Ohio Obituaries


The Massillon Evening Independent 06/07/1869

Lutticia Higginbotham (1807-1869) Ireland/OH

Died on the 7th inst., Mrs. Lutticia Higginbotham, wife of Mr. Robert Higginbotham, in the 63rd year of her age. She was born in the city of Dublin, Ireland on the third day of March in 1807, and was married to her husband, who survives her, on the 22nd of February, 1828. In 1836 they moved to Massillon, then a small hamlet, and can lay claim to being pioneer settlers. She was a most exemplary and worthy woman and was one of the first members of St. Timothy's Episcopal church organized in 1836, and until the day of her death never neglected her duties as a member.


Massillon Independent 03/30/1893

Charles T. Higginbotham (1837-1893) NY/OH

Suddenly Stricken With Apoplexy Tuesday Morning

Overtake by Death while Walking on North Street-The End Comes Without Warning-The Main Events of an Honorable Career thus cut short

Charles T. Higginbotham was stricken with apoplexy shortly after 9 o’clock Tuesday morning, directly in front of the residence of D.T. Frank, between Mill and Hill streets. Some lads saw him fall and ran to his assistance. Dr. T.C. Miller happened to be making a call only a few steps below, and reached Mr. Higginbotham before the action of the heat had entirely ceased. He was virtually dead, when he fell upon his face, however, and nothing whatever could be done.

The body was carried to the private office of Dr. Groff, a short distance down the street, and in an incredibly short time the news was generally known, and had reached the various members of Mr. Higginbotham’s family. The sad intelligence caused widespread sorrow, and created the deepest sympathy for the family, subjected to such sudden bereavement. Mr. Higginbotham had been out and about as usual, before his death this morning, and was in personal charge of a contract being executed in the residence of J.F. Pocock. He was attending to some matter connected with this work when the summons came. After an interval of about an hour the body was conveyed to the home, which he left in the morning apparently a sound and robust man. Mr. Higginbotham would have been 56 years old had he lived until the 19th of next July. His parents, together with their daughter, left their home in Medford, Ireland and sailed for Quebec, Canada. While leaving the vessel the elder Mr. Higginbotham sustained an injury to his back through the slipping of the gang plank. The accident caused the family to embark on a steamboat for New York, and shortly after their arrival to that city Mr. Higginbotham was born.

A little more than one month later the family moved to Massillon and as records of St. Timothy’s Episcopal church show, Charles Higginbotham was the first child baptized within the walls of that edifice. Mr. Higginbotham was educated in the Massillon school, and when he had finished his course he obtained employment in the hat and fur store of N. Minich, where he remained for several years. He then learned the trade of painting, but laid aside his brushes in 1862 to join Company E, 104th Regiment, O.V.I.  His war record was most admirable and he figured bravely in a number of important battles and engagements.

When he returned from the war he resumed his trade of painting, and continued in that work up to the time of his death. Beside a wife, three children survive him, namely: Ella, wife of Charles Sinsser, now of Buffalo, N.Y.; Robert Higginbotham of Cleveland, and George Higginbotham, of Massillon. A sister, Mrs. Anna Stevens, of Massillon, and two brothers, Richard and John Higginbotham, of Delphi, Ind., are also living. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The fact that his associates placed implicit confidence in his honesty and judgment is evident from the fact that he was, at the time of his death, the financial secretary of the two branches of that order, Eureka Encampment and Sippo Lodge, and also held the same position in the Daughters of Rebekah, a lodge auxiliary to the Odd Fellows.

Mr. Higginbotham was one of those men, the very quietness of whose demeanor attracted friends and the suddenness of his death was received with a feeling as sad as it was surprising. Especially among the members of the organizations to which he belonged does this sentiment exist, and by them his loss is keenly felt.

The funeral will be held from the house at 2 o’clock on Thursday afternoon.



The Steubenville Herald 05/25/1897

James Higginbotham (ca1853-1897) OH

James Higginbotham died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Davis Cochran, No. 430 South Sixth street, at 8:30 o'clock this morning, aged 45 years. His death was due to consumption. Deceased was formerly employed in the clay works at Toronto and New Cumberland, but was compelled by ill health to resign his position some time ago.



Massillon Independent 05/08/1902

John L. Higginbotham (ca1832-1902) Ireland/OH

Died of Dropsy

John L. Higginbotham’s Death Occurred Sunday

John L. Higginbotham, aged 70 years, died at his home in the rear of  162 West Main street, at 10:30 o’clock Sunday morning, of dropsy, after an illness of more than a year.  He had been unconscious the greater part of several days immediately preceding death.  Funeral services will be held at the Meek residence, at 162 West Main street at 1:30 o’clock, and at the Christian church at 2 o’clock  Tuesday afternoon. The Rev. George Darsie will officiate.

Mr. Higginbotham was born in Wexford, Ireland. He came to this country with his parents in 1836, in which year they located in Massillon. His parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higginbotham, lived in this city to the time of their death. Mrs. Daniel Stevens, of this city, and Richard L. Higginbotham, of Delphi, Ind., area and sister-brother, respectively, of the deceased. He was a widower, and leaves no children.

Mr. Higginbotham was one of the oldest members of the Church of Christ, and for a number of years was the superintendent of the Sunday school. At one time he was connected with the Masonic and Odd Fellows fraternities. He was a bricklayer and was known throughout this section of the state as an expert workman. He was of an inventive turn of mind, and his chief diversion was the working out of ideas. He invented a smoke consumer and other appliances and apparatus.



Elyria Evening Telegram 11/26/1908

Infant Son Heginbotham (1908-1908) OH

Many Visitors Throng Home of Tiny Infant

A tiny mite of humanity arrived at the home of Albert Higginbotham, 115 Heighton avenue on Tuesday, the baby boy weighing but two pounds at the time of birth, but was correctly formed.

The child lived for six days and many neighbors visited the house to gaze upon the smallest baby that any of them had ever seen.



Massillon Evening Independent 03/09/1909

Anna Maria Higginbotham Meek Stephens (ca1830-1909) Ireland/OH

Mrs. Maria Stephens, aged 79 years, one of the oldest and best known residents of this city, died at the home of her son, Charles R. Stephens, 59 Wabash avenue, Tuesday morning. Death was due to infirmities of age. Mrs. Stephens was born in Dublin, Ireland, came to this country at the age of six, and had lived here practically all of her life. Her first husband was George Meek. By this marriage she had one son, the late John Meek. Her second marriage to Daniel Stephens occurred in 1854. Charles R. Stephens is a son by this marriage. Mrs. Stephens is also survived by five grandchildren, Hershey Meek, of Columbus; Miss Bessie Meek, Miss Florence Stephens, Daniel Stephens and Mrs. Perry McConnaughey, of Massillon. A brother, R. L. Higginbotham, live in Delphi, Ind. The funeral will be held from the residence of Charles Stephens Thursday afternoon at 1:30.



The Lima Times-Democrat 05/15/1909

John T. Higginbotham (1868-1909) NY/OH

John T. Higginbotham, who has been a great sufferer from injuries sustained ten years ago, met a happy relief in death last night at 11:45. The demise occurred at the home of his venerable parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Higginbotham at the corner of McKibben and West streets, where he had been hovering between life and death for several days past.

The deceased was the victim of a terrible accident which befell him at Saltville, Va., ten years ago last December. While engaged in drilling a salt well a large pump weighing a ton and a half, fell on him crushing him in an awful manner. Since then he has been a helpless invalid and a constant sufferer. He was born at Rexville, N.Y., February 1, 1868 and came to Lima with his parents 22 years ago. Miss Margaret Mullen, of Cleveland, became his wife twelve years ago and she has remained a faithful helpmate to him in his misfortune. Surviving him are his devoted wife and venerable parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Higginbotham, three brothers, the Rev. James Higginbotham, of Youngstown; Robert P. Higginbotham, of Montpelier, Ind., and Frank Higginbotham, of Texas, together with four sisters, Sister Eugenia, a sister of charity, of Buffalo, Mrs. Will J. O’Day and the Misses Anna and Agnes Higginbotham, of Lima.

The funeral services will take place Monday a.m. at 8:30 from St. Rose Church. The High mass of requiem will be sung by the Rev. James Higginbotham, brother of the deceased and interment will be made in Gethsemane.




The Lima Daily News 06/02/1910

John Higginbotham (1833-1910) Ireland/OH

Weakened by the infirmities of old age, John Higginbotham, an esteemed and respected resident of the North Side died at the family home at 512 North West street at 6:45 Thursday morning. For the past year or more Mr. Higginbotham has been in declining health and he has been compelled to give up active duties. For the past five weeks his condition has been regarded as serious, and Thursday morning life left the enfeebled body and returned to God that gave it.

Mr. Higginbotham was born in Inver, Donegal County, Ireland, on May 1, 1833. When a young man he came to this country and for the past twenty-three years he has been a resident of Lima. Previous to coming to this city, Mr. Higginbotham was a resident of Olean, N.Y.

A widow and seven children are left to mourn. The children are Sister Eugenia, of Dunkirk, N.Y., R.P. Higginbotham of Van Buren, Ind., Rev. Father James H. Higginbotham, of West Toledo, Frances A. Higginbotham of Corsicana, Tex., Mrs. William J. O’Day, Miss Anna H. Higginbotham and Miss Agnes Higginbotham of Lima. No other near relatives survive.

Funeral services will be held at St. Rose Church, beneath whose shadows the deceased had lived for many years, Monday morning at 8:30 0’clock. The son, Rev. James H. Higginbotham, will have charge of the obsequies. Interment will be made in Gethsemane.




Newark (OH) Advocate, 08/14/1911

Theodore Higginbotham (1857-1911) OH

Theodore Higginbotham of Nashport died at his home there about 11 o'clock Sunday morning after an illness of about one year with cancer. The funeral services will be held at the late home of the deceased Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, and the interment, which will be private, will be made in the Beulah Cemetery



The Xenia Daily Gazette 06/18/1912

Lee Higginbotham (ca1895-1912)

Colored Society

Lee Higginbotham, aged 17, a former Xenia boy, died Monday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Cora Higginbotham, in Dayton, of typhoid fever. The body was brought to Xenia and taken to the home of the lad's grandmother, Mrs. Wadsworth, on Park avenue, where the funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 o'clock.



Newark Advocate 01/18/1917

John Alexis Hickinbotham (1851-1917) OH

Mt. Vernon, Jan. 18-John A. Hickinbotham, well-known retired farmer, of Morgan township, died suddenly Wednesday morning about 8:45 o'clock of heart trouble.

Mr. Hickinbotham had not been well recently, but on Tuesday, in company with his wife, spent the day in Newark. Wednesday morning he was seated in front of the fire, reading a paper, when he was suddenly stricken.

Members of his family heard him gasp and ran to his side, but he was dead before they reached him. Mr. Hickinbotham was 66 years of age. He is survived by his wife and five children. Harrison Hickinbotham, who resides on the home place, Simon Hickinbotham of Kansas, Mrs. A. B. Devore and Mrs. John Vance of Fairview, and Jesse Hickinbotham of Bladensburg.

The deceased was a 32d degree Mason, a Shriner and a member of the three higher Masonic bodies in Mt. Vernon. He was a member of the Odd Fellows order.



The Massillon Evening Independent 04/02/1917

Elva E. Barnett Higginbotham (ca1864-1917) OH

Mrs. M.I. Stock, Mrs. Home Moke, and Mrs. Logan Porter attended the funeral of Mrs. George Higginbotham at Massillon, Saturday afternoon.



Massillon Evening Independent 07/17/1917

Ella Frances Higginbotham Slusser (ca1857-1917) OH

Mrs. Ella Frances Slusser, 59, died of pneumonia at her residence, 1113 West Main street, Monday evening at 6 o’clock. Mrs. Slusser was taken ill Friday.  She was born in Massillon but later moved to Buffalo, N.Y., where she lived until twelve years ago.

She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. George Mong, of Bedford; Mrs. Harry Dielhenn and Mrs. Carl Sagner; a son, Perry Slusser; her mother, Mrs. Anna L. Higginbotham, with whom she lived, and two brothers, Robert and George Higginbotham, both of Massillon. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the residence, the Rev. H. E. Stafford officiating. The body will be placed in Dielhenn vault.



The Lima News 12/16/1919

Mary "Sister Eugenia" Higginbotham (????-1919) NY

Sister of Lima Woman is Dead

Mrs. W.J. O’Day of West McKibben street has been called to Buffalo, New York, by the death of her sister, Sister Eugenia, which occurred at the convent of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Sunday morning. Sister Eugenia had been ill for several weeks. She had been a member of the order for more than 20 years, and in the world was known as Miss Mary Higginbotham.

Besides her mother, Mrs. Monica Higginbotham, formerly of Lima, now of Toledo, she leaves three brothers, Father James Higginbotham of Tiffin; Robert of Oklahoma; Frank of Kansas; and three sisters, Mrs. O’Day, Lima; Agnes and Anna Higginbotham of Toledo.



The Lima News 01/26/1920

Monina Higginbotham (1843-1920) NY/OH

Aged Woman Dies

Mrs. John Higginbotham Succumbs at Tiffin Monday

Mrs. John Higginbotham, 77, mother of Rev. Father James Higginbotham, former Lima resident, died suddenly Monday morning at the parochial residence of the Rev. Father Higginbotham in Tiffin. She resided with her son who is pastor of St. Marys church there.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Rexville, N.Y. Besides the priest, surviving children are the Misses Anna and Agnes Higginbotham, who reside with their brother; Mrs. W.J. O’Day, formerly of Lima, but now of Clarksburg, West Va.; and Robert and Frank Higginbotham. Her husband died nine years ago.

The body will be accompanied to Lima. Funeral services have not been completed.

(The body was laid to rest at Gethsemane, beside the grave of her husband)



Zanesville Signal 12/14/1925

John Jesse Hickinbotham (1874-1925) OH

Funeral services for J. J. Hickinbotham, aged 52, who died of apoplexy Saturday at his home in Frazeysburg, will be conducted at the Methodist church there at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and interment will be made in the Frazeysburg cemetery under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity.

Mr. Hickinbotham was a member of the Masons and the Odd Fellows and is survived by his widow and three children, one brother, and two sisters.



Charleston (WV) Gazette 12/29/1928

Joseph Higginbotham (1837-1928) WV/OH

Attend Funeral

J. C. Higginbotham and E. C. Higginbotham of Nitro were called to Letart, O., where they attended the funeral of their uncle, Joseph Higginbotham, who was burled on Wednesday.



Charleston (WV) Daily Mail 09/28/1930

Laura L. Higginbotham (????-1930) OH

The following from Nitro attended the funeral of Mrs. Frank Higginbotham at Addison, Ohio, Thursday afternoon:

Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Higginbotham, Mrs. Ora Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Goodall, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frasier, A.Q. Wiley, J.A. Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Briggs, J.C. Higginbotham, S.D. Lyons, Homer Harris, Rev. O.L. Hawkins, N.T. Goodall, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Casto, Mr. and Mrs. Hansford Bailey and Frank Shank. Mrs. Higginbotham died Monday of injuries received last June when she was struck by an automobile.




The Zanesville Signal 01/13/1932

Ada Florence Higinbothom Boomer (1897-1932) OH

Death Comes to Hopewell Woman

Mrs. Florence Higinbothom Boomer, 34, died early Wednesday at her home near Hopewell, following a lingering illness. She was the mother of two infant daughters and also is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Higinbothom of the home; one sister, Mrs. Samuel Francis, Pleasant Valley; and two brothers, Raymond and Hilbert Higinbothom of the home.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the residence. Burial will be in Poplar Fork Cemetery.



Lima News 01/15/1936

Amorette Stephenson Higginbotham (1868-1936) OH

Sidney Jan. 15 - Funeral services for Mrs. Amorette S. Higgenbotham, wife of John H. Higgenbotham, of Pemberton, who died at Wilson Memorial hospital Monday, will be held from the Pemberton Baptist church Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. C. Demlinger will be in charge. Burial in Cedar Point cemetery, Pasco. She is survived by her husband, the following stepchildren, Cramer, Forest and Robert and Mrs. H.E. Raterman, and nine grandchildren.



Lima News 03/06/1936

Lucinda Belle Higginbotham Dysert (ca1871-1936) KS/OH

Mrs. George Dysert

ALGER, March 6 - Mrs. George Dysert, 65, died at 7:45 a.m. today following an illness of six weeks. She was a member of the Methodist Protestant church. Surviving, besides her husband, are four daughters, Mrs. William Dearth, Mrs. E. J. Kelly, both of Detroit, Mrs. Walter Johnson of Alger, and Miss Rhea Dysert of Alger; two sons, Jess Dysert and Francis Dysert, both of Alger. Funeral will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the Methodist Protestant church. The Rev. C. S. Thompson will be in charge. Burial in Roundhead cemetery.



The Times Recorder 10/19/1936

Mary Jane Mellott Higginbotham (1878-1936) OH

Last rites for Mrs. Charles Higginbotham, aged 58 years, of Barnesville, who died Friday night following a two weeks' illness, will be conducted at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon in the Campbell funeral home in Barnesville by Evangelist Thomas Butterfield. Burial will be at Barnesville.

Surviving are three daughters, a sister, and seven brothers.



Massillon Evening Independent 03/03/1937

George M. Higginbotham (1862-1937) OH

George M. Higginbotham, 75, of 522 Lincoln Way, W., dean of Massillon printers, died early this morning at then city hospital after an illness of several months.

For 47 years Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the composing room force of The Independent, being the oldest employee both in age and in years of service.

A history of Mr. Higginbotham’s career with The Independent would be a veritable history of the development of newspaper printing during the past half century.

When Mr. Higginbotham at 28 first became an employee of The Independent, the newspaper was a four page six column paper filled with accounts of local events and news from elsewhere. Advertisements covered half the front page. Type was set by hand.

Many changes were witnessed by Mr. Higginbotham in the years which followed. The newspaper became larger and thicker, and mechanical devices were introduced in the composing room.

For a number of years Mr. Higginbotham was a foreman of the composing room. He worked until stricken with his final illness.

Prior to becoming an employee of The Independent, Mr. Higginbotham worked as a printer at Canal Fulton.

He was a lifelong resident of Massillon. He was a member of Lawrence lodge, I.O.O.F. at Canal Fulton for 50 years and held an honorary degree in the lodge. He was also a member of the International Typographical Union.

Two daughters, Mrs. Warren L. Doyle, of Akron and Mrs. Herman D. Albright, of Massillon; and a brother, Robert Higginbotham, of Massillon, survive.

The funeral will be held Friday at 2:30 p.m. at the Griffiths funeral home. The Rev. Joseph Mackenzie, pastor of the First Christian church, will officiate. Interment will be made in the Massillon cemetery. The body will remain at the funeral home where friends may view it any time Thursday.



The Zanesville Signal 03/22/1937

Lucy Belle Fink Higginbotham (1867-1937) OH

Funeral services for Mrs. Lucy Belle Higginbotham, 69, Pleasant Valley, who died at her home Saturday afternoon following a four month illness of heart trouble, will be held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emmons Dick, Gratiot, at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Burial will be in Poplar Fork cemetery.

Her husband, Charles F. Higginbotham, preceded her in death one year. Surviving are three sons, Frank, of the home; Brit C., of Springfield, and J. Dewey, Echo avenue, city; one daughter, Mrs. Dick; nine grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. She was a member of Pleasant Valley Baptist church.



The Newark Advocate and American Tribune 02/25/1938

Harriett Heginbotham Smith (1860-1938) OH

Mrs. Harriett Smith, 77, wife of George W. Smith, 21 Fairmount avenue, died during the night in a Columbus hospital.

She was born Sept. 12, 1860, in Licking county, the daughter of John and Mary Heginbotham of Mary Ann township. She had lived the greater part of her life in Newark but for a time resided in Zanesville, where she became a member of the Church of Christ.

Surviving are her husband and two sons, Willard Smith of Columbus and J. Wayne Smith of Zanesville; also seven grandchildren and a sister, who resides in Los Angeles, Calif.

The body was brought to the Gutliph & Henderson funeral home. Funeral arrangements have not been made.



The Chronicle-Telegram 03/28/1938

John Heginbotham (1876-1938) PA/OH

John Heginbotham, 61, died at his home, 123 Fairmont Street, Sunday morning at 4:45 after a brief illness.

Mr. Heginbotham was born in Pennsylvania November 3, 1876, and had lived in Elyria for twenty-five years. He was a member of St. Paul’s Evangelical church.

Surviving are his wife, the former Minnie Scheffler of Amherst; two sons, George of Cleveland, and Gilbert of Elyria; a daughter, Mrs. A.L. Wilson of Elyria; two grandchildren; four brothers, Albert of Elyria, Gilbert and Will of Saxonburg, Pennsylvania, and Pressley of Valencia, Pennsylvania; two sisters, Mrs. Anna Lindsey of Dixon, Missouri, and Mrs. Clara Kingan of Valencia, Pennsylvania, besides several nieces and nephews.

Friends may call at his home until noon Tuesday when the body will be taken to St. Paul’s Evangelical church for services at 1:30 p.m. The Rev. Ernst Irion will officiate.



The Chronicle Telegram 06/16/1939

Bertha A. Bonnell Higginbotham (1870-1939) OH

Oberlin, O., June 16-Mrs. Bertha B. Higginbotham, wife of the Rev. T.M. Higginbotham, passed away Tuesday evening at her home, 203 North Pleasant street, after a lingering illness.

Bertha A. Bonnell was born November 14, 1870, on a farm north of Oberlin, the daughter of J.B. and Fannie Bonnell. She attended the Oberlin schools, graduating from Oberlin High School with the class of 1890. Following her graduation she received an appointment as teacher in an American Missionary school at Morehead, Mississippi, an industrialized school for colored girls.

She was united in marriage to T.N. Higginbotham, a student in the Oberlin Theological Seminary, December 5, 1894. They came to Oberlin to make their home following Rev. Higginbotham’s retirement in the fall of 1936.

Besides her husband, she leaves one son, Alfred Leslie Higginbotham, professor of journalism at the University of Nevada, one daughter, Helen, at home; one sister, Mrs. Mary Tinkey of Springfield, Mass., and one granddaughter.

Funeral services will be held on Monday at 2:30 from the Sedgeman Funeral parlors, with the Rev. J.E. Richards, pastor of the First Church, officiating. Interment will be made in Westwood Cemetery.



The Zanesville Signal 09/23/1939

John William Higginbotham (1874-1939) OH

Barnesville-John William Higginbotham, 65, died Friday night in Martins Ferry hospital following a brief illness. He was admitted to the institution Monday evening and underwent an operation.

He was a prominent farmer in Belmont county, and for many years he was farm superintendent of the Belmont county children’s home at Tacoma. He resided near Lamira on the Lloydsville Road.

Born in this vicinity, he spent the greater part of his life here, excepting for a few years in Minnesota. He was a son of Samuel and Susan Dennis Higginbotham.

Surviving are his widow, the former Leona Bryant; three daughters, Mrs. Cora Kleinkle and Mrs. Trella Rick, of Minnesota; and Mrs. Frances White, of Wheeling; three sons, Clarence and Elias, of this community, and Albert, of Louisiana; two brothers, Will, of Pennsylvania and Jefferson, of Barnesville; and four sisters, Mrs. Anna Evans, Olivet; Mrs. Louisa St. John, of Neffs; Mrs. Lulu McVay and Mrs. Tillie Day, both of Pennsylvania. Sutton Funeral.



The Zanesville Signal 05/14/1941

Mary Hickenbottom (ca1913-1941) OH

Police today are investigating the mysterious circumstances in the death of Miss Mary Hickenbottom, 28, of 135 North Seventh street, who died early this afternoon at Bethesda hospital.

She was found unconscious Sunday and was removed to the hospital Monday morning.

Miss Hickenbottom is believed to have taken an overdose of sleeping powder.

Police sought to determine if the young woman had taken the powder in an attempt to end her life.

Miss Hickenbottom failed to regain consciousness and later developed pneumonia. Coroner S.S. Daw was called this afternoon to investigate.

She worked at several homes in the rural areas and had been employed at a South Sixth street restaurant since February.

Among the survivors is her mother, Mrs. Lela Vickers, of Frazeysburg.



The Lima (OH) News 07/23/1941

James H. Higginbotham (1877-1941) OH

Solemn requiem mass was celebrated Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. in the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary cathedral, Toledo, for Rt. Rev. Msgr. James H. Higginbotham, formerly of Lima, who died early Sunday at his home in Perrysburg. The Most Rev. Karl J. Alter, D.D. bishop of Toledo, was celebrant of the mass which was attended by a large number of diocesan clergy. Burial was in the section reserved for priests, at Calvary cemetery, Toledo.

Msgr. Higginbotham, who was 63, retired a year ago because of illness, and moved to Perrysburg after serving 22 years as pastor of St. Marys church, Tiffin. The priest officiated at a daily mass in the chapel at his home in behalf of the suffering and the dead. He lived with his sisters, Misses Anna and Agnes Higginbotham and brother, Robert Higginbotham, all former Lima residents. Another sister is Mrs. William J. O’Day, Clarksburg, W. Va. For many years the Higginbotham family home was in N. West St.

