited at 7:00 P.M. A Funeral Service will be Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 11:00 A.M. at Sunset Funeral Home with Interment to follow at Sunset Memorial Park. Sunset Funeral Home.


Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 07/30/2002

Hallie Higginbotham Chesser (1916-2002) TX

Services for Hallie Higginbotham Chesser, 85, of Anton will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Lawrence Avenue Church of Christ in Anton with Larry Bloskas, David Pinkerton and Hoyt Cranfill officiating.
Burial will be in Resthaven Memorial Park under the direction of Resthaven Funeral Home.
She died Monday, July 29, 2002.
She was born Sept. 14, 1916, in Taylor County. She married R.B. "Dutch" Chesser on Jan. 11, 1936, in Dawson County. She lived in Lubbock and Smyer before moving to Anton in 1955. She worked with her husband in the grocery business in Anton for 19 years. She retired in 1973. She was a member of the Lawrence Avenue Church of Christ.
Survivors include her husband; two daughters, June Humphreys of Strongsville, Ohio, and Glenda Goen of Olton; a brother, Henry Higginbotham Jr. of Crosbyton; three grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.
The family suggests memorials to Hospice of Lubbock, Lubbock Children's Home, or the Lawrence Avenue Church of Christ in Anton.



Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 08/06/2002

photo: obituari

Henry Higginbotham Jr. (1921-2002) TX

CROSBYTON — Services for Henry Higginbotham Jr., 80, of Crosbyton will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Crosbyton First United Methodist Church with the Rev. Bob Kelley officiating.
Burial will be in the Crosbyton Cemetery under direction of Adams Funeral Home of Crosbyton.
He died Saturday, Aug. 3, 2002.
He was born Sept. 21, 1921, in Lawn. He moved to Crosby County in 1936. He married Helen Kathleen Matthews on Aug. 17, 1945, in Ralls. He worked at Crosbyton schools as maintenance supervisor for 21 years and for Whitchurch Motor Co. in Crosbyton for 27 years. He served in the Army Air Corps during World War II. He was a 50-year member of the Masonic Lodge and the York Rite and was a member of the Crosbyton First United Methodist Church.
Survivors include his wife; a son, William H. "Bill" of Broken Arrow, Okla.; a daughter, Jeanie LaRue Higginbotham of San Angelo; and two grandchildren.
The family suggests memorials to the Crosbyton First United Methodist Church.


Temple Daily Telegram 10/02/2002

Leola Gertrude Dobbins Higginbotham (1918-2002) WV/TX

HIGGINBOTHAM, Leola Gertrude, 84, Temple, 11 a.m., Harper-Talasek Funeral Home, Temple.



Herald-Zeitung 11/05/2002

Clara Fern Burchfield Higginbotham (1915-2002) TX

Fern Higginbotham, of New Braunfels, passed away Monday, Nov. 4, 2002, at her residence at the age of 87.

She was married to William “Floyd” Higginbotham on Dec. 17, 1933. He preceded her in death on Sept. 18, 1998. She was a member of the Second Baptist Church. She is survived by her daughters Darlene Caddell and Betty Dunham; son Dwight Higginbotham; 13 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandson.

Visitation will begin at 11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 7, 2002, until service time Friday at Zoeller Funeral Home with the family present to receive visitors from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Funeral services will be Friday, Nov. 8, 2002, at 2 p.m. at Zoeller Funeral Home with burial to follow in Comal Cemetery.



The Daily News 11/23/2002

Billy Paul Higginbotham (1949-2002) TX

Dickinson-Billy Paul Higginbotham, age 66, of Dickinson died Tuesday, November 19, 2002, at his residence in Dickinson. Arrangements are pending at Carnes Brothers Funeral Home.




Mary Frances Higginbotham (1910-2003) TX
RANGER -- Mary Frances Higginbotham, 93, passed away on Sunday, March 16, 2003 at a Fort Worth hospital. Graveside services will be Saturday, March 29, at 1:00 pm at Evergreen Cemetery with Father Leo Bosnall officiating, under the direction of Edwards Funeral Home of Ranger.
Mary Frances was born on January 10, 1910 at Corsicana, Texas to Francis Andrew and Alice Agnes (Roche) Higginbotham. She graduated from St. Rita's High School in Ranger and attended Ranger Junior College. She worked for OK Grocery in Ranger for many years and was a member of St. Rita's Catholic Church, where she was pianist and organist for many years.
Her survivors include various nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Monsignor Paul J. Higginbotham and James L. Higginbotham and one sister, Agnes Alice Higginbotham Robinson.


Leesville (LA) Daily Leader 04/16/2003
Mary Moveline Higginbotham Nein (1913-2003) MS/LA/TX
Mary Moveline (Higginbotham) Nein, 89, of Austin, Texas, went home to be with her precious Lord on April 14, 2003. She was born December 22, 1913, in Greenwood, Mississippi, to Burkett and Myrtle (Harden) Higginbotham. Until recently, she had been a resident of Leesville, La., for more than 30 years. She retired from the state as a laundry supervisor at the Leesville State School -- the residents of the school always held a special place in her heart. Preceded in death by parents Burkett and Myrtle, step-father Walter Watson, and nine brothers and sisters, her husband of 31 years August Eugene Nein, daughters, Doris D. (Bond) Gribbin-Mikell and D. Nadine (Bond) Sprinkle, grandson Robert Sprinkle, and great-grandson Chad Hyde. She is survived by her sister Kathryn Fielder of Harbor, Oregon, and brother Raymond Watson and wife Patricia of Cosmopolis, Washington, grandchildren, Kenneth Sprinkle and partner Alex Villalobos of Austin, Texas, Jeannie Hyde-Eft and husband John of Phoenix, Arizona, D. Kay Gribbin-Uchiyama and husband Elliott of Dallas, Texas; Jack Gribbin Jr. and wife Mary of San Antonio, Texas, and Delicia Gribbin of Garland, Texas, great-grandchildren Brady Kohler, Christopher and Else Hyde, Richard Driver, Jason and Dawn Driver, Kimberly and Kris Kremer, William Hartshorn, Kyle Uchiyama, Jack Gribbin III and Paul Gribbin, great-great- grandchildren, Elizabeth, Tristan, Mark, Nick, Jason, Kolton, Elijah and Isaiah, many loving nieces, nephews, other family members and friends. Our sweet grandma worked hard all her life. She loved her garden, especially the roses, and had a special knack for making things grow. She enjoyed fishing, was a wonderful cook, and always appreciated the simple things in life. She will live on in our hearts and we will never forget the love she had for her family and friends. Family visitation will be at the funeral home from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 16. Funeral services will be Thursday, April 17, at 10 a.m. in the Labby Memorial Funeral Home Chapel in Leesville. The Rev. Benny Backlund will officiate. Burial will follow in the Canaan Cemetery in Leesville.



San Antonio Standard-Times 05/12/2003

Della Louise Higginbotham Fitzhugh (1911-2003) TX
SAN ANTONIO - Della Louise Fitzhugh, loving mother, wife and friend passed away on Saturday, May 10, 2003. Della was born Sept. 19, 1911, to Futha and Mattie Higginbotham and raised with her five sisters on the family ranch near Bronte, Texas. After attending Mary Hardin Baylor College and the University of Texas, she taught school in Blackwell and Water Valley before marrying Fitz in 1935 and moving to Menard. They moved to San Antonio in 1938 where they have since lived and raised their family. Della was an active member of the Travis Park Methodist Church, the P.E.O., Kings Grant Garden Club and other civic and church-related groups. Throughout her long and productive life, Della was blessed with a sound mind, sharp wit and profound commitment to Jesus Christ. Survivors include husband, H.A. Fitzhugh; son, Hank Fitzhugh and wife, Nancy; daughter, Chita Harris and husband, Lee; sister, Betty Jane Hughes; grandchildren, Nicol Fitzhugh, Stephen Harris and Daniel Harris; and step-grandchildren, Justin Harris and Lisa Dowdy Fitzhugh. Memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 17, in Porter Loring Chapel. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Cancer Therapy and Research Center, 7979 Wurzbach Road, San Antonio, Texas, 78229 and to the Hospice San Antonio, 9303 Cinnamon Hill, Bldg. C, San Antonio, Texas, 78240.



San Antonio Express-News 07/18/2003

Maria Nita Acosta Higginbotham (1943-2003) VA/TX
Nita Higginbotham (Aunt Nita) went to the Lord on Tuesday, July 15, 2003. She was born on April 19, 1943 in Alexandria, VA. She graduated from Jefferson High School in 1962 where she was the copy editor for the school annual and a member of numerous social and academic organizations. She was employed at SBC for 41 years. She was known for her exquisite singing voice, sewing, baking, cooking, beautiful penmanship and creative writing. She will be fondly remembered for her caring and loving ways. She was a very affectionate person and was devoted to her loved ones, especially her nieces and nephews. She loved children and was affectionately known as Aunt Nita to all. Her passions were music, reading, creating handmade crafts, long drives through the hill country and watching movies. She will be greatly missed. She was preceded in death by her grandmother, Jessie Fisher Acosta and her mother, Helen Carson Acosta. Nita is survived by her father, Alfonso Acosta Sr.; sisters, Suzie Lane, Nancy Jeser and husband Don, Sally Johnson and husband Bobby, Cindy Voigt and husband Billy Percefull, Lucy Johns and husband Danny; brothers, Al Acosta Jr., Samuel Acosta and girlfriend Lori O'Hearn; sister-in-law, Martha Acosta; nieces and nephews, Bryan Lane and wife Brandy, Vanessa Voigt and fiancé Billy Moseley, Amanda Jeser, 2nd Lt. Jesse Acosta and wife Julie, Camille Acosta, Matthew Johnson, Helen Johnson; great-nephew, Brendan Lane; great-niece, MacKenzie Lane and numerous friends and neighbors. SERVICES Visitation will be held from 6:00 to 9:00 P.M. on Friday, July 18, 2003 at Mission Park Funeral Chapels North. A Chapel Service will be held at 3:00 P.M. on Saturday, July 19, 2003 at Mission Park Funeral Chapels North with Interment to follow at Mission Burial Park North. Mission Park Funeral Chapels North.



Amarillo Globe-News 07/25/2003
Christine Ozell Owen Higginbotham Cherry (1926-2003) TX
MULESHOE - Ozell Higginbotham Cherry, 77, died Wednesday, July 23, 2003.
Services will be at 11 a.m. Saturday in First Assembly of God Church with Sam Billingsley officiating. Burial will be in Bailey County Cemetery by Ellis Funeral Home.
Mrs. Cherry had lived in Muleshoe all of her life. She was a member of the Assembly of God Church.
Survivors include a son, Don Taylor of Dumas; three daughters, Linda White of Oklahoma Lane, Janie Phillips of the Causey-Rogers community, N.M., and Reba Thompson of Newkirk, Okla.; a sister, Dovie Vorse of Tennessee Colony; a brother, Arie Owen of Wells, Nev.; 11 grandchildren; and 17 great-grandchildren.
The family suggests memorials be to a favorite charity.

Lubbock Avalanche-Journal MULESHOE - Church service for Ozell (Higginbotham) Cherry, age 77, of Muleshoe is scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday, July 26, at First Assembly of God Church in Muleshoe with Sam Billingsley officiating. Burial will be in Bailey County Cemetery in Muleshoe.
Ozell died July 23, 2003, at Muleshoe Area Medical Center. She was born May 7, 1926, in Fairview Community in Bailey County, and was a lifelong resident of Muleshoe. She was a member of the Assembly of God Church. She was employed as a waitress in numerous restaurants in Muleshoe over the years and later worked as an activity aide at the nursing home.
Ozell was preceded in death by her previous husband, Ben Higginbotham, four sisters, and five brothers.
Survivors include her son, Don Taylor of Dumas; three daughters and sons-in-law, Linda White and husband Duane of Oklahoma Lane, Texas; Janie Phillips and husband Clyde of Causey-Rogers Community, N.M., and Reba Thompson and husband James of Newkirk, Okla.; a sister, Dovie Vorse of Tennessee Colony, Texas; a brother, Arie Owen of Wells, Nev.; 11 grandchildren; and 17 great-grandchildren. Memorials are suggested to ones favorite charity.




Daniel Scott Higginbotham (1981-2003) TX

Daniel Scott Higginbotham, age 22,of Bastrop. Born May 26, 1981 in Dallas and passed away July 27, 2003. His father, Henry Higginbotham, precedes Danny in death. Survived by his girlfriend Paula; mother, Peggy Higginbotham; brother, Steven Tramel & wife Marlys; sister, Amy Arnold & husband David; nephews: Christopher, Jared, Ethan & Eli; grandmother, Fannie Sherbit; numerous aunts, uncles, cousins and a host of friends. Visitation is 9a.m.-9p.m. Wednesday, July 30, 2003 at the funeral home with family receiving friends 6-8p.m. Funeral services will be 11:00a.m. Thursday, July 31, 2003 at the Laurel Oaks Funeral Home Chapel with interment following at Laurel Oaks Memorial Park.



Hillsboro Reporter 08/21/2003

Mhodree Mozelle Underwood Higginbotham (1914-2003) TX

Mhodree Mozelle Higginbotham, 89, of Whitney died Tuesday, August 19, 2003 in Whitney. She was born February 8, 1914 in Whitney, daughter of the late Sherman and Barbara Barnhart Underwood, where she grew up. She had formerly lived in Dallas, California and for 25 years in Arizona before returning to Hill County in 1978. She was a member of Assembly of God Church of Whitney and Eastern Star. She married Bill Higginbotham in 1944, and he preceded her in death. She was also preceded in death by one son, Earl Carrell, Jr.; five sisters; and two brothers. Survivors include: one brother, J. S. Underwood and wife, Mary, of Whitney; one sister, Elizabeth Taylor of Whitney; one daughter-in-law; one grandson; one granddaughter; three great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Graveside services were held at 11 a.m. Thursday, August 21, at Whitney Memorial Park with Rev. Bobby Booth officiating. Memorials may be made to Whitney Memorial Park, P. O. Box 899, Whitney 76692.



Pasadena Citizen 10/16/2003

Terry Joseph Higginbotham (1971-2003) LA/TX

Terry Joseph Higginbotham, 32, died Friday, Oct. 10, 2003, in a helicopter crash in the Gulf of Mexico. Terry Higginbotham was born and raised in Lake Charles but had recently moved to Conroe, Texas.



Lawton Constitution 12/11/2003
Rose Donnie Higginbotham Whitten
BERTRAM, Texas — Graveside service for former Cyril resident Rose Donnie Higginbotham Whitten, 97, Bertram, Texas, will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Fairview Cemetery with the Rev. Sara Bodenstein, pastor, Apache First United Methodist Church, officiating.
Mrs. Whitten died Monday, Dec. 8, 2003.
Arrangements are by Crews Funeral Home.
She was born May 20, 1906, in Cordell, to Ira Walker and Martha Elizabeth "Snider" Higginbotham. She married Clifton Whitten on June 4, 1936, in Sayre. They lived in Cyril, where she was the city clerk. He died Oct. 18, 1963.
Survivors include three sisters-in-law: Olivia Higginbotham, Lois Higginbotham and Mildred Higginbotham; 11 nieces; Agie Lee Higginbotham, Ann Morse, Helen Marie, Sue Beaver, Nancy Boykin, Linda Murdock, Jane Jorgenson, Sandy Fischer, Judy Carroll, Linda Drapp and Sharon Cain; two
nephews: Jerry Higginbotham and David Higginbotham; and many great-nieces and nephews.


Odessa American 01/19/2004

Olive May Delay Higginbotham Ross (1938-2004) TX
ODESSA — Olive Delay Ross, 65, of Odessa, died Saturday, January 17, 2004, at Medical Center Hospital.
Services will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday, January 20, 2004, at Hubbard-Kelly Funeral Chapel. Burial will follow at Sunset Memorial Gardens. Arrangements are by Hubbard-Kelly Funeral Home.
SURVIVORS: Husband, Oscar Ross of Odessa; son, Kelly Higginbotham of Odessa; daughters, Kerry Carter and Kimberly Randolph, both of Austin; stepdaughters, Bonnie Easter of Wichita Falls and Tory Margenson of Odessa; sister, Lee Williams of Odessa; nine grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.



Texarkana Gazette 01/30/2004
Russell Howard Higginbotham (1960-2004) TX

NEW BOSTON, Texas-Russell Howard Higginbotham, 43, of New Boston died Monday, Jan. 26, 2004, in New Boston.
Mr. Higginbotham was born Feb. 5, 1960, in Texarkana, Texas. He was employed with Red River Army Depot and a member of the Church of Christ.
Survivors include one son, Bobby Joe Higginbotham of New Boston; his parents, Bobby and Juanita Higginbotham of New Boston; one brother, Steven Higginbotham of San Diego; his mother-in-law and father-in-law, Eldean Copeland and Joe E. Copeland Sr. of Texarkana; one brother-in-law, Joe E. Copeland Jr. of Simms, Texas; two sisters-in-law, Elnoria Ruth of Texarkana and Normia A. Moore of Genoa, Ark.; and a number of other relatives.
Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at New Boston First Baptist Church with Norman Hooten officiating. Burial will be in Daniels Chapel Cemetery under direction of Bates-Rolf Funeral Home.
The family will be at Route 2 Box 398, Daniels Chapel Road, New Boston.
Memorials may be made to Boles Children's Home Inc., 7065 Love, Quinlan, Texas, 75474-4609, or Shriner's Children's Hospital, 3100 Samford Ave., Shreveport, La., 71103.


Texarkana Gazette 01/30/2004

Judy Lynn Copeland Higginbotham (1959-2004) AR/TX
NEW BOSTON, Texas-Judy Lynn Higginbotham, 44, of New Boston died Monday, Jan. 26, 2004, in New Boston.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born Sept. 6, 1959, in Texarkana, Ark. She was a homemaker, retired from Red River Army Depot and a member of the Church of Christ.
Survivors include one son, Bobby Joe Higginbotham of New Boston; her parents, Eldean Copeland and Joe E. Copeland Sr. of Texarkana; two sisters, Elnoria Ruth of Texarkana and Normia Moore of Genoa, Ark.; one brother, Joe E. Copeland of Simms, Texas; her mother-in-law and father-in-law, Bobby and Juanita Higginbotham of New Boston; one brother-in-law, Steve Higginbotham of San Diego; and a number of other relatives.
Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church with Norman Hooten officiating. Burial will be in Daniels Chapel Cemetery under direction of Bates-Rolf Funeral Home.
The family will be at 5716 Wilshire, Texarkana, Texas.
Memorials may be made to Boles Children's Home Inc., 7065 Love, Quinlan, Texas, 75474-4609, or Shriner's Children's Hospital, 3100 Samford Ave., Shreveport, La., 71103.


Texarkana Gazette 01/30/2004

Bradley Steven Higginbotham (1982-2004) TX
NEW BOSTON, Texas-Bradley Steven "Brad" Higginbotham, 21, of New Boston died Tuesday, Jan. 27, 2004, in Red River County, Texas.
Mr. Higginbotham was born Oct. 14, 1982, in Texarkana, Texas. He was an employee of Lear-Sigler and a member of the Church of Christ.
Survivors include one brother, Bobby Joe Higginbotham of New Boston; his grandparents, Bobby and Juanita Higginbotham of New Boston and Joe Edward Copeland Sr. and Eldean Copeland of Texarkana; two uncles, Steven Higginbotham of San Diego and Joe E. Copeland of Simms, Texas; two aunts, Elnoria Ruth of Texarkana and Normia A. Moore of Genoa, Ark.; and a number of other relatives.
Services will be 11 a.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church with Norman Hooten officiating. Burial will be in Daniels Chapel Cemetery under direction of Bates-Rolf Funeral Home.
The family will be at Route 2 Box 398, Daniels Chapel Road, New Boston.
Memorials may be made to Boles Children's Home, 7065 Love, Quinlan, Texas, 75474-4609, or Shriner's Children's Hospital, 3100 Samford Ave., Shreveport, La., 71103.


The Brownsville Herald 01/30/2004

Perla Veronica Higginbotham (1961-2004) TX

PERLA VERONICA HIGGINBOTHAM, 42, died on Wednesday Jan. 28, 2004. Visitation will be held Friday, January 30, 2004 at Buena Vista Funeral Home, 125 McDavitt Blvd. (956) 541-5400.



Dorothy B. Higginbotham Wright (1927-2004) TX/ID

Dorothy B. Wright, of Arco, passed away February 17, 2004 at Lost Rivers Living Center. She was born in Wichita Falls, Texas on March 3, 1927 to Thomas Jefferson Higginbotham and Donie Belle Malone Higginbotham. Dorothy will be remembered as being a kind and pleasant lady, liking music and puzzles. She was a member of the Baptist Church and enjoyed reading her Bible. She is survived by one son-in-law, Wayne McLerran of Arco, six grandchildren, 9 great grandchildren and one brother, Howard Higginbotham of Wichita Falls, Tx.. She was preceded in death by her parents, two daughters, Dorothy Jean Synder and Linda Kate McLerran, and two brothers, Herbert and Eugene Higginbotham. Graveside services were held Friday, February 20, 2004, at 1:00 p.m. at Hillcrest Cemetery with Pastor Tip Harwood officiating. Arrangements were under the direction of Simpson-Marvel Chapel in Arco.



San Angelo Standard-Times 06/23/2004

Sandra Lucille Higginbotham Baker (1948-2004) TX

LLANO — Sandra Lucille Baker, 56, died Sunday, June 20, 2004. Graveside service will be at 10 a.m. today in Llano City Cemetery. Arrangements are by Waldrope-Hatfield-Hawthorne Funeral Home.
Survivors include her husband, Terry E. Baker of Llano; daughter, Tammy Gollihar of Waco; son, Richard Blain of Llano; stepdaughters, Melanie Johnson and Katy Baker, both of Michigan; sisters, Dorothy Keith, Brenda Weaver and Anna Newsom, all of Llano; and brothers, Burl Higginbotham of Monahans and James Higginbotham of Llano.


San Antonio Express-News 09/02/2004

Rene Higginbotham (1977-2004) TX

Yeoman First Class Rene Higginbotham, age 27, passed away in San Diego, CA on August 24,2004. Raised in San Antonio, TX, he attended Roosevelt High School where he was a member of the ROTC. After graduation, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy serving onboard the USS Valley Forge and the USS Ronald Reagan where he advanced to Petty Officer First Class. He is survived by his wife, Lela; daughters, Bianca of San Diego and Aritzel of San Antonio; father, Rene Higginbotham of Brownsville; mother, Alma Higginbotham and stepfather, Thomas McCaffrey; sisters, Audrey, Stephanie, Laura, Suzanne, all of San Antonio. A Memorial Service will be held at 9:00 A.M. on Friday, September 3, 2004 at the Main Chapel on Randolph AFB. In lieu of flowers, a trust fund has been set up for his daughter.



Duncanville, 09/15/2004

James Lee Higginbotham (1937-2004) MO/TX

James Lee Higginbotham, 67, of Duncanville, passed away on September 13, 2004. Born in Bowling Green, Missouri to the late James Walton and Hilda Lee Higginbotham; also preceded in death by his son, James, and brother, John Clark Higginbotham. Survived by his wife, Glynda; children, Mark Higginbotham and Melodie Horton; grandchildren, Christiana Horton, Nikki Higginbotham, Julie Higginbotham, J. Higginbotham, Jon Higginbotham; and sister, Judy Fitzgeralds. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy; an active member of the Trinity United Methodist Church and retired from IBM in 1987 with over 30 years of service. Services will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wed., Sept. 15th at the Trinity United Methodist Church, 1302 South Clark Road, Duncanville with interment at Little Bethel Memorial Park. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Tuesday, Sept. 14th, from 7-8:30 p.m.


Uvalde Leader-News 01/16/2005

Pearl Brown Higginbotham (1909-2005) TX
Pearl Brown Higginbotham, 95, of Rocksprings died Jan. 9, 2005, at Cedar Hills Geriatric Center in Camp Wood.
She was born Aug. 29, 1909, in Barksdale to Luther Brown and Ida Casey Brown.
She is survived by two great-nephews; one great-niece; two great-great-nephews; and one great-great-niece.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at 1 p.m. in the Nelson Funeral Home Chapel in Camp Wood with the Rev. Tony Gruben of Baptist Temple Church in Uvalde officiating.
Interment followed in the Barksdale Cemetery.


Temple Daily Telegram 02/06/2005

Robert Preston Higginbotham (1948-2005) TX

HIGGINBOTHAM, Robert Preston, 02/05/2005, 56, Holland, 3 p.m., Jarrell. The body was cremated. Harper-Talasek Funeral Home, Killeen, in charge.



Sherman Herald Democrat 02/27/2005

Elga Myrle Higginbotham Hartley (1924-2005) TX
McKINNEY -Mrs. Elga Myrle Hartley, age 81 of McKinney, Texas passed away February 24, 2005, in McKinney. She was born on January 5, 1924, in Howe, Texas to James C. and Mabel (Dicken) Higginbotham. On July 11, 1941, she married Eber Ray Hartley in McKinney. Mrs. Hartley was an active member of a Bridge Club and a 42 Club in McKinney. She was a past president of Hurricane Creek Country Club Women's Association, PTA and Band Boosters. She was also leader of a Junior High and High School Horizon Club and a Den Mother of the Local Chapter of the Cub Scouts. She was of the Baptist faith.
She is survived by her son, Gary L. Hartley and wife, Ellen of Melissa, Texas; daughter, Gayla Scalf and husband, Durwood of McKinney; grandchildren, William G. Hartley and wife, Devon of McKinney, Holley Ella Hartley of Melissa, Valorie Janik and husband, Tom of Lewisville, Texas and Derric Scalf of Dallas; great-grandchildren, Kinley Janik and Christopher Janik, both of Lewisville; sister, Nelda Higginbotham of McKinney; and brother, Clovis Higginbotham and wife, Martha of Lafayette, Louisiana.
Her parents, husband and brother, Lemuel Higginbotham preceded her in death.
Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, February 28 2005 at North Baptist Church in McKinney. Interment will follow at Stoney Point Cemetery, Melissa, Texas. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at Turrentine-Jackson-Morrow Funeral Home. To convey condolences or so sign an online registry, please visit www.tjmfuneral.com


Victoria Advocate 03/13/2005

Lucille Higginbotham Hamilton (1927-2005) TX
Lucille Higginbotham Hamilton, 77, of Victoria, died Friday, March 11, 2005.
She was born Sept. 16, 1927, in Carthage, to the late Capp McKinley and Mattie Lou Norris Higginbotham. She was a homemaker and a member of Calvary Assembly of God.
Survivors: daughters, Jessie R. Jones of Spring, and Rachel P. Delgado and Susan McElveen, both of Victoria; sons, Kenyon R. Hamilton of Point Comfort, Roger C. Hamilton of Hazel, S.D., and Darwin W. Hamilton of Victoria; sister, Pauline Glenn of St. George, Utah; 15 grandchildren; and 16 great-grandchildren.
Preceded in death by: husband, Jesse Hamilton; sister, Maggie R. Dixon; and brothers, James G. Higginbotham, Douglas M. Downs, and Chester R. Higginbotham.
Visitation will be 2-4 p.m. today at Colonial Funeral Home chapel.
Services will be 10 a.m. Monday at the funeral home, Houston Johnston and the Revs. Kenyon Hamilton and Steve Martin officiating.
Burial will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Kitchen Cemetery in Zavalla. Colonial Funeral Home, Victoria, 361-578-3535.
Memorials: Hospice of South Texas.


Fort Bend Herald 03/25/2005

Sharon Ann Higginbotham Cain (1953-2005) TX

Sharon Ann Higginbotham Cain, 51, a loving wife, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend, passed away Saturday, March 19, 2005, at her home in Blanco.
She was born October 22, 1953, in Richmond, the daughter of Mildred and Ira M. Higginbotham, formerly of Rosenberg.
She graduated from Lamar Consolidated High School in 1972 and later moved to Austin where she graduated from the University of Texas, with a BA in Special Education. She taught for almost 20 years in the Austin Independent School District, where she touched the lives of many students, parents, and fellow teachers.
Sharon was very active in the Austin community as a participant in the Danskin Women's Triathlon and the Komen Foundation "Race for the Cure" as part of her fight against breast cancer. She served on the Austin Breast Cancer Resource Center advisory board and the Team Survivor board.
Everyone who knew Sharon was amazed at her positive attitude and strength in the face of adversity. She was truly full of love for everyone around her and gave of herself generously.
Sharon was preceded in death by her father, I. M. Higginbotham.
She is survived by her husband, Bruce Cain; mother, Mildred Higginbotham; sister, Linda Drapp and husband Don; brother, David Higginbotham and wife Cindy; niece, Michelle Conaway; nephews Brantly Drapp, John and Shawn Higginbotham; and step-daughter Amber Cain, as well as numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, and dear friends.
The family wishes to thank all Sharon's relatives and friends for their prayers and support, and especially to Chris Onstad Maxa and Barbara Brown Valentine, both formerly of Richmond, for their love and special care.
Memorial services will be held Monday, March 28, at the Mercury Hall, 615 Cardinal Lane, South Austin, Texas 78704. Family will be present from 5-7 p.m. Flowers may be delivered there after 2 p.m. March 28.
For those wishing, in lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Susan G. Komen Foundation, P.O. Box 2164, Austin, TX 78768, or the Breast Cancer Resource Ctr., P.O. Box 1532, Austin, TX 78767, or a charity of your choice.


Amarillo Globe-News 04/27/2005
Ruby Lee Cypert Higginbotham (1915-2005) TX
FLOYDADA - Ruby Lee Higginbotham, 90, died Sunday, April 24, 2005, in Fort Worth.
Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Thursday in First Baptist Church of South Plains. Arrangements are by Moore-Rose-White Funeral Home.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born Feb. 12, 1915, in Cedar Hill to the late Opal and Ollie Cypert. She was a lifetime resident of Floyd County. She married Bryant Higginbotham on July 4, 1934, in Childress. She was a bus driver and a teacher's aide in Lockney. She was a member of South Plains Hobby Club and First Baptist Church of South Plains. She was Pioneer Woman of the Year in 2000. She enjoyed flower gardening, singing and loved to play Skip-Bo.
She was preceded in death by her husband on Nov. 13, 1962; three brothers; and a sister.
Survivors include two sons, Alton Higginbotham and wife, Sue, of Burleson and Bud Higginbotham and wife, Jan, of Bangs; two sisters, Ruth Larson of Brooking, S.D., and Edith Gugenheim of Wichita, Kan.; five grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren.
The family suggests memorials be to First Baptist Church of South Plains, P.O. Box 119, South Plains, TX 79258; Floyd County Museum, 105 E. Missouri St., Floydada, TX 79235; or a favorite charity.
Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home.



Denton Record-Chronicle 07/04/2005

Jesse Dalton Higginbotham (1990-2005) TX
Jesse Dalton Higginbotham, while earthbound angels mourn with one voice at the loss of one such as you. We know the angels in Heaven rejoice as you, dear son, step into view. Jesse, 14 years old of Denton, passed away Saturday morning, July 2, 2005, at Cook Children's Medical Center in Fort Worth. He was born July 20, 1990, in Denton to Kenneth Durham Higginbotham and Cheryl Faye McDonald Higginbotham. He was a student at Ryan High School and attended the Deerwood Park Church.


The Katy Times 07/15/2005

Alvis E. Higginbotham (1916-2005) AR/TX

Alvis E. Higginbotham died Wednesday, July 13, 2005 at Oakmont Nursing Home in Katy, Texas. Born March 14, 1916 in Hico, Louisiana, Mr. Higginbotham had been a resident of Katy for three months, previously of Jacksonville, Texas and Magnolia, Arkansas. He was a retired district sales manager, having worked for TRW Mission for 37 years.
His parents, William I Higginbotham and Effie Williams Higginbotham; a son, John W. Higginbotham; two brothers, Marvin and Lester Higginbotham; and a sister, Ora Higginbotham Johnson, preceded him in death.
Survivors include his wife of more than 61 years, Iona Oliver Higginbotham; a daughter, Barbara Higginbotham Rolleg and her husband Martin; grandchildren, Shelley Rolleg Eastland and her husband Charles Michael Eastland; Sheryl Rolleg Lyons and husband Victor E. Lyons; Lt. Don Edward Rolleg all from the Houston, Texas area and Ethan Higginbotham and Ryan Rodriguez of Stanton, Texas; and great-grandsons Nicholas and Andrew Eastland. Also surviving are two nephews, Gene Higginbotham of Magnolia, Arkansas and John M. Higginbotham of Pine Bluff, Arkansas, formerly of Magnolia, Arkansas.
His ashes will be buried in Magnolia, Arkansas at a family service. There will be no formal ceremony. The Higginbotham family has asked that memorials be made to the donor's favorite charity or to VistaCare Foundation; 701 North Post Oak, Suite 450; Houston, Texas 77024 in lieu of flowers.


Fort Worth Star-Telegram 08/15/2005

James Mark Higginbotham (1925-2005 ) TX
James Mark Higginbotham, 80, a retired sales manager for Pilgrim's Pride and a loving husband, father, brother and grandfather, passed away Saturday, Aug. 13, 2005.
Funeral: 2 p.m. Tuesday at Crestmont Baptist Church. Dr. Frankie Rainey and Marty Strayhorn will be officiating. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at Crosier Pearson Mayfield Funeral Home in Burleson. Burial: Burleson Memorial Park.
Memorials: In lieu of flowers, donation may be made to the Emery J. Lilge Hospice House, 301 Medpark Circle, Burleson 76028; or Alzheimer's Association of North Texas, 101 Summit Ave., Fort Worth 76102.
James served in the United States Army as a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne during World War II.
"Buck," as he was lovingly known, was an avid fisherman. He loved music and dancing.
He was a devoted Christian and family man and will be missed by all who knew him.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Louise, the mother of his children; his parents, Robert Owen and Dovia Higginbotham; brothers, J.W., Nolan and Roland; and half brothers, Robert Owen and Willie Higginbotham.
Survivors: Wife, Mildred; daughter, Lee Ann Flynn and husband, Bob; son, John Mark Higginbotham and wife, Donna; grandsons, Eric Higginbotham and Connor Flynn; one great-granddaughter; sisters, Juanita Ward, Helen Chastain, Dub Lamb, Edna Mullins, Dorothy Lamb, Lillian Meriwether; brothers, Charles Higginbotham and wife, Pat, Vernon Higginbotham and wife, Geneva; stepdaughter, Judy Carpenter; step-grandchildren, Joe Stewart and wife, Liz and Mona Stewart; three step-great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews.



Burnet Bulletin 08/31/2005

Maurine Baker Higginbotham (1919-2005) TX

Maurine Higginbotham, 86, of Burnet, died on August 27, 2005, in Austin. Services were held on Aug. 30, 2005, at Edgar Funeral Home with Brother George Perrine and Brother Ernest Spickermann officiating. Burial followed in the Mahomet Community Cemetery, Mahomet.

Born Aug. 15, 1919, in the Mahomet Community to Frank E. and Beulah Williams Baker, she worked for the Brown Shipping Yard in Houston for over 20 years before retiring. She was a faithful member of the First Christian Church in Burnet.

Survivors include her loving husband of 39 years, Jesse Higginbotham, and her three grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews and cousins.

She was preceded in death by her son, Donald Luna and her brother Weldon Baker.

The family has requested that any memorials made in her name be made to the First Christian Church of Burnet, 204 E. Graves St., Burnet, TX 78661.




Esther Marie Dearbonne Higginbotham (1905-2005) TX
Esther Dearbonne Higginbotham, 100, of China died October 15, 2005 at The Arboretum of Winnie. She was born in Sword, Louisiana, a native of Lawtell, Louisiana and has been a resident of China since 1917.
She is survived by her sons, Walfred Higginbotham and his wife Barbara, Walman “Chee” Higginbotham and his wife Patsy all of China; granddaughters, Kay Cotton and her husband Ronnie, June Gober and her husband James, Rebecca Manuel and her husband Ed, Jannell Vickrey and her husband John, Deborah Schroeder and her husband Punkie; ten great grandchildren and eight great great grandchildren. Esther was preceded in death by her husband, Walter Higginbotham and two baby daughters.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated 10:00 A.M. on Monday, October 17, 2005 at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church followed by burial at China Cemetery under the direction of Broussard’s, 1605 North Major Drive, Beaumont. Serving as pallbearers will be Gerald Fontenot, Todd Cotton, Punkie Schroeder, Joseph Vickery and Mike Douget. A Rosary was recited on Sunday evening October 16, 2005 at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church.
Memorial contributions may be made to Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church, P.O. Box 38, China, Texas 77613.


Fort Worth Star-Telegram on 10/23/2005

Glee Gentry Higginbotham (1911-2005) TX
Glee Gentry Higginbotham, 94, a homemaker, passed away Thursday, Oct. 20, 2005, in Watauga.
Memorial service: 11:30 a.m. Monday in Mount Olivet Chapel.
Glee was born Oct. 7, 1911, in Britton. She married Ralph Gentry in 1939, and had one child, Doyle Gentry. Glee was devoted to her family, always readily available helping, uplifting and loving us unconditionally. Glee's name befitted her as she always had a joyful song in her heart and found joy every day of her life. A devoted Methodist, she joined First United Methodist Church in Watauga in 1981. Our sincere gratitude to North Pointe Nursing and Rehab staff, and to Vitas Hospice, Phyllis Thompson and her staff, for their loving care to Glee.
Glee was preceded in death by her husbands, Ralph Gentry and Bill Higginbotham.
Survivors: Son, Doyle Gentry and wife, Babe; grandsons, Ronnie, Billy, Terry and Nick Gentry; granddaughters, Jodi Bancroft and husband, Robert and Kate Gentry; great-grandchildren, Chad, Taylor, Rachael, Ashley and Josh Gentry, Tyler Van Tilburg; and nephew, Bill Langston.



Ada (OK) Evening News 11/01/2005

Doris Ross Higginbotham (1926-2005) OK/TX

ARLINGTON, Texas - Services for Doris Higginbotham, 79, Arlington, formerly of Ada, Okla., are 2 p.m. Wednesday at Criswell Funeral Home Chapel, Ada, Father Bill Stanford officiating. Burial follows at Rosedale Cemetery.
Mrs. Higginbotham died Oct. 30, 2005, at an assisted living center at Arlington. She was born Jan. 25, 1926, at Ada, to Albert S. and Viola Bumgarner Ross. She lived in the Ada area all her life, attending school at Horace Mann and graduating from Ada High School. She received a degree in home economics from East Central University, Ada, and attended other various real estate schools to obtain her real estate brokers license.
She married Robert L. Higginbotham Jan. 24, 1948, at Oklahoma City, Okla. He died June 3, 1976, at Casper, Wyo. Mrs. Higginbotham was the owner of Higginbotham Reality, Casper, for 30 years. She was the president of Casper Board of Realtors, and a member of the Casper MLS. Mrs. Higginbotham was an elder at the First Presbyterian Church, Casper.
Survivors include her three daughters, Becky Kubiak and husband Buddy, Arlington, Kristy Smith and husband Dr. Mike Smith, Tulsa, Okla.; and Laurie Mitchell and partner Ray Chaney, McKinney, Texas; grandchildren, David Hegranes, Carla Stanford, Roxanne Mitchell, Russell Mitchell, Derrick Smith and Austin Smith; great-grandchildren, Kira Greene, Spencer Hegranes, Harley Hegranes, Stone Hegranes, Tori Carmack-Stanford, Ariel Carmack-Stanford, Lexi Stanford and Lindsey Tatum.
Bearers are Mike Smith, Derrick Smith, Russell Mitchell, Ray Chaney, Bruce Wright and David Hegranes.
Criswell Funeral Home, Ada, Okla.



