Oklahoma Obituaries

The 1901 Higginbotham Murders
(The following article was written by Hugh D. Corwin, secretary of the Great Plains Historical Association)
In the early days of this southwestern are there were many gunfights and killings, but none that attracted more attention than a triple killings which occurred Dec. 21, 1901, five miles northwest of the town of Sterling, Oklahoma territory, in Comanche county.
Finus Berry, Fletcher, who was cowboy in the area at that time, learned of the killings a few hours after they happened.
He and several other cowboys were rounding up cattle for their employer’s preparing to move them to the "Big Pasture" in the south part of Comanche county. As Mr. Berry relates the story: He and his co-workers were rounding up strays for the cattle company. On the morning of Dec. 21, 1901, they saw a settler named Standridge riding fast toward them. When he rode up Standridge told them that he had just heard that three men were killed in a hay camp a short distance to the west.
The men rode to the tent of a homesteader known as "Preacher Jackson," who confirmed the story that three men had been shot and killed that morning. On investigating, the group found the bodies of a Mr. Higginbotham and his two sons, who had been bailing hay in the area all the fall of 1901.
The Higginbotham family had a homestead in the area west of Signal Mountain where they made their home. The father and four sons were harvesting prairie hay on the land east of the military reservation and selling it to the Army at Fort Sill, according to Berry. Mrs. George Crane, of Lawton, then Miss Lora Hadley, was a friend and neighbor of the Higginbotham family, they having been old neighbors near Yukon, Okla., before moving to the area west of Signal Mountain. Both Mrs. Crane and Walter P. South of Lawton, who was also a neighbor and later a schoolmate of the younger Higginbothams, have furnished interesting bits of history of this triple killing.
The evening of the day before the killing, John Roberts, a settler about 35 years of age, who was living in a tent with his wife and five year-old son, had a quarrel and fight with Higginbotham and his three sons. As all accounts seem to agree, the Higginbothams got the best of Roberts in the fight and his revolver and a pair of "knucks" were taken from him by the Higginbothams.
Frank Novak, 91 year-old pioneer, on whose farm the first of the killings occurred, relates the story: On the evening of Dec. 20, 1901, he and two bachelor friends, Jim and Frank Dolezal, were in Novak's dugout home, about five miles northwest of Sterling. During the evening John Roberts rode up on horseback, called out and was invited in by Novak, who was a bachelor at the time.
When Roberts entered the dugout the three friends were startled to see his face was all bloody and he appeared to have been in a fight. Roberts told of the quarrel and a fight a short time before between him and the Higginbothams over a few bales of hay. As Mr. Novak recalls, Roberts said the oldest Higginbotham son grabbed him from behind, pinned his arms and one of the brothers took his revolver and "knucks", which he was carrying.
Mr. Higginbotham, the father, then stood in front of Roberts, threatening him with a pitch fork, while one of the brothers proceeded to beat Roberts in the face with his fists. After beating and threatening him, they let him go, keeping his knucks and revolver.
Preacher Jackson, who lived near Novak, learned of the fight and he told Novak and the Dolezals about the same story. Mrs. Roberts later told of her husband's beating and that he walked the floor of the tent home all night brooding over it. Next morning Roberts again came to Novak's dugout, where the three bachelor friends were together, asking to borrow Frank Dolezal's shotgun, saying he had seen a buck deer in the woods and believed he could shoot him. Novak says Roberts was in the habit of borrowing the shotgun to kill deer and always brought them part of the venison.
He asked for shells loaded with buckshot saying smaller shot wouldn't kill a deer. they found only three shells with buckshot, which Roberts took and left on his horse.
In a short time the three friends heard a shot and one remarked: "I guess John has got his deer." But it soon occurred to them that he had no time to get to the timber to find a deer so they went to investigate. About a quarter mile to the east, on Novak's place, they found the body of one of the Higginbotham sons who had been shot. About that time they heard another shot and Preacher Jackson rode up, saying that Roberts was killing the Higginbothams.
Frank Novak says a hired hand of the Higginbothams witnessed the shooting of the last of the three, and told it as follows: "The older Higginbotham son was driving the hay baler and hid Roberts' revolver, which was a five-shot. As Roberts rode toward him Higginbotham jumped off the baler, got down behind it and began to shoot at Roberts, who dived off his horse to the ground, dodging about until Higginbotham fired five shots, all missing their target. then Roberts walked toward the young Higginbotham and shot him.
The youngest son, about 11 or 12 years old had gone ahead with the horse and buggy, as they were moving their hay camp that day. This early start saved his life.
Frank Novak says that after the shooting, Roberts went home to his tent, told his wife what he had done, gathered up all the pictures of himself and destroyed them, bid his wife and boy goodbye and rode west to Novak's dugout. Here he handed back the borrowed shotgun with the statement: "I killed the three...one after another. I guess you will never see me any more." With that, according to Mr. Novak, he rode off toward the southwest in the direction of Lawton. Three days later his pony was found tied in a post in the town of Marlow. So far as is known, no one in this area ever saw him again.
Finus Berry and his cowboy friends picked up the bodies of the slain Higginbothams and took them to Preacher Jackson's place. Someone went to Sterling and notified the county authorities in Lawton, who came out the next day and held an inquest. they took Mrs. Roberts and her son, holding her for some time at the county jail, as a material witness. But as Roberts could not be found, no trial could be held. Walter Smith and Finus Berry say Mrs. Roberts cooked for the prisoners at the county jail for some time. Mr. Berry talked with her on his visits in Lawton until some time after World War II, according to Walter P. Smith, who knew her and her son.
John Roberts was said to be from Indiana. About 1903, Frank Novak says, authorities in Indiana notified the sheriff at Lawton, they were holding a man believed to be Roberts. County authorities here paid the train fare to there of a neighbor of Roberts in an attempt to identify the suspect. He proved not to be Roberts. There are no records of this case in the courthouse at Lawton, as all territorial court records are stored at Ardmore and Guthrie.
The gun used in the killing was a 12 gauge, double barrel, New Ithaca shotgun with 30 inch barrels. Many years ago Frank Dolezal left this gun with Frank Novak, who used the gun occasionally in hunting. One day, while heading kefir corn on his farm he put the gun on the dashboard of the wagon, and it fell off and was run over, bending the barrels. Mr. Novak had it sawed off to its present length of 18 inches. The gun has not been fired for many years. It is being preserved as a relic of our rough and rugged past.


St. Paul Journal, Neosho County, Kansas, on January 2, 1902

George Nelson Higginbotham (1856-1901) IA/OK

George Edward Higginbotham (1881-1901) KS/OK

John Oliver Higginbotham (ca1883-1901) KS/OK

Lawton, Ok, Dec. 21 - John Roberts, G.N. Higganbotham and his two sons Oliver and Ed were putting up hay on shares, twenty-two miles northwest of Lawton. Thursday night Roberts attacked the Higganbotham boys with a pair of brass knuckles. The Higginbothams disarmed him, taking his revolver and knuckles from him. Roberts borrowed a shotgun, saying he was going deer hunting and met the youngest of the Higganbotham boys on his road to Lawton with a load of hay. Roberts shot him in the back. He then went farther along the trail and met G. N. Higginbotham who was watching his oldest son coming up the trail. Roberts shot him also in the back and then the eldest son rushed up and was trying to raise his father, he, too, was host. The boy had a revolver taken from Roberts the night before and opened fire. Roberts waited until he had fired three shots and then walked up to the wounded man and killed him. There were four witnesses to the tragedy. Roberts mounted his horse rode down to the camp, bade his wife good-by and left. Kansas City Star.
G. N. Higganbotham was the only living brother of Mrs. I. J. Davis of this city. He was one of the early settlers of this county, coming here in 1866 and locating east of town. He married Miss Nancy Weaver whose home was on the farm now occupied by M. Herman in east Mission. In 1881 they moved to Meade County, Kansas, and remained there until a few months ago. Mr. Higganbotham drew a claim last August and later moved to it. He resided on his claim when the above sad catastrophe occurred. His two sons, Ed and Oliver, who were also killed by Roberts, were 22 and 19 years old respectively. Ed was born in East Mission, but was little child when his parents moved from here.



Ada Evening News 02/04/1911

John Melton Higginbotham (????-1911) OK


J. M. Higginbotham, who was run over and crushed Thursday afternoon while helping his son drive a pair of spirited mules down a hill south of Lawrence and was brought here for treatment died of his injuries at 8:20 this morning. His family arrived from Roff this morning at 10:30. The body will be interred at Rosedale at 5 p.m. this afternoon. Rev. D. J. Austin will conduct the funeral services.



The Ada Evening News 01/06/1926

Jane Castleberry Higginbotham (1852-1926) OK

Mrs. Jane Higginbotham, aged 75, died this morning at 8 o’clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lula Barnett, 113 West Fourteenth street, with whom she resided.

Funeral services will be held from the home Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock conducted by Rev. R. T. Blackburn. Interment in Rosedale Cemetery.

Deceased was a pioneer of Ada, having moved to this vicinity 30 years ago. She leaves a host of friends to regret her departure.

She is survived by two daughters, Mmes. Lula Barnett and Bone Hardin, six grandchildren and her brother, Dr. R. T. Castleberry.



The Ada Weekly News 10/14/1926

Frank Higginbotham (ca1900-1926) OK

Frank Higginbotham, aged 26, died at a local hospital Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock.

Funeral services were conducted from the Cummins undertaking parlors this afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. L. B. Trone in charge. Interment in Rosedale Cemetery.



Miami Daily News-Herald 02/08/1932

Clifton Higginbotham (1915-1932) OK


ADA, Okla., Feb. 8  - (AP)  A skull fracture received Sunday when a tree limb from which he was swinging with a rope broke proved fatal today to Clifton Higginbotham, 16. Two other youths playing with Higginbotham were slightly injured.



The Soper Democrat 03/02/1933

George Higginbotham (ca1852-1933) AR/OK

We are sorry to report the death of one of our neighbors, Mr. Higginbotham, who passed away last Saturday afternoon. He was 81 years old. Interment was in the Crowder Springs cemetery.



The Oklahoman 11/24/1937
Naomi Marie Higginbotham (abt 1922-1937) OK

Services for Naomi Marie Higginbotham, Capitol Hill high school girl killed in an automobile accident at Southwest Fifty-sixth street and Walker avenue Monday, will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Capitol Hill funeral home.  She will be buried in Sunny Lane cemetery.
She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Higginbotham, 2120 Southwest Twenty-sixth street.  She was killed almost instantly when the car in which she was riding crashed into an oil truck.



The Ada Evening News 12/06/1937

Eliza Jane Higginbotham (1864-1937) OK

Mrs. Jane Higginbotham, 72, Seminole, was killed when a bus in which she rode plunged from a highway to avoid a collision.




The Oklahoman 04/24/1939
William Clark Higginbotham (1867-1939) IN/OK
W. C. Higginbotham, 72 years old, a retired farmer, was found dead of a heart ailment Sunday morning at the home of a son, Paul Higginbotham, 629 Southeast Thirty-fifth street.
Higginbotham, a resident of the state since 1903, settled at Coweta.  Later he lived near Manford and then at Sapulpa, coming here from the latter about three years ago.
Other survivors include three sons, Luther, Pasadena, Calif.; Fred, Graham, Texas, and Zim of Broken Arrow; and four daughters, Mrs. Winnie Vance, Tulsa; Mrs. Sophia Whitaker, city; Mrs. Edith Tichenor, city, and Mrs. Bertha Norton, Dorrance, Kan.
Services have been tentatively set for Monday afternoon in the Hunter chapel.  Burial probably will be Tuesday in the Duck Creek cemetery four miles east of Mounds.



