Kentucky Obituaries

Ohio Marriages


Massillon Independent 11/17/1886

George M. Higginbotham & Elva E. Barnett


Zanesville Times Signal 06/25/1893

(Anniversary announcement 06/27/1953)

William Varner Higinbothom & Elizabeth Leota Runion


The Times Democrat 06/23/1896

Harriet "Hattie" Higginbotham & William J. O'Day


The Massillon Independent 01/25/1897

Kate Higginbottom & Samuel Jenkins



Andrew C. Higginbotham & Goldie L. McLaughlin

(50th Anniversary announcement)


The Newark Daily Advocate 08/02/1906

Iva Higginbottom & George Devine


The Times Democrat 11/14/1906

Frances A. Higginbotham & Alice Roche


The Evening Telegram 06/26/1907

Albert Heginbotham & Gusta Scheffler


Record-Herald 01/01/1911

(59th anniversary announcement published 01/03/1970)

Emanuel Christopher Higginbotham & Susan Jemiah Smith


Zanesville Times-Recorder 03/12/1913

(60th anniversary announcement published 03/06/1973)

Olive Grace Higinbothom & Samuel Lester Francis


The Evening Independent 10/20/1915

Jesse M. Higginbotham & Mabel Dielhenn


The Chronicle-Telegram 06/17/1929

Alice Heginbotham & Andrew J. Pitman


The Evening Independent 07/08/1929

Verdena H. Higginbotham & James D. Morris


The Coshocton Tribune 02/14/1930

Joe Hickenbottom & Thelma Longsworth



Ada Florence Higinbotham & Raymond D. Boomer


The Massillon Evening Independent 07/22/1930

Helen L. Higginbotham & Herman D. Albright


The Newark Advocate and American Tribune 08/10/1933

Rita M. Hickinbotham & Merle E. Ridenour


The Chronicle-Telegram 06/05/1936

Gilbert A. Heginbotham & Rose Kasik (License application)


The Charleston (WV) Gazette 11/28/1937

James Wesley Higginbotham Jr. & Oleta Grey Poling


The Chronicle-Telegram 02/13/1939

Ruth E. Heginbotham & Carl Renkel



The Chronicle 03/02/1940

(Anniversary announcement)

John T. Higginbotham & Anne Chestnut



Zanesville Times-Recorder 01/03/1941

Hilbert Higinbothom & Mary McElroy



The Portsmouth Times 06/11/1941

Masel Victoria Higginbotham & Norman Lee George


Northwest Arkansas Times 09/24/1945

Hilbert H. Higinbothom & Cassie Hardesty


Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Cassie Hardesty, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hardesty of Fayetteville, to Hilbert Higinbothom, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Higinbothom of Zanesvllle, Ohio. The ceremony took place September 1 at the home of the officiating minister, the Rev. O. L. Lierly. The bridegroom recently received his discharge from the service after 18 months in the South Pacific area.



