Missouri Obituaries


The Cole County Democrat 05/21/1908

Baby Higginbotham (1907-1908) MO

Death of W. B. Higginbotham's baby

The 10-month-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Higginbotham died Wednesday afternoon at their home on McCarty street. The little one had been ill for two weeks and its condition would vary; sometimes it seemed to be getting better, but when the trouble finally developed into brain fever it went into a state of coma from which it never awakened. The funeral will take place sometime Friday afternoon and Rev. U. G. Foote will officiate.



Moberly Weekly Monitor 02/09/1915

Sarah Ann Neal Higginbotham (1842-1915) MO

Mrs. Sarah A. Higginbotham, 72 years old, died at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. O. Simpson, 545 1/2 West Contes Street.

Surviving are her two daughters, Mrs. Simpson, of this city, and Mrs. Mary Brown, of Garnette, Kansas; four sons, Thomas, of Portland, Ore., James and J. L. Higginbotham of Kansas City, and Press, of Scranton, Ohio, and one brother, Mat Neal, of near Moberly.

The remains have been taken to the home of Mrs. Bettie McKinsey, of south of town. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.




John Alexander Higginbotham (1867-1930) MO

Funeral services will be conducted at 2 o'clock this after noon at the Chitwood Methodist Episcopal church for John A. Higginbotham, a resident of this district all his life, who died at 8:30 o'clock yesterday morning at his home, 117 North Oak street, Chitwood. Burial will be in Hornet cemetery. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Margaret Higginbotham; five daughters, Miss Iva May Higginbotham at home, Mrs. Will Sparlin of Miami, Mrs. Don Studsberry of Quapaw, Mrs. Roy Brooks of Houston, Tex., and Mrs. W. M. Welsh of Nashville, Ark.; a son, Jason Higginbotham of Grant's Pass, Ore.; four brothers, Charles Higginbotham of Seneca, John Higginbotham of Joplin, James Higginbotham of Montana and William Higginbotham of Arizona, and one sister, Mrs. Ida Flynn of Chicago.



Jefferson City Post-Tribune 10/15/1934

Travis Joe Higginbotham (1915-1934) MO

Parker Raymond Higginbotham (1918-1934) MO


Brothers, 16 and 19, Fatally Seared in Cousin's Home at Bolivar

BOLIVAR, MO., Oct. 16- (AP) Two brothers were fatally burned shortly after midnight in a residence near here when the lamp they had filled by mistake with gasoline exploded. Parker Higginbotham, 16, and Travis, 18, had returned from a picture show and filled the lamp, using a can of gasoline they had for cleaning purposes. They were sons of the late Burney Higginbotham, janitor of the Polk county court house, and had been carrying on his work since his death six months ago. Parker fell before reaching the door and Travis, his clothes aflame, managed to run into the yard. Neighbors, attracted by the boys’ screams, ran to their rescue, picked up Travis, wrapped him in a blanket and started with him to a doctor's office. On the way he asked about Parker and several returned to the burning house and found the boy, burned beyond recognition, just inside the front door. Travis, before he died at 8o'clock this morning, gasped out the story of how, in the darkness, they had used the wrong can in filling the lamp. Travis had been at CCC camp at Sullivan, Mo., for two months recently. The fire occurred at the home of a cousin, Mrs. Lulu Mitchell, not three blocks from the Bolivar square. Mrs. Mitchell had gone to stay with the boy’s sisters, Dorothy, Nancy Jean and Wilma Grace Higginbotham, and the boys were staying in her home. The mother of the boys, Mrs. Grace Higginbotham, had been in Ventura, Cal., and had sent for the girls. They were to leave the first of November. The boys were expected to follow later in the fall.




Lewis Henry Higginbotham (1878-1937) MO

Higginbotham Rites Will Be Tomorrow

Funeral services for Lewis Henry Higginbotham, 59 years old, operator of the County Line garage, who died at 4:45 o'clock yesterday afternoon at his home, 3023 Joplin street, will be held at the First Methodist Episcopal church, South, at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The Rev. J. D. Prater will be in charge. Burial will be in Hornet cemetery.

The body will lie in state at the church from 1 to 2 o'clock. Pallbearers will be O. W. Cox, Clarence Martin, Harry Montgomery, A. W. Thomas, George Wiseman and Braz Craig.

Higginbotham was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, and the Seneca Masonic lodge. He had operated the shop for 14 years.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mary Higginbotham; three daughters, Miss Lois Higginbotham and Miss Delpha Higginbotham, both at home, and Mrs. Florence Thomas, 3102 Pearl avenue; a son, Sherman Higginbotham, 3435 Moffet avenue; three brothers, Charles Higginbotham of Seneca, James Higginbotham of Forsyth, Mont., and T. W. Higginbotham of Thayer, Kan., and a sister, Mrs. Ida Flynn of Chicago.



Moberly Monitor-Index and Democrat 02/03/1938

William Harold Higginbotham (1858-1938) TX


HIGBEE, Feb. 3-Word has been received here of the death of William Higginbotham at his home in Ennis, Tex., January 23. Funeral services were conducted there January 25.

Surviving are his widow; and two sons, Herbert and William, Jr. Mrs. Higginbotham is a sister of Mrs. Dorcas Cave and Mrs. W. D. Burke of Higbee, Mrs. William McGlothlin of New Franklin and Joel Rucker of Renick.



The Kansas City Star 12/21/1938

William Higginbotham (1862-1938) IL/MO

HIGGINBOTHAM-William, 76 years, died Wednesday morning at his home, 3630 Chestnut. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Leora B. Higginbotham; 2 daughters, Miss Nelle Higginbotham; Mrs. Faye Hughs, and a son, C. C. Higginbotham, all of the home. Time of services later. Thomas E. Quirk funeral home, 4316 Troost Ave.



(Moberly, MO) Monitor-Index and Democrat 12/15/1942

Mary Jane Sterne Higginbotham (1857-1942) IA/MO

Mrs. Higginbotham, Old Resident of Brunswick, Dies

BRUNSWICK, Mo., Dec. 16 - Funeral services will be held here Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. Mary Jane Higginbotham, 85, one of Brunswick’s oldest and best known residents, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dan A. Baxley, early Monday morning following an illness of several weeks.

The services will be conducted at 2:30 o’clock from St. John’s Lutheran Church by the pastor, the Rev. W. J. Boehne. The Body will lie in state at the Myers Funeral Home until the time of services.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born November 27, 1857, in Fort Madison, Ia., the daughter of Edward and Melissa Sterne. She had been a resident of Brunswick ever since coming to this community with her parents in 1865. She received her early education in the Brunswick schools and later she graduated from a college in St. Louis.

Mrs. Higginbotham was confirmed in St. John’s Lutheran Church in 1872 by the Rev. F. G. Walther, who was also the officiating minister November 20, 1882, at her marriage to Granville Higginbotham. The wedding was the first to take place in St. John’s following the installation of a new church bell, which was rung for the first time during the service. Mr. Higginbotham died September 21, 1900.

Since becoming ill, Mrs. Higginbotham had been staying at her daughter’s home, where she had been attended by her sister, Mrs. Dora Bond and by Mrs. Baxley.

Surviving besides Mrs. Baxley and Mrs. Bond, are a son, Lafayette Higginbotham, Kansas City; a granddaughter, five grandsons, and one great-grandson. She also leaves two brothers, Arthur Sterne and Harold Sterne of Brunswick.

Burial will be in Elliott Grove Cemetery.




Charles Livingston Higginbotham (1869-1944) MO


Charles L. Higginbotham Stricken With Heart Attack While at Work in His Shop

Seneca, Mo., June 6 – Charles L. Higginbotham, 75 years old, who had been a blacksmith for many years, died unexpectedly in his shop here shortly before 3 o’clock this afternoon. Born in Cedar county, Missouri, Mr. Higginbotham come to this vicinity with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes Higginbotham, pioneer resident of Hornet.

Mr. Higginbotham had operated a blacksmith shop here 45 years. On account of failing health, he had been inactive the last year, but recently resumed work. A son, Paul Higginbotham of Seneca, was with him in the shop when he suffered a heart attack, which caused his death.

Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Lucy Cowan Higginbotham; two daughters, Mrs. Mabel Golden of Seneca and Mrs. Ruth Mendenhall of Webb City; another son, Sam Higginbotham of Kansas City; a sister, Mrs. Ida Flynn of Lansing, Ill.; a brother, James Higginbotham of Forsyth, Mont., and five grandchildren. Sherman Higginbotham, operator of the County Line garage at Joplin, is a nephew.

Funeral services will be directed by the Buzzard Undertaking Company and burial will be in the Hornet cemetery.



Miami (OK) Daily News-Record 02/03/1947

Evaline Nancy Gilstrap Higginbotham (1852-1947)

Mrs. Evaline Higginbotham, 94 years old died Jan. 25. She was born near Racine, Mo., Dec. 12, 1852, and was a pioneer resident of this community. In 1870 she was married to Charles Higginbotham who died more than 50 years ago, and she had since resided on the same farm where they had lived, until 2 or 3 years ago when she made her home with her son Walter Higginbotham and family. Besides this son she is survived by 3 sons, Joe of Waterloo, Neb., Fred of Kimberly, Idaho, and Arthur of Seneca, 2 daughters, Mrs. Dora Stelts of Joplin and Mrs. Amanda McKissen of Hood River, Ore., a sister Mrs. Ida Terrel of Bozeman, Mont., 25 grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren and great, great-grand-children. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Hornet church, north of Seneca, conducted by Rev. Warren Moore and Rev. C. C. Dilworth. Pallbearers were her grandsons, Jack, Lee, Charles, Herman and Harold Higginbotham and Charles Stelts. Burial was in the Hornet cemetery under direction of the Biddlecome Funeral home.




The Joplin Globe 04/01/1947

Mary Etta Wilson Higginbotham (1869-1947) MO


Seneca, Mo., March 31-Funeral services were conducted this after noon for Mrs. Maryetta Higginbotham, 77 years old, wife of Arthur Higginbotham, at the Hornet Community church. The Rev. Mr. Campbell of Seneca officiated. Burial was in the Hornet cemetery under the direction of the Biddlecome mortuary.

Mrs. Higginbotham died at 1:30 o'clock Sunday morning at her farm near Hornet. She had lived on the farm since her marriage in 1904. She was a member of the Baptist church at Warren's branch.

The husband, a son, Jack Higginbotham, and a grandson survive.



Joplin (MO) Globe 05/21/1948

Susan A. Higginbotham Engstrom (1875-1948) VA/MO

Dies in Little Rock

Bentonville, Ark., May 2O.-Mrs. Sue Higginbotham Engstrom, wife of J. Ed Engstrom of Little Rock, a deputy of the Pulaski county circuit clerk and former Pulaski county treasurer, died unexpectedly at Little Rock  Wednesday. Born in Tazewell county, Virginia, she moved with her parents to Benton county and resided about three miles south of Bentonville until her marriage in 1908.

She is survived by her husband, two sons, George Edwin Engstrom of Taos, N. M. and Joe Sexton Engstrom of Fresno, Calif., a daughter, Mrs. Norman Kavanaugh of El Dorado, four sisters, Mrs. Arthur Fullerton of Neosho, Mo., Mrs. William Arbuthnot of Springfield, Colo.,  Mrs. John Cokrell of Fort Wayne, Ind., and Mrs. C. L. Denney of Melton, Wash.,  two brothers, M. W. Higginbotham of Bentonville and O. S. Higginbotham of Kansas City, Mo. She was a sister of the late Mr. M. L. Voyles, wife of a widely known Baptist minister and former pastor here.



Mexico Evening Ledger 08/23/1949

Walter O. Higginbotham (1880-1949) MO

Funeral services and burial for Walter Higginbotham took place in St. Louis Saturday. Mr. Higginbotham, who lived in St. Louis, owned a farm in the Byrd neighborhood southwest of Vandalia for a number of years.