The Wagoner Tribune 03/25/1941

Luther Frank Higginbotham (1890-1941) OK

Funeral services for Luther Frank "Frank" Higginbotham, 50, who died at his home here early, Sunday morning, March 23, 1941, will be held tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Wagoner First Christian Church. He was born September 2, 1890. Services will be conducted by the Rev. J. E. McCoy, pastor, assisted by the Rev. J. Edwin Kerr, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery under the direction of the Hersman Funeral Home. Mr. Higginbotham for the past four years has served as superintendent of the City of Wagoner utilities, being appointed to that position immediately following compromise settlement of the long drawn out Fairbanks-Mose Co. suit against the city, involving the municipal light plant. Mr. Higginbotham had returned to his office only on the Friday before his death, following his return a week before from a Muskogee hospital where he had been taken February 26 following recurrence of a condition which had forced hospitalization early in January. Both times a series of operations were performed to relieve pressure of a blood clot affecting the brain. Besides his wife and daughter, Wanda Jean, of the home, Mr. Higginbotham is survived by two sisters; Mrs. R. O. Silvers of Louisa, Kentucky and Mrs. Charles Peters, of the Balboa Canal zone and three brothers; Henry, Brooklyn, New York, Ed, Greensboro, North Carolina and Wayne. Serving as pallbearers will be Walter Cleckler, W.E. Wood, W.H. Clow, Cecil Beard, Louis Waldon and John Moore.



The Ada Evening News 07/17/1941

Bennie Higginbotham (ca1917-1941) OK

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon for Billie Anderson, 18, and Bennie Higginbotham, 24, Ada youths who were killed early Sunday morning when the car in which they were riding overturned four miles west of Sulphur.

Services for Higginbotham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Higginbotham, 516 West Seventh street, were at 2 o’clock at the Oak Avenue Baptist church….

Both Anderson and Higginbotham were well known in Ada.

Higginbotham was employed in the laboratory at the Oklahoma Portland Cement company plant here.

The three boys left Ada Saturday evening for Davis, riding in Lamb’s two-door sedan. Early Sunday morning they were on their way back home.

Between two and three o’clock, highway patrolmen said, a farmer living a quarter of a mile from where they plunged off the highway saw them go by. A few seconds later he heard the crash.

Lamb and Higginbotham were taken to Sulphur. It was an hour later that authorities learned there was another passenger in the car. They returned to the scene and found Anderson, his hands tightly grasping some weeds on the sloping shoulder as if trying to pull himself up on the highway.

Higginbotham died en route from Sulphur to Ada. His chest was crushed and he had internal injuries.

Patrolmen said Higginbotham apparently was driving at the time of the collision.

The car overturned several times, apparently throwing the youths through the top. Lamb was found wandering up the highway. The automobile was badly damaged.

The accident marked the end of a period in which Murray county had gone for more than two years without a traffic fatality.

Higginbotham was born in Ada and attended school here.

He is survived by his parents, seven sisters, Mrs. Veo Dickey, Mrs. Carl Wright, Pauline, Billie Joe, Dorotha, Melody, Kay, and one brother, Bennie Higginbotham.



The Paris (TX) News 06/18/1945

Van Higginbotham (1905-1945 ) OK

Hugo, Okla.-Van Higginbotham, 39, died early Sunday in the Johnson Hospital, two Boswell officers were wounded and another man is in Choctaw County jail, pending filing of charges, as the result of a fracas which took place Saturday night in Boswell.

Higginbotham was shot three times, once each in the left side, the lung and the abdomen, and died about five hours after being brought to the hospital here. Webb Burns, Boswell constable, was shot once in the left hip and Will Welch, city marshal, was bitten on his hands and narrowly escaped serious injury when a bullet grazed his groin. Burns is in Hugo Hospital and Welch at home in Boswell.

According to the story told County Attorney Ralph K. Jenner by Burns, J.N. (Jab) Higginbotham was “pretty drunk and his son, Van, was drinking” when the Boswell officers asked Van to take his father home to avoid his arrest. The son put his father into his truck and started to get in himself, then apparently changed his mind. The officers threatened to arrest both men, but Van Higginbotham resisted saying, “No, you aren’t going to arrest me,: and a general fight ensued in which the elder Higginbotham, his son, Van, and the latter’s son, Franklin, all took part with pocket knives.

While being taken to Boswell jail, Van Higginbotham pulled out his pocket knife and Welch drew his gun, warning his assailant to stop. The two men grappled for the officer’s gun, which went off, hitting Webb Burns, who was standing several feet away.

At this time, both Jab Higginbotham and Franklin Higginbotham again entered the melee with knives and Burns shot several times and is believed to have hit Van Higginbotham.

Jenner said Sunday that x-rays were being made to determine the gun from which bullets entered his body.

Funeral services for Higginbotham had not been completed. Survivors are his father, his wife and son; three brothers, Cul Higginbotham, in California; Walker Higginbotham, Oklahoma City; Buster Higginbotham, Soper and a sister, Mrs. Lola Mock, Boswell.

Hugo, Okla.-Funeral services were set for Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Boswell Cemetery for Van Higginbotham, 39, The Rev. Jinks Goodwin, Holiness minister officiating, and Coffey Funeral Home making interment.

Higginbotham died early Sunday of wounds received in an altercation Saturday with Boswell officers. He was born in Boswell, Nov. 6, 1905.

Survivors include his wife and one son, Franklins, 16; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Higginbotham, a sister, Mrs. Lola Mock, Boswell; and three brothers, Cul Higginbotham, Brentwood, Calif., Walker Higginbotham, Oklahoma City, and Buster Higginbotham, Soper.



The Daily Oklahoman 12/05/1951

Rosa Lucile Smith Higginbotham (1906-1951) OK

Woodward-Funeral for Mrs. Rosa Lucile Higginbotham, 45, will be at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Assembly of God church.

She died Monday evening in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Naomi Baxter, following and extended illness. Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Lugert, July 21, 1906, and moved to Woodward when a child. She lived here until 1943 when she moved to Carter.

She is survived by her husband, Walter; two sons, Floyd and Jerry Barnett, of the home in Carter; two daughters, Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Beatrice Bratcher; her mother, Mrs. E.A. Smith; a sister, Mrs. John Barnett; and four grandchildren, all of Woodward.



The Ada Evening News 07/23/1953

Claude M. Higginbotham (1893-1953) OK

C. Higginbotham Dies at Oakland

Was Employed at Lawrence Quarry for 39 Years

Claude M. Higginbotham, 60, who was employed by the cement company at the Lawrence quarry for 39 years, died at his home in Oakland, Okla. Wednesday morning at 10.

The funeral will be Friday at 2 at the funeral chapel at Madill, with burial at Madill.

Mr. Higginbotham moved to Frederick four years ago and established a laundry. A heart condition developed, however, and he had to give up the business, moving to Oakland two years ago. A heart attack was given as the cause of death.

He became employed at the quarry in 1910, not long after it was opened, and continued there until 1949, serving for a long time as master mechanic.

Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Delia Higginbotham; daughters, Mrs. Virginia Landers of Oklahoma City and Mrs. Bill Young, Philippine Islands; son, James, Indianola, Miss.; three grandchildren; sister. Mrs. C. P. Kinnett, Ada; brothers, Charley of Oklahoma City, S. T. of Los Angeles, Calif., and Lee Higginbotham of Ada.



The Ada Evening News 04/08/1956

Royce Ann Heginbotham (1956-1956) NY/OK

Funeral services for Royce Ann Heginbotham were held at the First Baptist Church last Friday afternoon, with Leon Davidson, superintendent of missions, of the Atoka Association, conducting the services.

The baby was born February 14, 1956, at Long Island, New York, and died there April 1. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heginbotham of Brooklyn, New York, and grandparents, Riley Harmon of Tupelo and Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Higenbotham of Perkins, Oklahoma.

Interment was in an Ada cemetery.



The Daily Oklahoman 05/09/1956

Kathryn Higginbotham Houston (1880-1956) OK

Services were in Ada for Mrs. Kathryn Higginbotham Houston, 76, who was named Oklahoma City’s most useful citizen of 1925. She died in her Ada home May 2, a day after her 76th birthday.

Mrs. Houston was given The Daily Oklahoman plaque in 1925 for her work in starting “Mothercraft” classes, which prepared young wives for motherhood.

Coming to Oklahoma City in 1912 after study at the University of Michigan, Mrs. Houston was the state’s first “visiting” nurse. After 1925 she became a special nurse and attendance officer for the city school system.

She married S.J. Houston, deputy sheriff here, who later lost his life in the line of duty.

Mrs. Houston had been living in Ada for several years. There are no known survivors. Burial was in Rose Hill cemetery.



The Lawton Constitution 06/05/1956

Ira Walker Higginbotham (1874-1956) AL/OK

Cyril-Ira W. Higginbotham, 82, retired Cyril farmer, died Monday night at his home after a long illness.

Funeral services will be at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Cyril Christian Church with the Rev. Kenneth Haley, pastor, officiating. Rev. Frank Jennings, Cyril Baptist pastor, will assist.

Burial will be in Fairview cemetery, Apache, with Dalton Funeral Home, Fletcher, in charge.

Higginbotham was born Sept. 16, 1875, in Chulisine, Ala. He came to Cyril in 1950 from Hobart. He was married to Kizzie Snyder in 1901 at Cordell.

Survivors are his wife; one daughter, Mrs. C.M. Whitten, Cyril; five sons, Charley Higginbotham, Cyril; A.H. Higginbotham, Yukon; R.L. Higginbotham, Pampa, Tex.; W.V. Higginbotham, Pampa, and V.V. Higginbotham, Denver City, Tex.; four sisters, Mrs. Irene Kennedy, Brownwood, Tex.; Mrs. Sabre Stovall, Brady, Tex.; Mrs. Callie Parker, Stephenville, Tex.; and Mrs. Teague Hefflin, of Alabama.



The Lawton (OK) Constitution 08/20/1958

James Higginbotham (ca1943-1958) AR

Arkansas Boy, 15, Drowns in River

TAHLEQUAH (AP) - James Higginbotham, 15-year-old Fort Smith, Ark., boy drowned late yesterday in the Illinois River east of Tahlequah where he was swimming with five other teenagers.

Officers said Higginbotham never came up after diving into the river from the Standing Rock Bridge on State Highway 82. His body was recovered.



Ada Evening News 02/27/1959

Louise Marie Berntsen Higginbotham (ca1891-1959) OK


Services for Mrs. Louise Marie Higginbotham, 516 West Seventh, were held Friday at 2 p.m. at the Oak Avenue Baptist Church.

She died Wednesday in a local hospital. She was 67. Rev. Chester Mason and Rev. Robert Norsworthy conducted the services under the direction of the Criswell Funeral Home. Burial was in the Rosedale Cemetery,

Survivors are: Her husband, Lee; seven daughters, Mrs. Veo Dickey, Houston; Mrs. Carl Wright, Chickasha; Mrs. Charles Titus, San Antonio; Mrs. Bill Davis, Oklahoma City; Miss Betty Higginbotham, Denver; Miss Dorothy Higginbotham, Belton, Tex.; and Miss Kay Higginbotham, Ada; one son, Bob, Morgan City, La.

Five sisters, Mrs. Harry Durgeloh, Kaloma, Wash.; Mrs. Everett Davis, Ft. Smith; Mrs. William Hoag, Miss Velma Berntsen, and Miss Nell Berntsen, also of Ft. Smith; one brother, Frank Berntsen, Wichita , Kan., and 10 grandchildren.



The Paris (TX) News 05/18/1960

Jasper B. Higginbotham (ca1874-1960) AR/OK

Boswell, Okla.-Burial rites for Jasper B. Higginbotham, 86, of Boswell, Rt. 2, were held Tuesday, the Rev. Jess Middleton officiating at Iron Stob school, and Coffey Funeral Home of Hugo making burial in Restland Cemetery here.