Gerald Dee Higginbotham (1938-2005) TX
Gerald Higginbotham was born June 18, 1938 in Palestine to Charlie Franklin Higginbotham and Dottie Missildine Higginbotham. He died November 4, 2005 at the age of 67.
He was preceded in death by his parents; sisters, Dorothy Higginbotham and Ruby Hamilton; brothers Cecil and Chester Higginbotham and grandson Aaron Fielding.
He is survived by his wife of 23 years, Cindy Higginbotham; daughter Loren Huffines and husband Eric; and son, Eric S. Higginbotham.
He will be buried in Broyles Chapel.



Fort Worth Star-Telegram 11/30/2005

Charles Wayne Higginbotham (1968-2005) AL/TX
Charles Wayne Higginbotham, 37, passed away Sunday, Nov. 27, 2005.
Graveside service: 11 a.m. Wednesday in Cedar Hill Memorial Park of Mansfield.
Charles was born June 20, 1968. He worked at Trader's Village for nine years.
Survivors: Parents, Larry and Lillie Higginbotham; sisters, Sheila and Peggy; brother, Larry Jr.; and several nieces and nephews.




Mildred Eileen Hickingbottom Williams (1911-2005) AR/TX

Mrs. Mildred Hickingbottom Williams, age 94, of Dallas, Texas, and a former long time resident of Forrest City, died Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2005. Mrs. Williams was born Sept. 17, 1911, in Phillips County, the daughter of John Cannon Hickingbottom and Allie Mae Jarrett Hickingbottom. She was retired from the Forrest City Public Schools Administration Office, was a member of the Colonial Dames of the 17th Century, the Cosmos Club and the First Baptist Church. Mrs. Williams married James E. Williams in 1942 and he preceded her in death in 2000. She is survived by a son, James E. Williams Jr. of Dallas, Texas; a sister, Mrs. Charles C. Moore of Memphis; a brother, Marion L. Hickingbottom of North Little Rock; two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. A memorial service for Mrs. Williams will be held on Saturday, Dec. 3, 2005, at Stevens Funeral Home at 11 a.m.



Texarkana Gazette 12/10/2005

Jewel "Judy" Higginbotham (1917-2005) AL/TX
HUGHES SPRINGS, Texas—Jewell “Judy” Higginbotham, 88, of Hughes Springs died Saturday, Dec. 10, 2005, in a Longview, Texas, hospital.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born July 2, 1917, in Lincoln, Ala. She was a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband, Brad; one son, Roger Glenn; and one daughter, Julia K.
Survivors include two sons and daughters-in-law, Kerry L. and Melba Baxter and Barry G. and Terri Higgenbotham of Longview; and a number of other relatives.
Services will be 10 a.m. Tuesday at Reeder-Davis Funeral Home with Pete Leslie and Curtis Hall officiating. Burial will be in Hughes Springs Cemetery.
Visitation will be after 6 p.m. today at the funeral home.



The Palestine Herald 12/18/2005

Juanita Lively Higginbotham (1945-2005) TX
Juanita Higginbotham, 62, went home to be with her Savior Jesus Christ on Saturday, December 17, 2005.
She was born on August 28, 1945 in Palestine to William “Bill” Lively and Georgia Brown Lively. She was married to William “Bo” Higginbotham for 46 years. They had two children, Dewayne and Brenda.
Throughout the years Juanita worked as a tax preparer for H & R Block. She was a member of Emmanuel Baptist Church.
Juanita was a devoted wife, precious mother and loving grandmother. Her three grandsons Trevor, Bradley and Nathan were the light of her life, and she always found time to shower them with love.
Services will be held at 1 p.m. Monday in the Bailey & Foster Chapel with the Rev. David Gregg officiating. Burial will be in Roselawn Park. Arrangements are under the direction of Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.
She was preceded in death by her parents and a son Dewayne Higginbotham who died in 1979 and a brother Donnie Lively. She is survived by her husband William “Bo” Higginbotham of Palestine; daughter Brenda Hodges and husband David of Huntsville; sister Sheila Hughes of Palestine; brother William Joyce Lively of Palestine; and three grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Tod Herod, Derrell Thomas, Jerry Don Sims, Adolph Sylva, Paul Swisher and Jerry Hawkins.
Condolence calls will be received today from 6 to 8 p.m. at Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.



The Bryant-College Station Eagle 12/19/2005

William Murrell Higginbotham (1913-2005) TX
April 11, 1913 - Dec. 17, 2005
MADISONVILLE - Services for William Murrell Higginbotham, 92, of Midway are set for 1 p.m. Tuesday at Madisonville Funeral Home. Burial will be at Allphin Cemetery.
Visitation will be from 2 to 8 p.m. Monday, with the family present from 2 to 4 p.m., and from 9 a.m. to the time of services Tuesday at the funeral home.
Mr. Higginbotham died Saturday in Huntsville. He worked as a pipe fitter 45 years and was a lay speaker for Wesley United Methodist Church in Charleston, W.Va.
Survivors include a daughter, Cynthia Kaye Reynolds of Midway; two grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to Odyssey Hospice or the Ella Smither Geriatric Center, 1115 Ave. O, Huntsville, Texas 77340.


Texarkana Gazette 02/20/2006

Mary Moser Higginbotham (1912-2006) TX
Mary Moser Higginbotham, 93, formerly of Linden, Texas, died Saturday, Feb. 18, 2006, in Maud, Texas.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born Dec. 12, 1912, in Maud. She was a retired X-ray technician and a member of Linden Church of Christ. She was preceded in death by her husband, Marvin Higginbotham.
Survivors include two nephews and nieces-in-law, Lowell and Barbara Carruthers of Little Rock and Giles and Rita Moser of Louisiana; one special cousin, Ramona Lewis of Maud; and a number of other relatives.
Services will be 4 p.m. Tuesday at Chapelwood Funeral Home with Doyle Martin officiating. Burial will be in Center Ridge Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the Medina Children’s Home, Medina, Texas, 78055.


Texarkana Gazette 02/23/2006

Crystal Higginbotham (1987-2006) TX

DALLAS—Crystal Higginbotham, 18, of Fort Worth, Texas, died Saturday, Feb. 18, 2006.
Ms. Higginbotham was born Feb. 21, 1987. She was preceded in death by her father, James Higginbotham.
Survivors include one son, Mason Bradley Johnson; her mother, Maggie Griffin of Emeryville, Calif.; two sisters, Aricah Johnson of Fort Worth and Charnee Higginbotham of Dallas; and three brothers, Earnest Johnson of Chico, Calif., Jarmel Higginbotham of Oakland, Calif., and Stuart Higginbotham of Mountain View, Calif.
Services will be 1 p.m. Saturday at St. John Baptist Church, Texarkana, Texas. Burial will be in Chapelwood Cemetery under direction of Cooper and Wilson Funeral Directors.
Visitation will be 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday at the church.



Del Rios News-Herald 03/21/2006

Frances Harriet Higginbotham Bodart Noble (1923-2006) TX

Frances Higginbotham Bodart Noble was born January 12, 1923.

She grew up in Port Arthur, Texas, and spent most of her working life in Del Rio, Texas, teaching English to high school student.

For several years she was the high school librarian and always loved libraries and books.

She retired to Cisco, Texas, in 1985, where she enjoyed bridge, was active in the Presbyterian church and was a supporter of the local library.

Surviving are three daughters, Joni Bodart of Denver, Colorado; Ceci Wallen of San Antonio, Texas; and Christy Boos of Ephrata, Pennsylvania; along with six grandchildren, Drew, Doug and Julia Wallen, and Sarah, Kelsey and Abbie Boos, and one great-granddaughter, Rachelle Nicole Wallen.

A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m., March 25, 2006, at the First Presbyterian Church in Cisco, Texas.

Memorials may be made to First Presbyterian Church, 500 West 6th Street, Cisco, Texas, 76437, or to the Cisco Public Library, 600 Avenue G, Cisco, Texas, 76437.



Sherman Herald Democrat 04/20/2006

Mildred Ruth Higginbotham Schooling Patton (1919-2006) TX
VAN ALSTYNE — Funeral services for Mildred Higginbotham Schooling Patton were held March 28, 2006 in Brady, Texas. She died in Brady on March 26, 2006 at the age of 87.
She is survived by a son, Bill Schooling of Richardson; daughter, Carla Bratton of Lohn, Texas; brother, James Higginbotham of Kemp, Texas; four grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.



The Brownsville Herald 04/10/2006

Rene Higginbotham (1955-2006) TX
Rene Higginbotham, 50, a lifetime Brownsville resident, has been called home by the Lord. Rene was a hard working man who loved the Lord and his family. He enjoyed life and brought a smile to those around him. He passed away at Valley Baptist Medical Center Thursday, April 8, 2006.
He was preceded in death by his son, YN1 Rene Higginbotham, Jr. (August 27, 2004); his father Sanford Aubrey Higginbotham, sister Sylvia Rivera and brother Steven Higginbotham.
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his mother, Mrs. Veronica S. Higginbotham, his wife, Rocio C. Higginbotham, his children, Audrey Garcia, Stephanie Alameda, Laura Higginbotham, Suzanne Higginbotham, Rocio Rodriguez, Kathia Chavez, Valerie Chavez, and Aimee Alvarado; a brother, Frank Higginbotham; sisters, Noemi Cox and Irma Lasley; half-brothers David Balli and Rick Balli; half-sisters Rosie Balli and Mindy Balli.
Visitation will be today, Monday, April 10, 2006, from 10 a.m. till 9 p.m. at Treviño Funeral Home Chapel with a Prayer Service at 7 p.m. Funeral service will be held on Tuesday, April 11, 2006 at 1 p.m., at Treviño Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Abel Torres officiating. Interment will follow at Rose Lawn Memorial Gardens.
Pallbearers will be Favian Garza, Ted Rivera Jr., Matthew Rivera, Mark Cox, Jose Rodriguez and Sergio Alameda. Honorary Pallbearers are Russell Cox and Louis Pitlick.
Arrangements are under the direction of Treviño Funeral Home, 1355 Old Port Isabel Rd. (956)542-2583



Weatherford Democrat 04/27/2006

Norma Jean Scott Higginbotham (1921-2006) TX
Norma Jean Higginbotham, 84, of Weatherford passed away Wednesday, April 26, 2006, in the local hospital.
Born Sept. 15, 1921, in Donie, Texas, Norma Jean was a resident of Parker County for many years. She was a homemaker and a member of the Peaster Baptist Church.
Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her husband, Bill Higginbotham; and a son, Danny Ray Higginbotham.
Survivors include daughters, Donna Bohon and husband, Mac, of Weatherford, Billie Jean Johnson and husband, Sonny, of Peaster; three grandchildren, Scott Johnson and wife, Amelia, Matt Johnson, Danny Groh; and two great-grandchildren, Parker and Jessica Johnson. A host of friends also survive.
Graveside service will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, April 28, at the Dilbeck Cemetery with Danny Grisso officiating. Visitation will be held 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 27, at the Galbreaith-Pickard Funeral Chapel. Galbreaith-Pickard Funeral Chapel is in charge of arrangements.


Longview News-Journal 05/12/2006

R. L. Higginbotham (1933-2006) TX

R.L. Higginbotham, 72, of Longview, will be noon Saturday, May 13, 2006, at Rader Funeral Home Chapel of Longview, with Brother Mark Bounds officiating. Burial will be in Lakeview Memorial Gardens. Mr. Higginbotham died May 10, 2006, in Longview. Born September 28, 1933, in White Oak, he worked as a gang boss in the Texas oil field. Survivors include his wife, Donna Higginbotham; sons, Michael Higginbotham and Michael Turner; and daughters, Letitia Mabry, Donna Orr, Sharon Wood, and Dixie Wright. Visitation will be 6-8 p.m. today.



The Bryant-College Station Eagle 05/23/2006

Jesse DeZavala Higginbotham Jr. (1942-2006) TX
July 24, 1942 - May 19, 2006
Private family memorial services for Jesse D. Higginbotham Jr., 63, of Burnet and formerly of Navasota and Bryan will be held Sunday.
Arrangements are under the direction of Callaway-Jones Funeral Home in Bryan.
Mr. Higginbotham died Friday in Burnet. He was a salesman for Armco Steel.
Survivors include two daughters, Cynthia Carter of Spurger and Claudia Berry of Pasadena; his father, Jesse D. Higginbotham Sr. of Burnet; and five grandchildren.
Memorials may be made to a local blood center.



Corsicana Daily Sun June 15, 2006

Lourine Higginbotham Jacobs (1935-2006) TX
Lourine Higginbotham Jacobs, 71, of Mesquite passed away Monday, June 12, 2006, in Dallas and is with our Lord and Savior.
Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Corley Funeral Home.
Services will be 10 a.m. Thursday at Corley Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Duane Crane and the Rev. Duane Myers officiating. Interment will follow at Hamilton-Beeman Cemetery.
Pallbearers will be Matt Archer, Heath Jacobs, Drew Miers, Chris Henry, Tony Nobra and Corbett Flores.
Mrs. Jacobs was born April 21, 1935, in Anderson County. She was not only a wonderful wife and mother, but a friend and companion to the many people she knew. She was a nurse, school cook, coach for many young girls, a full-time fan of not only her husband, but her children as well. She was a bowler, a traveler, and a God-fearing Christian. She was loved by anyone she met and knew, and was beloved and cherished by her family and close friends.
She was preceded in death by her brothers, F.M. Higginbotham and Raymond Higginbotham.
Survivors include her husband of 55 years, Fred Jacobs of Mesquite; sons and daughters-in-law, Wesley and Della Jacobs of Garland and Wayde and Penny Jacobs of Port St. Lucie, Fla.; daughter and son-in-law, Freeda and Ed Miers of Charlotte, N.C.; granddaughters, Carlyn Jacobs and Claire Jacobs, both of Garland, Angela Henry of Mesquite and Ashley Brooks of Dallas; grandsons, Corbett Flores of Bryan, Drew Miers of Charlotte, N.C., Matt Archer of Charleston, S.C., Heath Jacobs of Dallas and Tony Nobra of Florida; great-grandson, Nick Flores of Bryan; great-granddaughter, Cassie Flores; sisters, Helen Hogg of Tomball, Ruth Hodo of Tyler, Laura Welch of Lancaster and Barbara Grice of Corsicana; and brothers, Weldon Higginbotham of Whitney and William Higginbotham of Gilmer.
Memorials may be made to Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, 322 Eighth Ave., New York, NY 10001.
An online guest book is available at www.corleyfuneralhome.com by selecting the Lourine Jacobs obituary.
Arrangements by Corley Funeral Home.


Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 06/28/2006

Doris Higginbotham (1922-2006) TX

Doris Higginbotham, 84, of Tahoka, formerly of Lubbock died Tuesday, June 27, 2006. Services will be 1 p.m. Friday at Resthaven's Abbey Chapel. Resthaven Funeral Home.



Galveston County Daily News June 30, 2006

Mary Lou Higginbotham Johnson (1924-2006) LA/TX

TEXAS CITY - Mary Lou Johnson, 81, passed away Wednesday, June 28, 2006, at Mainland Medical Center in Texas City. She was born on November 27, 1924, to Walter and Cora Higginbotham, in Church Point, Louisiana.
She was preceded in death by her husband, Louis E. Johnson.
Mrs. Johnson is survived by her two daughters, Jo Ann Hall of Longview, Texas, and Charlene Mack and her husband Larry of Texas City, Texas; her son, Robert Johnson and his wife Cheryl of Texas City, Texas; her sister, Mattie Smith of Bastrop, Texas; one brother, Larry Higginbotham of Branch, Louisiana; eight grandchildren; ten great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be Saturday, July 1, 2006, at 11 a.m., at the James Crowder Funeral Home in La Marque, with Deacon Joe Hensley, officiating.
A special thanks to Dr. Iyer and the staff at Mainland Medical Center ICU for their loving care to Mary Lou during her stay.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made in her name to the charity of your choice.
James Crowder Funeral Home-La Marque



Star-Telegram 8/11/2006
James Weldon "Hig" Higginbotham (1917-2006) TX
James Weldon "Hig" Higginbotham, 89, a retired telephone company employee, died Thursday, Aug. 10, 2006, in Hurst.
Funeral: 10 a.m. Saturday at Granbury First United Methodist Church. Burial: Holly Hills Memorial Park. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Martin's Funeral Home.
Mr. Higginbotham was born March 19, 1917, in Fort Worth to Arthur and Cludie Higginbotham. He retired from Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. in 1979. He lived in Granbury for nearly 30 years and was a member of Granbury First United Methodist Church.
He married the love of his whole life, Kathryn Ensey, in 1937. She preceded him in death in 1993. He was also preceded in death by a brother, Ware, and a sister, Dorothy.
Weldon was a determined, courageous man whose delight was his beautiful wife, Kathryn. He devoted his life to providing and caring for his family and helping friends, relatives and neighbors when the need arose.
Survivors: Daughter, Judy Williams and son-in-law, Fred, of Bedford; and granddaughters, Lisa Ballard and her sons, Jacob, Colson and Clayton, of Colleyville, Leslie Duncan and husband, Mitch, and their children, Ethan and Maddie, of Bellevue, Wash., and Lindsay Williams of Bedford.



Waco Tribune-Herald on 10/8/2006

July 3, 1927 - October 5, 2006
John Vernon Higginbotham (1927-2006) TX
John Vernon Higginbotham, 79, of Temple, died Thursday, Oct. 5, 2006, in a local nursing home. Friends and family visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 9, at Scanio-Harper Funeral Home. Private burial will be in Valley Mills Cemetery. There will be no public memorial service. Johnny, as he was best known, was born July 3, 1927, in Valley Mills, to Roosevelt and Sarah Marshall Higginbotham. He attended school there until his employment with the Santa Fe Railroad Company in 1942. He served one year in the U.S. Merchant Marines and later joined the U.S. Army, where he was a sergeant in the transportation department at the time of his discharge in 1947. He served positions with Santa Fe throughout the Texas area as telegraph operator, clerk, station agent and dispatcher. He married Faye Acord in Valley Mills on Oct. 12, 1950. He was involved in many civic activities in Valley Mills, was elected to the City Council and served as Mayor Pro Tem. He moved his family to Temple in 1957. He was a train dispatcher at the time of his retirement from Santa Fe in 1989 after 47 years of service. He had other business interests during that time. He was a licensed barber, owned and operated Johnny's Used Cars in association with Skyway Motors in Killeen and raised cattle on his Belton farm. He was a Mason and a member of the Baptist church. He was preceded in death by his parents; and one son, Vernon Blake Higginbotham. He is survived by his wife; and three sons, John Mark Higginbotham of Nashville, Tenn., Rhett Kevan Higginbotham and wife, Angela of Roanoke, and Paul Jerome Higginbotham and wife, Diane of Pflugerville. Also surviving are one brother, J. D. Higginbotham of Killeen; two sisters, Lois Lowery of Temple, and Lucille Null of Huntsville, Ala.; and four grandchildren, Andrew, Amanda, Alexis and Kaden. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the Alzheimer's Research Department at Scott and White Hospital or to the charity of one's choice. Obituary and guestbook at www.scanioharperfuneralhome.com. Scanio-Harper Funeral Home, Temple



Houston Chronicle on 11/7/2006
William Robert Higginbotham (1954-2006) TX
WILLIAM ROBERT (BILL) HIGGINBOTHAM was born on February 22, 1954 and passed away on November 6, 2006. He is survived by his brother John and wife Mary, sister-in-law Darlene and former spouse Debbie. His wishes were to be cremated. Forest Lawn Funeral Home Inc. 8706 Almeda-Genoa Road Houston, Texas, 77075 713-991-9000



Plainview Daily Herald 12/10/2006

Rance J. Higginbotham (1951-2006) TX
Rance J. Higginbotham Funeral services for Rance J. Higginbotham, 55, will be at 2 p.m. Monday at 11th and Amarillo Street Church of Christ with J. Henderson officiating. Burial will be in Plainview Memorial Park by Bartley Funeral Home. Visitation will be from 7-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Mr. Higginbotham died Friday, Dec. 8, 2006, at his residence. He was born July 18, 1951, in Plainview to William Wesley and Opal Jo Higginbotham. He married Kathy Irene Clay on March 5, 1972, in Dickens. He lived in Plainview all of his life, graduating from Plainview High School in 1970. He was owner and operator of his own trucking company from 1974-90 and was working for Hendricks Trucking. He was a member of 11th and Amarillo Street Church of Christ. Survivors include his wife; two sons and one daughter-in-law, Dustin Scott and ShaMarie Higginbotham and Jason Dale Higginbotham, all of Plainview; his mother, Opal Jo Higginbotham of Lubbock; one brother and sister-in-law, Bill and Vicki Higginbotham of Lubbock; and four nieces, Melissa Moore, Erin Higginbotham and Shannon Higginbotham, all of Lubbock, and Shawn Parrott of Idalou. His father, William Wesley Higginbotham, is deceased.



Waco Tribune-Herald 12/15/2006

Ty Stephen Higginbotham (1980-2006) TX
Higginbotham Ty Stephen "Candy" Higginbotham of China Spring passed away on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2006, in a tragic accident at his home. Services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Oakcrest Funeral Home with the Rev. Drew Wilson officiating. Burial will follow at Waco Memorial Park. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday at Oakcrest Funeral Home at 4520 Bosque Blvd. in Waco. Ty was born Nov. 13, 1980, in Waco. He attended China Spring school. Ty was raised and lived on the same road all of his life where he plan to raise his own family. He married the love of his life, Joy Portwood, April 17, 2004, on Lake Whitney over looking the water. He was a wonderful husband, father, son, brother, grandson, nephew and friend. He helped anyone when ever he could and was full of life, spirit and always looked at the bright side of everything. He always had a smile that could light up your heart. Ty worked in the air conditioning business from an early age and was presently employed at Johnson Supply. Ty is survived by his wife, Joy; son, Brent of China Spring; parents, Allen and Deanna Petty of Mexia; maternal grandparents, Bob and Barbara Candy of Mexia; paternal grandparents, Earl and Nina Higginbotham of Bruceville; grandmother, Linda Petty of Bellmead; great-grandmother, Alice Jones of Mexia; uncle Cass Candy and wife, Kellie of Mexia; brothers, Chad Candy of Jacksonville, Fla., Cory Candy and wife, Jessica of Denver, Colo., and Jade Candy of Mexia; sister, Brandi Benner of Mexia; cousins, Shelby and Brandon Candy of Mexia, Mica Berry of Waco; numerous aunts uncles and cousins and a host of friends who will miss him dearly. The family would like to thank special neighbors Dayton and Trevor and the emergency crew in China Spring for their help the night of the accident. A special thanks to Terry Pointer and the crew with Johnson Supply for their show of love and support. Ty, you will be deeply missed. Memorials may be made in Ty's name to the Angel Tree at Richland Mall, a cause Ty firmly believed in.


Dallas Morning News 01/09/2007
Embery Earl Higginbotham (1926-2007) TX
HIGGINBOTHAM,, EMBERY EARL "OKIE" Age 80, passed away Monday, January 08, 2007 in Grand Prairie, Texas. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Betty Higginbotham of Grand Prairie, TX ; son, Dale Higginbotham of Ft. Worth, TX; son, Glenn Higginbotham of Arlington, TX; daughter, Lovella Higginbotham of Arlington, TX; step-son, Matt White of Arlington, TX and step-daughter, Tammy Baker of Mesquite, TX; eight grandchildren; sisters, Beulah Meyers, Vearlene Gallagher, Lorretta Steward and Ann Sharp. Graveside services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, January 10, 2007 at Preston Bend Cemetery with Rev. Wade Smith officiating. Family visitation will be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2007 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Fisher Funeral Home Denison, TX.903-464-9200



The Birmingham News 02/11/2007

Robert Claude Higginbotham (1919-2007) AL/TX
HIGGINBOTHAM, ROBERT CLAUDE (BOB), 87, of Austin, Texas died after a long bout with cancer on February 7, 2007. He was a long time resident of Birmingham, Alabama, and was a Southern Company Services, Inc. retiree. He was a member of St. John's United Methodist Church, a graduate of Auburn University, and a veteran of World War II. Visitation will be held at Jefferson Memorial Funeral Home in Trussville, AL, on Monday, February 12, from 11am to noon, with funeral at noon. Burial will follow in Jefferson Memorial Gardens. Rev. Terry Bentley of Christ Central UMC of Gadsden officiating. Survivors include wife Avis, daughter Sandra H. Nichols (Mark) of Austin, TX; son Robert C. Higginbotham Jr. (Bonnie) of Orlando, FL; granddaughters, Angela N. Davis (Ryan) of Austin, TX; and Bridget and Anna Higginbotham of Orlando, FL; brother Walter C. Higginbotham of Gadsden, AL; sisters Jimmie Farrington and Frances Higginbotham of Gadsden, AL; and nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, the family wishes any donations be made to St. John's United Methodist Church (356 Killough Springs Rd, Birmingham, AL 35215).




Helen Kathleen Matthews Higginbotham (1922-2007) TX

Services for Helen Kathleen Higginbotham, 84, of Crosbyton will be at 2 p.m., Thursday, May 24, 2007 at Adams Funeral Home in Crosbyton with Rev. David Crump officiating assisted by grandsons, Scott and Lance Higginbotham. Burial will be in Crosbyton Cemetery under direction of Adams Funeral Home of Crosbyton. Kathleen passed away Monday, May 21, 2007 at St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She was born on Nov. 1, 1922 in Crosbyton to the late W. O. and Lula Anna (Edler) Matthews. On Aug. 17, 1945 she married Henry Higginbotham in Ralls. He passed away on Aug. 2, 2002. A lifelong resident of Crosbyton, Kathleen was a member of the Crosbyton First United Methodist Church and worked in the Crosbyton School cafeteria for 10 years. Survivors include a son, Bill Higginbotham of Broken Arrow, Okla.; a daughter, Jeanie Higginbotham of San Angelo; two grandchildren, Scott Higginbotham of Lampasas and Lance Higginbotham of Ft. Worth. The family will receive friends from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 23, 2007 at Adams Funeral Home in Crosbyton.



Houston Chronicle 06/21/2007

Neoma Avalene Higginbotham (1918-2007) TX
AVALENE HIGGINBOTHAM, born in Gilmer, TX on August 12, 1918 passed away at the age of 88 in Houston, TX on June 19, 2007. She retired from the Harris County Courthouse. She will be greatly missed by her sons: James Higginbotham and wife Elaine, Glenn Higginbotham and wife Kathy, daughters: Dorothy Cisneros and husband Jr., Alice Clark and husband Jerry, Mary Robbins and husband Roger, Nancy Letts and husband Casey, 10 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren, several great great-grandchildren, three sisters and numerous friends. Visitation will be from 5:00 pm till 9:00 pm Thursday, June 21st at Brookside Funeral Home. Funeral Services will be conducted at 2:00 pm Friday, June 22, 2007 at Brookside Chapel of Chimes with interment to follow in Brookside Memorial Park.




Betty Jane Higginbotham McGinnes (1930-2007) TX

Services for Betty McGinnes, 77, of Crosbyton will be at 11 a.m. Monday, July 30, 2007, in the Crosbyton First United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Bud Kidwell officiating. Burial will be in the Crosbyton Cemetery under direction of Adams Funeral Home of Crosbyton. Betty passed away Thursday, July 26, 2007, in Plano. She was born March 4, 1930, in Crosbyton, to the late Columbus J. and Martha Jane (Stockton) Higginbotham. On Dec. 9, 1948, she married Floyd McGinnes, in Happy, Texas. Betty owned and operated McGinnes Business Service from 1973 until her retirement in December of 2005. She was a member of the Crosbyton First United Methodist Church where she served on various boards and taught Sunday school for many years. She moved to Kaufman from Crosbyton in November of 2005 and then to Plano in April of 2006. Survivors include her husband, Floyd of Plano; a son and his wife, Kyle and Peggy McGinnes of Plano; a daughter and her husband, Kristi and Kevin Croy of Scurry; five grandchildren and four great grandchildren. The family will receive friends from 4 to 5 p.m. today at Adams Funeral Home in Crosbyton. Memorials may be made to the Crosbyton First United Methodist Church or to a charity of choice.


Houston Chronicle 09/18/2007
Janet Kay Higginbotham Greco Reynolds (1951-2007) DE/FL/TX/VA

JANET H. REYNOLDS, 56, of Leesburg, VA died on Saturday, September 15, 2007. She is survived by her husband James C. Reynolds of Leesburg, VA, sons Matthew A. Greco of Leesburg, VA and Joshua J. Reynolds of Seattle, WA, and daughter Claire E. Reynolds of Austin, TX. She is also survived by her sister Rachel Baxter of Florida, and two brothers Shawn Higginbotham and Rick Higginbotham, both of Texas. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, September 20, 2007 at 4:00 PM at Colonial Funeral Home, 201 Edwards Ferry Road NE, Leesburg, VA. Interment Union Cemetery, Leesburg, VA.


Lubbock Online.com 09/23/2007

Walter Allen Higginbotham (1930-2007) TX

Graveside services for Walter A. Higginbotham, 77, will be held at 1 p.m. in the City of Lubbock Cemetery on Monday, Sept. 24, 2007. Dr. James B. Johnson, a nephew, will officiate. The family will welcome friends from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Rix Funeral Directors, 1901 Broadway.
A Tech graduate, Walter was recognized for his expertise in decorating homes and businesses with vinyl wall covering. He never married but dedicated much of his life in helping friends and family. Until the church disbanded, Walter was a member and worker in the Apostolic Christian Church of Lubbock.
Survivors include two brothers, Vernon and Glenn, of Lubbock; two sisters, Mildred Sinclair, of Irving, and Vernell Johnson, of Midland; several nieces and nephews; and many friends. His parents and a brother, Willis, preceded him in death.
In lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorials to a favorite charity or Hospice of Lubbock, Box 16800, 79490.




Linda Ann Higginbotham Carroll (1942-2007) TX

Linda H. Carroll, 65, of Port Arthur, Texas died Monday, September 24, 2007. Linda was born January 30, l942 in Port Arthur, Texas to Gus Higginbotham and Rene Huddle Higginbotham. She was a lifelong Port Arthur resident and retired bookkeeper. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, September 29, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. at Levingston Funeral Home in Groves, Texas. Survivors include her son, Wesley Carroll of Beaumont, Texas; brother, Don Higginbotham of Plano, Texas; close friend Quin Wolters of Port Arthur, Texas; and her faithful companion Caesar. Friends wishing may send memorial contributions to the American Cancer Society.



Sherman, TX Herald Democrat 10/21/2007
Gorden Jackson Higginbotham (1929-2007) OK/TX
Funeral services for Gorden J. Higginbotham will be held at 1 p.m. Monday, October 22 at Cedarlawn Memorial Park. Mr. Higginbotham passed away Friday, October 19 at Wilson N. Jones Medical Center at the age of 78.
Gorden was born on February 27, 1929 in Willow, Oklahoma to the late Gorden and Sally (Denny) Higginbotham. Gorden served in Guam while in the US Marine Corps during World War II. He worked for 20 years for Phillips Petroleum in Cactus, Texas and later worked 25 years for Oscar Meyer in Sherman, retiring in 1991. Mr. Higginbotham was of the Methodist faith.
Gorden is survived by one daughter, Sally Thomas and husband Toby of Spearman, Texas; two grandsons, Jason Sutterfield and wife Tracy of Benbrook, Texas and Jeremy Sutterfield and wife Candace of College Station, Texas; two brothers, Ray Higginbotham of Oklahoma and Buford Higginbotham of Plainview, Texas; and two good friends, Doug and Elizabeth Baker of Sherman. He is preceded in death by his parents, two brothers, and 1 sister.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Paralyzed Vets of America at PVA: Donation Processing, 7 Mill Brook Rd., Wilton, NH 03086. The online register book can be signed at waldofuneralhome.com.


TheFacts.com 10/31/2007

Opal Mann Higginbotham (1912-2007) TX

Opal M. Higginbotham went to be with the Lord on Monday, October 29, 2007, while surrounded by her loving family. Opal was born in Camden, Texas, on September 21, 1912, to Ralph and Effie Mann.
She married Alvia Theodore Higginbotham on July 23, 1932, in Shilo, Texas. They enjoyed 42 years of marriage. The couple moved to Lake Jackson in 1942 as one of the original pioneer families. Opal was a loving mother and grandmother who took great pride in having five living generations. Opal was a long-time member of the Second Baptist Church in Lake Jackson. Opal was a master seamstress who also enjoyed gardening and traveling. She was happiest when spending time with her family.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Ralph and Effie Mann; her husband, Alvia; son, Morris; five brothers and one sister.
She leaves behind two daughters, Dorothy Toler and husband, Bill Toler, of Thorton, Texas and Delores (Missie) Bankston of Freeport, Texas; sister, Winifred Morgan and husband, J.P. Morgan, of Escondido, California; seven grandchildren, Gay Minter and husband, John, of Angleton, Tx, Leslie Toler and wife, Cindy, of Brazoria, Tx, Nancy Luna and husband, Steve, of Oak Harbor, Wa., Charla Harkreader and husband, Sam, of East Columbia, Tx, Charles Bankston Jr. and wife, Rachel, of Pearland, Tx, Stacie Higginbotham of N.C. and David Higginbotham of N.C.; 19 great-grandchildren; and nine great-great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers are John Minter, Leslie Toler, Charles Bankston Jr., Steve Luna, Sam Harkreader, Seth Brooks, Randall Minter, Layne Toler and Will Luna.
Visitation was Tuesday, October 30, 2007, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Lakewood Funeral Chapel.
Funeral services are Wednesday at 2:00 p.m., also at Lakewood Funeral Chapel.



Harold Levon Higginbotham (1928-2007) TX
Harold Levon Higginbotham, age 79, of Dayton, TX., died Monday, November 5, 2007 in a Baytown Hospital.
Funeral services will be held on Thursday, November 8, 2007 at the Sterling Funeral Home in Dayton, TX., with the Pastor Randy Piatt and Rev. Toby Ratcliff officiating. Burial will follow in the Magnolia Park Cemetery, Dayton, TX., with full military honors under the auspices of the Noland D. Pickett Post # 5621 VFW, of Liberty, TX. A visitation will be held on Wednesday, November 07, 2007, at the Sterling Funeral Home from 5 pm until 8 pm.
Mr. Higginbotham was born on August 6, 1928 in Philadelphia MS., to Marshall B. Higginbotham and Macy Myrtle Clark Higginbotham. He joined the U.S. Marines. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Dayton, TX., and was a Tool Pusher for the Trans World Company of Morgan City, LA.
He is preceded in death by his parents and five brother and sisters. He is survived by his wife: Florence H. Ricks Higginbotham, two sons: Marshall B. and wife Charlene Higginbotham II, Terry and wife Lanell Higginbotham, daughter: Suzy Ratcliff and husband Toby, a brother: Ernest Higginbotham, three sisters: Maureen Harris, Beatrice Odom, and Ardell Bozarth, eight grandchildren: Brady Higginbotham, Heith Higginbotham, Kacey Sandefur, Sherelyn Johnson, Lonnie Ratcliff, Chris Ratcliff, Stephen Ratcliff, and Shawn Ratcliff, and five great grandchildren: Lillian Ratcliff, Luke Johnson, Levi Johnson, Landon Johnson, and Cody Allen Sandefur, and a host of other family members and friends.

The Beaumont Enterprise 12/04/2007

Walfred Higginbotham (1924-2007) TX
Walfred Higginbotham, 83, of China, died Monday, December 3, 2007 in Katy. A native and life long resident of China, Mr. Higginbotham was a retired rice farmer, cattleman and local businessman. He served in World War II as a member of the 17th Airborne Division, 517th Co. H and was a member of Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in China. Survivors include his wife, Barbara Higginbotham; daughter, Kay Cotten and her husband Ronnie; grandchildren, T. Kay Garrett and her husband Randal and Todd Cotten and his wife Brandy; great grandchildren, Riley Kay Garrett, Heath Garrett, Cody Cotten and Brynlie Cotten; brother, Walman (Chee) Higginbotham and his wife Patsy; nieces, June Gober and her husband James, Janell Vickrey and her husband John, Rebecca Manual and her husband Eddie and Debra Schroeder and her husband Punky. He will be greatly missed. A Mass of Christian Burial will be 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, December 5, 2007 at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in China with burial to follow at China Cemetery under the direction of Broussard's, 1605 North Major Drive, Beaumont. A gathering of family and friends will be from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. with a Rosary recited at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 4, 2007 at the Mortuary. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Resolutions Hospice, 21720 Kingsland Boulevard #304, Katy, Texas 77450. Complete and updated information may be viewed at www.broussardsmortuary.com.


Express-News 01/01/2008
Marian Elizabeth Higginbotham (1920-2007) TX
Marian Elizabeth Higginbotham, age 87, died on Thursday, December 27, 2007. She was a long time member of St. Luke's Episcopal Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Maxwell Higginbotham; and is survived by her loving daughter, Anne Lucke and beloved grandchildren: Marian Lucke and Michael Lucke. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 11 St. Luke's Lane, San Antonio, TX 78209 or a charity of one's choice. Services are pending with Porter Loring Mortuary.

Valley Morning Star 01/13/2008
Karen Brenda Higginbotham Cruz (1953-2008) TX
LOS FRESNOS, TX - Karen Brenda Cruz, 54, of Los Fresnos, TX passed away Thursday, January 10, 2008 at Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen.
Karen is preceded in death by her mother, Ella Mae Simms and father, George Wilton Higginbotham.
She is survived by her children, George Richard (Yxcelda) Cruz of Garland, TX; Carmen Stephanie Cruz and Sandra Dawn (Gilbert Lee III) Cortez both of Plano, TX; and Jeremy Cruz of Dallas, TX; stepfather, Gerald Simms of St. Augustine, FL; three granddaughters, Claudia Alejandra, Miranda Renee, and Marina Dawn; two grandsons, Ryan Adam and Sean Rey; three brothers, George Alvin (Eliza) Higginbotham and David (Susan) Higginbotham both of Port Isabel, TX; Mark Higginbotham of St. Augustine, FL; three sisters, Ella Mae ``Cookie'' Warrell of Port Isabel, TX; Gale Daniel and Elizabeth Stone both of St. Augustine, FL.
Visitation will be held today Sunday, January 13, 2008 from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. with a Holy Rosary recited at 7 p.m. at Thomae-Garza Funeral Home in San Benito.
A Chapel Service will be held on Monday, January 14, 2008 at 1 p.m. at Thomae-Garza Funeral Home in San Benito. Interment will follow to Mont Meta Memorial Park in San Benito.
Pallbearers will be George Richard Cruz, Carmen Stephanie Cruz, Sandra Dawn Cortez, Jeremy Cruz, George Michael Warrell, and George Alvin Higginbotham.
Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the care of Thomae-Garza Funeral Directors, 395 S. Sam Houston, San Benito.