Moberly Monitor-Index and Democrat 04/10/1950

Miss Ella Higginbotham (ca1864-1950) MO

Aged Woman is Found Dead at Farm Home

Funeral Services Held at Paris for Miss Ella Higginbotham

Paris, April 10-Funeral serves were conducted at 11 o’clock this morning for Miss Ella Higginbotham, octogenarian recluse, who was found dead on the floor of her home, four miles east of Paris, shortly before noon Saturday.

Services were held at the Speed and Blakey Funeral Home. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

The rural mail carrier on Miss Higginbotham’s route noticed Saturday that mail had not been removed from her mailbox. He notified neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson and Mrs. Henry Simon, who entered the house after getting no response. They found Miss Higginbotham lying on the floor before an overturned chair. She apparently had fallen to the floor from the chair when she died.

Sheriff Russell Wilkes and Coroner Russell Wilson were called. There was no indication there had been any violence in her death, and the coroner did not call an inquest.

Miss Higginbotham’s exact age is not known, but she is believed to have been between 80 and 85 years old. She had lived alone in her farm home on Highway 24 for many years and was seldom seen outside her home. It is believed the last time she was seen alive was on March 29 in Paris.

She is survived by a niece and nephew in St. Louis. There are no close relatives in this community.



Joplin Globe 08/08/1951

Lucy Gertrude Cowan Higginbotham (1869-1951) MO


Seneca, Mo., Aug. 7-Mrs. Lucy Higginbotham, 82 years old, a member of a widely known family in the Seneca community, died at noon today in her home here following a long illness.

Mrs. Higginbotham had resided in Seneca many years. She was a member of the Seneca Methodist Church. Her husband, Charles Higginbotham, died June 6, 1944. Surviving are two sons, Sam Higginbotham and Paul Higginbotham; two daughters, Mrs. Mabel Golden and Mrs. Ruth Mendenhall, all of Seneca, and five grandchildren.

Funeral services will be at 2:30 o’clock Thursday afternoon in the Methodist church. The Rev. J. W. Campbell of Wyandotte will officiate, assisted by the Rev. D. E. Russell of Seneca. Burial will be in Hornet cemetery under direction of the Biddlecome funeral home.



Fresno (CA) Bee Republican 11/29/1951

James Alva "Al" Higginbotham (1892-1951) MO/CA

J. A. Higginbotham, Former Truck Company Aide, Dies in Hospital

James A. (Al) Higginbotham, 59, of 5278 Inyo Avenue, formerly the auditor for the Valley Express Company and a well known Fresno golfer, died yesterday in a local hospital where he had been confined for more than two years.

A native of Bernie, Mo., he moved to Parlier in 1918, where he was an assistant cashier of the First National Bank and came to Fresno in 1930. He worked with Remington Rand, Inc., before joining the express company.

Higginbotham was a member of the Fort Washington Golf Club for 20 years.

He is survived by his widow, Luella; a sister, Mrs. W. B. Flint of Fresno; two sons, Jerry Higginbotham, an announcer for Radio Station KML, and Gene, with the Navy in Honolulu; a brother, E. B. Higginbotham of Malden, Mo., and two nephews.

The Lisle Funeral Home will announce the arrangements for final rites.

HIGGINBOTHAM-In Fresno, November 26, 1951, Al Higginbotham, a native of Missouri, aged 59 years. Beloved husband of Luella E. Higginbotham of, Fresno; loving father of Gerald N. Higginbotham of Fresno and Eugene K. Higginbotham of US Naval Air Corps; loving brother of E. B. Higginbotham of Malden, Mo., James L. Higginbotham and Frederick W. Higginbotham, both of Pontiac, Mich. He is also survived by his stepmother, Mrs. Pearl Higginbotham of Bernie, Mo. Friends are invited to attend funeral services to be held in the chapel of the Lisle Funeral Home, L and Calaveras Streets, on Friday morning, November 30, 1951, at 10 o’clock. The Rev. John H. Gregg, DD, officiating. Interment Mendocino Cemetery at Parlier.



Joplin Globe 03/15/1952

Lucy Higginbottom (1871-1952) MO


Webb City, Mo., March 14-Mrs. Lucy Higginbottom, 84 years old, widow of J. P. Higginbottom, former mayor of Carterville, was found dead in a room at her home, 127 East Wilson street, at 3 o'clock this morning by occupants of other rooms in the home. It is believed that she died at about midnight last night.

Surviving are a son, J. B. Higginbottom of Wichita, Kan., and a niece, Mrs. Ethel Riley of Huntsville, Mo.

The Johnson-Arnce-Simpson funeral home will announce funeral arrangements.



Moberly Monitor-Index and Democrat 11/23/1953

Linda Higginbotham (ca1939-1953) MO

Lamar, Mo. (AP)-A 14-year-old Carthage girl was killed and five youths injured, one seriously, in an accident northeast of here last night.

Linda Higginbotham was killed when the car in which she was a passenger blew out a tire and overturned on a country road 14 miles northeast of here.



Linn County Leader 03/15/1954

Chester Marion Higginbotham (1892-1954) KY/MO

Funeral services for Chester Marion Higginbotham were Sunday afternoon at the First Baptist Church, conducted by Rev James Poe, of Bynumville, MO and Rev. Ray Barnes. Mr. Higginbotham died Friday at St. Francis Hospital, Marceline, MO. Burial was in the Peden Chapel Cemetery, southeast of Marceline, MO. Chester Marion Higginbotham, was Son of Abraham and Julia (Koger) Higginbotham, was born January 20, 1892, in Wayne County, KY. He and Miss Roxie Boring, daughter of Lafayette and Lucinda Olive Boring, of near Elmer, MO, were married June 19, 1918. Two children were born to this union, Lucille, now Mrs. K. D. Summers, and a son, Chester Marion Higginbotham, Jr., who gave his life in the service of his country, in January 1945, in Belgium. Surviving are his wife, of the home in Marceline, MO; His daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Summers; 8 grandchildren; 2 sisters, Mrs. Elmer Pyle and Miss Mary E. Higginbotham, of Kansas City, MO; a brother G. E. Higginbotham, of LaPlata, MO; a half-sister, Mrs. Raymond Prater, of Mexico, MO; a half-brother, Ira Higginbotham, of Tonganoxie, Kan.



The Kansas City Star 05/04/1957

Ella A. Dyster Higginbotham (1905-1957) MO

Mrs. Ella A. Dyster Higginbotham, 51, of 25 West Thirty-eighth, died last night at the Trinity Lutheran Hospital. She was born in Lenexa and had lived in Kansas City 25 years. Mrs. Higginbotham was a member of the Calvary Baptist Church. She leaves her husband, Roy M. Higginbotham of the home; four sons, David M. Higginbotham of the home; Howard A. Waldrop, 11222 Corrington, Ruskin Heights; Leroy Marvin Waldrop, 338 Cambridge, Kansas City, Kansas, and Paul Eugene Waldrop, St. Louis; a daughter, Mrs. Ray Fry of the Cambridge address; a brother, Elmer J. Dyster, Turner, Kas., and six grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2 o'clock Monday at the Quirk & Tobin chapel; burial in the Shawnee cemetery, Shawnee.



The Kansas City Times 10/29/1959

Clarice Elizabeth Raiford Higginbotham (1903-1959) MS/MO

HIGGINBOTHAM-Mrs. Clarice E. Higginbotham, 58, of 3630 Chestnut, died yesterday after a 5-month illness. She was born in Mississippi and had lived in Kansas City 25 years. She was a member of the Methodist church. Surviving are her husband, Clyde C. Higginbotham of the home; two sisters, Mrs. Lucy Hart of Bartow, Fla., and Mrs. Daisy Roth Rock of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and four brothers, Noal Raiford of Jackson, Tenn.; Robert Raiford of Savannah, Ga.; Olliu Raiford of Barton and Cecil Raiford of Fort Lauderdale.



The Kansas City Times 02/09/1960

Lafayette E. Higginbotham (ca1890-1960) MO

HIGGINBOTHAM-Lafayette E. Higginbotham Sr., 70, of 4406 Main, died today at St. Mary's hospital. He was born in Brunswick, Mo. Mr. Higginbotham was a retired interior decorator. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Ruth Higginbotham of the home; four sons, Lafayette E. Higginbotham, Jr., 4901 Neosho, Fairway; Howard Higginbotham, 4309 Askew; Eugene R. Higginbotham, 805 East Forty-second, and George Higginbotham of the home; a sister, Mrs. Ruth Baxley, Brunswick, and 12 grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2:30 o'clock Thursday at the Newcomer chapel, Brush Creek and the Paseo. Burial will be in Elmwood cemetery.



Post-Tribune 06/27/1960

Jerry Lynn Higginbotham (ca1952-1960) MO

Boy, 8, Found Dead With Rope Around Neck

St. Louis (AP)-An 8-year-old boy, a rope around his neck, was found dead in the basement of his home in suburban Mehlville Sunday night. His mother said the boy accidentally hanged himself while playing.

The boy was Jerry Lynn Higginbotham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Higginbotham. His mother found him in a sitting position in the basement with a rope hanging from a basement partition plank and tied around his neck.

She said the boy was in good spirits when last seen and apparently found the rope on a home construction site next door.



The Kansas City Star 12/26/1960

Edward Gene Higginbotham (1960-1960) MO

Edward G. Higginbotham, 4-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Higginbotham, Joplin, Mo., died in bed yesterday where he had been sleeping with two other children at the home of his maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Langford Jr., Bonner Springs. An autopsy is scheduled to be made to determine the cause of death. The baby also leaves a 2-year old sister.



The Kansas City Star 10/18/1962

Ernest Paul Higginbotham (1905-1962) MO


Owner and Assistant are Victims of Explosion at Seneca, Mo.

Seneca, Mo. (AP)-Two persons were fatally injured in an explosion in a Seneca blacksmith shop yesterday. Two other were injured.

Dead are Paul Higginbotham, owner of the shop, and his assistant, Charley Miller, 72.

Higginbotham died on the way to a hospital. Miller died in a Neosho hospital a few hours later.

Robert Marlow, Route 2, Seneca, was taken to a hospital in Miami, Okla. Ben Breeden, Kelleyville, Okla., who had just entered the blacksmith shop suffered facial cuts.

Officials said the explosion occurred when Higginbotham, who just recently went into semi-retirement, struck a piece of drill steel. The piece of steel apparently came from a mine and contained some explosive.

Seneca, a town of 1,500 population, is 13 miles west of Neosho and is in extreme southwestern Missouri.




The Kansas City Times 10/27/1962

Roy Mathew Higginbotham (ca1906-1962) MO

Roy Mathew Higginbotham, 56, of 2930 Mercier, was found dead yesterday at his home. He was believed to have suffered a stroke. Mr. Higginbotham, a lifelong resident of this area, was a truck driver for the Gate City Petroleum company. Surviving are a son, David M. Higginbotham, 345 Cambridge, Kansas City, Kansas; three stepsons, Howard Waldrop, 11222 Corrington; Leroy Waldrop, 4600 Hawthorne, and Paul E. Waldrop, Aurora, Colo.; a daughter, Mrs. Velma Frye, 338 Cambridge, Kansas City, Kansas; two brothers, Francis Higginbotham, 2906 Jarboe, and Elmer Higginbotham, 831 Miami, Kansas City, Kansas; 10 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Services will be held at 11 o'clock Monday at the Melody-McGilley-Eylar chapel, Linwood and Main; burial in Shawnee cemetery.



The Kansas City Times 03/11/1963

Stella Pearl "Essie" Higginbotham (ca1881-1963) KS/MO

Mrs. Stella Pearl (Essie) Higginbotham, 82, of a nursing home at 504 Benton, died yesterday at the General hospital. She was born in Ottawa, Kas., and lived here 60 years. A half sister, Mrs. Nettie Burgoon, Ottawa, survives.



Moberly Monitor-Index 11/25/1963

Sandra Louise Higginbotham (1950-1963) MO

Sandra Louise Higginbotham, 13, Seneca, Mo., was fatally injured Sunday in a two-car accident six miles south of Joplin on M-43. Her father, Sam Higginbotham, was hospitalized at Joplin.