Mr. Higginbotham, who died at home Saturday, was born in Sharp County, Arkansas, but lived here 57 years, being a retired farmer.

Survivors are his wife, Lizzie; these children, Cull Higginbotham, Walker Higginbotham, and Mrs. John Mock, all of Boswell, and Buster Higginbotham, Lubbock, Tex., and 43 other descendants.



Miami Daily News-Record 08/19/1960

Engla Leona Gertz Higginbotham (1906-1960) TX/OK

Engla Leona Higginbotham, 54, formerly of Phillips, Tex., died at 10 a.m. today at Afton Memorial Hospital. She moved to Langley earlier this year with her husband, Jesse, upon his retirement. She was a member of the Phillips Methodist Church.

Surviving besides her husband are two daughters, Mrs. Cordelia Smith, Kansas City, Kan., and Mrs. Virginia Rose Scott, New Braunfels, Tex.; a brother, Bob Gertz, Lake City, Fla., and five grandchildren.

Funeral arrangements will be announced by Birks Funeral Home, Afton.



Ada Evening News 02/06/1963

Edgar Lee Higginbotham (1886-1963) TX/OK


Edgar Lee Higginbotham. 516 West Seventh, died Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. in an Ada hospital. The Ideal Cement Company employee was born in Comanche County, Texas, January 5, 1886, son of John Melton Higginbotham and Emma Sampson Higginbotham.

The family moved to Lightning Ridge community in 1892 from Texas. Mr. Higginbotham attended Lightning Ridge School. He and Miss Louise Berntsen were married July 4,19l2. She died February 25, 1959 in Ada.

A member of the Oak Avenue Baptist Church, he was a member of the Masonic fraternal order.

Services will beat 2 p.m. Thursday in the Oak Avenue Baptist Church. Rev. Chester Mason and Rev. Joe Dixon, pastor, will officiate.

Masonic rites will be conducted at the graveside, at Rosedale Cemetery. Criswell Funeral Home is in charge of funeral arrangements.

Mr. Higginbotham leaves seven daughters, Mrs. Ida Lee Dickey, Houston, Texas; Mrs. Nadine Wright, Chickasha; Mrs. Pauline Titus. Austin, Texas: Miss Betty Higginbotham, Denver, Colorado; Miss Dorothy Higginbotham, Durant; Mrs. Melody Davis. Oklahoma City; and Mrs. Kay Davis, Guthrie; a son, Robert L. Higginbotham, Grants, N. M.; a sister, Mrs. Myrtle Kennett, Ada, two brothers, Charlie and Shell Higginbotham, both of  Oklahoma City and 12 grandchildren.



The Ada Evening News 12/10/1963

Jack Walton Higginbotham (1924-1963) OK

Sulphur-Jack W. Higginbotham, 1705 West Wynnewood, building man for Dolese Plant, Big Spring, Tex., was fatally injured in an accident at the industrial plant Monday. He was 39, was born in Coleman, Okla., and moved to Sulphur from Coleman in 1947. He had worked for the Dolese Plant since then.

Services will be Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. in the Calvary Baptist Church of Sulphur, Dr. T.B. Ritzinger, officiating. Dunn Funeral Home is in charge of funeral arrangements. Interment will be in Oaklawn.

Mr. Higginbotham leaves the wife, Betty, a daughter, Jackie Lou Higginbotham, Sulphur; a son, Jerry Walton Higginbotham, Sulphur; his mother, Mrs. J. Higginbotham Miller, Sulphur; Five sisters, Mrs. Lillian Firquain, Ardmore; Mrs. Beulah Tipton, Oklahoma City; Mrs. Vearlene Burchett, Sulphur; Mrs. Jo Ann Sharp, and Mrs. Laurette Sharp, both of Elgin, Okla.; and two brothers, J.B. Higginbotham, Denison, Tex., and Earl Higginbotham, Buena Park, Calif.



The Daily Oklahoman 05/06/1964

Myrtle Akeman Higginbotham French (ca1887-1964) MO/OK

Edmond-Services for Mrs. Myrtle French, 77, will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in the First Baptist Church with burial in Gracelawn Cemetery directed by Baggerley Funeral Home. Mrs. French died Tuesday in a local nursing home.

Mrs. French was born in Missouri and was a long-time resident of Edmond. She was a member of the Eastern Star and the Baptist church.

Survivors include two sons, Russell Higginbotham, 444 NW 9, Oklahoma City, and Donald Higginbotham, Oakland, Calif.; two brothers, Gus J. Akeman, Cabool. Mo., and C.A. Akeman, Mountain Grove, Mo.



Stilwell Democrat Journal 06/18/1964
Philetas H. Higginbotham 1898-1964) MO/OK
Services are pending for P. H. Higginbotham of El Reno, who died this morning (Thursday). He is the brother of W. C. Higginbotham of Stilwell.


The Ada Evening News 06/22/1964

???? Peters Higginbotham (????-1964) OK

Mrs. H.C. Higginbotham, Wewoka, sister of Jess L. Peters, 123 East Fifteenth, died at 7:30 p.m. Monday in Polyclinic Hospital, Oklahoma City.

She is known to a number of Ada folk, having visited in the Peters home on many occasions.

Funeral arrangements will be announced.



The Daily Oklahoman 11/02/1964

Charles M. Higginbotham (1884-1964) OK

Charles M. Higginbotham, 80, of 624 SW 4, died Sunday in St. Anthony Hospital. Services will be at 10 a. m. Tuesday in Hunter Funeral Home, with burial in Resthaven Cemetery.

A 38 year resident of Oklahoma City, Higginbotham was a retired employee of Kerr's Department Store. He had been a violin appraiser and repairman for the past 15 years. He was a member of Siloam Lodge.

Survivors include his wife, Annie; two daughters, Mrs. Velma Morgan, 123 NW 9, and Mrs. Lucille Green, Inglewood, Calif.; son, M. L. Higginbotham, Muskogee; a brother, S. T., Oklahoma City, and a sister, Mrs. Myrtle Kinnett, Ada.



The Ada Evening News 08/03/1965

Lola Higginbotham Hardin (1873-1965) CA/OK

Mrs. Lola Hardin, resident at the Jan Frances Nursing Home, died Monday ion a local hospital. She was born in Sacramento. Calif., Nav. 15, 1873 to Samuel and Jane Castleberry Higginbotham, and moved to Ada from Ardmore in 1895. She had resided in this community for 70 years.

She and M.A. “Bone” Hardin were married in Ardmore in1899. He died in Ada in 1938. Mrs. Hardin was a charter member of the First Methodist Church.

Survivors include five daughters, Mrs. Hicks Smith, Ada, Mrs. Robert White, Chickasha, Mrs. J.Y. McAlester, Sherman, Tex., Mrs. Harry A. Scott, Cleveland, Tex., Mrs. Hal Plummer, Detroit, Mich.; a sister, Mrs. Lula Barnett, Ada; 12 grandchildren, 38 great-grandchildren, and five great-great-grandchildren.

Services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday in the Smith Funeral Home Chapel. Rev. Herman Ging, pastor of the First Methodist Church, will officiate. Hoover Scott, Florian Smith, Bill Scott, Richard Scott, Hicks Smith, Jr. and Billy Bryan will be casket bearers. Interment will be in Rosedale Cemetery.



The Ada Evening News 06/23/1967

Rodney Dean Heginbotham (1967-1967) OK

Rodney Dean Heginbotham, 4-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heginbotham, Tulsa, died Thursday in Oklahoma City. Graveside services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Saturday by the Rev. Lester Barker at Byrd's Prairie Cemetery, Tupelo, Smith Funeral Home in Charge of arrangements.

Mr. and Mrs. Heginbotham have another son, Royden, and daughter, Karla Denise, both of the home. Grandparents of the children are Mr. and Mrs. William Elmer Heginbotham, Perkins, Okla., and Mr. and Mrs. Riley Harmon, Tupelo.



The (Idaho Falls, ID) Post-Register 06/08/1968

Barbara Higginbotham White (1924-1968) ID/OK

Former City Resident Dies

Bartlesville, Okla., Aug. 5-Former resident of Idaho Falls until the past two years, Barbara Higginbotham White, 43, died following a lingering illness Saturday in Bartlesville.

Mrs. White was born in Idaho Falls Aug. 29, 1924, the daughter of Orland and Grace Higginbotham. She received her elementary and high school education in Idaho Falls and attended Brigham Young University, graduating with a degree in clothing and textiles. While attending BYU she was a member of Lambda Delta Sigma organization. She served an LDS mission in Colorado and also served as a WAVE in the U.S. Navy during World War II.

She was married Aug. 14, 1953, in the Idaho Falls Temple to Glen H. White.

Surviving besides the widower are five children: Craig, 14; Jill, 12; Kirk H., 10; Roger, 9; and John, 7. Also surviving is a brother, Kenneth Higginbotham of Twin Falls.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Ucon LDS Ward. Bishop Raymond Hill will officiate.

Friends may call at the Church Relief Society Room from 11 a.m. until time of services Wednesday.



The Ada Evening News 05/11/1969

Lula Higginbotham Barnett (1871-1969) CA/OK

Mrs. Lula Barnett, 97, 815 N. Country Club Road, Ada, died Friday in an Ada nursing home. Services will be at 10 a.m. Monday in the Smith Funeral Chapel. The Rev. Herman Ging will conduct the services and burial will be in Oakdale Cemetery.

Mrs. Barnett was born in Sacramento, Calif., July 8, 1871, daughter of Samuel Higginbotham and Jane Castleberry Higginbotham. She came to Ada about 69 years ago from Pauls Valley.

Mrs. Barnett had been a member of the First united Methodist Church of Ada 69 years. She was a charter member of the Ada Chapter, Order of Eastern Star.

Survivors include a son, Chisholm, San Angelo, Tex.; a granddaughter, Mrs. R.M. Speer Jr., Dallas; and six grandchildren.

Casket bearers will be Hicks Smith Jr., Will Rollow Jr., Floyd Haynes, Richard Scott, Yandell Lane and Joe Bryan Jr.



Lubbock Avalanche-Journal 04/20/1972

Lois Tulior Brilew Higginbotham (1899-1972) IL/OK

Mrs. Higginbotham Rites Set Saturday

Services are set for 1:30 p.m. Saturday in the El Reno First Baptist Church for Mrs. Lois Higginbotham, 72, of El Reno, Okla., who died about 12:40 p.m. Wednesday in St. Mary’s Hospital.

Burial will be in El Reno Cemetery under direction of Wilson Funeral Home of El Reno. Local arrangements were under direction of Rix Funeral Directors.

A native of Mason County, Ill., Mrs. Higginbotham moved to El Reno in 1901 and taught school there for several years.

She was married to P. H. Higginbotham in El Reno in 1922 and she was a member of the First Baptist Church in El Reno.

Survivors include a son, Phillip of 4908 43rd St.; a daughter Mrs. Herbert E. Little of 4908 43rd St.; a sister, Mrs. Pearl Hirsch of El Reno, Okla.; and one grandchild.

The family requests that memorials made be in the form of contributions to St. Luke's Methodist Church.



The Daily Oklahoman 06/07/1976

Robert Lee Higginbotham (1923-1976) OK/WY

Higginbotham Funeral Today

ADA - Services for Robert Lee Higginbotham, 53, of Casper, Wyo., formerly of Ada, will be at 2 p. m. Monday at Criswell Funeral Home with burial in Rosedale Cemetery. He died Thursday at Casper.

Born in Ada, Higginbotham was an East Central Oklahoma State University graduate. He had worked in the personnel and labor relations department for Kerr-McGee Co. and had lived in Casper the last three years.

Survivors include his wife, Doris; three daughters, Mrs. Christi Smith, Bixby; Mrs. Laurie Jones, Casper, and Mrs. Becky Hegrenes, Oklahoma City, and seven sisters.