Msgr. Higginbotham was ordained on June 17, 1905, following studies at Niagara University and St. Marys Seminary, Cleveland. He served at churches in Cleveland and Youngstown, and was later organizer an founder of St. Agnes church, and St. Theresa's church, both of Toledo. He was raised to the rank of domestic prelate with the title of Right Reverend on Aug. 18, 1938. The priest maintained his Tiffin pastorate until his retirement.

A number of Lima clergy attended the services.




The (Zanesville) Times Recorder 09/15/1941

Elias William Higginbotham (1900-1941) OH

St. Clairsville, O.-Funeral services for Elias William Higginbotham, 41, Morristown businessman, who drowned in Lake Hamilton, Hot Springs, Ark. Friday, where he was vacationing, will be held Wednesday afternoon a 2 o’clock at the Johnson Funeral home, this city. The body will arrive here Monday night.

Time of the funeral is only tentative pending the arrival of a relative from Minnesota.

Deceased operator of Wain’s Filling Station at Morristown, was fishing on the lake at the time he met death. The boat he was in capsized. The body was recovered Saturday morning. He was born at Lloydsville, June 17, 1900, a son of John William and Adelia Martin Higginbotham, and was a lifelong resident. He was a member of Bellaire Elks lodge and attended the Presbyterian church.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Alice McKinnon Wain Higginbotham, a son, John William, a step-son, Thomas Wain. He also leaves the following brothers and sisters: Albert, Alexandria, La.; Clarence, St. Clairsville; Mrs. Trella Rick, Wadena, Minn.; and Mrs. Cora Kleinkle, Sebeca, Minn.




The Massillon Evening Independent 09/24/1941

Robert J. Higginbotham (1858-1941) OH

Robert J. Higginbotham, 82, of 439 11th St., NE, died early this morning at his residence after an illness of three weeks. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Alice Higginbotham, a son, Jesse M. Higginbotham, of Massillon; and a grandchild survive. Mr. Higginbotham was a member of St. Timothy’s Episcopal church and the Jr. O.U.A.M.

The funeral will be held Friday at 4 p.m. at the Gordon-Shaidnagle-Hollinger funeral home. The Rev. John R. Stalker, rector of St. Timothy’s Episcopal church, will officiate. Interment will be made in Rose Hill Memorial park. The body is at the funeral home where friends may call Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m.




The Oberlin Chronicle-Telegram 10/22/1943

Thomas Matison Higginbotham (1868-1943) KY/OH

Oberlin, Oct. 22-Rev. Thomas Matison Higginbotham died suddenly at his home, 203 North Pleasant street, Wednesday afternoon, October 20, after a brief illness.

Rev. Higginbotham was a graduate of Oberlin Theological Seminary with the class of 1898. Following his graduation he had held pastorates in Waukegan and Batavia, Illinois, Lake View, Sioux City, Council Bluffs and Newell, Iowa, and in Evarts, Ky. He returned to Oberlin in 1936 to make his home.

Rev. Mr. Higginbotham was born in Whitley county, Ky., November 28, 1868. On December 5, 1894, he married Bertha A. Bonnell, who died in Oberlin June 16, 1939. Their daughter, Helen, died on May 23 of this year. A son, Professor A. Leslie Higginbotham, of the University of Nevada, survives.

Funeral services will be held Sunday, October 24, at 2 p.m. in Sedgeman’s Funeral parlors with Rev. Joseph F. King of First church officiating. Burial will be in Westwood cemetery.




The Lima News 01/20/1944

Harriet Higginbotham O'Day (1873-1944) OH

Mrs. Harriett O’Day, former widely known Lima resident, died Wednesday afternoon in Mercy hospital, Toledo, after an illness of several months. She was the wife of William J. O’Day, retired oil man. For the past several years they have made their home in Perrysburg.

Mrs. O’Day was a member of Branch 1053 Ladies Catholic Benevolent assn and a past president of the Lima branch. Surviving in addition to the husband are two sons, William J. O’Day Jr., of Toledo and John, of Glendale, Calif.; two sisters, Misses Agnes and Anna Higginbotham and a brother, Robert, all of Perrysburg. The late Rev. Msgr. James H. Higginbotham, of Perrysburg, was a brother.

Funeral services will be Friday at 9 a.m. in St. Rose church, Perrysburg, and at 10 a.m. Saturday in St. Rose Catholic church, Lima. Burial will be made in Gethsemane cemetery.




The Athens Messenger 11/01/1946

Bessie Geraldine Jones Higginbotham (1880-1946) OH

Gallipolis-Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie Higginbotham, 67, who died at her home, 730 Fourth Ave., Wednesday evening, will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Paint Creek Baptist Church with burial in Pine Street Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham is survived by her husband; a sister, Mrs. Chester Williams of Youngstown; a brother, Alvin Jones of Dayton; a sister, Mrs. Laura Harris, Bluefield, W.Va., two daughters and a son in Columbus, and several nephews and nieces. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Paint Creek Baptist Church.

Friends may call at the Higginbotham residence Saturday evening.



Athens Sunday Messenger 12/29/1946

Mary Margaret Warner Higginbotham (1859-1946) WV/OH

Rutland-Mary M. Higginbotham, 88, died early Monday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. W.O. Kersey, Langsville, after a short illness.

Surviving are her husband, William A. Higginbotham; three daughters, Mrs. Kersey, Mrs. Frank Anania, Charleston, W.Va., and Mrs. Judy Warren, Seaman, Ohio; a son, R.D. Higginbotham, Dresden, Ohio; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were to be conducted in Langsville Tuesday, 2:30 p.m., and burial was to be at Miles Cemetery, Rutland.



The Zanesville Signal 09/23/1952

Brit Carl Higinbothom (1895-1952) OH

Graveside services for Brit C. Higinbotham, 57, of Springfield, will be held at 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon at Poplar Forks cemetery at Gratiot.

Mr. Higinbotham died in Springfield City hospital Monday.

He had resided in the city for 25 years.

Surviving are his widow, Mabel; two daughters, a son, three grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. E.F. Dick of Gratiot, and two brothers, Frank Higinbotham of Pleasant Valley and Dewey Higinbotham of Zanesville.



The Athens Messenger 02/21/1955

Doy O'Dell Higginbotham Jr. (1953-1955) OH

Pomeroy-Doy Higginbotham, Jr., two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Doy Higginbotham, Sr., of Antiquity, died Saturday evening at the St. Mary's Hospital in Huntington, W.Va.

Besides his parents, the child is survived by two sisters, Louise and Gloria, and two brothers, Paul and Roger, all at home, and his grandparents, Mrs. Laurie Smith of Racine, and Mr. and Mrs. Enos Higginbotham of Albany.

Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday afternoon at the Racine Mission in Racine with burial to be in Letart Falls Cemetery. Friends may call at the residence in Antiquity until time of service.



The Coshocton Tribune 06/13/1955

Bruce Higginbotham (ca1949-1955) OH

Bruce Higginbotham, 6, Columbus, died in White Cross Hospital at Columbus Saturday several hours after suffering burn when gasoline accidently upset when he entered the basement of his home and ignited.




The Massillon Evening Independent 08/01/1955

Jesse M. Higginbotham (1879-1955) OH

Jesse M. Higginbotham, Wellman Ave., SE, died Sunday night in the Mary Day nursing home. He had been in ill health for some time. Before retiring, he had owned and operated a real estate business in Massillon.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mabel D. Higginbotham and a son, Robert K. Higginbotham, of Massillon.

He was a member of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church and an honorary member of the Massillon Club.

The body is at the Gordon-Shaidnagle-Hollinger Funeral Home where the funeral will be held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. The Rev. John C. Hughes, Episcopal minister from Coshocton, will officiate. Interment will be made in the Massillon Cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m.




The Oberlin Chronicle-Telegram 02/18/1956

Belle Hanna Heginbotham (????-1956) PA

Mr. and Mrs. A. Heginbotham of 329 Louisiana Avenue have received word of the death of their sister-in-law, Mrs. Pressly Heginbotham of Valencia, Pa., who died Friday in Magee Hospital, Pittsburgh. Several relatives here left today for Valencia.



Mansfield News Journal 06/10/1956

Dorothy H. Weber Higinbotham (ca 1906-1956)

Mrs. Dorothy H. Higinbotham, 50, of 317 Bartley Ave., died Saturday night in University Hospital after an illness of about six months.

She is survived by her husband, Barton K. Higinbotham; one son, Gary Higinbotham; a brother, Carl Weber; and her father, Fred Weber, all of Mansfield.

Funeral services are pending with Wappner Funeral Home.



The Zanesville Signal 11/25/1956

Theodosia R. Higinbothom Dick (1890-1956) OH

Funeral services for Mrs. Theodosia Dick, 66, widow of Emmons Dick of Gratiot, will be held at 2:30 o’clock this afternoon at the residence with Rev. E.C. Jenkins officiating. Burial will be in Poplar Fork Cemetery at Gratiot.

Mrs. Dick died Thursday from a self-inflicted gunshot wound and the body has been removed to the residence from the William Thompson and Son Funeral Home at White Cottage.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Russell Buchanan with whom Mrs. Dick resided, Mrs. Arthur Ardrey of Pentwater, Mich., and Mrs. Russell Smart of Mt. Pleasant, Mich.; two brothers, Frank Higinbotham of near Gratiot and Dewey Higinbotham of Pinkerton Lane; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild.



The Newark Advocate 03/07/1958

Paul W. Higginbotham (1905-1958) OH

The funeral of Paul W. Higginbotham, 93 Westmoor Ave., will be held Saturday in the Ross Henderson Funeral Home with the Rev. J.A. Garshaw officiating. Burial will be in Wilson Cemetery.



The Lima News 09/26/1958

Jennie G. Higginbotham Allen (1874-1958) KS/OH

Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in the Grace Methodist Church for Mrs. Jennie Allen, who died at her home Wednesday after an extended illness.

She was born Aug. 1, 1874 in Howard City, Ka., and had lived in the Lima area 60 years.

She was a member of the Grace Methodist Church and the Lookout class of the church.

Her husband, Amos, died in 1944.

Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. James Cheney Jr., of 739 S. Elizabeth; three sons, Merritt J. of 1062 W. Market, Norman D. of 1111 Latham and Orphy F. of 1001 Holmes; 21 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren; a brother, John Higginbotham of Hicksville.

Burial will be in Allentown Cemetery.

The family will receive visitors from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Silerd and Son Funeral Home.



Chronicle-Telegraph 04/06/1959

Augusta Scheffler Heginbotham (1885-1959) OH

Mrs. Augusta Heginbotham, nee Scheffler, 74, formerly of 321 Louisiana Ave., was dead on arrival at Elyria Memorial Hospital in 9 a.m. yesterday, following a heart attack. She was the widow of Albert.

Mrs. Heginbotham was born in Amherst, Mar. 10, 1885, and was a resident of Elyria 80 years. She was a member of St. Paul United Church of Christ.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Ruth Renkel and Mrs. Alice Pitman Johns, both of Elyria; three grandchildren, Mrs. Jack Beal and Donald Renkel, both of Elyria and Alan Pitman, Gathersville, Ala.

Services will be Wednesday at 3 p.m. in the Sudro-Curtis Funeral Home. The Rev. Walter Relf will officiate and burial will be in Ridgelawn Cemetery.



The Times Recorder 05/26/1959

Leona Bryant Higginbotham (1874-1959) OH

Bethesda-Services for Mrs. Leona Higginbotham, 85, of Bethesda, will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday in the Kelly-Kemp Funeral Home. The Rev. Paul Greenwood will officiate. Burial will be in Richland Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Saturday in a Cambridge hospital.



The Newark Advocate 09/05/1960

Andrew C. Higginbotham (1882-1960) KY/OH

Andrew C. Higginbotham, 78, former employee of the State Highway Garage 11 years, died early Monday morning in his home, 720 Camp St., following a heart attack.

The resuscitator squad from the Fire Department responded to a call and he was pronounced dead on arrival of the squad. He had been under the care of a physician.

A resident of Newark most of his life, he was born Jan. 17, 1882, in Williamsburg, Ky., the son of William W. and Anna Higginbotham. He also was a former employee of the Pharis Rubber Co., 17 years.

A member of the Central Church of Christ, he also was affiliated with the Modern Woodmen and Knights of Pythias.

His widow, the former Goldie McLaughlin, whom he married in 1902, survives; also one daughter, Mrs. Ruth Hackney of Cambridge; two sons, Edward of Newark and the Rev. John Higginbotham of Cleveland; also six grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. John Foley of Chicago, Ill., and Mrs. Wheeler Baird of Jellico, Tenn. A son, Paul, is deceased, also two brothers.

The body is at the Ross Henderson Funeral Home. Funeral arrangements have not been made.



The Evening Independent 03/30/1961

Paul A. Higginbotham (1925-1961) OH

Mansfield-Truck driver Paul A. Higginbotham, 37, of Rt. 1 Jackson, was killed Wednesday night when his tractor-trailer smashed into the read of another truck on Interstate 7 just south of US 30, the highway patrol reported.

Patrolmen said Higginbotham’s empty truck struck the rear of a truck driven by Clarence L. Smith, 42, of Cincinnati. Smith’s truck, moving when hit, was loaded with 38,000 pounds of steel. Smith was injured slightly.



The Massillon Evening Independent 05/10/1961

Mabel Dielhenn Higginbotham (ca1880-1961) OH

The funeral for Mrs. Mabel D. Higginbotham, 81, of 509 Wellman Ave. SE, will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 in St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, with the rector, the Rev. James Millar, officiating. Interment will be made in the Massillon Cemetery.

The body has been taken to the Gordon-Shaidnagle-Hollinger funeral home, but there will be no calling hours.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Tuesday evening at 7:45 after a long illness.

Born in Massillon and a life resident here, she was a member of St. Timothy’s church. Her husband, Jesse Higginbotham, died in 1955.

Her only survivor is a son, Robert H. Higginbotham of Massillon.



The Portsmouth Times 06/09/1961

Eugene Higginbothan (????-1961) OH/TN

Peebles, Ohio-Graveside services are arranged for 2 p.m. Sunday at Locust Grove Cemetery for Eugene Higginbothan, a former Adams County resident, who died at Chattanooga, Tenn.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mildred Higginbothan.

Burial is under direction of Trefz Funeral Home.



The Mansfield News-Herald 01/18/1963

Carlton J. Higginbotham (1908-1963) OH

Services for Carlton J. Higginbotham, 54, of Smith Rd., Waite Hill, will be tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. at the Davis Funeral Home, 4154 Clark Ave., Willoughby.

Mr. Higginbotham died Wednesday at West End Hospital. He worked as a carpenter on a large estate and was a member of the Elks.

Surviving are his widow, Rose; a daughter, Carol; a sister, Mrs. Bernice Spraggins of California; and two brothers, Herman of Waite Hill and Lysle of Eastlake.

Friends may call today from 4 to 9 p.m. at the funeral home. Burial will be in Waite Hill Cemetery.

Rex Mason, elder of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, will officiate.



The Chronicle Telegram 07/17/1964

Evelyn Gex Higginbotham (ca1917-1964) MI/OH

Sheffield-Funeral services for Mrs. Evelyn Gex Higginbotham, 47, of 3805 Denver Ave., have been tentatively set for 11 a.m. Monday at the Finley-Brown Mortuary, Lorain. The Rev. W.G. McKenzie, pastor of Friendship Baptist Church, Lorain, will officiate. Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery, Lorain.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Wednesday in St. Vincent Charity Hospital, Cleveland. She was born in Detroit and had lived in the Cleveland and Lorain area the last 16 years. Survivors are her husband, Bratton; a daughter, Mrs. Jim Roley, Sylva, N.C.; a son, Bertram Johnson, Charlotte, N.C.; her father, Gilbert Gex of Hollywood, Calif.; and a brother, Harold Gex of Dayton.

The House of Wills, Cleveland, has charge of arrangements.



The Athens Messenger 06/01/1965

George Allen Higginbotham (1875-1965) WV/OH

Middleport-George A. Higginbotham, 89, died Tuesday at his Middleport residence after a several weeks’ illness.

Born in Leon, W.Va., he was a retired car repairman with the New York Central Railroad.

Surviving are his wife, Mattie; a daughter, Mrs. Cecil Evans, Middleport, two sons, Ernest of Richmond, Va. and Autta, Akron; a stepson, Melvin C. Roush, Parkersburg, W.Va.

A son, Herbert, preceded him in death.

Friends may call after 6 p.m. at the Rawlings-Coats Funeral Home, where services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday. The Rev. Frank Cheesebrew will officiate. Burial will be in the Leon, W.Va. Cemetery.



The Times Recorder 04/09/1966

Bessie Rebecca Reed Higginbotham (1902-1966) OH

Barnesville-Mrs. Bessie Reed Higginbotham, 63, of Barnesville died unexpectedly of an apparent heart attack at 12:15 p.m. Friday (April 8) at her home.

Born July 19, 1902, in Noble County, she was a daughter of William and Louise Stephens Reed.

She was employed in the office of Pomco Company in Barnesville, and was a member of Barnesville First Methodist Church, a member and past president of Barnesville Business and Professional Women’s club. She served two years as auditor and two years as treasurer of Ohio Federation of Business and Professional Women’s club.

Surviving are a son, John, of St. Louis; a brother, Nelson Reed of the home; a nephew, William D. Reed of Payne Field Air Force Base, Washington, D.C.; two nieces, Mrs. Richard Shepherd of Barnesville and Miss Becky Reed of the home; and three grandchildren.

The body was taken to Campbell Funeral Home here where friends may call after 10:30 a.m. Sunday.

Services will be held at 1:00 p.m. Monday at the funeral home with Rev. Roy Hilliard officiating. Burial will be in Crestview Cemetery here.



The Athens Messenger 06/27/1966

Abraham Lincoln Higginbotham (1882-1966) WV/OH

Grimms Landing-Last rites for Abraham Lincoln Higginbotham, 84, Gallipolis, formerly of Grimms Landing, will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Oma Chapel EUB Church inMason County. Burial will be in the Tucker Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, a retired New York Central Railroad employee, died Saturday in Holzer Hospital.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Mary Hayes and Mrs. Emma Weaver, both of Grimms Landing, and Mrs. Loretta Bowers, Lancaster; six sons, William and Lawrence, Alvada; Earl and Ezra, Buffalo; Robert, Point Pleasant, and Dencil, Grimms Landing; and a brother, Ruben, Point Pleasant.

Friends may call at Raynes Funeral Home in Buffalo.



The Newark Advocate 12/12/1966

William S. Higginbotham (ca1939-1966) OH

Cincinnati-A fire that gutted the top floor of an Avondale section rooming house Sunday took the life of William S. Higginbotham, 27.



News Journal 01/04/1967

Elsie Farley Hickinbotham (1911-1967) OH

Crestline-Services for Mrs. Elsie Hickinbotham, 55, wife of Harold Hickinbotham, 210 Park Rd., Crestline, were held Monday, Jan. 2, in the Law and Son Funeral Home in Utica. Burial was in Wilson Cemetery, Utica.

Survivors include her husband; two daughters, Mrs. Lucille Wilton, North Canton and Mrs. Erma Holton and a son, Eugene Hickinbotham, both of Louisville; her father, Guy Farley, of Utica; sister, Mrs. Kate Carpenter of Utica and two brothers, John Farley, Mt. Vernon, and William Farley, Lima.



The Zanesville Times-Recorder 05/16/1967

Frank P. Higginbotham (1888-1967) OH

Frank P. Higginbotham, 78, of Putnam Nursing Home, formerly of Pleasant Valley, died at 7:30 a.m. Monday (May 15) in Good Samaritan Hospital where he had been a patient 10 days. He had been in failing health for approximately five years.

Born June 14, 1888, in Hopewell Township, Muskingum County, he was a son of Charles F. and Lucy B. Fink, and had been an area resident all his life.

Mr. Higginbotham was a retired farmer and sportsman. He was a member of Trinity Lutheran Church and the Society for Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America (SPEBSQSA). He was also responsible for the organization of the Sweet Adelines Chorus in November in 1960, and was past president of the Senior Citizens Club.

Surviving are one brother, J. Dewey Higginbotham of Pinkerton Lane and several nieces and nephews.

One sister and one brother preceded him in death.

Friends may call at the Blue Avenue Chapel of Bolin Funeral Home from 7 to 9 tonight and from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Wednesday.



The Elyria Chronicle Telegram 06/23/1967

Alfred Leslie Higginbotham (ca1896-1967) OH/NV

Noted Journalism School Head Dies
Reno-Prof. Alfred Leslie Higginbotham, who built the University of Nevada Department of Journalism up from a single class room to one of the nation's best journalism schools, died in St. Mary's Hospital yesterday at 71.
At his own request there will be no funeral services, and his body will be sent to the University of Utah Medical center to help research into multiple sclerosis, a disease from which he suffered all his life.
Mr. Higginbotham was a native of Oberlin, Ohio, and was graduated from Oberlin College in 1920, working for the Cleveland Plain Dealer until 1923 when he joined the English Department at the University of Nevada.
He taught a single class in journalism, but persisted in efforts to establish a journalism department, succeeding in 1940. He headed the department until he retired in 1966.
He made it one of the top college journalism schools in the nation, with more than 100 students in 1966. The department was named for him-the only University of Nevada department named for a faculty member. Prof. Higginbotham helped found the Nevada State Press Association and Nevada newspaper Hall of Fame. The NSPA named him its "Man of the Year" in 1966, praising him as "a tireless scholar and teacher." He was the association's president in 1957.
He earned the first distinguished teacher award ever given by Sigma Delta Chi, the national professional journalism society, in 1967. He helped found the American Society of Journalism School Administrators and was its president in 1952-53.
Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his widow, Mrs. Marie Taylor Higginbotham of Reno, and a daughter, Mrs. Sally Graham of New York City.



Newark Advocate 12/21/1967

(Memorial published 12/21/1968)

Alexis "Red" Hickinbotham (????-1967)

In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Alexis (Red) Hickinbotham who passed away one year ago today December 21, 1967.

Sadly missed by wife, Lorna, Mother, children and grandchildren.



Portsmouth Times 01/02/1970

Bessie Reese Higginbotham (1883-1970) PA/OH

Jackson, Ohio - Mrs. Bessie M. Higginbotham, 86, of Jackson died Thursday morning in Oak Hill Hospital.  A native of Washington, Pa., she was preceded in death by her husband, James Higginbotham, in 1951.  Surviving are two sons, Mark of Wellston Rt. 2 and Sam of Adrian, Mich.; three daughters, Mrs. Nellie Scott and Mrs. Ruth Colvin, both of Jackson, and Mrs. Marie Potts of Canton; three brothers, William Reese of Sabina, Sandy Reese of Scenery Hill, Pa. and Ersel Reese of Washington, Pa.; two sisters, Mrs. Dale Locy and Mrs. Isy Kenimond, both of Washington, Pa.; ten grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.  Services are to be conducted Sunday at 2 p.m. at Eisnaugle Funeral Home in Jackson, with Rev. O. C. Cooper officiating.  Interment is to be in Beaver Chapel Cemetery.  Friends may call at the funeral home Saturday.



The Times Recorder 10/11/1970

Rollin Raymond Higinbothom (1900-1970) OH/AR

Rollin Raymond (Ted) Higginbotham, 70, of Fayetteville, Ark., formerly of Hopewell, a retired farmer, died at 8:30 p.m. (Thursday Oct. 8) at a nursing home in Huntsville, Ark. He had been in failing health for a year. Mr. Higginbotham was born June 13, 1900, in Muskingum County, a son of William and Elizabeth Runion Higinbothom. He never married. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Samuel (Olive) Francis of Gratiot; a brother, Hilbert Higinbothom of Farmington, Ark., six nieces and two nephews. A sister, Florence, is deceased. The body was taken to the Blue Avenue chapel of Bolin Funeral Home where friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. today. Services will be held at 1 p.m. Monday at the Blue Avenue chapel with Rev. Ralph E. Sagle officiating. Burial will be in Poplar Fork Cemetery, near Gratiot.



(Elyria) Chronicle Telegram 09/21/1971

Earl Higginbotham (1915-1971) WV/OH

The Funeral service for Earl Higginbotham, 55, of 635 Stanford Ave., will be Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the Harold Dicken Funeral Home. The Rev. Dr. Charles W. Hamilton and the Rev. Dr. Earl R. Henderson will officiate. Burial will be in Brookdale Cemetery.

Mr. Higginbotham, native of West Virginia and resident of Elyria 18 years, was pronounced dead Saturday at 5 p.m. at Elyria Memorial Hospital after he was stricken with a heart attack at his work at Larson Consolidated Foundry, Grafton, where he was chief security officer. He was a member of First United Methodist Church.

Surviving are his wife, Lulu J., to whom he was married 35 years; two sons, Larry G. of Madison Heights, Mich., and Donald E. of Hefling, Ala., a daughter, Mrs. Jerry E. (Linda) Taylor of Amherst; five grandchildren; four brothers, Carl of Pittsburgh, Ray of Florida and Dale and Ross, both of West Virginia, and two sisters, Mrs. Elmer Gump of Farmington, W.Va., and Mrs. Ruth Jones of Mannington, W.Va.

Friends will be received at the funeral home tonight from 7 to 9 and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.