The Kansas City Times 02/07/1966

Wade H. Higginbotham (1878-1966) MO

Wade H. Higginbotham, 88, of 4127 Brooklyn, died yesterday at the home. He was born in Nelson, Mo., and lived here 35 years. Mr. Higginbotham was a retired special agent for the old Chicago & Alton railroad. He was a member of the Central Presbyterian church. Surviving are a stepdaughter, Mrs. Zora M. Barnes of the home; a sister, Mrs. Frances Daffen, Boonville, Mo.; two grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Services will be held at 11 o'clock Tuesday at the Floral Hills chapel; burial in Floral Hills cemetery. Friends may call after 7 o'clock tonight at the chapel.



Moberly Monitor-Index and Evening Democrat 05/16/1970

Monty L. Higginbotham (1966-1970) MO

Monte L. Higginbotham, 3, died when his mother's car overturned, throwing him through the back window. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. David Higginbotham, Kansas City.



Jefferson City Post-Tribune 04/12/1971

Steven B. Higginbotham (1949-1971) MO

Clinton, Mo. (AP)-Stephen B. Higginbotham, 22, and David Cecil, 22, both of Kansas City, were killed Friday night when Higginbotham's car went off Missouri 7 about three miles west of Clinton, hit a utility pole and a large sign, then overturned, the highway patrol reported.




Mary Elizabeth Higginbotham (1895-1986) MO

Miss Mary E. Higginbotham, 90, died in a nursing home at 8575 Cosada Drive. where she lived. She was born in Missouri and lived in Kansas city most of her life. Miss Higginbotham was a civil service worker before she retired. Services and entombment will be Tuesday at the Forest Hill Mausoleum. Mary was never married. 



Columbia Daily Tribune September 12, 1993

Craig Higginbotham (1975-1993) MO

Craig Higginbotham, 17, of Columbia, died Friday, Sept. 19, 1993, in Columbia,
Services are at 1:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 13, 1993, at Memorial Funeral Home with the Rev, Paul Jarrett officiating. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery. Visitation is from 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 12 at the funeral home,
Mr. Higginbotham was born Oct. 3,1975, in Joplin, the son of Rowland and Betty Jackson Higginbotham. He was a senior at Hickman High School. He was a Tribune carrier for six years, earning several awards, including carrier of the month. He also worked at Campus Dining Service at the University of Missouri-Columbia for two years, and had pre-enlisted for service in the U.S. Navy.
Survivors include his father, of Neosho; his mother, Betty Prather of Columbia; his paternal grandparents, Robert and Phyllis Higginbotham of Noel; a brother, Darin Higginbotham of Columbia; his stepmother, a brother and three stepsisters.
Hickman senior dies in afternoon motorcycle crash
By CHRIS CLAYTON of the Tribune's staff
Craig Higginbotham was excited about the idea of leaving Columbia to join the military. Though he was only 17, he'd already made a commitment to serve six years in the U.S. Navy.
But the Hickman High School senior's dreams were cut short when he was killed in a motorcycle accident early Friday afternoon.
Higginbotham was riding his motorcycle east on Mexico Gravel Road at a high rate of speed about, 2:30 p.m. Friday when he crossed the center lane on a curve, Columbia police said. His motorcycle slid to the pavement, and Higginbotham was immediately struck by a westbound car driven by Sherry Bare, 32 of 2200 Lakeland Drive.
Higginbotham was pronounced dead at the scene. Bare was uninjured.
Police officer Beth Small said she was unsure exactly how fast Higginbotham was traveling, but said there was no evidence that alcohol was a factor in the accident.
Higginbotham was not involved in many activities in school. Instead, he began to develop a strong work ethic at 9 years old, when he began working as a newspaper carrier for the Tribune.
His mother, Betty Prather of Columbia, said Higginbotham worked his newspaper route for more than six years and won several awards from the Tribune during his tenure, including carrier of the month.
Higginbotham spent the past two years working part-time as a student employee for Campus Dining Service at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
"He delivered in the Greenwood area and then the Lake of the Woods area for a long time," Betty Prather said of her son's newspaper routes. "He had good friends, and he worked a lot. That took up a lot of his time."
Riding his motorcycle was Higginbotham's favorite thing to do, Prather said. He also enjoyed science fiction and anything to do with flying.
"He knew all there was to know about jets," she said. "That was probably his biggest thing, jets, antique planes and helicopters."



The Jonesboro (AR) Sun 02/04/1996

C. L. Higginbotham (1919-1996) MO
C.L. Bishop Higginbotham, 76, of Cardwell MO, died Friday in the Senath MO, Nursing Home. Born in Senath, he was a retired farmer and a member of the Calvary Full Gospel Church in Cardwell. Survivors include one brother, Landon Higginbotham of Hemet CA; and one sister, Jewel Garrard of Cardwell, with who he had made his home since 1935. He was preceded in death by one brother. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 in the Heath Colonial Chapel in Paragould, with Rev Royce Schanda officiating. Burial will follow in the Cardwell Cemetery, under the direction of the Heath Funeral Home, where visitation will be held Monday evening from 6:30 to 8:30. Persons wishing to leave a lasting memorial have been asked by the family to consider the Calvary Full Gospel Church in Cardwell.



The Examiner 11/12/1997

Effie Madeline Higginbotham Baker (1925-1997) KS/MO
E. Madeline Higginbotham Baker, 72, Kansas City, died Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1997, at Research Medical Center.
Mrs. Baker was born Sept. 15, 1925, in Bonner Springs, Kan. She was a member of the auxiliaries of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7900 and American Legion Post 598. She was preceded in death by her husband, Thomas F. Baker in 1989.
Her survivors include a stepson, Tom Baker, Liberty, Mo.; a brother, Dale Atwood Higginbotham, Independence; and several grandchildren, nieces, and nephews.
Services will be 9 a.m. Friday at D.W. Newcomer`s Sons Floral Hills Chapel, Kansas City. Burial will be in Floral Hills Cemetery, Kansas City. Friends may call from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday at the chapel. The family suggests contributions to the VFW Post 7900 cancer fund.



The Examiner October 6, 1998
Gregory Alan Higginbotham (1958-1998) KS/MO
Gregory Alan Higginbotham, 40, Kansas City, formerly of Independence, died Saturday, Oct. 3, 1998, at Truman Medical Center East.
Mr. Higginbotham was born Feb. 8, 1958, in Wichita, Kan., and had lived in Independence from 1973 until moving to Kansas City two months ago. He was a union brick layer and stone mason. He was a graduate of Fort Osage High School.
His survivors include a daughter, Holly Sue Journey, Linwood, Kan.; his mother, Catherine Holt, Independence; his stepfather, Deepwater, Mo.; two brothers, David Higginbotham, Kansas City, and John Higginbotham, Oklahoma City; and two sisters, Roberta Meyers, Joshua Tree, Calif., and Joyce Larege, Marina Del Ray, Calif.
Services will be 11 a.m. Friday at D.W. Newcomer's Sons Noland Road Chapel, Independence; cremation. Friends may call from 7 to 8 p.m. Thursday at the chapel.


The Examiner March 29, 1999
William Robert Higginbotham (1946-1999) MO
William Robert "Bob" Higginbotham, 53, Independence, died Saturday, March 27, 1999, at St. Mary's Hospital of Blue Springs.
Mr. Higginbotham was born Feb. 25, 1946, in Kansas City. He was an over-the-road truck driver for Roadway Express for the past nine years, and a member of Teamsters Union Local 41. He was a member of the Plaza Heights Baptist Church.
His survivors include his wife, Kay Higginbotham of the home; one son and daughter-in-law, Bill and Jacque Higginbotham, Gravois Mills, Mo.; one son and daughter-in-law, James and Wendy Kaske, Independence; eight grandchildren, John, Jeremy, Amy, Christopher, Holly, Kayti, Amanda and Julia; and one great-grandson, Jeremy.
Services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Royer Funeral Home, Grain Valley. Burial will be in Valley Memorial Gardens, Grain Valley. Friends may call from 6 to 8:30 tonight at the funeral home. The family suggests contributions to the Carondelet Hospice in care of St. Mary's Hospital of Blue Springs.


Daily American Republic

Pearlene Eaker Higginbotham (1933-1999) MO
PILOT KNOB, Mo. - Pearlene Higginbotham, 65, of Pilot Knob, formerly of Malden, died Tuesday, May 25, 1999.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born Dec. 15, 1933, in Hahn. She attended the First Baptist Church in Pilot Knob and worked at Town & Country Supermarket in Malden. She was married to Luther C. Higginbotham; he preceded her in death.
Survivors include one daughter, Deborah Kelley, of Pilot Knob; one brother, Earnest R. Eaker, of Campbell; one sister, Linda Kay Dorris, of Bernie; and two grandchildren.
Visitation will be at 5 p.m. Friday at Bradshaw Funeral Home in Malden. The funeral will be at 11:30 a.m. Saturday at the funeral home chapel with the Rev. Dewayne Francis officiating. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery in Malden.




Ada Harness Higginbotham (1900-2001) MO

Ada Higginbotham of Farmington, Missouri, formerly of Caledonia, Missouri was born Tuesday, September 18, 1900 in DeSoto, Missouri, a daughter of the late Henriette (Ottomeyer) and John W. Harness. Ada departed this life in Farmington, Missouri on December 1, 2001 at the age of 101 years, 2 months and 13 days. Ada was united in marriage to Melzo M. Higginbotham on August 13, 1920 in Hillsboro, Missouri. They were blessed to have one son born to the union. Ada was preceded in death by her husband, Melzo Higginbotham, one son, Lindell Higginbotham, her parents, one sister, Verdie Moodstaw and one brother, Elzie Harness. Ada is survived by many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. Ada and her husband owned and operated a farm near Caledonia for many years. They took great pride in the community and Caledonia Methodist Church. Visitation for Ada was held Monday, December 3, 2001 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Moore Funeral Home, Potosi, Missouri. Funeral services were held Monday, December 3, 2001 at the Moore Memorial Chapel with the Rev. Bob Bullock officiating. Burial was in the Blackwell Masonic Cemetery under the direction of the Moore Funeral Home, Potosi, Missouri.



The Examiner 05/01/2002

Bazil Thomas Higginbotham (1923-2002) AZ/MO
Bazil Thomas Higginbotham, 78, Independence, died Tuesday, April 30, 2002, at his home.
Mr. Higginbotham was born Dec. 6, 1923, in Mesa, Ariz., the son of Brown and Della May Higginbotham. He was an Army veteran of World War II. He worked for the Santa Fe Railroad for many years. He was a member of the Community of Christ and attended the Special Ministries Mission.
His survivors include his wife, Wilma Mae Higginbotham, of the home; four children, Linda Louise Benson and Ellen Kathleen Herndon, both of Independence, David Bazil Higginbotham, Phoenix, Ariz., and Thomas William Higginbotham, San Antonio, Texas; seven grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; a brother, Frank Donald Higginbotham, Cottonwood, Ariz.; and a sister, Ruth Dammann, Florida.
Services will be 10 a.m. Friday at the Speaks Midtown Chapel, Independence. Burial will be in Mound Grove Cemetery, Independence. Friends may call from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday at the chapel. The family suggests contributions to Special Ministries, in care of the Tri-Stake Mission Center.



Atchison (KS) Daily Globe 10/28/2002

Michelle Parnell Higginbotham (1968-2002) KS/MO

Michelle "Shelly" Higginbotham, 34, Seligman, Mo., died Thursday, Oct. 24, 2002, in an automobile accident near Washburn, Mo.

Mrs. Higginbotham was born Feb. 19, 1968, in Winchester, the daughter of Loye Lynn and Bethel Verleda Foster Parnell.

Shelly, as she was known to her family and friends, moved from Kansas to Arkansas, remaining there until moving to the Washburn and Seligman areas around 10 years ago. She had been a nurses aid and was employed at the Total Service Station in Seligman, Mo.

She was united in marriage to Terrill Clark and later married Richard Higginbotham.