The Paris (TX) News 03/03/1978

Cull Jefferson Higginbotham (1904-1978) OK

Hugo, Okla.-Cull Jefferson Higginbotham, 74, of Unger died Thursday in Antlers.

Services are pending with Coffey Funeral Home of Hugo.

Mr. Higginbotham was born Jan. 11, 1904, in Boswell. He lived in Choctaw County all his life. He married Maggie Tucker in Soper in 1924.

Survivors are his wife; one son, Donald Higginbotham of Boswell; three daughters, Mrs. Jeneva Clark and Mrs. Jean Rouch, both of Boswell, and Mrs. Faye Farmer of Denver, Colo.; one brother, Buster Higginbotham of Boswell; one sister, Lola Monck Hill of Boswell; 11 grandchildren; and 14 great-grandchildren.



The Paris (TX) News 09/06/1978

Franklin Higginbotham (1928-1978) OK

Bennington Woman Jailed for Shooting

Hugo, Okla.-A 27-year-old Bennington woman was being held in Choctaw County Jail in connection with a second degree murder charge involving a shooting incident at the Mother’s Gold Mine tavern at Boswell early Monday, Choctaw County sheriff’s officers said.

Mrs. Sherlin Krebbs, 27, was reported in Choctaw County custody in connection with the shooting death of Franklin Higginbotham, 50, of Boswell.

Higginbotham was reported shot twice with a .22 caliber revolver, sheriff’s officers said. The shooting apparently stemmed from a disagreement in the bar, officers reported.

Higginbotham died at Choctaw County Hospital after apparently going into shock, officers said.

Mrs. Krebbs was arrested by Choctaw officers at the scene. She was later arraigned before Associate District Judge Ralph Jenner and bond was set at $10,000.



The Paris News 02/10/1982

Eric Neal Higginbotham (1979-1982) OK

Hugo, Okla.-Eric Neal Higginbotham, 2, of Rt. 2, Hugo, Okla., died in Dallas Monday, Feb. 8, in Parkland Memorial Hospital.

Funeral services were set for Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the Clayton Avenue Baptist Church with the Rev. Dean Young officiating. Burial will following Mount Olivet Cemetery under the direction of Lampton-Mills Funeral Home.

He was born Aug. 18, 1979 in Hugo, Okla., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Higginbotham.

Survivors include one sister, Chrisan Higginbotham, of the home; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Higginbotham, of Hugo, Okla.; Mrs. Bobbye Cazzell, of Hugo, Okla.; two great-grandparents, Robert Browning, of Calif.; and Sara Buchanan, of Mississippi.



The Daily Oklahoman 08/18/1984

Annie Mae ???? Higginbotham (1884-1984) OK

Higginbotham, Annie Mae, 100, of OKC, died Aug. 16, 1984. She was a homemaker. Survived by 2 daughters, Velma Morgan and Lucille Green, both of OKC; 3 grandchildren, 4 great-grandchildren, and 3 great-great grandchildren. Services will be 2pm Saturday, graveside at Resthaven Memory Gardens. Under the direction of Capitol Hill Funeral Home.



The Paris News 01/03/1990

Walter K. Higginbotham (1914-1990) OK

Hugo, Okla.-W.K. (Buster) Higginbotham, 75, of Boswell, Okla., died Monday, Jan. 1, at McCuistion Medical Center.

Services will be held Thursday, Jan. 4, at 2:30 p.m. in the First Baptist Church of Boswell with the Rev. Van Wade and the Rev. James Sealy officiating. Lampton-Mills and Coffey Funeral Home will make burial in Restland Cemetery at Boswell.

Mr. Higginbotham was born March 16, 1914, in Boswell, a son of Jasper N. and Mary E. Darnell Higginbotham. He married Essie King on Feb. 9, 1935, in Hugo. He was a retired farmer and rancher.

Surviving are his wife; one sister, Lola Mock Hill of Boswell, and a number of nieces and nephews.



The Paris (TX) News 11/11/1993

Essie Louise Foster Higginbotham (1915-1993) OK

Hugo, Okla.-Essie Louise Higginbotham, 78, of Boswell, died Wednesday, Nov. 10, at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Health Center in Paris, Texas.

Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 12, at Boswell First Baptist Church with the Rev. van Wade and the Rev. Dean Young officiating. Burial will be made in Restland Cemetery in Boswell under the direction of Lampton-Mills and Coffey Funeral Home. The family will receive friends from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born Jan. 26, 1915, in Irvin, a daughter of John Foster and Louise Shoemate Foster. She married Walter K. “Buster” Higginbotham on Feb. 9, 1935, in Hugo. He preceded her in death on Jan. 1, 1990. A homemaker, she was a member of the Pentecostal Holiness Church.

Survivors include one brother, Wilbur R. King of Soper; two sisters, Ethel May Upton of Gridley, Calif., and Evelyn Pate of Soper.



The Daily Oklahoman 03/31/1994

Annie Mae Graham Higginbotham (1926-1994) TX/OK

Ann, 67, born May 15, 1926 at Lubbock, Tx., died March 29, 1994 in OKC, Ok. Ann was a member of Asbury United Methodist Church. She is survived by her husband, Willis Higginbotham of the home; children, Cynthia Ann and husband, Richard Ball of Tulsa, Ok., Walter Dan and wife, Deborah Higginbotham of Wheaton, Il. and Willis Edwin and wife, Susan Higginbotham of OKC, Ok.; 7 grandchildren; and many other relatives and friends. Services will be 4:00 p.m. Friday at the South Colonial Chapel with interment at Resthaven Cemetery.



Tulsa World 01/30/1998

Robert Emmet Higginbotham (1911-1998) IN/OK 

HIGGINBOTHAM-- Robert Emmet, born August 8, 1911 in Van Buren, IN, died at St. Francis Hospital on January 28, 1998 after a brief illness. He was the son of Robert Paul Higginbotham and Nora Hehir Higginbotham. He lived in Tulsa for more than 70 years. He graduated from Holy Family High School in 1927. He received his bachelor's degree from St. Benedict's College in Atchison, KS and his law degree from the University of Tulsa Law School. During his career he worked for Texaco, Williams Brothers Pipeline, OMR Pipeline and Sunray; he retired as comptroller from Explorer Pipeline in 1976. He was one of the founding members of the Church of the Madalene parish and more recently was a member of St. Mary's Catholic parish. He was a member of the National Association of Cost Accountants and the Madalene Men's Club. He is survived by: his wife of 57 years, Alice Mowrey Higginbotham of Franciscan Villa; a daughter and son-in-law, Anne and Gabriel Nardi of Morgantown, WV; a son and daughter-in-law, Stephen and Janet Higginbotham of Biloxi, MS and 4 grandchildren, Gabriel Nardi, Jr. of Miami, FL, Mary Elizabeth Nardi Micucci of Chicago, Anne Marie Nardi of Cincinnati and Michael Nardi of Morgantown. He was preceded in death by his brother, Raymond Higginbotham. Rosary 7 p.m., Friday, Fitzgerald's Ivy Chapel. Mass of Christian Burial 10 a.m., Saturday, Church of St. Mary. Entombment Calvary Mausoleum. In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be made to Tulsa Catholic Charities. The Fitzgerald Funeral Service, 585-1151.



Tulsa World 05/26/1998

Alice Mowrey Higginbotham (1910-1998) PA/OK

HIGGINBOTHAM-- Alice Mowrey , born March 2, 1910 in St. Mary's, PA, died at Franciscan Villa on May 25, 1998. She was a Registered Nurse and homemaker, widow of Robert E. Higginbotham and the daughter of Walter Cleveland Mowrey and Anna Kreckel Mowrey. She lived in Tulsa more than 50 years. She received her nursing diploma from Flower Fifth Avenue Hospital in New York City and was one of the founding professional staff members of Doctor's Hospital in New York City. In Tulsa she was one of the founding members of the Church of the Madalene Parish and was a long time member of the Madalene Women's Club. She is survived by: a daughter and son-in-law, Anne and Gabriel Nardi of Morgantown, WV; a son and daughter-in-law, Stephen and Janet Higginbotham of Biloxi, MS; 4 grandchildren, Gabriel Nardi, Jr. of Miami, FL, Mary Elizabeth Nardi Micucci of Chicago, IL, Anne Marie Nardi of Cincinnati, OH and Michael Nardi of Morgantown, WV; and a sister, Gladys Mowrey Grosser of St. Mary's, PA. She was preceded in death by her brother, Walter Mowrey and sister, Helenmae Grove. Rosary 7 p.m., Wednesday, May 27, 1998, Fitzgerald Ivy Chapel. Mass of Christian Burial 10 a.m., Thursday, May 28, 1998, Church of the Madalene. Entombment Calvary Mausoleum. In lieu of flowers the family requests that donations be made to Tulsa Catholic Charities. The Fitzgerald Funeral Service, phone: 585-1151.



The Durant Daily Democrat 01/12/1999
Naoma Beatrice Davis Higginbotham (1912-1999) OK
Graveside funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, at Resthaven Memory Gardens Cemetery in Oklahoma City for Naoma Beatrice (Davis) Higginbotham, 86, of Oklahoma City. The Rev. Sam Broughton will officiate Mrs. Higginbotham died Monday, Jan. 11, 1999, in Stillwater.
The daughter of Ben Marion and Dillie (Brown) Davis, she was born Nov. 17, 1912 in McKinney, Texas she was raised in Calera and graduated from Calera High School in 1932.
She was a former employee of Kerrs, Halliburton's and retired from John A. Brown Company.
She married Otis Eugene Higginbotham in 1934.
She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, American Business Women's Association, Baptist Temple Telephone Sunday School and Church.
Mrs. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her parents, her husband and daughter Judith Paulyne Marcum.
Arrangements are under the direction of Havenbrook Funeral Home of Norman.



The Paris (TX) News 11/01/1999

R. L. Higginbotham (1923-1999) OK

Hugo, Okla.-R.L. Higginbotham, 76, died Saturday, Oct. 30, 1999, in Paris.

Services will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 2, at First Baptist Church with the Rev. Doug McClure and the Rev. Mutt Wallace officiating. Prater-Lampton-Mills and Coffey Funeral Home will make burial in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Visitation will be from 7-8 p.m. Monday at the funeral home.

He had served on the Farm Bureau for Red River Co-Op Board and Hugo School Board and was a building contractor for over 50 years.

Surviving are his wife, Bonnie Faye; sons, Richard Higginbotham and wife Jan of Hugo and Wayne Higginbotham and wife Mollie of Hugo; six grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.



Enid News & Eagle 12/17/2001
Diana Sue Doctor Higginbotham (1945-2001) KS/OK

ALVA - Wake for Diana S. Higginbotham, 56, will be at 7 p.m. today in the home of George and Sandy Foote. The funeral will be 2 p.m. Tuesday in First Christian Church. Dr. Larry Haney will officiate. Burial will be in Union Center Cemetery.
Arrangements are by Marshall Funeral Home. The casket will remain closed at the church.
She was born July 2, 1945, in Hardtner, Kan., to Ray "Doc" and Doris Doctor, and died Saturday, Dec. 15, 2001, at St. Anthony's Hospital, Oklahoma City.
She graduated from Alva High School in 1963 and earned a bachelor's degree in business from Northwestern Oklahoma State University.
In 1968, she married David Bouziden. They lived near Ashland, where they farmed and ranched. She worked as executive secretary to the administrator in Woodward Hospital for 12 years.
On Aug. 1, 1992, she married Joe Higginbotham at Alva. They lived in New York City and Memphis, Tenn., before moving to Oklahoma City in 1995. While in Memphis, she was a full-time Volunteer at St. Jude's Children's Hospital.
Surviving are her husband, Joe of Oklahoma City; one son, Rhett Bouziden of Oklahoma City; one daughter, Leslie Bouziden of Ashland, Kan.; her mother, Doris Healan of Alva; one brother, Doug Doctor of Alva; one half-brother, John Noffsinger of Denver; and one grandson.
Memorials may be made through the funeral home.