Van Wert Times Bulletin 01/05/1973

Fern Virginia Jordan Higginbotham (1928-1973) OH

Chillicothe, Ohio-Fern Higginbotham, 44, of Rt. 2, Beaver, was killed late Thursday when the pickup truck in which she was riding and a car collided on U.S. 23, three miles north of Chillicothe.



Zanesville Times Recorder 02/09/1973

Mary E. Burns Higginbotham (1899-1973) OH

Mrs. Mary E. Higginbotham, 73, of Pinkerton Lane Route 2, died at 10 a.m. Thursday in Good Samaritan Medical Center. She had been ill for three weeks, but death was unexpected.

Born Feb. 21, 1899, in Muskingum County, she was a daughter of Amos and Clara Edwards Burns and had been a lifelong resident of Zanesville.

She was a member of the Fair Oaks Baptist Church.

Surviving are her husband, J. Dewey Higginbotham; one son, Donald of White Cottage; two daughters, Mrs. Junior (Elaine) Tredway of 705 Rock Road and Sue Higginbotham of the home; two brothers, Herbert Burns of Phoenix City, Ala., and Archie Burns of St. Petersburg, Fla.; and four grandchildren.

One son, Paul, died in infancy. A brother is also deceased.

Friends may call 7 to 9 p.m. today and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday at the Blue Avenue Chapel of the Bolin Funeral Home.



The (Newark) Advocate 07/02/1973

Goldie L. McLaughlin Higginbotham (1885-1973) OH

Services for Mrs. Goldie L. Higginbotham, 88, of 108 W. Main St., will be 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the chapel of the Brucker and Kishler Funeral Home, with the Rev. Dr. Joseph Garshaw officiating. Burial will be in Wilson Cemetery.

Mrs. Higginbotham died Sunday morning in the hospital. She was born June 24, 1885, to the late John and Sarah McLaughlin.

She was a member of the Central Church of Christ for 80 years, the Pythian Sisters and the Homemakers Class.

Her husband, Andrew C., died in 1960.

Surviving are two sons: Edward Higginbotham and Rev. John Higginbotham, both of Newark; one daughter, Mrs. Carl Hackney of Carmel, Ind.; a sister, Mrs. Blanche Glausinger of Newark; six grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren. One son and brothers and sisters are dead.

Calling hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. tonight.



Massillon Independent 07/18/1974

Rex William Higginbotham (1952-1974) OH

A 22-year-old Louisville man was killed Wednesday when the motorcycle he was riding was hit by a car in the 2200 block of Bolivar Rd. SW, Canton.

According to Canton police, Rex Higginbotham of 5629 Mowry St., Louisville, was travelling northeast on Bolivar Rd. at a high rate of speed when he went left of center and was struck by a car driven by Donald P. Guag, 46, of 1709 Amdale Ave., Sugarcreek Township.

Higginbotham was pronounced dead on arrival at Aultman Hospital at 12:52 a.m.

The Stark County coroner ruled Higginbotham’s death a traffic fatality due to compound skull fractures and fractures to the left knee and right arm. The death brings to 31 the number of traffic fatalities in Stark County this year, compared to 37 a year ago.

Higginbotham is survived by his wife, Christine. He was a member of the Louisville Baptist Church.

Other survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit H. Higginbotham of Minerva; a sister, Mrs. Beverly D. Facemire, of Minerva; two brothers, Robert of Minerva and Roger of Minerva.

The funeral will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Paquelet Funeral Home in Louisville with the Rev. Harold Henniger, of the Canton Baptist Temple, officiating. Interment will be in the Evergreen Cemetery near Louisville.

Friends may call at the funeral home Friday from 7 to 9 p.m.



The Times-Recorder 04/08/1974

Mable Grace Musser Higinbothom (1896-1974) OH

Mrs. Mabel Grace Musser Higginbotham, 79, of Springfield, relative of several residents, died Saturday in a Springfield hospital. She had been in failing health a year.

She was born Jan. 12, 1896 in Meigs County. Her husband, Brit, died in 1952.

Surviving are a son, John, of Vandalia; two daughters, Mrs. Iris Bernie and Mrs. Julia Harris, both of Springfield; nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Graveside service will be held 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at Poplar Forks Cemetery near Gratiot.



Massillon Independent 10/31/1975

Roger D. Higginbotham (1949-1975) OH

New Richmond, Ohio-Roger Higginbotham, 26, was killed in Clermont County Wednesday night when he lost control of his automobile and slammed head-on into a semi-truck, according to Ohio Highway Patrol.



Findlay Courier 05/22/1976

Jossie S. Ward Higginbotham (1929-1976) KY/OH

CAREY—Mrs. Jossie S. Higginbotham, 46 , 425 Findlay St., Carey, died at 7:20 a.m. Friday in Blanchard Valley Hospital, where she had been hospitalized the past six months. She was born in Paintsville, Ky., Dec. 17,1929, to John and Martha (Blair) Ward. She married Burton Higginbotham, Nov. 17, 1948, and he survives. Also surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Sharon Hackworth, Carey; Mrs. Debbie Soto, Jessup, Ga.; three sons, Rick, Steven and Ronald, all of Carey; four grandchildren; two brothers, Zollie, Paintsville, Ky.; Hager, Vanlue; three sisters, Mrs. Ed (Gladys) Tackett, Mount Blanchard; Mrs. Margaret Wickham, Carey; Mrs. John (Bonnie) Pepnickey, California. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church, north of Carey, the Fraternal Order of Eagles in Fostoria and the Carey Conservation Club. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday in the church, the Rev. William Mahan officiating. Burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery. Visitation will be after 7 p.m. today in the Bristoll Funeral Home, Carey.



The Advocate 06/12/1976

Hallie S. Jones Hickinbotham (1889-1976) OH

Arrangements are incomplete for Hallie S. Hickinbotham, 86, of Lorain, formerly of Newark.

Mrs. Hickinbotham died Thursday evening in St. Joseph Hospital, Lorain. She was born Sept. 6, 1889, in Licking County, to the late William B. and Alcindy (McMullin) Jones.

She had been a resident of Lorain for two months. He husband, T. Samuel Hickinbotham, died in 1945.

Surviving are a son, Robert, of Teheran, Iran; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Moxley of Louisville and Mrs. Louise Leanard of Sun City, Calif.; four grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Services will be announced by Criss Brothers Funeral Home.



The Uniontown, PA Morning Herald 09/30/1976

Clarence J. Higginbotham (1907-1976) PA/OH

Higginbotham, Clarence J.-Age 59 years of 4771 West 130 St., Cleveland, Ohio, died Wednesday September 29, 1976 at 5:15 a.m. in the Fairview Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. He was born February 2, 1907 in Amwell Twp., Washington County and was the son of the late William B. and Hannah Craig Higginbotham. Surviving is his wife, Nannie Piper Higginbotham; a son, Lloyd H., Los Angeles, California; three daughters, Mrs. Lewis (Thelma) Gazanick, Jackson, California, Mrs. Charles (Mary) Farmer, Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Charles (Geraldine) Wheaton, Cleveland, Ohio; twelve grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; twin brothers, Silas B., Carmichaels, and Charles, Sylvania, Ohio; a sister, Mrs. Florence Williams, Elmira, N.Y. He was predeceased by four sisters, Rosella Hoge, Annie Martin, Mary Higginbotham, and Catherine Allison; three brothers, Gary, Sherman and William. He was an inspector for the Kirwood Commutator Co., Cleveland, Ohio. He was a resident in Cleveland, Ohio for twenty years prior to living in Greene and Fayette County. He was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Friends will be received in the Paul Lesako Funeral Home, Carmichaels, Friday 3 to 9 p.m. and Saturday 12 noon to 3:30 p.m., the hour of service. Elder Gerald R. Green will officiate. Interment in Bethlehem Cemetery, Ruff Creek, Pa.

The Times Recorder 06/04/1977

Hazel Frances Higinbothom Mahoney (1891-1977) OH

Mrs. Hazel Frances Higinbothom Mahoney, 85, of 2595 Summit St., Columbus, a native of Nashport, died at 9 a.m. Thursday in Alum Crest Nursing Home where she has been a patient the past 15 months. Mrs. Mahoney was a member of Market Street Baptist Church when she lived in this area and was most recently a member of Broad Street Baptist Church in Columbus. She moved from this area about 40 years ago. She was born Nov. 20, 1891. Surviving are her sister, Mrs. Harold (Dorothy) Lutz of 2101 Dresden Rd., whom she visited last week; and several nieces and nephews, including one niece, Mrs. Franklin (Emily) Vandenbark of 2144 Norwood Blvd., and two nephews, Wayne King of Blue Ave., and Emerson King of Adams St. Service will be held at 10:30 a.m. today in Woodyard Funeral Home in Columbus with burial in a Columbus cemetery.



Chronicle-Telegram 10/08/1977

Alice Deletta Heginbotham Pitman Johns (1907-1977) OH

Mrs. Alice Pitman Johns, 69, of 225 Pasadena Ave., who owned Pitman Realty, died in Elyria Memorial Hospital yesterday after a long illness. She had been in real estate 35 years.

She was the first woman in Ohio to serve as a board of realtors president and was a past president of the Elyria Board of Realtors.

Born in Elyria, Dec. 4, 1907, she was a lifelong area resident and served on the board of trustees for the Center for the Sightless 23 years. She was currently an honorary trustee of that board.

Mrs. Johns was a member of the First Congregational Church, the American Legion Auxiliary, the YWCA, and the American Association of Retired People.

Surviving are her husband, Ralph H.; a son, Alan J. Pitman, Cleveland; two grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Ruth Renkel, Elyria.

Friends may call at the residence.

Services will Monday at 1 p.m. in the First Congregational Church with the Rev. Ronald K. Marmaduke officiating. Burial will be in Ridge Hill Memorial Park.

The family suggest memorial contributions, if desired, be made to the Presbyterian Home for Children, Talladega, Ala., or to the Center for the Sightless, Elyria.

The Harold Dicken Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.



The (Newark) Advocate 10/20/1976

Ruth Evelyn Higginbotham Hackney (1916-1974) OH/IN

Graveside services for Ruth Hackney, 44, Sherman Dr., Carmel, Ind., formerly of Newark, will be 11 a.m. Friday in Wilson Cemetery, with the Rev. Dr. John Halsey officiating.

Mrs. Hackney died Tuesday in Indianapolis Memorial Hospital. She was born to the late Andrew and Goldie (McLaughlin) Higginbotham.

She was a former choir director and music teacher in the Cambridge area. She was a member of Orchard Park Presbyterian Church in Carmel.

Surviving are her widower, Karl; two sons, Terry of Venice, Calif., and Randy of Indianapolis; two brothers, Edward Higginbotham of Newark and John Higginbotham of Cleveland; and three grandchildren. One brother is dead.

The family will be present from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday in Brucker and Kishler Funeral Home.



Wheeling News-Register, Tuesday 08/16/1977

Pearl Marie Gamble Hickenbottom (ca1917-1977) OH

Hickenbottom, Pearl Marie, 60, of Route 3, Pogue Road, St. Clairsville, died Monday in Ohio Valley General Hospital, Wheeling. She was a former employee of Belmont County Sanitarian and a Methodist by faith. Surviving are her mother, Hazel Kettlewell Gamble of Glencoe; her husband, George Hickenbottom; two sons, George Elmer Jr. of St. Clairsville and Marvin Eugene at home; two daughters, Mrs. Yvonne Neuhart of St. Clairsville and Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Elder of Columbus, Ohio; two sisters, Mrs. Howard (Thelma) Groce of Lancaster, Ohio and Mrs. Raymond )Alma) Wiley of Glencoe. Friends received at the Toothman Funeral Home, St. Clairsville, 7-9 p.m. Wednesday, where services will be held Thursday at 1 p.m. Interment in Union Cemetery, St. Clairsville.



Naples (FL) Daily News 12/09/1977

Lucy Mae Clark Higginbotham (1907-1977) OH/FL

Lucy M. Higginbotham, 70, of Tropical Air, Bonita Springs, died Thursday at Naples Community Hospital. Born in Bethesda, Ohio, she had been a winter resident for 12 years coming from St. Clairesville, Ohio. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Lloydsville United Methodist Church, Lloydsville, Ohio.

Survivors include her husband, C.E. Higginbotham; two daughters, Vivian Simpson, Greenville, Ohio and Wilma Suprynowicz of Marlborough, Conn; two brothers, Paul Clark, San Bernardino, Calif. and George Clark, Bethesda, Ohio; three sisters, Mable Zaleski, Bethesda, Ohio, Mary Louge, Glendale, Calif. and Hallie Hearn, Titusville, Fla., and seven grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held in Bethesda, Ohio, with burial in the Richland Township Cemetery, Richland, Ohio.

Pittman’s Bonita Springs Chapel, 2115 Old 41 Road, is in charge of arrangements.



The Chronicle Telegram 11/04/1980

Bratton P. Higginbotham (1909-1980) DC/OH

Bratton P. Higginbotham Sr. 70, of 426 12th St., Lorain, died Friday afternoon at Lorain St. Joseph’s Hospital after a long illness.

Born in Washington D.C., he lived in Lorain 32 years, He was a member of the Second Baptist Church in Detroit, Mich.

A retired employee of United States Steel, Mr. Higginbotham worked 25 ½ years at the Lorain-Cuyahoga Works as a bridge operator in the dock and pressure slag department.

He is survived by his wife, Ruth Patrice; two sons, Bratton Jr., and Darryl, both of Lorain; a daughter, Candice, Lorain; a brother, Thomas, Detroit; two sisters, Mrs. Eloise Guy and Mrs. Thelma Hunter, both of Detroit; and three grandchildren.

Friends may call at the Brown Funeral Home in Lorain today 7-9 p.m. and Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.. Funeral services are 1 p.m. Thursday in the funeral home with the Rev. LaFord Young officiating. Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery.



Chronicle-Telegram 12/30/1983

Ruth E. Heginbotham Renkel (1915-1983) OH

Ruth E. Renkle, 68, a lifelong Elyria resident, died at her home Thursday after suffering an apparent heart attack.

Mrs. Renkel was a retired employee of General Industries, Elyria, and a member of St. Paul United Church of Christ, Elyria.

She is survived by a daughter, Carlyn Beal of Elyria; a son, Donald of Anchorage, Alaska; 12 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

A sister, Alice Pitman Johns, died in 1977.

Services will be at 1 p.m. Saturday in the Dicken Funeral Home, Elyria.

The Rev. Martin G. Waidmann, pastor of St. Paul United Church of Christ, will officiate.

Memorial contributions, if desired, should be made to the Lorain County Board of Mental Retardation or to the Hearing Impaired Services of Lorain County.



The Chronicle-Telegram 12/18/1986

Gilbert A. Heginbotham (1914-1986) OH

Gilbert A. Heginbotham, 72, of Elyria, died at Elyria Memorial Hospital Wednesday afternoon following a brief illness.

He was born in Elyria and lived there most of his life.

He retired in 1973 from U.S. Steel division of USX, Lorain, with 36 years of service.

He was a member of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, Elyria, and a 28-year member of Alcoholics Anonymous.

His hobbies included fishing and hunting.

Surviving are his wife, Rose (nee Kasik), to whom he was married 50 years; two sons, James Heginbotham of Elyria and Wayne Heginbotham of Strongsville; six grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; a sister, Grace Guyeska of Elyria.

Visitation will be today from 7-9 p.m. and Friday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the Curtis-Scheuffer Funeral Home, Elyria.

Services will be Saturday at 10 a.m. at the home with Rev. Martin Waidmann officiating.

Interment will be in Ridge Hill Memorial Park, Elyria.

Members of AA will conduct a memorial service Friday at 7 p.m.

Memorials may be made to the St. Paul UCC of the American Horse Assn.



The (Elyria) Chronicle Telegram 02/21/1991

Joanne E. Caputo Higginbotham (1936-1991) OH

Joanne E. Higginbotham (nee Caputo), 54, retired Rini Rego deli manager, died Tuesday at her Lorain home after a long illness.

Born in Everettville, W.Va., she lived 40 years in Lorain.

She retired as deli manager of the Vermillion Rini Rego in 1990 after 30 years with the company.

Survivors include sons, Dale and Marion, both of Lorain; daughters, Debbie Miller and Marilyn Tucker, both of Lorain; brothers, Frank Caputo Jr. of Lorain and Joey Caputo of St. Paul, Minn.; and sisters, Patty Calabreese of Saginaw, Mich., and Mary Costin of Lorain.

Friends may call 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Thursday at Richard J. Reidy Funeral Home, 1783 E. 31st St., Lorain, where services will be Friday at a time to be announced.

Burial will be in Ridge Hill Memorial Park, Lorain.



The Times Reporter 03/13/1992

Alonzo Earl Hickenbottom (1896-1992) OH

CADIZ - Alonzo Earl Hickenbottom, 95, of 75920 McFarland Rd., died Tuesday at the Carriage Inn of Cadiz. Born in Barnesville, he was a son of the late William and Rosabelle Street Hickenbottom. He was a retired logger, farmer and construction worker and a member of the Cadiz Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Surviving are his wife, the former Susie Monohan; four sons and five daughters, Edmond of Bethesda, Alonzo Jr. of Summerville, S.C., Gary of Cumberland, Md., and Brad K. of McKinney, Texas, Sue F. Gillote of New Albany, Norma Jean Mehok of Heath, Helen Anne Hanna of Jacksonville, Fla., Mary Abel of Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Merle E. Nester of Holloway; 23 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. Four brothers and five sisters are deceased. Services will be Saturday at 1 p.m. in Clark-Kirkland Funeral Home at Cadiz with Brad Hickenbottom officiating. Burial will be in Holly Memorial Gardens at Pleasant Grove. Calling hours are 11 to 1 Saturday.



Journal-Tribune 02/11/1994

Letcher Monroe Higginbotham (1912-1994) WV/OH

Letcher M. Higginbotham, 81, of Charleston died Feb. 9, 1994 at the home of his son, Ray of Richwood. He had been in failing health for several months.
He was a retired farmer and a member of Moose Lodge #0565 and Community Church of Nitro, W.Va. He was born April 15, 1912, in Putnam Co., W.Va., to the late Clinton and Mamie Slater Higginbotham. He was predeceased by a brother.
Surviving: wife, Ruth Walker Higginbotham; sons, Clinton of Florida, Roy of Circleville, Ohio; daughters, Linda Piper and Christine Higginbotham, both of Cocoa, Fla.; brothers, Elmer of Nitro, Robert of Black Betsy, Lonzose of Cabin Creek, Kermit of Canton, Ohio; sisters, Vivian Lett of Charleston, Juanita Cable; 19 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; 4 great-great-grandchildren.
Service will be 11 am Saturday at Keller Funeral Home, Dunbar, with the Rev. Franklin Lett officiating. Burial will be in Legacy Memorial Gardens, Cross Lanes. Friends may call from 7 to 9 pm today at the funeral home. Donations may be made to Hospice of Marion, 180 Ottawa St., Richwood, Ohio, 43344.




Merlie Agnes Warner Higginbotham (1903-1994) WV/OH

Zanesville – Merlie A. Higginbotham, 91, of 1120 Schlaegel Drive, died at 1:54 am Wednesday, June 22, 1994, at Bethesda Hospital.
Born May 9, 1903, in Tribble WV, she was a member of Northside Church of the Nazarene and had been president of the Missionary Society for 10 years.
She is survived by her husband, Romeo D. Higginbotham, whom she married Sept 15, 1924; one daughter, Ruth Higginbotham Gist of Zanesville; two sons, Lonnie Higginbotham of Zanesville and Romeo J. Higginbotham of Nashport; seven grandchildren; six great grandchildren; two step grandchildren; four step great grandchildren; one step great, great grandson; and one sister, Eddie Casto of Nitro WV
Preceding her in death were her parents, Robert and Nancy Jividen Warner; one daughter, Louise Marie Higginbotham; one granddaughter and several brothers and sisters.
Calling hours are from 7 to 9 pm today and 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm Friday, June 24, at Bryan Funeral Home, 2318 Maple Avenue.
Services will be at 11 am Saturday, June 25, at the funeral home with the Rev. James Honaker and the Rev. Vernon Stimpert officiating. Burial will be in Dresden Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Northside Church of the Nazarene.



The Richwood Gazette 10/30/1996

Ruth Marie Walker Higginbotham (1916-1996) WV/OH

Ruth M. Higginbotham, 80, died Monday, Oct. 28 at Memorial Hospital of Union County following a brief illness.

The daughter of Mat and Lou Slater Walker was born February 23, 1916, in Eskdale. She married Letcher Higginbotham November 4, 1934. He preceded her in death February 9, 1994.

Surviving are three sons, Clinton of Ocala, FL., Ray of Richwood and Roy of Circleville; two daughters, Linda Piper and Christina Higginbotham, both of Cocoa, FL.; eighteen grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren.

Also surviving are a brother, Vincent Walker of Marengo and a sister, Nancy Jett of Melbourne, FL. Five brother and three sisters are deceased.

Funeral services will be held Thursday, Oct. 31 at 2 p.m. at Keller Funeral Home in Dunbar, WV. Interment will be at Legacy Memorial Cemetery near Cross Lanes, WV.

Memorial contributions may be made to Milcrest Nursing Center where she was a resident.



The Chronicle-Telegram 05/26/2000

James J. Heginbotham (1937-2000) OH

James J. “Jim” Heginbotham, 62, of Elyria died Wednesday at New Life Hospice Center at St. Joseph in Lorain following a 3 ½ year illness.

Born in Elyria, he was a lifelong resident.

He was a 1955 graduate of Elyria High School.

Mr. Heginbotham was a firefighter for the Elyria Fire Department, retiring in 1993 after 25 years of service.

He was past president of the Firefighter’s Union and was an active member of AA for many years.

Survivors include his wife of 21 years, Claudia R. (nee Schmittgen); daughters, Beth McNulty, Sandra Vidovich, Nancy Ramirez, Heidi Knapp, Amanda and Caitlin Heginbotham, all of Elyria, and Susan Willoughby of South Amherst; his son, Chip of Elyria; 12 grandchildren; his mother, Rose (nee Kasik) Heginbotham; and a brother, Wayne of Strongsville.

He was preceded in death by his father, Gilbert, in 1986.

Friends may call 7 to 9 p.m. today in the Dicken Funeral Home, 323 Middle Ave., Elyria.

A memorial service will be conducted for the family. The Rev. Arthur E. Long will officiate.

Burial will be in Columbia Township Cemetery.

Memorial may be made to the American Lung Association, 226 State Route 61 East, Norwalk, 44857-9705.



Times-Gazette 07/20/2001
Emanuel L. Higginbotham (1943-2001) OH

Emanuel L. Higginbotham (Higgy), 58, of Frankfort, died at 11:31 a.m. July 18, 2001 in his home surrounded by his family and friends, after an extended illness.
Emmanuel was born May 27, 1943, in Bainbridge, the son of Frank and Bernice Cottrill Higginbotham, both of whom preceded him in death. Emanuel was retired from Armco/Steelox Systems, of Washington Court House. His life was passionately spent hunting, fishing, playing euchre, caring for his dogs, gardening, providing for his family and worshiping in his home. He felt honored and blessed to have owned and maintained his family's farm for the past 28 years. He is survived by his incredibly loving and eternally faithful wife, Irene Cochenour Higginbotham; his three children, Glen (Beth) Higginbotham of Frankfort, Tonia (Tim) Nesser of Bainbridge, and Emanuel Higginbotham of Columbus; granddaughters, Elizabeth Nesser and Talli Emily, Aubree and Daisey Mae Higginbotham; siblings, Ted, Dixie, Harvey, Susan Smith, John, Diane Smith, Beverly Corey, all of Frankfort, and Robin Corey, of Bourneville, as well as scores of aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. Viewing in the family home.
Funeral in First Church of God, Chillicothe. Funeral arrangements by Fisher-Anderson-Ebright Funeral Home in Frankfort. Burial in Greenlawn Cemetery in Frankfort, with military honors by American Legion.


The Courier 09/12/2002

Neva Fay Conley Higginbotham (1935-2002) KY/OH

CAREY -- Fay Higginbotham, 67, of 219 W. Findlay St., Carey, died at 8:45 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2002, at Wyandot Memorial Hospital, Upper Sandusky.
She was born March 1, 1935, in Johnson County, Kentucky to Lindsey and Cora L. (Arms) Conley. She married John Higginbotham on March 28, 1963, and he survives.
Also surviving are two sons, John Jr. of Sulphur, La.; Hank Conley, Atlanta, Ga.; five daughters, Diane Hussey and Betty Jo Twining, both of Carey; Mrs. Clark (Connie) Phillips and Tina Twining-Begley, both of Findlay; Tammy Higginbotham, Lexington, S.C.; 17 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren; three brothers, Paul Conley, Carey; Frank Conley, Pleasant Lake, Mich.; Billy Ray Conley, Jackson, Mich.; and four sisters, Joyce Ann Stanley, Jackson, Mich.; Opal Marshall, Marion; Mrs. Gabe (Ella Ree) Smith, Carey; Mrs. Thomas (Wanda) Resor, Pleasant Lake, Mich.
She was preceded in death by two brothers, Gary Dean and James Conley.
Mrs. Higginbotham was a homemaker. She was a charter member of First Free Will Baptist Church, Carey.
Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday at the church, the Revs. Harold Bowling, Arnie Rife and Russ Manns officiating. Burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery, Carey.
Visitation will be held from 2-9 p.m. Friday at Stombaugh-Batton Funeral Home, Carey, and an hour before services Saturday at the church.
Memorials may be made to the church or a charity of the donor's choice in care of the funeral home, 225 W. Findlay St., Carey, 43316-1169.