The Times-Recorder 05/11/1947

Ruth Higginbottom & Leonard Gist


The Newark Advocate and American Tribune 09/03/1947

Patricia Louise Higginbotham & James Elwood Null


The Times Recorder 09/29/1947

Donald R. Higinbotham & Burdeen Elizabeth Fincel


The Sunday Messenger 09/02/1951

Donald Jesse Higginbotham & Marilyn Jean McKinney


The Sunday Messenger 09/09/1951

Zora Juanita Higginbotham & Emmett Abraham Rawson


Portsmouth Times 11/19/1951

Naomi Ruth Higginbotham & George E. Colvin


The Newark Advocate and American Tribune 11/27/1951

Marguerite Higginbotham & Claude C. Crist


The Athens Messenger 05/09/1952

William S. Higginbotham & Barbara Bell Jividen


The Marion Star 05/14/1953

Rose Ellen Higginbotham & Elbert Marvin Caudill


The Marion Star 06/20/1953

Hazel L. Higginbotham & Norman N. Nye


The Sunday Messenger 10/18/1953

Delbert Lee Higginbotham & Donna Jean Adkins


The Athens Messenger 11/06/1953

Gerlean Higginbotham & Frederick G. Adkins



Lorain Chronicle-Telegram 08/05/1958

James J. Heginbotham & Sally L. Davies



Lorain Chronicle-Telegram 07/21/1959

Eugene S. Higginbotham & Annie Belle Edwards



Newark Advocate 10/18/1961

Constance Louise Higginbotham & Henry Dale Porter


The Chronicle-Telegram 08/22/1962

Wayne R. Heginbotham & Joan Marie Shank



Chronicle-Telegram 06/10/1963

Larry Gene Higginbotham & Evelyn Marguerite Feather


News-Herald 03/28/1964

Edwin L. Higginbotham & Joan Beverly Plesnicher


Oakland (CA) Tribune 05/02/1966

Joseph Cameron Hickingbotham III & Carol Sheets


The Messenger 11/03/1967

Pamela Higginbotham & Ronald Stansbery



The Portsmouth Times 03/16/1968

John Settle Higginbotham & Nancy Sue Braden


Columbus Dispatch 02/09/1969

Bruce Allen Higginbotham & Susie Williams


Journal-Tribune 08/09/1969

Peggy Marie Higginbotham & Ronald Wayne Eastman Jr.


The Coshocton Tribune 01/14/1970

Ruth A. Higginbotham & Clark G. Hardesty


The Coshocton Tribune 06/16/1971

Ivan Lee Hickenbottom & Connie Jo Medlock



Debra Lynn Higginbotham & Dempsey Miller Jr.


The Times Recorder 09/02/1973

Mary Jane Higginbotham & Ronnie Ennis Boykin


The Coshocton Tribune 04/06/1974

Ivan Hickenbottom & Sue Medley


The Newark Advocate 06/27/1974


The Journal-Tribune 08/29/1974

(License application)

Terry Lee Higginbotham & Ramona Kay Winkle



Timmy A. Higginbotham & Karen Narelle Peden


The Times Recorder 10/17/1975

Romeo Higginbotham Jr. & Velma May Cohagen


The Chronicle-Telegram 04/21/1978

James J. Heginbotham & Claudia R. Schmittgen


Journal-Tribune 11/14/1978

Vernon Ray Higginbotham & Mary Ann Lowery


Chronicle-Telegram 12/07/1978

David Higginbotham & Deborah M. Haid


Chronicle-Telegram 02/06/1979

Marlon L. Higginbotham & Donna Lou Schenker


The Chronicle Telegram 04/19/1981

Anna Marie Higginbotham & David W. Rockwell


Chronicle-Telegram 06/18/1981

Dale R. Higginbotham & Christine M. Sanborn


The Chronicle-Telegram 10/27/1981

Beth Dian Heginbotham & James Robert McNulty


The Richwood Gazette 08/17/1982

Penny Ann Higginbotham & Daniel Lee Wasserbeck


The Chronicle-Telegram 09/26/1982

Nancy Jo Heginbotham & Tobin David Ramirez


The Chronicle-Telegram 08/25/1984

Darryl Higginbotham & Debbie Woods



The Chronicle-Telegram 08/28/1984

Sandra L. Heginbotham & Robert Vidovich


The Richwood Gazette 04/21/1987

Patty Irene Higginbotham & Michael Scott Thompson



David C. Higginbotham & Teresa Lynn Kinder


Journal-Tribune 05/27/1992

Glen Raven Higginbotham and Nancy Lou Columber Higginbotham


Journal-Tribune 12/31/1992

Kelley Anne Higginbotham & Donald Paul Wallace, Jr.


The Chronicle-Telegram 02/28/1996

Kandace Roseanne Higginbotham & Joseph Leander Ivey


Journal-Tribune 12/05/1997

Glen Raven Higginbotham II & Milissa Cathleen Parish


Marysville Journal-Tribune 06/12/1999

Brenda Sue Higginbotham Murphy & Terry David Shipman


Journal-Tribune 07/03/1999

Patty Irene Higginbotham Thompson & Patrick Thompson Kratowicz


Journal-Tribune 08/07/1999

Penny Ann Higginbotham Wasserbeck & Todd Wesley Ward


Journal-Tribune 09/25/1999

Glen Raven Higginbotham II & Melissa Kathleen Parthemore


The Chronicle-Telegram 01/18/2001

Stephen Ray Tremble & Margo Collette Higginbotham


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