Survivors include her mother, Bethel Parnell of Mountain Home, Ark.; a son, Brandon Michael Hund of Platte City, Mo.; two daughters, Elizabeth Marie Clark and Brandie-Nicoll Hund, both of Seligman, Mo., a brother, Larry Lynn and Kathy Parnell of Mount Pleasant, Mich.; and two sisters, Jo Ann and Pat Byrns of Bailey, Colo., and Carolyn Anita and Jimmy Requa of Exeter, Mo.

She was preceded in death by her father.

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. today in Galatia Assembly of God Church, Northfork, Ark., under direction of Fohn Funeral Home, Cassville, Mo. Burial will be in Galatia Cemetery Northfork, Ark.



The Joplin Globe 01/28/2003
Ethel Louise Nichols Higginbotham (1927-2003) ND/MO
Ethel Louise Higginbotham, 75, affectionately known as "Nana" died at 10:40 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 26, 2003 in St. John's Regional Medical Center, Joplin, Mo.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born March 5, 1927 in Millerton, N.D., to Robert Nichols and Daisy Parfait Nichols. She was a member of the Grace Episcopal Church, Carthage,, Mo., serving on the St. Margaret's Alter Guild. She owned and operated Gay's Jewelry in Carthage from 1960 to 1971. She was a sales associate from Belk Simpson's Department store for three years; a nurse's aid for St. Luke's nursing Center for two years; nurse's aid for McCune-Brooks Hospital for 12 years and a care giver for private home care for several years.
Survivors include two daughters, Connie M. Alexander, Tulsa, Okla.; Lynette S. Gass, Carthage, Mo.; a son, John W. Higginbotham, Jr., Carthage, Mo.; four brothers, LeRoy Nichols, Wichita, Kan., Clifford Nichols, Rock, Kan., Lawrence Nichols, state of California, Harvey Nichols, state of Washington; four sisters, Laverne Richardson, state of California, Daisy Lusty, state of California, Hazel Redman, Jamestown, N.D., Gladys Riedman, state of California; five grandchildren ; and five great- grandchildren.
Prayer Vigil and Visitation will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28, in the Common room of the Grave Episcopal Church, Carthage, Mo. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29, in the Grace Episcopal Church. Rev. Steve Wilson and Deacon John Anderson will officiate. Burial will be in Oak Hill Cemetery, Carthage, Mo. Memorial gifts may be made to the Palliative Care Unit, St. John's Regional Medical Center or the "Nana" Fund Grace Episcopal Church.
Arrangements are under the direction of the Knell Mortuary, Carthage, Mo.


Daily Journal June 21, 2003

Howard Cresswell Higginbotham (1916-2003) MO
POTOSI - Howard C. Higginbotham, of Potosi, passed away on Thursday, June 19, 2003, at the age of 86.
Howard is survived by: His wife, Pauline (Sprinkle) Higginbotham; daughter, Linda Schaller; sister, Hazel Weltch; nephew, Bruce Weltch; and granddaughter, Loren Schaller.
Visitation will be after 5:00 p.m., Sunday, at Moore Funeral Home, Potosi. Services will be held Monday, at 2:00 p.m., at Potosi Southern Baptist Church. Burial will be in the New Masonic Cemetery.
Memorials may be directed to Moses Austin Historical Society.



Kansas City Star 04/16/2004

Cecil Robert Higginbotham (1939-2004) WV/MO
Cecil Robert "Hig" Higginbotham - Cecil Robert "Hig" Higginbotham, 65, of Loch Lloyd Village, passed away April 14, 2004, at home. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Saturday, April 17, 2004, at McGilley State Line Chapel. Friends may call 6-8 p.m. Friday, April 16, at the chapel. Entombment in Mt. Moriah South Mausoleum. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the American Heart Association. Hig was born February 20, 1939 in Point Pleasant, WV. He attended West Virginia Institute of Technology, served four years as a Navy Pilot, and 31 years with American Airlines based out of New York Airports. He was preceded in death by his father, mother and two brothers. He is survived by his wife,
Judith, of the home; two sons, Bob Higginbotham and wife, Amy, Shawnee, KS and Todd Higginbotham, Atlanta, GA; two grandsons, Ben and Drew; dear family members, Virginia Snodgrass, Henry and Alma Cline; brother, Paul Higginbotham and sister, Delores Jones. (Arrangements: McGilley State Line Chapel (816) 9426180)



The Joplin Globe 09/16/2004
Faye N. Cummings Higginbotham (1915-2004) MO
Faye N. Higginbotham, age 89, Joplin, passed away at 8:55 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2004, at Medicalodge of Neosho, Mo., following an illness.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born July 15, 1915, in Spring City, Mo., to the late John Cummings and Nellie Johnson Cummings and had lived in the Joplin area all of her life. She and her husband owned and operated the former Higginbotham Grocery Store in both Spring City and later in Neosho. She was a Baptist.
Her husband, Carl Higginbotham, preceded her in death in 1969.
Survivors include her daughter-in-law, Nina Higginbotham, Neosho; a sister, Verna Franco, Chico, Calif.; sister-in-law, Helen Lynch, San Francisco, Calif.; granddaughter, Jodi Ketron; four great-granddaughters; five great-great-grandchildren; and two great-great-great grandsons.
Faye was also preceded in death by an infant son, Bobby Higginbotham; and son, Rex Higginbotham, in 1995.
Services will be Friday at 11 a.m. at Parker Mortuary Chapel. Rev. Keith Jackson will officiate. Interment will follow at Hornet Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Rick Tracy, Rickie Tracy, Randy Shellenbarger, Robert Edwards, Michael Vincent and Aaron Stiver.


The Joplin Globe 11/16/2004
Ruth Ora Garlow Higginbotham (1926-2004) WV/MO
Ruth O. Higginbotham, 78, Seneca, Mo., passed from this life Nov. 14, 2004, at the Seneca House Nursing Home.
Ruth was born Oct. 24, 1926, at Fairmont, W.Va., to William L and Nellie B. Garlow. She attended Central Christian Center for several years. She retired from Smith Food in 2003. She also worked at Tyson Foods, Lazy Boy and CFI.
She married Samuel Robert Higginbotham Sept. 28, 1946. He preceded her in death June 14, 1980. She was also preceded in death by a daughter, Sandra Louise Higginbotham, Nov. 24, 1963.
Survivors include a son, Samuel Charles Higginbotham and wife, Laura; a daughter, Mary Lea Lett, all of Seneca; four grandchildren, including, Cara Sue Higginbothom, Diamond, Mo., Brandi (Lett) Brand, Chapel Hill, N.C.; four brothers, Howard C. Garlow, Neosho, Mo., James W. Garlow, Rialto, Calif., Dan L. Garlow, June Lake, Calif., and Lewis G. Garlow, Fullerton, Calif.; two sisters, Irene M. Rosiere, Seneca, and Frances M. Garlow, Cathedral City, Calif. Graveside services, under the direction of Campbell-Biddlecome Funeral Home, Seneca, will be held at the Seneca Cemetery, with George Lett officiating.
Memorial contributions may be made to Community Hospices of America, in care of Campbell-Biddlecome Funeral Home, P.O. Box 380 Seneca, Mo., 64865.


The Joplin Globe 05/04/2005
Leo Leroy Higginbotham (1936-2005) MO/FL
Leo Leroy "Buddy" Higginbotham, of Orlando Fla., passed away Wednesday, April 27, 2005.
Born in Joplin Mo., Feb. 27, 1936, Buddy was a lifelong resident of Seneca, Mo., before moving to Orlando in 1984. He was a veteran of the US Air Force from 1955 to 1957, receiving an honorable discharge.
Buddy was proceeded in death by his wife, Carolyn.
He is survived by three sons, Jamey, Phillip and Jeff; eight grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Buddy was laid to rest at Woodlawn Memorial Park in Gotha, Fla., on April 30, 2005.



The Joplin Globe 06/20/2005
William Daniel Higginbotham, Jr. (1922-2005) MO
William D. “Bill” Higginbotham Jr., went to his heavenly home at 9:30 p.m. Friday, June 17, 2005, at his home following a short illness. Bill was born on April 30, 1922, in Spring City, Mo., the son of the late Corda and William D. Higginbotham Sr.
He has been a lifetime area resident. He served in the United States Navy and was a veteran of World War II. He served in the South Pacific on the USS Banner. He was a stock farmer for many years and he worked as a foreman for Vickers Manufacturing, retiring in 1982. He was a member of Southside Baptist Church, where he served as church trustee. He was also a member of the Joplin Masonic Lodge No. 335 A.F. & A.M.
He married Jewel Day in 1941, in Columbus, Kan. She preceded him in death in 1990. He married Wilda M. Workman in 1991.
He was preceded in death by two brothers, Oliver and Vernon Higginbotham; and one sister, Jewell Craig.
Bill is survived by his loving wife, Wilda Higginbotham, Joplin; three daughters, Sharon Stuart and husband, Mike, Joplin, Nancy Webb and husband, Dennis, Baxter Springs, Kan., and Pamela Newburn and husband, Dale, Tulsa, Okla.; one step-daughter, Pamela Jones and husband, David, Burlington, N.C.; one step-son, Stephen Workman and wife, Pam, Riverwalk-Gaborne, Botswana; four grandchildren, Michael Stuart, William Van Webb, Suzanne DeLaney and Ryan Newburn; five step-grandchildren, Amanda Workman, Matthew Jones, Derek Workman, Devin Workman and Andrew Jones; and six great-grandchildren, Michael Stuart II, Matthew Stuart, Veronica Webb, Justin Stuart, Katy Webb and Ali DeLaney.
Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Mason-Woodard Chapel. Rev. Calvin Ackerson will officiate. Burial will be in Osborne Memorial Cemetery. The pallbearers will be Jerry Newcomb, Ron Seward, Howard Brown, Bob Hosp, Jim McNett, Allen Harris and Jack Seward. The family will receive friends 6 to 7 p.m. Monday at the mortuary.
Memorial contributions may be made to Baptist Bible Fellowship International Missions Steve Workman or St. John’s Hospice.
Arrangements are under the direction of Mason-Woodard Mortuary.



Kansas City Star 12/17/2005
Hazel L. Smith Higginbotham (1918-2005) KS/MO
Hazel L. (Smith) Higginbotham, age 87, of Independence, MO, passed away Thursday, December 15, 2005, at Truman Lakewood Care Center. Graveside services will be 2 p.m., Monday, December 19, at Floral Hills Memorial Gardens. Hazel was born January 23, 1918, in Fuller, KS, to William and Edna Smith and had lived in this area most of her life. She was preceded in death by her husband, William C. Higginbotham, in 1988; her son, Charles W. Higginbotham, in 2000; her parents, two brothers, and three sisters. Survivors include two grandchildren, Steve and Michelle Higginbotham; a sister, Wanda Norris; a brother-in-law and his wife, Edward L. and Mona Higginbotham; a sister-in-law and her husband, Sally and Marshall Bratton; and many nieces, nephews, great-nieces, and great-nephews. (Arrangements: D.W. Newcomer's Sons, Floral Hills Chapel, 7000 Blue Ridge Blvd., KCMO, 64133, 816-353-1218)


The Joplin Globe 12/27/2005
Anna Mae Hailey Higginbotham (1912-2005) MO
Anna Mae Higginbotham, age 93, Joplin, passed away at 9 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 25, 2005, at Whispering Pines Residential Care Center.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born May 1, 1912, in Springfield, Mo., and had lived in Joplin most of her life. She owned and operated the former Ann’s Cafe in Joplin for several years. She was a member of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church.
She married Harmon Higginbotham on Aug. 15, 1954, in Joplin. He preceded her in death on Aug. 12, 1995.
Survivors include Bruce Higginbotham, Omaha, Neb., Richard Higginbotham, Joplin, Bill Hailey, Omaha, Janice Walker, Carl Junction, Bonnabeth Enderle, Carthage; 19 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a son, Robert Chad Hailey.
Graveside services will be Tuesday at 3 p.m. at Ozark Memorial Park Cemetery. Rev. Bob Simon will officiate.
Arrangements are under the direction of Parker Mortuary.