The Chronicle-Telegram 03/13/2003

Rose Kasik Heginbotham (1915-2003) OH

Rose Heginbotham (nee Kasik), 87, of Elyria, an active volunteer, died Wednesday in EMH Regional Medical Center in Elyria following a short illness.

Born in Elyria, she was a lifelong resident.

She worked as a saleslady in downtown Elyria for 15 years and then at the former Midway Mall for Fanny Farmer Co. She later volunteered for 11 years in the gift shop at EMH Regional Medical Center. She also helped with the newsletter for Retired Seniors Volunteer Program on Fridays.

Mrs. Heginbotham was a member of St. Paul United Church of Christ in Elyria.

She enjoyed baking and cooking for family and friends.

Survivors include a son, Wayne of Strongsville; eight grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; and a sister, Anne Curcillo of Elyria.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Gilbert, in 1986; a son, James, in 2000; parents, James and Cecelia Kasik; and sisters, Mary Kasik, Antoinette “Toni” Downton, Barbara Nichols and Mildred Weibling.

Friends may call 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Friday at Busch-Curtis-Scheuffler Family Chapel, 114 Second St., Elyria, where funeral services will be 10:30 a.m. Saturday.

The Rev. Allen Grothe, pastor of St. Paul United Church of Christ in Elyria, will officiate.

Interment will be in Ridge Hill Memorial Park, Amherst Township.

Memorials may be made to American Cancer Society, 43099 N. Ridge Road, Elyria.



Charleston Gazette, Thursday 04/10/2003
Clarence Dale Higginbotham (1960-2003) OH
GROVE CITY, Ohio – Clarence Dale Higginbotham, 43, of Grove City died April 8, 2003, in Doctors' West Hospital.
He was a 1979 graduate of Westland High School, a member of Teamsters Local 413 and a driver for FedEx.
He was preceded in death by his son, Ryan Dale Higginbotham; and his sister, Christina Higginbotham.
Survivors include his loving wife, Anna Higginbotham; parents, Delbert and Donna Higginbotham; sons, Dustin, Dillon and Nicholas Higginbotham; stepdaughter, Dawn Wycuff; sister and her husband, Wilda and Chris Morris; brothers and their wives, William and Brenda Higginbotham and Charles and Brenda Higginbotham; and many relatives and close friends.
Service will be 12 noon Saturday, Apr. 12, at Raynes Funeral Home, Buffalo, W.Va., with the Rev. John Mead officiating. Burial will be in Morning-Sunrise Cemetery, Grimms Landing, W.Va.
Friends may call from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday at the funeral home.



The Courier 06/30/2003

Lawrence M. Higginbotham (1919-2003) WV/OH
ALVADA -- Funeral services for Lawrence M. Higginbotham, 83, of 12212 W. Seneca County Road 10, Alvada, will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Stombaugh-Batton Funeral Home, Carey, the Rev. Floyd Thomas officiating. Burial with full military rites will be in Spring Grove Cemetery, Carey.
Visitation will be held from 2-5 and 6-9 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home.
Mr. Higginbotham died at 5:45 p.m. Saturday, June 28, 2003 at Good Shepherd Home, Fostoria.
Born July 21, 1919 in Buffalo, W.V., to Abraham and Sophia (Runion) Higginbotham, he married Anna Belle Jeffers on October 9, 1941 in Prospect, and she died March 24, 1994.
Surviving are a son, Lawrence of Marion; three daughters, Mrs. Terry (Shirley) Shafer, Delta; Donna Miller, Upper Sandusky; and Mrs. David (Laura) Hall, Shelbourne, Vt.; five grandchildren; and seven great grandchildren.
Preceding him in death are six brothers, William, Earl, Ezra, Deward, Dencil and Robert Higginbotham; five sisters, Mary Hayes, Emma Weaver, Effie Bowers, and Margaret and Fanny Higginbotham, who both died in infancy; and two grandchildren.
A WWII U.S. Army veteran, he worked on the C & O Railroad for 38 years and was a member of the American Legion Post 354 Z in New Riegel.
Memorials may be made to Seneca County Alternative Transportation in care of the funeral home, 225 W. Findlay St., Carey, 43316.



Herbert L. Higginbotham (1934-2003) OH

Herbert L. Higginbotham, age 70, of Columbus passed away Wednesday, August 27, 2003 at his residences. Survived by son Mark (Christine) Higginbotham, daughters Diana Reed of AR, Cheryl (Jack) Davis of NC and Janet (Tom) Tucker of Centerburg; brothers Bob (Janet) Higginbotham, Tommy (Darlene) Higginbotham; sister Brenda (Joe) Buchanan. Herb loved fishing and hunting. He taught he grandson Lance how to cast his first rod and reel. He loved going fishing with Mark, he always called him “his boy”. He had a nickname for all of his girls, each of them were special to him. Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren Herb had many friends and enjoyed Toad from W.V. He will be greatly missed by all. Visitation Sunday 2-5 PM at NEWCOMER-FARLEY FUNERAL HOME, 3047 East Dublin-Granville Road, Columbus, Ohio. Funeral service 10 AM Tuesday at the funeral home. Pastor Tom Tucker officiating. Interment in Glenrest Memorial Estate, Reynoldsburg.



Wilmington News Journal 3/4/2004

Elsie Lee Higginbotham Gilliam (1925-2004) WV/OH
Elsie L. Gilliam, 78, of Wilmington, died Monday (March 1, 2004) at her residence. She was preceded in death by her husband, Floyd E. Gilliam.
Mrs. Gilliam was born Aug. 2, 1925, in War Eagle, W.Va., daughter of the late William Estel and Goldie Elizabeth Stanley Higginbotham.
She is survived by four children, Ronald K. (Crystal) Gilliam of Wilmington, Debbie (Ray) Damron of Wilmington, Loretta D. Gilliam of Wilmington and Donald R. (Mary) Gilliam of Greenfield; three sisters, Edna Cox of Grove City, Etta Williams of Delbarton, W.Va., and Wilma Wood of Columbus; and three grandchildren, Annette Foust, Laura Boyd and Daniel Gilliam.
In addition to her husband and parents, she was preceded in death by a daughter, Portia Gayle Evans.
Private graveside services will be held Thursday at the New Antioch Cemetery. A memorial service will be held 2 p.m. Saturday at the Wilmington Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, 1769 SR 73 West, Wilmington. No visitation is scheduled. Arrangements are under the direction of FISHER-EDGINGTON FUNERAL HOME, 97 W. Locust St., Wilmington.



Cincinnati Post 7/2/2004
Thelma Pearl Federle Higginbotham (1925-2004) OH

HIGGINBOTHAM Thelma (nee Federle). Beloved wife of the late Earl D. Higginbotham. Loving mother of Ron (Judy) and Mark (Jan) Higginbotham. Devoted grandmother of Tracey (Dave) Peters, Eric (Jeanine) Higginbotham, Kevin, Jason (Leta) and Leslie Becker and Jenny (Brian) Frazier and Becky Higginbotham. Great grandmother of 14. Dear sister of Albert Federle and the late Ruth Gulley. July 1, 2004. Age 79 years. Visitation Saturday from 10 A.M. until time of funeral service at 11 A.M. at the Neidhard-Minges Funeral Home, 7043 Harrison Pike, Taylors Creek. Donations may be made to the American Cancer Society, Hamilton County Unit, 11117 Kenwood Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45242




J. C. Higginbotham (1921-2004) MS/OH

J. C. Higginbotham, age 82, of Canton, went to be with the Lord Tuesday morning, December 28, 2004. He was born November 13, 1922, in DeKalb, MS, to the late Benjamin and Ada Higginbothan. He worked in the CCC Camps, then entered the Marines in 1940. During WW II he served in the Pacific Theater of Operations and participated in action at Guadal Canal, BSI, Tarawa Atoll, Saipan and Tinian, MI. He went to school under the GI Bill studying farming and moved to Hartville in 1950. He retired from Monarch Rubber Co. in 1981 after over 30 years of service. J.C. was a member of the Hartville Apostolic Gospel Church where he was one of the first officers. He loved gardening and his family. Preceded in death by four brothers. He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Helen; daughter, Glenda Sellers of Hartsville, SC; son and daughter-in-law, Ronald and Tina Higginbotham of Dover; three grandchildren, Kirsten and Carlos Chavez of South Carolina, Donald II and Liz Sellers of Canton, and Katrina Danielson of Dover; two great grandchildren, Trenton and Nicolas Chavez; sister and brother-in-law, Ada and Al Akers of Michigan; brothers and sisters-in-law, R. T. and Kathryn Higginbotham of Mississippi, and Benny Jr. and Mary Higginbotham of Alabama. Friends may call two hours prior to services Thursday, 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. in the Arnold Funeral Home Hartville. Funeral services will be in the funeral home at 2 p.m. with Minister Anthony Zupancic officiating. Final resting place is Mount Peace Cemetery.


The (Elyria) Chronicle Telegram 12/15/2005

Darryl Higginbotham (1959-2004) OH

Darryl Higginbotham, 45, of Lorain, died Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2004, at the Ohio Extended Care facility following an extended illness.

Mr. Higginbotham was born in Lorain and worked as an auto mechanic.

He enjoyed fishing, shooting pool and playing basketball.

Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his son, Darryl Higginbotham Jr. of Lorain; daughters, Daneida P. Woods and Darnelia Higginbotham, both of Lorain; 10 grandchildren; brothers, Kenneth Patterson of Georgia, Bratton Higginbotham Jr. of Lorain and Perry “Pete” Higginbotham of Elyria; and many nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Bratton and Ruth Higginbotham; brother, Michael Patterson; and sister, Kim Higginbotham.

Services will be 1 p.m. Friday at Brown-Robinson Funeral Home, 2652 Broadway in Lorain.



The Courier

John Melvin Higginbotham (1930-2005) WV/OH
CAREY -- Funeral services for John M. Higginbotham, 75, of 219 West Findlay St., Carey, Ohio, will be held at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, September 17, 2005 at First Freewill Baptist Church, Carey, Ohio, the Revs. Harold Bowling, Arnie Rife and Russ Manns officiating. Burial will be in Spring Grove Cemetery, Carey. Military graveside rites conducted by local veterans organization.
Visitation will be held from 2-9 p.m. Friday, September 16, 2005 at STOMBAUGH-BATTON FUNERAL HOME, Carey, Ohio, and one hour prior to the service at the church.
Mr. Higginbotham died at 12:08 p.m. Wednesday, September 14, 2005 at Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus, Ohio.
John was born on May 11, 1930 in Grimms Landing, W.Va. to Rubin and Melinda (Oldaker) Higginbotham, and they are both deceased. He married Faye Conley on March 28, 1963 in Nitro, W. Va. and she died September 11, 2002. He later married Margaret J. Adams-Hackworth on August 30, 2003 at First Freewill Baptist Church, Carey, Ohio, and she survives in Carey, Ohio.
Surviving are two sons, John Higginbotham Jr., Sulphur, LA.; and Hank Conley, Atlanta, GA.; five daughters, Diane Hussey, Carey, Ohio; Mrs. (Clark) Connie Phillips, Findlay, Ohio; Betty Jo Twining, Carey, Ohio; Tina Twining-Begley, Findlay, Ohio; and Tammy Higginbotham, Lexington, SC.; five stepchildren, Dennis Hackworth, Wharton, Ohio; Donna Bennett, Greenville, PA.; Connie McKenzie, Carey; Bonnie Williams, Robertsdale, PA.; and Timothy Hackworth, Wharton, Ohio; 17 grandchildren; 6 great-grandchildren; 13 step-grandchildren; a sister, Mary K. Tucker, Point Pleasant, W. Va.; and one stepsister, Mary Adkins, Upper Sandusky, Ohio.
Preceding him in death are an infant daughter, Loretta Alice Higginbotham; and a brother, Charles Higginbotham.
John retired from Yellow Freight Lines on September 28, 1990 after 35 years of service.
John was a charter member of the First Freewill Baptist Church in Carey, Ohio; a veteran of the Korean War serving in the U.S. Army and a member of the Teamsters Union where he served as a Steward.
Memorials may be made to First Freewill Baptist Church or a charity of the donor's choice in care of the funeral home.




Robert Lee Higginbotham (1923-2006) NY/OH

Robert L. Higginbotham, age 83, of Miamisburg, OH and formerly of Elmira, NY, passed away Tuesday, July 11, 2006. He was a World War II Navy Veteran, a former employee of Bendix Corp., started Northside Television in Horseheads, NY, the Elmira Cable Co., and Bel Air Mobile Homes, Inc. He was a former member and deacon at the Hillcrest Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his parents, Burl Higginbotham and Blanche Higginbotham; 2 brothers, James and Ray Higginbotham; a sister, Marie Shultz; and a son, Allen Lee Higginbotham. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Marlene A. Higginbotham of Miamisburg, OH; 5 daughters, Donna Rider and husband Leslie of Elkhart, IN, Diane Corriveau and Husband Dennis of Centerville, OH, Nancy Canedy and husband David of Bolingbrook, IL, Karen Higginbotham of Alpharetta, GA, and Janet Snyder and husband Stephen of Greenville, SC; 2 sisters, Faye Schlick of Elmira, NY and Florence Marsh of Jacksonville, FL; and 9 grandchildren. Funeral service 12 noon Thursday, July 13, 2006 at the Tobias Funeral Home, Far Hills Chapel, 5471 Far Hills Ave. at Rahn Rd., Dayton, OH. Pastor David C. Canedy officiating. Interment, Dayton National Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the funeral home Thursday 1 a.m. until time of service. If desired, memorial contributions in his memory may be made to the Baptist World Mission, PO Box 2149, Decatur, AL. 35602



Charleston Gazette, Wednesday 07/13/2006
Clayton Eugene Higginbotham (1931-2006) WV/OH
Clayton E. "Babe" Higginbotham, 75, of Amherst, Ohio, died Wednesday, July 5, 2006, at home following a long illness.
He was born Jan. 27, 1931, in Poca, W.Va., and moved to Lorain, Ohio in the early 1950s and moved to Amherst in 1999.
Survivors include his wife of 50 years, Hellen Louise (nee Coburn); sons, David Higginbotham and Harold E. Higginbotham, both of Lorain, Ohio, and William R. Higginbotham of Amherst, Ohio; brother, Robert Higginbotham of Poca; sister, Dolores Craigo of Poca; and eight grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Robert F. and Minnie (nee Lewis) Higginbotham, and sisters, Norma Mae Ward and Christine Bonette.
Clayton was laid to rest in Elmhurst Cemetery in Avon, Ohio.



Thomas Clark Higginbotham (1924-2006) WV/OH

Thomas C. Higginbotham, age 81, of Toledo, passed away Tuesday, August 15, 2006 in St. Anne Mercy Hospital. He was born December 18, 1924 to Frank and Vivian (Hall) Higginbotham in South Charleston, W. VA. Tom was a WWII and Korean War veteran serving his country proudly in the U.S. Army as a member of the last Equine Mounted Cavalry Unit. He was employed with Chrysler Corporation retiring in 1980. Tom was also a member of Chrysler’s Retirees Group. He enjoyed golfing and playing cards, as well as spending time with family and friends and his beloved pets, Holly and Dolly.
In addition to his parents, Tom was preceded in death by his daughter, Beverly Jean Hammock; granddaughter, Mary Katherine Adkins and brothers, James and Frank Higginbotham. Tom is survived by his loving wife of 50 years, Margie (Davis) Higginbotham; children, Barbara Banks of Toledo and Cynthia & Bill Leaman of Winston, GA; Thomas & Vici Higginbotham, Jr. of Curtice, OH; grandchildren, John & Ginnie (Brandon, Justin & Lacey) Banks of Maumee, OH; Tiauanna (Banks) Tucker of North Royalton, OH; Maria Leaman and Cara Leaman of Winston, GA; Dawn Karnes of St. Albans, W. VA; Cheryl Vaughn of Dallas, GA; James Edward Hammock, Jr. of Buffalo, W. VA; Thomas Higginbotham of Millbury, OH and Lisa Guest of Foley, AL; many grandchildren; great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren and brother, Wayne Higginbotham of the Hamptons, VA.
The family will receive friends Friday from 2:00-6:00 p.m. in the Newcomer Funeral Home, 4150 W. Laskey Rd. (419-473-0300). Funeral Services will begin Friday at 6:00 p.m. Officiating will be Rev. David Wettrich of Faith Tabernacle Church of God, Northwood, Ohio.
The Higginbotham family would like to express their grateful appreciation to the staff and employees at Flower Hospital and Lake Park Care Center for their kind, considerate and compassionate care over the past thirteen years.
In lieu of flowers Memorial Contributions may be made to the charity of the donor’s choice.



The Independent 10/17/2006

Mary E. Beyoglides Higginbotham (1918-2006) OH

Mary E. Higginbotham, age 88, of Massillon, passed away Monday morning at her residence. She was born July 22, 1918 in Canton, OH daughter of the late George and Erasmia (Harakopus) Beyoglides. Mary retired from the former Ohio Merchants Bank in 1974 with 23 years service, and previously worked at Canton City Hall, Water Department. She was a member of St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Massillon and had been involved with the Massillon Club, Massillon Museum, Massillon Woman's Club, and historic Springhill Farm. In addition to her parents, Mary was preceded in death by her husband, Robert H. Higginbotham December 2, 1992; and a brother John Beyoglides. Surviving are her sister and soul mate, Angeline Ellis of Canton, OH; a brother, Harry G. Beyoglides of Dayton, OH; two nephews, Atty. Harry G. Beyoglides, Jr. and John C. Beyoglides, both of Dayton, OH; and three grand-nieces, Sara M. Beyoglides, Emily M. Beyoglides, and Kathleen R. Beyoglides, all of Dayton, OH. There are no calling hours. Graveside services will be held 11 a.m. Thursday at Massillon Cemetery with Rev. Henry G. Harris officiating. Contributions are suggested to St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, 226 3rd St. S.E., Massillon, OH 44646.



The Columbus Dispatch 01/28/2007

Mildred Louise Higginbotham Jeffers (1930-2007) OH
Mildred L. Higginbotham Jeffers, 76, of Frankfort, died Friday afternoon, January 26, 2007 at her home. Survived by her husband, Denver Jeffers; 4 children, Joyce Short, Robin Jeffers and Denver Jeffers all of Frankfort, Anthony Jeffers of Columbus; 10 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; and 1 sister. Funeral service will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday, January 30, 2007 in the EBRIGHT FUNERAL HOME, Frankfort. Calling hours will be on Monday from 5-8 p.m. at the funeral home.



Springfield News-Sun 02/22/2007

Thomas J. Higginbotham (1932-2007) PA/OH
HIGGINBOTHAM, (Ret) Major Thomas J. 74, of New Carlisle, Ohio passed away Saturday February 17, 2007 in Harborside Healthcare, Troy, Ohio. He was born April 18, 1932 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the son of the late William and Theresa (Kleinhans) Higginbotham. At the age of 12, Tom met his childhood sweetheart Katherine, and on January 3, 1953 they married and began their life of 54 years together. Their greatest accomplishment was raising their four sons. Tom received a bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from St. Joseph's College in Philadelphia. He was also honored as an All American Cross Country runner. Upon completion of college Tom entered the United States Air Force and began a career that spanned over 20 years. During that time he completed his MBA in Logistical Management at the Air Force Institute of Technology. He was a Korean Conflict and Vietnam War veteran who received several medals and other commendations. After retiring from the Air Force, Tom continued his patriotic service in the civilian world, working with several companies on military contracts. He retired with his wife, Kay in 1999 to enjoy their dream home and travel. He is survived by four sons, Tom and his wife, Bernadette, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Ron and his wife, Jane of Boise, Idaho, Keith of Los Angeles, California, and Lance of New Carlisle; six grandchildren; four great grandchildren; a brother, William and his wife, Dallas Higginbotham; a sister, Teresa Blumenstock; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his wife, Katherine who died on Jan 21, 2007. Memorial Mass will be held at 9:30 a.m. Saturday February 24, 2007 at the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, New Carlisle, with Father Michael Bidwell officiating. Arrangements by the TROSTEL, CHAPMAN, DUNBAR & FRALEY FUNERAL HOME, New Carlisle, Ohio.



The Cincinnati Enquirer 03/20/2007
Helen Higginbotham (1930-2007) OH
HIGGINBOTHAM Helen, passed March 17, 2007, age 76. Visitation Wednesday, March 21, 12 Noon until hour of service 12 Noon at Mt. Zion Glendale Baptist Church, 40 Coral. Eulogist Rev. Kendal Logan. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. Arrangements by Thompson, Hall & Jordan Funeral Home.




Jerry Lee Higginbotham (1956-2007) OH
Jerry Lee Higginbotham, 50, of Sycamore, died at 2:51 a.m. Sunday, April 29, 2007, at his residence.
He was born Dec. 23, 1956, in Fostoria, to Deward A. and Delores (Jacques) Higginbotham. They preceded him in death. He married Rita Ann Kirby on Nov. 11, 2006. She survives in Sycamore.
He is also survived by one brother, Larry Higginbotham of Carey; three sisters, Sharon Overton of Carey, Gaylene Higginbotham of Findlay and Kim Layfield of Carey; and several nieces and nephews.
Jason L. Kirby, his son, preceded him in death.
Visitation is 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, May 1, 2007, at the Stombaugh-Batton Funeral Home in Carey.
Services will be 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 2, 2007, at the funeral home with the Rev. Cathy Wirth officiating. Interment will follow in Pleasant View Cemetery in Sycamore.
Contributions may be made to the Jerry L. Higginbotham Memorial Fund in care of the Stombaugh-Batton Funeral Home, 225 W. Findlay St., Carey, OH 43316.



The Columbus Dispatch 05/08/2007

Carolyn M. Danielson Higginbotham (1918-2007) OH
Carolyn Higginbotham, 88, of Grove City, passed away May 6, 2007. She was preceded in death by her parents Frank and Mary Danielson Sr. and brother Glenn Danielson. Caroline is survived by her husband, William H. Higginbotham; daughter, June Rees; grandchildren, Michael (Jackie) Murphy, Michelle Robson, Melanie (David) Bricker, Mary (Joe) Capehart; sister, Florence (Ralph) Leonard; brothers, Frank (Barbara) Danielson Jr., Walter (Lenora) Danielson; 2 great-granddaughters; 5 great-grandsons; and several nieces. Caroline loved collecting antiques and going to antique shows. She also enjoyed fishing. Memorial service will be held 3 p.m. Thursday, May 10, 2007, at NEWCOMER FUNERAL HOME, Southwest Chapel, 3393 Broadway, Grove City, Ohio. Visitation will be held from 2 p.m. until time of service.



Dayton Daily News 08/28/2007
Timothy M. Higginbotham (ca1946-2007) OH
HIGGINBOTHAM, Timothy M., 61, Dayton, Sat., Aug. 4. Graveside service 11 A.M. Tues. Dayton National Cemetery. Bradford Connelly & Glickler



Cincinnati Enquirer 11/09/2007
Paul Higginbotham (1921-2007) OH

HIGGINBOTHAM, Paul loving husband of Harriet Higginbotham and the late Jeanne Higginbotham, beloved father of Tom (Roslyn) Higginbotham, dear papa of Kim Johnson, dear step-father of Barbara Birge and Carol Huxsoll, step-grandfather of 7, brother of Ruth Murphy. Thursday, Nov. 8, 2007. Age 86. Visitation Saturday, Nov. 10th from 9AM until time of funeral service at 11AM at Nurre-Mihovk-Rosenacker Funeral Home 10211 Plainfield Rd. (on the grounds of Rest Haven Memorial Park). In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Alzheimers Assoc. 644 Linn Street, Suite 1026 Cincinnati, OH 45203.



Cincinnati Enquirer 01/29/2008

James Davis Higgenbottom (1927-2008) TN/TX
HIGGENBOTTOM James Davis Higgenbottom was born February 23, 1927 in Sparta, TN. He passed away January 25, 2008 in Houston, TX. He is survived by his beloved wife Helen Fay Higgenbottom, his children Cheryl Lawry, Karen Lynn, Randall Higgenbottom, and Michael Higgenbottom, nine grandchildren and fifteen great grandchildren, as well as two sisters. Visitation will be held Tuesday, January 29th from 5 to 9 p.m. at Schmidt-Dhonau-Galloway Funeral Home, 10980 Reading Rd., Sharonville, Ohio 45241. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, January 30th at 11:00 a.m. in the funeral home chapel. He will be greatly missed but his family rejoices with him as he has now entered his final home with his precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.