Waco Tribune-Herald 01/13/2008

Hallie Loene Ferguson Higginbotham (1917-2008) TX
Hallie Loene Higginbotham, of China Spring, passed away Thursday, Jan. 10, 2008. Services will be 9:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 14, at China Spring United Methodist Church with the Rev. Allen Grant officiating. Burial will follow at China Spring Cemetery. Visitation will be from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Monday, Jan. 14, at China Spring United Methodist Church. She was born Nov. 18, 1917, in Speegleville, the youngest of three children, to S.B. "Nig" Ferguson and Alice Grayson Ferguson. On Dec. 15, 1934, she married Nelson Higginbotham and moved with her husband to various Texas cities during his tenure with the Texas Department of Public Safety, where he retired as a Lieutenant after 40 years of service. Upon retirement they returned to the Higginbotham family farm near China Spring where she resided for many years before her passing. Loene was active until shortly before her death in the China Spring Civic Club and the China Spring United Methodist Church. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband of over 59 years; and her two brothers, Wallace Ferguson and Telford Ferguson. She is survived by her only son, Judge Don Higginbotham and his wife, Debby, of Georgetown, Texas; several cousins and many dear friends. The family wishes to express their gratitude to her caregiver, Pam Dechaume, for her loving care and acts of kindness. The family also wishes to thank the 7th floor staff of Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center and Hillcrest Community Hospice for their many kindnesses. Memorials may be made to China Spring United Methodist Church Building Fund or China Spring Volunteer Fire Department. The family invites you to leave a message or memory in our "Memorial Guestbook" at www.wilkirsonhatchbailey.com. November 18, 1917 - January 10, 2008 Sign the Guest Book at www.wacotrib.com

Tyler Morning Telegraph 02/01/2008

Margaret Elizabeth Higginbotham Snyder (1947-2008) WV/TX
Services for Margaret Elizabeth Snyder, 60, of Tyler, will be held on Saturday, Feb. 2, 2008, at 1:30 p.m. with John Kennedy officiating at Tyler Gospel Chapel, 10195 Highway 31 East in Tyler. Burial will follow in Cathedral in the Pines Cemetery under direction of Stewart Family Funeral Home.
Mrs. Snyder passed away on Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2008, at Hospice of East Texas in Tyler.
She was born on Aug. 13, 1947, in Frankford, W.Va., to William Higginbotham Jr. and Lula Bennett Higginbotham. She was a graduate of Frankford High School and attended Concord College. Mrs. Snyder has been a resident of Tyler for the past 23 years and was a member of Tyler Gospel Chapel.
Mrs. Snyder was preceded in death by her father, William Higginbotham Jr. She is survived by a loving family including her husband of 37 years, Stephen D. Snyder Sr. of Tyler; two sons, Stephen Snyder Jr. and wife Leigh Ann of Gilmer, and Michael Snyder of Tyler; her mother, Lula Higginbotham of Frankford, W.Va.; two brothers, William Higginbotham III, and Charles Higginbotham and wife Carla, all of Frankford, W.Va.; a sister, Lucy Tuckwiller and husband Ben of Lewisburg, W.Va.; and four grandchildren, Taylor Burleson, Natalie Chandler, Sydney Snyder and Stephen Anderson Snyder.
Pallbearers will be Michael Angelo, Ty Masse, Jimmy Jacobe, Kevin Honeycutt, Jimmy Ellis, Ken Jacobe, Joe Orr and Bryan Jacobe.
Visitation is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 1, 2008, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Stewart Family Funeral Home, 7525 Old Jacksonville Highway, Tyler, 75703.



North Texas e-News 02/05/2008
Catherine Agnus Blythe Higginbotham (1923-2008) MA/FL/TX
Roxton -- Catherine Agnus Higginbotham, 84 of Roxton, TX. and formerly of St. Petersburg, FL. passed away Friday, Feb. 1, 2008 at Paris Regional Medical Center-South in Paris, TX. Graveside services will be at 12:00P.M. Monday, Feb. 11, 2008 at Woodlawn Memorial Park. Visitation will be 1:00P.M until service time. Brett Funeral Home in St. Petersburg, FL. in charge.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born Sept. 21, 1923 in North Attleboro, MA. to Thomas J. Blythe and Catherine A. Healy Blythe. She married John Irvin Higginbotham Aug. 5, 1950 in Attleboro, MA. She was a member of St. Jude’s Catholic Church in St. Petersburg, FL. She had worked part time as a school crossing guard and was a homemaker. She had lived with her children in Roxton for the last several years.
Her survivors include her son, John E. Higginbotham of Perry, FL, daughter, Kay Treadway and husband Robert of Roxton, TX. and daughter, Dorothy Cannon and Ross Caggiano also of Roxton, TX. 2-brothers, Charles Blythe of St Petersburg, FL. Fred Blythe and wife, Irene of Florida. 1-granddaughter, Billie Jo Treadway of Roxton, step grandchildren, John Treadway and wife, Lisa of Irving, TX. Lisa and Eric Damewood of Cumming, GA. and Kathy Treadway of Roxton, TX. 6-step great-grandchildren.
Local arrangements provided by Cooper-Sorrells Funeral Home of Honey Grove, TX.


Waco Tribune-Herald 02/06/2008
Lonnie Amon Higginbotham (1960-2008) MS/TX

July 5, 1960 - February 3, 2008
Lonnie A. Higginbotham, 47, of Bruceville, passed away Sunday, Feb. 3, 2008. Graveside services will be 10 a.m. Thursday at Waco Memorial Park. Lonnie was born July 5, 1960, in Rolling Fork, Miss., to Earl H. and Nena (Nicholson) Higginbotham. He was a loving brother, son and friend. He was preceded in death by his son, Ty Higginbotham; and brother, Clay Higginbotham. Lonnie is survived by his parents, Earl and Nena Higginbotham of Bruceville; sons, Chad Candy of Jacksonville, Fla., Cory Candy of Denver, Colo., and Jade Candy of Mexia; grandson, Brent Higginbotham; brother, Stan Higginbotham and wife, Jeanie of Lorena; sister, Sandy Hill and husband, John of China Spring; and numerous nieces, nephews and friends. The online guestbook is available at www.oakcrestwaco.com. Sign the Guest Book at www.wacotrib.com

The Beaumont Enterprise 02/15/2008
Barbara Marie Self Higginbotham (1927-2008) TX
Barbara Marie Self Higginbotham, 80, of China, born May 3, 1927 in Nacogdoches, Texas, died Thursday, February 14, 2008 in Katy, Texas. Barbara moved to China with her family as a child. She attended China Schools where she excelled in girl's basketball. After a record breaking high school career, she went on to play professional women's basketball in Dallas. She was married to Walfred Higginbotham, her husband of sixty- two years. She was a member of Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in China. Survivors include her daughter, Kay Cotten and her husband Ronnie; four sisters, Thelma Kelly of Chicago, Illinois, Teresa Self of Bevil Oaks, Patra Alpers of Beaumont, and Pete Dearbonne and husband Bill of China; grandchildren, T. Kay Garrett and her husband Randal and Todd Cotten and his wife Brandy; great grandchildren, Riley Kay Garrett, Heath Garrett, Cody Cotten and Brynlie Cotten; brother-in-law, Walman (Chee) Higginbotham and his wife Patsy; and numerous nieces and nephews, all of whom she loved very much. A Mass of Christian Burial will be at 1:00 pm Saturday February 16, 2008 at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in China with burial to follow at China Cemetery under the direction of Broussard's, 1605 North Major Drive, Beaumont. A gathering of family and friends will begin at 7:00 pm Friday February 15, 2008 at the Mortuary. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church, P.O. Box 38, China, Texas 77613. Complete and updated information may be viewed at www.broussardsmortuary.com.



The Huntsville Item 02/19/2008.
Wilma Brook Dodson Higginbotham (1912-2008) WV/TX
July 14, 1912 – February 17, 2008
Wilma Dodson Higginbotham, age 95, of Huntsville and formerly of Midway, died on Sunday, Feb. 17, in Huntsville. A visitation was held from 2 to 8 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 18 with the family receiving friends from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Madisonville Funeral Home. Funeral services are set for 1 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 23, at the Barlow-Bonsall Funeral Home in Charleston, WV, with burial in the Graceland Cemetery. Wilma was born on July 14, 1912, in Charleston, WV, to James William and Tina Austin (Rhodes) Dodson. She graduated from South Charleston High School and attended Marshall University. Wilma retired as Women’s editor for the Charleston Daily Mail. She was a member of the Pilot Club of Charleston, DACOWITS. She had lived in Midway since 1997 and was a Mormon. Wilma was preceded in death by her parents. Wilma is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Kaye and Cecil Reynolds of Midway; two grandchildren, James W. Payne-Fuller and wife, Thara, Lisa L. Beaton and husband, Craig; four great- grandchildren, Rhiannon Payne, Trevor Payne, Megan Olson and Emma Brooke Fuller. Memorials may be made to the Ella Smither Geriatric Center, 1115 Avenue O, Huntsville, Texas 77340.


The Beaumont Enterprise 03/23/2008

Ruby Touchet Higginbotham (1927-2008) TX

March 17, 1927 - March 21, 2008

Ruby Higginbotham, 81 of Port Arthur, died Friday, March 21, 2008 at Renaissance Hospital in Groves.  A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, March 25, 2008 at St. Therese, the Little Flower of Jesus Catholic Church under the direction of Broussard’s in Nederland. Entombment will follow in Oak Bluff Memorial Park, Serenity Mausoleum in Port Neches. A gathering of the family and friends will be from 5:00 to 8:00 pm on Monday at the mortuary with a Christian Vigil recited at 6:00 pm.   Ruby was a native of Church Point, Louisiana, and has lived in Port Arthur the past 63 years. She was a long time member of the St. Paul Alter Society and full time homemaker and mom. Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her husband; Alphonse Higginbotham, 4 brothers and 2 sisters. Survivors include daughters, Dolores A. Johnson and husband James E. of Fannett, Texas, Christine Jones and husband Wayne C. Sr. of  Port Arthur, Texas, and Ramona Higginbotham of Port Arthur, Texas; sons, Carroll Wayne Higginbotham and wife Cathy of Elko, Nevada, Timothy Higginbotham of Vidor, Texas, Todd Anthony Higginbotham and wife Alicia of Dallas, Texas; 15 grandchildren; Kristi Henry, Dr. James Johnson, Jr., Cody Johnson, Richard Hoeltge, Dr. Steven Higginbotham, Catie Higginbotham, Ryan Higginbotham, Brooke Higginbotham, Rachelle Kidwell, Amie Sowell, Chuck Jones, Kayla Romero, Rebecca Higginbotham, Ashten Higginbotham, Anna Higginbotham and 16 great grandchildren; brother, Leander Touchet and wife Lelia of Nederland; sisters-in-law, Lilly Touchet of Port Arthur and Nita Touchet of Sulphur, Louisiana.



Amarillo Globe-News, April 22, 2008

LaNona Fay Higginbotham (1947-2008) CA/TX


LaNona Higginbotham, 61, died Thursday, April 17, 2008

Memorial services will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday in the home of Werner Higginbotham. Arrangements are by Brown's Memorial Funeral Home.

Born April 8, 1947, in Los Angeles, LaNona lived most of her life in her parents' native Texas. A resourceful and independent thinker from an early age, many of her friends and family sought her advice and counsel. After completing her secondary education in Irving, she attended the University of Texas-Arlington, where she received several undergraduate degrees. Upon completing a course of study that culminated in a master's degree in social work, it became clear to LaNona that she was destined to lead a life in service to others. She served as a VISTA volunteer in rural New Mexico and subsequently returned to Texas and started her career with Child Protective Services.

Her keen and innate ability to analyze and assess interpersonal relationships served her well in this often difficult work. LaNona served as an advocate for at-risk children until her retirement in 2006. Travel was her second love and she spent vacation time traveling throughout this country and abroad.

She was preceded in death by her father, R.O. Higginbotham; and a brother, Don.

Survivors include a son, Joseph of Irving; a brother, Werner of Irving; her mother, Juanita Kirby of Dallas; a nephew, Adrian of Grapevine; two stepbrothers, Michael and David Kirby; her friend and companion, Eric Berg of Amarillo; and many loving relatives and friends who meant so much to her.

The family suggests memorials be to American Cancer Society.



Houston Chronicle on 05/25/2008

Dorothy Sue Higginbotham (1928-2008) TX

DOROTHY SUE HIGGINBOTHAM, 79, passed away May 23, 2008. Visitation will be from 5-9 p.m., Tuesday, May 27, 2008, at Rosewood Funeral Home, with a funeral service to be held at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, May 28, 2008, in the chapel. Interment will follow at Rosewood Memorial Park.



The Herald Democrat 05/27/2008

Betty Jo Switzer White Higginbotham (1929-2008) TX

ARLINGTON - Graveside services for Betty J. Higginbotham, 78, of Arlington will be held at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, May 29, 2008, at Preston Bend Cemetery in Pottsboro. The Rev. Randy Tucker will officiate, and arrangements are under the direction of Fisher Funeral Home. She died Saturday, May 24, 2008, at her residence. Surviving are her son, William Matthew White of Arlington; daughter, Tamra J. White of Mesquite; stepchildren, Dale Higginbotham of Keller, Glenn Higginbotham of Arlington and Lovella Hayden of Arlington; eight grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Visitation will be from 8:30 a.m. -5:30 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Memorials may be made in her name to American Diabetes Association, 4100 Alpha Road, Suite 100, Dallas, TX 75244. Condolences may be registered online at www.fisherfh.com.



The Beaumont Enterprise 06/04/2008

Kelley Louise Mercer Higginbotham (1952-2008) TX

Kelley Higginbotham, 56, of Vidor, Texas was born January 14, 1952 and passed away June 2, 2008 in Beaumont. She is survived by her husband, John Higginbotham; daughters, Lisa Arabie, Kimberlee Frazier; 5 grandchildren; 3 great grandchildren; 2 sisters and 4 brothers; numerous other relatives and many friends. She was preceded in death by her father, Arthur Mercer; mother, Dorothy Mercer; sister, Kathy Dent. Memorial pending. Donations can be made in her name to the American American Cancer Society.



The Monitor 06/22/2008

Judy Ann Widle Higginbotham (1953-2008) TX

McALLEN - Judy Widle Higginbotham entered into eternal rest on Friday, June 20, 2008. Judy was born in Harlingen, Texas and graduated from PSJA High School. Judy was employed at Rio Grande Plumbing Supply. She was preceded in death by her Mother, Elsie Mae Widle and her Sister, Vicky Widle Miller. Judy is survived by her Daughter, Mauri Kristen (Lawrence) Blick, three grandchildren; her Father, Rex (Lois) Widle; and her Brother, Tracy (Ester) Widle. A memorial service will be conducted at 3 p.m. on Monday, June 23, 2008, at Kreidler Funeral Home Chapel on N.10th.



Dallas Morning News 07/26/2008

Mary Jane Higginbotham Wilson (1928-2008) TX

Mary Jane, 80, died July 24th from complications of a stroke suffered while vacationing in Nova Scotia. She was born May 5, 1928 to Harmo Taylor and Rufus Wilson Higginbotham, Jr. and spent virtually her entire life in Dallas. Her brother, Rufus W. Higginbotham, III, preceded her in death. She attended The Hockaday School, The Potter School and graduated from Scripps College. In 1954 she married Edward Lawrence Wilson, an attorney with Johnson, Bromberg, Leeds & Riggs. He died in 1976. Mary Jane participated in numerous civic and cultural organizations in Dallas throughout her life, including the Shakespeare Club, the Junior League, Educational Opportunities, Meals on Wheels, and The Hockaday School. She was for many years an Art Museum docent and served on the Dallas Grand Jury. She had a busy, successful career as a realtor for over 20 years with Briggs-Freeman. Mary Jane also had many other interests. She wrote two books for her grandchildren, was a gourmet cook, travelled extensively, loved reading, beadwork, crosswords, Texas history, and Haitian art. She was close to her cousins and co-authored two family cookbooks, including "This Little Higgy Went to Market," and edited the Civil War diaries of her ancestor Horace Aurelius Smith. She also enjoyed spending weekends at the Mt. Zion Farm in East Texas. In all these activities, she shared her wisdom, her wonderful sense of humor, and her capacity to love and be loved by everyone she was near. Hers was a remarkable personality. She is survived by her daughter Ann and her husband Phillip Forsyth-Smith, two sons Ted and his wife Eddie and Taylor and his wife Kathleen, a niece Lynn Higginbotham, and six grandchildren, Anika and Victoria Forsyth-Smith, Ned and Mary Lamar Wilson, and Taylor and Ben Wilson. Donations may be made to the Episcopal School of Dallas, St. Mark's School of Texas, Meals on Wheels or the charity of your choice. A memorial service will be held in the St. Michael and All Angels Church on Monday, July 28th at 10:00 am.




Hiawatha Walford Higginbotham (1925-2008) TX

H.W. "Bud" Higginbotham, 82 of Bridge City passed away Thursday, August 7, 2008 in Houston.
Funeral services will be held at 10:00 a.m., Monday August 11, 2008, at St. Henry Catholic Church in Bridge City.
Burial will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens.
Visitation will begin at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, with a Rosary at 6:00 p.m. at Claybar Funeral Home in Bridge City.
Bud was born on November 2, 1925, in Orangefield. He was the son of Joseph Walford Higginbotham and Naomi East Miller.
He is preceded in death by his daughter-in-law, Kelly Higginbotham sisters, Nelry Mae Prince, and Ester Delores Keith; and brother, Norwood Higginbotham.
Survivors include his wife, Mildred Higginbotham; son, John Higginbotham of Vidor; daughters, Laura Higginbotham of
Vidor and La Donna Hollier of Bridge City; seven
grandchildren; numerous great and great-great grandchildren; and sister, Judith Ann Davis.
Serving as pallbearers are Ken Townsend, Bobby Howard, Mike Cormier, Mike Keith, Dan Keith, Robert Keith, and Tom Priddy.


Waco Tribune 09/02/2008

Earl Herston Higginbotham (1931-2008) LA/TX

Earl H. Higginbotham, 76, of Bruceville, passed away Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at his residence. Graveside services will be 10 a.m. Friday at Waco Memorial Park with Bro. Roy Marshall officiating. Visitation will be 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Thursday at OakCrest Funeral Home, 4520 Bosque Blvd. A memorial video honoring his life will be shown. Earl was born in St. Joseph, Louisiana, on October 25, 1931, to Amon Marshall and Myrtle Elizabeth (Watson) Higginbotham. He married Nena Theonia Nicholson on September 8, 1951 in Rolling Fork, Mississippi. Earl retired in 1991 as a Systems Analyst with Farm Bureau after 32 years of faithful service. Earl loved to play the guitar since a young boy, had a dry sense of humor, enjoyed photography, and was a dedicated genealogist for the Higginbotham family. He loved spending time with his family, especially his grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; two sons, Clay and Duke Higginbotham; and a grandson, Ty Higginbotham. He is survived by his wife, Nena; a son, Stanley Higginbotham and wife Jeanie of Lorena; a daughter, Sandy Hill and husband John, of China Spring; a brother, Carl Higginbotham and wife Margaret of Groesbeck; two sisters, Menie Jo Barfield and husband Bill of Newellton, Louisiana, and Katherine Chilosm of Prairieville, Louisiana; eleven grandchildren; and ten great-grandchildren; and my special angel, Dorothy Hogans.



Amarillo Globe-News09/26/2008

Elizabeth Rose Hickenbottom (2008-2008) TX

Elizabeth Rose Hickenbottom, infant daughter of Darcy Hiett and Ryan Hickenbottom of Amarillo, died Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2008. Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. Saturday in Llano Cemetery East with the Rev. Coy Wylie officiating. Arrangements are by Cox-LaGrone Funeral Home, 4180 Canyon Drive. Elizabeth Rose was born Sept. 23, 2008, in Amarillo to Ryan Hickenbottom and Darcy Hiett. She went straight to the arms of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Elizabeth Rose will always have a special place in the hearts of her family and will be dearly missed. Survivors include her mother, Darcy Hiett, and her father, Ryan Hickenbottom, both of Amarillo; her grandparents, Rachel Perschbacher and Mike Hickenbottom and wife Michelle, all of Amarillo, and Terry Perschbacher of Dumas; her great-grandparents, Guy Ziegler and wife Adeline of Amarillo, Wanda Dana of Chappell, Neb., William Joyce of Enid, Okla. and Bob Hickenbottom and wife Andrea of Amarillo; her uncle, Jacob Perschbacher; and her aunts, Kayleigh and Courtney Hickenbottom and Brandy Perschbacher, all of Amarillo.



Houston Chronicle 10/08/2008

Kristi Louise Kennedy Higginbotham (1949-2008) CA/TX

KRISTI KENNEDY HIGGINBOTHAM, 58, passed into spirit on Friday, October 3, 2008, after an eight year encounter with ovarian cancer. Kristi's grace, pleasantness, and sheer class in the face of daunting adversity were noted by many and served as an inspiration to some. Kristi was born November 25, 1949, in Pomona, California, to Karl and Maxine Kennedy. She graduated from Robert E. Lee High School in Midland, Texas, in 1967, and from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Science in 1971. She then embarked upon a 37 year teaching career that touched the lives of thousands. Kristi began her teaching life at Beverly Hills Intermediate in Pasadena ISD, and moved on through the years to South Houston High School, Sam Rayburn High School, and San Jacinto College (Central Campus). She earned her Master of Science degree in 1983 from the University of Houston, Clear Lake, and was three times nominated by her college for the Piper Award for excellence in teaching. Cliches abound regarding teachers and their dedication, but Kristi "walked the walk." She taught general science for years, but her true love was the earth and its mysteries. She often said that the rocks "spoke to her" and she communicated what she learned to engaged students on four campuses. She made time for the students who were struggling; the ones who weren't necessarily popular. She created a geology course at Sam Rayburn with a lapidary lab that saw students competing to register for it. She took many, many students on field trips, some to Hawaii, where she bravely drove oversized vans filled with boisterous, singing students over narrow mountain roads to just the right spots to see the lava flows and cliff faces. Honors and dinners were fine, but it meant more to her when the athletes of the San Jacinto College Ravens basketball team would sometimes seek her out, after the year was over and the grades were in, and shake her hand or give her a hug for spending extra time tutoring them. Some believed that she gave them their grades -- but she didn't and they knew it. Kristi was the sister of Michael Kennedy and the cherished wife of Bruce Higginbotham. She was the most beloved mother of Steven Higginbotham and Katherine Higginbotham Young of whom she was exceptionally proud. "Mimi" was also the delighted grandmother of Thomas Eugene and Owen Daniel Young, who are, as they say "the hope of a new generation." The family of Kristi Higginbotham asks just one thing, that those who read these words would offer kindness and loving support to those about them as Kristi herself did throughout her graceful life. A service celebrating Kristi's life will be held at 7:00pm Thursday, October 9, 2008, at Niday Funeral Home.



The Beaumont Enterprise 10/27/2008

Freddie Higginbotham (1946-2008) TX

Freddie Higginbotham, 62, of Beaumont died Oct. 26, 2008, Forest Lawn Funeral Home.



The Herald Democrat 10/30/2008

Oleta Marie Elms Higginbotham (1935-2008) TX

SHERMAN - Oleta Higginbotham, 73, of Sherman died Monday, Oct. 27, 2008 at Texoma Medical Center in Denison. Services will be 2 p.m. Thursday at Dalton-Holmes Funeral Home Chapel in Durant with Rev. James Keaton officiating. Interment will follow at Restland Cemetery in Boswell, Okla. Surviving are her daughters, Deborah Bates of Denison, Donna Vansickle, Tammie Souther and Liz Holmes, all of Sherman, and Susan Brunk of Denison; 11 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.



Herald-Zeitung 11/30/2008

Dwight William Higginbotham (1951-2008) TX

Dwight William Higginbotham passed away November 27, 2008, at the age of 57. Visitation will be held Monday, December 1, 2008, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Zoeller Funeral Home. A graveside service will be Tuesday, December 2, 2008, at 10 a.m. at Comal Cemetery. Arrangements under the direction of Zoeller Funeral Home.



Waco Tribune-Herald 12/03/2008

Danny Mack Higginbotham (1946-2008) TX

January 21, 1946 - November 29, 2008

Danny Higginbotham, 62, of Whitney, passed away Nov. 29, 2008, in Dallas. A memorial service will be 1 p.m. Friday, Dec. 5, at Marshall & Marshall Chapel in Whitney with the Rev. Darrel Phillips officiating. He was born Jan. 21, 1946, in Smackover, Ark., the son of William L. and Murlen (Jones) Higginbotham. He served his country in the United States Navy. He worked as a manufacturing engineer for L-3 Communications and retired in 2007. Danny was a very spirited person, avid hunter, fisherman and loved to cook. He was a wonderful spouse of 28 years to Carolyn. Survivors include his wife, Carolyn of Whitney; parents, William and Murlen Higginbotham of Friendswood; children, Danny Mack Higginbotham Jr. and wife, Deanna of Jourdanton, Stephanie Warden and husband, Jimmy of Decatur, Stacie Woods of New York, William Neil Higginbotham and wife, Rebecca of Centerville, Ga., and Jeremy Baldwin of Dallas; brothers, Steve Higginbotham and wife, Barbara of Dayton, and Joe Higginbotham and wife, Connie of Clearlake; 10 grandchildren, Danny Mack, Darin, Cody, Matthew, Abigail, Emily, Shawn, Taylor, Whitney, Zach and all the ones he brought into his heart. Memorials may be made to American Heart Association, P.O. Box 15186, Austin, TX 78761, American Lung Association, P.O. Box 26460, Austin, TX 7875-0460, or American Cancer Society, 1311 N. New Road, Waco, TX 76710 . Marshall & Marshall Funeral Directors, Whitney.



Houston Chronicle 12/17/2008

Bobby Vinton Higginbotham (1923-2008) TX

BOBBY HIGGINBOTHAM, 85, passed away on December 15, 2008. Visitation will be from 6:00-8:00 p.m., Thursday, December 18, 2008 at Earthman Resthaven Funeral Home. A funeral service will be held at 12:30 p.m., Friday, December 19, 2008 in the Chapel of Earthman Resthaven with interment to follow in the Earthman Resthaven Cemetery.



Tyler Morning Telegraph 12/29/2008

Frances Charlene Slayton Higginbotham (1930-2008) TX

Graveside services for Charlene Higginbotham, 78, Tyler, are scheduled for 2 p.m. today at Tyler Memorial Park with Bro. Bud Peters officiating. Arrangements under direction of Tyler Memorial Funeral Home. Mrs. Higginbotham died Dec. 27, 2008, at a Tyler hospice. She was born Feb. 25, 1930, in Tyler to the late John and Donnie Slayton, and was a lifelong resident. She graduated in 1947 from Tyler High School, was a homemaker and a member of Park Heights Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her sons, Chuck and Mark Higginbotham; survivors include her brother, John Slayton, Tyler; sister, Ginger Cates, Tyler; one grandson; and two great-grandchildren. If desired, memorials may be made to Hospice of East Texas, 4111 University Blvd., Tyler, 75701.



Houston Chronicle 01/14/2009

Samuel Eugene Higginbotham (1930-2009) TX

SAMUEL EUGENE HIGGINBOTHAM, beloved husband, father, and grandfather, went to be with our Lord on Monday, January 5, 2009. He was born in Lovelady, Texas on December 17, 1930, to parents, Joe and Laura Higginbotham. When he was eleven years old, they moved to Beaumont, Texas where he graduated from South Park High School in 1947. After moving to Houston in 1948, he earned a degree in Mathematics from the University of Houston. He worked in Iceland for the Corps of Engineers but returned to Houston to work for Tenneco until his retirement in 1986. Sam (Gene) was preceded in death by his parents, his grandson Tommy James, his brother in law Bob Petty, and his nephew Bobby Petty. He is survived by his wife, Harriette (Judy), his children: Debbie Roberts and husband David; Allen Higginbotham; Nancy James and husband Tom; Sam Higginbotham, Jr.; sisters Beth Bitner and husband Orlan; Betty Petty; and Sue Davis and husband John. He was a proud grandfather of eleven grandchildren and two great-grandsons and a number of nieces and nephews. Sam was a member of Second Baptist Church in Houston. He was buried on Saturday, January 10, 2009 under the direction of Bailey & Foster Funeral Home of Palestine, Texas after a graveside service at the Olive Branch Cemetery in Brushy Creek, Texas.



The Ely Times 01/20/2009

Garland Winfred Higginbotham (1917-2009) TX/VA

Garland Winfred Higginbotham, age 91, of Arlington, Virginia passed away January 18, 2009 in Arlington, Virginia. He was born April 15, 1917 in Hico, Texas to Fred and Thelma Higginbotham. Garland was a member of Julian Field Lodge #908 in Fort Worth, Texas. He is survived by a daughter; Jane (Ray) Helton of Arlington, Virginia; daughter-in-law, Tracey Higginbotham of Bennett, Colorado; two grandchildren; one great-grandson. He was preceded in death by his wife, Martha Higginbotham and son James Higginbotham. Graveside Services were conducted by the Ely Masonic Lodge #27 on Monday, January 26, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. at The Ely City Cemetery.



The Daily Sentinel 02/01/2009

Kattie Lee Lout Higginbotham (1930-2009) TX

Funeral service for Kattie Lee Higginbotham, 78, of Channelview, will be at 2 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 2, 2009 at Liberty Hall Baptist Church in San Augustine, with Freeman Bryant officiating. Mrs. Higginbotham died Jan. 30, 2009 in Channelview. Born April 12, 1930, she was the daughter of Charlie Lout and Clara Windham. She was a homemaker and a member of Lakewood Church in Houston. She is preceded in death by her husband, Earl Higginbotham and her son, Mark Wayne Higginbotham. Survivors include: son, Rodger Higginbotham, of Channelview; daughter Patricia Robert, of Harleton; six grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Visitation will be from 5 until 8 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 1, 2009 at Wyman Roberts Funeral Home in San Augustine. Wyman Roberts Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.



Waco Tribune-Herald 02/17/2009

Flora Lee Higginbotham Rogers Endsley (1918-2009) OK/TX

Flora Endsley, 91, of Elm Mott, passed away Sunday, Feb. 15, 2009, at a local hospital. Services will be 11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 18, at Bellmead Funeral Home Chapel with Shane Mayberry officiating. Burial will be at Rosemound Cemetery. Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 17, at the funeral home. Mrs. Endsley was born Jan. 30, 1918, in Madil, Okla. She was a homemaker and a member of Parkview Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by two husbands, Ocie Rogers and Bob Endsley. Survivors include her daughters, Nona Mayberry of Elm Mott, and Jean Thomas of Aquilla; step-daughters, Alice Faye and Jan, both of Hearne; sons, William Rogers of Robinson, Roy Rogers of Waco, and Kenneth Rogers of Tow; step-sons, Tommy Endsley of Calvert, Bobby Endsley of Arkansas, and Ronnie Endsley of Waco; sisters, Jewel Smithheart and Grace Sanderson, both of San Saba, Pat Paris of Axtell, and Mary Spinks of Robinson; brother, Bill Higginbotham of Dallas; 15 grandchildren; 36 great grandchildren; 10 great-great grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be grandsons.



Longview News-Journal 03/06/2009

Andrew Woodward Higginbotham Jr. (1929-2009) TX

Graveside services for A.W. Higginbotham, 79, of Longview, will be held Saturday, March 7, 2009, at 3 p.m. at Danville Cemetery with the Rev. Bill Blanks officiating.  A.W. Higginbotham passed away Wednesday, March 4, 2009, in Longview. He was born July 15, 1929, in Wink, Texas, to Andrew Woodard and Ada Hassie Buchanan Higginbotham. He was married to Billie Jean Biggs on November 10, 1947. In 1947 they moved to the Gulf Coast, and he worked for Gulf Oil. Upon returning to Longview in 1955, he became a valued member of Eastman Kodak until he retired in 1988. He enjoyed the outdoors and spending time with family and friends.  He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Billie Higginbotham; a brother James Aubrey; and three sisters, Myrtle, Virginia and Ruby.  He is survived by two daughters, Cindy Massey of Longview, and Jean and Kenneth Brown of Longview; two grandchildren, Sandra Brown Miller of Longview, and Scot and Meredeth Brown of Kilgore; five great-grandchildren, Michael, Hannah, Julia, Courtlyn and Mathew; and his precious granddog, "Rudy."  The family will receive friends at the funeral home today March 6, 2009, from 7- 8 p.m.




Floy Dees Higginbotham (1917-2009) AR/MI/TX

Mrs. Floy Higginbotham, age 91, passed away to be with the Lord early Wednesday morning, March 11, 2009. Mrs. Higginbotham was born October 24, 1917 in Marmaduke, Arkansas to Edd and Lucy Dees. On August 16, 1949 she married Ralph Carlton Higginbotham of Seneca, Missouri. Mrs. Higginbotham was a longtime resident of Bangor and an active member of Bangor Bible Church for many years. She moved to Katy, Texas in 1987 after the death of her husband, Ralph, to be near their two children. Survivors include her son and daughter-in-law, Joseph and Ruth (Kimmel) Higginbotham; daughter and son-in-law, Karen and Paul Crawford; grandchildren Tim Crawford and his wife Nicola; Tony Crawford and his wife Grace; Tracy Crawford Eckerdt and her husband Louis; Brad Higginbotham and his wife Christina; and Megan Higginbotham; 8 great grandchildren; her brother Lawrence Dees of Piggott, Arkansas; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband Ralph; sisters Pearl Pruitt of Malden, Missouri; Opal Huneycutt, Mary Lee Gardner, and Lois Nadean Hensley all of Bangor, Michigan. Funeral services will be held at D.L. Miller Funeral Home in Bangor, Michigan at 11:00 a.m. on March 16, 2009. Officiating the service will be her son-in-law, Paul Crawford, with burial at Arlington Cemetery, Bangor, Michigan.



Rains County Today 03/13/2009

Bobby Dee Higginbotham (1928-2009) TX

Bobby D. Higginbotham of Brashear, Texas, passed away on Thursday, March 12, 2009 at his home. He was 80. Bobby was born on October 30, 1928 to William Alton and Mamie Clyde Phillips Higginbotham in Sulphur Springs. They precede him. He served in the U.S. Air Force for many years as well as driving a truck. Before retiring in 1984, he was a self-employed truck driver. Bobby married Nadine Wright in Dallas, TX on December 14, 1957. She survives. In addition to his wife, he is also survived by sons, Bobby Wayne Higginbotham of Greenville, TX, Bobby Higginbotham, Jr., of California; daughters, Deanna Arnett of Sulphur Springs, TX, Debi Snyder of Marina Valley, CA; sisters, Edna Spence of Emory, TX, Norma McKenzie of Garland, TX, Betty Rapier of Dallas, TX; 4 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. In addition to his parents, he was also preceded in death by 2 brothers and 1 daughter. Funeral Services will be held on Monday, March 16, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. in the chapel of West Oaks Funeral Home. Military Graveside honors will be conducted by the Hopkins County Military Coalition in the Barker Cemetery with Chad Norris, Mike Evans, Danny Arnett, Michael Evans, Brian Evans, Ronny Higginbotham will be serving as Pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers are Billy Paul Wright, Jimmy Spence, Billy Ford, and Billy Wren. Visitation will be held one hour prior to the funeral. Online condolences can be sent to www.westoaksfuneralhome.com. West Oaks Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements



Herald Banner 04/10/2009

Billy Joe Higginbotham (1939-2009) TX

Funeral services for Billy Joe Higginbotham, age 69, of Brashear will be conducted at 2:00 p.m., Friday, April 10, 2009 at Brashear Baptist Church with Rev. Tim Mabe officiating and Rev. David Burns assisting. Burial will follow with military honors at Brashear Cemetery with Tony Mabe, Christopher Mabe, Keith Mabe, Jason Mabe, Scott Mabe and Jody Jarvis serving as pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers will be Robert Carpenter, Jack Smith, L.D. White, Glenn George, Gary Almond, Sam Hall and David Burns, Jr. Visitation will be from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Thursday, April 9, 2009 at West Oaks Funeral Home. Joe passed away Wednesday, April 8, 2009 at Sunny Springs Nursing Home. Joe was born on November 30, 1939 in Campbell, TX, the son of Rube and Vesta Bowen Higginbotham. He married Pat Mabe on June 28, 1963 in Brashear, TX. She survives. Joe served in the United States Army and was a member of the Brashear Baptist Church. Joe was an EMI Engineer at E-Systems where he worked for forty years. His job entailed him to travel extensively to cities and countries such as Washington DC, Hawaii, Guam, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. England, Germany, Turkey and Korea were among other countries he visited. He worked on many different types of airplanes and interesting programs including gunships during the Vietnam War, airplanes for the King of Saudi Arabia and the President of the United States. Other survivors include sons, Craig Higginbotham of Frisco and John Higginbotham and wife Stacy of Sulphur Springs, brothers, Claud Higginbotham and wife Johnnie of Campbell and Leon Higginbotham and wife Naomi of Cumby, grandchildren, Tyler Higginbotham, Jonna Higginbotham, Kade Wimberley, Kolby Wimberley, Kason Wimberley and Kamryn Wimberley. He was preceded in death by his parents, and one brother, R. T. Higginbotham. In lieu of flowers the family request donations be made to the Alzheimer's Association, Terrific Tuesday c/o First United Methodist Church or to the Brashear Baptist Family Life Building Fund. Arrangements are under the direction of West Oaks Funeral Home.



Houston Chronicle 04/11/2009

Warren Hamilton Higginbotham (1924-2009) TX

WARREN H. HIGGINBOTHAM, M.D., born on the 30th of October 1924, died on the 10th of April 2009. Dr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by his mother and father, Willie D. and Herbert F. Higginbotham of Katy, Texas. He was a dedicated physician. The funeral service will be conducted at half-past ten o'clock in the morning on Saturday, the 18th of April, in the Jasek Chapel of Geo. H. Lewis & Sons, 1010 Bering Drive in Houston. A private entombment will take place at the Memorial Mission Mausoleum of Forest Park Westheimer Cemetery.



The Daily Sentinel 04/17/2009

Richard Vernon Higginbotham Jr. (1958-2009) CO/TX

Memorial service for Richard Vernon "Ricky" Higginbotham Jr., 50, of Lake Dallas will be at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 18, 2009, at First Baptist Church, Timpson, with the Rev. Josh Walters officiating. Mr. Higginbotham died April 15, 2009, at his residence. Born July 20, 1958, in Colorado Springs, Colo., he was the son of Richard and Geneva Jones Higginbotham. In addition to his parents, survivors include his wife, Katrina Fletcher Higginbotham of Lake Dallas; son, Kamren Higginbotham of Longview; daughter, Carmen Higginbotham of Houston; sister, Lisa Higginbotham of Shreveport, La.; and two grandchildren. Visitation will be from 6 until 8 p.m. Friday, April 17. Taylor Funeral Home, Timpson.



The Dallas Morning News 04/19/2009

Robert Lee Higginbotham (1941-2009) TX

Higginbotham, Bob (Robert Lee) 12-31-41 - 4-3-09 of Mesquite, TX and Palestine, TX. Services: April 7, 2009-Laurel Oaks Funeral Home 972-288-4663. Interment: Roselawn Cemetery, Seagoville, TX.



The Beaumont Enterprise 04/22/2009

Douglas Cochrane Higginbotham (1924-2009) TX

Douglas C. Higginbotham, 84, of Groves died April 21, 2009, Levingston Funeral Home, Groves.



The Beaumont Enterprise 04/24/2009

Caroline Higginbotham Thibodeaux (1918-2009) LA/TX

Caroline Higginbotham Thibodeaux, 90, of Beaumont, died Thursday, April 23, 2009 at Christus Hospital St. Elizabeth in Beaumont. A native of Church Point, Louisiana and resident of Beaumont for sixty-eight years, Caroline was retired from the custodial department at Lamar University. She was a member of St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church. Caroline had a passion for gardening, cooking and enjoyed playing poker with her family and friends. Survivors include her daughter, Violet Arena and her husband Archie of Beaumont; grandchildren, Tony Arena, Ricky Arena, Robert Arena, Brandy Arena and Todd Savoy; one great grandson, Brandon Arena; great granddaughter, Bailey Savoy; brother, Stafford Higginbotham, Jr. of Washington State; and numerous nieces and nephews. Her parents, Onizida and Stafford Higginbotham; son, Ivy Savoy; and brother, Mack Higginbotham; sisters, Valson Daigle, Gladys Foux, Lou Bruce, Eula Thibodeaux and Ella Lopez preceded her in death. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated 2:00 p.m. Saturday, April 25, 2009 at St. Jude Chapel with burial to follow at Forest Lawn Memorial Park under the direction of Broussard's, 1605 North Major Drive, Beaumont. A Rosary will be recited 6:00 p.m. with visitation to follow until 8:00 p.m. Friday, April 24, 2009 at Broussard's. Memorial contributions may be made to American American Diabetes Association, P.O. Box 1131, Fairfax, Virginia 22038; St. Jude Children's Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, Tennessee 38105; or to American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 5144, Beaumont, Texas 77726.