Daily Ardmoreite 05/24/2002

Shirley A. Higginbotham Keeton (1947-2002) OK
Services for Shirley A. Keeton, 54, will be at 2 p.m. today, May 24, 2002, at Griffin Funeral Home chapel with the Rev. Donny Custar officiating. Interment will be at Rose Hill Cemetery.
Born Nov. 14, 1947, in Ardmore to Cecil B. and Rachel V. Brooks Higginbotham, Mrs. Keeton died May 22, 2002, at the local hospital.
She had lived in Ardmore all her life and was a member of Emmanuel Baptist Church. She and Winston Keeton were married in Gainesville, Texas. She was preceded in death by her parents; and a son, Mitchell Keeton.
Survivors include her husband, Winston, of the home; three sons, Rusty, Gary and Joe Keeton, and a daughter, Jackie Burkhart, all of Ardmore; three brothers, Tony Higginbotham of Garland, Texas, Butch Higginbotham of Dallas, and Joe Higginbotham of Ardmore; two sisters, Ruby Lancaster of Sulphur, and Edna Day of Ardmore; 12 grandchildren, among them, Dalton and Brittany; and two great-grandchildren.
Bearers will be Don Flanagan, Larry Scott, Alan Blanton, Jimmy Oxley, Russell Philpot and Danny Blanton.



The Daily Oklahoman 07/18/2002

Willis Reeves Higginbotham (1926-2002) TX/OK

HIGGINBOTHAM Willis Reeves, 75, of OKC, passed away July 15, 2002. He was born Dec. 29, 1926 in Flomont, TX to Willis and Mary Higginbotham. He proudly served his country in the Army through WWII during the occupation of Japan. He graduated Texas Tech University with a degree in Chemical Engineering, later working for Phillips Petro. Co. for 35 years before retiring. On August 28, 1948, Willis married Annie Mae Graham, and started their family. He loved music and singing in the choir at Asbury Methodist Church where he was a member for many years. He is preceded in death by his wife and parents. He is survived by daughter Cynthia Ball and husband Richard of Tulsa; sons: Walter and wife Debbie of Chicago, IL, and Edwin and wife Susan of Piedmont; 3 brothers: Vernon, Walter, and Glen of Lubbock, TX; sisters: Mildred Sinclair of Irving, TX and Vernell Johnson of Midland, TX; 7 grandchildren; 1 great grandson; numerous nieces, nephews, and many special friends. Services will be held Fri., July 19, 2002 at 10:00 AM. Interment will follow at Resthaven Memory Gardens. VONDEL L. SMITH & SON MORTUARY 6934 S. Western 634-1439




Sylvia May Higinbotham Harris (1912-2002) OK

Sylvia M. Harris, retired nurse's aide, died August 30, 2002 after a sudden illness. She was 90. She was born Feb. 12, 1912 at Fairland to John Higinbotham and Lottie (Blalack) Higinbotham. She was proud of her Cherokee heritage. She worked as a housekeeper for several years, and as a nurse's aide at Baptist Regional Health Center in Miami for 17 years. She married John "Bud" Harris, Jr. on September 4, 1931. He preceded her in death on November 22, 1951. She was a lifetime member of First Assembly of God Church in Fairland, where she still faithfully attended. She is survived by: five daughters, Retha Jean Gabriel and Margie Fay Casey, both of Grove, Shirley Ann DeLong and Delores Mae Artherton and husband, Richard, all of Bouse, Ariz., and Norma Lee Redington of Miami; a brother, Ralph Higinbotham, of Seneca; two sisters and their husbands, Belva and Jack Crafton of Fairland, and Wanda and Alfred Anderson of Freeport, Texas; nine grandchildren; five step-grandchildren; 21 great grandchildren and five great-great grandchildren. A funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, September 3, at First Assembly of God Church in Fairland with Rev. Jackie Crafton, Jr., and Rev. Robert Jackson officiating. Burial followed at Hickory Grove Cemetery. Pallbearers were Jack Manning, Kenneth Whisner, Jackie Crafton, Jim Bryant, Charles Griffin, Roger Selsor, and Keith Hinson. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that donations be made to the American Heart Association, in care of the funeral home. Arrangements were provided by Adcock Funeral Home of Fairland. 



Enid News and Eagle 12/02/2003

Viola Margaret Pennington Higginbotham (1914-2003)
ALVA - A private family burial for Viola M. Higginbotham, 89, will be Wednesday morning. A memorial service will be 2 p.m. Wednesday in First United Methodist Church. Weegie Williams, pastor, will officiate. Arrangements are by Marshall Funeral Home.
She was born Oct. 5, 1914, on a farm south of Pleasant Hill, Cass County, Mo., to Albert Ernest and Hattie May Allum Pennington and died Monday, Dec. 1, 2003, at Share Convalescent Center in Alva.
She graduated from high school and worked at Walbart's Variety Store for 10 years. On Feb. 25, 1940, she married Harvey E. Higginbotham at Alva. The couple moved to Sweeney and Midland, Texas, where he worked as a petroleum engineer. In 1949, they returned to Alva and operated Texaco Service Center, a mobile home towing service and wrecker service until retirement. She obtained a bachelor's degree from Northwestern Oklahoma State College. She was an active member of First United Methodist Church and was a past president of Women's Society of Christian Service of the church. She was a member of National Honor Society, Delta Zeta Sorority, 20th Century Club, Iris Garden Club and an organization of women known as The Campers. She was awarded two national service awards.
Surviving are one son, John of Oklahoma City; one daughter, Suzanne Kurth of Angleton, Texas; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her husband on Jan. 31, 1989, and four brothers.
Memorials may be made through the funeral home to St. Judes Children's Research Hospital.



Lawton Constitution 12/11/2003
Rose Donnie Higginbotham Whitten (1906-2003) OK
BERTRAM, Texas — Graveside service for former Cyril resident Rose Donnie Higginbotham Whitten, 97, Bertram, Texas, will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Fairview Cemetery with the Rev. Sara Bodenstein, pastor, Apache First United Methodist Church, officiating.
Mrs. Whitten died Monday, Dec. 8, 2003.
Arrangements are by Crews Funeral Home.
She was born May 20, 1906, in Cordell, to Ira Walker and Martha Elizabeth "Snider" Higginbotham. She married Clifton Whitten on June 4, 1936, in Sayre. They lived in Cyril, where she was the city clerk. He died Oct. 18, 1963.
Survivors include three sisters-in-law: Olivia Higginbotham, Lois Higginbotham and Mildred Higginbotham; 11 nieces; Agie Lee Higginbotham, Ann Morse, Helen Marie, Sue Beaver, Nancy Boykin, Linda Murdock, Jane Jorgenson, Sandy Fischer, Judy Carroll, Linda Drapp and Sharon Cain; two
nephews: Jerry Higginbotham and David Higginbotham; and many great-nieces and nephews.


Sulphur Times-Democrat 04/19/2004

Charles Douglas Higginbotham II (1935-2004) OK

Services for Charles D. Higginbotham, 68, Tryon, will be held Saturday, April 17, 2004 at 2:00 p.m. at the Tryon First Assembly of God Church. Interment will be at 10:00 p.m. at Drake Cemetery with Hahn-Cook, Street and Draper Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Born May 11, 1935 to Charles Douglas and Alpha Odell (Brewer) Higginbotham in Morgan, he died at his home on Monday, April 12. He served in the United States Marines Corps during the Korean conflict and was a 32nd degree Mason and past Worshipful Master of the Chandler Masonic Lodge #58. He is survived by children Charlis Dee Higginbotham-Tharp; Charles D. Higginbotham, Jr.; his wife, Sherry; three grandchildren, Cameron Higginbotham, Aubri Tharp and Will Morgan Tharp; a brother, Don Higginbotham; a sister, Donna Goike; his stepmother, Beryl Hall and her husband, Tom, a special friend, Mary Ann Hemmingson. He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, Rona, of 39 years; and son-in-law, Gene Tharp.


The Norman Transcript 02/24/2005

Dorothy C. Higginbotham (1927-2005) OK
Dorothy C. Higginbotham, 77, of Norman died Tuesday, Feb. 22, from complications of heart surgery in Oklahoma City. A rosary service will be at 7 p.m. today at Havenbrook Funeral Home Chapel in Norman. Mass of Christian burial will be at 10 a.m. Friday at St. Joseph Catholic Church with the Rev. Edward Menasco officiating. Burial will be 2:30 p.m. Friday at Rosedale Cemetery in Ada. Havenbrook Funeral Home in Norman is handling arrangements. Dr. Higginbotham was born March 4, 1927, in Ada, to Lee and Louise (Berntsen) Higginbotham. She attended Ada Public Schools and graduated from East Central State University. She received a Ph.D. from Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. Early in her career she taught at Beggs High School and Duncan High School. After receiving her doctorate she taught communication and language development at Southeastern State University in Durant, Southern Illinois University in Carbondale and the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Higginbotham was associate dean emeritus of the College of Arts and Sciences at OU. She served on the OU Credit Union Board. She volunteered as a docent at the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History after she retired. She was an active member of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Norman and served on many committees. Dr. Higginbotham was preceded in death by her parents; sister Pauline; and brothers Clifton, Benny and Bob. Dr. Higginbotham is survived by her sisters Idalee Dickey of Houston, Nadine Wright of Norman, Betty Sealman of Denver, Melody Kruger and husband Noel of Oklahoma City and Kay Davis and husband Frank of Guthrie; and many nieces, nephews, grandnephews and grandnieces. Memorial contributions may be sent to St. Joseph Catholic Church, 211 N. Porter Ave., Norman, OK 73071 or the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History (325-4712).



The Paris (TX) News 06/28/2005

Maggie E. Tucker Higginbotham (1904-2005) OK

HUGO, Okla. — Maggie Higginbotham, 100, of Boswell, Okla., died Monday, June 27, 2005. Funeral services are set for 2 p.m. Friday, July 1, at Jesus Name Pentecostal Church in Boswell, Okla. Interment follows in Restland Cemetery under the direction of Prater-Lampton-Mills & Coffey Funeral Home. The family receives friends from 6 to 7 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home.



Ada Evening News 11/01/2005

Doris Ross Higginbotham (1926-2005) OK/TX

ARLINGTON, Texas - Services for Doris Higginbotham, 79, Arlington, formerly of Ada, Okla., are 2 p.m. Wednesday at Criswell Funeral Home Chapel, Ada, Father Bill Stanford officiating. Burial follows at Rosedale Cemetery.
Mrs. Higginbotham died Oct. 30, 2005, at an assisted living center at Arlington. She was born Jan. 25, 1926, at Ada, to Albert S. and Viola Bumgarner Ross. She lived in the Ada area all her life, attending school at Horace Mann and graduating from Ada High School. She received a degree in home economics from East Central University, Ada, and attended other various real estate schools to obtain her real estate brokers license.
She married Robert L. Higginbotham Jan. 24, 1948, at Oklahoma City, Okla. He died June 3, 1976, at Casper, Wyo. Mrs. Higginbotham was the owner of Higginbotham Reality, Casper, for 30 years. She was the president of Casper Board of Realtors, and a member of the Casper MLS. Mrs. Higginbotham was an elder at the First Presbyterian Church, Casper.
Survivors include her three daughters, Becky Kubiak and husband Buddy, Arlington, Kristy Smith and husband Dr. Mike Smith, Tulsa, Okla.; and Laurie Mitchell and partner Ray Chaney, McKinney, Texas; grandchildren, David Hegranes, Carla Stanford, Roxanne Mitchell, Russell Mitchell, Derrick Smith and Austin Smith; great-grandchildren, Kira Greene, Spencer Hegranes, Harley Hegranes, Stone Hegranes, Tori Carmack-Stanford, Ariel Carmack-Stanford, Lexi Stanford and Lindsey Tatum.
Bearers are Mike Smith, Derrick Smith, Russell Mitchell, Ray Chaney, Bruce Wright and David Hegranes.
Criswell Funeral Home, Ada, Okla.