Kansas City Star on 01/05/2006
David M. Higginbotham (1935-2006) MO
David M. Higginbotham went peacefully at home on January 3, 2006. He was born on November 18, 1935, in Kansas City, MO. He is survived by his wife, Anita Higginbotham; his daughters, Patricia A. Hayden, Diana L. Wilson, Rachel R. Welch; sons-in-law, Mark Wilson and Christopher Welch; and grandchildren, Brent A. Higginbotham, Matthew C. Hayden, Nicholas A. Pressler, Danielle L. Jacobson, Patrick D., Shawn M. and Alyson A. Welch; a sister, Velma L. Frye; and a brother, Leroy Waldrop. He was preceded in death by his mother, Ella; his father, Roy; his brothers, Paul and Howard Waldrop. After high school he served in the US Air Force from 1952-1956. He immediately went to work at the National Weather Service in 1956 and retired from there in 1994. He then worked from 1994 to 1998 at PRC and from 1998 to 2002 at RDC and retired to the home at that time. He was a devoted husband, loving father, and grandfather, patriotic, sports-loving and hardworking. Visitation will be from 1011 a.m., Saturday, January 7, 2006, at the Porter Funeral Home, Lenexa, KS. Immediately followed by a memorial service. Burial of cremated remains at Resurrection Cemetery, Lenexa, KS. (Arr. Porter Funeral Homes & Crematory, 8535 Monrovia Lenexa, KS (913) 438-6444)


The Missourian 02/22/2006
Stephanie M. Aulgur Higginbotham (1940-2006) MO

Stephanie M. "Steve" Higginbotham, 65, Washington, passed away Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2006, at Cedarcrest Manor in Washington.
Mrs. Higginbotham, the daughter of Raymond Aulgur and wife Elizabeth, nee Winans, was born Aug. 28, 1940, in St. Louis.
She was united in marriage to Wilfred Higginbotham May 27, 1971, in Clayton.
She was preceded in death by her parents.
She is survived by her husband, Wilfred Higginbotham; two daughters, Lisa Apprill and husband Curt, and Karen Mazzocchio, all of Washington; two stepsons, Daniel Higginbotham and wife Karen, Ballwin, and Donald Higginbotham and wife Beth, Cedar Hill; one stepdaughter, Deborah Quicke and husband Joseph, Oakville; her stepmother, Metta Bailey, Washington; one brother, Harvey Aulgur and wife Peggy, Seattle, Wash., eight grandchildren, Tara Higginbotham, Tory Higginbotham, Dustin Quicke, Mark Regna, Hope Chambers, Hollie Apprill, Nicole Apprill and Tony Moecklie; other relatives and many friends.
Funeral services were held Saturday, Feb. 11, at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Washington, with the Rev. Bill Debo officiating.
Burial was in Woodlawn Park Cemetery, De Soto.
Memorials to the American Cancer Society are preferred.
The family was served by Miller Funeral Home, Washington.



Daily Journal Apr 27, 2006

Nancy Sue Braden Higginbotham (1944-2006) MO
POTOSI - Nancy Higginbotham, age 61, of Potosi, Missouri, died Tuesday, April 25, 2006. She is survived by Husband, John Higginbotham; Mother, Marjorie Braden; One Son, Timothy Higginbotham; One Sister, Martha Sanford; Two Brothers, Stanley Braden, Jr., Robert Braden.
Visitation at the Moore Funeral Home, Potosi, Missouri from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday. Funeral service will be at Moore Memorial Chapel, Potosi at 2 p.m. Saturday. Arrangements by Moore Funeral Homes, Potosi, Missouri.



The Monett Times 12/27/2006

Mark William Higginbotham (1959-2006) AR/MO
Mark William Higginbotham, 47, of Brookline Station, died at 3:32 a.m. December 25.
Mr. Higginbotham was born November 4, 1959, in Harrison, Arkansas. He was a truck driver and a member of the First United Methodist Church in Mt. Vernon.
Survivors include his parents, Eugene and Lou Woods Higginbotham of Mt. Vernon; one brother, Steve Higginbotham of Mt. Vernon; two sisters, Jennifer Smith of Mt. Vernon and Debbie Thompson of Republic; five nephews, two nieces, and two great nieces.
Private services are under the direction of Fossett-Mosher Funeral Home of Mt. Vernon Burial will be in Mt. Vernon IOOF Cemetery.
Visitation will be from 6 to 7:30 p.m. today, December 27, at the funeral home.
Memorials may be made to St. Jude's Children's Hospital.



The Daily Journal 01/16/2007

Cynthia M. Bauman Higginbotham(1963-2007) MO
STE. GENEVIEVE - Cynthia M. (Bauman) Higginbotham, 43, of French Village, passed away January 13, 2007, at St. Louis University Medical Center in St. Louis. She was born September 16, 1963, at Bonne Terre. She was preceded in  death by her father-in-law, Wendell Higginbotham.
She is survived by: husband, Charles Higginbotham of French Village; daughter, Madeline Higginbotham of French Village; brother, Col. Mitchell Bauman, United States Marine Corps, California; sister, Rebecca (Brian) Barley of Ft. Worth, Texas; parents, Francis and Helen (Gidley) Bauman of French Village; mother-in-law, Doris Higginbotham of Pacific; aunt and uncle, Margie and Bob Dengler of St. Louis; niece and nephews, Jacqueline and Clayton Bauman, and Brandon and Blake Barley.
Visitation will be at 4 - 8 p.m., Wednesday, January 17, 2007, at St. Lawrence in Lawrenceton. Services will be 10 a.m., Thursday, January 18, 2007, at St. Lawrence with Rev. Raymond Oge officiating. Burial will be at St. Lawrence in Lawrenceton.


The Sedalia Democrat 05/23/2007

Michael Eugene Higginbotham (1957-2007) IN/MO

May 22, 2007 - 9:02PM
Michael Eugene Higginbotham, 49, of Concordia, died Sunday, May 20, 2007, from injuries suffered in an automobile accident.
He was born Oct. 23, 1957, in Marion, Ind., a son of Carol Eugene and Norma Jean Jackson Higginbotham.
He was raised and educated in Marion.
He served in the Army. He was a painter and he remodeled houses. He enjoyed karaoke, pool, fishing and dancing.
Surviving are his fiancée, Debra Lueck, of the home; his mother, Norma Blankenship, of Sedalia; his stepfather, John Billingsley, of Concordia; a son, Kevin Travis; seven daughters, Angie McDonald, Crystal Higginbotham, Rebecca Lange, Heather Lange, Corina Means, Allica Dawn Spady and Amy Lueck; three brothers, Donald Higginbotham, David Higginbotham and John Billingsley Jr.; two sisters, Debra Higginbotham and Tina Hall; and 16 grandchildren.
He was predeceased by his father, grandparents and a stepbrother.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at McLaughlin Funeral Chapel, with the Rev. Dutch officiating. Pallbearers will be members of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2591. Burial will be in Crown Hill Cemetery, with military rites by VFW Post 2591.
The family will receive friends from 12:30 p.m. until service time Thursday at the funeral chapel.
Memorial contributions may be sent to the family, in care of the funeral home.



West County Journal 07/24/2007
Shirley Ann Wildebrandt Higginbotham (ca1952-2007) MO
Shirley Ann (Wildebrandt) Higginbotham of St. Louis, Mo., died July 14, 2007. She was 55.
Ms. Higginbotham is survived by her mother, Alice Wildebrandt.
She was preceded in death by her father, Rudolph Wildebrandt.
Arrangements were made by Jay B. Smith Funeral Home Maplewood Chapel.




Robert Lee Higginbotham (1929-2007) MO

Robert Lee "Bob" Higginbotham, 78 years, of Noel, Missouri, departed this life on Thursday evening, November 1, 2007 at the home of his son in Welch, Oklahoma.
Bob entered this life on September 10, 1929 in Omaha, Nebraska one of four children born to the late Lee and Helen (Morris) Higginbotham. He was raised near Seneca, Missouri. He served his country faithfully in the United States Army during the early 1940's . In the spring of 1949 he was united in marriage to Phyllis Marie Dorsey and to this union three sons and one daughter were born. In 1963 he and Phyllis moved their family to Noel, Missouri and purchased a farm. Bob loved traveling the open road. He spent over 40 years in the field of trucking in conjunction with running several head of cattle. Bob was a devoted father and husband. He loved being with his family and making memories they will cherish forever. Bob will be greatly missed and fondly remembered by all his family and friends.
He was preceded in death by his parents; a daughter, Sharon Largent; a son, Larry Higginbotham; and a grandson, Craig Higginbotham.
Bob is survived by his loving wife of 58 years, Phyllis Higginbotham of the home; two sons, Rowland Higginbotham and wife, Diane, of Welch, Oklahoma and Bob Higginbotham of the state of Texas; six grandchildren; seven great grandchildren; two brothers, Jack Higginbotham of Mt. Vernon, Missouri and Gary Higginbotham of Dover, Delaware; a sister, Rose Noacker of Berlin Center, Ohio; several nieces and nephews; as well as a host of other family and friends.
Born: September 10, 1929, Place of Birth: Omaha, Nebraska , Death: November 1, 2007, Place of Death: Welch, Oklahoma , Occupation: Retired Trucker & Cattleman
Survivors: Phyllis Higginbotham, Spouse, Rowland Higginbotham, Son, Bob Higginbotham, Son, 6 grandchildren 7 great grandchildren Jack Higginbotham, Brother, Gary Higginbotham, Brother, Rose Noacker, Sister
Preceded in Death By: Sharon Largent, Daughter, Larry Higginbotham, Son, Craig Higginbotham, Grandson
Services/Visitation: Sun. November 4, 2007 , 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm at Ozark Funeral Home, Noel
Graveside: Mon. November 5, 2007 , 11:00 am at Hornet Cemetery.



Kansas City Star 11/30/2007

Donald S. Higginbotham (1923-2007) PA/MO
Donald S. Higginbotham, 84, passed away November 28, 2007. Donald was born October 21, 1923 in Port Vue, PA to Edward and Bessie Higginbotham. He graduated with the class of 1942 from McKeesport High School. Donald was in the U.S. Army, 116th Infantry, 29th Division during WWII. He received the Purple Heart for being wounded at Omaha Beach. Donald retired after 40 years as customer service agent with Continental Airlines. He was a member of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. Donald was preceded in death by his parents, 3 sisters and 1 brother. Survivors include his wife of 43 years, Rose Marie; daughter, Lucinda "Cindy" McCaffrey (Patrick); his son, Scott "Scotty" Higginbotham (Teresa) and 4 grandchildren, Ryan Teich and Daniel, Grace and Brennan Higginbotham. Services will be 11:00 a.m. Monday, December 3 with visitation one hour prior to services at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church; 5409 NW 72nd St; Kansas City, MO. Interment in Mt. Moriah Terrace Park Cemetery. (Arr. Mt. Moriah Terrace Park (816) 734-5500)

The Monett Times 12/10/2007

Martha Neff Higginbotham (1927-2007) MO
Martha Higginbotham, 80, of Cassville, died December 7 at Red Rose Inn in Cassville following a long illness.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born June 3, 1927, in Oronogo, the daughter of Joseph and Martha Ellen Carey Neff. She had owned several cafes and attended the Assembly of God in Pittsburg.
She married Joe Higginbotham on October 23, 1971, in Harrison, Arkansas, and he survives.
Additional survivors include one daughter, Millie Spence of Cassville; eight grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren, and three great great grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by one son, Ira Bryant; two brothers and one sister.
Services will be 10 a.m. tomorrow, December 11, at White Funeral Home in Cassville with Chaplain Jack Betts officiating. Graveside services will be 3 p.m. tomorrow at Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Cemetery east of Bolivar.
Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. today, December 10, at the funeral home.