Cindy Marie Folmar Higginbotham (1961-2009) TX

Cindy Marie Higginbotham, 48, Athens, was born Jan. 25, 1961, in Ennis and died April 25, 2009, in Athens. Arrangements are under the direction of Eubank Cedar Creek Funeral Home in Mabank. Previously of Payne Springs she had resided in Athens for the past 10 years. She was a baker. Survivors include her sons Robert Lewis Higginbotham and Justin Alton Higginbotham, both of Athens; mother Viola Jean Folmar, Athens; brothers Robert Folmar, Terrell; and Alton Folmar, Dallas; friend Susan Christy Brown, Athens; and grandchild Lacey Alexious Higginbotham.




Peggy Joyce Sherbit Higginbotham (1952-2009) TX

Higginbotham, Peggy Joyce Born October 8, 1952 in Kaufman, TX to Donald & Fannie Sherbit and passed away April 28, 2009 at her home in Balch Springs. Peggy was preceded in death by her husband, Henry Higginbotham and son, Daniel Higginbotham. She is survived by son, Steven Martel Tramel; daughter, Marlys Mendez; grandchildren, Christopher Lee Sharp & Jared Martel Tramel; mother, Fannie Sherbit; sister, Linda Baradziej & husband Jim; niece, Sharon Kay Pechal & husband Rodney; nephew, Jerry Don Sprugeon & wife Samantha and numerous other family members & friends. Visitation is 1-9 p.m. Thursday, April 30, 2009 at the funeral home with family receiving friends 6-8 p.m. Funeral service will be 2:00 p.m. Friday, May 1, 2009 at Laurel Oaks Funeral Home Chapel with Brother Steve Weeks officiating. Interment will follow at Laurel Oaks Memorial Park.



Star-Telegram 05/16/2009

Dallas Otway Higginbotham (1926-2009) TX

Dallas Higginbotham, 82, passed away Thursday, May 14, 2009. Graveside service: 10 a.m. Monday in Grapevine Cemetery. Visitation: 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday at J.E. Foust & Son Funeral Directors, 523 S. Main St., Grapevine. Memorials: Should friends desire, memorials may be given to Church at the Cross, 3000 William D. Tate, Grapevine, Texas 76051. Papa, as his grandkids called him, was a devoted family man who loved his wife, kids, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He was a proud Navy veteran of World War II. Dallas enjoyed race cars, traveling and dominoes. He was a hard worker and provided well for his family. Survivors: Wife, Elizabeth Higginbotham; daughter, Brenda Leiseth; son, Bryan Higginbotham and wife, Laura; grandchildren, Jennifer Cummins and husband, Jody, Beverly Pennington and husband, Bryan, Timothy and Philip Higginbotham; great-grandchildren, Lauren and Tommy Cummins, Carter, Chase, Caden and Avery-Grace Pennington; sisters, Ava Nell Sabrsula and Sue Williams; brother, Paul Higginbotham and wife, Carolyn.



Tyler Morning Telegraph 05/26/2009

Frances Joan Higginbotham Maddox (1931-2009) TX

HENDERSON - Services for Frances Joan Maddox, 78, Henderson, will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Rader Funeral Home chapel, Henderson. Burial will follow in Bridges Cemetery. Mrs. Maddox died May 23, 2009. She was born May 18, 1931, in Panola County to the late Mary and Clifton Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her husband, Don Maddox; and son, Eddie Maddox. Survivors include her son, Donald Maddox; grandson, Christopher Maddox; daughter, Wanda Cunningham; five grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Visitation will be 6-8 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home.



Houston Chronicle 06/30/2009

Brenna Ashley Little Higginbotham (1981-2009) TX

BRENNA ASHLEY HIGGINBOTHAM, born 10/8/1981 passed away 6/27/2009. She was preceded in death by her grandparents, Bill and Sylvia Hall. She is survived by her husband Jeff; children Alana and Alex; parents, Don and Teri Little; sister Elizabeth, brother Christopher; uncle, Eddy Hall; aunt, Donna Kohler; and numerous other family members across the globe. A Graveside Service will be held today, June 30, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. at Perry Cemetery, 10477 Grand Road, Houston, 77070.



Amarillo Globe-News 08/06/2009

Gary Don Hickenbottom (1955-2009) TX

Gary Don Hickenbottom, 54, of Amarillo died Monday, Aug. 3, 2009. Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. Friday in Llano Cemetery with Jerry Bell, chaplain of Park Central Retirement Community, officiating. Burial will be in Llano Cemetery by Cox-LaGrone Funeral Home, 4180 Canyon Drive. Gary was born July 6, 1955, in Amarillo and attended Amarillo High School. He had worked in the paint and body industry at his father's shop prior to being a plumber for Roto-Rooter the past 10 years. Gary was definitely a handyman and had been given the nickname, "McGyver," by everyone in his neighborhood. He enjoyed fishing, racing go-carts and working on cars. He was a very outgoing person who always had a joke to tell. He will be dearly missed by all who knew him. Survivors include his mother, Alma Hickenbottom of Amarillo; a brother, Ray Hickenbottom of Amarillo; five sisters, Kathy Randall of Fresno, Calif., and Brenda Tennison, Linda Nugent, Paula Chapman and Rhonda Trimble, all of Amarillo; and numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives. The family suggests memorials be to BSA Hospice and Life Enrichment Center, P.O. Box 950, Amarillo, TX 79105.



The (IL) State Journal-Register 08/30/2009

James Layton Higginbotham Sr. (1939-2009) IL/TX

WHITEWRIGHT, TEXAS - James "Jim" Layton Higginbotham Sr., 70, of Whitewright, Texas died Wednesday, August 5, 2009, in Sherman, Texas after several heart attacks. He was born March 29, 1939 in Salem, to Orville A. "Bob" and Dorothy E. Markham Higginbotham. He was preceded in death by his father in 1942 and his stepfather, Ora Lee Guyott in 1959. He married Ann Louise Finke in 1959; they divorced and she survives in Forney, Texas. He then married Claire Bocardo on April 1, 2008; she survives in Whitewright, Texas. He is also survived by his three children, Jim (Joyce), Julee (fiancé, Jeff Kirkpatrick), both of St. Louis and Jennifer (Darrell) Phillips of Austin, Texas; one grandson, Zairen Atlas Phillips; his four stepchildren; his mother, Dorothy Guyott of Springfield; brother, Larry Higginbotham of San Jose; two nieces, Lisa (Mickey) Bailey of Alabama and Angelina (Darrel) Williams of Pekin; two half brothers; one aunt, Fay Mack of Ohio; and several great-nieces, great-nephews, and cousins. He was raised in Flora and graduated from Flora High School. While in Flora he was a member of McCabe Chapel (Baptist). He then graduated from SIU with a degree in accounting and then attended University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign Law program. While in Murphysboro he was a member of the Presbyterian Church. He was comptroller for Pautler Construction of Chester for many years. He then worked as a security guard in Texas. Later he worked as a furniture marker, which was one of his greatest loves. Cremation rites were accorded in Texas. Private services will be held in Illinois at a later date. Memorial contributions may be made to the family to purchase and plant trees at the family's home area. Please send condolences and contributions to Julee Higginbotham, 2306 Yeoman Ave., St. Louis, MO 63114.



Houston Chronicle 09/15/2009

Marilyn Kaye Ferris Hickenbottom (1948-2009) TX

MARILYN KAYE HICKENBOTTOM, 60, of La Porte passed away Sunday September 13, 2009. She was born December 10, 1948 in Port Arthur, Texas to Frances and George Ferris. Marilyn was a member of Second Baptist Church of La Porte, the Radiological Technicians Association, and Beta Sigma Phi Chapter of La Porte. She is survived by her husband of 35 years, Paul Hickenbottom, daughter Georgia Kaye Welch and husband Brian, son Paul R. "Sam" Hickenbottom, Jr., sister Sandra L. Ezzell, brother George F. Ferris, Jr. and wife Sarah, and grandchildren Lily Welch, Darcy Welch, Reagan Welch, Joshua Welch, and Brett Hickenbottom. Visitation will be held Tuesday September 15, 2009 at 6-9PM at Paul U. Lee La Porte Funeral Home Chapel. Services will be held Wednesday September 16, 2009 at 10AM at the funeral home, with interment following at La Porte Cemetery. Paul U. Lee-La Porte Funeral Home 201 South 3rd Street La Porte, TX 77571 (281) 471-0123



Tyler Morning Telegraph 09/20/2009

Perry Jay Higginbotham (1947-2009) TX

PITTSBURG - Graveside services for Perry Jay Higginbotham, 62, Pittsburg, are scheduled for 2 p.m. Monday at Willow Oak Cemetery, Upshur County, under direction of Croley Funeral Home, Gilmer. Mr. Higginbotham died Sept. 18, 2009, in Tyler. He was born March 2, 1947, in Gilmer to Rueben Perry and Hazel McClelland Higginbotham and lived in Pittsburg since 1974. Survivors include his wife, Kathryn Higginbotham; daughter, Kathy Higginbotham; brother, Oran Higginbotham; sister, Carol Jean Henderson; and grandchild, Andrew Martin Williams. Visitation will be 5 to 7 p.m. today at the funeral home.



San Saba News & Star 10/01/2009

Jewel Higginbotham Smithhart (1915-2009) TX

Mrs. Jack (Jewel) Smithhart, 94, of San Saba, passed away on Saturday, September 26, 2009 in San Saba, TX. She was born May 26, 1915, the daughter of William and Ethel Higginbotham. Jewel Higginbotham and Jack Thaxton Smithhart were married on December 18, 1931. He preceded her in death on October 16, 1990. She worked at San Saba Nursing Home as a Cook and Dietician. She attended the Parkview Baptist Church. Jewel is survived by her son, J.T. Smithhart and his wife, Shirley of San Saba; her grandchildren, Glenda Clausen and her husband, Byron of Arlington; Sharon Gunter and her husband, Ronnie of Arlington; Carol Smithhart of Arlington; and Doug Smithhart and his wife, Kathy of Azle; her great-grandchildren, Kandi Pound and her husband, Brian Krystal Yamada; Kelsey Dunlap and her husband, Greg; Kegan Clausen; Clay Gunter and his wife, Charity; Matt Gunter; Scott Smithhart; and Lauren Smithhart; her great-great-grandchildren, Cate Gunter; Kylan, Seth & Skylar Dunlap; and Kaylie Yamada; her brother, Bill Higginbotham and his wife, Jane of Arlington; her sisters, Grace Sanderson and her husband, Mac of San Saba; Pat Paris and her husband, Jay of Axtell; and Mary Spinks and her husband, Pete of Waco; and numerous nieces and nephews. Jewel is preceded in death by her parents, her husband, four brothers: Bobby, Warren, Bud, & Johnny Earl Higginbotham; three sisters: Mildred Sims, Flora Lee Endsley and Daisy Lee Higginbotham. Services were held Tuesday, September 29, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. at the Howell-Doran Funeral home with Rev. Bruce Craig officiating. The family received friends at the Howell-Doran Funeral Home on Monday, September 28th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. The family requests that memorials be made to the donor’s favorite charity.



Herald-Press 10/15/2009

Lovonia Joyce Higginbotham-Snoe (1947-2009) TX

Lovonia Joyce Higginbotham-Snoe went to be with the Lord Tuesday morning, Oct. 15, 2009. Mrs. Snoe continued giving even after her passing by donating her body to science. A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday at Grace and Truth Church at 924 N. Esplanade St. where she attended. She was born April 21, 1947, to Roy Edward Higginbotham and Lovonia Mildred Higginbotham-Cowart. She was preceded in death by her father; and stepfather, William F. Cowart. Mrs. Snoe is survived by her son, Chet Crawford; her mother, Mildred Cowart; brother, Travis Higginbotham and wife Alice; stepsister, Charlotte Black; two granddaughters, Megan Johnson and husband Stephen, and Alex Crawford; one great-grandchild, Khloe Johnson; and numerous nephews and nieces.



Houston Chronicle 11/22/2009

Vera Nadine Higginbotham Bryan (1937-2009) TX

NADINE H. BRYAN passed away on Monday, October 26, 2009, from complications of Alzheimer's. Nadine was born in Houston TX, on July 26, 1937. She loved to cook and entertain friends and family. She took pride in being part of Dining Darlings. Nadine is preceded in death by her father, Oliver P. "Polly" Higginbotham; and is survived by her mother, Frances C. Higginbotham; her sister, Barbara George; her daughters, Deborah & husband, Louis Galvan, and Jana & husband, Jim Phillips; her sons, Stephen Bryan & wife, Carrie, and Keith Bryan. Nadine adored her grandchildren of whom she has ten along with great-grandchildren and a large extended family. A memorial service will be arranged at a later date.



Herald-Banner on 12/2/2009

Willie Mae Higginbotham Raymon (1917-2009) TX

Willie Mae Raymon, 92, formerly of Greenville, passed away in the early morning hours of Nov. 30, 2009 at Hospice of East Texas Homeplace in Tyler. She was born Aug. 30, 1917, in the Bonanza Community, Hopkins County, to D.F. and Mary Jane Higginbotham; they preceded her in death. She married Pete Raymon in Greenville on Sept. 6, 1934, and together they had one child. He preceded her in death Oct. 22, 1997, after 63 years of marriage. Mrs. Raymon learned the art of being a seamstress at a young age and worked at various factories in Greenville until her retirement. Even being retired, she practiced the craft she loved, helping numerous people with alterations. Mrs. Raymon was a longtime member of the Greenville community and rarely spent time away until she moved to Tyler in her later years to be near her daughter. She was a longtime member of the Park Street Baptist Church. Survivors include one daughter, Lynda Billups and husband Jerry of Tyler; grandchildren Brooke Smith and husband Clint and Neal Billups, all of Tyler, and Robb Billups and wife Kelly of Shreveport, La.; great-grandchildren, Taylor Martin, Colton Billups, Jack Billups, Avery Billups, and Grace Billups; and several nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends. Services for Mrs. Raymon will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at Peters Funeral Home with Rev. Johnny Hailes officiating. Burial will follow at Forest Park Cemetery with Robb Billups, Neal Billups, Clint Smith, David Vinsant, Collin Lynn, and Seth Garcia serving as pallbearers. Visitation is from 6 to 8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Friends may view the obituary and leave online condolences to the family at www.petersfh.com.



The Daily Sentinel 12/11/2009


Clara Elizabeth Smith Higginbotham Campbell (1940-2009) TX

Funeral for Clara Elizabeth "Libby" Smith Higginbotham Campbell will be graveside services at Rock Springs Cemetery in Central Heights with Chaplin Richard Harris officiating. Elizabeth "Libby" passed away Wednesday, December 9, 2009, in Nacogdoches. Elizabeth "Libby" was born June 13, 1940, in Nacogdoches, Texas. She was the youngest daughter of Phillip and Clara Smith of Nacogdoches. After graduating from high school Elizabeth "Libby" married and devoted her life to the care of her four children, stepchildren and three grandchildren. She devoted much of her time and energy as a caregiver to family members, including her father, mother, sisters and niece, until they passed away. No family member went without care in their time of need. She touched many people's lives with loving and caring hands. She found time to enjoy gardening, creative crafts, sewing and various animals. Her final days were spent surrounded by family and friends that she had touched in some way throughout her very memorable life. Elizabeth "Libby" is survived by her children, Vickie Jean Higginbotham Perry of Richard, Va., Helen Kay Higginbotham of Tyler, Texas, Billy Edward Higginbotham "Higgy" of Nacogdoches, Texas, and Marvin Lynn Higginbotham of Nacogdoches, Texas; husband, Stephen B. Campbell of Garrison, Texas; extended family, Stephen "Skip" Jr. and Sherry Campbell of Longview, Texas; grandchildren, Sabrina, Brittany and Christy Campbell of Longview, Texas. Elizabeth "Libby" was preceded in death by her father, Phillip Smith; mother, Clara Morton Smith; brother, Henry Smith; and sisters, Jane Mize, Barbara Selph and Murle Smith. There will be no public visitation. Memorial donations can be made to the American Cancer Society 3623 Buckingham, Nacogdoches, Texas, and the Senior Citizens Center of Nacogdoches, Texas. Garrison Funeral Home.




Johnnie McMillan Higginbotham (1925-2010) TX

Born: June 18, 1925 Died: January 25, 2010

Johnnie "Joyce" Higginbotham of Killeen passed away Monday, January 25, 2010 in her home surrounded by her family. Visitation will be Wednesday, January 27, 2010 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at Crawford-Bowers Funeral Home in Killeen. Funeral Services will be at 10:00 am, Thursday, January 28, 2010 at Crawford-Bowers Funeral Home Killeen. Interment to take place in Killeen City Cemetery. Joyce was a long time member of St. Andrews Methodist Church. Joyce was born June 18, 1925 in Valley Mills, Texas to John and Mattie McMillan. She is survived by her loving husband of 63 years J.D. Higginbotham. She is survived by her daughter, Brenda Clanton and her husband John; son, John David Higginbotham and his wife Debbie; grandson, Bradley Clanton and his wife Melissa; great grandchildren, Brenden and Tori Clanton; sisters, Edna Wayne Gilmore and Mildred Florence Sadler; brothers, Clark McMillan and Jack McMillan; and many loving nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by two brothers, Mack and Buck McMillan.



Waco Tribune-Herald 01/27/2010

Ernest F. Higginbotham (1922-2010) TX

March 6, 1922 - January 25, 2010

Mr. Ernest F. Higginbotham, 87, of Hubbard passed away Monday, January 25, 2010 at a Harker Heights nursing facility. Graveside services will be 2 pm on Thursday, January 28 at Fairview Cemetery in Hubbard with Rev. Ricky Woodall officiating. Visitation will be 6-8 pm on Wednesday at Wade Funeral Home in Hubbard. Mr. Higginbotham, born on March 6, 1922 in Malone, was one of 14 children born to L. H. “Frank” and Eunice (Willis) Higginbotham. He worked for many years in California for McDonnell Douglas that later merged with Boeing to become The Boeing Company. He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Margaret Helen (Richardson) Higginbotham in 1992; a son Bob Higginbotham and 12 siblings. Survivors include two sons, Ernest Higginbotham and wife, Kimberly of Killeen and Donald Higginbotham and wife, Loraine of Phoenix, Arizona; five grandchildren, Eric, Craig, Jennifer, Julie, Tonya and Lori; step-granddaughter, Tiffany; five great-grandchildren; a brother, Austin Higginbotham of Fort Worth and numerous nieces and nephews and other relatives.



San Antonio Express-News 02/18/2010

Paul Anthony Higginbotham (1962-2010) Germany/TX

Paul Anthony Higginbotham went to be with the Lord on February 16, 2010 at the age of 47. He was born on September 17, 1962 in Heidelberg Germany. Paul was a member of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church. He survived by his wife Tammy Higginbotham; parents, Dudley and Stella Higginbotham; mother-in-law, Carole McKennon; brother, David Higginbotham, sister Sandra Cessna and husband, Troy, and their son, Corbin Cessna, sister Deborah Higginbotham; uncles and aunts, John M. Forestier, Esther Brayden and husband, Charles (Chuck), James E. Forestier and wife, Charlotte, Joe Castillo and wife Sarah; sisters-in-law, Trina McKennon, Tanya Shaw; numerous other relatives and a host of dear friends. Visitation will begin at 5:00 PM Friday, February 19, 2010 with an evening service to begin at 7:00 PM at Mission Park Funeral Chapels North. Church services will be held at 11:00 AM Saturday, February 20, 2010 at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church with interment to follow at Mission Burial Park North. If so desired, donations may be made to Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church or to the charity of your choice.



Greenville Herald-Banner 02/24/2010

Goldene Nadine Wright Higginbotham (1936-2010) TX

Funeral services for Nadine Higginbotham, 73, are at 2 p.m. today in the West Oaks Funeral Home chapel with Rev. Horace Hammond officiating. Interment will follow in Barker Cemetery. Visitation is from 1 to 2 p.m. prior to the service at the funeral home.  Mike Evans, Ronny Higginbotham, Danny Arnett, Michael Evans, Tim Tanton and Brian Evans are pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers are Billy Paul Wright, Jimmy Spence, Billy Ford, Billy Wren, Dwayne Wren and Little Chad Norris.  Mrs. Higginbotham passed away Feb. 21, 2010, at Hunt Regional Medical Center of Greenville.  Mrs. Higginbotham was born July 15, 1936 in Sulphur Springs, the daughter of Haskell "H. P." and Mamie (Dowdy) Wright. She married Bobby D. Higginbotham on Dec. 14, 1957, in Sulphur Springs; he preceded her in death on March 12, 2009. Mrs. Higginbotham worked in admissions at Hopkins County Memorial for 17 years and worked in data entry for E-System for more than 10 years. She was a homemaker and of the Baptist faith.  She is survived by her son, Bobby Wayne Higginbotham and wife Judy of Greenville; her daughter, Deanna Arnett and husband Danny of Sulphur Springs; one brother, Billy Wright of Brashear; four grandchildren, Julie Norris, Michael Evans, Brian Evans and Shelby Higginbotham; and one great-grandson, little Chad Norris.  She was preceded in death by her parents and one sister, Mary Evelyn Wright.



Tyler Morning Telegraph 03/07/2010

Mamie Juanita Higginbotham Ward (1913-2010) TX

Services for Juanita Ward, 96, of Tyler, will be held 2 p.m. Monday, March 8, 2010, at Tyler Memorial Funeral chapel with the Rev. James Cheatham officiating. Burial will be at the Tyler Memorial Park Cemetery. Mrs. Ward was born March 15, 1913, in Greenville to the late R.O. and Dovie Higginbotham, and passed away March 5, 2010, in Tyler. She was a longtime resident of Tyler and a member of Bailes Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband of 71 years, Aubrey Ward; daughter, Patsy Wilson; granddaughter, Donna Tannery; one sister and four brothers. She is survived by her son, James L. Ward of Ben Wheeler; three daughters, Virginia Taylor and Dolores Golden, both of Tyler, Gayle Thompson of Hot Springs, Ark., two brothers, Charles Higginbotham of Tyler, Vernon Higginbotham of Tempson; sisters, Dorothy Lamb, Doyle Lea Lamb and Lillian Merriweather, all of Irving, and Edna Mullins of Fort Worth; 13 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; and 11 great-great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Glenn and Ronald Golden, Tim, Randy and Tony Ward, Brad and Terry Taylor, and Greg Thompson. Visitation will be from 4 to 6 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to the Van Health Care Center, 169 S. Oak, Van 75790.



Houston Chronicle 04/05/2010

Dora Elizabeth Higginbotham Bitner (1926-2010) TX

Dora Elizabeth (Beth) Higginbotham Bitner, 83, of Houston County, Texas, formerly of Houston, passed away April 1, 2010. Beth was born July 11, 1926. She received her degree from the University of Houston and taught in the Alief School District for fifteen years. Survivors: Husband of 65 years Orlan E. Bitner, Sr.; children, Orlan E. Bitner, Jr. and his wife Jan of Houston, Janet Elizabeth Bitner of Austin, Judith Ann Bitner Barron and her husband Kevin of Tomball, and William Joseph Bitner and his wife Michelle of Austin, and grandsons Jonathan, Jordan, Austin, Jameson, and Kyle; sisters Betty Jo Petty and Laura Sue Davis and her husband John Houston Davis III, of Houston, sisters in law Ernestine (Kelley) Bitner of Houston and Trinity, Dorothy Brasher of Bryan, Mary Brasher Wiggins of Leander, Jean Brasher Westmoreland of Bryan, and Harriet "Judy" Wade Higginbotham of Houston and Frankston. Funeral services Tues., April 6th at 11 a.m. in the First United Methodist Church. Burial in Evergreen Memorial Park. Family will receive friends Mon. 6-8 p.m. CALLAWAY-ALLEE FUNERAL HOME700 East Houston Avenue, Crockett, TX 75835, (936) 544-2244.



Athens Daily Review 04/07/2010

Robert Lewis Higginbotham III (1984-2010) TX

BROWNSBORO — Robert Lewis Higginbotham III, 25, of Athens died on April 3, 2010, in Athens. He was born on July 18, 1984, in Dallas. No services are planned at this time.



Athens Daily Review 04/07/2010

Justin Alton Higginbotham (1987-2010) TX

BROWNSBORO — Justin Alton Higginbotham, 22, of Athens died on April 3, 2010, in Athens. He was born on Aug. 6, 1987, in Dallas. No services are planned at this time.



Dallas Morning News 05/20/2010

Myrna Sue Higginbotham Beavers (1938-2010) TX

Beavers, Myrna Sue Round Rock, TX-Beloved Mother, & Grandmother passed away suddenly on May 16, 2010. Sue was born to Rufus Lee & Olivia Allen Higginbotham in Pampa, Texas on June 4, 1938. She was predeceased by her father Rufus (Dude) Higginbotham and father of her children Kenneth Earl Beavers. She is survived by her Mother, Olivia Higginbotham, Weatherford, TX, her daughter & son in law Cindy & Lance Parrish, Round Rock, TX, son Kenny & wife Shelly Beavers, Alvin, TX, son Mike Neil & wife CK Beavers, Ft Worth, brother Jerry Higginbotham, Bonham, TX, sisters Nancy Boykin, Granbury, TX & Linda Murdock, Weatherford, TX, her long time friend Bill Whitehead, Carrollton, TX. Also surviving her are four grandsons, two granddaughters & 3 great grandchildren, many Nieces & Nephews, cousins & friends who will miss her so much. A Family Memorial will be held at Metrocrest Funeral Home on Friday, May 21 at 12:00 pm. 1810 N Perry Rd., Carrollton, TX In lieu of flowers please donate to favorite charity.



Tyler Morning Telegraph 06/05/2010

Hazel Ruth Higginbotham Hodo (1931-2010) TX

Services for Ruth Hodo, 79, of Tyler will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, June 7, 2010, in the chapel of Stewart Family Funeral Home with the Rev. Ron Byrd officiating. Burial will follow in Bullard Cemetery under the direction of Stewart Family Funeral Home. Mrs. Hodo passed away Thursday, June 3, 2010, in Tyler. She was born in Anderson County to the late Jim and Edith Higginbotham and was a resident of Tyler since 1972. Mrs. Hodo worked for Fair Oil Co. as a bookkeeper for more than 15 years and enjoyed serving as a community volunteer after her retirement. Mrs. Hodo was a member of Sylvania Baptist Church. When a member of Carpenter Cross Baptist Church, she taught and played piano for the children's Sunday school class. Mrs. Hodo was preceded in death by her husband, James Wesley Hodo, and a granddaughter, Dana Hobbs. She is survived by a loving family including a son and daughter-in-law, Ken and Barbara Hodo of Tyler; two daughters and sons-in-law, Ruby and Neal Whitehead Jr. of Tyler and Joyce and Ted Skillern of Crockett; grandchildren, Randall and Christie Hodo of Waxahachie, Sandra and Davis Henderson of Hillsboro, Damon and Meredith Hobbs of Gallatin, Tenn., Tonya and Roy Conn of Latexo, Chris Burris of Baytown and Jahn Quattlebaum of Tyler; two brothers; three sisters; and several great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Damon Hobbs, Randall Hodo, Jerry Higginbotham, Ernest Hodo, Jackie Vest and Steve Vest. Visitation is scheduled for Sunday, June 6, 2010, from 3 to 5 p.m. at Stewart Family Funeral Home, 7525 Old Jacksonville Highway, in Tyler. Memorials in honor of Ruth Hodo may be made to Heart of Texas Red Cross, 4224 Cobbs Drive, Waco, 76710.




Dovia Lea Higginbotham Lamb (1917-2010) TX

Dovia Lea Lamb, 92. passed away on July 06, 2010 in her Irving home. She was born on November 18, 1917 in Tyler, TX. to Robert & Dovia (Geddie) Higginbotham. She was a longtime resident of Irving, a homemaker and a member of First Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Willie D. Lamb, son, Tommy D. Lamb, parents, four brothers, J.W. Higginbotham, Roland Higginbotham, Nolan Higginbotham, and James Higginbotham, and two sisters, Juanita Ward, and Helen Chastain. She is survived by he daughter, Marsha Bundrick of Snoqualmie, WA, two grandchildren, Kimberly Bundrick of Austin, TX. and Clint Bundrick and wife, Cailin of Boston, MA, three sisters, Lillian Meriwether and Dorothy Lamb of Irving, and Edna Mullins of Grapevine, and two brothers, Charles Higginbotham of Tyler, and Vernon Higginbotham of Tempson, TX. The family will receive friends for visitation on Wednesday evening from 6:00PM - 8:00PM. Funeral services will be Thursday, July 08, 2010 at 10:00AM at First Baptist Church, 403 S. Main St., Irving, TX. 75060. Interment will follow at 3:00PM at Tyler Memorial Park in Tyler, TX.



The Monitor 07/14/2010


Lucile Margaret Lamp McCrea Higginbotham (1914-2010) IA/TX

McAllen, TX - Lucile McCrea Higginbotham was the last of her siblings to be called by her Lord. She was preceded in death by Clarence Ed Higginbotham, her husband, her mother, Carrie L. Dolan Lamp, her father Julius A. Lamp, her brother, Louis J. Lamp, a sister, Luella Snider, and a son, Duane McCrea. She was born Oct. 7, 1914 in Mapleton, IA. She was raised and lived in Cedar Valley, IA, where she married her first husband, Walter McCrea. She later married Clarence Ed Higginbotham. They moved to McAllen in 1950, while in the Valley she worked as a receptionist at Casa De Palmas in the early 50's, and later owned and operated with her husband the Hub Café in Pharr, then later built the Roundup Drive-in. After retiring the business she worked for Austin Jr. High with Special Ed Children in San Juan until her retirement.  Lucile was an active member of the Garden Club, and the Does Club and the Texas Federation of Women's Club, and also a member of the Texas Retired Teachers Association. Lucile was a beautiful person to be with. She often spoke about her past. She hadn't realized until late in life how fortunate she was to be have been born to her parents. Lucile was a joy to be with, and was a very cute lady with her cute old sayings. She will be terribly missed by her family and her dearest companion, dog, Taffy. Until we all meet again "Toodleloo, Lucile". Lucile is survived by son, Steve Edward (Emily) Higginbotham, and grandchildren, Brad (Maryann) McCrea, Kyle(Beth) McCrea, Brian (+Becky) McCrea, Karen (James) Mason, Mark (Becky) Smith, and six great grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. A visitation for Lucile will be from 6-8 p.m. Thursday July 15, 2010 at Kreidler Funeral Home. A graveside service will be conducted at Roselawn Cemetery at 10 a.m. Friday, July 16, 2010.



The Beaumont Enterprise 07/15/2010

Patty Ann Higginbotham Mazzu (1943-2010) LA/TX

Patty Ann Higginbotham Mazzu, 66, of Fannett, died Tuesday, July 13, 2010, at Harbor Hospice in Beaumont after a tough three month battle with cancer. She was born July 16, 1943, to Beatrice and Amalce Higginbotham in Church Point, Louisiana. The family later moved to Holmwood, Louisiana area. Patty graduated from Bell City High School with a class of twelve seniors. She met Tom on a blind date in January of 1962. After dating for two years; they were married February 1, 1964, and to this marriage, Ken was born three years later in 1967. Patty worked in the Savings and Loan Industry starting with Beaumont Savings and Loan and later spent most of her employment time with First Federal Savings and Loan Association. She was an excellent cook, homemaker and enjoyed working in her flower garden. Patty spent a lot of her time at the beach with her family and friends; but the last several years, she enjoyed cruises and trips to the Caribbean. She was preceded in death by her parents, Beatrice and Amalce Higginbotham; brother, Darrell Higginbotham; and nephews, Josh and Jason Higginbotham. Survivors include her husband of forty-six years, Tom Mazzu; son, Ken Mazzu; brothers, Gerald, Bernard, Ferlin, and Ronald Higginbotham; sisters-in-law, Eloise (Hobbie), Margaret and Joyce Higginbotham, and their families. Additional family members include, Pat and Jim Rigamonti, Marilyn and Rick McClory, Debbie and Tommy Ellison, Margaret and Steve Thompson, Ed Mazzu and Tim Higley; and several nieces and nephews. In loving memory of God's precious gift to us, who enriched our daily lives for sixty-six short years as a beautiful, loving, caring, devoted wife and mother. We will deeply miss her graceful presence and guiding wisdom so dear to us. Eternal peaceful rest grant unto her, Oh Lord. Her memorial service will be 5:30 p.m. Friday, July 16, 2010, at Broussard's, 1605 North Major Drive, Beaumont. A family committal will be at Broussard's Crematorium. Memorial contributions may be made to American Cancer Society , P.O. Box 5144, Beaumont, Texas 77726. Complete and updated information may viewed at www.broussards1889.com.



Lubbock Online 08/03/2010

Alvera Wilkie Higginbotham (1921-2010) TX

Alvera Wilke Higginbotham, 89, of Abernathy, TX, passed away Sunday, August 1, 2010, in Lubbock, TX. Services will be held at the First Baptist Church, Abernathy, at 2:00 pm Wednesday, August 4, 2010 with Rev. Mike O'Donnell presiding. Burial will follow in the Abernathy Cemetery, Nephews will serve as pallbearers. Services are under the direction of Abell Funeral Home and Flower Shop of Abernathy, TX. Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Bartley, TX on March 31, 1921. She married Ray Higginbotham November 4, 1961 in Lubbock, TX. They have resided since then in Abernathy. She was preceded in death by her parents Emil and Ida Wilke, one brother, Ruben and one sister, Forene May. She is survived by her husband, Ray Higginbotham of Abernathy, TX and one sister Darlene Gurley of Lubbock, nieces and nephews. The family would like to offer a special thanks to the many people who attended her at Covenant Hospital, Lubbock, and Hospice of Plainview during her illness.




Thelma C. Higginbotham Crutcher (1915-2010) TX

Thelma C. Crutcher, age 95, died August 26, 2010. Burial at Roselawn Park is under the direction of Bailey & Foster Funeral Home of Palestine, Texas. She was born on August 14, 1915 to the late Pete and Anne Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her husband, Cecil Harold Crutcher; twin sister, Velma Bentley; brothers, Alvis, Clark, Gordon, and Ed Higginbotham; granddaughter, Mary Lavern Humphrey Foster; and grandson, Jerry Lynn Pharis. She is survived by her children, Cecil T. and Jessie Lee Crutcher, Mary Ann and Maurice Willard, Garvice Crutcher, Velma "Tootsie" Pharis, Harold D. (Richard) and Sue Crutcher, Louise (Giggles) and Gary Hughes, and Murray and Gloria Crutcher; 25 grandchildren, 53 great-grandchildren, and 34 great great-grandchildren. Burial will follow at Roselawn Park Cemetery.



GoSanAngelo 09/16/2010

Mattie Oveta Tabor Higginbotham (1919-2010) TX

SAN ANGELO Mattie Oveta Tabor Higginbotham passed away peacefully Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2010, in Shannon Medical Center at age 91. Oveta was born Feb. 11, 1919, to Whit and Mattie Kilgore Tabor in Coleman, Texas. She grew up on the family farm near Talpa during the Great Depression. She always said they were very lucky, because they had plenty to eat on the farm, but new shoes were only purchased once or twice a year. She loved to play tennis and Oveta played singles and doubles with her sister, Laura. Unfortunately, they only had one tennis racket, but they always could borrow a second one for the doubles' set. She had a strong serve and played most of her life, even with her granddaughters. Oveta married Floyd Higginbotham Dec. 30, 1935, in Abilene, and they lived outside Paint Rock on the family farm and ranch for 60 years. She helped with all aspects of running a farm and ranch from raising a large garden to herding the livestock. After Floyd's death in 1983, she ran the family business and continued to, along with her daughters, until her death. Floyd always said that Oveta was his best help. After moving to Paint Rock, Oveta was active at First Baptist Church where she taught Sunday school for many years. She would study and work all week on the lesson and was always prepared to teach her class. In addition, she served as president of the Paint Rock Study Club, Homemakers and Senior Citizens clubs. Oveta loved people and tried to help those who were less fortunate than she. She moved to San Angelo in 1999, into Rio Concho Patio Homes and enjoyed playing 42 dominoes among other games. She was always very competitive and loved all games. Oveta joined First Baptist Church of San Angelo and became active in her Sunday school class and other activities at the church. Oveta was preceded in death by her husband, Floyd; her parents; two sisters, Laura Loudermilk and Isla Loller; two brothers, Elmo and Lee Tabor; and son-in-law Jim Matthews. Survivors include her two daughters, Judy Matthews and Janie DeLaney and her husband, Graham DeLaney of San Angelo. Also, three granddaughters and their husbands, Melissa and Jim Moylan of Eastland, Natalie and Chuck Arledge of Rockwall and Patty and Mark Walker of Hurst. Also, seven great-grandchildren, Jarred, Josh and Mattie Moylan, Shelby and Collin Arledge and Landon and Colby White; along with a host of nephews, nieces and good friends. Service will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 18, at First Baptist Church of Paint Rock with the Rev. Tony Gruben officiating. Internment will follow in Paint Rock Memorial Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 17, at Johnson's Funeral Home. Pallbearers will be James Loudermilk, Greg Loudermilk, Steve Hoelscher, Ralph Willberg, Craig Biederman and Herb Biederman. Memorials may be sent to First Baptist churches of Paint Rock or San Angelo; Meals for the Elderly; Hospice of San Angelo; or a favorite charity. The family wishes to thank Hospice of San Angelo, the fourth floor nursing staff at Shannon, along with her physicians, Chris McClish, Sabino D'Agostino, Peter Chang and Mike Jones for their kind and comforting care. She will be deeply missed.



The Daily Sentinel 10/12/2010

Marvin Lynn Higginbotham (1964-2010) TX

We would like to celebrate the life of Marvin Lynn Higginbotham. Marvin was born Dec. 21, 1964, in Lufkin, Texas, to Billy Marvin and Clara Elizabeth Smith Higginbotham. Marvin passed from this life Oct. 9, 2010. Survivors are sisters, Vicki Jean Higginbotham Perry of Richmond, Va., and Helen Kay Higginbotham of Tyler, Texas; brother, Billy Edward "Higgy" Higginbotham of Garrison, Texas; and a host of other relatives and friends. Marvin's father and mother preceded him in death. A memorial service will be held at noon October 16, 2010, at the home of his brother, "Higgy" Higginbotham, 553 CR 182, Nacogdoches, Texas. For information, call "Higgy" at 556-4077. Garrison Funeral Home.



Sulphur Springs News-Telegram 11/08/2010

James Donald Higginbotham Jr. (1944-2010) TX

A graveside service for James Donald Higginbotham Jr., 66, of Weaver was held at 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 8, at Pine Forest Cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham died Monday, Nov. 1, 2010, in Bonham. James Donald Higginbotham Jr. was born in San Augustine on March 24, 1944, the son of James Donald Higginbotham Sr. and Edna Farris. He was married to Josephine Higginbotham. She preceded him in death.



Star-Telegram on 11/11/2010

Joann Higginbotham Mastin (1928-2010) TX

Joann Higginbotham Mastin, 81, died Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2010, at her home. Memorial service: 2 p.m. Friday at All Saints Episcopal Church, 5001 Crestline Road, Fort Worth. Private interment. Visitation: The family will receive friends at a reception following the service. Memorials: Fort Worth Garden Club, 3220 Botanic Garden Blvd., Fort Worth, Texas 76107; or Community Hospice of Texas, 6100 Western Place, Suite 500, Fort Worth, Texas 76107. Joann "Jody" Mastin was born in Dallas on Dec. 11, 1928, the oldest child of Cecil and Martha Lou Higginbotham. She attended Hockaday School and graduated from Highland Park High. She attended Bennett Junior College before transferring to University of Texas at Austin where she was a member of Pi Beta Phi. While in Austin, she met her husband of 50 years, Tom Mastin Jr., who predeceased her. Joann and Tom after marriage made their life and raised their family in Fort Worth where she was active in many organizations, and followed her curiosity to pursue what became her passions of birds and flowers. She was a charter member and past president of the Fort Worth Orchid Society, established 1971, active member and past president of the Fort Worth Garden Club, charter member of the Angel Fire, N.M., Garden Club. Joann was an avid bird watcher and a member of the Audubon Society. She rarely went anywhere without her binoculars, and her bird "life list" was extensive from all over the world. Her children also remember when she was interested in and pursued judo, taking her falls with everyone else. She was a past docent at the planetarium at the Museum of Science and History in Fort Worth where she learned the stars and constellations to the amazement of her children and their friends. She was a member of the Junior League and was active in the Child Study Center's formation. She was active for many years in the All Saints Church Flower Guild. One of Joann's most rewarding accomplishments was chair of the fund raising and working with the establishment of the Conservatory at the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens. She and Tom traveled extensively all over the world. Since Tom was a private pilot and she enjoyed traveling with him on trips, she also obtained her private pilot's license. Her extensive travel with Tom and friends took her to every corner of the world from the tips to the tops of each continent, from the Great Wall to Machu Picchu, from Lhasa to Timbuktu and all points in between. In addition, she was a member of the Assembly Jewel Charity Ball, Rivercrest Country Club and the Fort Worth Club. She will be missed by her family and those who knew and worked with her. Survivors: Children, Laurin Chevaillier and her husband, Mason, Thomas F. Mastin IV and his wife, Julie, William Bate Mastin and his wife, Nancy, and James Randall Mastin; grandchildren, Thomas F. Mastin V and wife, Jennie, Italia Mastin, George Chevaillier, Joann Chevaillier, Batt Mastin and Alyssa A. Mastin; sister, Virginia Higginbotham of Austin; sister-in-law, Jane Higginbotham of Dallas; nephews; and many cousins.