Duncan Banner 08/06/2006

Patty Wilson Higginbotham (1947-2006) OK
COMANCHE — Patty “Susie” Higginbotham, 58, died Friday, Aug. 4, 2006 in Meridian Nursing Home.
Graveside service will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in Woolsey Cemetery, east of Comanche.
Susie was born Nov. 23, 1947 in Duncan, to Alvis and Beth Wilson. Susie and Thomas Higginbotham were united in marriage May, 1981 in Houma, La.
She was a member of Countryside Baptist Church and Meridian Trail Blazers. Susie worked at Delta Community Action as center director.
Survivors include a son, Terral Rather; a daughter, Tyree Brown; a stepdaughter, Cheryl Parfait of Houma; and two brothers, Tom Wilson and Tim Wilson.
Susie was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas, in February of 2006; her parents and a stepson, Thomas Higginbotham.



The Herald Democrat 10/30/2008

Oleta Marie Elms Higginbotham (1935-2008) TX

SHERMAN - Oleta Higginbotham, 73, of Sherman died Monday, Oct. 27, 2008 at Texoma Medical Center in Denison. Services will be 2 p.m. Thursday at Dalton-Holmes Funeral Home Chapel in Durant with Rev. James Keaton officiating. Interment will follow at Restland Cemetery in Boswell, Okla. Surviving are her daughters, Deborah Bates of Denison, Donna Vansickle, Tammie Souther and Liz Holmes, all of Sherman, and Susan Brunk of Denison; 11 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.



Ada Evening News 12/29/2008

Donald Keith Higginbotham (1928-2008) OK/IL

Higginbotham, Donald Keith, 70, of Rochelle, Illinois, died at his step-daughter’s Blackman Township, Michigan, home on Christmas Day. Survivors include his wife, E. Marie Higginbotham; two children, Donnie Gene Higginbotham, Sulphur, Okla., and Lori Ann Thomas of Kansas; four stepchildren; Earl E. (Linda) Beck and Lori Ann (George) Bryant, all of Illinois, Larry Wayne (Stella) Beck of Montana and Tina Marie (Mark) Morrow of Michigan; eight grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and his stepsister Donna. He was preceded in death by an infant son. Mr. Higginbotham was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and a retiree of the Burlington Northern Railroad. At his request cremation has taken place. Memorial Services will be held at the Coulon-Lyons Funeral Home in Rochelle, Illinois at a later date. Condolences may be expressed to the family at www.adaeveningnews.com. Coulon-Lyons Funeral Home, Rochelle, Illinois.




Delpha D. Higginbotham Miller (1927-2010) TX/OK

Delpha D. (Dee Dee) Miller, Resident of Ponca City, passed away Sunday, March 14, 2010 at the Ponca City Nursing Home. She was 82. She was born on Friday, November 18, 1927 to Fred Higginbotham and Pruda May Roberson in Duffau, Texas. She married J.H. Miller on May 29, 1948. They moved to Ponca City in 1954. Delpha volunteered for Hospice for many years and was an active member of St. Paul's United Methodist Church in Ponca City. She enjoyed her outdoor gardening and especially enjoyed being with her family and friends. She is survived by her husband J.H. Miller, married 61 years; daughters: Fran LaMar and husband Gary LaMar of Vacaville, CA, Vicki Dill of Stillwell, OK; grandchildren: Marc Kinzie and Susie, Chris Kinzie and Cara, Nicole Ponce, Ryan Savage and wife Adrianne; great-grandchildren: Morgan Kinzie, Garret Reynolds, Tyler LaMar, Isaac Ponce, Luciano Ponce, Wyatt Savage, Kendall Savage; and numerous nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her parents Fred and May Higginbotham; 2 sisters: Hazel Smith and Dorothy Estrada; 2 brothers: Cecil Higginbotham, and Garland Higginbotham. Service held graveside Friday, March 19, 2010 at Longwood Cemetery with the Rev. Robert Montgomery, Associate Pastor of St. Paul's United Methodist Church, officiating. Information provided by and arrangements are under the direction of Trout Funeral Home & Crematory.



The Oklahoman 03/29/2009

Beulah Bell Higginbotham Tipton Meyers (1930-2009) OK

Beulah Bell (Tipton) Meyers, age 78, went to be with her Lord and Savior on Friday, March 27, 2009 at her home in Oklahoma City. She was born March 31, 1930 at Boggy Depot, OK to Embrey and Josie (Strutton) Higginbotham and grew up at Coleman, OK. She attended Coleman Schools, and, after marriage, lived much of her younger adult life in various towns in Southeast Oklahoma. She moved with her family to Del City in 1962 and lived there until moving to her present home in 1985. Beulah worked for several years for Rosebud Cleaners and later for the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety. She was a member of Calvary Church of the Nazarene. She was preceded in death by her parents her first husband, Earnie Tipton three brothers, J.B., Jack and Earl as well as one sister, Lillian. Survivors include her husband, Harry (Hubcap) Meyers, of the home and daughters, Carolyn Joy Greeson of Del City, Karen Lynn Riley and husband Mike of Del City, and Sharon Leeann Smith and husband Tim of Sanford, CO also by seven grandchildren: Patti, Melissa, Kasey, Kelly, Kerry, Patricia and Michael eight great- grandchildren and three sisters: Vearlene Gallagher, JoAnn Sharp and Loretta Steward. In lieu of flowers the family asks that donations be made to the American Cancer Society in care of the funeral home. Visitation will be from 8am to 8pm on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at McNeil's Mustang Funeral Service, Mustang, OK. Services will be held at 2pm on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 at Calvary Church of the Nazarene in Oklahoma City, with interment following in Sunnylane Cemetery.



The Joplin Globe 11/20/2010

Steven Ray Higinbotham (1952-2010) CO/MO/OK

Mr. Steven Ray Higinbotham, age 58, formerly of Joplin, passed away Friday, November 19, 2010 at 4:20 AM at the Integris Grove Hospital. Steven was born on August 26, 1952 in Colorado Springs, CO. Mr. Higinbotham served his country in the US Army. Survivors include his sister Vickie Brixey of Jay, OK and a brother Brad Higinbotham of Joplin. Mr. Higinbotham has been taken for cremation with no further service at this time. Arrangements under the direction of the Simpson Funeral Home of Webb City.




Eulila Katherine Higginbotham (1923-2011) OK

(January 14, 1923 - January 14, 2011)

Eulila Katherine Higginbotham, 88, of Jay, OK, passed away Friday, January 14, 2011 peacefully at Integris Grove General Hospital in Grove, Ok. Eulila was born in Oklahoma City, OK on January 14, 1923 to Inthy (Purser) and Joseph Higginbotham. Eulila worked out of her home and enjoyed spending time with her family. Eulila is preceded in death by both of her parents, seven brothers, one sister, and one step-brother. Eulila is survived by three sisters; Maybelle Gibson, of Concord, CA, Imogene Riddle of Prairie Grove, AR, and Jessie Hartwell of Amarillo, TX, four brothers; JC Higginbotham of Amarillo, TX, Carl Lee Higginbotham of Amarillo, TX, Raymond Higginbotham of Reno, NV and Shelby Gene Higginbotham, of Amarillo, TX. Memorial services will be held at a later date.



Times Record 02/01/2011

Jester Herbert Higginbotham (1921-2011) TX/OK

PANAMA - Jester H. Higginbotham, 89, of Panama died Sunday, Jan. 30, 2011. He was born Nov. 8, 1921, in, Chatfield, Texas. He worked heavy construction on the pipe line. Funeral will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Solid Rock Pentecostal Church in Panama with burial at Shady Point Cemetery under the direction of Grace Manor Funeral Home in Poteau. He is survived by five daughters, Elizabeth Smith of Poteau, Vera Brown of Shady Point, Brenda Self of Cowlington, Okla., Pam Brown of Heavener and Denise Odeh of North Carolina; two sons, Jack Higginbotham of West Pittsburg, Calif., and Allen Brown of Oregon; and 18 grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Joel, Matt and Josh Smith, David Carson, Jerry Inman and Bill Tackett.



The Joplin Globe 02/12/2011

Billie Dean Martin Higginbotham (1930-2011) OK/CA

(May 24, 1930 - February 8, 2011)

FAIRLAND, OK-Billie Martin Higginbotham passed into the arms of her Lord on February 8, 2011. Born in Fairland, Oklahoma to William and Valera Belle (Brown) Martin and orphaned as a child, she was raised in the care of Sherman and Maggie Chappell and their three daughters. Working as a bookkeeper for many years, she dedicated the majority of her life to being a wife, mother and homemaker. Billie is survived by her husband, Richard V. Higginbotham; children Mike and Stefanie Higginbotham, Teena and Ken Shields and Lynne and Floyd Lollis; grandchildren Maggie, Andrew and Kadie Higginbotham and Travis an Rachelle Lollis; and great-grandchildren Ethan and Aidan Lollis; as well as two sisters, Frances Davis and Ruth Daneshmayah. She will be remembered and missed by numerous cousins, nieces, nephews and friends. The family is comforted in the belief that Billie is joyfully reunited with the loved ones that preceded her in death. Services will be held at 2:00 PM on Thursday, February 17, 2011 at the Fairland Assembly of God Church with Pastor Jackie Crafton officiating. Interment will follow at Fairland Cemetery. The family is grateful for the kindness and care of the Boice Funeral Home of Clovis, California and Cooper-Althouse Funeral Home of Miami, Oklahoma.




Augusta Lilly Allen Higginbotham (1914-2011) OK/TX

Graveside funeral services for Augusta L. Higginbotham, 96, of Robert Lee, Texas, formerly of Chickasha will be held Tuesday, October 25, 2011, at 10:30 a.m. in the Rose Hill Cemetery in Chickasha, Oklahoma. Augusta L. Allen Higginbotham was born November 19, 1914, in Union Hill, Oklahoma, the daughter of Dan R. Allen and Vicie Franks Allen. She died Saturday, October 22, 2011, in Robert Lee, Texas. Augusta grew up in the Chickasha area graduating from Chickasha High School in 1932. Later she went on to Hills Business College where she studied bookkeeping. She was a member of the Rebecca Lodge and also served in the Cradle Role Department at First Baptist Church in Chickasha. Later she was employed at Sears and Roebuck in Odessa, Texas, and was a member of the Robert Lee Baptist Church where she was in the T.E.L. class. In her spare time she enjoyed playing bingo, spending time with her family and cooking large meals. She married James Higginbotham on August 17, 1951, in Chickasha. She was preceded in death by both parents; husband James; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Dan and Vera Allen and Chester and Nelly Allen; three sisters and two brothers-in-law, Alice Allen, A.O. and Edna Hill, and Bill and Della Cogan; and two nephews, Mearl Allen and Chet Allen. Survivors include daughter Johnetta and Don Lawrence of Robert Lee, Texas; granddaughter Dana Rose of Midland, Texas; three grandsons and spouses, Lonnie and Janet Lawrence of Odessa, Texas, Lynn and Tammy Lawrence also of Odessa, Texas and Jonny and Myrna Miles of Midland, Texas; seven great-grandchildren; six great-great grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. The family would like to thank the staff at Robert Lee Care Center and Vista Care for their support throughout the years. Services are under the direction of Ferguson Funeral Home, Chickasha, Oklahoma.