Crescent-News 03/14/2008

MaryLou Higginbotham Smith (1936-2008) OH

March 14, 2008 NAPOLEON -- MaryLou Smith, 71, Napoleon, died Thursday, March 13, 2008, at Golden Living Center Northcrest, Napoleon. She was born June 12, 1936, in Hicksville, the daughter of Marion and Violet (Shaffer) Higginbotham. In 1956, she married Marvin Smith, who died in 2001. She was a homemaker and a member of Napoleon Church of the Nazarene. Surviving are four sons, Tim (Judy) of Florida, Ohio, Tom and Jeff of Napoleon and Joe (Rita), Malinta; a sister, Leah (Glenn) Davis, Liberty Center; a brother, Clyde (Jan) Higginbotham, Cygnet; and five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Also preceding her in death were her parents; a sister; Juanita Deck; and a granddaughter. Services will be at 11 a.m. Monday in Snyder-Wesche Funeral Home, Napoleon, with Pastor David Lutz officiating. Burial will be in Forest Hill Cemetery, Napoleon. Visitation is from 2-4 p.m. Sunday and one hour prior to services Monday. Preferred memorials are to Hospice of Henry County.




Christopher S. Higginbotham (1979-2008) OH

Christopher S. Higginbotham, 28, of Racine, Ohio went home to be with the Lord Saturday, April 26, 2008. He was a 1998 graduate of Grandview Heights High School in Columbus, Ohio.
He is survived by: his mother, Diana Rae Higginbotham; his father, Stanley Leroy Higginbotham; his brothers and sister, Michael Wayne Higginbotham, Jeremy Bosley and Jaden Leann Higginbotham; his grandparents, Max and Shirley Boring and Roxie Beatrice Stone; his sons, Trent, Tucker and Brady; and many cousins, aunts, uncles, nephew, nieces and many, many friends.
He was preceded in death by two brothers, James and Stanley Jr. and a grandfather, Harlan Stanley Higginbotham.
Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at Anderson-McDaniel Funeral Home in Pomeroy, Ohio at 12:00pm with Pastor  Timothy Oldfield officiating. Burial will follow at Rutland Cemetery. Visiting hours will be 2 hours prior to the funeral service.
In lieu of flowers, please make a donation in memory of Christopher, in care of Anderson-McDaniel Funeral Home.



Akron Beacon Journal 05/04/2008

Wayne E. Higginbotham (1920-2008) OH

Wayne E. Higginbotham, 87, of Cuyahoga Falls, passed away at the Hospice Care Center on Tuesday, April 29. Wayne was preceded in death by his parents; and his wife of over 50 years, Elizabeth. He is survived by his son, Michael Dale Higginbotham; and his granddaughter, Emma Higginbotham. Cremation has taken place. Inurnment will take place at Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery at a later date. NEWCOMER FUNERAL HOME, 330-784-3334



Cincinnati Examiner 05/23/2008

Kenneth Lee Higginbotham (1929-2008) WV/OH

HIGGINBOTHAM Kenneth L., beloved husband of Betty Higginbotham (nee Zutaut), loving father of Kendra Bayer (John) and Randy Higginbotham (Heidi), cherished grandfather of Christopher, Jeremy, Andy and Kelly, preceded in death by 3 brothers and 2 sisters. Kenneth, a resident of Union Township, died May 21, 2008. Age 78. A memorial gathering is scheduled for Sunday, May 25 from 2-4 PM at Calvin Presbyterian Church, 1177 W. Ohio Pike, Amelia, OH 45102. A memorial service to follow at 4 PM at the church. Memorial contributions may be made to Calvin Presbyterian Church. E.C. Nurre Funeral Home of Amelia serving the family.



The Times Reporter 09/24/2008

Lake W. Hickenbottom (1920-2008) OH

Lake W. Hickenbottom, 88, of Kimbolton died early Monday morning, Sept. 22, in the Ohio State University Medical Center. Lake was born in Barnesville on Aug. 7, 1920, a son of the late David Frank and Matilda Wells Hickenbottom. He was a veteran of World War II, serving in the Army Air Corps with the 301st Base Unit with the RAF in Rackheath, England. While Lake was stationed in England, he met his wife, Edna May Raby, of nearby Norwich, England. When he lived in Columbus following the war, Lake was employed at the former Exact Weight Scale Company. Later, he and his family moved to Kimbolton. Lake was employed at the former Belden Brick Company at Port Washington and did farming on his property. He retired from the Cambridge State Hospital after 23 years of employment as a ward attendant. Lake was a faithful Christian and attended the Church of Christ. He enjoyed farming his property and traveling with his family. Lake was preceded in death by his wife, Edna May Raby Hickenbottom, whom he married on May 5, 1945. Lake and Edna were married for 54 years before her death on Feb. 13, 1999. Also deceased are a total of nine sisters and brothers. Lake is survived by two daughters and their husbands, Janice Mae and Roger D. Potter of Tuscaloosa, Ala., and Karen K. and Steven W. Sayre of O'Fallon, Ill.; a son and his wife, Ivan Lee and Karen Sue Hickenbottom of Kimbolton; seven grandchildren, Angela Hyde, Staci Maddox, and Roger Lee Potter, all of Alabama, Thad Sayre of Montgomery, Ala., Travis Sayre of Atlanta, Ga., and Eric and Scott Hickenbottom of Kimbolton. Lake also leaves seven great-grandchildren, Justin, Austin, and Kylie Hyde, Johnathan Maddox, and Nolan, Noah, and Nathan Sayre; brother, Rodney Hickenbottom of Newcomerstown; sister, Tilie Ann Tuttle of Delaware, O., and numerous nieces and nephews. Funeral services to celebrate Lake's life will be held Friday morning, Sept. 26, at 10 a.m. in the Ourant Funeral Home. Minister Robert Main will conduct the services. Burial will follow in West Lawn Cemetery at Newcomerstown. Visiting hours will also be held in the funeral home on Thursday afternoon and evening from 2 until 4 and 6 until 8 p.m. The family is requesting that memorials be made in Lake's name to the Ross Heart Hospital in care of the Ohio State University Medical Center, 410 W. 10th Ave., Columbus, 43210.



Morning Journal Tuesday, 09/30/2008

John T. Higginbotham (1920-2008) TN/OH

LORAIN - John T. Higginbotham, 88, of Lorain, entered eternal rest on Saturday, September  27, 2008, after a brief illness. He was born January 29, 1920, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to the late Clarence and Grace Higginbotham. He moved to Lorain, Ohio, in 1943 and worked for U.S. Steel as a fork lift operator in the masonry department, retiring in 1983 after 40 years of service. He was a dutiful member of Second Baptist Church in Lorain where he served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees and later as Treasurer of the Board of Trustees until his death. He was a WWII veteran of the United States Army, having served in the South Pacific from October 1944 to January 1946. He was a charter and life member and organizer of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8226 until they went defunct. He then transferred his membership to Mullen Murray Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 451 where he continued to serve. He was also past commander of Lorain County Council of Veterans of Foreign Wars. He is survived by his wife of 68 years, Anne Higginbotham (nee Chestnut); two daughters, Grace (Harry) Vauls and Charlotte Lumpkin, both of Lorain; one son, John T. (Diane) Higginbotham of Columbus, Ohio; 11 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren; 4 great-great grandchildren; one half sister, Mary Emma Higginbotham of Chattanooga, Tenn.; and a host of other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his mother and father and two brothers, Clarence Jr. and Ernest Higginbotham. Visitation will be tomorrow, October 2, 2008 ,from 4-9 p.m. at Second Baptist Church, 300 W. 13th Street in Lorain, where funeral service will be held on Friday, October 3, 2008, at 12:00 noon. Rev. Loversier Lewis, pastor, will officiate. Apostle Terrance N. Bivins of Worship Cathedral will be in charge of music ministry. Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery in Lorain with full military honors. Arrangements entrusted to Brown-Robinson Funeral Home, 2652 Broadway Ave., Lorain, Ohio 44052; (440) 244-1831.



Bucyrus Telegraph-Forum 11/01/2008

Danielle Lynn Belcher Higginbotham (1983-2008) OH

BUCYRUS - Danielle Lynn Belcher Higginbotham, 25, left this world unexpectedly at Bucyrus Community Hospital on October 30th, 2008. Danielle was born to Vicki (Belcher) Ruttman on May 11, 1983. She was married to Shawn Higginbotham on June 10th, 2004 and together they have two children William Gabriel, 4 ½ years old, and Brody James, 2 years old. In addition to her parents James and Vicki Ruttman, husband, and children; Danielle is survived by her grandparents, Johnny and Barb Belcher, of Bucyrus, Schuyler and Elaine Ruttman of Upper Sandusky; a sister and brother-in-law, Sydney and JC Blake of Upper Sandusky; a sister, Samantha Ruttman of Upper Sandusky; a brother, Scott Ruttman of North Carolina; mother and father-in-law, David and Debi Higginbotham of Bucyrus; a sister-in-law, Stacey Higginbotham of Bucyrus; and special family Doug, Heather, Hunter, and Hayden Slayton; as well as many aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews. She was preceded in death by her great grandparents, Larence and Eller Lewis of Tennessee, and Lillian Belcher of Bucyrus Danielle was a 2001 Bucyrus High School Graduate where she was involved in many activities. In 2004, she graduated from Heidelberg College of Tiffin and has worked as an auditor for the State of Ohio for four years. Danielle enjoyed her family and friends to the fullest. She loved Sunday family dinners, football, and NASCAR. She was an inspiration to all that knew her. She was most proud of her husband, children, and the person she grew up to become. Her family will receive friends from 2-5 PM. Sunday November 2, 2008 at Wise Funeral Service, where the funeral will be held Monday, November 3rd at 1:00 PM. Pastor Daniel Rebon will officiate and burial will follow in Oakwood Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be given to Gabriel and Brody by checks made payable to The Higginbotham Family Fund through the funeral home.



The Chronicle-Telegram 11/19/2008

Anne Chestnut Higginbotham (1920-2008) TN/OH

Anne C. Higginbotham (nee Chestnut), 87, entered eternal rest on Sunday, November 16, 2008, after a brief illness. She was born November 28, 1920 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, moving to Lorain in 1943 where she immediately became a member of the Second Baptist Church. She was a church musician for Second Baptist Church. She also played piano and organ for Mt. Zion Baptist Church of Lorain and various churches throughout Lorain County for over 50 years. She was a charter member of the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW #8226 and most recent the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW #451 for over 60 years. In the Auxiliary she served as Past Auxiliary Trustee, Secretary, Chaplain, President, Past Council Musician, and Past District Musician. Anne Higginbotham leaves to cherish her memory two daughters, Grace (Harry) Vauls, and Charlotte Higginbotham, both of Lorain; one son, John T. (Diane) Higginbotham of Columbus; 11 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren; four great-great grandchildren; and a host of relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband of 68 years, John T. Higginbotham, on September 27, 2008; and her parents, Robie and Louise Robie Chestnut. Visitation will be Thursday, November 20, 2008 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. at Second Baptist Church, 300 13th St. in Lorain. Funeral Service will be Friday, November 21, 2008 at 12 Noon at the church. Pastor Loversier Lewis will officiate. Apostle Terrence N. Bivins of Worship Cathedral will be in charge of the music. Burial will be in Elmwood Cemetery in Lorain. Arrangements entrusted to Brown-Robinson Funeral Home, 2652 Broadway Ave., Lorain, (440) 244-1831.  



Cincinnati.com 12/14/2008

Ruth Marie Higginbotham Murphy (1910-2008) OH

MURPHY Ruth Marie (nee: Higginbotham). Beloved wife of the late Elmer Murphy, Sr., loving mother of Sue (Dennis) Fagan, Marcia Ann Engleman-Wright, Nina (John) Wichard, Mary Arnett, and the late Elmer Murphy, Jr., devoted grandmother of John (Crystal) Wichard, Lisa (Tad) Fischer, Chad (Laura) Engleman, Margaret Engleman, Natalie Wichard, Chris Fagan, Nathaniel Wichard, and proud great-grandmother of seven. Dec. 12, 2008 age 98. Visitation at the Hyde Park Bethlehem United Methodist Church, 3799 Hyde Park Ave. (at Madison Rd.) 45209, Tues. 10 AM until time of service at 12 noon. If desired, Memorial contributions may be directed to the church. Witt, Good & Kelsch serving the family.



Coshocton Tribune 12/28/2008

Scott Allen Hickenbottom (1985-2008) OH

NEWCOMERSTOWN- Scott Allen Hickenbottom, 23, of Strasburg, formerly of Kimbolton, died suddenly in his Strasburg residence on Thursday, Dec. 25, 2008. Scott was born on Aug. 8, 1985, in Cambridge to Ivan L. and Karen Sue (Meredith) Hickenbottom of Kimbolton. He was a graduate of Newcomerstown High School/ Buckeye Career Center, Class of 2003, where he studied industrial electricity. He also attended the Kent State University, New Philadelphia campus, and studied business management. Scott was a member of the American Motorcycle Association and was making a career in motocross racing. He participated in motocross races throughout several states. Scott was also a former member of the Competition Riders of America. He was presently employed with Kimble Clay, Dover, for the past few months. Prior to that, he worked as an assembler with Kimble Manufacturing, New Philadelphia. While in high school, he worked for B-Tek, Canton. In addition to his parents, Scott is survived by his brother, Eric L. Hickenbottom of Kimbolton; his maternal grandparents, Donald L. and Fauneil (Pittis) Meredith of Tippecanoe; several aunts, uncles, and cousins; and his Shih Tzu dog, "Throttle." Scott was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Lake W. and Edna May (Raby) Hickenbottom of Kimbolton. Calling hours will be held from 4 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 30, 2008, at the Ourant Funeral Home, Newcomerstown. Funeral services to celebrate Scott's life will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 31, 3008, at the funeral home. Minister Robert Main will officiate. Burial will follow in West Lawn Cemetery, Newcomerstown. The family is requesting that memorials in Scott's name be sent to American Motorcycle Association, District 12 Off Road Racing, 1567 Mathias Raceway Rd., SW, New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663.



McCreary County (KY) Record 04/08/2009

Raymadean Higginbotham (1945-2009) KY/OH

Rayma Dean Higginbotham, age 63 years, Sandusky, Ohio formerly of McCreary County Kentucky died March 25, 2009 at Firelands Regional Medical Center, Sandusky, Ohio. Funeral services were held Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at McCreary County Funeral Home with Rev. Daniel Ridener and Rev. Dow Goodin officiating. Burial was in Pleasant Knob Cemetery. She was born at Honey Bee, Kentucky on July 2, 1945 the daughter of the late Ancil Thomas and Mandy Elizabeth Perry Higginbothan. She has retired from Cedar Point and attended Lighthouse Baptist Church and had volunteered at Salvation Army and Victory Kitchen. Her parents and her first husband, Woodrow Strunk, precede her in death. John Frantz, II is the deceased grandchild. The deceased brothers and sisters are Gracie Higginbotham; Gola Alice Jane Nunley; Elizabeth Hicks; Addie Perry; Leander Higginbotham; Clifton Leroy Higginbotham; Clarence Higginbotham; Herbert Higginbotham and Albert Higginbotham. Survivors include her husband, John A. Frantz and her children, Michael Frantz and wife, Diana Kun; Roscoe Frantz; Vernatta Frantz and Linda Dillery and husband, Christopher all of Sandusky, Ohio. The surviving brothers and sisters are James Luke Perry, Fredricksburg, Virginia; Virgil Higginbotham, Hanover, Indiana; Carlos Higginbotham, Cincinnati, Ohio; Roscoe Higginbothan, Woodbridge, Virginia; Noah Higginbotham, Dallas, Texas; Elsie Faye Lutes, Carlisle, Kentucky and Daisy Higginbotham, Paris, Kentucky. Eight grandchildren survive. McCreary County Funeral Home entrusted with arrangements.



Cincinnati Enquirer 06/04/2009

Harriet Elizabeth Jett Hagen-Higginbotham (1920-2009) KY/OH

Harriet Elizabeth (nee Jett) age 88, born in Bracken County, Kentucky, died May 28, 2009 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Beloved wife of the late Gilbert A. Hagen Sr. and Paul Higginbotham, devoted mother of Barbara L. Birge (Ernest) of Wyoming, Michigan, Carol J. Huxsoll (James) of Medina, Ohio and the late Gilbert A. Hagen Jr., dear step-mother of Thomas Higginbotham (Roslyn) of San Antonio, Texas, loving grandmother of 12 and great grandmother of 11. dear sister of Mary Taylor and Bessie Taylor of Lexington, Kentucky. Visitation Saturday from 9-11 AM at Bolton & Lunsford Funeral Home, 3042 Harrison Avenue, Westwood where funeral services will be held Saturday at 11:00 AM. Interment to follow at Bridgetown Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to Spectrum Hospice, 4500 E. Breton SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508 or Alzheimer's Association, 644 Linn Street, Suite 1026, Cincinnati, OH 45203.



Akron Beacon Journal 06/04/2009

Patricia Riley Higginbottom Morgan (1946-2009) TN/OH

Patricia Higginbottom Morgan, daughter of the late Bishop Alex Higginbottom, Jr. and the late Annie Mae Lenora Riley Higginbottom, was born December 16, 1946 in Memphis, Tennessee. She graduated from Soldan High School in St. Louis, Missouri and attended St. Louis University. In 1974, Patricia graduated from Akron's Gerber Beauty School receiving her Manager & Teacher's license. She was employed at the Gerber Beauty School for 32 years and retired in 2007. She was a member of Higher Ground Worship Center and faithfully served there until her passing. She leaves to cherish her memory, son Edward L. Morgan, Jr. of Riverdale, Georgia; grandchildren, Nasaya A., Nathan L., and Nia M. Morgan; sister, Alethea Toney of Georgia; brothers, Alex (Rose) Higginbottom III, of St. Louis, Missouri, William Ray (Renae) Higginbottom, of Riverdale, Georgia, Dale Higginbottom of Germany, Carl Higginbottom of Akron, Anthony Higginbottom and Lamar Sheppard, of Detroit, Michigan; stepmother, Evangelist Gracie Higginbottom of Akron; and special aunts, Daisy Blackson and Lula M. Hampton of Akron; a host of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, her church family other relatives and friends. Funeral services will held Saturday, June 6, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. at Higher Ground Worship Center, 380 Wooster Rd., Barberton, Ohio, with Elder William Bridges III officiating. Friends may call at the church Saturday from 9:30 a.m. until time of service. Interment at Lakewood Cemetery. Procession will form and condolences may be sent to 970 Dover Ave., Akron 44320.



Akron Beacon Journal 06/05/2009

Nicole R. Higginbotham (1975-2009) OH

Nicole R. Higginbotham, 34, passed away unexpectedly June 3, 2009. She was born in Barberton and had been an Akron-Barberton resident all of her life. Survivors include mother, Stormy Miller; brother, Jeremy (Mindy) Higginbotham; nephews, Logan and Preston; grandmother, Garnet Higginbotham; many aunts, uncles, and cousins, many, many friends and all her special kids. Cremation has taken place. A memorial service will be held at a later date.



The Columbus Dispatch 07/13/2009

Russell Revelon Higginbotham (1945-2009) WV/OH

Russell R. Higginbotham, age 64, passed away Friday, July 10, 2009 in Hocking Valley Community Hospital. U.S. Marine Veteran. Member of the American Legion and the AMVETS Post 89. Preceded in death by parents Clarence and May Higginbotham and sister Barbara Rawlins. Survived by wife, Bonnie; son, Russell; daughters, Antionette (Mike) Castle and Karrie Price; brothers-in-law, John and Billy Huber; sister-in-law, Joyce (Forrest) Beidelman; five grandchildren; sisters, Betty (John) McKibben, Dayle (Kenneth) MacNealy, Gayle Dillon and Sheila Robinette; brothers, Ronald, Harold, Charles and Donald Higginbotham; numerous nieces and nephews. Visitation will be 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Tuesday at the O. R. WOODYARD CO. CHAPEL, 1346 S. High Street in Columbus, where the funeral service will be Wednesday at 11 a.m. Interment Sunset Cemetery.



The Plain Dealer 08/14/2009

James J. Higginbotham (1954-2009) OH

JAMES J. HIGGINBOTHAM, age 55, passed away August 13, 2009. Firefighter, Family Man, and Hero. Beloved husband of Josephine (nee Travarca); dearest father of Michael, Steven and Tony (Nicole); fun and loving grandfather of Jessaca, Kaitlyn, Jared, Ryan and Jenna; devoted son of James and Claire Higginbotham; dear brother of Mark (Annie), Mary Jane Keller (Jim), John (Joanne) (Tina-former wife), Brian (Jean) and Lynn Geddis (Don); loving son-in-law of Biagio and Rosemary (deceased) Travarca; brother-in-law of Joe and Ann Travarca and Paul and Mary Galek; loving uncle of many nieces and nephews. Friends may call at THE KOLODIY-LAZUTA FUNERAL HOME, 5677 STATE RD. (PARMA), SATURDAY 5-8 P.M. AND SUNDAY 2-4 AND 6-8 P.M. Mass of Christian Burial will be held Monday, August 17, at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church at 11:30 a.m. (EVERYONE PLEASE MEET AT CHURCH). Interment Brooklyn Heights Cemetery.



The Columbus Dispatch 11/07/2009

Alice Broady Higginbotham (1917-2009) VA/WV/OH

HIGGINBOTHAM Alice Higginbotham, 92, passed at her residence November 4, 2009. Alice was born September 9, 1917 to Stewart and Florine Broady in Amherst County, Va. She is preceded in death by her parents, husband Lucius L Higginbotham and son Charles B Higginbotham. Her memories will be cherished by her children, Josephine, William (Janet) Higginbotham both of Columbus Oh.; 6 grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren; sisters, Ruth Gilbert of Bronx N.Y. and Rosalee Vance of Cleveland Oh.; daughter-in-law, Madeline; sister-in-law, Dorothy Broady; 3 close nieces, Deborah, Donna and Delana; and a host of other relatives and friends. Family will receive friends and family at 12 noon until time of service 1 p.m. to be held Monday, November 9, 2009 at SMITH MORTUARY, 2830 Cleveland Ave.



MarionStar.com 12/03/2009

Anita Louise Hickenbottom Reed (1935-2009) OH

MARENGO- Anita Louise Reed was born on November 12, 1935 to Clarence Edwin and Rozella Mary Hickenbottom and returned to the Lord on the morning of December 1, 2009. She is the sister of William Hickenbottom, the beloved sister of Mrs. Charles Johnson (Janet Sue), the aunt of Diana (Johnson) Wagers (husband, Ralph Wagers), the mother of devoted daughter, Lorrie A. Czich, and mother-in-law of John A. Czich. She is the grandmother of three grandchildren, Daniel E. Kidd (wife, Rhonda Kidd), Anita R. Clay (husband, Adam S. Clay), and Rebekah E. Kidd as well as the aunt of three nieces and one nephew. Her loving and giving spirit is also survived by five great grandchildren and will live on in the hearts of her family, friends, and community until we too are as free as she is now in God's loving hands. Anita was a veteran (The United States Women's Army Core), highly involved in the support of her community, founder and former president of the Kidney Dialysis Support Group in Marion, Ohio, worked at The Ohio State University in Cancer Research for 17 years and then Marion General Hospital for 27 years. There will be a showing held for Anita at Boyd-Born Funeral Home in Marion, Ohio from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. on Friday, December 4th. A service for close friends and family is to be held at Riverview Cemetery in East Liverpool on the following day at 1:00 p.m.



The Columbus Dispatch 12/15/2009

Donald R. Higginbotham (1935-2009) WV/OH

May 27, 1935 - December 13, 2009

Donald R. Higginbotham, 74, passed away Sunday, December 13, 2009 at his home. Don retired from the Upper Arlington School Systems. He enjoyed travelling out west, where he liked spending time in Arizona, visiting the Grand Canyon and the National Parks. Don was an avid fisherman who enjoyed fishing at Lake Erie, the Florida Keys and lakes. He is survived by daughters, Veronica (James) McGranahan and Margaret (Mike) Allen; grandchildren, Tabitha (Steve) Castro, James McGranahan, Jr. and Dustin Wilson; brothers, Charles (Jessie) and Harold Higginbotham; half-siblings, Betty, Gail, Dale and Sheila; former wife, Patty Higginbotham; along with numerous nieces and nephews. Family will receive friends Wednesday from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. at SCHOEDINGER NORTH CHAPEL, 5554 Karl Road, where a funeral service will be held 10 a.m. on Thursday, December 17, 2009. Interment to follow at Union Cemetery. Visit www.schoedinger.com to send condolences.



The Columbus Dispatch 03/09/2010

Harold Otis Higginbotham (1931-2010) WV/OH

Harold O. "Pappy" Higginbotham, age 79, went to be with the Lord on Saturday, March 6, 2010 under the care of his loving family. U.S. Army Veteran who served during the Korean Conflict. Member of the Grove City Church of God. Harold was preceded in death by his wife of 47 years, Lexie "Nanny" Higginbotham, daughter Retta Dicus, sisters Elizabeth, Maxine, and Barbara Lois, brothers Clarence Jr., Don, and Russell. He is survived by his daughter, Barbara Gibson; granddaughters, Rachel (Mark) Tope, Reba (William) Schlosser, and Barbara Lynn (Les) Norris; great-grandchildren, Brooke Tope, Tyler Ryan, and Blake Tope; brothers, Charles (Jessie) and Ronald; sisters, Betty (John), Dale, Gail, and Shiela. A celebration of his life will be held with a visitation 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, March 9 and a funeral service 10 a.m. Wednesday, March 10 at the Grove City Church of God, 4325 Harrisburg Pike. Pastor Randy Barr officiating. Interment to follow at Sunset Cemetery. Arrangements by the SCHOEDINGER GROVE CITY CHAPEL.