Tyler Morning Telegraph 02/06/2011

Geneva Lorretter Jones Higginbotham (1936-2011) TX

Services for Geneva Jones Higginbotham, 74, Timpson, formerly of Grand Saline, are scheduled for 11 a.m. Monday at First Baptist Church, Timpson. A graveside service is scheduled for 3 p.m. Monday in Tyler Memorial Cemetery, Tyler. Mrs. Higginbotham died Feb. 4, 2011, in Timpson. She was born July 4, 1936, in Grand Saline to the late Robert Jones and Lorretter Clark Murphy. She attended Tyler Junior College and married Richard Vernon Higginbotham on May 4, 1956. She was preceded in death by her son, Ricky Higginbotham. Survivors include her husband, Vernon Higginbotham, Timpson; daughter, Lisa Higginbotham. Shreveport, La.; daughter-in-law, Katrina Higginbotham, Lake Dallas; granddaughter, Carmen Higginbotham, Humble; grandson, Kamren Higginbotham and wife Christie, Longview; great-granddaughters, Kelsey and Kilynn Higginbotham, Longview; and brothers: Alvin Murphy, Colorado, Calvin Murphy and Dalvin Murphy, both of Tyler. Visitation will be 6 to 8 today at Taylor Funeral Home, Timpson.



Houston Chronicle 02/27/2011

Debra J. Habeeb Higginbotham (1952-2011) TX

Debra J. Higginbotham July 22, 1952 - Feb. 21, 2011 of Georgetown passed away Monday, February 21, 2011, at her residence. Services were held 1:00 p.m., Friday, February 25, at Wilkirson-Hatch-Bailey with the Dr. Steve Mansen officiating. Burial followed at China Spring Cemetery. Debra was born July 22, 1952 in Houston, to Sammy and Maggie Darwin Habeeb. For many years, she was the owner and proprietor of the Fountainview Cafe in Houston. After her marriage to Judge Donald Higginbotham and her move to Georgetown, she sold the restaurant in Houston and became a bookkeeper. Debra was a lifetime committee member of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. She was preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by her loving husband of 14 years, Judge Donald Higginbotham of Georgetown; and her sister, Paula Habeeb of Houston. Pallbearers were William F. (Bill) Stevens, Hon. Dan A. Gattis, Joe E. Pedego, Chuck Weddington, Robert J. Beeler and Mason Hunt. Honorary pallbearers are John Causey, Dennis E. Bolding, MGen. Ben L. Harrison, USA (Ret.) and John R. Braniff, Sr. Memorials may be made to M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, P. O. Box 4486, Houston, TX 77210-4486, designated for research. The family invites you to leave a message or memory in our "Memorial Guestbook" at www.WilkirsonHatchBailey.com.



The Beaumont Enterprise 03/09/2011

Danyelle Higginbotham (1976-2011) TX

(January 20, 1976 - March 8, 2011)

Danyelle Higginbotham, 35, of Bridge City died March 8, 2011, Dorman Funeral Home, Orange.




Mildred Augusta Wagner Higginbotham (1923-2011) TX

It is with unending love and beautiful memories that we say goodbye to our Mother, Sister, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, and friend, Mildred, who passed away on March 30, 2011, at the Atrium Medical Center in Stafford, TX. Mildred was born March 2, 1923, in Rosebud, TX, to Alvin and Amanda Wagner and was one of five children. She was a longtime member of First United Methodist Church Rosenberg, where she worked for many years as the Church Secretary and whose members have long supported Mildred and her family through love, faith, friendship, and prayer. Mildred's kind, precious spirit now shares a joyful reunion with her Heavenly Father and many loved ones who preceded her in death, including her parents; her loving husband of fifty-three years, Ira M. Higginbotham; daughter, Sharon Cain; grandson, John Higginbotham; two sisters, Lorine Burns and Norine Wagner, and brother, Clarence Wagner. Left to cherish her memory are her son, David Higginbotham and wife, Cynthia, of Sugar Land, TX; daughter, Linda Drapp and husband, Don, of Sugar Land, TX; 3 grandchildren, Michelle Conaway and husband, Stacy, of Katy, TX, Shawn Higginbotham and wife, Miranda, of Richmond, TX, and Brantly Drapp and wife, Lauren, of Richmond, TX; six great-grandchildren; brother, Raymond Wagner of Houston, TX; and her two nieces and nephew. Services are 10 AM Monday, April 4, 2011, at First United Methodist Church, 1127 Third Street, Rosenberg, TX 77471, with burial following in Greenlawn Cemetery. Visitation is 5-7 PM Sunday, April 3, 2011, at Garmany & Carden Funeral Directors Chapel, 1201 Fourth Street, Rosenberg, TX 77471 (281)342-4671.




Dellis Ernest Higginbotham (1919-2011) TX

Dellis Ernest Higginbotham, 91, of Bishop, Texas, passed away Friday, April 8, 2011, in a Corpus Christi hospital following a long illness. He was born on May 24, 1919, in Van Zandt County, Texas, to George Benjamin and Mattie Era Higginbotham. He was the youngest and last surviving of nine children. Dell joined the Army in 1941 and served as an MP in the 751st MP Battalion. He met and married his wife of 67 years, Crystal (Cris) Lauer, while stationed at Fort Custer in Augusta, Michigan. He served in England, Belgium and France during the war. He was on a troop ship waiting to go through the Panama Canal headed for the Pacific when victory was declared in Japan. A few days later the ship was rerouted to Norfolk, Va. Following the war, the young couple moved to Texas. He was employed at the Celanese Plant in Bishop in Plant Protection for 37 years. He was an avid golfer and helped design the Chemcel golf course. He was a lifetime member of the Texas Peace Officers Association, a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion and Elk's Lodge. He was active in the First United Methodist Church of Bishop. He was preceded in death by his daughter and son-in-law, Janet and Robert Morgan of Bishop; son, Ronald Higginbotham of Karnes City; granddaughter, Maggie Higginbotham of Austin; and step-grandson, Sean Lusko of Angleton. He is survived by his wife, Cris of Bishop; his son, David (Beverly) Higginbotham of Angleton; daughter-in-law, Linda (Gary) Patterson of Boerne; grandchildren he raised, Robert Clint Morgan and Ashley Higginbotham, both of Bishop; grandchildren, Carl Higginbotham of Austin, Virginia (Manuel) De La Rosa of Kyle, Eden Higginbotham of Boerne; and step-grandsons, Isaiah and Austin Lusko of Angleton; great-granddaughter, Jamie De La Rosa of Kyle; and numerous nieces and nephews. Visitation will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Sunday, April 10, 2011, at the Turcotte Mortuary in Kingsville. Graveside services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, April 11, 2011, at Restland Cemetery, Bishop, with the Rev. Phil Robberson of the First United Methodist Church of Bishop and Dell's nephew, the Rev. Donald Higginbotham of Fredericksburg officiating. Military Honors provided by the Veterans of Kleberg County Military Funeral Detail will take place at the conclusion of the graveside service. Pall bearers will be Clint Morgan, Carl Higginbotham, Marvin Aduddell, Jim Presley, Stephen Presley, and Dave Bergquist. In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to The First United Methodist Church, Bishop, Texas. Services are entrusted to Turcotte-Piper Mortuary, 205 General Cavazos Blvd., Kingsville, Texas.



Amarillo Globe-News 04/20/2011

Ruby Alva Hickenbottom Moody (1909-2011) TX

Ruby Moody, 101, of Amarillo died Monday, April 18, 2011. Services will be at 3 p.m. Thursday in LaGrone-Blackburn-Shaw Funeral Directors Martin Road Chapel, 1505 Martin Road, with Max Beggs, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Llano Cemetery. Mrs. Moody was born Nov. 7, 1909, in Bonham to Ira Hickenbottom and Avie Lee Cox Hickenbottom. She grew up in Caddo, Okla., with five brothers and sisters, who all preceded her in death. She moved to Amarillo at an early age. Ruby married David Leonard "Bill" Moody in Caddo. He passed away in 1968. Mrs. Moody worked for many years as a packer for Allied Van Lines and Bekins Van Lines. She loved her church, her walk with the Lord and she dearly loved her grandchildren. She was also preceded in death by a son, Billy Earl Moody; and a grandson, Bobby Earl Moyers. Survivors include two daughters, Esther Mooris and Katherine Johnson, both of Amarillo; 10 grandchildren, Bill Kinney of Amarillo, Earline Brown of Tucson, Ariz., Mike Hussey of Amarillo, Mark Payne and wife Liz, Terry Johnson and wife Cathy, Larry Johnson and wife Linda, Beverly Deadman, Shirley Roe and husband Paul, Randy Moody and wife Sue and Gary Moody, all of Amarillo; 16 great-grandchildren; 10 great-great-grandchildren; and seven great-great-great-grandchildren.



Longview News-Journal 04/25/2011

Travis Edward Higginbotham (1924-2011) TX

LONGVIEW - Services for Travis Edward Higginbotham, 86, of East Mountain, Gilmer, will be 3 p.m. today, April 25, 2011, at East Mountain Baptist Cemetery, with the Rev. Wayne Norvel officiating. Arrangements are by East Texas Funeral Home. Mr. Higginbotham died April 24, 2011, at his residence. Born November 24, 1924, in Upshur County, he served in the U.S. Army during World War II and the Korean Conflict. He retired from Trailmobile in 1981. Survivors include his wife, Wanda Higginbotham; son, Stanley Higginbotham; and daughter, Patricia "Trish" Tucker.




J. D. Higginbotham (1926-2011) TX

February 23, 1926 - April 29, 2011

Funeral services for J.D. Higginbotham, 85, of Killeen will be 1 p.m. Monday at Crawford-Bowers Funeral Chapel in Killeen. Burial will follow in the Killeen City Cemetery. Mr. Higginbotham passed away Friday, April 29, 2011 in Killeen. JD was born February 23, 1926 in Valley Mills, Texas to Roosevelt V. and Sarah Alice (Marshall) Higginbotham. He served in the US Army during WWII and married Joyce McMillan in Valley Mills, Texas on December 8, 1946. JD retired from the Civil Service as a facilities engineer after 30 years. He was preceded in death by his parents, a brother, John Vernon, and a sister, Lucille Null, and by his wife, Joyce, on January 25, 2010. Survivors include a son, John David (Debbie) Higginbotham of Palestine and a daughter, Brenda (John) Clanton of Killeen, a sister, Lois (Bill) Lowery of Temple; a grandson, Bradley (Melissa) Clanton of Lubbock; a great grandson, Brenden Clanton and a great granddaughter, Victoria Clanton, both of Lubbock. The family will have a time of visitation from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. Words of comfort may be shared with the family at www.crawfordbowersfuneralhome.com Arrangements under the direction of Crawford-Bowers Funeral Home, Killeen, TX.




Glen Ray Higginbotham (1963-2011) TX

(September 7, 1963 - May 14, 2011)

Glen Ray Higginbotham, 47, of Deweyville, passed away Saturday, May 14, 2011 at Baptist Hospital in Beaumont from heart complications. Glen was born on September 7, 1963 in Orange, Texas to his parents, Walter Jack Higginbotham and Shirley Mae (Terro) Higginbotham. He grew up in Vinton, Louisiana, he worked as a meat cutter at Sam’s Club in Beaumont at the time of his passing and he had previously worked as the manager of the meat department at Wal-Mart in Orange. He was of the catholic faith and he enjoyed fishing and spending time with his friends and family. Glen is preceded in death by his parents; his brother, Charles Allen Higginbotham and his nephew, James Michael Tyler. Cherishing his memory are his daughter, Kayleigh Higginbotham of Orange; his sister, Linda Tyler and husband, Shelby of Deweyville and his brother, John Higginbotham of Vinton, Louisiana. Arrangements are under the direction of Dorman Funeral Home in Orange.



Houston Chronicle 05/27/2011

Catherine N. Higginbotham Siegel (1961-2011) TX

Catherine Higginbotham Siegel-Cathy was born in Houston January 20, 1961. She was a registered nurse & worked her entire career at Texas Children's Hospital. She passed away May 24, 2011 in Sugarland, Texas. She is survived by her husband, Sanford H. Siegel, Jr., her children Timothy Cooke, Katie Salazar, Jessica Salazar, Sanford H. Siegel, III, & James Siegel. Her parents Nathan & Claudia Higginbotham, her brother Brian Higginbotham & his partner, Chris Robinson & their son Benjamin Higginbotham, her aunts Francine Kelly, Geneva Ray & Evon Sydow & her uncles John Higginbotham & Jay Sydow. We all loved her very much. Services will be held at The Woodlands Christian Church, 1202 N. Millbend Dr, The Woodlands, TX. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts can be made to Cypress Creek Christian Church, 6823 Cypresswood Drive, Spring, TX. 77379 or The Woodlands Christian Church.



Oroville Mercury Register 07/19/2011

Paul Hickenbottom Jr. (1986-2011) TX

HICKENBOTTOM— Paul Hickenbottom, Jr., 25, of Chico, died Saturday, July 16, 2011, in Chico. Arrangements are under the direction of Bidwell Chapel, 342-4291. No services are planned.



The Beaumont Enterprise 07/21/2011

Pauline Higginbotham Rash (1923-2011) TX

Pauline Higginbotham Rash, 88, of Orange, died Tuesday, July 19, 2011, at Baptist Hospital in Beaumont. Funeral services will be 10:00 a.m., Saturday, July 23, 2011, at Claybar Funeral Home in Orange. Officiating will be Reverend Kevin Brown of First Baptist Church of Mauriceville and Reverend Damon Bickham of First Baptist Church of Deweyville. A Graveside service will follow at 3:00 p.m., Saturday, at Liberty Hill Cemetery in San Augustine. Visitation will be from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m., Friday, at the funeral home. Born in San Augustine County, Texas, on April 6, 1923, Pauline was the daughter of Sam and Eula Mae (Davis) Higginbotham. She was the mother of 14 children and she worked at Mauriceville school. She was a member of First Baptist Church of Mauriceville, where she worked in the nursery and worked in every Vacation Bible School. She was a wonderful mother, wife, and friend, and she never met a stranger. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ira Thomas Rash; daughters, Frances Ann Rash Hanks and LaVerne Rash; and son, Paul James Rash. Pauline is survived by her daughters, Mona Rae Lindemann, Annie Mae Rogers, Bettie Marie Rogers, Carolyn Ann Ratcliff, and Donna Kaye Merriman, all of Mauriceville, Polly Ann Roy and Christine Broussard of Orange; and sons, Thomas Ray Rash, Jerry Wayne Rash, and James Earl Rash, all of Mauriceville. She is also survived by 26 grandchildren; 23 great- grandchildren; two great great-grandchildren; sister, Lucille Calk; brothers, Sam Higginbotham, Floyd Higginbotham, Joe Higginbotham; and sisters, Dorothy Kelley, Peggy Shannon, and Katherine McCauley.



Palestine Herald-Press 08/03/2011

Maurice Edwin Higginbotham (1934-2011) TX

PALESTINE — Services for Maurice Edwin Higginbotham, 77, of Elkhart will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at Crockett Road Church of Christ with Dan Manuel and Owen Perry officiating. Burial will follow in Cedar Creek Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Bailey & Foster Funeral Home, Palestine. Mr. Higginbotham died Monday at East Texas Medical Center in Tyler. He was born Feb. 23, 1934 in Houston to Joseph Middleton Higginbotham and Ida Williams Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham was retired as a telegraph operator from the Houston Belt & Terminal Railroad. He was a member of the Crockett Road Church of Christ. He was preceded in death by his parents, four brothers and one sister. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his wife of 58 years, Edna Higginbotham; daughters, Vivian Nichols and husband Gary, Deborah Hagemeier and husband Dwayne, Linda May and husband Charles; a son, Robert Higginbotham and wife Charla; 12 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren. Condolence calls will be received from 9 a.m. until time of service at the church.



Times Record News 09/06/2011

Mary Moore Higginbotham (1943-2011) TX

Mary Higginbotham, 67, of Wichita Falls, died Sunday, September 4, 2011, following an lengthy illness. The graveside service will be conducted at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 8, 2011, at Crestview Memorial Park with Rev. Howard Chapman officiating. Arrangements are under the direction of Owens and Brumley Funeral Home of Wichita Falls. A daughter of the late Metta (Hoyer) and Bethel Lamay Moore, Mary was born on December 18, 1943, in Wichita Falls, Texas. She was a 1962 graduate of Wichita Falls High School. Mary worked in the dental field for over 40 years as a hygienist. She worked for Monarch Dental Lab in Fort Worth, Texas, and for Dr. Johnson's dental office in Wichita Falls. Mary was a member of First Baptist Church and the Jackie Driver Bible Study. She was a loving mother, sister, and Grandmother "Nanna". She was an avid cross-stitcher. Mary was also preceded in death by a sister, Georgia Keyser. Survivors include: daughter, Judy Carlton and husband, Calvin, of Wichita Falls; son, Richard Higginbotham of Zachary, Louisiana; sisters; Jo Glidewell and husband, Gayle, Joy Sinclair and husband, Benny and Sue Hadley, all of Wichita Falls, and Judy Ward of Lee's Summit, Missouri; grandchildren, Rachel McWilliams of Wichita Falls and Cameron Higginbotham of Zachary, Louisiana; great-grandchild, Olivia Mc Williams of Wichita Falls.



Abilene Reporter-News 09/25/2011

Dale Blackburn Higginbotham (1953-2011) TX

Abilene - Dale B. Higginbotham, 58, went to be with his Lord and Savior Saturday, September 24, 2011, at a local medical center. Interment will be 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 27, 2011, in Elmwood Memorial Park, directed by Elliott-Hamil Funeral Home, 542 Hickory. A memorial service will follow at 2:00 p.m. at First Central Presbyterian Church, with Dr. Clifford Stewart and Reverend Janice Six officiating. Serving as honorary pallbearers are any Black Belts of Tae Kwon Do trained by Dale. The family will receive friends at a visitation 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Monday, September 26, 2011, at the funeral home. Dale was born February 25, 1953 to Joyce (Brown) and H.S. Higginbotham in Dallas, Texas. He married Doreta Sooter on May 15, 1982 in Abilene, Texas. Dale was one of the co-owners of Arrow Ford, before leaving to own and operate Lueders Limestone, during which time he sculpted numerous stone crosses, along with contributing the stone for Jacob's Dream on the ACU campus, the stone cross outside Abilene Christian Schools, and for the chapel at Serenity House. His stone was also used for Perkins Chapel at First Central Presbyterian Church. Lueders Limestone was also pleased to contribute stone to their neighbor, The Big Country Camp. Dale was a sixth-degree black belt of Tae Kwon Do and over a period of 18 years trained more than 50 black belts. He was also an advocate of women's self-defense. On the international level, Dale served on the Taekwondo Olympic Committee, and served as a referee two years at the Taekwondo World Games in Seoul, Korea. Dale was a Deacon at First Central Presbyterian Church, served on the board for Abilene Christian Schools at one time, and supported various local ministries. Dale was a family man and enjoyed spending hours on the lake with his family. Dale was preceded in death by his parents. He is survived by his wife, Doreta Higginbotham of Abilene; two daughters, Brittany Higginbotham and Tiffany Higginbotham, both of Abilene; and two brothers, Seaton Higginbotham and Vincent Higginbotham, both of Abilene. Dale's entire life reflects his big heart, his love of Christ, and his desire to be of service to others. Memorials may be sent to Abilene Christian Schools, P. O. Box 29132, Abilene, Texas 79699 or First Central Presbyterian Church, 400 Orange, Abilene, Texas 79601.



Houston Chronicle 09/30/2011

Ronald Russell Higginbotham (1939-2011) WV/TX

Ronald R. Higginbotham, 72, of Spring, TX passed away Wednesday, September 28, 2011. Visitation: 6-8 PM, Friday 9-30-11 at Klein Funeral Home. Funeral service 1 PM, Saturday 10-1-11 at North Oaks Baptist Church, 18411 Stuebner-Airline, Spring, TX. 77379. Pastor Fred Wiesen and Pastor Danney Stanley officiating.



The Lufkin Daily News 10/12/2011

M. Louise Shepherd Higginbotham (1916-2011) TX

Funeral services for Louise S. Higginbotham, 94, of Bryan, formerly of Corrigan, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, October 13, 2011 in the First United Methodist Church in Corrigan, with Bro. John Tyler officiating. Interment will follow in the Union Springs Cemetery in Corrigan. Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, October 12, 2011 in the Corrigan Funeral Home Chapel. Mrs. Higginbotham was born November 25, 1916 in Corrigan and passed away Sunday, October 9, 2011 in the St. Joseph Regional Health Center Bryan. She was employed as a medical records clerk for Memorial Hospital in Houston for many years and, later, was employed at the Senior Citizens Center in Corrigan. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Corrigan. She was very passionate about her role in life as a mother and grandmother. She is preceded in death by her husband, Zack Higginbotham; parents, James Lawrence and Willie Mae (Hamilton) Shepherd; and her brother, Estell Shepherd. She is survived by her sons and daughter-in-law, Robert Higginbotham of Houston, Stan and Sherry Higginbotham of Caldwell, Dale Higginbotham of Houston; sisters-in-law, Doris Shepherd of Corrigan and Frances Higginbotham of Houston; grandchildren, Terri Kahlden and husband, David, Toni Swann, Michael Justice and wife, Melanie, Zack Higginbotham and wife, Crystal, and Tracy Justice; nine great grandchildren; and many, many relatives and friends. Pallbearers: Mike Justice, Zack Higginbotham, Joshua Putz, Melvin Ray Oliver, Stacy Lowe and Joshua Lowe. At the family¹s request, memorial gifts may be given to the First United Methodist Church of Corrigan, 101 N. Market, Corrigan, Texas 75939, the Union Springs Cemetery Association, P.O. Box 475, Corrigan, Texas 75939, or to a charity of the donor¹s choice. Funeral services entrusted to Corrigan Funeral Home, Inc.



yourfriendswoodnews.com 10/17/2011

Linda Sue Jones Higginbotham (1948-2011) AL/TX

Linda S. Higginbotham, 63, of Friendswood, Texas passed away on October 16, 2011 in Friendswood, Texas. She was born on February 23, 1948 in Birmingham, Alabama to Robert Preston and Ola Mae (Hogeland) Jones. She was a member of Friendswood Baptist Church. Linda was a loving wife and mother. She is survived by her husband of 45 years, Thomas Ray Higginbotham of Friendswood, Texas; daughters, Terri Lynn Greagrey and husband Mark, Christina Hunt and husband Michael; son, Jerry Ray Higginbotham and wife Giselle; grandson, Justin Ray Greagrey; and granddog, Spazz. Friends are cordially invited to a visitation with the family on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. at the Jeter Memorial Funeral Home Chapel, 311 N. Friendswood Drive, Friendswood, Texas 77546. The funeral service will be conducted at 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, October 20, 2011 at the Jeter Memorial Funeral Home Chapel. Condolences may be sent to the Higginbotham family in care of Jeter Memorial Funeral Home at www.jeterfuneralhome.com.



The Lufkin Daily News 10/12/2011

Jerry Higgenbotham Sr. (1950-2011) TX

Services for Jerry Higgenbotham, Sr., 61, of Nacogdoches will be held at 8 a.m. Saturday in the Tims Funeral Home Chapel. Interment will follow in the Cedar Grove Cemetery in Lufkin. Mr. Higgenbotham was born April 10, 1950 and died Oct. 10, 2011 in Nacogdoches.



Tyler Morning Telegraph 10/25/2011

Dorothy Amanda Higginbotham Lamb (1921-2011) TX

Dorothy Lamb, a longtime resident of Irving, passed away Oct. 23, 2011, in Grapevine. She was born on June 6, 1921, in Tyler. She was a member of First Baptist Church of Irving and retired in 1975 after many years of service with Irving Bank & Trust. She was preceded in death by husband, Calvin "Chet" Chester Lamb; son, Dr. Donald Lamb; brothers, Richard "Buck," Nolan "Tiny," Roland and J.W. Higginbotham; sisters, Juanita Ward, Helen Chastain and Dovie Lamb. She is survived by daughter, Carolyn Smith and husband John of Irving; daughter-in-law, Kathy Lamb of Wichita Falls; grandson, Scott Smith of Houston; granddaughters, Jennifer O'Neal and husband Ben of Coppell, Heather Terry and husband Glenn of Forston, Ga.; grandsons, Keith Lamb and wife Kelley of Wichita Falls, Kent Lamb and wife Amy of Apex, N.C.; great-grandchildren, Mackenzie Smith, Connor Smith of Houston, Grant O'Neal, Bella O'Neal of Coppell, Savanah Stowe, of Forston, Ga., Madeline Stowe, Katie Lamb, Kourtney Lamb of Wichita Falls, Cole Lamb, Mitchell Lamb and Logan Lamb of Apex, N.C.; sisters, Lillian Meriwether of Arlington, Edna Mullins of Grapevine; brothers, Charles Higginbotham and wife Pat of Tyler, and Vernon Higginbotham of Timpson. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Brown's Memorial Funeral Home. Funeral services will be 10 a.m. Wednesday at First Baptist Church in Irving with the Rev. John Durham officiating. Interment will follow at 2:30 p.m. at Tyler Memorial Park Cemetery in Tyler. If desired, memorials may be made to Vernon College Foundation, Attention Michelle Alexander, 4400 College Drive, Vernon, 76384; or First Baptist Church, 403 S. Main St., Irving, 75060.




David Carroll Higginbotham (1947-2011) TX

January 6, 1947 - December 14, 2011

Funeral services for David C. Higginbotham, age 64, of Conroe will be held on Saturday, December 17, 2011 at 10 a.m. at Mims Baptist Church with Reverend Gene Kendrick officiating. Visitation is scheduled for Friday evening from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Cashner Funeral Home. Interment will be in Gladstone Cemetery, Gladstone, New Mexico on Monday, December 19, 2011 with a graveside service at 10 a.m. David was born January 6, 1947 in Palestine, Texas to William Gordon and Margaret Thelma Rose Higginbotham and passed away on December 14, 2011 at his home in Conroe, Texas. He served his country in the U. S. Navy during the Vietnam War. David was a founding member of the Yaupon Creek Silhouette Association, a charter member of the American Mountain Man Association, a member of the 1896 Cowboy Club, a life member of the N.R.A. and the owner of Lone Star Rifle Company, Inc. He is survived by his wife, Katha Julene Higginbotham of Conroe; daughters, Kellie Higginbotham Fields and husband Tommy of Cypress and Katharyn Lane Azzareello of Austin; sons, David Monroe Gray of San Antonio and Allen Bart Cook of Cleveland; brothers, Kenneth Gordon Higginbotham and wife Joyce of Jourdanton and William Joey Higginbotham and wife Darlene of Baytown; grandchildren, Darren Cole Gray, Brittni Nicole Gray, Austin Monroe Gray, Cadence Grant Fields and Colton David Fields. Numerous other relatives and friends also survive. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations may be made in David's name to the A.C.L.J., American Center for Law & Justice, P. O. Box 90555, Washington, D.C. 20090-0555.



Dallas Morning News 12/15/2011

Steven Craig Higginbotham (1953-2011) TX

November 6, 1953 - December 12, 2011

STEVEN CRAIG HIGGINBOTHAM, age 58, a resident of Grapevine, Texas for 10 years, formerly of Dallas, died Monday, December 12, 2011. He was born November 6, 1953 in Dallas, Texas to parents, Jim Lynn Higginbotham and Dorothy Jean Cleghorn Higginbotham. He was a dispatcher at PAM Transportation for 5 years and a member of Demolay. Preceded in death by his parents and brother, Cliff Higginbotham, survivors include his sisters, Candy Krywalski and husband David of Red Oak, Cathy Rosen and husband David of Allen; brother, Cavin Higginbotham and wife Tamara of Dallas; as well as many nieces, nephews and friends. A memorial service will be held 2:00 p.m., Friday, December 16 at Donnelly’s Colonial Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Ken Parlin officiating. A private burial service will be at Grove Hill Memorial Park in Dallas.



Dallas Morning News 12/28/2011

Lorene Higginbotham Minton (1922-2011) TX

Minton, Lorene Age 89 of Dallas and Frisco, TX passed away peacefully on December 24, 2011 at Centennial Hospital. She was born on October 23, 1922 in Maud, TX and was one of 10 children born to Euls and Pearl Higginbotham. She married Howard Minton in Texarkana, TX March 1942. They had 4 children. She was a longtime resident of Dallas, TX for 61 years. Lorene was a member of Cochran Chapel Methodist, Dallas until health required her to move out of the area. She enjoyed her family, gardening, reading, needle work, painting and drawing and journal writings. Lorene will be remembered by her loving children, Shari, Vickie, Jerry and Shawn. She is also survived by six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Survived by sons-in-law George and Ray and daughter-in-law Teresa. Lorene is survived by sisters Hazel Chambers and Ruth Lewis. She was preceded in death by husband Howard, who died in 2000 and grandson Ted Young who died in 1984. Service will be held at 2:00PM, Thursday, December 29, 2011 at Restland Funeral Home with visitation 1 hour prior to the service. Interment to follow at Restland Memorial Park.




Leon I. Wingfield Bell Higginbotham (1918-2012) OK/TX

December 22, 1918 - January 1, 2012

Leon Higginbotham age 93 of Dallas, Texas - Leon Bell Higginbotham, devoted wife, beloved mother, grandmother, great grandmother and great-great grandmother went to be with the Lord on January 1, 2012. Born on December 22, 1918 in Coleman, Oklahoma to Vera May and Frank Wingfield she was the first of six children. Despite being a child of the Great Depression, she overcame the adversity of the times to become a self-made woman. As a young girl, she and her family made their way to Texas in a covered wagon, but the trip was delayed because her family did not have the toll needed to cross the Red River. After chopping wood and earning 25 cents to pay the toll, her father was able to cross into Texas where they eventually settled in Sherman. Over the years, she picked cotton, worked at Airmaid Hosiery, Thompson Canning Company, and owner of Leon's Café on Olive Street in downtown Dallas. But, her real pride was the city of Dallas where she was a very successful business woman in rental properties. Leon volunteered for several years as a driver for the American Red Cross and was a member of Ferguson Road Baptist Church. In her spare time, she loved to square dance and work in her garden. Leon is survived by daughters Carol Joyce Bell Loftis, Denton, and Jerry Lou Bell (Bill) Bailey, Stephenville; son Lonnie Leon Higginbotham, Arlington; step-daughters Penny Lou (Jerry) Smith, Kilgore; and Jackie Sue (John) Speigel, Vienna, VA, 11 grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren, and 2 great-great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her husband Lonnie Higginbotham, her parents, four brothers, two sisters, step daughter and granddaughter. Visitation at Sparkman/Crane Funeral Home, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Tuesday, January 3, 2012. The Funeral Service, 11:00 am, Wednesday January 4, 2012 in the Chapel of Sparkman/Crane Funeral Home. Rev. Wayne Wible, officiating. Interment Restland Memorial Park, Dallas, Texas Arrangements entrusted to Sparkman/Crane Funeral Home 10501 Garland Road, Dallas, Texas 75218 214-327-8291.



Waco Tribune-Herald 01/26/2012

Freddie Lee Cochrum Higginbotham (1931-2012) TX

February 19, 1931 - January 25, 2012

Freddie Lee Higginbotham, 80, of Lacy Lakeview, passed away, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2012, at a local hospital. Graveside services will be 3 p.m. Friday, Jan. 27, at Rosemound Cemetery. Visitation will be 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 26, at Bellmead Funeral Home. Mrs. Higginbotham was born Feb. 19, 1931, in Coolidge, Texas, to Fredrick and Ruby Faye (Mathis) Cochrum. She married her first and only love, William S. "Bill" Higginbotham, on Aug. 15, 1947. She was a loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother who adored her grandchildren and family and enjoyed quilting. Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her parents; her husband in May of 2004; and her sister, Jessie Faye Sutherland. Survivors include her sons, David Higginbotham and wife, Darline, of Bellmead, and Jamie Higginbotham and wife, Daina, of Austin; sister, Annette Bloskas and husband, James, of Lacy Lakeview; grandsons, Ronnie Higginbotham and Jason Higginbotham; great-grandson, Jonah Higginbotham; cousin, Mike Cochrum; nieces, Wendy, Tina and Linda; and her beloved pet, "Little Bit".



Dallas Morning News 02/08/2012

Frederick Rhodes Higginbotham (1921-2012) TX

Frederick Rhodes Higginbotham died peacefully February 2, 2012. A committed leader, an untiring philanthropist, devoted Christian and family man, Fred was born June 15, 1921 in Gorman, Texas. His parents Fred and Bertha Higginbotham raised him in Graham, Texas. He married Kathryn Jean Bloodworth from Olney, Texas on October 10, 1941. They were married for 48 years. She predeceased him on October 12, 1990. Fred served during WWII, taking time off from studies at Texas A&M to serve in the Army Air Corps. He spent 5 years as a bombardier in the North African and European theatres, entering as a Flying Cadet and discharged as a Major. He completed 50 combat missions and was decorated with the Purple Heart, the Air Medal with Three Oak Leaf Clusters and the Distinguished Flying Cross. He annually attended the reunion of the 463rd Bomb Squadron Group until his health prevented it last year. Fred resumed his college education at Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, Texas where he was recognized by his alma mater in 1980 by receiving the Distinguished Alumni Award. Fred began his career in Abilene as Assistant Administrator of Hendrick Memorial Hospital. His next career move took him to San Antonio where he was Administrator of Baptist Memorial Hospital. In 1961, he moved his family to Dallas when he became Vice President of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. He and his wife Jean were very active in the community and were members of Park Cities Baptist Church were Fred was a deacon. In 1970, he became President of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Atlanta. Fred orchestrated the merging of the Blue Cross Blue Shield plans into one organization. His devotion to community service resulted in him serving on numerous boards, councils, and delegations. He was President of the Business Council of Georgia, Chairman of the Chapter of the American Red Cross of Atlanta, and past board member of the Rotary Club of Atlanta and The Salvation Army. He also served as deacon at Second Ponce de Leon Baptist of Atlanta, and Johnson Ferry Baptist Church of Dunwoody, Georgia. He was a 32nd degree Mason of the AF&AM Lodge. Most importantly, Fred Higginbotham was a wonderful father, husband, grandfather, brother, uncle, and friend. He is survived by his daughters Kay Leavell and her husband Steve and his daughter Jan Mason, all of Dallas, Texas. His grandchildren Leslie Leavell Goth and husband Jason, Laurie Leavell Hestwood and husband Mark, Will Mason and Sam Mason. Mr. Higginbotham has 5 great grandchildren, Georgia and Wyatt Goth, Audrey, Annabelle, and Allie Hestwood. He is also survived by his brother Richard Higginbotham and his wife Sue of Tyler, Texas and his sister Virginia Martin of Eustis, Florida, numerous nieces and nephews and numerous friends! Fred treated everyone he met as member of his family, God's Family. He will be sorely missed but we will be awaiting his winks from heaven. The family wishes to thank The Forum of Dallas for their excellent care and love and a special thanks to his caregiver Sandra Bellman and Maria Dominguez. A memorial service will be held February 11, 2012 at 11 am at Ellis Chapel, Park Cities Baptist Church. Memorial donations may be made to Bucker Baptist Home or the charity of your choice.



Houston Chronicle 03/20/2012

Mary Margaret Conner Higginbotham (1926-2012) TX

April 10, 1926 - March 18, 2012

Mickey "MeMe" Higginbotham, 85, passed away in March 18, 2012. She was preceded in death by her husband, Bobby Higginbotham. Mickey is survived by children, Robert Higginbotham and wife Linda, Florence Bailey and husband John; granddaughters, Rebecca Massey and husband Doyle, Amanda Miller and husband Jeff, April Dyke and husband Jason, Robyn Schmotzer; 10 great-grandchildren; sister, Kathryn Paschal and numerous other loving relatives. Visitation will be held from 5:00-8:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at Earthman Resthaven with a funeral service to be held at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 21, 2012 in the Chapel of Earthman Resthaven. Interment will follow in the Earthman Resthaven Cemetery.



GoSanAngelo 06/02/2012

Jeanie LaRue Higginbotham (1947-2012) TX

October 19, 1947 - May 28, 2012

SAN ANGELO Our sister in Christ, Jeanie LaRue Higginbotham, went to be with her Lord at 11:45 p.m. Monday, May 28, 2012. She was 64. She is survived by her longtime friend and sister, Lark Lewis; brothers Bill Higginbotham and Mack Lewis; son Keith Erwin; three grandchildren; and a host of cousins, nephews and nieces. Jeanie was born Oct. 19, 1947, and was the daughter of Henry and Kathleen Higginbotham. She graduated from Crosbyton Texas High School in 1965. She then went to work for GTE and retired after 30 years of service. She then worked for the Salvation Army for 10 years and enjoyed her work in helping the needy and homeless. She had a kind, compassionate heart and took in many stray animals that had no home or family. Jeanie enjoyed fishing, cooking and reading. She also raised goats for competition and exhibition and loved taking them with Lark to the area shows. Jeanie and her longtime friend and sister, Lark, retired to their home in San Angelo. In recent years, the Native Texan was stricken with cancer and battled this life threatening disease until it claimed her life this past Memorial Day. She was a warm, caring and loving soul and had a smile that would light up a room. Jeanie LaRue Higginbotham will be miss by all that knew and loved her.




William Joey Higginbotham (1944-2012) TX

Joey Higginbotham, 67, of Baytown was born August 24, 1944 in Palestine, TX and went to be with his Savior on Wednesday, June 6, 2012. He lived a life filled with love and was well known for starting Joey's Glass in Baytown. He was preceded in death by his parents, William Gordon and Margaret Rose Higginbotham and sister-in-law, Barbara Daniell. He is survived by his wife, Darlene Higginbotham; daughter, Shelly Lyons; son and daughter-in-law, Gary and Suzie Higginbotham; brother and sisters-in-law, Ken and Joyce Higginbotham, Joyce Thomas, and Wanda Patton; and cherished grandchildren, Emily, John, and Luke Higginbotham and Darby Lyons. His family will receive friends at Navarre Funeral Home Friday, June 8, 2012 beginning at 1:00 p.m. with a funeral to follow at 2:00 p.m. Burial will follow at Cedarcrest Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers will be Chris Higginbotham, Scott Higginbotham, Keith Higginbotham, Robert Russell, Robert "Boogie" Russell, David Gray, and Tim Calhoun. Arrangements are under the direction and personal care of Navarre Funeral Home & Cremation Services, 2444 Rollingbrook Dr., Baytown, TX, 77521 (281) 422-8111.