News Tribune 12/19/2007

Bob M. Higginbotham (1923-2007) MO

Bob M. Higginbotham, 84, of Dixon, died Monday, December 17, 2007, in the Dixon Nursing and Rehab Center, Dixon. Survivors include: his wife, Mrs. Effie Higginbotham; four sons, Robert Higginbotham, William Higginbotham, Ronnie Higginbotham and Steven Higginbotham; two daughters, Barbara Schmidt, and Bonnie Son; two sisters, Virginia Davis, and Sara Henke; seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. A memorial visitation will be held from 1-2 p.m., Thursday, December 20, in the Church of Christ, Crocker. Funeral service will be at 10 a.m., Thursday, December 20, in the Long-Gilbert Funeral Home, Dixon. Interment in the Dixon Cemetery.


Seneca News-Dispatch 06/02/2008

Ralph J. Higinbotham (1914-2008) OK/MO

Ralph “Higgy” Higinbotham, age 93, former resident of Fairland, OK, died at Claremore Indian Hospital late Wednesday, May 28, 2008 after a sudden illness. Ralph was born September 13, 1914 at Sulphur Bend, OK to John and Lottie (Blalack) Higinbotham. He graduated from Hickory Grove School with the Class of 1934. He married Georgia Querry on December 6, 1938 at Miami, OK. She preceded him in death in 1997. Mr. Higinbotham was a welder and auto mechanic and had worked for B&M Auto in Miami. He was a member of the First Assembly of God Church in Fairland, OK. Ralph is survived by two sons and their wives, Don and Judy Higinbotham of Seneca, MO and Ralph Dale and Faye Higinbotham of Broken Arrow, OK, seven grandchildren, twenty-one great-grandchildren and four great-great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Roger, a daughter Sharon, two brothers, Frank and James, and five sisters, Sarah, Sylvia, Margie, Belva and Wanda. The funeral was held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 31, 2008 at the First Assembly of God Church in Fairland. Grandsons served as pallbearers. Burial was in Sulphur Bend Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family request donations be made to the American Cancer Association, in care of the funeral home. Arrangements were provided by Adcock Funeral Home, Fairland, OK.



The Rolla Daily News 04/15/2009

Joycelyn Lee Higginbotham Hamilton (1925-2009) OK/MO

Joycelyn Lee Hamilton, of Rolla, formerly of Grand Junction, Colo., passed away Tuesday, April 14, 2009, at the age of 84. She was born in Miami, Okla., on Jan. 20, 1925, to the late Ernest Paul and Marjorie Evadean (Sparlin) Higginbotham. On Aug. 31, 1947, she married Charles V. Hamilton Jr. who preceded her in death on Sept. 13, 2005. Mrs. Hamilton was an active member of the Northeast Christian Church in Grand Junction, Colo., prior to moving to Rolla. She was an avid baker and seamstress, and many benefited from her acts of kindness. She was always focused on her loving family which  includes two daughters, Mary Ann Peaslee and husband Kent, of Rolla, and Vicki Cochran and husband Calvin, of Grand Junction, Colo.; 12 grandchildren, including Mike Peaslee and wife Debbie, of Overland Park, Kan., Sarah Wiggins and husband Bill, of Rolla, and Matt Peaslee, also of Rolla; two half sisters, Judy, of Seneca, Kan., and Paulette, of Galena, Kan., and 12 great grandchildren. A memorial service for Joycelyn Hamilton will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 16, 2009, at the Null & Son Funeral Home with Pastor Tim Cook officiating. A visitation for family and friends will be held prior to the service beginning at 6 p.m. Thursday. Interment will take place at a later date in the Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery in Grand Junction, Colo. Memorial contributions are suggested to the First Christian Church in Rolla or Alzheimer’s Research. All arrangements are under the direction of the Null & Son Funeral Home of Rolla.



The Rolla Daily News 06/16/2009

William J. Higginbotham (1937-2009) NJ/MO

Rolla, Mo. - William J. Higginbotham was born Jan. 16, 1937, in Newark, N.J., to the late William and Elizabeth (Millen) Higginbotham and passed away May 29, 2009, in Rolla, Mo., at the age of 72.
William was united in marriage to Judith (Laidig) Higginbotham on Jan. 15, 1977.
He was a member of the Central Community Church of God and was active on the board of trustees; he was also a member of the Rolla Moose Lodge.
William loved all types of outdoor activities with friends and family, such as baseball, football, and whiffle ball.  He also bowled in two leagues.
He retired in 1981 from butchering but often helped out during deer season.
William was a loving husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend and he will be dearly missed by all who knew and loved him.
He is survived by his wife Judith Laidig Higginbotham of Rolla; children Tom Higginbotham of Seaford, Del., Patrick Higginbotham and wife Carol of Millsboro, Del., John Higginbotham of Neptune City, N.J., JoAnne Enlow of Rolla, Ryan Moats and wife Kathleen of Omaha, Neb., Dave Moats and wife Kathryn of Cave Springs, Ark., Mike Moats and wife Michele of Salt Lake City, Utah, and Joseph Higginbotham and wife Sarah of St. James, Mo.; brother John Yowpa and wife Jean of Piscataway, N.J.; sister Marybeth Heaney and husband Frank of North Plainfield, N.J.; sister-in-law Rosemarie Higginbotham of Rolla; 13 grandchildren, and five great grandchildren, along with several nieces, nephews, extended family and friends.
William is preceded in death by his brother Frank Higginbotham and sister Nancy Roberts, in addition to his parents.
A memorial service for William J. Higginbotham will be held at 7 p.m. Saturday, June 20, 2009, at the Central Community Church of God in Rolla with Pastor Dan Phillips officiating.
In lieu of flowers, memorials are suggested to the Central Community Church of God or the American Cancer Society.  Cards are available at all James & Gahr locations. All arrangements are under the direction of James & Gahr Mortuary of Rolla, Mo.




Kathy Higginbotham (1947-2009) MO

Jul. 27, 1947 - Jul. 10, 2009

Birthplace: St. Louis, MO

Resided in: Wentzville, MO

Kathy Higginbotham, died on Friday July 10, 2009 at the age of 61. Loving wife of John Higginbotham and adoring mother of Chris and Andrea Fowler.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 07/12/2009

Robert Lee Higginbotham (1926-2009) MO

Robert L. "Bob" Higginbotham, age 82, of Bridgeton, Missouri, died Thursday, July 9, 2009, at St. Luke's Hospital, Chesterfield. A Son of the late Hugh Festus Higginbotham and the late Nola Higginbotham, Bob was born on August 12, 1926, at Senath, Missouri. Bob was married to his wife, Constance W. Higginbotham on June 20, 1949 in Fulton, Missouri. Bob entered into service of his country on Friday, July 14, 1944 as a member of the U.S. Navy during WWII. He was discharged Tuesday, March 18, 1947. Bob was a teacher with the Clayton School District and was a member of National Education Association. Bob is survived by his wife, Constance W. Higginbotham and children, Michael Lee (Karen) Higginbotham, Lee Ann (Larry) Hottelman and Andrew Robert (Anita) Higginbotham; Brother, Hugh B. (Donna) Higginbotham, M.D., Grandchildren, Matthew Barrett, Jennifer Dipley, Melanie Nolker, Robert, Zachary, Darby Higginbotham, Matthew and Alexander Hottelman, Shawn, Nicholas and Victor Higginbotham. Great-Grandchildren, Annabel and and David Nolker and Kaitlynne Barrett.




Mt. Vernon Register-News 04/06/2010
Martha L. Higganbotham Dock (1920-2010) IL/MO
MT. VERNON — Martha L. Dock, age 90, of Lee’s Summit, Mo., and formerly of Kell, passed away at 2:20 p.m. Thursday, April 1, 2010, at Lee’s Summit Medical Center. She was born in LaSalle on March 21, 1920, the daughter of Herschel and Julia Ann (Hill) Higgonbotham. On May 17, 1940, she married Irvie William Dock in Troy Grove, and he preceded her in death on Nov. 11, 1980. Martha was Postmaster at Kell until her retirement and spent her retirement time quilting with the ladies quilting group at Donoho Prairie Christian Church and making afghans for family and friends. She was a longtime member of Donoho Prairie Christian Church until moving to Lee’s Summit, Mo., where she became a member of Calvary Chapel Church.  Martha is survived by son, Robert Gene Dock and wife Sharon of Marion and daughter, Marcia Ann Hudson of Lee’s Summit, Mo.; nine grandchildren, Tim Dock of Marion, David (Melody) Dock of Colorado Springs, Colo., Allen (Susie) Dock of Columbia, S.C., Jewleigh Wantland of Arnold, Mo., Allyssia and Mike Hudson of Lee’s Summit, Mo., and Sheree (Robert) Morrison, Mike (Kim) Dock, Jimmy Dock, all of Mt. Vernon; 11 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-granddaughter. She was preceded in death by her parents; one son, Jerry Dock; and one great-grandson, Michael S. Morrison A memorial service will be held Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Donoho Prairie Christian Church with Pastor Wayne Tate officiating; burial will follow at Donoho Prairie Cemetery.  As per the family’s wishes there will be no visitation. Memorials may be made to the Donoho Prairie Ladies Quilting group and will be accepted at the church.





Jean Doris Higginbotham Hodges (1923-2010) MO

Born: August 16, 1923 Died: July 17, 2010

Hodges, Jean D. (nee Higginbotham) born on Aug. 6, 1923 in Affton, Mo. and passed away on Sat., July 17, 2010 at the age of 86. Formerly of Oracle Junction (Tucson) Az. Beloved wife of the late Fred J. Hodges. Loving daughter of the late Neal and Irma Higginbotham (nee Chew). Dearest sister of the late Evelyn (John) Wolff. Our dear aunt, great aunt, great great aunt, cousin and dear friend to many. The family wishes to thank the staff of Delmar Gardens of Meramec Valley and Pathways Hospice for their care and kindness given to Jean in her time of need. Memorial service to be held at Heiligtag-Lang-Fendler Funeral Home, 1081 Jeffco Blvd., Arnold, Mo. on Fri., July 23, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Family and friends may gather from 4:00 p.m. until time of service. Inurnment will be at a later date in Tucson, Az. In lieu of flowers, contributions to the charity of your choice appreciated. Arrangements under the direction of Heiligtag-Lang-Fendler Funeral Home, Arnold, MO.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 07/22/2010

Bruce S. Higginbotham (1919-2010) MO

Higginbotham, Bruce S. Tues. July 20, 2010. Beloved husband of Sally Higginbotham (nee Alexander); dear father of Elizabeth Higginbotham, Cam (Jerry) Niederman and Kent (Victoria) Higginbotham; dear grandfather of Emily (Chris) Carroll, Sarah, Max and Toby Niederman, Kent, Jr., Erin and Kacey Higginbotham; step grandfather of David (Katie) Truxton and Amanda Truxton; Dear brother-in-law, uncle, great- uncle and friend to many. Services: Memorial service Sat. July 24, 2:00pm at Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church, 9450 Clayton Road. Interment private. The family will greet friends after the service in the Gathering Place. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Ladue Chapel Presbyterian Church, Washington University, Donald H. Danforth Plant Science Center, or Heartland Hospice Care.




Jessie Lee Craig Higginbotham (1935-2010) MO

Jessie Lee Higginbotham, 75, died Friday, at Heritage Gardens Nursing Home in Senath, MO. She was born January 27, 1935 in Cardwell, Missouri the daughter of the late Virgil and Onie Mae Jackson Craig. She was also preceded in death by her husband, Gaylon Parker, five brothers and one sister. Survivors include her daughter: Dana Moran of Krotz Springs, LA; sister: Jean Grady of Cardwell; brother: Estes Craig of Paragould and granddaughter Haleigh. Her life was celebrated at Heath Colonial Chapel, with burial was at Cardwell Cemetery.