Richmond, IN Pal-Item.com 05/08/2010

H. Virginia Higginbotham Schrolucke (1918-2010) OH/IN

Former Richmond resident H. Virginia Schrolucke, 91, died Friday, April 30, 2010, at Dorothy Love Retirement Community in Sidney, Ohio. She was born Oct. 10, 1918, in Sidney to Cramer and Agnes Stephenson Higginbotham.   Survivors include daughters, Linda Campbell-Ritchey, Sharon Pettit and Barbara Turner. Her husband, Virgil, died in January 1987. Graveside services were at Cedar Point Cemetery in Pasco, Ohio. Cromes Funeral Home, Sidney, handled the arrangements.



The Plain Dealer 08/12/2010

Mark J. Higginbotham (1949-2010) OH

MARK J. HIGGINBOTHAM, age 60, of Parma. Beloved husband of Ann Marie (nee Matlak); loving father of David (Lisa), Dale (Lisa), Dean (Eva) and Dana; dear grandfather of Taylor, Matthew, Nicholas, April, Abbey, Ashley, Timothy, Emilia and Sydnie; devoted son of James and Claire Higginbotham; dear brother of Mary Jane Keller (Jim), John (Joanne) (former wife, Tina), Brian (Jean), Lynn Geddis (Don) and the late James (Josephine living); uncle of and friend of many. Passed away on Tuesday, Aug. 10, 2010. Funeral Service at the funeral home Saturday, Aug. 14, 2010 at 11:30 a.m. Cremation by Busch Crematory. Friends may call at the BUSCH FUNERAL HOME, 7501 RIDGE RD., PARMA THURSDAY FROM 5-8 P.M. AND FRIDAY FROM 2-8 P.M. 440-842-7800.



Charleston (WV) Gazette 09/27/2010

Nora Higginbotham (1918-2010) WV/OH

Nora Higginbotham, 92, of McConnelsville, Ohio, died Sept. 25, 2010. Graveside service will be at 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 30, at Kanawha Valley Memorial Park Chapel, Glasgow. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 29, at Miller-Huck Funeral Home, McConnelsville, Ohio.



Cantonrep.com 10/15/2010

Benny Wade Higginbotham (1941-2010) OH

Born: 7/21/1941 Died: 10/14/2010

Benny W. Higginbotham, beloved husband, father, grandfather and brother, died October 14, 2010 in Hartville, OH of cancer, after creating a lifetime of memories together with family and friends. Benny was born July 21, 1941, to the late Tyson & Lona Higginbotham of Macon, MS. Benny attended Field High School and retired from Teledyne Monarch Rubber in Hartville. He was bestowed with the nickname “Dr. Doolittle” for his love of all animals, especially his granddogs Emmette, Bubba and Cody and the wild birds he fed each day. He was also blessed with a “green thumb” which he put to good use with his love of flowers and gardening. Benny will mostly be remembered for his friendly personality, wonderful laugh and how he enjoyed life to the fullest. Preceded in death by his daughter Rosemary, brother John Kellis and his beloved dog Willie; Benny is survived by his devoted wife of 48 yrs, Dorothy; his daughters and sons-in-law, Betsy (Michael) Pasko-Flaherty of Hartsville, SC, Kelly (Antonio) Fernandes of Stow; son & daughter-in-law, Kevin (Gina) Higginbotham of Florissant, CO; grandchildren, Ciena Rose and Hunter Wade of CO & Rui Carlos of Stow; brothers, Aaron Eugene (Mickey) of Wisconsin, Ralph (Pat) of Hartville, Tyson (Janet) of Tipp City. His family would love to express their sincere love and thank you to all Benny’s neighbors, especially Jim and Karen Joseph and Aultman Hospice (Anita Cross and Cathy Guess-Carson) for their tender loving care during Benny’s final days. Benny will be sadly missed by all but will remain in our hearts forever. In lieu of flowers please make donations to Aultman Hospice, 2821 Woodlawn Ave., NW, Canton, OH 44708. Per Benny’s wishes, there will be no services with interment in Mt. Peace Cemetery. (Hopkins Lawver, Akron, 330-733-6271) www.hopkinslawver.com.



The Columbus Dispatch 12/23/2010

William Higginbotham (1918-2010) OH

William Higginbotham, 92, of Grove City, OH, passed away December 16, 2010 in Hilliard, OH. He was born in Middleport, OH to Frank and Lena (Brannon) Higginbotham. Bill graduated from Point Pleasant High School, Class of 1937. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge Magnolia #20 F&AM in Columbus, OH since 1959. Bill was a U.S. Navy Veteran serving during WW II as a Seabee where he participated in the invasion of Okinawa. Bill was a self-employed building contractor for 35 years, building homes in Upper Arlington and Muirfield; the owner of Minuteman Antique Store in Derby, OH; and owner of Westside Cabinet and Supply for approximately 30 years. William was preceded in death by his parents, wife Caroline Danielson Higginbotham, grandson Michael Murphy, sisters Frances Long and Beulah Higginbotham and brother Carl Higginbotham. Surviving family includes, niece, Cheryl (Long) Hatfield of Pomeroy, OH; nephews, Howard Long of Columbus, OH and Franklin Leo Long of Hilliard, OH; June Rees; three grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; one great-great-granddaughter; many nieces and nephews; dedicated family member and caregiver, Jackie Unger Murphy; long-time family friends, the Ernest Stover family and good neighbors and friends. A gathering of family and friends will be held from 9-10 a.m. on December 27, 2010 with a memorial service conducted by Pastor Larry Baker at 10 a.m. at the NEWCOMER FUNERAL HOME and CREMATORY, SW Chapel, 3393 Broadway, Grove City, OH 43123. Interment will follow in Concord Cemetery.



The Plain Dealer 12/27/2010

Claire A. Schmitt Higginbotham (1929-2010) OH

CLAIRE A. HIGGINBOTHAM, age 81, of Parma; beloved wife, for 62 years, of James Herbert.; beloved daughter of the late Joseph and Julia Schmitt; loving mother of the late Mark (Ann-living), Mary Jane Keller (Jim), the late James, (Josephine-living), John (Joanne), Tina, Brian (Jean), and Lynn Geddis (Don); dear grandmother of David (Lisa), Dale (Lisa), Dean (Eva), Dana, Shannon Ferrara (Dan), Lindsey Brisbine (Adam), Michael, Steven, Tony (Nicole), Kelly Kokis (Nick), Kristy Ripple (Stephen), Kyle, Kurt, and Nicole Douglas (Paul); dear sister of Betty Kummerlen (James-deceased); dear aunt of Kevin Kummerlen (Sue), Jean Mandato (Joseph), Julie Zmarazek (James); dear great-grand-mother of nineteen; and friend of many. Passed away, at her home, on Christmas Eve, 2010. Memorials may be forwarded to Seasons of Life Hospice-Parma, 7007 Powers Blvd., Parma, OH 44129. Claire's Life Celebration at the Funeral Home, at 9 a.m., followed by a Mass of Christian Burial, at St. Charles Borromeo Church, 5891 Ridge Rd., Parma, on Wednesday, December 29, 2010, at 11:30 a.m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, Brook Park. Friends may call at the BUSCH FUNERAL HOME, 7501 RIDGE RD., PARMA, FROM 2 - 4 AND 6 - 8 P.M. ON TUESDAY. 440-842-7800



The Columbus Dispatch 01/30/2011

Vivian Louise Higginbotham Simpson (1928-2011) OH

Vivian Louise Simpson born April 5, 1928, died January 28, 2011. Loving wife, mother, and grandmother. She will be dearly missed by her husband of 57 years, Richard P. Simpson; her children, Marsha (Brooks) Young of Pickerington, OH, Jeff (Karen) Simpson of Mountain View, CA, Rhonda (Tony) Berger of Beavercreek, OH, and Greg (Karen) Simpson of Loveland, OH; her grandchildren Taylor (Tyler), Mason, Hunter, and Marielle Young, Sophie and Max Simpson, Bijayta and Felicia Berger, Bridget and Jason Simpson; and her great-granddaughter, Aubrey Young. Preceded in death by her parents Clarence and Lucy Higginbotham. Survived by her sister, Wilma (Vincent) Suprynowicz of Marlborough, CT; and numerous relatives and friends. Mom dedicated her life to her family. She loved her grandbabies very much. She was the best dog sitter and fudge maker. She was always sewing and made everything from prom dresses to the world's softest baby blankets. She worked at Greenville High School as the attendance secretary. Originally from St. Clairsville, OH, Vivian lived for many years in Greenville, OH and most recently resided in Pickerington, OH. Vivian died of pneumonia after suffering from Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. A memorial service celebrating Vivian's life will be held in the spring. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to the Alzheimer's Association , Central Ohio Chapter, 3380 Tremont Road, Columbus, Ohio 43221 in her memory. We will miss you Mom. Arrangements by DWAYNE R. SPENCE FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY.



The Columbus Dispatch 01/31/2011

Mona J. Ellis Adkins Asbury Higginbotham (1925-2011) WV/OH

Mona Higginbotham, age 85, of Columbus, passed away Saturday, January 29, 2011. Mona was born and raised in Logan, West Virginia, daughter of the late Griff and Molly Ellis. Also preceded in death by her three husbands Virgil Adkins, Walter Asbury, and Earl Higginbotham, three brothers and one sister. She will be missed by her loving daughters, Phyllis Adams, Shirley Catalina, Deanna (Joseph) Zink, and Peggy Ford; ten grandchildren; 26 great-grand-children; 14 great-great-grand-children; siblings, Nellie Casserta, Edith Cox, and Art Ellis; and many other extended family members and dear friends. Funeral service will be held at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at SCHOEDINGER EAST CHAPEL, 5360 E. Livingston Ave., where family will receive friends from 10:30 a.m. until time of service. Interment Glen Rest Memorial Estate.



The Cincinnati Enquirer 02/01/2011

Audrey R. Higginbotham Padgett (1930-2011) OH

Audrey R. (nee Higginbotham). Beloved wife of the late Edward C. Padgett. Devoted mother of Stephen, Mark (Norma) and Phil (Kathy) Padgett. Also survived by 7 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Died Sun. Jan. 30, 2011. Age 80. Resident of Pleasant Ridge. Visitation Weds. Feb. 2nd from 11AM until time of Funeral Service at 1PM both at Mihovk-Rosenacker Funeral Home 10211 Plainfield Rd (just south of Glendale-Milford Rd). In lieu of flowers memorials to American Diabetes Association.



Chillicothe Gazette 02/01/2011

Irene E. Cochenour Higginbotham (1948-2011) OH

Irene (Cochenour) Higginbotham, age 62, of Frankfort, went home to be in eternal rest with her Savior, Jesus Christ, following a courageous and extended battle with cancer. Irene was a caring and generous mother who loved unconditionally. She was known as Grandma “Higgy” and was an unconditional friend to her children and granddaughters. Irene was also known as “Mom” to so many that met her. Her motherly instinct was innate. She was a great sister throughout her lifetime. She gave to everyone, even if it meant she herself did without. She was a dedicated homemaker and a revered caregiver for the elderly and the sick. She enjoyed the company of everyone; and anyone who visited her was fed a home cooked meal. Her passion was people and she loved to talk on the telephone. She was born in Knockemstiff, Ohio, and was the youngest child of Carl J. Cochenour and Anna G. (Chaney) Cochenour, who preceded her in death. She was the beloved and faithful wife of the late Emanuel L. Higginbotham (of 34 years) whom she mourned since his death in July, 2001. She was her husband's and mother’s loyal caregiver during their extended illness. She is survived by her children, Glen (Beth) Higginbotham of Frankfort, Tonia (Tim) (Higginbotham) Nesser of Olive Hill, KY, and Emanuel C. Higginbotham of Columbus. She is survived by her constant and dedicated caregiver of the past two years, Francisco “Paco” Garcia, of Chillicothe, who she highly regarded as her son. She is survived by her grandchildren, Elizabeth and Alexis Nesser of Olive Hill, KY., Talli, Emily, Aubree, and Josie Higginbotham of Frankfort, and Daisey Mae of Columbus. She is survived by siblings, Melvin (Barbara) Cochenour of Chillicothe, Lauretta Watkins of Waverly, and Calvin (Gladys) Cochenour of Bartow, FL. Also surviving are extended family, Dixie Harvey, Susan Smith, Johnny Higginbotham, Dean Smith, Beverly Higginbotham, Robin (Higginbotham) Corey, all of Frankfort; Clara Thomas of Waverly, Sara Detty of Chillicothe, special friend Mike Abernathy, of Frankfort, as well as scores of cousins, nieces and nephews; and friends that she considered dear family in Mexico and Venezuela. Irene was preceded in death by a brother, Carl “Junior” Cochenour, of Chillicothe, and extended family, Fred Watkins, of Waverly, and Ted Higginbotham and Diane Smith, both formerly of Frankfort. Calling hours for friends and family will be at Irene’s residence at 69 Anderson Avenue, Frankfort, from 4-8 pm on Friday. Funeral services will be held at 1pm on Saturday at THE EBRIGHT FUNERAL HOME, 55 West Springfield St., Frankfort, with Rev. Rick Hartley officiating. Interment will follow at Greenlawn Cemetery in Frankfort. Due to her passion and need to give and provide for others, the family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Good Samaritan Food Pantry of 133 East 7th Street, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601. Irene would also wish for the reader to know that her Savior, Jesus Christ, is indeed real and gives eternal life. This is not the end for so it is written; “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." (Romans 10:9)



The Marion Star 03/26/2011

Nancy Lou Columber Higginbotham (1939-2011) OH

RICHWOOD: Nancy Lou Higginbotham, age 71 of Richwood died early Friday morning, March 25, 2011 at home with her loving husband and family by her side. She was born December 9, 1939 in Marion to the late Walter Vernon and Helen Irene (Temple) Columber. Nancy was a homemaker in every sense of the word. She was a devoted wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, and her life revolved around family. On May 19, 1956 she married Glen "Ray" Higginbotham in LaRue and he survives. She is also survived by three sons, Terry (Lucy) Higginbotham, Richwood; Vernon (Mary Ann) Higginbotham, Marysville; Glen II (Tammy), Higginbotham, Bellefontaine; three daughters, Penny (Todd) Ward, Richwood, Patty (Pat) Kratowicz, Essex, and Peggy (Ron) Eastman, Mt. Victory; two brothers, William (Sandy) Columber, LaRue and Robert (Carol) Columber, Marion; 17 grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a brother, Vernon. Private graveside services will take place at Price Cemetery. In keeping with Nancy's wishes, there will be no public calling hours. Memorial gifts may be made to Loving Care Hospice, P. O. Box 613, Marysville, OH 43040.



Springfield News-Sun 05/01/2011

Carven Higginbotham (1912-2011) OH

HIGGINBOTHAM, Carven 98, departed this life April 27, 2011. He was born September 1, 1912 the son of Marion and Hattie (Peaks) Higginbotham. His memory will be cherished by his daughters, Lillie Higginbotham and Andrea High; grandson, Theo High II; 2 nieces, 3 nephews, several great and great-great nieces and nephews, cousins and other relatives and friends. Mr. Higginbotham retired from Springfield City Schools, Ganter Screw Products and Turn All Machine Shop. Visitation will be Monday from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home until the time of the service at 1 p.m. Burial will be in Ferncliff Cemetery. Arrangements provided by the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home.



The Repository 06/29/2011

Patricia L. Contini Higginbotham (1942-2011) OH

Patricia L. "Patti" Higginbotham 69, of Canton died Saturday, June 25, 2011 at Aultman Hospital. Born May 9, 1942 in Dover she was a daughter of the late Peter and Martha Trucinski Contini. She was also preceded in death by her sister, Sharon Sweitzer. Patti is survived by her husband, Nelson Higginbotham; children, Bret Edward Gaff of California, Beth Anne (Mel) Beal of Florida and Ashley Sharon Higginbotham of Canton; stepdaughters, Suzanne (Tom) Fedorka of Boston, Mass., Amy (Tom) Harman of Akron and Ellen (Jason) Hathaway of Uniontown; brother, Dennis (June) Contini of Dover; nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Per Patti's request, private graveside services were held with interment in the Calvary Cemetery at Dover. Services had been entrusted to the Toland-Herzig Funeral Home and Crematory at Dover.  Those wishing to express their fondest memories of Patti may do so by visiting the on line obituaries link on the funeral homes website.



Chillicothe Gazette 09/27/2011

Lillie M. Higginbotham Lemaster (1918-2011) OH

Lillie M. Lemaster, 93, of Troy, formerly of Frankfort, died Saturday evening at her home. She was born on February 27, 1918 the daughter of the late Christopher E. and Susan Smith Higginbotham. On January 21, 1937 she married Ray Lemaster who preceded her in death on February 27, 1981. Surviving are her children, Barbara (James) Broughton of Troy, Raymond (Karlon) Lemaster of Chilton, Texas, Carl (Vicki) Lemaster of Kingston, Mike (Ruth) Lemaster, and David (Karen) Lemaster, both of Chillicothe; grandchildren, Jim, Richard, Patricia, Tammy, Rhonda, Aaron, Chad, Melissa, Desireè; 14 great-grandchildren; four great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a grandson, James Edward; sisters, Willia, Naomi, Mary Alice, Lucinda, Mildred; brothers, Kelsey, Albert, Frank, and William. Lillie retired from the Bridge Street Bob Evans after twenty years of service. She was a member of the Frankfort Senior Citizens. She was a member at the Lattaville United Methodist Church where she sang in the choir, was a member of the women's group, and worked as custodian for many years. Funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at the Lattaville United Methodist Church with Rev. Terry Washburn officiating. Burial will follow in Greenlawn Cemetery, Frankfort. Friends may call at the EBRIGHT FUNERAL HOME, Frankfort on Tuesday (today) from 6 to 8 p.m.



The Columbus Dispatch 10/13/2011

Ulysses Rowling Higginbotham Jr. (1924-2011) OH

SFC Ulysses R. Higginbotham, Jr. Retired Army, passed peacefully Saturday, October 8, 2011 after a long illness. He was born May 9, 1924 in Columbus, Ohio. During his service to our country, he received many awards: Soldiers Medal, Bronze Star with Valor, Purple Heart, Army Commendation, Good Conduct w/5th Award, American Campaign, European African Middle East Campaign (5 campaigns), WWII Victory, Army Occupation, National Defense Medal w/3rd Award, Vietnam Service Medal (4 campaigns), and The Republic of Vietnam Campaign. He enjoyed fishing, traveling and watching The Ohio State Buckeyes, The Dallas Cowboys, and the Clippers (Baseball). Predeceased by his parents Ulysses and Lucille Higginbotham. He leaves to cherish his memory his daughter, Gerlinde Higginbotham (David Black); a sister, Ellen Higginbotham; nephews, Douglas Higginbotham and Darryl Higginbotham; cousins, Dorothy Morrison, Arizena Graham, Tiana Yullie; and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral service, with Military Honors, 11 a.m. Saturday, October 15, 2011 in the chapel of DIEHL-WHITTAKER FUNERAL SERVICE, 720 E. Long St. The family will receive friends at the mortuary Saturday, 10 a.m. until the start of services.



The Columbus Dispatch 11/17/2011

Patty Lou Noble Higginbotham (1936-2011) OH

Patty Lou Higginbotham, 75, Columbus, passed away Wednesday, November 16, 2011, surrounded by her loving family. Patty was born in Columbus, OH on January 12, 1936, to Willard and Margaret (Bush) Noble and is preceded in death by her parents and a sister Norma Jean Noble. Survivors include her daughters, Veronica (Jim) McGranahan and Margaret (Mike) Allen; brother, Charles Noble; grandchildren, Tabitha (Steve) Castro, James McGranahan Jr., Dustin Wilson; companion, Raymond Russell; nieces, nephews, cousins and many friends. Visitation will be held on Saturday, November 19, 2011, 3-6 p.m. at NEWCOMER FUNERAL HOME, NE Chapel, 3047 East Dublin Granville Road, Columbus, OH.



The Plain Dealer 05/11/2012

James Herbert Higginbotham (ca1926-2012) OH

JAMES HERBERT HIGGINBOTHAM, age 86, of Parma. Beloved husband of the late Claire A. Higginbotham (nee Schmitt) for 62 years; beloved son of the late Oscar and Magdalena Higginbotham; loving father of the late Mark (Ann, living), Mary Jane Keller (Jim), the late James J. (Josephine, living), John (Joanne), Brian (Jean), Tina and Lynn Geddis (Don); dear grandfather of David (Lisa), Dale (Lisa), Dean (Eva), Dana, Shannon Ferrara (Dan), Lindsey Brisbine (Adam), Michael, Steven, Tony (Nicole), Kelly Kokis, Kristy Ripple (Stephen), Katie Lewis (James), Alex Sterba, Kyle, Kurt and Nicole Douglas (Paul); great-grandfather of 22; dear brother of Margaret Roehl (deceased) (Glenn, deceased) and Gertrude Schreier (John, deceased); brother-in-law of the late Betty Kummerlen (James, deceased); dear uncle, great-uncle and friend of many. Retired as Battalion Chief of the Cleveland Fire Department after 30 years of dedicated service. Passed away on Thursday, May 10, 2012. Memorials may be forwarded to the Parma Educational Foundation, Inc., 5311 Longwood Ave., Parma, OH 44134. Please specify in the memo of your check "James J. Higginbotham Memorial Scholarship". Celebration of Life Service 9 a.m. at the funeral home Monday, May 14, 2012 followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at St. Charles Borromeo Church, 5891 Ridge Rd., Parma at 10:30 a.m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, Brook Park. Friends may call at the BUSCH FUNERAL HOME, 7501 RIDGE RD., PARMA.



The Repository 06/16/2012

Juanita Louise Higginbotham Thoroughgood (1927-2012) WV/OH

It is with great sadness that the family of Juanita Louise (Higginbotham) Thoroughgood gives notice of her passing very early on Friday, June 15, 2012. Juanita passed peacefully with her family surrounding her. She was preceded in death by her husband of 56 years, Warren E. Thoroughgood in 2007 and by brothers, Verlin Higginbotham, Eugene Higginbothan and sister, Janet Ruth Johnson. She was born in Charleston, W.Va. on April 8, 1927 and Warren was born in Philadelphia, Pa. Between those two accents, we think most of the time they were speaking different languages. She was sweet as pie and just as feisty. She fed anything with a mouth, wore a size 7.5 shoe (regardless of how it actually fit), and right up to the end, could spot a new accessory on someone within seconds of your arrival. She said words like, pocketbook, commode, bloomers, billfold, and gad-leg. They lived in France and Germany while Warren was in the Army, swing-dancing their time away in all the great ballrooms to all the great swing bands of the era. Juanita's shoes were always tossed well before the end of the night. She had her hair cut, permed, dyed, and styled every week and "that girl never did it right,' but she always went back. She left high school to help take care of her siblings. She hated her handwriting (it was beautiful) and never, ever knew how smart she really was. Juanita, just as Warren, donated her body to the Cleveland Clinic for research. Her family is so incredibly proud of them for realizing the greater good and wanting to give back in their last action on this earth. They taught us that you do not have to be perfect, but you do have to care...and be there. They were always there. We will forever miss and love them both. As long as they are remembered they will never be gone. Juanita is survived by her daughter, Debra (Thoroughgood) Perry and son-in-law, Douglas and loving grandchildren, Amanda C. Perry and Laura N. Perry, all of Canton. Also by her sisters, Margaret Ann Hensley of Akron, Ohio, Emogene Kiser of South Charleston, W.Va. and her nieces and nephews. We would like to express our gratitude to the loving staff and special residents at Hospitality House for their tender care of Juanita for the years she was there and for the support of Harbor Light Hospice at the end of her life.



Pomeroy Daily Sentinel 08/22/2012

Dorothy Mae Evans Pomeroy (1919-2012) OH

Dorothy Mae Evans, 93, of Middleport, Ohio, passed away on August 20, 2012, at Rocksprings Nursing Center. She was born on July 25, 1919, in Middleport daughter of the late George Allen Higginbotham and Mattie Bell Pickens Higginbotham. She is survived by her grandchildren, Pam (Dennis) Wolfe of Syracuse, Ohio, Christy Jones of Pomeroy, and Jay (Debbie) Evans of Pomeroy; great-grandchildren, Amber Blackston, Jorden and J.T. Evans; great-great-grandchildren, Reilly and Beckham Veon; daughter-in-law, Ann Werry of Pomeroy. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Cecil F. Evans, and son, James Frederick Evans Sr. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, August 23, 2012, at the Anderson McDaniel Funeral Home in Middleport, Ohio. Burial will follow at Gravel Hill Cemetery. Friends and family visitation will be from 1-2: p.m. on Thursday at the funeral home.