Houston Chronicle 06/18/2012

Sara Sue Higginbotham Curry (1934-2012) AR/TX

Sara Sue Higginbotham Curry, 77, left this life to join her heavenly Father on Saturday, the 16th of June 2012. She was born on the 13th of September 1934, in Little Rock, Arkansas to Clyde Hugh and Elizabeth Murphy Higginbotham. She has resided in Houston since the age of 3. Sara married the love of her life, Gene Curry who preceded her in death in 2006, just two weeks shy of their 50th wedding anniversary. Sara was a sweet, loving wife, mother, sister, aunt and friend. She is survived by her daughters, Cathy Bauer and her husband Ken and Connie Ponder and her husband Terry; sisters, Nancy Adams and Martha Klix of Houston; brother, Clyde Higginbotham, Jr. of Lafayette, Louisiana; grandchildren, Melanie Bauer 18, Christopher Ponder 21 and Sara Ponder 18. Friends are cordially invited to a visitation with the family from six until eight o'clock in the evening on Wednesday, the 20th of June, in the Drawing Room of Geo. H. Lewis & Sons, 1010 Bering Drive in Houston. The funeral service is to be conducted at one o'clock in the afternoon on Thursday, the 21st of June in the Jasek Chapel of Geo. H. Lewis & Sons, where Rev. Lisa Callaway, Senior Pastor of St. Philip's United Methodist Church, is to officiate. The interment will follow, via an escorted cortege, at Forest Park Westheimer Cemetery in Houston. In lieu of customary remembrances, donations may be directed to Mental Health America of Greater Houston, 2211 Norfolk St., Ste. 810, Houston, TX, 77098.



The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 08/02/2012

Vernon G. Higginbotham (1923-2012) TX

LUBBOCK- Vernon Grant Higginbotham, 88 passed away at his home in Lubbock, Texas on July 31, 2012 after a lengthy illness. Born November 25, 1923 to W.E. and Mary Jane Higginbotham, he was the eldest of six children. He was born at Four Corners, Texas, near Whiteflat in Motley County. He graduated with honors from Roosevelt High School in 1940. He served with the Army during World War II and was honorably discharged in December 1945. He returned home to receive his accounting degree from Texas Tech University in 1950. He married the love of his life, Jolene Bloodworth, 64 years ago on June 15, 1948. They raised three daughters together. He received his C.P.A. in 1958 while employed with Arthur Andersen and Company in Houston and later Dallas, Texas. In 1963, he and his family moved to Whiteflat, Texas to manage the family farm. He farmed for 16 years. He was an active member of the First Baptist Church in Matador, Texas and maintained a private accounting practice there for several years. In 1979, he retired from farming and returned to private accounting as accounting manager for Plains Coop Oil Mill in Lubbock. He was with them until his retirement in 1991. Vernon is survived by his wife, Jolene; their three daughters, Jan McClure and husband Weaver McClure of Denton Texas, Nancy Palmer and husband Tommy Palmer and Betty Waits and husband Charles Waits, all of Lubbock; six grandchildren; and ten great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday, August 4, 2012 at 10 a.m. in Resthaven's Abbey Chapel with burial to follow in Resthaven Memorial Park. Visitation will be held tonight from 6-8 PM at Resthaven Funeral Home.



Brownsville Herald 08/07/2012

Maria Aurora Higginbotham (1935-2012) TX

(December 31, 1935 - August 5, 2012)

Maria Aurora Higginbotham, 76, of Brownsville, Texas, passed away on August 5, 2012. She is survived by her loving husband, Randy E. Higginbotham; two children: James Mark (Liliana) Higginbotham Sr. and Louis Christopher (Mary) Higginbotham; grandchildren: Janice Higginbotham, Jonathan Higginbotham, James Higginbotham Jr, Mario Benavides, and David Torres; various great-grandchildren; and other relatives. A memorial service will be held on Friday, August 10, 2012 at 10:00 am at Thomae-Garza Funeral Home in San Benito, Texas. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Thomae-Garza Funeral Directors, 395 S. Sam Houston, San Benito, Texas (956) 399-1331.



Zoeller Funeral Home 09/01/2012

Jason T. Higginbotham (1971-2012) TX

April 16, 1971 - August 29, 2012



Dallas Morning 09/23/2012

Joyce Higginbotham Campbell (1936-2012) TX

(1936 - 2012)

Joyce Higginbotham Campbell, a lifelong resident of Highland Park, passed away on September 16 at her home after a 7 year battle with Alzheimer's. She was 76. Joyce was born on January 19, 1936 to Verde Nelle and John Taylor Higginbotham, a prominent Dallas businessman. Joyce graduated from Highland Park High School and then attended Mount Vernon College for Women in Washington D.C. before returning to Texas where she graduated from the University of Texas at Austin. She was a member of the Pi Beta Phi sorority. After completing her education, Joyce married Royal Stewart Campbell in Dallas where they spent many wonderful years together before parting ways. Joyce was a dedicated mother to their two children, Elizabeth and Stewart Jr. and became active in Dallas social and philanthropic activities. She was a lifelong member of the Junior League of Dallas and a volunteer at The Children's Medical Center. She exercised every day and always stayed fit. Joyce loved her dog Lilly and took her for long daily walks. Joyce was loved and cared for by her family, her best friend Terry Crozier Sowden, in addition to her dedicated caretakers Richard Kerr and Jesse Torres. Joyce is survived by her children Elizabeth Higginbotham Campbell and R. Stewart Campbell, Jr., first husband R. Stewart Campbell, sister Norma Griffith, niece Nell Taylor and nephews, Mitch Acker and Richard Acker, in addition to their families. Joyce fought hard to stay healthy and happy, never giving in or giving up to the encroaching signs of the disease. Shortly after her death on Sunday, the clouds parted while sunlight dappled the otherwise gray skies leaving the most beautiful full rainbow to grace the horizon letting us all know Joyce had made her way up to Heaven.



Star-Telegram 09/29/2012

Robin Higginbotham Anthony (1967-2012) TX

Robin Higginbotham Anthony, 45, of Springtown was called home to be with the Lord and her son, Austin Anthony, on Monday, Sept. 24, 2012. Funeral: 10 a.m. Monday at Lucas Funeral Home, 1321 Precinct Line Road in Hurst. Interment: Bluebonnet Hills Memorial Park, Colleyville. Visitation: The family will receive friends 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home. She was born in North Richland Hills on Feb. 16, 1967, and graduated from Haltom High School. She was more than a daughter, mom, sister, aunt and Nawna -- she was also everyone's best friend. Survivors: She is survived by and always in the hearts of her parents, Butch and Patricia Higginbotham; daughter, Cyndelle Anthony; son, Justin Anthony and daughter-in-law, Lynan Anthony; grandson, Braden Anthony; sister, Michelea Adams and family; sister, Shannon Mckeown and family; and brother, Roderick Higginbotham and Family.



Austin American-Statesman 10/10/2012

Mary Catherine Walker Higginbotham (1919-2012) TX

Mary Catherine Walker Higginbotham was born in Memphis, TX on June 15, 1919 to E.E. and Daisy Walker. She passed away in Austin Sunday morning, October 7, 2012 at the age of 93. She graduated from West Texas State with a degree in Accounting. Mary Catherine and Robert E. Higginbotham were married September 4, 1943 in Amarillo. She followed him to many duty stations throughout his 30 years in the U.S Air Force. They moved to Austin in 1969. He preceded her in death in 1980. She worked as an accountant for several decades. She was Past Matron Lockhart Chapter 210 of the Order of the Eastern Star, Past President of Austin Assembly 125 Social Order of the Beauceant and Past Queen of Ruh Neb Temple No. 64 Daughters of the Nile. Mary Catherine is survived by her sister Peggy May of Amarillo, son Robert E. Higginbotham Jr. and wife Jeannita Gaye of Canyon, daughter Zady Chouinard and husband Tweed of Austin, granddaughter Kimberley Copeland and husband Christopher of Canyon, grandson Kevin Higginbotham of Aurora, CO, granddaughter Whitney Heinz and husband Tim of Lawton, OK, grandson Tyler Chouinard of Ft. Riley, KS and great grandchildren Libbie Copeland of Canyon, and McKayla & Lucas Heinz of Lawton, OK. Memorial service will be held Friday October 12th at 11:00 a.m., at Harrell Funeral Home in Austin, TX. Family will visit with friends beginning at 10 a.m. In lieu of flowers contributions can be made to the Daughters of the Nile Foundation, 6705 Mesa Dr., Austin, TX 78731 or to a charity of your choice.



Tyler Morning Telegraph 10/11/2012

Billy J. Higginbotham (1926-2012) TX

On Oct. 9, 2012, Bill Higginbotham, 85, of Tyler walked into heaven so happy to feel completely well. We know God welcomed him with open arms. He was born on Nov. 7, 1926, in Maud to Joe and Bertha Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham was a veteran of World War II, proudly serving his country in the United States Navy. He owned and operated East Texas Electronics in Tyler for almost 40 years until his retirement in 1994. Bill loved researching his family tree, "piddling" in his shop and spending time working on projects at "the ranch" on the South Llano River near Junction. He was preceded in death by his parents, Joe and Bertha Higginbotham of Texarkana; two brothers, Desmond Higginbotham and James Harold Higginbotham of Texarkana; and a grandson, Matthew McGinney of Junction. Bill is survived by Marjorie, his wife of 65 years; three daughters and sons-in-law, Linda and Chris Marshall of Tyler, Barbara and Stuart McGinney of Junction, Leslie and Dwain Faught of Calallen; and one son and daughter-in-law, Billy and Sheila Higginbotham of Tyler. He is also survived by eight grandchildren, David Marshall, Lisa Curbow, Christi Hightower, Laura Curbow, Kathryn McGinney, Megan Higginbotham, Kevin Faught and Clay Faught; as well as eight great-grandchildren, all of whom he loved dearly. Family will receive friends from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 11, at Stewart Family Funeral Home, 7525 Old Jacksonville Highway in Tyler. A graveside service will be at 2 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 12, in Rose Hill Cemetery, 2400 S. Donnybrook Ave., in Tyler with the Rev. Pike Wisner officiating. Mr. Higginbotham was a longtime member of First Baptist Church in Tyler. Honorary pallbearers will be the Fisherman's Sunday School Class from First Baptist. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to East Texas Food Bank, P.O. Box 6974, Tyler, 75711; or Matthew McGinney Memorial, P.O. Box 606, Junction, 76849.



Laura Sue Higginbotham Davis (1932-2012) TX

December 27, 1932 - October 14, 2012

Laura Sue Davis died Sunday, October 14, 2012, in Houston, Texas. Sue, a highly respected teacher, was beloved by her family and many friends who knew her to be a good and faithful servant to her family, her community, and her God. Sue was born to Joseph Austin and Laura Evin (Sharp) Higginbotham on the Higginbotham family farm in the Lone Pine community between Crockett and Lovelady, Texas, on December 27, 1932. The family moved to Beaumont and Texas City during the years of WWII and moved to Oak Forest in Houston in 1949. Sue was at home with her parents at the time of the Texas City Explosion in 1947. Sue was a graduate of Reagan High School and graduated from the University of Houston in 1953 with a Physical Education Degree, later attending U of H to quality to teach Driver's Education. Sue was a badminton champion at U of H and active in student activities. Sue and her college sweetheart, John Davis, married August 1, 1953, at St. Matthew's Methodist Church, celebrating their 57th anniversary shortly before John's death in 2010. After John's military service in the 1950s, John and Sue moved to Oak Forest where they lived, raised their sons John and Mark, and remained active members of St. Matthew's, for over five decades. Sue was devoted to serving her church and supporting church activities. A 6th generation Texan, Sue was a member of San Jacinto Chapter, Daughters of the Republic of Texas. She was active in the retired teachers, her church garden club, and Lydia Circle. Sue's career was spent working with young people. Sue was a renowned teacher in HISD, teaching P.E. at Burbank Jr. High and driver's education in HISD high schools and Houston Community College when the driver's ed program was moved to HCC. Sue particularly enjoyed being the Senior Class Sponsor at Waltrip High School. In the summers, Sue worked as life guard and a manager at the Memorial Park swimming pool in the 1950s and, beginning in the late 1950s, she and John were the co-managers at Sharpstown Country Club pool. Sue was the first woman life guard for the City of Houston, becoming the assistant manager of the Memorial Park pool, quieting the critics who fought the idea of women serving as life guards. Sue taught many young people to swim and coached synchronized swimming teams. Sue was a role model for her many students, as well as her younger cousins, nieces and nephews. In recent years, Sue's hobbies were family genealogy research and emailing her friends and family members. During her forty years as a teacher and coach, Sue's many students, team members, and fellow teachers benefited from Sue's love of life and dedication to her students. The wife of a basketball coach, Sue spent many hours supporting John's teams. Sue appreciated the continued contacts with her students and John's players. Sue is preceded in death by her husband John Houston Davis III, her parents Joe and Laura Higginbotham, her sister Beth Higginbotham Bitner, her brother Sam Higginbotham, her brother-in-law Robert H. Petty, her nephew Robert A. Petty, and niece Stephanie White Kain. Sue is survived by sons John Steven Davis and wife, Teri, of Houston and Mark Edward Davis of Los Angeles, CA, and her sister Betty Higginbotham Petty, Betty's daughter Sharolyn, and grandchildren Chris, Ricky and Laura who considers Aunt Sue their other mother and grandmother. Sue is survived by her sisters-in-law Harriett Wade Higginbotham of Houston, brother-in-law Orlan Bitner of Lovelady, and sister-in-law Diane Davis Howard and husband Eddie Howard of Galveston. Sue is survived by her many nieces and nephews Orlan, Janet, and Joe Bitner, of Austin, Judy Bitner Barron of Tomball, Sharolyn Petty Wood, Nancy Higginbotham James, and Sam Higginbotham, of Houston, Debbie Higginbotham Roberts, of Big Island, Hawaii, and Allen Higginbotham, of Hamburg, Germany, and their children, as well as her Davis nieces and nephews Craig Anderson Howard and Cynthia Griffith of Houston, Jennifer Day of Rockport, and Elizabeth Howard of Galveston, "adopted" nieces and nephews Jean Howard Sargent of Galveston, Mike Howard of Alvin, Richard Howard of Houston, and Mark Howard of Pasadena, and their children. Sue's many cousins, nieces and nephews looked forward to her telephone calls and emails keeping everyone up on family matters and passing on her genealogy information. Her nieces and nephews treasured the time spent with Aunt Sue at the swimming pool in the summers and at family holiday gatherings playing "42". The family may be contacted by email at [email protected]. Friends are cordially invited to a visitation with the family on Friday, the 19th of October, from five o'clock in the afternoon until eight o'clock in the evening, at Pat H. Foley Funeral Home, 1200 W. 34th Street, Houston 77018. A family graveside service will be held on Saturday, the 20th of October at nine-thirty in the morning at Forest Park Lawndale, 6900 Lawndale Street, Houston, followed by a memorial service at eleven o'clock in the morning in the sanctuary of St. Matthew's United Methodist Church, Rev. Frank Coats, presiding. The family will receive friends following the memorial service. Pallbearers will be her nephews and great-nephews. Memorial contributions in honor of Sue Davis may be made to St. Matthew's United Methodist Church, 4300 North Shepherd, Houston, TX 77018 or San Jacinto Chapter, DRT, 1510 Cambridge Street, Houston, TX.



Star-Telegram 02/27/2013

Olivia Dru Allen Higginbotham (1916 - 2013) TX

Olivia Higginbotham, 96, passed away Monday, Feb. 25, 2013, in Weatherford. Funeral: 11 a.m. Friday at First Baptist Church of Carrollton. Dr. Mark Forrest will officiate. Interment: Hilltop Memorial Park, 1810 N. Perry Road, Carrollton. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home. Olivia Dru Higginbotham was born March 19, 1916, in Fort Worth, daughter of the late Henry Thomas and Dru Manire Allen. She married Rufus Lee Higginbotham in Pampa, where they began their life together, on July 7, 1937. Olivia lived in Farmers Branch for 40 years prior to moving to Weatherford in 2006. She made her career in the school annual department at Taylor Publishing Co. and retired after many years of dedicated service. Olivia was a member of First Baptist Church of Carrollton from 1965 to 2010, where her mother was also a member. Most recently, Olivia was a member of Lakeside Baptist Church in Granbury. She loved to read her Bible daily. Olivia was preceded in death by her husband, Rufus Lee Higginbotham, on Feb. 11, 1997; a daughter, Myrna Sue Beavers; her parents; sisters, Lucy Sweeny and Opal Gilmore; and brothers, Cebe Allen, Ira Allen, Houston Allen and Louis Allen. Survivors: Son, Jerry Higginbotham of Bonham; daughters, Nancy Boykin of Granbury and Linda Murdock of Weatherford; 11 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; five great-great-grandchildren; sister, Juanita Henry Higgins of Carrollton; and a host of loving nieces, nephews, friends and church family.



Dallas Morning News 03/03/2013

Margarette Higginbotham Brandenburg (1921-2013) TX

Brandenburg, Margarette 92, beloved mother, grandmother, and aunt passed away February 28, 2013 at Emeritus at Lake Highlands surrounded by her daughter and the Hospice Plus team. She was born January 5, 1921 in Temple, Texas. Margarette grew up in Abilene, Texas where she graduated from Abilene High School and briefly attended McMurray College. She was a member of the Oak Cliff #67 Rainbow for Girls, the Eastern Star, employee of Pet Milk Co., and E Vision Quest. She is preceded in death by her husband, Benjamin Franklin Brandenburg III; parents, Dewey Lee and Willie Lee Higginbotham; brother, Dewey Lee Jr.; and daughter Bettina Duncan. Margarette is survived by her daughter, Judy Ann Lowe of Dallas; numerous nieces, nephews and friends. Family will receive friends from 2-4 PM Sunday, March 3, 2013 at Restland Funeral Home. Graveside service will be at 2:00 PM on Monday, March 4, 2013 at Restland Funeral Home. Great appreciation for the care and comfort provided by the Hospice Plus team during her final weeks.



Odessa American 04/02/2013

Billy Frank Higginbotham (1925-2013) TX

PECOS Billy Frank Higginbotham, 87, of Pecos, died Saturday, March 30, 2013, at Reeves County Hospital in Pecos. Memorial services will be scheduled at a later date. Arrangements are by Peaceful Garden Funeral Home of Pecos. He was born in Chillicothe. He was a World War II veteran and a retired farmer. SURVIVORS Wife, Silby Bell Higginbotham of Pecos; sons, Frank Higginbotham of Iowa Park, Don Higginbotham of Crosbyton and John Higginbotham of San Angelo; daughters, Jody Martinez of Pecos and Jane Thomas of Las Cruces, N.M.; three grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.



Dallas Morning News 05/10/2013

Cavin Scott Higginbotham (1960-2013) TX

(January 23, 1960 - May 5, 2013)

Cavin Higginbotham, beloved husband, father, brother, grandfather, uncle and friend passed away May 5, 2013 at the age of 53 after a long and courageous battle with pancreatic cancer. The world has lost a wonderful man and his presence will be sorely missed by his family and many friends. Cavin was born January 23, 1960 in Dallas, Texas, son of the late Jimmy L. and Dorothy J. Higginbotham. One of five children, Cavin was a hard worker all his life and was known for his sharp mind, quick wit, and love for people. He will always be remembered for his warmth and positive attitude that shined above all. He loved helping people and believed in their potential. His daily goal was to make someone smile and he always found a way to achieve it. Cavin loved his family and fought his illness fiercely to gain more time with them. He enjoyed basketball, football, coaching, camping, cars, motocross, and movies. Cavin excelled in a wide range of business pursuits including those as founding partner of UHW Corporation and DRATC Disaster Recovery and Test Center. His dedication, exceptional management and people skills continued to earn him respect as district manager for Royal Car Wash and grocery manager at Albertson's. In the last several years of his life, Cavin's faith in God became an important part of his life and helped carry him through many difficult circumstances. He loved attending Bent Tree Church and found new hope and forgiveness through a relationship with Christ. Cavin is survived by his devoted wife Tamara Higginbotham of Carrollton, Texas and six beloved children: son Justin (Christina) Higginbotham of McKinney, Texas; son Cavin J. "CJ" (Erinn) Higginbotham of McKinney, Texas; son Taylor C. Higginbotham of Denton, Texas; daughter Jessica M. Higginbotham of Little Elm, Texas; son Conner S. Higginbotham of Carrollton, Texas; and daughter Dessie Rae Dulworth of Carrollton, Texas; grandchildren Miranda and Jacob. He is also survived by sisters Cathy (David) Rosen and Candy (David) Krywalski; his dearly loved nieces and nephews: Stephanie , Casey, Bobby, Fredrick, Dylan, Justin and Preston; former wives Teresa Worden Castaneda and Dana Higginbotham; and a host of family, in-law's, and friends. Cavin was preceded in death by his parents Jimmy L. and Dorothy J. Higginbotham, brothers Craig and Cliff Higginbotham, and nephew, Stephen Higginbotham. A memorial service to celebrate Cavin's life will be held at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, May 11, 2013 at Bent Tree Church, 4141 International Pkwy, Carrollton, Texas. In lieu of flowers, donations in Cavin's name are welcome to support the Benevolence Ministry of Bent Tree Church (www.benttree.org) or the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (www.pancan.org).



Star-Telegram 06/07/2013

Edna Earl Higginbotham Mullins (1919-2013) TX

Edna Higginbotham Mullins, 93, departed this world peacefully to join her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on Wednesday, June 5, 2013. Funeral: 1 p.m. Saturday in Tyler Memorial Chapel in Tyler. Interment: Tyler Memorial Cemetery. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at Mount Olivet Funeral Home. Memorials: In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be given to the Alzheimer's Association , 225 N. Michigan Ave., Fl. 17, Chicago, Ill. 60601. Edna was born Dec. 4, 1919, in Tyler to the late Dovia and Robert Owen Higginbotham. She graduated from Tyler High School in 1936. She and John Mullins, a mechanic for the Southern Pacific railroad, were married for 51 years, from 1941 until his death in 1992. For many years they lived in Haltom City, where they raised two daughters and were active members of Birdville Baptist Church. Edna was a great cook and will be remembered for her smothered steak and her tasty desserts. She loved to play cards and dominoes with her brothers and sisters, with whom she was very close. She and John were fishermen, and they spent much of his retirement in a motor home, fishing at East Texas lakes Palestine and Fork. Edna loved to sing, and even in her years of decline would sing "You are my Sunshine" and "Jesus Loves Me" with passion. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Mullins; her brothers, J.W., James, Roland and Nolan Higginbotham; her sisters, Juanita Ward, Helen Chastain, Dovia Lamb and Dorothy Lamb; and her grandson, Peter Vlach. Survivors: Daughters, Charlotte Yates and her husband, Ron, of Schertz, Judy Karen Vlach and her husband, Frank, of Trophy Club; grandsons, Corey Yates, Monty Yates and his wife, Rachel, Daniel Vlach and his wife, Saba; great-grandchildren, Crystal Yates, Haden Yates and Zayd Vlach; sister, Lillian Meriwether; brothers, Charles and Vernon Higginbotham; and her many, many nieces and nephews.



Tyler Morning Telegraph 08/27/2013

Christine Glasscock Higginbotham (1964-2013) CA/TX

Funeral services for Christine "Chris" Higginbotham, age 48, of Tyler are scheduled for 10 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2013, at Caudle-Rutledge Funeral Home Chapel in Lindale. Interment will follow in Hopewell Cemetery. Mrs. Higginbotham was born Oct. 23, 1964, in Torrance, Calif. She passed away Saturday, Aug. 24, 2013, in a Tyler hospital after a 17-year battle with kidney disease. Mrs. Higginbotham lived in the Tyler area most of her life and was a member of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by grandson, Joey Green; and nephew, Cameron Glasscock. Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her parents, Dewy H. and Doris Glasscock, of Longview, Carolynn and Ray Reeves, of Tyler; daughters, Jessie Green and husband Sherley, of Fort Worth, Kira Higginbotham, of Tyler; former husband, Greg Higginbotham, of Wylie; brother, Terry Glasscock and wife Amy, of Tyler; stepbrother, Raymond A. Reeves and wife Yolanda, of Tyler; sister, Renee Seales, of Atlanta, Ga.; grandchildren, Nathan and Lacie Green, of Fort Worth; four nephews; one niece; and one great-nephew. Family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home.




Reva Higginbotham Hearon (1926-2013) TX

December 16, 1926 - September 6, 2013

Reva "Aunt Biggon" Higginbotham Hearon, 86, of Kosse, Texas passed away surrounded by her loving family September 6, 2013. Funeral Services will be Monday, September 9, 2013 at 10:00 a.m., at the First Baptist Church in Marlin, Texas with the Rev. Jimmy Phillips officiating. Burial will follow at Stranger Cemetery. The family will receive friends Sunday, September 8, 2013 from 5p to 8p at Adams Funeral Home Chapel. Reva was born December 16, 1926 in Lovelady, Texas to Albert Sydney and Lula Belle (Bitner) Higginbotham. She was a strong Christian woman who loved her family, her "Stranger Community" church and dear friends. Reva loved her job at Parrish Moody and Fikes. One of her favorite pastimes was hunting; she loved to shoot her gun and was nicked named by her family as "Annie Oakley" and "Pioneer Woman". Her joy was having all her family at her home for special occasions such as Easter and Thanksgiving. Reva was loved by her family and friends and will be missed by all who knew and loved her. She is preceded in death by husbands, Junior Doan and Ernest H. Hearon; parents, Albert and Lula Higginbotham; brothers, Alvia Higginbotham, Wilburn Higginbotham; sister, Loyce Wilson, Opal Goettee; twin sister, Eva Anderson "Tincie" and nephew, Morris Higginbotham. Those left to cherish her memory are nephews and nieces, Bill and Melodie Blakemore, Ricky and Val Anderson, Cindy May, Lisa and Frank Hernandez, Steve Higginbotham, Don Wilson, Larry and Diane Wilson, Mickey Wilson, Gordon and Martha Goettee, Linda and David Bryan, Dorothy and Bill Toler, Missie Bankston; great nephews and nieces Melissa and Michael Avant, Bo and Candice Dodd, Rachel and Cliff Jahn, Kelli Anderson, Andy and Rachel Anderson, Matthew and Sarah May, Bev and Don Spike, Brad and Tammy Blakemore, great greats, Clay Blakemore, Cole Blakemore, Justin Spike, Ryan Spike, Tate Avant, Haley Avant, Emma Avant, Julia McCarly, Marigrace Peters, C J Anderson, Avery Anderson, Austin Jahn, Cara Jahn, Bree Anderson, Aidree Anderson, Skylar May, Brycen May, Eva May, Andrew and Lindsay Higginbotham. Pallbearers will be Bo Dodd, Cliff Jahn, Austin Jahn, Brad Blakemore, Matthew May, Andy Anderson. Don Spike, and Frank Hernandez. Honorary Pallbearers will be Steve Higginbotham and Donald Wilson.



Scott Funeral Home 09/18/2013

David Lynn Higginbotham (1954-2013) TX

(December 27, 1954 - September 15, 2013)

David Lynn Higginbotham, age 58 of Rosharon, Texas passed away Sunday, September 15, 2013 at his residence. David was born on December 27, 1954 in San Antonio, Texas and was a resident of Rosharon for 2 years. He was a member of Living Stones Church and served in the United States Army beginning in 1975 as a nuclear missile technician. He was stationed in Germany and was honorably discharged in 1978. David enjoyed the outdoors through hunting, fishing, and jeeping. He shared many good times with family and friends. He worked as a mechanical designer for over 30 years, and his sense of humor will be greatly missed. David was preceded in death by his son, Mark Moreau. David is survived by his wife, Margaret Lynn Higginbotham, parents, Floyd and Jo Higginbotham, daughters, Jeannine Cole, Sarah Smith and husband, Tim, sons, Mat McCoy, James McCoy, Daniel McCoy, 8 grandchildren, sister, Jean-Ann Lanning, 2 nieces, Londyn and Chloe, numerous other relatives and friends. Visitation will be held from 10:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at Scott Funeral Home with Funeral services beginning at 11:00 A.M. Graveside services will be held at 1:00 P.M. Thursday, September 19, 2013 at Navasota Cemetery, Navasota, Texas. Arrangements under the direction of the Scott Family, 1421 East Hwy 6, Alvin, Texas 77511. (281) 585-1000.



Cottle-Pearson Funeral Home 10/04/2013

Clayton Higginbotham (1943-2013) TX

(March 6, 1943 - October 2, 2013)

Graveside services for Clayton Higginbotham, 70, Kilgore, will be at 10:00 am, Friday, October 4, at Pleasant Hill Cemetery near Overton with Reverend Buddy Shelton officiating. Arrangements are under direction of Cottle-Pearson Funeral Home, Overton Mr. Higginbotham died Wednesday, October 2, 2013 in Henderson. He was born March 6, 1943 in Palestine to the late Lonnie and Mary Audrey Higginbotham. He was a self employed painter and a Baptist. Besides his parents, Mr. Higginbotham was also preceded in death by a brother, John L. Higginbotham, a son, Gary Lynn Higginbotham, and his wife, Dena Jo Higginbotham. Survivors include two sons, Clayton Ray Higginbotham and Ricky Lynn Higginbotham; a daughter, Brenda Sue Fountain; a brother and sister-in-law, Billy and Earlene Higginbotham; seven grandchildren, Randy Higginbotham, Susan Higginbotham, David Clay Higginbotham, Brittney Howard, Colby Fountain, Miranda Higginbotham, and Ricky Higginbotham; and a great grandchild, Cadence Danielle Ferguson.




John Lanham Higginbotham Jr. (1920-2013) TX

Higginbotham, John Lanham, Jr. Died Monday, October 14th in Dallas, Texas. He was born July 27, 1920, to John Lanham Higginbotham, Sr. and Glenn Platt Higginbotham. He was preceded in death by his wife of sixty years, Ann W. Higginbotham. He is survived by his three children and their spouses: Cynthia and John B. Scofield, Genie and James A. Bentley, Jr. and Adrienne and Lanham Higginbotham III and niece and her husband Linda and Pat Rayes. Also surviving him are his four grandsons and their wives: John and Denise Scofield, Chuck and Beth Scofield, Jim and Anne Bentley, Fred and Bethany Bentley and nine great grandchildren: Ellen, Mary Caroline and Jack Scofield, Sadie and Lanham Scofield, Sam and Alex Bentley and Frederick and Calvin Bentley. He is also survived by special friend, Jean Snodgrass. Lanham graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School in 1937 and from SMU in 1941. After Pearl Harbor, he enlisted in the Army Air Corps and served as a Primary Flight Instructor at Jones Field in Bonham, Texas. Following his discharge from the Army Air Corps, he briefly served as a pilot for Braniff Airways. Later, he worked in the Higginbotham-Bartlett Lumber Yards in Shallowater, Sweetwater and Muleshoe, Texas. He returned to Dallas and worked in the insurance business for eighteen years. Then, in 1967 he rejoined the family businesses until his retirement in 2002. Lanham held the positions of Executive Vice President of Higginbotham-Bailey Co., a Dallas wholesale dry good distributor, and Chairman of the Board of Higginbotham-Pearlstone, a Dallas wholesale hardware distributor. He also served as President and Chairman of the Board of Higginbotham Bros. & Co., which operated eighteen retail lumber yards and dry goods stores from its home office in Comanche, Texas. Additionally, he was Chairman of the Board of Higginbotham-Bartlett, a firm which operated thirty-nine lumber yards from its home office in Lubbock, Texas. Finally, he worked as General Partner of the Higginbotham Cattle Company, managing a Black Angus cow-calf ranch in Gaines County, Texas. Lanham also contributed his time to Dallas, serving in 1961 as President of the Dallas Sales Executives and then in 1964 as President of the Lions' Club of Downtown Dallas. A member of Highland Park United Methodist Church since his marriage there in 1942, he taught Sunday School and served on the church's Board of Stewards. He was a member of the Dallas Country Club and the Salesmanship Club. The family will receive friends from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Thursday, October 17th at Sparkman Hillcrest, 7405 West Northwest Highway, Dallas, Texas 75225. Following a private interment, a Memorial Service will be held in the sanctuary of the Lovers Lane United Methodist Church on Friday, October 18th at 10:00 am. The family requests those wishing to send memorials direct them to the Salesmanship Club of Dallas, 400 S. Zang Blvd., Suite 700, PMB 77, Dallas, TX 75208-6642 or SMU P.O. Box 750402, Dallas, Texas 75275-0402.



Times Record News 11/28/2013

Loretta Higginbotham Smith (1954-2013) TX

Loretta Smith, 59, of Wichita Falls, passed away Sunday, November 24, 2013. Funeral services will be held at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, November 30, 2013 in the chapel of Owens & Brumley Funeral Home with Rev. Ronnie Lawson, officiating. Arrangements are under the direction of Owens & Brumley Funeral Home of Wichita Falls. Loretta was born November 5, 1954 in Wichita Falls, Texas to Howard and Ruth Higginbotham. She was a devoted mother and a loving sister and aunt. She was preceded in death by her mother Ruth Higginbotham. She is survived by her father, Howard Higginbotham of Wichita Falls; her daughter, Melissa Renee Smith and Jill Johnson of San Diego, California; companion, Steven Hill a sister, Carol Gunsolus and husband Larry of Paradise; a brother, Robin Dale Higginbotham of Wichita Falls; nieces, Rachelle Shelton and husband Jeff of Wichita Falls, Larissa Chase and husband Lester of Iowa Park, and Brandie Blankenship of Wichita Falls; nephews, Brent Higginbotham of Wichita Falls, James Higginbotham and wife Nurten of New York, and Brian Higginbotham and wife Melissa Kay of Wichita Falls; as well as great-niece, great-nephews, great-great nieces and great-great nephew. The family will receive friends from 6 until 8 p.m. Friday, November 29, 2023 at Owens & Brumley Funeral Home of Wichita Falls.



Tyler Morning Telegraph 12/19/2013

Ernest Roy Higginbotham (1924-2013) TX

Funeral services for Ernest "Pud" Higginbotham Sr., age 89, of Jacksonville are scheduled for 3 p.m. Friday, Dec. 20, 2013, at Autry Funeral Home Chapel in Jacksonville with the Rev. Don Harvey officiating. Burial will be in Still Waters Memorial Gardens in Jacksonville. Mr. Higginbotham passed away Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2013, in Jacksonville. Ernest was born May 5, 1924, in Mount Selman. He married Iris Wanda Jones on Oct. 12, 1946. He served in the United States Army during World War II at Angio Beach Head in the Italy Battle of the Bulge and served in France. Mr. Higginbotham worked in the oilfields in West Texas before going to work for S&K Church Furniture as a finish foreman. Ernest was a member of the Dialville Methodist Church. He was preceded in death by his parents, John Roy and Grace Ellis Higginbotham. Survivors include his wife of 67 years, Iris Wanda Jones Higginbotham; sons, Ernest Earl Higginbotham and wife Marcia, of Jacksonville, Roy Wayne Higginbotham and wife Patricia, of Forest Dale, Ala.; sister, Verna Mae George and husband Davis, of Jacksonville; grandchild, Meredith Grace Higginbotham Davis and husband Jeremy, of Dallas; step grandchildren, Amy Graves, Lindsay Graves, Kaitlin Randolph and Kali Randolph. Pallbearers will be H.V. Jones, Stanley Jones, Ed Hassell, James Halbert, Marvin Wood and Billy McAnally. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 19, 2013, at Autry Funeral Home in Jacksonville. Rather than customary condolences, memorials may be made to Dialville Methodist Church or Jacksonville Christian School at P.O. Box 869 Jacksonville, 75766.



Dallas Morning News 02/04/2014

Robert McLaurin Higginbotham Jr. (1998-2014) TX

Robert McLaurin Higginbotham, Jr. ("Tex") was born Oct. 10, 1998 and went home to be with the Lord Jan. 28, 2014. He was the only son of Robert and Lucy Higginbotham and a loving, affectionate brother to Mary Jane, Maggie and Anne. His infectious smile was a blessing to all who knew him at The Covenant School, Boy Scout Troop 82, and Park Cities Presbyterian Church. His generous, caring spirit will be missed by numerous family members, and his hunting buddies will sorely miss all the joy he brought to their gatherings. Donations can be made in memory of Tex in two ways. To help support his family in on-going care, contributions can be made to The Higginbotham Family Fund, care of Boy Scout Troop 82, P.O. Box 12596, Dallas, TX 75205. Tex supported establishing water wells for villages in developing countries; tax-deductible gifts may be made to support the establishment of additional wells and assisting students with learning differences (like Tex) through the Tex Higginbotham Fund at the Dallas Foundation. His memorial service is at 4pm, Tuesday, Feb. 4 at Park Cities Presbyterian Church.




Star-Telegram 02/06/2014

Jefferson Davis Higginbotham (1936 - 2014)

Jeff Higginbotham, 77, passed away peacefully Friday, Jan. 31, 2014, after a lengthy illness. Celebration of life: 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 8, in Brown Owens & Brumley's Joe B. Brown Memorial Chapel. Jeff was born Dec. 11, 1936, to the late R.J. and Naomi Higginbotham in Kopperl. He pursued electrical engineering at Texas A&M. Jeff retired after 41 years from General Dynamics/Lockheed as director of special projects. He spent several more years as a private consultant to other companies, including MegaRail. Jeff was past master of Kopperl Masonic Lodge #292 and past district deputy grandmaster of the Grand Lodge of Texas and also a member of Scottish Rite. Survivors: Loving wife of 50 years, DiDi Higginbotham; son, Jeff Lee Higginbotham; daughter, Heather Calicott and husband, Gary; beautiful grandchildren, Taylor, Paige, Dylan and Lyric; great-grandchildren, Avery and Nyomi; and many friends.



Star-Telegram 02/23/2014

Clara Louise Higginbotham Byron (1918 - 2014) OK/TX

Clara Louise Byron, 95, passed away Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014. Service: 2 p.m. Monday at Shannon Rufe Snow Funeral Chapel with interment to follow in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Clara was born Sept. 27, 1918, in Amber, Okla., to Benton and Mary Higginbotham and grew up in Dublin, Texas. She was a member of St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church in Fort Worth and St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church in Houston. She was preceded by her husband, Robert E. Byron; sisters, Leona Sturgeon, Costy King and Mildred Capell; and brother, R.O. Higginbotham. Survivors: Daughters, Linda Smalley and husband, Houston, of Houston and Susan Blackmon and husband, Randy, of La Porte; son, Robert J. Byron of Houston; eight grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren.



The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 04/13/2014

David Ray Higginbotham (1927-2014) TX

ABERNATHY-Services for David (Ray) Higginbotham, 86, of Abernathy, Texas, will be held at 2 p.m. Monday, April 14, 2014, in the Abernathy First Baptist Church with Rev. Mike O'Donnell officiating. Burial will follow in the Abernathy Cemetery under the direction of Abell Funeral Home & Flower Shop of Abernathy, Texas. Mr. Higginbotham died peacefully at his home in Abernathy, April 10, 2014. He was born June 10, 1927, in Duffau, Erath County, Texas, to J. D (Dave) and Olga (Rainwater) Higginbotham. He served in the US Navy during WWII and in the US Army during the Korean War. He married Alvera Wilke on Nov. 4, 1961, in Lubbock, Texas, and was a member of the First Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by a brother, Jake; and two sisters, Mildred and Peggy. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by two sisters, Shirley Gilbert of Midland, Texas, and Charlene Fudge of Hale Center, Texas; and nieces and nephews.