Kansas City Star 09/21/2010

Sally R. Higginbotham Bratton (1922-2010) AR/MO

Sally R. Bratton, 87, of Grandview, Mo., passed away Saturday, September 18, 2010, at Carondelet Manor in Kansas City, Mo. Sally was born Dec. 16, 1922, in Bentonville, Ark., to Charles Sexton and Emma Pearl Higginbotham. She graduated from Northeast High School in 1939. She had five brothers, George Higginbotham, Bill Higginbotham, Joe Higginbotham, Arthur Higginbotham, and Eddie Higginbotham and two sisters, Josephine Stevens, and Mary Patzer. She is survived by two sons, Marshall E. Bratton, Jr. and wife Deborah of Brandon, Vt., and Michael E. Bratton of Kansas City. There will be no services. In lieu of flowers, donations to Catholic Community Hospice, 9740 W. 87th Street, Overland Park, KS 66212 are suggested. Arr.: D.W. Newcomer's Sons Floral Hills Chapel, 7000 Blue Ridge Blvd., KCMO 64133 (816) 353-1218. D.W. Newcomer's Sons Funeral Homes, Cemeteries, Crematories.



The Joplin Globe 11/20/2010

Steven Ray Higinbotham (1952-2010) CO/MO/OK

Mr. Steven Ray Higinbotham, age 58, formerly of Joplin, passed away Friday, November 19, 2010 at 4:20 AM at the Integris Grove Hospital. Steven was born on August 26, 1952 in Colorado Springs, CO. Mr. Higinbotham served his country in the US Army. Survivors include his sister Vickie Brixey of Jay, OK and a brother Brad Higinbotham of Joplin. Mr. Higinbotham has been taken for cremation with no further service at this time. Arrangements under the direction of the Simpson Funeral Home of Webb City.



Sedalia Democrat 12/28/2010

Carol Jane Dorris Higginbotham (1965-2010) MO

Carol Jane Higginbotham, 44, of Calhoun, Missouri, died December 26, 2010, at her home in Calhoun. She was born December 28, 1965, at Whiteman Air Force Base, Knob Noster, Mo., the daughter of Raymond Ellis Dorris and Jane Louise (Miller) Dorris. On June 5, 2003, at the Calhoun Baptist Church, Calhoun, she married Don Lee Higginbotham, Jr., who survives of the home. Carol was a 1984 graduate of Pea Ridge High School, Pea Ridge, Arkansas. She was a Returns Department manager at the Wal-Mart Distribution Center in Bentonville, Arkansas for 11 years. She enjoyed gardening and growing things, being outdoors riding horses, and she loved visiting with family and friends. In addition to her husband, she is survived by a son, Don L. Higginbotham, III, of the home; 2 daughters, Sarah M. McIntyre, and Jane N. Fletcher, both of Pea Ridge, Arkansas; 3 brothers, Billy N. Dorris, Bentonville, Arkansas; Thomas W. Dorris, and Jeffery L. Dorris, both of Calhoun, Mo.; 2 sisters, Bobbi R. Barton, Calhoun, Mo.; and Sandra Briggs, Windsor, Mo.; a grandson, Don L. Higginbotham, IV, “on the way” and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents. Memorial services will be 11:00 a.m., Friday, December 31, 2010, at the Hadley Funeral Home, Windsor, with Pastor Margie Briggs officiating. The family will receive friends one hour before the service at the funeral home. The family suggests memorial contributions to the family for funeral expenses, and contributions may be left at the funeral home.



Kansas City Star 02/26/2011

Margaret White Higginbotham Brown (1925-2011) CA/FL/MO

Margaret White Brown passed away on February 24, 2011. Memorial Services will be held Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 2 p.m., Raytown Christian Church, with visitation beginning one hour prior. The family requests no flowers. Donations may be directed to Harvesters. Margaret was born in Wasco, California, on October 8, 1925. Her family returned to Missouri two years later and she lived here until 1946, when she moved to Winter Haven, Florida. There she married Roy Herbert Higginbotham, Jr. He passed away in 1947. Margaret returned to Kansas City and was married to Robert Allen Brown in 1952. He passed away in 1999. She was active in her children's lives with PTA, Camp Fire Girls, and being Room Mother. She was past president and long-time member of the Christian Women's Fellowship, Four Seasons Senior Group, Shepherd's Center, and the Peripheral Neuropathy Support Group of Kansas City. In addition, she volunteered at the Raytown Christian Church Food Pantry. She leaves four children: Suzanne Brown, of Tonganoxie, KS; Linda Cook and husband Bill, of Sharpsberg, GA; Robert A. Brown, Jr., and wife Patricia, Lake Winnebago, MO; and Merrie Batson and her husband, Glenn, of Lee's Summit, MO. She also leaves five grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren, and her brother-in-law, Ted Hawkins. Fond memories and condolences for the family may be left at www.dwnewcomers.com. (Arrangements: D.W. Newcomer's Sons Floral Hills Chapel, 7000 Blue Ridge Blvd., KCMO 64133, 816-353-1218) D.W. Newcomer's Sons Funeral Homes, Cemeteries, Crematories.



News-Leader 07/27/2011

Van Victor Higginbotham (1947-2011) WV/CA/MO

(September 6, 1947 - July 25, 2011)

Mr. Van “Butch” Victor Higginbotham, age 63, of Halfway, Missouri passed away on Monday, July 25, 2011 at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield, Missouri. He was born September 6, 1947 in Clarksburg, West Virginia to William “Buck” Audrey Higginbotham and Audrey (Drennen) Higginbotham. Butch moved to California in 1949 and then to Halfway, Missouri in 1985. He spent seven years in the United States Military beginning in 1964 and was a three time Vietnam War Veteran. He was a welder by trade working in the carpentry and construction business. He enjoyed traveling and loved his family very much. Butch was preceded in death by his father, William “Buck” Audrey Higginbotham, his sister, Sarah Jane Higginbotham and a brother, William “Bill” Higginbotham. Butch is survived by his mother, Audrey Higginbotham of Halfway, Missouri, his five children, William Jack Higginbotham and his wife Sethanne of Halfway, Missouri, Christopher Wayne Higginbotham of Terre Haute, Indiana, Shiloh Dalton Higginbotham and her husband Ray Lynn of Vero Beach, Florida, Sarah Samantha Higginbotham of Louisburg, Missouri, Jamie Ray Higginbotham of Santa Paula, California, his brother, Fred Higginbotham and his wife Terri of Bolivar, Missouri, his sister-in-law, Janice Higginbotham of Bolivar, Missouri, 14 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 2:00pm, Friday, July 29, 2011 at the Butler Funeral Home in Bolivar, Missouri. Musical selections will be "I Can Only Imagine" by MercyMe, "When I Get Where I'm Going" by Brad Paisley & Dolly Parton, and "The Old Rugged Cross" by Alan Jackson. Burial will follow at Pleasant Hill Cemetery just East of Bolivar. A visitation will be held from 1:00-2:00pm just prior to service time on Friday afternoon at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be William Higginbotham, Hector Moreno, Scott Higginbotham, Bill Higginbotham, Dustin Higginbotham, Justin Higginbotham and Richard Moore. Friends and family may sign the guest book or send private condolences at www.butlerfuneralhome.com



News-Leader 08/30/2011

Lou Alma Woods Higginbotham (1926-2011) OK/MO

Lou Alma Woods Higginbotham, 84, passed away in Lawrence County Manor in Mt. Vernon, Mo. on Sunday, Aug. 28, 2011. She was born Sept. 4, 1926 in Fort Gibson, Okla. to James and Clyde Ellen Woods. She was preceded in death by her parents, a brother, James R. Woods and her youngest son, Mark. She is survived by her husband, Gene, whom she married in 1947, 3 children, Jennifer Smith and husband Steve, Steve Higginbotham and wife Lisa and Debbie Thompson, all of Mt. Vernon; 7 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. Visitation will be Tuesday, Aug. 30th from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in Peterson Funeral Home, Aurora with Pastor Jack Betts officiating. Graveside services Wed, Aug. 31st at 2 p.m. in IOOF Cemetery in Mt. Vernon.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 09/04/2011

Donna Lee Elliott Higginbotham (ca1925-2011) MO/CO

Higginbotham, Donna Lee (nee Elliott), went to be with the Lord on Thursday, August 18, 2011 in Denver, Colorado. Preceded in death by her husband Cyrus Willmore Higginbotham and second husband Robert Hart Harper. Mother of Anne (Bill) Griffith and Lee (Larry) Seidl; grandmother of Brad (Emily) Griffith, Lara Griffith, Abigail Seidl and Christian Seidl; sister of John Clifton Elliott; sister-in-law, aunt and friend. A native of St. Louis, Donna, 86, relocated to Denver in 2001 to be with her family. A graduate of Washington University, Donna will be fondly remembered as a teacher, former active member of Central Presbyterian Church, volunteer at the Paducah, Kentucky Art Museum and avid genealogist. Services: A private family Memorial Service was held in Denver, Colorado. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to: The Enlighten Foundation, 1830 West Littleton Blvd., Littleton, CO., 80120 (303) 800-5194.




Wanda Nina Lee Lackey Higginbotham (1933-2012) AR/MO

Wanda Nina Lee Higginbotham, age 78, of Cardwell, MO., widow of Jerry Higginbotham, died Tuesday, April 10, 2012, at the Twin Rivers Regional Medical Center in Kennett. Born at Strawberry, Arkansas, she was the daughter of the late R. E. and Marie Collins Lackey and had lived most of her life in Cardwell. She was a 1952 graduate of Childress High School and a member of the Cardwell United Methodist Church. In addition to her parents and husband she was preceded in death by 2 brothers, Vernon and Carl Lackey. Survivors include; 1 son, Mike Higginbotham of Paragould 1 daughter and son-in-law, Vickie and Steve Jackson of Cardwell 2 sisters; Lillian Pittman of Paragould Mena Jenkins of Jonesboro She also leaves 3 grandchildren; Andrea McDaniel and husband, Chris, of Misaswa, Japan, Matthew Jackson and wife, Somer, of Cardwell, and Taylor Higginbotham of Jonesboro. 5 great-grandchildren; Payton, Addison, Jackson Claire, Matti, and Jake. Graveside funeral service was at the Cardwell Cemetery. Funeral arrangements were by Howard Funeral Service of Leachville.



Quincy Herald-Whig 05/29/2012

Winn Higginbotham (1950-2012) MO

September 24, 1950 - May 25, 2012

Winn Higginbotham, 61, of Winfield, Mo., formerly of Quincy, died on Friday (May 25, 2012). Survivors include his daughter, Becky Higginbotham; his son, Cory Higginbotham; his grandson; and his siblings, Robert Higginbotham, Alex Higginbotham and Heather Valencia. He was preceded in death by his parents, Edward and Anna Higginbotham. SERVICES: He will be cremated with a private family service at a later date. ARRANGEMENTS: Baue Funeral and Memorial Center, St. Charles, Mo.



News-Leader 11/29/2012

Dorothy Doran Higginbotham (1936-2012) MO

June 20, 1936 - November 27, 2012

Dorothy Doran Higginbotham , 76 , Springfield, passed away on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 in Cox South Medical Center, She is survived by her husband, Deryl; two sons: Michael Lane and Dennis Lane; and a daughter, Renee Dawson; five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. A visitation will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Thursday evening in Greenlawn Funeral Home North. Graveside Services will be Friday at 10:00 a.m. in White Chapel Memorial Gardens.




Lafayette Edwin Higginbotham Jr. (1923-2013) MO

January 31, 1923 - April 11, 2013

Ed Higginbotham, 90, of Raytown, Missouri, passed away April 11, 2013. Visitation will be from 10:00-11:00 a.m. followed by funeral services at 11:00 a. m. Monday, April 15, at Mt. Moriah & Freeman Funeral Home, 10507 Holmes Road. Burial in Mt. Moriah Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Vitas Hospice, 13316 W. 98th Street, Lenexa, Kansas 66215. Mr. Higginbotham was born January 31, 1923 in Brunswick, Missouri, son of Lafayette Edwin, Sr. and Ruth (Heller) Higginbotham. He served his country in the United States Army during World War II. He was preceded in death by his son David, infant sister, and brothers Gene and Howard. Mr. Higginbotham is survived by sons Dennis (Karen) of Bucyrus, Kansas and Steve (Ceil) of Henderson, Texas; daughter-in-law Linda Higginbotham of Denver, Colorado; brother George Higginbotham of Olathe, Kansas; seven grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, extended family and friends.