Tulsa World 02/29/2012

Ardell Glynn Higginbotham (1939-2012) OK

Ardell Glynn Higginbotham, 72, of McAlester, died Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2012, in McAlester. Born Dec. 25, 1939, in Rock Creek, he was the son of Edgel Herman and Thelma (Hall) Higginbotham. He graduated from McAlester High School in 1958 and received a master's degree from the University of Oklahoma. He taught drama and art at high schools in Atoka, Tulsa and Stringtown. He was a member of McAlester First Baptist Church and the Corvette Club. Survivors include his friends, Les Hall and wife, Dorothy, of Eufaula, Natalie Dunn and husband, Kevin, of McAlester, Kim Thomas, of McAlester, Mike Thomas and wife, Pam, of McAlester, John David Crowl, Carly Dunn, Anna Dunn, Cole Thomas, Seth Thomas and Ken and Sue Curtis, and numerous cousins, other family and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, Edgel and Thelma Higginbotham. Graveside memorial services will be at 3 p.m. Thursday at Memory Gardens Memorial Park Cemetery in McAlester with Dr. Tim Russell officiating. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Bishop Funeral Service of McAlester. 



Evans Funeral Homes 04/19/2012

Lenora Alice Higginbotham Morsund (1933-2012) OK

Lenora A. Morsund, 78, of Poteau, OK passed away Wednesday, April 18, 2012 in Heavener, OK. Lenora was born August 20, 1933 in Cameron, OK to J.H. & Gussie (Sharp) Higginbotham. She was a homemaker. Lenora was preceded in death by her parents; and husband, John Morsund. She worked in the craft/fabric department at Walmart for over 20 years. She loved her family very much and her church family. She loved to read her Bible, finding strength from the scriptures. She loved nature and seeing the flowers bloom. Survivors include her daughters & son in law, Ruth Ann Morsund & Jerry Millsaps, Elizabeth Morsund of Poteau, OK; sons & daughters in law, Arthur & Keva Morsund of Clarksville, AR, John Lee & Kimberly Morsund of Duncan, OK; 7 grandchildren, Joshua & Amy Millsaps, Jeremy Millsaps of Juneau, AK, Kurt Morsund of Poteau, OK, Johnathan & Jatia Morsund, Anthony Morsund of Clarksville, AR, Ryan Lewis, Sierra Morsund of Duncan, OK; 7 great grandchildren, Jessica, Cody, Jade, Calvin Millsaps, Braeden, Spring Morsund, Easton Francis; brother & sister in law, Leroy & Karen Higginbotham of Haskell, OK; nephew, Warren Higginbotham of Oklahoma City, OK; niece, Barrie Higginbotham of Tulsa, OK; other relatives & loved ones; many beloved friends. Services will be 10 am, Monday, April 23, 2012 at Bethel Baptist Church, Wister, OK with Rev. Clyde Steelman officiating. Interment will be in Knothole/Fairhill Cemetery, Cameron, OK, Rev. Jerry Millsaps officiating at graveside. Memorial Contributions may be made to the Gideon's Int'l by calling the funeral home. The family will be at the funeral home on Sunday afternoon from 2-4 pm to visit with relatives & friends.



DeArman Funeral Home 06/13/2012

Ruby Virginia Higginbotham Lancaster (1939-2012) NM/OK

(October 26, 1939 - June 11, 2012)

Ruby Virginia Lancaster, a resident of Sulphur was born October 26, 1939 in Dexter, New Mexico to Cecil & Rachel (Brooks) Higginbotham. She passed away Monday June 11, 2012 at Sulphur, Oklahoma at the age of 72 years 7 months and 15 days. She was married to Don Lancaster in 1961. He preceded her in death in 2011. She grew up in Ardmore where she attended school. She had lived in Sulphur the past 42 years. She was preceded in death by her parents, a daughter Micki Lynn Sweeten, a sister Shirley Keeton. Survived by her Daughter: Roni Hardoin of Sulphur, OK. Sons: Brad Lancaster of Sulphur, OK. Barry Lancaster of Allen, OK. and Brian Lancaster of Mustang, OK. Brothers: Tony Higginbotham of Ardmore, OK. Joe Higginbotham of Norman, OK. and Butch Higginbotham of Fort Worth, TX. Sister: Edna Day of Sulphur, OK. 11 Grandchildren, 10 Great Grandchildren. Services will be 2:00PM Thursday June 14, at the DeArman's Clagg Funeral Chapel with Barry Lancaster officiating. Visitation will be from 3:00PM to 7:00PM Wednesday June 13 at DeArman's Clagg Funeral Home.



Wilson-Little Funeral Home 10/04/2013

James Melton Higginbotham (1929-2013) OK

(December 13, 1929 - September 29, 2013)

James Higginbotham, age 83 of Purcell, passed away Sunday, September 29, 2013, at the Sunset Estates Nursing Home. James was happily living in Purcell, Oklahoma for the last 21 years. Purcell has been good to us and we became easily accepted. Before that we lived at Ponca City, where James was supervisor of the tank farm at the Conoco Refinery for 17 years. During our 40 years with Conoco we made many company moves and they were very good to us. These moves took us to many adventurous places which seemed like sightseeing adventures. James was moved to Shattuck, Oklahoma in June 1949 by Conoco. That many years ago – we now see that God brought him to Shattuck for a reason. He helped my daddy so much and he was quickly loved by my parents and all the Schoenhals family. With all the good things God did for us and what we believe, James was welcomed by our parents on that Sunday afternoon, September 29, 2013 when he left this world. We were all with him and he was breathing nicely, and then stopped. Hospice was also with us so we were comfortable with these happenings. We definitely believe “everything happens for the best” as God says. James and Betty were the first couple to be married in the new Ebenezer Baptist Church in Shattuck on February 11, 1950, when it was moved from the country. The church wasn’t completed so they had folding chairs and very little else. All went so well. We left the church and moved to El Reno. We had two sons, Michael and Alan. And we claim Ginger, Alan’s wife who followed him with all his moves as he also worked for Conoco. Michael lives in Richmond, Virginia with our Grandson and Alan lives in Seguin, Texas, east of San Antonio. Alan and Ginger have one daughter, Jessica who lives in California with her husband and our three great granddaughters. We were going to the Johnson Road Baptist Church at Purcell. We again think God had a hand in this. As it happens, Preacher Brown, from Johnson Road Baptist Church went to ministerial school in New Orleans and his first church was a small county church outside Fargo, which is very near Shattuck. God’s planning for our life was the best. Funeral Services are scheduled for 2:00 P.M. Tuesday, October 1, 2013, at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Shattuck, OK under the direction of Carl Mason Funeral Home in Shattuck. Burial will follow at the Shattuck Memorial Cemetery. Local arrangements are by Wilson-Little Funeral Home in Purcell.



Star-Telegram 10/19/2014

Nora LaVerne "Noni" Higginbotham

Nora LaVerne "Noni" Higginbotham went to her heavenly home on Monday, Oct. 13, 2014, at a Ponca City, Okla., nursing home. Service: A memorial homecoming service will be at 11 a.m. Friday, Oct. 24, in Broadway Baptist Church's Fleming Chapel in Fort Worth. Pastor Brent Beasley will officiate. Noni was a great number of things to a great number of people: mother, grandmother, sister and friend. She brightened the lives of all she came in contact with. Survivors: Daughters, Patricia Hardy of Fort Worth and Marsha Goldman of Ponca City. Okla.; grandchildren, Sheri Holland and husband, Kenneth, of Fort Worth, Brian Hardy of Okmulgee, Okla., and Nicholas Goldman of Bartlesville, Okla.; great-grandchildren, Leandra Barley and husband, Dustin, of Fort Worth, Cristina Brewis of San Marcos, Billy Brewis of Fort Worth, D'Lanie Hardy of Fort Worth, Larry Holland of Fort Worth and Dexter Hardy of Fort Worth; great-great-grandchild, Brendon Barley of Fort Worth; brother, Robert Irwin and wife, Mary, of Broken Arrow, Okla.; and numerous nieces and nephews.



The Oklahoman 04/07/2015

Otis Eugene Higginbotham (1950-2015) OK

Nov 16, 1950 - April 2, 2015

OKLAHOMA CITY Otis Eugene "Butch" Higginbotham, Jr., 64, of Oklahoma City, passed away on April 2, 2015. He was born on November 16, 1950, to Otis and Naoma Higginbotham, Sr. in Oklahoma City. Otis was a Vietnam veteran and served in the U.S. Army. He is survived by his daughter, Moriah Owens; two sisters, Elizabeth Windes (Joe) and Kathy McNeal; two grandchildren, Briana and Lacey; one great-grandchild, Gavin; nieces, Gretchen, Debbie, Connie, Jessica, and Ginny; nephew, Carter; and very best friend, Henry Link. Services will be held 2 p.m. Thursday, April 9, 2015, at the chapel of John M. Ireland Funeral Home, Moore, OK. Services are under the direction of John M. Ireland Funeral Home & Chapel, Moore, OK. Funeral Home John M. Ireland Funeral Home & Chapel 120 S Broadway St Moore, OK 73160 (405) 799-1200.



The Oklahoman 06/23/2015

Kelly Marie Powers Higginbotham (1962 - 2015) OK

June 14, 1962 - June 19, 2015

NORMAN Kelly Marie Higginbotham, 53, of Norman, passed from this life June 19, 2015. She was born June 14, 1962, in McAlester, OK to James & Darlene Powers. She loved OU football, anything her son, Jake, was involved in, horseracing and hosting friends at her home. Kelly was the most fun, loving, and outgoing person you could ever know. Her outlook on life was incredible, and she truly was one of a kind. If there is anything she would want her loved ones to know, she would tell them to keep having fun in life, enjoy every single second and love and live life to the absolute fullest. She was preceded in death by her father, James B. Powers; her brother-in-law, Johnny Dee Sanders; and mother- in-law, Betty Higginbotham. Survivors include her son, Jake, of the home; mother, Darlene M. Powers; brother, Tom Powers and wife Mary; sister, Carolyn Sanders; nephews, J.J. Sanders and Justin Sanders; nieces, Jennifer Thow and Jacquelyn Scott; great-nephews, Cannon Sanders and Wyatt Scott; and Jake's father, Will Higginbotham. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Kelly's name to WIN Foundation, P.O. Box 721504, Norman, OK 73070. Visitation for Kelly will be 5-8 p.m. Tuesday, June 23, 2015, at Havenbrook Funeral Home. Services are 11 a.m. Wednesday, June 24, Journey Church, Norman. Burial will follow at Sunset Memorial Park Cemetery. Funeral Home Havenbrook Funeral Home 3401 Havenbrook Street Norman, OK 73072 (405) 329-0101.



The Oklahoman 07/09/2015

Nadine Higginbotham Wright (1919 - 2015) OK

March 12, 1919 - July 6, 2015

CHICKASHA Nadine Wright, 96, died in Norman, OK July 6, 2015. She was born March 12, 1919, in Ada, OK to Lee and Louise Higginbotham. Nadine graduated from Ada HS and attended East Central University. In 1940, she married Carl Wright. After marriage, they lived in Ada and had two children, Bruce and Debbie. They later moved to Chickasha, where they lived for 50 years. Nadine worked in the business office of USAO. After retiring, she enjoyed reading, travel, and she was an excellent bridge player. She also was known for her wonderful peanut brittle. Nadine was preceded in death by her husband, Carl; her parents; and six brothers and sisters. She is survived by her son, Bruce Wright and his wife Lori, of Norman; a daughter, Debbie Hardie and her husband Hugh, of Sperry; and also by three sisters, Betty Sealman, of Denver; Melody Kruger, of Oklahoma City; and Kay Davis, of Guthrie. Nadine was "Dutchess" to nine grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Services will be on Friday, July 10 at 10 a.m. at Sevier Funeral Home, followed by Interment at Fairlawn Cemetery, both in Chickasha, OK. Funeral Home Sevier Funeral Home Inc 702 W Chickasha Ave Chickasha, OK 73018 (405) 224-4266.