Larcie Cledis Higginbotham (1930 - 2012) OH

HIGGINBOTHAM Larcie C. of Loveland, OH. Beloved husband of Annis Higginbotham for 62 years. Loving father of Kathy (Mike) Gentry and Melisa (Bob) Murphy. Cherished grandfather of Keli Gentry, Brandyn and Ashley LaFarge. Dear brother of Alice, Waldon, Jackie Higginbotham, Phyllis Hardwick and Joyce Smith. Passed away peacefully on Dec. 17, 2012 at the age of 82. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, Dec. 22nd at 12 Noon at Tufts Schildmeyer Funeral Home, 129 N. Riverside Dr., Loveland where friends and family will be received from 10 AM until the hour of service. Memorial contributions can be directed to Hospice of Cincinnati, C/O Bethesda Foundation, Inc., PO Box 633597, Cincinnati, OH 45263. Burial will be held at Maineville Cemetery under full military honors. Cledis was a United States Army Korean War Veteran. Rev. Ron Corbin and Rev. Gary Stringer will be officiating the services for Cledis. Pallbearers for Cledis will be Mike Gentry, Bob Murphy, Bill Meenach, Matt Stromberg, Glenn Martin.



The Repository 04/21/2013

Helen M. Simmons Higginbotham (1928-2013) MS/OH

On April 17, 2013, Helen M. Higginbotham, 84, longtime resident of Canton went to be with her Lord and to be reunited with her husband JC Higginbotham and loved ones. She was born Sept. 26, 1928 in Kemper County, Miss. to the late Clyde and Emma (Simmons). Helen married JC Higginbotham on Aug. 1, 1947 after his honorable discharge from the Marines. In 1950, they made their home in Hartville where she worked at Isley and IGA. Helen also worked at the Meyers Lake IGA. Her loved ones were often told of the memories she had working and the people that she had met. She was an original member of the Hartville Apostolic Gospel Church where she served on the Ladies Auxiliary Group. Helen was always devoted to her entire family and was a loving wife, mother and Nana. She was very patriotic and always made sure an American flag was on display in the yard. One of her favorite pastimes was sharing orange slices and hitting balloons with her youngest great-grandson, Lucas. Lucas was able to bring a smile to her face and laughter to her life. Lucas, would yell, 'Get it, Nana!' and she would laugh as he expected her to jump out of her chair and hit the balloons. If you ever needed to know anything about flowers, birds, cooking or recipes, Helen was the one you could ask. When you came to Helen's home you could always count on having ' real food' with ice tea. Helen learned to cook at a very young age and some of her specialties were biscuits, cornbread, chicken and dressing, Mississippi-mud cake, and of course a 'mess' of turnip greens or other vegetables. She was a wonderful southern cook.' If you leave hungry, its your own fault!' would be words that you would hear often at her home after a meal. Nana, as she was affectionately called by her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, reminded them always how proud she and Papa were of their many accomplishments. She would often strike up conversations with strangers telling them about ALL of her ‘youngins'. She would talk about how wonderful her son, daughter, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were. Helen spoke fondly of her entire family including relatives she might not see on daily basis, but that were always close to her heart. Preceded in death by her husband of 57 years, J.C. Higginbotham and eight siblings; her sweet cat, Baby; and her grandchildren's dogs, Dakota and Dizzy, all whom she loved dearly. Helen is survived by daughter, Glenda Sellers and son, Ronald Higginbotham; grandchildren, Kirsten and Carlos Chavez, Donald II and Liz Sellers; great-grandchildren, Trenton, Nicolas and Lucas Chavez; niece, Joy Harris; nephew, Lowell (Carolyn) Goodin; and cousin, Gladys Jackson; along with many other relatives and friends. Friends may call two hours prior to services Wednesday 12 p.m.-2 p.m. in the Arnold Funeral Home Hartville. Funeral services will be in the funeral home at 2 p.m. with Pastor Marvin Thomas officiating. Final resting place is Mount Peace Cemetery.



The Plain Dealer 06/08/2013

Sara Inez Higginbotham Tucker (1925-2013) AL/OH

SARA INEZ TUCKER, age 88, of Parma, passed away peacefully on June 6, 2013. Sara is preceded in death by Amos, her beloved husband of 67 years. Loving mother of Mary Ann (Dallas) Case, Rebecca (James) Wimberly, Jerry (Cathy), Roger (Brenda) and Shelia (Richard) Mattix. Dear sister of Hoy (deceased) (Jeanette) Higginbotham, Alton (Jeanetta) (both deceased) and Reece (deceased) (Shirley). Cherished grandmother of 11 and great-grandmother of 18. The family will receive friends in celebration of Sara's life at HUMENIK FUNERAL CHAPEL, 14200 SNOW RD., BROOK PARK ON SUNDAY, JUNE 9 FROM 2-6 P.M. where funeral services will be held on Monday, June 10 at 10 A.M. Interment at Woodvale Cemetery.



Point Pleasant Register 11/18/2013

Linda Lou Higginbotham Dunn (1942-2013) WV/OH

POMEROY — Linda Lou Dunn, 71, of Pomeroy, Ohio passed away Saturday, November 16, 2013, at Pleasant Valley Hospital. She was born at home in Gallipolis Ferry, West Virginia on May 5, 1942 daughter of late Floyd and Grace Higginbotham. She married Handley Dunn on February 13, 1960. Linda was a faithful member of Faith Valley Tabernacle Church on Bailey Run Road. Linda is survived by her husband, Handley Dunn; son, Linden Dunn; daughter, Darlene Dunn; son and daughter-in-law, Jonathan and Dawana Dunn; grandson, Evan Dunn; granddaughter, Erin Dunn; sister, Zora Rawson; brother, Alvin Higginbotham; and several nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by several brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, November 20, 2013, at the Anderson McDaniel Funeral Home in Middleport with Rev. J.R. Holsinger and Rev. William "Sonny" Mayes officiating. Burial will follow at Bradbury Cemetery. Visiting hours will be on Tuesday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home.



Akron Beacon Journal
Akron Beacon Journal 11/21/2013

Joanne M. Bauer Higginbotham (????-2013) OH

Joanne M. Higginbotham passed away Monday, November 18, 2013 being greeted by her parents, Harold and Josephine Bauer; and brother-in-law, Thomas Harris. She leaves behind her children, Elsie J. (Joe) nee Thompson-Atkinson and Jodi R. (Donald) Scheck; her grandchildren: Jessica Atkinson, Ashley, Hannah and Hailey Scheck; brother, Donald (Marie) Bauer; sisters Sandra Harris, Betty (John) Walters; and many nieces and nephews. Friends may call at Bacher Funeral Home, 3250 Greenwich Rd., Norton on Friday, November 22 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. with services to be held on Saturday, November 23, at 10 a.m. Interment at Greenlawn Memorial Park. Bacher Funeral Home Norton, Ohio 330-825-3633.



The Columbus Dispatch 02/18/2014

Dennis Franklin Higginbotham (1958-2014) WV/OH (African-American)

Dennis "Sharky" Higginbotham, 56 of Grove City, passed away at The Kobacker House on February 15, 2014. Born on January 19, 1958 in Charleston, WV. Survived by wife of 2 years, Olivia (Stephens) Higginbotham; children, Destiny Higginbotham and Denzel Higginbotham; grandchild, Jordan Higginbotham; mother, Mildred Higginbotham; siblings, Wilma, Roy "Sunny" and Andre Higginbotham. Preceded in death by father Roy Higginbotham. Friends may call at NEWCOMER FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY, SW Chapel, 3393 Broadway, Grove City, on Thursday, February 20, 2014 from 10 a.m. until time of service at 1 p.m. with Pastor Sullens officiating. Memorial contributions may be directed to The True Vine Church, 3496 Central Ave., Urbancrest, Ohio 43123.



News Journal 02/21/2014

Dorothy Pauline Smith Higginbotham (1923-2014) OH

MANSFIELD: Dorothy Pauline Higginbotham, 90, of Mansfield, went home to be with the Lord on February 18, 2014. Born May 2, 1923 in East Liverpool, OH, she was the daughter of Okey and Laura (Goddard) Smith. In her free time, Dorothy enjoyed gardening, especially flowers, and always kept many house plants. She was a true homemaker who spent time quilting, crocheting, and reading. Dorothy also enjoyed VFW and Moose dances and playing Bingo. She was a loving mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. She is survived by her children, Louise (Charles) Dulaney of Mansfield, Paul (Carol) Higginbotham of Smyrna, TN, Gloria (Robert) Mabe of Homosassa, FL, Roger Higginbotham of Tampa, FL, and Keith Higginbotham of Lexington; fifteen grandchildren; thirty great grandchildren; fifteen great great grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Dorothy was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Doy O'Dell Higginbotham; son, Doy O'Dell Jr.; one great great granddaughter and two great great grandsons; brothers, Bill and Evert Smith; and sisters, Hazel Lawson and Louise Headley. Funeral services, conducted by Pastor Edward Morton, will be Sunday, February 23, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at the Diamond Street Home of Wappner Funeral Directors, 98 S. Diamond St., Mansfield. Friends may call at the funeral home from 10-11 a.m. A graveside service will take place Monday, February 24, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. in Letart Falls Cemetery, E. Letart Road, Letart Falls, OH 45771. Memorial contributions may be made to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, 5410 Transportation Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44125.



The Columbus Dispatch 02/28/2014

Bill Higginbotham (1931-2014) OH

Bill Higginbotham, age 82, passed away Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at Kobacker House Hospice. Born December 13, 1931 in Columbus, OH to the late Ludd and Virginia Higginbotham. Bill was a longtime member of the Hilliard Moose Lodge #2236 and an avid fisherman and boater. He enjoyed many sports. Survived by loving wife, Susie; children, Cathy (Terry) Wallace, Billy Higginbotham, Debbie (Doug) Hawthorne, Vicki (David) Inks, Jill Hager, Tammy (Glenn) Davis, Michael Higginbotham, Brenda (Larry) Lowry and Teri (Keith) Higginbotham; 18 grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren; a host of good friends. Family suggests memorial contributions be made to the Kobacker House Hospice or American Cancer Society. A gathering for friends and family will be held Saturday, March 8, 2014 at the Hilliard Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge #2236, 5370 Grace St. in Hilliard starting at 6 p.m. Arrangements with the TIDD FAMILY FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY.



The Columbus Dispatch 04/08/2014

Mary Pauline Higginbotham Cantrell McCoy (1925-2014) WV/OH

Mary "Pauline" McCoy (Cantrell), age 88, passed away Sunday, April 6, 2014 at Gables at Green Pastures in Marysville, OH. Born May 26, 1925 in Grimms Landing, WV to the late Roy and Loshia Higginbotham. Life Member of Hilliard VFW Post #4931, Grove City American Legion Post #0164 and Fraternal Order of the Eagles #99999. Retired General Motors Employee. Longtime Volunteer with the Chillicothe Veteran's Hospital and outreach programs. Avid gardener, traveler and enjoyed crocheting. Preceded in death by parents, husband Ralph McCoy, son John "Bub" Cantrell, brothers George (Geneva) and Lester (Esta) Higginbotham, brother-in-law James Carley. Survived by daughter, Shirley Wolfenberger; grandchildren, Kim Wolfenberger, Shawn (Lynn) Wolfenberger and John (Kelly) Whitesed; daughter-in-law, Karin Cantrell; great grandchildren, Aaron Murray, Turner, Raulegh and Owen Wolfenberger and Brealynn Whitesed; sister, Dora Carley; several nieces, nephews and friends. Friends may call Wednesday, April 9, 2014 from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. at the TIDD FAMILY FUNERAL HOME, 5265 Norwich St. in Hilliard, OH, where funeral service will be Thursday 11 a.m. Interment Wesley Chapel Cemetery.



The Repository 04/17/2014

Kermit Victor Higginbotham (1925-2014) WV/OH

Kermit V. Higginbotham age 88, of Minerva, entered Eternal Life on Monday April 14, 2014 at 5:56 a.m. at Aultman Hospital. He was born Aug. 12, 1925 in Poca, W.Va. to the late William and Mary Higginbotham. He married the love of his life Mary Jett Dec. 18, 1946. He is survived by three children, Robert (Connie) Higginbotham of Minerva, Roger (Judy) Higginbotham of Minerva, and Bev Facemier of Minerva; 11 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren. Kermit is preceded in death by his wife, Mary A. Higginbotham, a son, Rex W. Higginbotham and three granddaughters. He had been a member of the Village Baptist Temple in North Canton and was a veteran of World War II. He was retired from Colfor in Malvern. He attended Catholic Charities adult day services. Kermit was a loving husband, father, grandfather, and friend. Kermit's family will receive friends Friday April 18, 2014 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the Paquelet-Falk Funeral Home in Louisville. Services will follow at 12 p.m. with burial immediately after at Evergreen Memorial Gardens in Louisville. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to Catholic Charities of Portage and Stark County Adult Day Services 2308 Reno Dr. Louisville, Ohio 44641. Paquelet-Falk Funeral Home & Crematory, 330-875-2811 Serving Stark County Families Since 1867.



Times Recorder 05/01/2014

Beatrice Ruth Higginbotham Gist (1925-2014) OH

ZANESVILLE: Beatrice Ruth Gist, 88, of Zanesville, went to be with the Lord at 2:37 AM Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at Genesis Good Samaritan Hospital. She was born November 13, 1925 in Dresden the daughter of the late Romeo D. and Merlie A. Warner Higginbotham. Ruth graduated from Jefferson High School of Dresden in 1943. She met her future husband, Leonard Gist in a restaurant and they were married in 1947. They enjoyed shopping at antique malls and flea markets together. Ruth enjoyed traveling throughout the United States and Canada. She worked at Kroger's, J.C. Penney's and for her brother's siding company, Higginbotham Brothers. Her favorite job was at Jerry's Dairy Bar in Dresden. She has been an active member of the Nazarene Church and enjoyed reading her Bible daily. Ruth is survived by sisters-in-law: Velma Higginbotham and Jo Ann Higginbotham both of Zanesville; nieces and nephews: Mary (Larry) Daniels of Zanesville, Theresa and Molly Lawrence of Zanesville, Christy Howell and Amber, Ashley and Arica of Coshocton, Jessica (Adam) Murgittroyd and Lyla Grace of Zanesville, Rome (Alissa) Higginbotham and Ophelia of Zanesville, David (Keri) Higginbotham and Eli of Zanesville and Shane (Wendy) Boykin and Clayton and Chloe of Zanesville. Ruth was preceded by her parents, husband and daughter: Paula Gist, brothers: Lonnie and Romeo Higginbotham and infant sister. Visitation for Ruth will be 6:00 - 8:00 PM Friday, May 2, 2014 at Bryan & Snider Funeral Home, 2318 Maple Ave., Zanesville. Funeral service will be at 11:00 AM Saturday, May 3, 2014 at the funeral home with Pat Wiseman Jones officiating. Committal service will follow at Dresden Cemetery.



Journal-News 06/15/2014

Ina Lee Perry Higginbotham (1932-2014) KY/OH

HIGGINBOTHAN, Ina Lee (nee: Perry) 82, of Morrow, Ohio died Tuesday June 10, 2014. Born May 7, 1932 in Honey Bee, KY to Grant and Alice (nee: Vanover) Perry, she was a dedicated wife and mother. She loved to go to Southern Gospel concerts. A longtime housekeeper at Pine Crest Nursing Home, she retired in 2007. Preceded in death by her parents, her husband, Clarence Higginbothan, one sister, Lois Perry, five brothers, Herbert, Maynard, Dester, "Little" Joe, and Doyle Perry. Survivors include four daughters, Linia (Linville) Perry of Morrow, OH, Janice (Mike) Rollins of Tiffin, OH, Wanda (J. Ernie) Kelly of Dandridge, TN, and Deb Higginbothan of Morrow, OH, two brothers, Kenneth Perry and Elzick Perry, both of Parkers Lake, KY, four grandchildren, Bryan Perry, Ed Perry, Greg Rollins, and Clarissa Clawson, seven great grandchildren and seven great great grandchildren. Visitation, Thursday June 12, 2014 from 6-8 PM at the Morrow First Church of God, 105 Lincoln St, Morrow OH 45152. Funeral service will be held on Saturday June 14, 2014 at the McCreary County Funeral Home in Whitley City, KY. Memorial donations are requested to the Morrow First Church of God. Arrangements by the Vale-Hoskins Funeral Home, Morrow.



The Columbus Dispatch 09/20/2014

William Lorenzo Higginbotham (1938-2014) WV/OH

William Higginbotham, 76, affectionately known as "Bill" went Home to be with The Lord on Friday September 19, 2014. He was born to Lucius and Alice Higginbotham on January 21, 1938 in Ward, West Virginia. He graduated from Washington High in London, West Virginia. He moved to Columbus, Ohio in the late 1950's. After graduating from welding school he obtained employment at Fortin Iron Works. He retired after 44 years of service. He was a long time member of New Salem Baptist Church, where he served with the Male Chorus and co-hosted the Divine Secrets Small Group Ministry. He was also an active member of The Charles Sim's Sunday School Class. In 1960, he married his high school sweetheart Janet Turner. Through that union, they were blessed with four children. After 40 years, they were able to have their first formal wedding. It was held at New Salem, with all of the family participating. Ten years later, they renewed their vows in a beautiful home ceremony, surrounded by family and friends. Bill is preceded in death by his parents Lucius and Alice Higginbotham, and his brother Charles. He leaves to cherish his memory, his loving wife of 54 years, son; Steven (Monique),daughters; Kay Soltero, Karen (Terrence) Grace, Katina (Lyndon) Carr, Sister; Josephine Higginbotham, grandchildren; Shauna Coleman, Kionna Randolph, Talion, Solomon, and Brooklynn Grace, Victor and Victoria and Victoria Soltero, Kayla and Lyndon Carr, two great grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. God sent you as the head of our family. Thank you for your unconditional love and support. Your lessons and legacy will live on thru us. Even though you will be greatly missed, To be absent from the body is to be present with The Lord. Rest in Peace "My Little Love."



Chillicothe Gazette 11/12/2014

Michael D. Higginbotham (1971-2014) OH

CIRCLEVILLE: Michael D. Higginbotham, 43, of Circleville, died on Monday, November 10, 2014. He was born on January 13, 1971 in Marion, Ohio, to Roy K. and Arbutis M. (King) Higginbotham. Michael worked at J.P. Morgan Chase, was a 1989 Logan Elm Grad, attended Church Triumphant where he was a small group leader and was a loving husband, great dad and good friend. He is survived by his parents, Roy and Betty Higginbotham; wife, Ranelle (Hart) Higginbotham; children, Miracle Elizabeth, Grace Tian Eileen and Samuel Elisha Higginbotham; brother, Ken (Mary) Higginbotham and by sister, Lea (Ron) Yoakem. Funeral services will be held on Friday, November 14, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at the Wellman Funeral Home, Circleville, with Pastor Aaron Hines and Pastors Alan and Julie Cory officiating. Burial will be in Hallsville Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home on Thursday from 5-8 p.m. Family requests casual attire. Memorial contributions are suggested to Samaritan's Purse Operation Shoebox, P.O. Box 3000 Boone, NC 28607. Wellman Funeral Home 1455 North Court Street Circleville, OH 43113 740-474-7523.



The Columbus Dispatch 01/30/2015

Helen R. Cole Higginbotham (1916-2015) WV/OH

Higginbotham Helen R. Higginbotham, age 98, born December 16, 1916, passed away January 25, 2015. Preceded in death by her parents A.B. and Gracie Cole, spouse I.G. Higginbotham, infant daughter Patricia, and daughter Harriet (Susie) Sparks, two sisters Mary Lou and Margaret and three brothers Oscar, Marvin and Jack. Survived by two daughters, Mary Jane (Johnny) Lester and Nancy P. (Paul) Smith; son-in-law, Lucian D. Sparks; eight grandchildren, Ken (Celeste), Keith (Deanna), Kim (Matt), Kelli (Bob), Allen (Julie), Lutricia, Martin (Donna) and Phil; 12 great grandchildren, Grayson, Grace, Jonathan, Nicholas, Keagan, Casey, Ryan, Haley, Samantha, Colette, Lydia and Adam; nephews, (Her Boys) Jim (Janet) Lester, Ronnie (Pat) Lester and John (Kim) Lester and their families; five nieces, Betsy, Sara, Jymme, Barbara, Tammy and their families. A very special thanks to Blanton House, especially Debbie Garman, her care giver for the past 8 years and Brittany who had given her expert care and love. Thank you all! Graveside service will be held 11 a.m. Saturday, January 31, 2015 at Grove City Cemetery. To those who wish, memorial contributions may be made to the charity or church of your choice. Arrangements completed with Spence-Miller Funeral Home - Grove City 2697 Columbus Street  Grove City, OH 43123 614-875-4878.




William Lee Higginbotham II (ca1978-2015) OH

William "Lee" Higginbotham II, 37, went to be with our Lord on April 24, 2015. Born to surviving parents, William and Brenda Higginbotham. Survived by loving wife of 16 years, Nikki Herdman-Higginbotham; his loving daughter and greatest accomplishment, Kaylee Ann; sister, Marilyn Compton; brother, Nelson Higginbotham; as well as extended family and friends. He will be deeply missed. The family thanks Lee's employer of 14 years, Wal-Mart Canal Winchester, and Nikki's employer of 11 years, Computer Helper Publishing, for their love and support; the family also thanks all of the doctors, nurses, medical staff at Riverside, The Bing, Columbus Oncology and the Kobacker House for taking great care of Lee. Service will be 11 a.m. Wednesday, April 29, at Groveport Zion Lutheran, Groveport, Ohio, with Pastor Matthew Cox officiating; visitation will begin one hour prior. Visitation will also be held from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 28, at O.R. Woodyard Groveport Chapel, 587 Main St., Groveport, Ohio.



Advocate 04/30/2015

Mary Ann Walker Higginbotham (1925-2015) KY/OH

NEWARK: Mary Ann (Walker) Higginbotham, of Newark, entered into her eternal rest in the arms of Jesus on Monday evening, April 27, 2015, only four days following her 90th birthday celebration. She passed away at the Selma Markowitz Hospice Center at Licking Memorial Hospital. A memorial service will be held Saturday, May 2, 2015 at Newark Central Christian Church, 587 Mount Vernon Road, Newark. Visiting hours will be 1:00-3:00 PM at the church with the service following. Beloved wife of 66 years to Joseph E., Jr., Mary Ann was born in Bowling Green, KY to Joseph Franklin and Violet Dell (Maple) Walker. Preceded in death by parents; and granddaughter, Bethany Joy Higginbotham, Mrs. Higginbotham will be greatly missed by her husband; daughter, Marie (Lilburn) McDaniel of Columbus; sons, Joseph, III (Sheryl) Higginbotham of Columbus, and James (Carolyn) Higginbotham of Indianapolis; younger sister, Betty (Raymond) Petty, of Yorba Linda, CA; grandchildren, Erin Higginbotham (Darren) Nealy; and Regenia, Ray, and Randy McDaniel; eight great-grandchildren; numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews; and a host of friends from Central Christian Church, the YMCA, TWIG 6 of Granville, Licking County Rock and Mineral Society, Newark Poseidons Scuba Club, Licking County Computer Society, Licking County Senior Center and Coldwell-Banker Realty. A Navy WAVES WW II veteran, Mary Ann served at the Long Beach (CA) Naval Hospital and then in the Naval Reserves after the war, achieving the rank of Pharmacist's Mate 3rd Class. She has been employed as a Lab Technician, a Welcome Wagon hostess and a realtor. Having lived a life of service, she taught swimming lessons through the Red Cross for more than five decades, helped with Meals on Wheels, taught exercise classes, and volunteered and served in many capacities in her church and the organizations previously mentioned. Mary Ann has held many honors and recognitions including Elder Emeritus at her church, Ohio Council of Skin and Scuba Divers, Inc. "Diver of the Year," Honor Flight and Central Ohio Senior Citizens Hall of Fame. In lieu of flowers, friends who wish may contribute to Central Christian Church, the YMCA or a charity of their choosing. Funeral Home Brucker & Kishler Funeral Home 985 North 21st Street Newark, OH 43055 740-366-3343.



Telegraph-Forum 07/14/2015

Judith Bernice Higginbotham Morris (1959-2015) OH

BUCYRUS: Bernice "Berny" Morris, 56, of Bucyrus, passed away Sunday July 12, 2015 unexpectedly following a brief illness. Berny was born in Gallipolis, OH February 14, 1959 to Lawrence Higgenbotham of Sycamore and the late Judy (Cain) Heydinger. In addition to her father, she is survived by step mother Nancy; long time companion, Robert Rowland of Bucyrus; brothers, David (Deb) Higginbotham of Bucyrus and Derrick (Trisha) Higginbotham of Bucyrus; sisters, Mary (Clarence) Skidmore of KY and Robin (Richard) Hetler of Willard; step-sisters, Michelle, Danielle, and Kimberly; half sisters, Jeannie Yarborough and Myra Wright; numerous nieces and nephews; as well as loving pets Coco and Cloe Belle. Berny most recently worked as manager of Geyer Beverage Center in Bucyrus for over 10 years and prior to that had worked at BAJA Boats and C.D. White Co. Berny was a graduate of Buckeye Central H.S. in 1977. She enjoyed her leisure time watching sports such as Nascar, Cleveland Indians, or her Ohio State Buckeyes. In her spare time she loved to garden, craft, and above all cook. At Berny's request there will be no calling hours or formal services. Contributions can be made to the Crawford County Humane Society or American Heart Association. Munz Pirnstill Funeral Home Inc 215 N Walnut St Bucyrus, OH 44820 (419) 562-6776.