Goldthwaite Eagle 05/27/2014

Peggy Delores Moore Higginbotham (1930-2014) TX

GOLDTHWAITE — Funeral services Peggy Delores Higginbotham, 83, of Goldthwaite will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, May 28, at Stacy-Wilkins Funeral Home in Goldthwaite, with Stewart Farrell and John Seth officiating. Burial will follow in San Saba City Cemetery. Visitation will be held at 1 p.m. prior to the services at the funeral home. She died Friday, May 23, 2014, at Hillview Manor in Goldthwaite. She was born July 13, 1930, in San Saba, to William D. Moore and Elfreda Behrens Moore. She was married to Warren G. Higginbotham on March 17, 1947, in Goldthwaite. She was a member of the Fellowship Baptist Church in Goldthwaite. She was a retired LVN. She worked many years for Dr. Farley, Dr. Felts and Dr. Trotter at the San Saba Clinic then the hospital. Survivors include her children, Tim Higginbotham and wife Selena of Goldthwaite, and Anthony Higginbotham and wife Sharon of Luray, Va.; four grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; sister, Virginia Low of Alto; and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. She was preceded in death by her husband; son, John Bill Higginbotham.




Nena Theonia Nicholson Higginbotham (1932-2014) MS/TX

October 17, 1932 – July 15, 2014

Nena T. Higginbotham, 81, of China Spring, passed away Tuesday, July 15, 2014 at a local hospital. Graveside services will be 10 a.m. Friday at Waco Memorial Park with Rev. Roy Marshall officiating. Visitation will be 6-8 p.m. Thursday at OakCrest Funeral Home, 4520 Bosque Blvd. Nena was born in Philadelphia, Miss., to Lonnie and Dora Edna (Herrington) Nicholson. She married Earl Higginbotham September 8, 1951 in Rolling Fork, Miss., and they moved to Waco in 1960. Nena was a simple lady who enjoyed life to the fullest and especially enjoyed traveling with her husband. Nena loved her family and extended family, and was an excellent Mimi to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren who loved her dearly. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband Earl in 2008; sons, Stephen Clay Higginbotham in 1974 and Lonnie “Duke” Higginbotham in 2008, and grandson, Ty Higginbotham in 2006. She is survived by her son, Stanley Earl Higginbotham of Bruceville; daughter, Sandra Ann Hill and husband, John of China Spring; daughter-in-law, Debra Wall of China Spring; granddaughters, Dawn and Mandy; grandsons, Jeremy, Trey, Jarrod, Chad, Cory, Jade, Adam, Robert and Kyle; and 14 great-grandchildren.



Star-Telegram 07/17/2014

Robert Stuart Higginbotham (1928 - 2014) WV/TX

Lt. Col. Stuart "Bob" Higginbotham, 85, passed away Tuesday, July 15, 2014, in Glen Rose. Memorial service: 11 a.m. Friday at Granbury First Presbyterian Church. Burial of cremains: at a later date in Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery.



Dallas Morning News 08/31/2014

Emily Haney Higginbotham (1933 - 2014)

Emily Higginbotham, 80, of Richardson passed away on August 27, 2014 at her home in Caddo Mills, Texas. She was born on November 25, 1933 in Memphis to Robert Earl and Virginia Kate Smith Haney. Emily was a member of the First Methodist Church of Richardson. She was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend. Emily is survived by her sons, David Higginbotham of Napa, California, Glen Higginbotham and wife Sandy of Caddo Mills; daughters, Lorraine Stovall of Bay City, Diane Sheets and husband Mike of Wylie; grandchildren, Hannah, Meagan, Libbey, and Parker Higginbotham, Shelly, Jake, and Cole Stovall, Dustin and Kate Sheets. She is preceded in death by her parents; and her husband of 17 years, Harry Higginbotham. A celebration of life service will be held 3:00 P.M. Tuesday, Sept. 2nd at the First United Methodist Church of Richardson, 503 N. Central Expy. Richardson, TX. M. Dickson officiating. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to your local animal shelter. Lynch Funeral Home of Caddo Mills is in charge of arrangements. Lynch Funeral Home 2203 Gilmer, Caddo Mills TX (903) 527-3192.



The Beaumont Enterprise 09/06/2014

Joyce Mae Higginbotham LeBleu (1925 - 2014) LA/TX

Joyce Mae LeBleu, 88, of Port Arthur, died Thursday, September 4, 2014, at Magnolia Manor, Groves. She was born on November 25, 1925, in Church Point, Louisiana, to Edna Miller and Marion Higginbotham, and had been a resident of Port Arthur since 1950. Joyce was a member of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Jefferson County Home Extension, and the Altar Society. Survivors include her sons, Dr. Scott LeBleu and his wife, Helen, of Lafayette, Louisiana and Reggie LeBleu of Port Arthur; daughters, Cindy Kelly and her husband, Bob, of Zachary, Louisiana; Ramona Bourgeois and her husband, Rodney, of Houston; and Tammy Hunt and her husband, Jonnie, of Vidor; grandchildren, Corie, Summer, Coplin, Sara, Casey, Jeffery, Jason, Shannon, Joseph, Kristen, Nicholas, and Harrison; great-grandchildren, Dakota, Solon, Charles, Rose, Sadie, Blaise, Jonathan, Scarlett, Brennan, Carly, and Andrew; and sister, Georgia Cormier of Lake Charles, Louisiana. She is preceded in death by her husband, Paul LeBleu; grandson, Justin; and sister, Sybil LeJune. A gathering of Mrs. LeBleu's family and friends will begin at 5:00 p.m., with a Rosary recited at 7:00 p.m., Sunday, September 7, 2014, at Broussard's, 505 North 12th Street, Nederland. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m., Monday, September 8, 2014, at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, 211 Hardy Avenue, Nederland. A family committal will be held at Broussard's Crematorium, Beaumont. Complete and updated information may be found at :broussards1889.com. Funeral Home Broussard's Mortuary 505 N 12Th St Nederland, TX 77627 (409) 722-3456.



Durant Daily Democrat 09/13/2014

Donna Higginbotham Vansickle (1957-2014 OK/TX

Donna Vansickle a resident of Sherman, Texas a beloved family member passed into the Arms of her Lord and Savior on Thursday, September 11, 2014 at the age of 57. She was born on February 26, 1957 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to Donald and Oleta Higginbotham. Donna Higginbotham married Roger Vansickle in 1972 in Boswell, Oklahoma. Donna loved her children and grandchildren more than anything; but also friends, family and life. She was a hard worker and would do anything for those in need. Donna owned Quality Home Health Care, Inc. in Sherman, Texas for 22 years and it is part of her legacy for it to continue to thrive. She enjoyed swimming, going to the Casino and shopping. God was always first in her life and her goal in life was to make it to heaven to be with her Heavenly Father and loved ones gone before. Mrs. Vansickle is survived by her sons, Justin Vansickle and wife Brooke of Sherman, Texas, Dustin Vansickle of Sherman, Texas; granddaughter, Abby Vansickle of Sherman, Texas; grandson, Carson Vansickle of Sherman, Texas; sisters, Deborah Bates and Husband David, Tammy Souther and Husband Jerry, Mary Holmes and husband James, Susan Brunk and husband Jerry. Mrs. Vansickle was preceded in death by her parents, Donald and Oleta Higginbotham; husband, Roger Vansickle; sons, Kevin Vansickle and Chad D. Vansickle. There will be Family Night for Friends and Loved Ones at Holmes-Coffey-Murray Funeral Home on Sunday evening 9/14/2014 at 7-9 p.m. A Private Family Service in honor of her memory will be held at 2:00 PM Monday, September 15, 2014 at the Trinity Lighthouse Church with Pastor Raymond England officiating. The family has requested that the service conclude at the church. Services are under the direction of Holmes-Coffey-Murray Funeral Home, Durant, Oklahoma. Funeral Home Holmes~Coffey ~ Murray Funeral Home - Durant 121 N. 5th Ave. Durant, OK 74701 580-924-3331.



Star-Telegram 09/19/2014

Chris Higginbotham (1973 - 2014) TX

July 31, 1973 - September 17, 2014

Service for Chris Higginbotham, 41, of Alvarado, will be conducted at 1:30 P.M., Sunday, September 21, 2014 in the Crosier-Pearson Cleburne Chapel. Burial will be in Glenwood Alvarado Cemetery. The Reverend Bryan Patrick will officiate. Chris Higginbotham passed away Wednesday, September 17, 2014. He was born July 31, 1973 in Fort Worth. He was an electrician for MASCO for 21 years and was of the Christian faith. Chris was a jokester and had a positive outlook on life. His sons were everything to him and his life revolved around them. He was a workaholic and enjoyed volunteering in Boys Scouts and coaching sports. Chris is survived by his grandmother, Bobby Flo “Nanu” Higginbotham; sons, Brett, Scott, Seth and Cole Higginbotham and their mother, Shannon; siblings, Tommy Higginbotham, Nick Wiley and Athena Wiley; numerous nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his father, Daniel Higginbotham and grandfather, Bud “Papa” Higginbotham.




Wanda Martin Higginbotham (1928-2014) TX

GILMER — Graveside services for Wanda Higginbotham, 86, of East Mountain, will be 11 a.m. Tuesday, November 18, 2014, at New East Mountain Cemetery, with Bro. Wayne Norvell officiating, under the direction of Croley Funeral Home in Gilmer. Mrs. Higginbotham passed away Saturday, November 15, 2014, in Gilmer. Mrs. Higginbotham was born July 26, 1928, in Camp County, Texas, to Fletcher and Emma Gibson Martin. She was a housewife and a member of East Mountain Baptist Church. She is survived by her son, Stanley Higginbotham of Ore City; daughter, Patricia Tucker of Holly Lake Ranch; brothers, Bobby Jackson, James Martin and Johnny Rex Martin; sister, Abner Broadstreet; grandchildren, Lori Noble, Nikki Youngblood, Marty Higginbotham, Marty Higginbotham, Jennifer Brown, Jeremy Higginbotham, Angela Boatright, Matt Tucker and Ashley Givon; 17 great-grandchildren; and four great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Travis Higginbotham in 2011; parents; brother, Tim Martin; sisters, Sybil Green, Oleta Polson and Mary Lou Jackson; three infant siblings; and great-grandson, Brian Noble.




Jo Beth Cooper Higginbotham (1933-2014) TX

Jo Beth Higginbotham, 81, of Navasota, passed away Friday, November 28th at Golden Creek Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center. A gathering of family and friends will take place 5:00 – 8:00pm, Thursday, December 4th at Nobles Funeral Chapel. A celebration of her life will be held at First Baptist Church of Navasota at 1:00pm, Friday, December 5th with interment in Oakland Cemetery following. Rev. Clyde Larrabee will officiate. Arrangements are under the direction of Nobles Funeral Chapel. Jo Beth was born January 23, 1933 in Nixon, Texas to A. B. Cooper and Helen Whitehead Cooper. She attended college and married Floyd Higginbotham. Together they raised four children. Mrs. Higginbotham worked for years as a military secretary and was also an accomplished seamstress. She loved history, and was proud to be a fifth generation Texan with an ancestor (Johnny Kellogg) who sacrificed his life at the Alamo. She enjoyed the outdoors, fishing and hunting deer and turkey, as well as utilizing her skills as a photographer. Mrs. Higginbotham volunteered at Fanthorp Inn in Anderson for 20 years, playing the dulcimer in period costume. She spent countless hours knitting, quilting and crocheting, and she loved sharing her knowledge and skills with others. She is survived by her husband, Floyd Higginbotham of Navasota; daughter and son-in-law Jean Ann Lanning and Robert Barnes of Friendswood; sister Bernice Boone of Sahuarita, Arizona; Brother Leroy Cooper; grandchildren Jeannine Cole, Londyn Lanning, Sarah Smith and Chloe Lanning; and four great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; sons David, James and Dwayne; and grandsons Mark and Matthew.



Houston Chronicle 12/28/2014

William Hugh Higginbotham (1930-2014) TX

William Hugh Higginbotham, 84, went to be with our Lord December 23, 2014. Hugh worked for Albretin Engineering, Sam Garza Funeral Home and Forest Lawn Funeral Home where he worked until his last days. He is survived by his loving wife of 42 years, Linda Higginbotham; 2 daughters, 1 son, 2 sisters, 2 grandsons and great-grandkids. Hugh Higginbotham is preceded in death by his parents William Hugh Higginbotham Sr. and Bess Higginbotham. Family will be receiving guests at 10 a.m. with a funeral service beginning at 11 a.m. December 29, 2014 at Richey Street Baptist Church, 1010 Richey St., Pasadena, Texas 77506. Interment will follow at Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery.

Star-Telegram 12/28/2014
Melba Jane Nelson Higginbotham (1932-2014)
Melba Jane Higginbotham, 82, went to be with the Lord on Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2014. Memorial service: 11 a.m. Monday at Life Fellowship Church in Kennedale. Melba was born on June 27, 1932, in Lindale to Gilbert and Leona Nelson. She lived in Arlington for over 70 years. She worked as cafeteria manager from 1967-1996 at AISD schools such as Crow, Pope and Bailey. She was a visual merchandiser at Wishes and Dreams gift boutique until her death. Melba was preceded in death by her parents; an infant son, Terry Gene; and her husband, Gene Higginbotham. Survivors: Daughter and son-in-law, Leona and Mickey McDoniel; daughter and son-in-law, Paula and Mark Lanier; sister, Jan Lankford; cousins, Judy Scroggin Drake and Cherry Childress; granddaughters, Jana Wiggins, Jennifer Leding and Amy Messer; grandson, Brian Peters; six great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild.


Howard Higginbotham (1922-2015) TX

April 10, 1922 - January 2, 2015
We celebrate the life of Howard Higginbotham, brave soldier, loyal friend, loving husband, caring father and awesome grandfather and great-grandfather. Howard was brought home to be with his Maker and loved ones on Friday, January 2, 2015. Funeral services will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 7, 2015, at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church with Pastor Dale Snyder officiating. Arrangements are under the direction of Owens & Brumley Funeral Home of Wichita Falls. Howard loved fishing with family and friends at Possum Kingdom Lake and the coast, throwing fish fries and celebrating every holiday and any occasion to bring his loved one and friends together. He was always first to laugh and loved telling and hearing a good story. Howard was one of the founding fathers of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. Howard served his country valiantly in WWII as part of the 2nd Battalion, 131st field artillery division that was sent to Java. He was part of the Lost Battalion that was taken prisoner by the Japanese and was a POW for 3 ½ years, fighting to survive and finding ways to help those around him survive, as well. After the war, Howard married the love of his life, Ruth Combs. Howard then began a career at Sears & Roebuck that spanned over twenty years. “He is a memory in our heart that could never erase. We love, Papa Howard!!!” Howard was preceded in death by his parents, Donie Belle (Malone) and Thomas Jefferson Higginbotham; wife, Ruth; daughter, Loretta; daughter-in-law, Lorna; and great-grandson, Zadok. He is survived by son, Robin Higginbotham; daughter, Carol Gunsolus; grandchildren, Melissa A. Smith and special friend, Jill Johnson, Brian Higginbotham and wife, Melissa, Larissa Chase, Shelly Shelton and husband, Jeff, James Higginbotham and wife, Nurten, Brent Higginbotham and Brandie Blankenship; great-grandchildren, Danielle, Troy, and Justin Shelton, Kaylee, Riley, Cami and Brady Olds, Damion Blankenship, Henry Higginbotham; and three great-great-grandchildren, Haley and Makenzie Nettles and Hunter Goss; and lifelong friend, Doris Wedel. For those desiring, memorial contributions may be sent to Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6, 2015, at Owens & Brumley Funeral Home.

Dallas Morning News 01/25/2015

Norma Higginbotham Griffith (1929-2015) TX

GRIFFITH, Norma Higginbotham Early Sunday morning, January 18th, Mom took her morning walk, but instead of walking the golf course, she walked to Heaven. Born December 23, 1929 in Dallas, Texas, Norma Higginbotham Griffith was the daughter of Verda Nelle and John T. Higginbotham. She graduated from Highland Park High School and Southern Methodist University where she was an art major and a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. In 1952, Norma married C. Edward Acker with whom she had three children. She was married to her second husband, J. B. Griffith, Jr. for 25 years until his death in 2010. Norma was a consummate volunteer giving her time and support to many organizations including Lighthouse for the Blind, The Junior League of Dallas, The Dallas Women's Club and Church of the Incarnation. She was generous and tireless in her support of the arts, music, and suicide prevention. She was a gifted gardener, had a passion for travel, was an active outdoors woman completing the Outward Bound Survival Course, hiked and played golf throughout the summers at her Colorado home, enjoyed all the seasons at the Dallas Arboretum, and danced in multiple dinner clubs. She was a devoted mother and grandmother. She had an extremely upbeat personality with rarely a mean or bad thing to say about anyone. Norma is survived by her children and their spouses Richard & Cathlyn Acker, Mitch and Teri Acker, Nell and Carl Taylor, and her grandchildren Audrey and Victoria Taylor, Ben and Amy Acker. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The
Alzheimer's Association
, Church of Incarnation or the Dallas Arboretum. A memorial will be held on Friday, January 30, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at Church of the Incarnation, 3966 McKinney Ave, Dallas, Tx., 75204, in the Memorial Chapel.

Houston Chronicle 02/12/2015

Donald K. Higginbotham (1938-2015)

Mr. Donald K. Higginbotham, 76, of Katy passed away peacefully on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at The Methodist Hospital surrounded by his family. After serving in the United States Armed Forces, Don began his career in banking which led to many years of experience in management, operation, administration, accounting, and training with various domestic and international companies. He was the manager of administration for Fortis Alliance, an international trading company. He was a member of Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church and a former member of First Methodist Church - Houston. He served as Lay Leader, President of the Adelphi Sunday school class, various church committees, and taught numerous Sunday school classes. Don never met a stranger, he loved people and people loved him. Don was preceded in death by his parents J.C. and Eunice Griswold Higginbotham, two sisters, Lorece Ozment Rainey and Billy Jean Bussell. He is survived by his wife of 42 years Myra Malone Higginbotham of Katy, Texas, one daughter, Dallas Higginbotham Stanberry and husband Tyron Stanberry of Houston, two grandsons, Remington Stanberry of Los Angeles, California and Colten Stanberry of Waco, Texas, one sister Helen Higginbotham Foote of Hamburg, Arkansas and two brothers, Phillip Higginbotham of Bentonville Arkansas and James Higginbotham of Crossett, Arkansas and a host of nieces and nephews.


Nancy Eugenia Higginbotham Adams (1932-2015) AR/TX
December 23, 1932 - March 3, 2015
NANCY EUGENIA ADAMS, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and sister, passed away on March 3, 2015, at the age of 82. Nancy was born December 23, 1932, in Little Rock, Arkansas, to Clyde Hugh Higginbotham, Sr. and Elizabeth Murphy Higginbotham. She graduated from Lamar High School in Houston, Texas, on June 2, 1951, and attended college at the University of Houston. Nancy worked as a secretary for Prudential Insurance Company in Houston until shortly after her marriage on April 30, 1954 to the love of her life of 55 years, Otis Rance Adams, Jr. She devoted the rest of her life to being a homemaker along with raising her two daughters, Sherry Anne Kennedy and Sandra Lee Gunderson. Nancy was a very loving grandmother to 5 grandchildren; 3 step-grandchildren; and a total of 7 great-grandchildren. She is also survived by her sister, Martha Ann Klix; and brother, Clyde Hugh Higginbotham, Jr. Nancy was preceded in death by her sister, Sara Sue Curry. Nancy was an active member of Missouri City First United Methodist Church. Interment Monday, March 09, 2015 1:00 pm Houston National Cemetery 10410 Veterans Memorial Drive, Houston, Texas.

El Paso Times 04/17/2015

Robin Peter Higginbotham (1950-2015) TX

November 26, 1950 - April 14, 2015

HIGGINBOTHAM, ROBIN PETER, 64, Visitation: 5-9 p.m. Monday, April 20, 2015 at Sunset Funeral Home Northeast. Funeral Service: 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at Sunset Funeral Home Northeast. Committal Service: To follow at 1 p.m. at Ft. Bliss National Cemetery. Funeral Home Sunset Funeral Homes-Northeast - El Paso 4631 Hondo Pass  El Paso, TX 79904 (915) 755-4494.

Anita Montgomery Higginbotham (1925-2015) LA/TX/OH
Anita M. Higginbotham, 90, formerly of Groves, Texas passed away Tuesday, May 5, 2015 in Columbus, Ohio. Anita was born April 15, 1925 in Merryville, Louisiana to Everette Ford Montgomery and Sally Karr Montgomery. She was a longtime area resident before moving to Columbus, Ohio. She was a retired school teacher, having taught for many years in the Port Arthur, Texas and Fairview Park, Ohio, school districts. Anita was a former member of the United Methodist Temple and held membership in the following organizations, Order of Eastern Star, Port Arthur Department Club, Historical Society, Port Arthur Club, Port Arthur Country Club, and Museum of the Gulf Coast. She was preceded in death by her husband, Douglas C. Higginbotham and sister, Dolores Bruce of Little Rock, AR. Survivors include three sons, Douglas Ford Higginbotham and wife Susan, Philip Howard Higginbotham and wife Betsy and John Timothy Higginbotham and wife Karen; and six grandchildren. Burial: Greenlawn Memorial Park, Groves, Texas Levingston Funeral Home, Groves, Texas.


Ethel Eileen Wells Higginbotham (1924-2015) IA/TX
January 4, 1924 - June 15, 2015
"O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" Our beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Ethel Higginbotham, was called home to be with her Saviour on Monday, June 15, 2015. Born on January 4, 1924, in Wyoming, Iowa, she always said she wasn't born in Texas, but got here as quickly as she could. She was preceded in death by her husband of 40 years, Merrion G. Higginbotham. Also preceding her were her nine siblings. She will be forever missed by her children and their spouses, Arleen Eledge and husband, Arnold, Alan Higginbotham and wife, Mitzi, Donna White and husband, Mark, and Doris McGee and husband, Mike. She is also survived by ten grandchildren, Meredith Garrou, Andrew McGee, Phillip Higginbotham, Mark Higginbotham, Joshua McGee, Aaron Higginbotham, Melissa Bibb, Joseph McGee, Jessica Whites, and Katlyn McGee. She is also survived by twenty eight great grandchildren. She is survived as well by her sister-in-law, Edna Higginbotham and many nieces and nephews. Her six grandsons are honored to serve as pallbearers. Family visitation will be Thursday, June 18, 2015, at 4pm. Public visitation is from 5 to 8pm. at Brookside Funeral Home, 13747 Eastex Fwy. Houston, Tx 77039. The funeral service will be June 19,2015, at 3pm. at Brookside. Her pastor, Rev. Roger Hoots, of East River Baptist Church in New Caney, will officiate. Mother would want us to proclaim here, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." We are comforted by the words of this song, "Just think of stepping on shore, and finding it Heaven; of touching a hand and finding it God's; of breathing new air and finding it celestial; of waking up in Glory, and finding it Home." We wish to thank Linda Overton for the love and care she gave Mother these last months. We were all blessed by her sweet spirit. Mother had a great love for her church family at East River.


Robin Dale Higginbotham (1942-2015) TX
May 12, 1942 - July 17, 2015
We celebrate the life or Robin Higginbotham, 73, loving husband, caring father and awesome grandfather. Robin was taken home to be with his Maker and loved ones on Friday, July 17, 2015. Funeral services will be conducted at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 23, 2015, at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church with Pastor Dale Snyder officiating. Arrangements are under the direction of Owens & Brumley Funeral Home of Wichita Falls. Robin was born on May 12, 1942, in Wichita Falls and remained a lifelong resident of the city he loved. He was the son of Howard and Ruth Combs Higginbotham. As a boy he loved hunting and fishing with his family at Possum Kingdom Lake and the coast. Robin was a talented youth bowler. Following his graduation from Wichita Falls High School, he enlisted in the United States Air Force where he proudly served his country. In 1962, Robin married the love of his life, Lorna Jean Gorham, a beautiful girl who grew up down the street from his childhood home. Robin and Lorna were stationed in Bermuda where he served honorably in the USAF. After Robin’s service to his country, he and Lorna moved back to Wichita Falls where he worked in many different fields before going into the insurance business in the 1980’s. At that time Robin began Higginbotham Insurance Agency with his family and worked until the day he died, leaving his daughter-in-law, Melissa Higginbotham to carry on the family business. He won many awards during his insurance career and served thousands of Wichitans and residents of surrounding communities, providing comfort to their lives. Robin was a great Texas Hold ‘Em player and won tournaments in Mississippi and Texas. He was also an avid bowler and was inducted into the Greater Wichita Falls Bowling Hall of Fame. He loved the Red River Doubles and was nicknamed the “Calcutta King” for his uncanny ability to pick the winning team and cash in. Robin supported many youth bowlers from Wichita Falls and abroad and put many out on the pro-tour. In his final years, Robin was helped by many caregivers, and he in turn helped many of them and made their lives better. He had two loving angels who were with him to the end, his niece, Shelly Shelton and his “princess”, daughter-in-law, Melissa Higginbotham, who never failed to put a smile on his face or to keep him in line. Robin was affectionately known by his care-givers as “Big Daddy.” He will be sorely missed by all with whom he came in contact and will be lovingly remembered by his children and grandchildren. Robin was preceded in death by his loving wife, Lorna Higginbotham; parents, Ruth and Howard Higginbotham; mother-in-law and father-in-law, Marguerite and Woody Gorham; sister, Loretta Smith; aunt, Kay Hollingsworth; niece. Amy Gorham-Jones; sister-in-law, Jenny Gorham; niece, Crystal Gorham; and beloved grandson, Zadok Higginbotham. Robin is survived by sons, Brent Higginbotham of Wichita Falls; James Higginbotham and wife, Nurten and their son, Henry of New York City, NY; and Brian Higginbotham and wife, Melissa and their children, Kaylee, Riley, Cami and Brady Olds of Wichita Falls; sister, Carol Ann Gunsolus and husband, Larry of Springtown, TX; brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Gary and Carolyn Gorham, brother-in-law, Ronnie Gorham; cousin, Kim Hall; nieces and nephews, Shelly and Jeff Shelton, Larissa Chase, Melissa A. Smith, special friend, Jill Johnson, and Brandi Blankenship, Jason and Karen Gorham, David and Mendy Bristol, Bill Jones, Jeff and Kim Alatizer, Michael and Anthony Gorham; and great niece, McKenzie Nettles; Baby and Sam; and many more family, friends and loved ones. The family would like to extend its gratitude to Hospice of Wichita Falls for the loving care given to Robin during his illness. For those desiring, memorial contributions may be sent to Hospice of Wichita Falls, Our Redeemer Lutheran Church or Youth Bowling Association. The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 22, 2015, at Owens & Brumley Funeral Home.

Odessa American 08/27/2015

Jack Arnold Higginbotham (1934-2015) TX

November 7, 1934 - August 25, 2015

Jack Arnold Higginbotham, 80, of Grandfalls, passed away Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at his residence. He was born November 7, 1934 in San Antonio to Arnold and Loma (Caraway) Higginbotham. He moved to Grandfalls in 1946 where he remained for the rest of his life. He retired from El Paso Natural Resources in 1991 after 35 years. Jack enjoyed working in his shop where he’d fix cars and later lawnmowers. He enjoyed the Dallas Cowboys and had fond memories from his visit to Cowboy Stadium. He loved the city of Grandfalls and volunteered much of his time to helping the city and people in it. He was a dedicated Grandfalls-Royalty football fan and hardly ever missed a game. Jack is survived by his wife, Pamela Higginbotham of Grandfalls; sons, Toby Higginbotham and Kelly Higginbotham, both of Odessa; daughters, Kerry Stennett and Kimberly Randolph, both of Austin; 6 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren. Viewing will be Thursday, August 27, 2015 from 10 AM – 8 PM at Harkey Funeral Home. The family will receive friends for visitation from 5 – 7 PM. Funeral services will be Friday, August 28, 2015 at 10 AM at First Baptist Church in Grandfalls with David Tucker officiating. Interment will follow at Tamarisk Cemetery. Larry Hunt, Don Burney, Edward Acosta, J. D. Stocks, Clay Wristen, and “Junebug” Dominguez will serve as pallbearers. Although flowers are welcome, those wishing to make contributions may do so to the J.D. Witcher Scholarship Fund, Box 10, Grandfalls, TX 79742.

 Star-Telegram 09/20/2015

Mary Jane Higginbotham (1934 - 2015) TX
Mary Jane Higginbotham, 81, passed away Friday, Sept. 18, 2016, in Arlington. Funeral: 2 p.m. Tuesday at Arlington Chapel. Interment: Moore Memorial Gardens. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Monday in Arlington Chapel. Mary Jane Higginbotham was born in Frankston on June 13, 1934. Survivors: Husband of 59 years, B.J.; sons, David and his wife, Cindy, and Ricky; grandchildren, Cody, Kristen, Mandy, Chancie, Cheyanne; 10 great-grandchildren.

Helen Louise Shank Higginbotham (1941-2015) TX
Helen Louise Higginbotham, age 74 of Georgetown, Texas passed away on October 4, 2015. She was born March 1, 1941 in Pittsburgh, Pa. to William and Eleanor (Butterworth) Shank. Helen married Heston W. Higginbotham on March 25, 1972 in Malibu, Ca. She worked as a Registered Nurse until her retirement in 2000. Survivors include her husband, Heston Higginbotham; daughters, Pamela Fox (Jeremy), Patricia Grado (Andres); grandchildren, Ashley, Katie, Zachary, Bella Fox, Kayla, Ellie, Hunter Grado; sister, Janet Costello; brother, Warner Betz. She was preceded in death by parents; sister, Erie Havens; brother, Clarence Betz. Memorials may be made to the Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation. Services will be held at a later date.

Mildred LeBlanc Higginbotham (1927-2015) TX
December 22, 1927 - December 21, 2015
Bridge City, Texas
Mildred Higginbotham, 87, of Bridge City, Texas, passed away on December 21, 2015, in Orange. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:00am, Thursday, December 24, 2015, at St. Henry Catholic Church in Bridge City, Texas. Officiating will be Reverend Steve Leger. Burial will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens in Orange. Visitation will be from 5:00pm-7:00pm, with a Rosary at 6:00pm, Wednesday, December 23, 2015, at Claybar Funeral Home in Bridge City. Born in Port Arthur, Texas, she was the daughter of Duperville LeBlanc and Gladys Bergeron Leblanc. Mildred was a member of St. Henry Catholic Church. She was an exceptional mother and wife. She loved spending time with her family and loved to dance. She will be missed by those who love her. A special thank you to the staff of Golden Years for their care and dedication for the many months Mildred was there. She was preceded in death by her husband, Bud Higginbotham; her parents; and her son, John Higginbotham. Mildred is survived by her daughters, LaDonna Peveto and husband Greg, of Orange, Texas and Laura Higginbotham, of Vidor, Texas; grandchildren, Scott, Kiera, Kirk, Lisa, Kim, Micah, and Krista; several great-grandchildren; and her sister, Mary Ellen Knight, of Grandbury, Texas.

Dallas Morning News 01/07/2016

Wilma Lucile Coffman Higginbotham Hunt (1935 - 2016) TX

A Celebration of Life for Wilma Coffman Higginbotham Hunt, 80, of Longview will be 2:00 p.m. Friday, January 8, 2016, at the Longview Missionary Baptist Church, 800 E. Loop 281. Burial will be at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, January 9, 2015, at Oakland Memorial Park in Terrell. Mrs. Hunt passed away Sunday, January 3, 2016. Mrs. Hunt was born September 24, 1935, in Terrell, Texas to Will C. and Bela Lucile Walker Coffman. She was a resident of Longview since 1968 coming from Odessa. Mrs. Hunt was a member of the Longview Missionary Baptist Church, a member of the Retired Teachers Association and Pine Tree Retired Teachers Association. She taught school in Odessa ISD and Pine Tree ISD for more than 30 years. Wilma was a teacher at heart in every aspect of her life. She was quiet and calm in nature, but her belief and faith in Jesus Christ was bold and strong. A lot of her joy came from being with her family and friends just talking and laughing. As she said, "I've had a wonderful life." Mrs. Hunt was preceded in death by two husbands, JL Higginbotham (died 1973) and Floyd Hunt (died 2003); grandsons, Jared Damschen; Jacob Hunt; and great-grand-daughter, Ella Grace Williams. Those left to cherish her memory are daughters, Laura Higginbotham Damschen (Randy) of Missouri; Cindy Higginbotham Maya (Jeff) of Dallas; Linda Crews (Eddie); sons, Bobby Hunt (Lee-Ann) and Billy Hunt (Julie) all of Longview; ten grandchildren, Haden Damschen (Ina Penland); Kenyon Damschen (Dez); Savannah Franz (Caleb); Tiahna Damschen; Will Maya; Stephen Crews; Matt Crews (Jordan); Jonathan Hunt (Stacy); Jenny Williams (Darren); and Jordan Hunt; eight great-grandchildren, Reeve Damschen; Remy Damschen; Cambria Franz; Cosette Franz; Mason Franz; Jett Crews; Cooper Hunt; and Patrick Williams, numerous extended family, church family and many friends. The family will receive friends from 5-7 p.m. Thursday, January 7, 2016, at Welch Funeral Home, 4619 Judson Road, Longview, Texas. WELCH FUNERAL HOME 4619 Judson Road Longview, Texas 75605 903.663.3737.

Star-Telegram 02/08/2016

Marion Swan Higginbotham (1948-2016) TX
Marion S. Higginbotham, 67, passed away Friday, Feb. 5, 2016. Service: 11 a.m. Wednesday 10 at First Christian Church, Burleson. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Mayfield Kiser Chapel. Marion was born in Corpus Christi on Oct. 1, 1948, to Bert and Annette Swan. She married John W. Higginbotham in 1971 and together they have two daughters, Beth and Michelle. She was a longtime and active member of First Christian Church of Burleson where she was known and loved by all. Marion loved her family and her friends with steadfast devotion. Survivors: Husband, John; daughters, Beth Hindman (Steve) and Michelle McCrory (Brian); grandsons, Daniel McCrory and Matthew Hindman; brother, Jim; sister, Linda; and many cousins, nieces and nephews.

Miller Grove News 03/18/2016

Deanna Joy Higginbotham Arnett (1960-2016) TX
Deanna (Higginbotham) Arnett passed March 14, at the home of her daughter, Julie Brewer of the Divide community. She was born Sept. 21, 1960, in Dallas, the daughter of Bobby D. Higginbotham and Golden Nadine (Wright) Higginbotham. Visitation was held March 16, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Funeral services were conducted at 2 p.m. Thursday, March 17, at West Oaks Funeral home in Sulphur Springs by the Rev. Byron Houck. Graveside was held in the Barker Cemetery, where others in Deanna’s family are buried. She is survived by her husband of 15 years, Danny Arnett; two sons, Michael and Brian Evans; one daughter, Julie Brewer; two grandsons, Chad Norris and Easton Brewer; and many other friends and family.

Travis Lee Higginbotham (1975-2016) TX
August 28, 1975 - March 20, 2016
Merit, Texas - Travis was born on August 28, 1975 and passed away on Sunday, March 20, 2016. Travis was a resident of Merit, Texas at the time of his passing. He was married to Wendy. A memorial service will be held on Tuesday March 29 2016 at Higher Trails Cowboy Church at 11:00 A.M. with Rev. Randy Bird officiating. Visitation will be 10:00 A.M. until service time at the church.

Dallas Morning News 06/12/2016

Carolyn Gene Higginbotham Schley (1938-2016) TX
Mrs. Carolyn Gene Higginbotham Schley, 77, of Amarillo, died Friday, June 10, 2016. Private services were held for the immediate family. Arrangements are by Boxwell Brothers Funeral Directors, 2800 Paramount Blvd. Mrs. Schley was born August 11, 1938, at Dallas, Texas, to Rufus Taylor Higginbotham and Sybil Johnson Higginbotham. She graduated from The Hockaday School and studied at Southern Methodist University, Alliance Francaise in Paris, and the University of Hawaii. She made her debut in Dallas at Idlewild in 1959 and volunteered at the Dallas Theater Center and the Children's Development Center. She married Joseph Hastings Schley, Jr. on May 15, 1964. Before retirement, she was a choir director and Church organist for several Episcopal Churches as well as active in various charitable organizations especially for handicapped and abused children and with Junior Leagues in Dallas, Amarillo, and Midland, Texas, and Miami, Florida. She was a member of St. Mark's Anglican Church, Amarillo. Survivors include her husband, two sons Bryan Taylor Schley and wife Teresa, of Amarillo and Scott Hastings Schley and wife Shannon, of Arlington; four grandchildren; Taylor, Matthew, Joseph and Tanna; and a brother Rufus T. Higginbotham, Jr. and wife Lou Ann, of Dallas. Three grandchildren predeceased her: Jordan, Christopher, and Christy. Carolyn and her family are especially grateful for the care and comfort provided by the staff and residents of Park Place, BSA/ Hospice Care of the Southwest, and Goodcare Health Services. The family suggests memorials be to St. Mark's Anglican Church.


Audrey Mae Munsinger Higginbotham (1930-2016) TX
(August 19, 1930 - July 7, 2016)
Services for Audrey Mae Higginbotham age 85 of Palestine will be at 2:00 P.M. Saturday at Bailey & Foster Chapel with Rev. Albert Munsinger officiating. Burial will follow in Evergreen Cemetery. Arrangements are under the direction of Bailey & Foster. Mrs. Higginbotham died Thursday at Cartmell Home for Aged. She was born August 19, 1930 in Slocum to Earl Charley and Lula Taylor Munsinger. Mrs. Higginbotham was a homemaker. She was a member of the Sheridan Terrace Baptist Church. Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her first husband of 44 years, Harold Germany and her second husband Melvin Higginbotham, three sisters and five brothers. She is survived by her daughter Betty Germany, six sons, Earl Germany, David Germany, Danny Germany, Dennis Germany, Ronnie Germany and Darrel Germany, sixteen grandchildren and numerous great grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Mark Dublin, Harvey Wilson, David Germany, Jr., John Smith, Keith Germany, Chad Germany, Brian Germany, and Cory Germany. Condolence calls will be received from 1:00 to 2:00 P.M. prior to service.

James Norman Higginbotham (1929-2016) TX
Born: November 29, 1929
Died: July 11, 2016
Location: Daingerfield, Texas
James was born on November 29, 1929 and passed away on Monday, July 11, 2016. James was a resident of Daingerfield, Texas at the time of his passing. He was married to Audrey. Services will be held at 2:00 P.M. Wednesday July 13 2016 at the Nail-Haggard Funeral home Chapel with Bro. James Edward Higginbotham officiating. Burial will be in the Daingerfield Cemetery.

Ralph Carlton Higginbotham Jr. (1953-2016) LA/TX
March 26, 1953 - July 24, 2016
Ralph Carlton Higginbotham Jr., known by all as Carl, passed away Sunday July 24, 2016 at age 63. He was born on March 26, 1953 in Bossier City, Louisiana to Ralph Carlton Higginbotham Sr. (Pete) and Bernice (Chapman) Higginbotham from Hamburg, Arkansas. Carl's family moved to Killeen, Texas in 1967 where Carl graduated from Killeen High School in 1971. He joined the Air Force in 1972 and was honorably discharged in 1977. He married Sandie (Vernon) Higginbotham on February 17, 1973 and they were married for 43 years. He studied Biology and Chemistry at Central Texas College and graduated from The University of Mary Hardin Baylor. He was also a proud retired Killeen Firefighter and Paramedic.He loved spending time with his grandkids, watching them play ball, fishing, riding his motorcycle (or any fast vehicle), and spending time with family and friends. The memories of his free spirit and loving nature will always be cherished. He will truly be missed and will forever be in our hearts. He was preceded in death by his parents Pete and Bernice, father' n law Bobby Vernon and bother' n law Stevie Vernon. Survivors include wife; Sandie, son; Nathan (Sara) Higginbotham, daughters; Jodie (Buddy) Hoadley and Cassidy (Preston) Meyer; six grandchildren, Kaylee, Rowdy, Aidan, Cade, Reese and Maverick, four sisters; Gay Smith, Karen Ann, Sonia Smith, and Leslie (Ron) Carey, mother 'n law Lillie Vernon, sister' n law Debbie (Floyd) Seales, and brother' n law Ronnie (Donna) Vernon. Further survived by nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Visitation will be held from 10:00am to 12:00pm on Saturday July 30, 2016 at the Crawford-Bowers Funeral Home in Killeen on Ft. Hood St. Funeral Service will follow at 1:00pm.In lieu of flowers, please make donations to the Killeen Professional Fire Fighters' Association. Arrangements under the direction of Crawford-Bowers Funeral Home, Killeen, TX.