Florida Times-Union 08/28/2015

Harley Daniel Higginbotham, Jr.

Died: August 25, 2015

Harley Daniel Higginbotham, Jr was born on June 21,1935 in Baldwin, FL to Harley and Beatrice Higginbotham. He served in the Army and in 1959 married the love of his life, Shirley Marie Istas of Clifton, KS. He attended Texas College of Theology and was ordained to the Ministry in 1973. They raised four children who were a part of that ministry. He spent the last 30 years of his life with his family as a missionary to Native Americans. He loved his family & friends and longed for everyone to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Haley was preceded in death by; parents Harley Daniel Higginbotham Sr, mother Beatrice Essie Higginbotham, sisters Joyce Bennett Spell and Judith Faye Padgett and husband Marcus Padgett, brother Henry Bennett. brother in law Buddy Sellers; children, Dean LaVelle Higginbotham and Joy Marie Higginbotham Survived by wife Shirley Marie Higginbotham, daughter Theresa and husband Roy Damron of Hugo, OK, Elena Higginbotham of Fort Towson, OK , grandsons, Daniel Richard of Valliant, OK Joshua Higginbotham of Parker, KS and Jacob Kietel of Kansas City, KS Granddaughters; Charity Higginbotham of Parker, KS Hilary Dedrick of Tequesta, FL and Emilee Kietel of Parker, KS. 1 great granddaughter, Elena Joleigh Capers of Taquesta, FL. Siblings; Hazel Sellers of Jax, FL, Jon and Noma Higginbotham of Jax, FL and Edward Higginbotham of Gainesville, FL and many beloved nieces and nephews.



The Oklahoman 01/03/2016

Richard Higginbotham (1929-2016) OK

October 31, 1929 - December 29, 2015

OKLAHOMA CITY Richard "Dick" Higginbotham, 86, died with family at his bedside. He was preceded in death by his wife Irene and son David Higginbotham. He will be remembered by surviving children Jimmy and Keith Higginbotham, and Anne Parker, by grandchildren Jeff, Eric, & Tanya Higginbotham, Megan & Bill Parker, Justin Higginbotham, 5 great-grandchildren, and extended family. Visitation is Sun. Jan 3, 1-8 p.m. The funeral is Mon. Jan 4 at 10 a.m. at Crossroads Church. Enter at the Chapel on the south side. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Crossroads Church.




Mary Virginia Ruth Higginbotham (1934-2016) OK

February 24, 1934 - January 19, 2016

Tishomingo, Oklahoma - Mary was born on February 24, 1934 and passed away on Tuesday, January 19, 2016. Mary was a resident of Tishomingo, Oklahoma at the time of her passing. She was married to Ray. Funeral Services for Mrs. Mary Virginia Ruth Higginbotham will be held on Friday January 22 2016 at 2:00 p.m. in the Herb Clark Memorial Chapel with Brother Benjamin Keel grandson officiating. Interment will follow in the Condon Grove Cemetery.



Star-Telegram 04/12/2016

Thaliah Jean Moore Higginbotham (1931-2016) OK

Thaliah Jean Higginbotham, 84, went to be with the Lord on Saturday, April 9, 2016. Funeral: 10 a.m. Wednesday at Brown's Funeral Service, Atoka, Okla. Interment: Tushka Cemetery. Visitation: She will lie in sweet repose for viewing 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday with visitation from 6 to 8 p.m. at Brown's Funeral Service. Thaliah was born Nov. 13, 1931, in Ravia, Okla., to Royal Alton and Abbie Moore. She was a beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She was preceded in death by her parents; the father of her children, Earl Higginbotham; as well as brothers, Raymond and Harold. Survivors: Sons, Dale and Glenn; daughter, Lovella Hayden; brother, Glenn Moore; sisters, Linda Scribner, Barbara Powell and Carolyn Harris; six grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.



The Oklahoman 02/16/2017

William Wayne Higginbotham (1932-2017) OK

January 14, 1932 - February 13, 2017

NORMAN After 85 years of a full life, Bill went home to be with his Lord and Savior on Feb. 13, 2017. The son of Paul & Juanita Higginbotham, he was born January 14, 1932 in Ada, Oklahoma. After graduating from Capitol Hill H.S in 1950 he began a career in the oil field working his way up through the ranks (starting as a Tool Dresser and High Derrick Man with Clark Well Servicing) until in the 1950's he purchased a `junk' rig and working it himself with his dad, Paul, he began his own business that later became Capitol Well Servicing, Co. He also owned and operated Oklahoma Tank Service and Trico Drilling. August 4, 1956, he married Betty Walker and together they raised their children in Oklahoma City and Norman. Following Betty's death, Bill was fortunate to find love again and married Janie Whitley of Selma, North Carolina 29 years ago. Bill was a charter member and actively involved in Southern Hills Church of God his whole life until Parkinsons impaired his mobility over the past few years. He also served on the Board of Directors for Lee University (Cleveland, TN) for 30+ years. In his free time Bill enjoyed good food (anything Charlestons, Chocolate Almond Ice Cream, Butterfinger Blast, or anything anyone else was eating) an afternoon nap (as well as morning or evening naps), playing golf, boating, swimming and fishing on Lake Eufaula, playing cards, cheering for the Sooners and probably most of all sharing a laugh with friends. Bill was preceded in death by his parents, Paul and Juanita Higginbotham, and his wife of 32 years, Betty in 1988; He leaves behind his loving family: wife, Janie, sons, Larry Steidley & wife Glenna (Claremore), Will Higginbotham & wife Chris, Gary Higginbotham & wife Tammy, daughter Melinda & husband Mark Green, sisters Paula Wingo & husband Jiggs, Margie McCalister (Chattanooga, TN), 6 grandchildren Robert Steidley, Whitney Hemphill & husband Scott, Megan Tompkins, Kaitlyn Clarke & husband Kevin, Claire Ruth & husband Bobby, and Jake Higginbotham, 5 great-grandchildren Lily, Locke, and Levi Hemphill, Chandler Elizabeth Ruth and Robbie Steidley. Bill was truly blessed in his lifetime in so many ways: the favor of God was evident in his life. At one point Capitol Well Servicing and Oklahoma Tank Service were the largest privately owned oil field servicing company in Oklahoma. His prayers usually began with truly humble thanksgiving "Lord thank you for all of your many blessings in our lives?" and Bill was not selfish with the blessings he received. He was truly one of the most generous people many had ever known. As his granddaughter, Megan said, Bill "made the most of his time here and will be missed by so many." We were blessed by his presence among us, the example he set for us and the legacy he leaves behind. May we carry the best in him forward as we take the torch. The family wishes to acknowledge the tremendous blessing that we have had in caring for Daddy: Terri Stephens - like Daddy said you were his best friend. We also thank Nurse Novlan Reader for her loyal and professional and loving care over these last few years. We are also appreciative to Sherlonda "Shelle" Reader and Phyllis Reader. Viewing will be 4-8 PM Thursday & Friday with family greeting friends Friday from 6-8 PM at the funeral home. Burial will be Saturday February 18, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Resthaven Memory Gardens & services to celebrate his life will be held 2:00 PM, Saturday February 18, 2017 at Southern Hills Baptist Church (8601 S. Penn). In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Lee University, (Higginbotham Family Scholarship listed in memo line), Lee University, University Relations, P.O. Box 3450, Cleveland, TN 37320-3450 or the Win Foundation, P.O. Box 721504, Norman, OK 73070. Funeral Home Vondel L Smith & Son Mortuary Inc 4000 SW 119Th St Oklahoma City, OK 73173 (405) 692-5503. Viewing will be 4-8 PM Thursday & Friday with family greeting friends Friday from 6-8 PM at the funeral home. Burial will be Saturday February 18, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Resthaven Memory Gardens & services to celebrate his life will be held 2:00 PM, Saturday February 18, 2017 at Southern Hills Baptist Church.




The Oklahoman 02/20/2017

Juanita Mickey Higginbotham King (1928-2017) OK

JUANITA KING (1928 - 2017) Jan. 21, 1928 - Feb. 17, 2017 EDMOND Juanita Mickey King, 89, was born Jan. 21, 1928, to George Henry Caldwell Higginbotham & Martha Jane Thrasher in Oklahoma City. Mickey passed away Feb. 17, 2017. She was preceded in death by her husband, Orion King. She is survived by her six children, and numerous grandchildren and great- grandchildren. Services will be held at Revive Assembly of God in Edmond, OK at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017. The Viewing will be held at Memorial Park Funeral Home 12-8 p.m. on Feb. 21, 2017. Funeral Home Memorial Park Funeral Home 13313 North Kelley Oklahoma City, OK 73131 (405) 755-1111.



Examiner-Enterprise 12/20/2017

Cordelia Ann Higginbotham Smith (1933-2017)

Mrs. Cordelia Ann Smith, 84, of Bartlesville, died at 2:45 P.M. on Monday, December 18, 2017 at the Journey Home in Bartlesville. The Smith family will receive guests for visitation at the Stumpff Funeral Home on Thursday from 6 P.M. until 8 P.M. Graveside services will be held at 11 A.M. on Friday, December 22, 2017 at the Memorial Park Cemetery with Pastor Jamie Kelly of City Church officiating and directed by the Stumpff Funeral Home & Crematory. In lieu of flowers a memorial fund has been established and those who wish may send their contributions to The Journey Home, 3406 S.E. Kentucky, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, 74006. Mrs. Smith was born in Shidler, Oklahoma on April 26, 1933 the daughter of Jesse and Engla (Hansen) Higginbotham. She grew up in the Borger and Phillips, Texas area and graduated from Phillips High School in 1951. She was married to James LeeRoy Smith at Borger, Texas on December 1, 1950. Following Mr. Smith's military service, they made their home in Borger and later in Oklahoma City. They came to Bartlesville to make their home in 1958 and then lived in Kansas City, Kansas for four years until returning to Bartlesville. Mrs. Smith began working at the Examiner-Enterprise in Bartlesville in 1975 and became the Women's writer in 1975 and then served as the Lifestyle Editor from 1983 until her retirement in 1986. She had served 15 years of volunteer service with the Girl Scouts and was a member of City Church. She liked to play bridge, Mahjong and enjoyed quilting. She also attended the 55+ Activities Center. Mrs. Smith is survived by two daughters, Rose Ann Munn and husband Jim of League City, Texas and Engla Hamilton and husband Wayde of Bartlesville, a daughter-in-law, Debbie Smith of Claremore, five grandchildren, Jennifer and Matt Stephenson of Fairfield, CA., Julie and Ben Sims of Friendswood, Texas, Jeff & Kristin Munn of League City, Texas, Claint Hamilton and Christina Amick of Nowata and Dustin and Tessa Hamilton of Bartlesville, 11 great grandchildren, Jack and Megan Stephenson, Jacob, Landon and Jordyn Sims, Eric Smith and Ethan Munn, Trenton, Mason and Azlynn Hamilton and Parker Hamilton, two step grandchildren, Curtis Koloff and Jennifer Salmans, five step great grandchildren, Tristen Bailey, Lauren Koloff , Alex Koloff, Mason Moore and Riley Salmans. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband LeeRoy Smith on February 26, 2008, her son, Jimmy Smith in 2007, a sister Virginia Scott and a step grandson, Walter Dumas. Funeral Home Stumpff Funeral Home & Crematory 1600 Southeast Washington Boulevard Bartlesville, OK 74006 (918) 333-4300.



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