The Columbus Dispatch 08/08/2015

Marilyn Dayle Higginbotham MacNealy (1943-2015) WV/OH

Marilyn Dayle Mac Nealy, at 2:53 in the afternoon of August 6, 2015, Marilyn Mac Nealy passed away peacefully at Kobacker House Hospice in Columbus, OH. Marilyn was surrounded by the love of her family at the time of her passing. She was 71 years old. Marilyn was born in the town of Elkview, WV on October 23, 1943 to the late Clarence and May Higginbotham. Marilyn, also known as "Dayle," enjoyed the days of her childhood with her siblings, Barbara Boerner and Russell Higginbotham whom have preceded her in death as well as Charles (Jess) Higginbotham, Ronald Higginbotham, Sheila Robinette, Betty (John) McKibben and twin sister, Carolyn Gayle Dillon, who survive her. At the age of 18, while working at Riverside Hospital in Columbus, OH, she met the love of her life, Kenneth Mac Nealy. Ken and Marilyn were married July 14, 1962 and had two children, Kathleen Jane (Scott) Frost and Kevin Jon. Marilyn spent her life as a hardworking woman, a doting wife, and a loving and supportive mother. She became "Mema" in 1987 to her first granddaughter, Kara (Adam) Clayton, later joined in 1992 by Kelsey and in 2000 by Hailey. Marilyn enjoyed spending her time at home with her husband of 53 years and their two poodles, Peaches and Pepper. She had a love for movies, word search puzzles and texting on her iPad. The family would like to thank the staff, nurses and doctors of Riverside Methodist Hospital ICU and the Kobacker House Hospice for their top-notch care and support. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Kobacker House Hospice in Marilyn's memory. A celebration of life for Marilyn will take place at Columbia Heights United Methodist Church, 775 Galloway Rd. in Galloway, OH on Saturday, August 22, 2015 at 2 p.m. Pastor Nathan Custer officiating. The family will receive guests following the service. Arrangements with the TIDD FAMILY FUNERAL HOME and CREMATORY.



The Columbus Dispatch 11/10/2015

Janet M. Smith Higginbotham (1927-2015) OH

Janet M. Higginbotham, age 88, of Columbus, OH, passed away November 8, 2015. Retired from Pfeifer Printing Co. An avid bowler at Sequoia Lanes. Survived by her husband of 70 years, Bob; sons, Bob, Jr. (Ruth), Rick (Marilyn) and Herb (Sandy); ten grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. Preceded in death by son Bruce, sister Virginia Nevelle. Friends may call at the MORELAND FUNERAL HOME, 55 E. Schrock Road, Westerville, Wednesday from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m., where service will be held Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Pastor Tommy Tucker, officiating. Interment Union Cemetery. Funeral Home Moreland Funeral Home 55 E. Schrock Road Westerville, OH 43081 614-891-1414.



Akron Beacon Journal 12/10/2015

Michael Dale Higginbotham (ca1951-2015) OH

CUYAHOGA FALLS -- Dale Higginbotham, 64, passed away suddenly on December 8, 2015. He was born in Akron and resided in Cuyahoga Falls for the past 50 years. Dale graduated from Cuyahoga Falls High School in 1969 and attended The University of Akron. He worked at B.F Goodrich in the photography lab for several years, going on to work for TruSeal Technologies (Quanex IG Systems) for over 25 years in their research and development department. He was an accomplished guitarist, a professional photographer and an animal enthusiast. Preceded in death by his parents, Wayne and Elizabeth, he is survived by his beloved daughter, Emma Higginbotham; fianceé, Shirley Jones; and his special cat, Sam. Friends may call from 4 to 7 p.m. on Friday, December 11, 2015 at the Clifford-Shoemaker Funeral Home, 1930 Front St., Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221, where a funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, December 12, Pastor Shannon Blower will be officiating. In lieu of other remembrances, memorials may be made to the American Lung Association , 6100 Rockside Woods Blvd. Suite 260, Independence, OH 44131 or to the Humane Society of Greater Akron, 7996 Darrow Rd., Twinsburg, OH 44087.



The Columbus Dispatch 12/14/2015

Joe Higginbotham (ca1950-2015) OH

Joe (Higgy) Higginbotham, 65, of Columbus, passed away Thursday, December 10, 2015. He was an educator and enjoyed helping others and making a difference in peoples lives His is survived by his daughter, Nicole (Joe) Kelly; brother, Frank Snyder of Columbus; sister, Ellen (Tim) Herringshaw of Lake City, FL; and little brother, Dave (Kellie) Snyder of Westerville. Preceded in death by his parents Dorothy Snyder and Richard and Elizabeth Higginbotham. He will be dearly missed by all that knew him. A celebration of life will be held 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at the MORELAND FUNERAL HOME, 55 East Schrock Road, Westerville, OH. Funeral Home Moreland Funeral Home 55 E. Schrock Road Westerville, OH 43081 614-891-1414.



Toledo Blade 03/10/2016

Thomas Clark Higginbotham (1954-2016) WV/OH

Thomas C. Higginbotham Jr., 62, of Curtice, Ohio, passed away on Monday, March 7, 2016, at UTMC. He was born on February 24, 1954, in South Charleston, WV to Mary (Richardson) and Thomas C. Higginbotham Sr. and was a graduate of South Charleston High School. Tom was a Deputy Clerk for the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts retiring in 2011 and was a member of the Teamsters Local 20. He was an avid reader who enjoyed bowling, skeet shooting, traveling but most of all spending time with his family. Tom is survived by his loving wife of 43 years, Victoria; son, Thomas (Charlene) Higginbotham, Lisa (Ben) Guest; grandsons, Jacob Higginbotham and Timothy Guest; sister, Rene (Bill) Bevino; sister-in-law, Vonda Willett; along with many dear nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents and sisters, Beverly Hammock and Cynthia Leaman. A memorial gathering will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2016, at the Freck Funeral Chapel from 12-2 p.m. where a Celebration of Life service will begin at 2 p.m. Burial will be private. The Blade Funeral Home Freck Funeral Chapel 1155 South Wynn Road Oregon, OH 43616 (419) 693-9304.



Telegraph-Forum 06/04/2016

Shawn D. Higginbotham (1979-2016) OH

BUCYRUS: Shawn D. Higginbotham, 36 of Bucyrus passed away on Thursday June 2, 2016 at Riverside Hospital in Columbus, his death was unexpected. Shawn was born Oct. 26, 1979 in Galion to David and Deb (Rodgers) Higginbotham who survive in Bucyrus. He was married June 10, 2004 to Danielle Lynn (Belcher) Higginbotham who preceded him in death on Oct. 30, 2008. He was also preceded in death by aunt Berny Morris, uncle Glen R. Rodgers, and maternal grandparents Rosie and William Rodgers. In addition to his parents, Shawn is survived by sons William Gabriel and Brody James Higginbotham; sister Stacy Higginbotham of Bucyrus; niece and nephew Alexis Malone and Braylon Wells; aunts and uncles Evelyn (Bo) Shope; Charlie (Shirley), Harold (Pam), Billy (Doug) Rodgers; Mary (Clarence) Skidmore, Robin (Richard) Hetler, and Derrick (Trisha) Higginbotham, Father and Mother in law Vickie and Jim Ruttman of Bucyrus; and very special cousins. Shawn lived his entire life in Bucyrus and graduated from Bucyrus High School in 1998. He last worked as a cabinet maker at Village Woodcrafters. Shawn had many special friends from High School where he was active in school sports. He was a fan of the Bengals and Ohio State Buckeyes. Most of all, Shawn enjoyed spending time with his boys and following their sports activities. Funeral Services will be held on Monday at 1:00 pm in the Munz-Pirnstill Funeral Home with burial to follow in Oakwood Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Sunday from 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm.



The Columbus Dispatch 10/16/2016

Marilyn K. Lindsey-Higginbotham (1953 - 2016)

Marilyn K. Lindsey-Higginbotham, age 62, of Columbus, Ohio, passed away on Saturday, October 15, 2016. She was born in Columbus, Ohio on November 23, 1953. She graduated from Linden McKinley High School. Marilyn retired from the Ohio Department of Taxation after 30 years of dedicated service. She was preceded in death by her father Bob F. Lindsey and brother Steven Lindsey. She is survived by her loving husband of 20 years, Rick Higginbotham; children, Amy Turner and Daniel (Courtney) Turner; beloved granddaughter, Kennedy; mother, Patricia Lindsey; twin sister, Carolyn (Bill) Cook; nieces, Colleen and Casey; nephew, Stevie; and several step children. Marilyn loved travelling, going to the beach, spending time with her close friends and family, and most of all spoiling her granddaughter. Family will receive friends on Wednesday, October 19, 2016 from 4-6:30 p.m. with prayer service following at 6:30 p.m. at the HOPE AND HEART FUNERAL HOME BY SCHOEDINGER, 2741 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43224. Br. Tom Bohman officiating. Donations in Marilyn's memory may be made to the American Cancer Society. Schoedinger Linden Memorial Chapel 2741 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, OH 43224 (614) 267-8363.




Cynthia L. Higginbotham (1955-2016) OH

June 30, 1955 - November 12, 2016

Cynthia was born on June 30, 1955 and passed away on Saturday, November 12, 2016. Cynthia was a resident of Cincinnati, Ohio at the time of her passing.




Clyde L. Higginbotham (1929-2016) OH

July 19, 1929 - December 20, 2016

Clyde L. Higginbotham, age 87, of Cygnet, Ohio, and formerly of Edgerton, Ohio, died at 10:34 P.M. on Tuesday, December 20, 2016, at Bridge Hospice in Bowling Green, Ohio. Mr. Higginbotham was a farmer and truck driver. He was a 40-year member of Trinity Lutheran Church in Bryan, Ohio, and attended St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Bowling Green. Clyde enjoyed fishing, time on his air boat, playing cards, old cars, spending time with his dogs and telling stories and jokes.

Clyde Higginbotham was born on July 19, 1929, in Hicksville, Ohio, the son of Marion and Violet (Deck) Higginbotham. He married Lois Blair on September 30, 1951, and she preceded him in death on April 7, 1991. He then married Janice Knisel on February 22, 1992, and she survives.

He is also survived by his sons, Duane (Cindy) Higginbotham, of Newark, Ohio, and David Higginbotham, of Edgerton; daughters, Marilyn (Lee) Opdycke, of Fayette, Ohio, Marcia (Chris) George, of Rossford, Ohio, Marlene (Chris) North, of Cygnet, and Myra Purkey, of Evergreen, Colorado; twelve grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and sister, Leah (Glenn) Davis, of Liberty Center, Ohio. He was preceded in death by his parents; first wife, Lois; and sisters, M. Juanita Deck and Mary Lou Smith.

Funeral services will be held on Friday, December 23, 2016, at 3:00 P.M. in the Krill Funeral Home, 114 East Hull Street, Edgerton, Ohio, with visitation from 1:00-3:00 P.M. prior to the service. Interment will follow in Maple Grove Cemetery, Edgerton, Ohio.

Memorials may be given to Bridge Hospice, 1069 Klotz Road, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402.



Dayton Daily News 01/05/2017

Patricia Higginbotham Kenerly (1937-2017) OH

KENERLY (Higginbotham), Patricia Was born on August 11, 1937 to Leroy and Mary (Woods) Higginbotham in Springfield, Ohio. She departed this life on December 31, 2016 at 6:50pm in her home, surrounded by her family and saints. She leaves to cherish her memory her loving sons, Carl Vernon Jr. (Janice) Kenerly, Wayne Kenerly and Michael (Bethany) Kenerly; beloved daughter, Janie Kenerly; sisters, Shirley Speakes, Juanita Robinson and Donna (Bowden) Higgenbotham; brothers, Walter and Donald "Bunky" Higginbotham; sisters in law, Leona Cheatham and Delores (Donald) Walker; brother in law, Thurston Kenerly; grandchildren, Ashley, Katricia, Allison, Austin, Shannon and Shanya; a great-granddaughter, Brenae; special niece, Betty Tatum and a host of nieces, nephews, family and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Carl V. Kenerly Sr., her parents and brothers, Leroy, Sr., Richard and Robert "Tommy Tucker" Higginbotham. Visitation will be Friday, January 6, 2017 from 7pm to 9pm in the Grand Ave. Church of God. Services will be held Saturday, January 7, 2017 at 11:30am in the Southgate Baptist Church. Burial in Ferncliff Cemetery. Arrangements by the Robert C. Henry Funeral Home. Funeral Home Robert C Henry Funeral Home 527 Robert C Henry Way Springfield, OH 45506 (937) 322-8520.



Coshocton Tribune 01/23/2017

Jesse L. Higginbotham (1931-2017) WV/OH

SHERRODSVILLE Jesse L. Higginbotham, 85, of Sherrodsville passed away on Saturday, January 21, 2017 at the Community Hospice Truman House. Born on February 12, 1931 in Printer, West Virginia, he was the son of the late Jesse and Hazel (Copley) Higginbotham. He honorably served our country in the United States Air Force during the Korean War. Jesse retired from Coshocton County Drug and Alcoholic Council after 20 years. Following his retirement, he worked for LAPP in Newark, Ohio. On December 16, 2000, he married Louise "Joy" DeLancey, who is from Columbia, SC. He was preceded in death by his former wife; M. Jane Higginbotham; brother, James Wall; and two sisters, Betty McCallister and Wanda Burdette. He will be sadly missed by his wife, Joy; three children, Robert (Linda) Higginbotham of Florida, Michael Higginbotham of Newark, James Higginbotham of Sherrodsville; two sisters, Mary Holley of Dublin, Dee Longshore of Dayton; his brother, Elmer Qualls of Columbus; along with six grandchildren, Joshua, William, Robert, Carolyn, Jessica, and Abigail. A celebration of Jesse's life will be held at the Toland-Herzig Funeral Home & Crematory in Dover on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 2:00pm with Pastor Dr. Gene Keplinger officiating. Friends are invited to call at the funeral home on Wednesday from 1:00 until the service starts at 2:00. Immediately following the service, a meal will be served at the Toland-Herzig Monarch Center. A private burial will take place at Southlawn Cemetery in Coshocton. Those unable to attend, or who would like to share a fond memory of Jesse may do so by visiting the "obituaries & flowers" link on the funeral home's website. Memorial contributions can be made to the Community Hospice Truman House, 716 Commercial Ave SW, New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663. Funeral Home Toland-Herzig Funeral Homes & Crematory 803 N Wooster Ave Dover, OH 44622 (330) 343-6132.



Times Recorder 03/17/2017

Donald Richard Higginbotham (1922-2017) OH

WHITE COTTAGE: Donald Richard Higginbotham, 94, of White Cottage and Dunedin, Florida, passed away Wed. Mar. 15, 2017 in the ER at Genesis Hospital. He was born on May 4, 1922 in Zanesville, a son of the late Dewey and Mary (Burns) Higginbotham. He graduated from Lash High School in the class of 1941 and graduated from Meredith Business College. Don worked in the finance business during his career. He served his country in the United States Army Air Force during World War II where he held the rank of sergeant. He was a 50+ year member of the U.C.T. and was a member and trustee of First Christian Church. He is survived by his loving wife of 69 years Burdeen (Fincel) Higginbotham. A nephew Donald "Rusty" Higginbotham. Several cousins. A special girl Pam Moore. Close family friends Mary Helen (Ullman) Williams, Mark (Nancy) Ullman, Sara (Chris) Ullman Pfaff, Anita Ullman. Many special friends and caregivers. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by two sisters Elaine Treadway and Sue Morris and by an infant brother. No calling hours will be held. A private service will be held at WILLIAM THOMPSON & SON FUNERAL HOME 5765 Gladstone Drive White Cottage. Rev. Dawn Remster officiating. Entombment will be in Zanesville Memorial Park where Zanesville VFW Post #1058 will conduct military honors.



The Repository 04/11/2017

Ellen Higginbotham Hathaway Schlabach (ca1967-2017) OH)

Ellen Higginbotham Hathaway Schlabach 50 of Lake Township, died April 9, 2017. She is survived by her husband Ronald; sons Alex Hathaway and Ian Hathaway; mother Sara Ray Roberts; and father Nelson Higginbotham. Her sisters, Suzanne Fedorka (Thomas), Amy Harman (Tom), Ashley Higginbotham (Ryan McPherson), Adrianne Roberts Beach (Brian), Beth Gaff Beal (Mel); her brother, Kevin Roberts; and her mother-in-law, Edna Mae Schlabach survive her as well. She was preceded in death by her beloved stepfather, George Roberts, her stepmother, Patricia Higginbotham; and her brother, Bret Gaff. She was the fun aunt to her much-loved six nephews and three nieces, and loved by many friends. A graduate of Lake School and Mount Union College, Ellen earned a Master's in Education from Ashland. She was employed by Canton City Schools as a second grade teacher at Allen Elementary, previously at Compton. Ellen's heart for children fueled her belief that God called her to teach and love all children. She was a member of the United Methodist Church of Uniontown, 13370 Cleveland Ave. N.W., Uniontown where all services will be held. Visitation TODAY Tuesday April 11, from 1 to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. Funeral services Wednesday April 12, 11 a.m. with Rev. James P. Nolte officiating. Burial Woods Cemetery. The family suggests that in lieu of flowers remembrances be sent to the Ellen Schlabach Memorial Scholarship Fund, Allen Elementary School, 1326 Sherrick Rd. SE, Canton, Ohio 44707 to benefit deserving children who attended that school. Hecker 330 699-2600.


Dayton Daily News 05/24/2017

Wanda Kay Higginbotham Hardnick (1955-2017) OH

HIGGINBOTHAM-HARDNICK, Wanda Kay Age 61. Sunrise August 4, 1955 at Wright Air Patterson Force Base and Sunset May 18, 2017 at The Ohio State University Medical Center. Wanda was preceded in death by her parents, Richard and Miriam Morgan Higginbotham and husband Richard Hardnick. Left to cherish her memory, daughters, Felicia K. Higginbotham and Kim D. (Saudi) Abdullah; sisters, Kim Miller and Joy Higginbotham; grandchildren, Craig, Tylysha, Isaiah, Jaheim, Shauda' and Saudia; great grandchildren, Anye'ya and Jeremiah and a host of other family and friends. Visitation 5:00pm and Funeral 6:00pm Friday May 25, 2017 at Trinity AME Church 554 Selma Rd. Ministry of Comfort entrusted to MARLAN J. GARY FUNERAL HOME, THE CHAPEL OF PEACE NORTH 2500 Cleveland Ave. To order flowers and to offer condolence to The HIGGINBOTHAM-HARDNICK Family.



The Repository 07/06/2017

Ralph Arnold Higginbotham (1939-2017) MS/OH

Ralph A. Higginbotham was born on August 12, 1939 in Macon, Miss., to the late Commie Tyson and Lona Reed Higginbotham. He went home to be with the Lord on July 3, 2017, surrounded by his loving family. Leaving Mississippi as a young teen, his father moved the family to Ohio settling in Hartville. Ralph attended Suffield schools and worked for Old King Cole/ Trilogy Plastics, Heimbaugh Dry Wall and Olszeski Properties. Ralph was an avid outdoorsman, enjoyed gardening and going to auctions. He married Patricia, Née Haswell on July 1, 1961, and recently celebrated 56 years of marriage. Also, he leaves his sons, Scott (Stephanie) and Todd (Judy) Higginbotham; as well as his grandchildren: Nicholas (Jordyn), Matthew (Maria), Megan, Todd Jr. and Derrek Higginbotham; and great-grandson, Greyson Higginbotham; and soon to arrive great-granddaughter, Giana Higginbotham; his brother, C. Tyson (Jan) of York, S.C.; and sisters-in-law, Ruth Gooding of Uniontown, Miki Higginbotham of Wisconsin, Dorothy and Sally Higginbotham, both of Hartville. In addition to his several nieces, nephews and long time friends. He enjoyed his McDonalds coffee run each morning with his "side kick" Lucky. Ralph is preceded in death by his parents; and brothers: Aaron Eugene, Benny Wade, John Kellis; and sister, Johnnie Dean; and in-laws, Floyd and Bertha Haswell. Calling hours are Friday 4-7 p.m. at Arnold Funeral Home, Hartville. Funeral services are Saturday 11:00 a.m. at East Nimishillen Church of the Brethren with Pastor Matthew Reed and Pastor Marvin Thomas officiating. Final viewing is one hour prior to services in the church (10-11 a.m.). Final resting place is the church cemetery. In lieu of flowers the family requests donations be made to Aultman Woodlawn Compassionate Care Hospice and Palliative Care at 2821 Woodlawn Ave. N.W., Canton, OH 44708 or East Nimishillen Church of the Brethren at 2650 Nimishillen Church Rd., Canton, OH 44721. The family also wants to thank the staff at the Compassionate Care Center, the staff at Aultman Palliative Care, and a special thanks to Dr. Jeffery Marsh, Susan Eakin N.P., and Natalie Raber, R.N. and Chaplin Joseph Kampert. Arnold Hartville, 330-877-9364.



The Columbus Dispatch 07/26/2017

Jessie Louise Larrison Higginbotham (1936 - 2017) OH

Jessie Louise Higginbotham, of Canal Winchester, Ohio, formerly from Gahanna, Ohio, taken from us much too soon, passed away peacefully at home on July 24, 2017. Louise was born on October 17, 1936 in Kimbolton, Ohio. She is preceded in death by her parents Lester and Virginia Larrison. Louise married Charles Higginbotham February 26, 1954 and started her 22 year journey as a Navy wife and mother. Following Charles's retirement from the Navy in 1974, Louise worked for Huntington National Bank's Business Operation Center until her retirement in 1992. Louise was a past member of Peace Lutheran Church in Gahanna, Ohio where she was an active member in their PEO group and recently became a member of David Lutheran Church in Canal Winchester, Ohio. Louise loved her family above all and after retirement committed most of her time cherishing her family as it continued to grow. Louise is survived by her loving husband of 63 years, Charles James Higginbotham; her daughters, Janet Louise (Ronald) Sisko of Groveport, Ohio and Charlene Sue (Tom) Roberts of Johnstown, Ohio. She will be deeply missed by her grandchildren, Tressie Louise (Scott) Spurling, Stephen Joseph (Christine) Sisko, Corey Sue (Andy) Hallam, Shelby Jo (Nathan Johnson) Roberts and Brian Thomas Roberts. Her most prized possessions were her great grandchildren. Mayo, as they called her, will be greatly missed by, Kylee Rae Ooten, Maddox Christopher Johnson, Jessie Louise Spurling, Austin Robert Wolfe, Delaney Jo Johnson, Jenna Paige Spurling, Brandon Scott Spurling, Lirael Myah Johnson, Blaine Joseph Sisko, Margaret Sue Hallam, Ellana (Elli) Alexa Johnson and Charles (Charlie) Howard Hallam. She is survived by her brothers and sisters, Curtis (Juanita) Larrison, Irene Mapes, Nancy (Don Elkins) Bailey, Lester (Patty) Larrison, Bill (Leslie) Larrison and Cathy (Mike) Moore. As well of numerous nieces and nephews. The family would like to express our deepest gratitude to Mt Carmel Hospital and Mt Carmel Hospice for their kindness and loving care during our mother Louise's final days. Friends and family may call Friday, July 28, 2017 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at SCHOEDINGER EAST, 5360 E. Livingston Ave., Columbus 43232, where services will be held Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 12 noon, with Paul Barnes, of Madison Christian Church, officiating. Entombment will follow at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, 5600 E. Broad St, Columbus, Ohio. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in Louise's memory to Central Ohio Autism Society and/or Mt. Carmel Hospice.



The Daily Sentinel 11/14/2017

Zora Juanita Higginbotham Rawson (1932-2017) WV/OH

MIDDLEPORT — Zora J. (Higginbotham) Rawson, 85, of Middleport, Ohio, went home to be with the Lord on Nov. 13, 2017. She was born on Jan. 31, 1932, in Southside, West Virginia, daughter of the late Floyd and Grace Higginbotham. She was a faithful member of Faith Valley Tabernacle Church. She married Emmett A. Rawson on Sept. 4, 1951. Mrs. Rawson is survived by her daughters, Pamela Sellers and Debra (Jerry) Yeauger and her son, E. Gregory (Lora) Rawson; five grandchildren, Kyla (Heath) Hudson, Scott Sellers, Josiah (Brandi) Rawson, Seth Rawson and Jordan Rawson; six great grandchildren, Kelsey and Griffin Hudson, Chloe, Isabelle and William Sellers, Koen Rawson and one on the way. She is also survived by sisters-in-law, Joann, Joan and Betty Higginbotham, and Wanda Hendrick; brothers-in-law, Handley Dunn, Don Rawson and Denver Rollins; several nieces and nephews; and a wonderful church family. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Emmett; six brothers and five sisters. Zora will be greatly missed by family and friends. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017 at 1 p.m. at the Anderson McDaniel Funeral Home in Pomeroy. Burial will follow at Meigs Memory Gardens. Visiting hours will be on Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the funeral home. Funeral Home Anderson McDaniel Funeral Homes 590 East Main Street Pomeroy, OH 45769 (740) 992-5141.



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