Mary Sue Thedford Higginbotham (1937-2016) TX
Richard Greer Higginbotham (1933-2016) TX

Memorial services for Mary Sue Thedford Higginbotham and Richard Greer Higginbotham will be held on Sunday, August 28, 2016 at 2:00 PM at Stewart Family Funeral Home with Michael Ace and Morris Hallman officiating. Visitation with the family will be immediately following the service. Sue passed away on Sunday, August 14, 2016 in her home at Prestige Estates Assisted Living Facility in Tyler, surrounded by her family and close friends. Her husband of 62 years, Dick, sat beside her awaiting his turn to meet her in heaven. Dick joined his bride less than 3 days later, on Wednesday, August 17, 2016. It had always been their prayer that they leave this life together so that neither one had to live on this earth without the other. As always, God’s timing is perfect. Sue was born August 25, 1937 in Bryson, Texas to William L. and Virginia Thedford. Dick was born on September 7, 1933 in Gorman, Texas to Frederick E. and Bertha Higginbotham. Their love story began when Sue was just 15 and they were married to each other at the ripe old ages of 16 and 20. Immediately after their wedding they moved to Camp LeJeune, North Carolina where Dick was serving in the United States Marine Corp. Their early married life included living in San Antonio and Beaumont, while Dick was working and attending college. He graduated from Lamar University and began a lifelong career in the health care industry. They had four children and lived in Olney, Houston, and Dallas before moving their family to Tyler in 1971. Dick began a long and distinguished career with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. He left BCBS for ten years to become the first administrator of the East Texas Cancer Center in Tyler. He then returned to Blue Cross for his remaining work life and retired in 1998. Dick served on a number of boards and committees, including the Regional East Texas Food Bank and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Sue was a homemaker for most of their married life, but worked for many years at Andy Woods Elementary School, where most people agree that she ran the school! They were both actively involved in community projects…mostly dragged into volunteering by their children! Dick and Sue were members of West Erwin Church of Christ where they spent many wonderful years and made lifelong friends. They will be sorely missed by all who knew them. They were both preceded in death by their parents and by Dick’s brother, Fred Higginbotham and sister, Virginia Martin. Their greatest joy in life was their children and grandchildren. Dick and Sue are survived by their children, Rick Higginbotham and wife Lana of White Oak, Steve Higginbotham and wife Stacy of Tyler, Lisa Ace and husband Michael of Tyler and Julie Cunningham and husband Jeff of Tyler; grandchildren, Cheroka Roberts and husband Brent, Scott Higginbotham, Amy Lund and husband Ari, Jacob Higginbotham, Madison Higginbotham, Ashlyn Geer and husband Zach, Meredith Ace and fiancé Richard, Colton Cunningham and wife Shelbie, and Keaton Cunningham; great-grandchildren, Zev, Tahl and Isaac Lund, Eden Grace Cunningham, Thaylin Roberts and Macey Geer. Sue is also survived by her brother Bill Thedford and wife Mona of Brownwood, Texas, and numerous nieces and nephews. They are also survived by their beloved dog Aggie who misses them immensely. The family would like to give special thanks to all of the staff and caregivers at Prestige Estates, the wonderful nurses and staff at the Watson Wise Dialysis Center, Dr. Myrtha Basile, Dr. Thomas Buzbee, Chris Williams, PA-C and the caregivers from Choice Home Health Care in Tyler. What an honor and blessing it was for Dick and Sue’s final caregiver to be their oldest grandson, Scott Higginbotham, RN. This family will never forget, and will be forever grateful, for the gentle comfort and care given by Scott in their final hours. In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be made to The Hospice of East Texas Foundation, 4111 University Blvd., Tyler, TX 75701 or the Regional East Texas Food Bank, 3201 Robertson Rd., Tyler, TX 75701.




Donald Franklin Higginbotham (1934-2016)

June 19, 1934 - August 20, 2016

Donald Franklin Higginbotham, age 82 of Murphy, Texas passed away on Saturday, August 20, 2016 at his residence in Murphy. Don was born on June 19, 1934 in Port Arthur, Texas, a son of Gus and Rena (Huddle) Higginbotham. Don served our country in the United States Navy. A private burial has been held at the Dallas Fort Worth National Cemetery. The family suggests memorial donations may be made to the Navy/Marine Corps Relief Society or the Fisher House Foundation. Ted Dickey Funeral Home in Plano, Texas has charge of arrangements.




William Lee Higginbotham (1938-2016) TX

(November 12, 1938 - August 28, 2016)

W.L. “Bo” Higginbotham went home to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on August 28, 2016. A service for him will be held on Saturday, September 3rd at 10:00 A.M. at Bailey & Foster Chapel with Pastor David Hodges officiating. A burial service will follow at Roselawn Park. Arrangements are under the direction of Bailey & Foster. Sadly, Bo passed away, unexpectedly, at his home. He was born on November 12, 1938 to the parents of Clarence and Clara Aster Higginbotham. He was preceded in death by his father, his wife Juanita, a son Dewayne and a sister Billie Jean Denham. He is survived by his mother Clara Aster Higginbotham, daughter Brenda Hodges and husband David. Bo was also the proud G-Pa of three grandsons Trevor, Bradley and Nathan. After graduating from Palestine High School, Bo briefly served his country by joining the United States Air Force. After his service, he went on to marry the love of his life, Juanita (Lively) Higginbotham. Together they shared 47 years of marriage. Bo worked over 40 years in the power plant industry working at Brown & Root and Fluor Daniel. Bo will always be remembered as a gentle man who loved his family and generous to all whom he called friend. Condolence calls will be received from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. Friday at Bailey & Foster Funeral Home.



Star-Telegram 09/03/2016

Glenn Ray Higginbotham (1953 - 2016)

Glenn Ray Higginbotham departed this life Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2016, with his family by his side. Celebration of life: 4 p.m. Saturday at Brown's Funeral Service in Atoka, Okla. Born in Sweetwater on July 3, 1953, Glenn grew up in Southern California until the age of 14 when his family moved to Euless. He graduated from Trinity High in 1972 and attended Tarrant County College. He retired from Triumph Aerospace Systems. He enjoyed watching and attending sporting events of all kinds, concerts, video games, traveling, and spending time with his sons. Glenn was preceded in death by his parents, Thaliah Moore and Earl Higginbotham. Survivors: Sons, Glenn Alan and Spencer Higginbotham; former wife, Cheri Turner of Fort Worth; brother, Dale Higginbotham and wife, Kara, of Fort Worth; sister, Lovella Hayden and husband, Mike, of Arlington; and numerous nieces and nephews.



Star-Telegram 10/06/2016

John Warren Higginbotham (1942-2016) LA/TX

John Warren Higginbotham, 74, passed away Tuesday Oct. 4, 2016. Service: 11 a.m. Saturday, at First Christian Church Burleson. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, at Mayfield Kiser Funeral Home. John was the sixth child born to Walter and Edna Higginbotham in Oak Grove, La. He moved to Texas in 1970 where he met and married Marion Swan of Burleson. They made their home in Burleson, where they raised their two daughters, Beth and Michelle. John retired from Minyard Food Stores in 2005 after working in the grocery store business his entire adult life. He was happiest when he was surrounded by his family and friends. John was preceded in death by his wife of 44 years; his parents; and his siblings. Survivors: He is survived by daughters, Beth and husband, Steve Hindman, and Michelle and husband, Brian McCrory; grandsons, Daniel McCrory and Matthew Hindman; and numerous nieces and nephews.




Bobby G. Higginbotham (1934-2016) TX

October 12, 1934  -  December 4, 2016

New Boston, Texas

Bobby G. Higginbotham, age 82 of New Boston, Texas passed away Sunday, December 4, 2016 at his residence. Mr. Higginbotham was born October 12, 1934 in Maud, Texas. He was a retired Division Chief at Red River Army Depot, Retired Master Sergeant with the Army National Guard, member of New Boston Church of Christ, the Texarkana Chapter Civil Air Patrol and is preceded in death by his a son, Rusty Higginbotham, daughter in law, Judy Higginbotham and grandson, Brad Higginbotham. Survivors include his wife, Juanita Higginbotham of New Boston, Texas, one son and daughter in law, Steven and Chelsea Higginbotham of San Diego, California, two grandsons and one granddaughter in law, Bobby Joe and Hollie Higginbotham of New Boston, Texas, Devon Higginbotham and one granddaughter Michaela Higginbotham of San Diego, California, two great grandchildren, Colton Higginbotham and Brook Higginbotham of New Boston, Texas and a number of other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 P.M., Wednesday, December 7, 2016 in the New Boston Church of Christ, New Boston with Bro. Kevin Cauley officiating. Interment will be in Center Ridge Cemetery, Maud, Texas under the direction of Bates Rolf Funeral Home, New Boston. Visitation will be from 6:00-8:00 P.M., Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, Tennessee 38105.




Murlen Marceil Jones Higginbotham (1924-2017) TX

June 28, 1924 - March 1, 2017

Murlen Marceil Higginbotham, 92, of League City, Texas, passed away Wednesday, March 1, 2017. She was born in Smackover, Arkansas on June 28, 1924 to Zettie K. and Amanda Jones. She was married to William L. Higginbotham for 61 years. Murlen worked for the public school system and in a family business, Deer Park ISD and Higginbotham's B & M Machine Works, Inc..
Murlen was a member of the Church of Christ in League City, Texas and had a passion for traveling and camping. She enjoyed spending time outdoors with family and friends.
She was preceded in death by husband, William L. Higginbotham; son, Danny Mack Higginbotham; parents, Zettie K. and Amanda Jones; brother, Wilburn Jones; sister, Selma Hayden.
She is survived by son, Steve Higginbotham and wife Barbara; daughter-in-law, Carolyn Higginbotham; son, Joe Higginbotham and wife Connie; 10 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren.
The family will receive friends Tuesday, March 7, 2017 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am at Forest Park East Funeral Home, 21620 Gulf Freeway, Webster, Texas 77598. Funeral Service to follow at 10:00 am. Interment at Forest Park East Cemetery.




Helen Loretta Higginbotham Hogg (1919-2017) TX

(December 08, 1919 - March 25, 2017)

Funeral services for Helen Loretta Hogg, 97, formerly of Goodrich, Texas, will be held Friday, March 31, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. in the Cochran Funeral Home Chapel in Livingston, Texas with Rev. Vickie Simon officiating. Interment will begin at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 31, 2017 in the Texas Methodist Conference Cemetery in Elkhart, Texas. Visitation will begin at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 30, 2017 in the Cochran Funeral Home in Livingston, Texas. Mrs. Hogg was born December 8, 1919 in Blooming Grove, Texas to parents, James Oscar Higginbotham and Emma Mae (Calhoun) Higginbotham, and passed away March 25, 2017 in Bryan, Texas. Helen married Rev. W.H. “Bill” Hogg on May 20, 1936. She is preceded in death by her parents; husband, Rev. W.H. “Bill” Hogg; son, James and wife, Wanda Hogg; 5 brothers, 1 sister; and 3 half-sisters. She is survived by her daughter, B. Loretta Davis of Pleasant Shade, Tennessee; daughter and son-in-law, Kathie and Ernest Daniels of Lyon, Texas; daughter and son-in-law, Belinda and Jimmy Harris Jr. of Livingston, Texas; half-brother, Weldon Higginbotham and wife, Betty of Whitney, Texas; half-sister, Barbara Grice and husband, Fred of Corsicana, Texas; half-brother, William Higginbotham and wife, Virginia of Gilmer, Texas; 12 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren; and 11 great-great grandchildren; along with numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Pallbearers: James P. Hogg, David Davis, Billy Fleming, Jay Harris, J. Bret Milburn, Jimmy Harris Cochran Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.




George Howard Higginbotham (ca1963-2017) TX

George Howard Higginbotham, age 53, of Porter, formerly of Richland Springs, passed from this earthly life into the loving arms of his Savior Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017.  Howard fought a long, strong battle with cancer and is now free from the pain and suffering. Howard is survived by his devoted Mother, Mary Eason and husband Ken, sisters; Debbie Maxcey of May, Karen Lapaglia of May, brothers; Larry Grant of Coleman and Jack Grant of Richland Springs and special niece, Elizabeth Miller of Baytown, Aunt Beverly Cohn of Conroe, formerly of Richland Springs.  Howard was preceded in death by his father, George Higginbotham of Porter, grandmother Mary Garner of Richland Springs and his brother in law, Mack Maxcey of May. Howard will be buried in the Kidd Cemetery in Porter, TX.  A private eulogy will be held at Richland Springs Cemetery Saturday, April 22, at 2pm by Johnie Reeves, whom Howard dearly loved and respected.  Howard’s heart and spirit will always be at his home in Richland Springs on the MGM Ranch.



The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 05/11/2017

Jolene Bloodworth Higginbotham (1928-2017) TX

LUBBOCK-Jolene (Bloodworth) Higginbotham of Lubbock died Sunday, May 7, 2017, and peacefully left this world surrounded by three generations of her family and a few dear friends. Jolene was born Oct. 8, 1928, in Childress, Texas, to parents, Arlene (Wood) and Joe Bloodworth, who were in farming and ginning in Whiteflat/Four Corners for many years. Jolene attended Whiteflat and Matador schools, graduating Valedictorian from Matador High School in 1946, and maintained friendships from Motley County throughout her life. Following high-school graduation, Jolene attended North Texas State College (now University of North Texas) in Denton, studying Piano Performance before her marriage to Vernon Higginbotham, also of Whiteflat/Matador on June 15, 1948. Following Vernon's graduation from Texas Tech in 1948, the couple moved to Houston, as Vernon began his career with Arthur Anderson. Together, they raised three daughters, Betty Waits (Charlie), Nancy Palmer (Tommy), both of Lubbock and Jan McClure (Weaver) of Denton. The sisters remember their mother at the piano, often accompanying their dad as he sang for them in his lovely tenor voice. It wasn't long before it became a family affair, with the sisters often joining their parents at the piano. The grandchildren remember Jolene and Vernon spontaneously breaking into song during special family gatherings. Vernon would suddenly offer the first line of a song, Jolene would answer with the second line; and then they would continue the song in harmony. They knew every verse of most hymns and standards from the 1940's, and listening to them was a joy. The family moved from Houston/Dallas to begin a mid-life career change in the community of their childhoods, and began farming in 1963. In 1979, they moved to Lubbock, and Vernon re-entered accounting for Plains Cooperative Oil Mill until his retirement in 1989. Jolene continued playing piano, occasionally for those in retirement communities, and often for her grandchildren. Jolene was preceded in death by her parents, Joe and Arlene Bloodworth; her husband, Vernon Higginbotham; and sister, Rosemary Anderson. She is survived by her daughters, Jan and husband, Weaver McClure, Nancy and husband, Tommy Palmer, Betty and husband, Charlie Waits; six grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces, nephews, and cousins. Services will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 13, 2017, at First United Methodist Church Lubbock. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, May 12, 2017. The family would like to give a special thanks to her caretaker and friend, Julia Mireles for her loving care over the years, as well as her wonderful caretakers over the last couple of weeks; Lisa, Keri, Ethel, Gayla, Maria, Gloria, Debbie, and Ruth. Memorial donations may be made to First United Methodist Church Friends of Music Funds in Memory of Jolene Higginbotham; Attn: Jeanine Austin, 1411 Broadway St. Lubbock, TX. 79401.




Gervais Clinton Higginbotham (1944-2017) TX

Houston, Texas

Aug 5, 1944 - May 21, 2017

Gervais was born on August 5, 1944 and passed away on Sunday, May 21, 2017. Gervais was a resident of Texas. Gervais proudly served his country in the Army during the Korean War.




Faye Acord Higginbotham (1931-2017) TX

January 20, 1931 - May 24, 2017

Faye Acord Higginbotham, age 86, of Austin, Texas, formerly of Temple passed away at her residence in Austin surrounded by family. Graveside service will be 11 A.M. Saturday, May 27, 2017, at the Valley Mills Cemetery under the direction of Foss Funeral Home and Cremation Center. Faye was born January 20, 1931, in Speegleville, Texas, to Tobe and Thelma (Jaynes) Acord. She graduated from Valley Mills High School.  Her parents owned Acord's Cafe in Valley Mills.  Her father was a WW I Army veteran where he served as a horseshoer.   She attended Southern Methodist University on a speech/debate scholarship. She also attended Central City Commercial College in Waco. She was employed by Amicable Life Insurance Company and later by the Veterans Administration Regional Office in Waco. She married John Vernon Higginbotham on October 12, 1950. They moved to Temple in 1957, upon his relocation to the Santa Fe Railway dispatching office. In Temple she was employed by the Soil Conservation Service and later by the Veterans Administration Medical Center. After 32 years’ federal service she retired in 1987 and at that time was the Assistant Chief of Voluntary Service and Public Relations at Olin E. Teague Veterans Center. She was a member of First Baptist Church, a member of the Housekeepers Club, a past president of Avolonte Study Club and for several years was a volunteer with Churches Touching Live for Christ. She was preceded in death by her husband and one son, Vernon Blake Higginbotham, her parents, and two sisters, Nelmarie of Medford, Oregon, and Gussie Deyo of Dallas. She is survived by 3 sons: John Mark of Temple; Rhett Kevan and his wife Angela, and their children, Andrew, Amanda, and Alexis all of South Lake, Paul Jerome and his son Kaden of Pfugerville.




Elizabeth Anne O'Neal Higginbotham (1938-2017) GA/TX

Elizabeth Anne Higginbotham was born on October 17, 1938 and died on June 10, 2017. Sustained by her deep faith she struggled with Alzheimer's for twelve years before gracefully going home. She was preceded in death by her parents W.B. O'Neal Jr. and his wife Anne, her brother W.B. O'Neal III, all of Atlanta, GA. She is survived by her husband Judge Patrick Higginbotham, daughter Anne and husband Jay Howard of Austin, TX, Patricia Lynn and husband Francis Michael Lujan, Sr. of Dallas and his son Bradley. Plus, Laney, Jenna, Tyler Patrick, and Jessi Howard; Patrick Hamilton Lujan and Francis Michael Lujan II; nephews George Patrick Foster of Dallas, Will and Rob O'Neal of Atlanta; cousins Roger and Anne Poore of Ross, CA, Hilda and David Fletcher of Athens, GA. A "Buckhead" girl, she received her B.S. degree from the University of Alabama where in her junior year she met a law student also barely twenty years old, lighting a kindred spirit with an intensity sustained for nigh six decades. A gifted teacher of the young and master of phonics she taught in the elementary schools of Madison NJ, Midwest City OK, Charleston SC, and Richardson TX. She traveled with Pat as he took on tasks in London, the Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, Manila, Toronto, Lyon, and Innsbruck with extended stays in Madrid, opening hearts and doors with her smile, keen wit, and quickness of mind--acuity warmly clothed in the mien of Macon and Atlanta Georgia. She solved complex problems easily while leading others to find the solution unaware of the source of their insight. This generous spirit, a tool in the hands of a teacher, endeared her to so many. It was footed in her core Christian values of service, seeking grace in making life better for others. With Elizabeth this gift centered on the teaching of children particularly those with disabilities. As a friend commented, "she is in heaven with a circle of children working on projects." There will be a graveside service for family at the Texas State Cemetery in Austin, Texas at 11 am, Sunday, June 18th. The family expresses their deep appreciation to Libba's caretakers, the Sisters of the Incarnate Word Order and its Angelique and de Matel houses in San Antonio creatures of an order of Catholic nuns whose Christian mission has for more than 300 years been to care for the ill and infirm. Finally a salute to the sisters' home in Lyon, its beautiful cathedral overlooking the city and loved by our Libba.



Edna Mae Higginbotham Wright (1916-2017) TX

August 17, 1916 - June 29, 2017

Edna Mae Higginbotham Wright went to be with her Heavenly Father on June 29, 2017. Funeral services will be at 2:00pm on Sunday, July 2, 2017 at Cooper Sorrells Funeral Home in Bonham with visitation starting at 1:00 pm. Rev. Henry Shelton and Rev. Morris Robbins both of Trinity Baptist Church and Andy Weeks of Dodd City will be officiating. Interment will follow at Willow Wild Cemetery in Bonham. Edna was 100 years, 317 days old! She was born August 17, 1916 in Allen, Texas. Edna was the youngest of three children and her parents were Henry Barton & Beatrice Paysinger Higginbotham, both from Lincoln Co., TN. Henry came to McKinney, Texas as a man on his own in 1907. Beatrice was a child of about 9 years when her parents moved to McKinney in 1898. She and Henry were married in Collin Co., TX on Feb. 7, 1908. Edna married Eugene Thomas Wright on January 24, 1948 in McKinney where they lived until his death in 1962. Soon after his passing Edna moved to Fannin County, TX – southeast of Providence Cemetery in the Bartley Woods community to be with her parents and her brother, Bert, who had relocated there a few years earlier. The family purchased a ranch, but soon found out they were not ranchers they were farmers! They sold out and purchased “a good black land farm” south of Dodd City in the Prairie Point community where Edna worked, and kept the farm up nicely until 2006 at the age of 90. She stated: “I knew I couldn’t keep it up – I have to move somewhere without a big yard.” She moved to an apartment where she did well for herself until she fell and broke her wrist in August 2011. At that time Edna knew she needed help with her daily needs. She went to the Seven Oaks Care Center for rehab and while there said “If you lose your independence this is as good a place as any to be.” She lived there almost six years. She loved to go to the church services, and other activities there, she also learned to play bingo and enjoyed it! Edna was of the Baptist faith, and was saved in McKinney as a teenager. She was later baptized at Calvary Baptist in Bonham. There she sang at several of the local churches with a group of ladies. Later, she and Bert moved their letters to Trinity Baptist where she has been a supporting member since 1979. Edna’s last Sunday was June 11, 2017. She loved the fellowship of the believers there. Edna was preceded in death by her husband Eugene Wright, her parents Henry & Beatrice; and brothers, Bert T. & Jimmy L. Higginbotham. All are buried at Willow Wild Cemetery in Bonham, Texas. Edna is survived by several cousins, who include; Billy Neely, Betty Meuirhead, and Dana Litchford who is also 100; several nieces, nephews and a host of friends. Pallbearers: Daniel Weeks, Ethan Barnard, Dillon Weeks, Austin Weeks, Rickey Granstaff, Kenneth Atkins. Honorary Pallbearers: Johnie Hilliard, Author Caldwell, Leroy Cirkles, and Royce Shipman. Many thanks to the staff at Seven Oaks and TMC-Bonham for all the care shown to Edna. May God bless each one! In lieu of flowers, contributions in Memory of Edna may be made to the Willow Wild Cemetery Association: PO Box 159 Bonham, Texas 75418.



Express-News 07/19/2017

Stella F. Higginbotham (1937-2017) TX

July 16, 1937 - July 17, 2017

Stella passed away peacefully with her family by her side on Monday, July 17, 2017 after a courageous battle with Alzheimers. She was married to her devoted husband Dudley Higginbotham for 56 years and raised four children, very dedicated in all parts of their lives. She was full of life, had lots of interests, fishing, gambling and very passionate about spending time with her family and friends. Stella was a graduate of Southwest Texas State Teachers College University with a masters from Trinity University. She was a loving and dedicated educator in the Edgewood ISD for 39 years. She was preceded in death by her parents John and Elia Forestier and her son Paul Higginbotham. She is survived by her children son David, daughter Sandy Cessna, son in law Troy Cessna, grandson Corbin Cessna and daughter Debbie Higginbotham, Brother Jose Castillo, sister in law Sara, John Forestier, sister Esther Brayden, brother in law Chuck and brother James Forestier and sister in law Charlotte and numerous loving nieces and nephews. The family would like to express our gratitude to the staff at Brookdale Castle Hills Clairebridge and Hospice for their great care and support. Visitation Thursday July 20, 2017 Mission Funeral Home 3401 Cherry Ridge Dr 6:00pm-8:00pm Funeral: Friday July 21st, 10:00 am Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 6914 Wurzbach Rd Graveside to follow Mission Park Cemetery North 20999 IH 10 West.




Wesley Taylor Higginbotham (1987-2017) TX

May 27, 1987-August 2, 2017

Campbell, Texas

Wesley Taylor Higginbotham, 30, of Campbell, died Wednesday, August 2, 2017 at his home.  Funeral services will be 10:00 AM, Saturday, August 5, 2017 at Coker-Mathews Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Mike Eason and Mr. Brian Wright officiating.  Interment will be in Prairie Valley Cemetery.  Visitation will be 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, Friday at the funeral home. Wesley was born in Greenville, Texas on May 27, 1987.  He was the son of Donald Higginbotham and Vicki Bryant.  He was a welder and member of Cornerstone Church in Cumby. Survivors include his father, Donald Higginbotham, of Cumby; mother, Vicki Trentham and husband, Jacky of Campbell; grandparents, Leon and Naomi Higginbotham of Cumby and Arlie and Sandra Bryant of Cumby; sister, Kati Glasgow and husband, Jamie of China Spring; step-brother, Kade Trentham of Cumby; step-sister, Kaylee Trentham of Industry, Pennsylvania; and nephew, Gavin Glasgow. Pallbearers will be Phillip Edwards, Todd Higginbotham, Eric Higginbotham, Zachary Emmons, Jamie Glasgow and Kade Trentham.




Mildred Laverne Brinkley Higginbotham (1923-2017) TX

February 5, 1923 - August 30, 2017

Mildred Higginbotham, age 94, passed away peacefully on August 30, 2017 in Burleson, Texas. She was born on a farm to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Brinkley of Mart, Texas. In 1950, she moved to White Settlement where she went to work for General Dynamics. She worked 29 years and retired in 1979. She enjoyed traveling, yard work, sewing, and fishing. She was preceded in death by her parents, her daughter Judy Carpenter, granddaughter Mona Stewart, 3 sisters – Willie Blanche, Helan Evora Brinkley, Elrie Eskew, 2 brothers – James Otis and John Quinn Brinkley and late husband James Higginbotham. She is survived by her grandson; Joe Stewart and his wife Liz, 3 great grandchildren; Whitney Maxwell and her husband Matthew, Aubree Stewart, and Mason Stewart, 4 great-great grandchildren; Vance Garcia, Von Garcia, Ferris Redman, and Sterling Maxwell and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Clayton Kay Vaughan in Alvarado. A visitation will be held at the Clayton Kay Vaughan Chapel beginning at 10 am on Sept. 5, 2017. Services will follow at 11 am in the chapel. The service will be officiated by Lamar Black of South Burleson Baptist Church in Burleson, Texas. Her great grandson, Mason will play Amazing Grace. Following the service, internment will be held at The Burleson Memorial Park.



Star-Telegram 09/13/2017

James Kent Higginbotham (1948-2017) TX

FORT WORTH--James Kent Higginbotham, 68, passed away Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017. GRAVESIDE SERVICE: 11 a.m. Thursday, Valley Mills, Texas. Jim was born Sept. 27, 1948. Jim was preceded in death by his parents, John and Lil Higginbotham; and his sister, Sheila Heath. SURVIVORS: Daughters, Shelley Couch and husband, Carter, Sherry Higginbotham, and their mother, Patti Sigman; grandchildren, Carley and Carson Couch; and sister, Sayre Burson.



Star-Telegram 09/21/2017

Charlotte Lamanda Faires Higginbotham (1935-2017) AR/TX

ARLINGTON-- Charlotte Lamanda Higginbotham, 82, returned home on Monday, September 18, 2017. SERVICE: Lamanda's celebration service will be officiated by Dr. Charles Wade at Wade Family Funeral Home at 11 a.m. on Saturday, September 23, 2017. Lamanda was born in Little Rock, Ark. on May 17, 1935. On September 10, 1955, she married Don Higginbotham. She was preceded in death by her brother, William Faires; and her parents, Charles and Hazel Faires. SURVIVORS: Husband of 62 years, Don; her sons, David, Darrel and Duane Higginbotham; Duane's wife, Carla; her daughter, Donna Cates; five grandchildren: Tevin and Taryn Cates, and Baylee, Dylan and Allyson Higginbotham.




Virginia Ruth Higginbotham (1929-2017) TX

August 21, 1929 - October 15, 2017 Athens, Texas

Virginia was born on August 21, 1929 and passed away on Sunday, October 15, 2017. Virginia was a resident of Athens, Texas at the time of passing.



Houston Chronicle 10/25/2017

Betty Jo Higginbotham Petty (1928-2017) TX

BETTY JO HIGGINBOTHAM PETTY, a sixth generation Texan, was born on the Higginbotham farm in the Lone Pine Community, located between Lovelady and Crockett in Houston County, Texas, on the 14th of January 1928, to Joseph Austin and Laura Evin (Sharp) Higginbotham, in the farm house standing on the farm today. Betty lived her life to the fullest. She loved her husband, her family, and her God. She will be missed. Betty moved with her family as a high school student to Beaumont, where she graduated from South Park High School in 1943, at age 15. Betty received the first scholarship awarded by the Texas Chapter, Daughters of the Republic of Texas, in Beaumont, in 1943, enabling her to be the first member of her family to attend college. After graduating from Lamar Junior College in 1945, she enrolled at Texas State College for Women in Denton, graduating in 1947 at age 19, with a B.S. degree, majoring in homemaking. In Denton, Betty had met a returned Army Air Corp veteran, Robert H. "Bob" Petty from Corsicana, who was attending North Texas State Teachers College. They married in the Little Chapel at TSCW her senior year and started their family in Denton. In 1948, the young Petty family moved to Oak Forest in Houston where their son was born and Betty began her teaching career, teaching homemaking in HISD and Cy-Fair ISD. Following Bob in his career moves, Betty taught in Arlington, Freer, Poteet, Pleasanton, Corpus Christi, and New Orleans until retiring in 1973, teaching many subjects--homemaking, 3rd and 5th grade, American history, girls' P.E., 7th grade math, and remedial 4th grade math, and handling extra duties as FHA sponsor, coaching girls' basketball, and as cheerleader sponsor. Her favorite tenure was teaching 7th grade remedial and advanced math at Baker Jr. High School in Corpus Christi. Betty served as president of the National Association of Math Teachers and presided over its national convention held in Corpus Christi. She served as president of the Corpus Christi Classroom Teachers Association, during which time she was able to find a sponsor to introduce and pass a law to allow classroom teachers to report suspected child abuse without legal consequences. Gov. Preston Smith named Betty a "Yellow Rose of Texas" and appointed her to the Task Force to write the Code of Conduct for the public school teachers of Texas. During Betty's teaching career, she attended college in the summers--the University of Houston, obtaining an elementary education certificate, driver's education certificate, and a M.A. in history and Auburn University to study mathematics for a M.S. Betty began a computer career in Washington, D. C., at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1974. Betty and Bob returned to Houston in 1980 when she worked for U.S. Customs, before accepting a position at American General where she specialized in data management. Betty volunteered tirelessly for her HOA in Barwood, publishing the newsletter and serving as treasurer and president. Always a student, she attended numerous IBM courses, participated in the Houston area Data Base Users Group, serving as president and program chair, and was an early member of HAL-PC. After retiring from American General in 1998, Betty returned to computer work as a consultant and then as an employee at HL&P, to ready the "legacy" computer for Y2K, retiring again, three weeks before her 74th birthday. Betty's teaching and computer career spanned 54 years. Betty was devoted to her family. Betty and Bob moved back to Houston in 1980, allowing Betty to be close to and help care for her mother and allowing Betty and Bob to be close to their grandchildren and be part of their lives, never missing a sporting event or a performance. Bob, retired from U.S. Customs in the 1980s and passed away in 1995. Their son, Robert Austin Petty, passed away in 1999. After her final retirement in 2001, Betty taught computer skills in the Pct. 5 senior program and enjoyed senior activities with the Pct. 4 program. Betty maintained her Cypress home until 2005 when she moved to her "apartment" in the Wood home, where she lived until needing care in a memory center in 2017 in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease. Betty adopted her beloved Labrador retriever "Lady" in 2006, who kept her company until 2016. She enjoyed driving Missy on errands and lived a very active life. Betty was a member of St. Luke's United Methodist Church and a former member of St. Matthew's United Methodist Church. Betty was a "people person," personally knowing her fellow employees, her neighbors, and the employees where she traded who knew to look forward to the Christmas candy she personally delivered. As a 6th generation Texan, whose ancestors settled in Houston and, the later, Anderson Counties, Betty proudly joined the San Jacinto Chapter of The Daughters of the Republic of Texas in 2008, enjoying its many activities until 2016 when her Alzheimer's disease kept her at home with special caregivers. Betty is predeceased by husband, Robert H. "Bob" Petty and son, Robert Austin "Bobby" Petty of Houston; her parents, Joe and Laura (Sharp) Higginbotham of Houston and Lone Pine; and grandparents, Elizabeth "Lizzy" (Spence) and Leonard "Stell" Sharp of Crockett and Dora Elizabeth (Hassel) and Sam Houston Higginbotham of Lone Pine; all of her aunts and uncles; 42 of her 46 cousins; her siblings and brother-in-law, Elizabeth Dora "Beth" (Higginbotham) Bitner, Samuel Eugene Higginbotham, and Laura Sue (Higginbotham) and John Houston Davis III. Betty accompanied Bob to his Dodd "First Cousins" gathering each year and continued attending after Bob died. Kenneth Miles of Missouri is now the surviving Dodd first cousin. Betty is survived by her daughter and son-in-law Hon. Sharolyn (Petty) and Hon. Michael J. Wood; grandchildren and spouses, Christopher Andrew and Debbie (Yee) Wood of Houston, Scott Austin Petty, Richard Evin "Ricky" Wood of Dallas, and Laura Elizabeth (Wood) and Grant Cox of Marble Falls; and great-grandchildren Harper Wai-Yu Wood, Henley Kate Wood, Evin Elizabeth Wood, Anson David Cox, and Austin Michael Cox. She is also survived by brother-in-law Orlan E. Bitner, Sr. of Lone Pine, previously of Houston, who continues to manage the Higginbotham farm, and sister-in-law Harriett "Judy" (Wade) Higginbotham of Houston; nieces and nephews Orlan E. Bitner, Jr. (Jan), Janet Bitner, and Joe Bitner (Lori), all of Austin; Judy Barron (Kevin) of Corsicana; Debbie Roberts (David) of Hawaii and Alaska; Allen Higginbotham of Tyler; Mark Davis of Los Angeles; and Nancy James (Tom), Sam Higginbotham, and John Davis (Teri), all of Houston; and numerous great nieces and nephews. Friends are cordially invited to a visitation with the family from four o'clock in the afternoon until six o'clock in the evening on Sunday, the 29th of October, in the library and grand foyer of Geo H. Lewis & Sons, 1010 Bering Drive in Houston. A graveside service is to be conducted at half past nine o'clock in the morning on Monday, the 30th of October, at Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery, 6900 Lawndale Avenue in Houston. The memorial service is to be conducted at eleven o'clock in the morning on Monday, the 30th of October, in the Chapel of St. Luke's United Methodist Church, 3471 Westheimer Rd in Houston, where Rev. Bill Denhem is to officiate. Immediately following, all are invited to greet the family during a reception to be held in the Hines-Baker room. In lieu of customary remembrances, memorial contributions in Betty's memory may be directed to San Jacinto Chapter, Daughters of the Republic of Texas, 1510 Cambridge St, Houston, TX 77030; St. Luke's United Methodist Church, 3471 Westheimer, Houston, TX 77027; or to the charity of one's choice.




Paul Jerome Higginbotham (1966-2017) TX

Paul Jerome Higginbotham, 51, passed away Wednesday, November 15, in Austin, Texas. A mass will be held at St Elizabeth Catholic Church in Pflugerville, Texas. Date to be determined. His ashes will be placed near his parents in Valley Mills, Texas. Paul was born in Temple, Texas on August 6, 1966 to the late John Vernon Higginbotham and the late Faye Acord Higginbotham. His father’s career was with the Santa Fe Railroad. Paul graduated from Belton High School in Belton, where he was a member of the Thespian Society. He obtained at BA in Liberal Arts from The University of Texas in Austin. Paul worked for many years as a IT engineer for Cisco Systems in Austin. He had an enthusiasm for popular music and loved to play the drums. In high school and after, he played in several local bands. Paul was a member of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church in Pflugerville, Tx. Paul was a loving son, brother, and father and will be deeply missed by many. Paul was preceded in death by his parents and brother Vernon Blake Higginbotham. He is survived by two brothers, John Mark Higginbotham of Temple, Texas, Rhett Kevan Higginbotham of South Lake, Texas. Paul is survived by his son, Kaden Patricio Higginbotham of Pflugerville, Texas.




Randall Higginbotham (1936-2017) TX

November 8, 1936 - December 15, 2017

Brownsville, Texas-Randall was born on November 8, 1936 and passed away on Friday, December 15, 2017. Randall was a resident of Brownsville, Texas at the time of passing.




Randall E. Higginbotham, 81, of Brownsville, Texas, passed away on December 15, 2017, at his residence in Brownsville, Texas. He was born in Houston, Texas to Sanford and Janice Higginbotham on November 8, 1936. Randall is preceded in death by his loving wife, Maria Aurora Higginbotham. He is survived by his sons, James Mark (Liliana) Higginbotham Sr., and Louis Christopher (Mary) Higginbotham; his grandchildren, Janice Morales, Jonathan Higginbotham, James (Mayra) Higginbotham Jr., Mario (Veronica) Benavides, and David (Ebonie) Torres; numerous great-grandchildren; and other relatives. A memorial service will be held at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, December 21, 2017, at Garza Memorial Funeral Home.



Houston Chronicle 12/21/2017

Frances Cobb Higginbotham (1921-2017) OK/TX

FRANCES C. HIGGINBOTHAM, 96, passed away at Colonial Oaks Assisted Living facility in Sugar Land on December 17, 2017, from complications of Alzheimer's. Frances was born on August 8, 1921, to Clarence and Mattie (Hall) Cobb in Durant OK. Frances was preceded in death by her parents, her sister, Oleta Dempsey; her husband, Oliver Percy "Polly"; and her daughter, Nadine Bryan. She is survived by her daughter, Barbara George, and Barbara's three children, Jeff Marshall and his wife Megyn, Chris George, and Samantha Drummond and her husband Cory and her great-grandchildren, Sean and Ashlie Marshall; Dylan, Logan, and Brayden Drummond, and another great-granddaughter, Lisa Miller and her husband Eric and children Alyssa and Kaleb. She is also survived by numerous nieces and nephews from both sides of the family as well as grandchildren from Nadine's family. Frances loved spending time with her friends and family. Frances was a resident of Houston almost her entire life and completed the requirements for her BS, MS, and PhD in Education at the University of Houston. After raising her family, Frances completed her G.E.D., when she was in her 40's. She immediately enrolled in college and worked at Southern Pacific Railroad during the day while she attended night school to complete her numerous degrees. She was in her 60's when she received her final degree. Frances taught at Dobie High School as well as several junior colleges in Houston and Lake Jackson. Teaching was her passion, and she loved her students and fellow teachers. Francis was very active in TBEA (Texas Business Education Association), National Business Education Association, International Society of Business Education, Mountain Plains Business Education Association, and she held offices in several of these organizations. In addition, she was selected TBEA District Teacher of the year on two separate occasions. She was also a member of Pi Omega Pi and served as President of Delta Pi Epsilon, a graduate business fraternity. Her second passion was traveling. Frances visited countries around the world including Mexico, Canada, Switzerland, Denmark, Japan, China, Russia, Greece, Australia, and Holland. She always brought back little trinket mementos and kept them in a shadow box on her wall. She also had hundreds of photos that she enjoyed sharing with everyone. Frances was a member of the First Methodist Church in downtown Houston, and she attended regularly until she moved into assisted living. Frances succeeded in reaching her goals, and her life was wonderful, exciting and fulfilling as a result of her constant drive.


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