Press-Enterprise 06/05/2013

William Henry Higginbotham III (1980-2013) AZ/MO

WILLIAM HENRY HIGGINBOTHAM III Age 32, died tragically Friday, May 24, 2013 in a helicopter accident near Cross Timbers in Hickory County, Missouri. Will was born in Mesa, Arizona on December 26, 1980. He grew up in Coolidge and Florence, Arizona, graduating from Florence Unified High School in 1999 and joining the U.S. Army soon after. Sgt. William Higginbotham was first stationed in Alaska and then transferred to the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Vicenza, Italy. He served in Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom and was part of a combat jump into Northern Kirkuk. He also served in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom. He completed his military service after 7 years. Will studied aviation science at Utah Valley University. He was employed by Lucas Oil as their chief helicopter pilot, a profession that allowed him to spend time doing one of the things he loved best, flying. Those who knew Will remember him as a model of genuine kindness, thoughtfulness, and optimism. Whether helping a stranger stranded on the side of the road, calling to check in on one of the many who were privileged to call him family or friend, or soaring across the desert sharing his passion for flying with new friends; Will exemplified unending kindness. He was loyal, a master at keeping in touch with family and friends regardless of where life led him. Once Will was a part of your life, you could count on him being there whenever he was needed, and would find yourself looking forward to his next phone call or post, illustrating his most recent adventure. Will lived his life to the fullest, brave and wise beyond his years, never letting fear prevent him from fulfilling his dreams. An accomplished climber, artist, writer and pilot, Will loved the time he spent in nature, often surrounded by family and friends. He noticed more than most people do, and had learned to see the good in all. Life provided Will with obstacles, but his courage, faith, eternal optimism, and humor led him to an inner peace, allowing him to heal the wounds he'd incurred. He had become a man a friend described best as, "Good to the core." Remembering his sense of humor, various pranks, eye opening adventures, and unwavering love and support will continue to serve those who loved him as a source of healing. His mantra, "Life is good" will forever resonate in the hearts of those he touched as they strive to view the world as openly as Will did. Preceding him in death were Will's biological father, William Henry Higginbotham; grandparents, Bill and Dorothy Higginbotham and Joan Kennedy; uncles, Jerry Higginbotham and Randy Kennedy; and great-grandparents, James and Arlie Stone, Claud and Jane Williams, Fay and Bill Higginbotham, and William and Ida Laughlin. He is survived by his parents, Tim and Terri Kennedy; sisters, Heather Garcia (three children) and Stephanie Mena (two children); brothers, Aaron Higginbotham, Bryan Maracle, Marcus Jones (two children), Josh Felix, Joe Leatham, Derek Huss (two children), Nolan Bousquet and Scott Sprague (three children). The love of his life was Kari-Lyn Molles. He is also survived by grandparents, Bill Williams, Jack and Donna Ovitt, and Barney Kennedy; aunts and uncles, Karen and Gary Romines (Jamie Sue, Krissy & Missy), James and Michele Higginbotham (Danielle & Devin), Patty Burton (Shonn, Amber & Brian); and cousins: Audra Higginbotham (Daniel, Seth & Victoria), Fallon Kennedy, Kayla Stegman, Megan Kennedy, and Jessica Kennedy. He has many other cousins and relatives that he always held close to his heart. Will's thoughtful nature led him to consider his death in spite of his youth. In a letter to friends, Will outlined his wishes, should he pass from this earth prematurely. He loved his mom and did his best to ensure she would be taken care of when he was gone. The final word Will wished to have communicated to all was "Peace". In lieu of flowers, Will's family and friends request donations towards a memorial foundation that is being created in Will's honor. All donations can be made at any Wells Fargo Branch to the William Higginbotham Memorial Fund, just mention that the account was created in Washington. Friends are invited to join Will's family for a sunset memorial to celebrate Will's life, which will be held at the Coolidge Airport in Coolidge, Arizona on Monday, June 10, 2013 at 6PM.



SedaliaDemocrat.com 03/19/2014

Donald Lee Higginbotham (1960-2014) IN/MO

SEDALIA - Donald Lee Higginbotham age 54 of Sedalia passed away on Monday morning March 17, 2014 at his home. He was born March 5, 1960, in Marion IN, son of Gene Carrol and Norma Jean Jackson Higginbotham. He Married Dovie Jean Brassield who survives. He was a Baptist. Donald worked construction and worked as a builder most of his life. He is survived by his wife Dovie J. Higginbotham, a son Donald Higginbotham, Jr of Sedalia, a daughter Dawn Lange, Sedalia, a step daughter, Carlenna Lange, Sedalia, four sisters, Debra Higginbotham, Sedalia, Tina Hall, Independence, Mo, Gina Higginbotham, Russell Springs, Kentucky, Carol Dawn Moore, Kentucky, two brothers, John Billingsley, Calhoun, Mo, David Higginbotham, Independence, Mo, his mother, Norma Jean Jackson, Independence, Mo, his significant other, Marlenna Lange of the home, and ten grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his father and a brother Michael Higginbotham. Funeral services will be held at a later time.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 04/08/2014

Hallie L. Higginbotham Witte (ca1928-2014) MO

Witte, Hallie L. (nee Higginbotham) Fortified with the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church on Sunday, April 6, 2014 at the age of 86. Beloved wife of the late Herbert J. Witte, Sr.; beloved mother of Janice (Bill) Miller, Beverly Liszewski, Karen (Paul) McGrew, Diane (Paul) Gerber, Mary (Rick) Bentrup, Herbert J. (Chris) Witte II, Linda (Jim) Marshall, Judy (Tom) Lowell and Stephen F. Witte; dear sister of Victor Chapman and the late William Higginbotham, Harry Chapman and Harold Chapman; dear grandmother of 18, great grandmother of 14, sister-in-law, aunt and second mom to many. Services: Funeral Thursday 10:30AM from JOHN L. ZIEGENHEIN & SONS 7027 Gravois to St. James the Greater for 11:00AM Mass. Interment: National Cemetery. In lieu of flowers donations to Alzheimer's Association would be appreciated. VISITATION: WEDNESDAY 4-8PM.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 10/01/2014

Lorene Higginbotham Hirsch (1931-2014) MO

Hirsch, Lorene (nee Higginbotham) Tuesday, September 30, 2014.

Beloved wife of the late Gary Hirsch Sr.; dear mother of Gary Jr. (Lisa) and Steve Hirsch; dear grandmother of Kerrie (Greg) Kelly, Andy, Amy and Steve Jr.; dear great-grandma of Aubrey and Isla; our dear sister-in-law, aunt and cousin. Services: Funeral from KUTIS AFFTON CHAPEL, 10151 Gravois, Friday, October 3, 11 a.m. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery. Contributions to deGreeff Hospice program appreciated. Visitation Thursday 3-9 p.m. Funeral Home Kutis Funeral Home 10151 Gravois Road Affton, MO 63123 (314) 842-4458.




Ruby Jane Stubbs Higginbotham (1941-2015) MO

In Memory of Ruby Jane Higginbotham May 25, 1941 - January 29, 2015

Ruby Jane Higginbotham, 73, passed away January 29, 2015. Funeral service will be 12 Noon, Wednesday, February 4, 2015, at Floral Hills. Burial will follow. Visitation will be at the funeral home Tuesday evening from 6-8pm. She is survived by her husband of 56 years, Larry; 4 children; 26 grandchildren and 5 siblings. Memorial tributes may directed to Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation.



The Washington Post 05/10/2015

James Edward Higginbotham (????-2015) MO

On May 6, 2015, JAMES "JIM" EDWARD HIGGINBOTHAM passed away in Columbia, MD after a long illness. He leaves his wife of 51 years, Theadus Ann; his daughter, Ashley and her husband Eric Holmberg of Pennsylvania; his son, Robert and his wife Sharon of Maryland; two grandchildren, Jack and Ryan; and his sister, Ruth Wilcoxen of Ohio. Family will receive friends on Thursday, May 14 from 2 to 4 p.m. at WITZKE FUNERAL HOMES, INC., 5555 Twin Knolls Road, Columbia, MD 21045; where a funeral service will follow at 4 p.m. Interment will be at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations made to a military charity of choice . Funeral Home Witzke Funeral Homes, Inc. 5555 Twin Knolls Road Columbia, MD 21045 (410) 992-9090.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 06/30/2015

Constance Lee Wise Higginbotham (1928-2015) MO

October 3, 1928 - June 28, 2015

Higginbotham, Constance of Bridgeton, MO, died on Sunday June 28, 2015, at the age of 86. Loving wife of the late Robert Lee Higginbotham; beloved daughter of the late Russell and Wilmoth Wise; devoted mother of Michael L. Higginbotham, Lee Ann (Larry) Hottelman, Andrew (Anita) Higginbotham; cherished grandmother of Matthew (Jennifer) Barrett, Jennifer (David) Dipley, Melanie (Mark) Nolker, Robert (Sara) Higginbotham, Zachary Higginbotham, Darby Higginbotham, Matthew (Jackie) Hottelman, Alexander (Melissa) Hottelman, Shawn Higginbotham, Nicholas Higginbotham, and Victor Higginbotham; treasured great-grandmother of Annabel Nolker, David Nolker, Kaitlyn Barrett, Jessica Barrett, Landon A. Higginbotham, Karsyn Hottelman, and Aubree Hottelman; dear sister of Carolyn Daugherty. Services: The family is being served by the BAUE Funeral and Memorial Center, 3950 West Clay Street, St. Charles, MO. Visitation will be held on Thursday July 2, 2015 from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm at the funeral home. Funeral Service will be held on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 2:00pm at Baue Funeral and Memorial Center. Interment will be held at St. Charles Memorial Gardens. Memorials may be made to Community Helping Ministries of Arlington Methodist Church. Baue Funeral & Memorial Center 3950 W. Clay St. Charles, MO 63301 (636) 946-7811.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 07/19/2015

Dorothy Higginbotham (ca1917-2015) MO

Higginbotham, Dorothy Dottie 98, on Friday, July 17, 2015. Beloved wife of the late Fritz Higginbotham. Cherished mother of Barb Novotny, Pat (Ron) Foan, and Susie (Larry) Byler. Loving grandmother & great grandmother. Services: Memorial Mass Wed 7/22, 10am at St. Mary Magdalen, Brentwood. Interment Private. Memorial Contributions preferred to Franklin County Humane Society. Visitation Tues 3-7pm at Bopp Chapel. Funeral Home BOPP CHAPEL 10610 MANCHESTER RD Kirkwood, MO 63122 (314) 965-7680.



News-Leader 10/31/2015

Eugene Carl Higginbotham (1923-2015) AR/MO

Eugene Carl Higginbotham, 92, of Mt. Vernon passed away Thursday, October 29, 2015 in the Missouri Veterans Home in Mt. Vernon. He was born to Carl and Thelma Higginbotham on October 14, 1923 in Lonoke, AR. He was a U.S. Navy Veteran and a retired educator. Survivors include 1 son, Steve Higginbotham of Mt. Vernon; 2 daughters, Debbie Thompson of Mt. Vernon and Jenny Smith of Mt. Vernon; 7 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Lou; 1 son, Mark Higginbotham; 5 brothers and 1 sister. Graveside services will be held Monday, November 2 at 2:00 p.m. in the Fayetteville National Cemetery in Fayetteville, AR. under the care of Peterson Funeral Chapel. Visitation will be held Monday from 10-11 a.m. in the funeral home.



News-Leader 05/03/2016

Lenora Mae Hedrick Higginbotham (1921-2016) MO

Born: August 14, 1921 Died: May 01, 2016

Lenora Mae (Hedrick) Higginbotham, Nixa, MO, daughter of Fred and Mary (Hopper) Hedrick, was born on August 14, 1921 in Darke County, Ohio and departed this life on May 01, 2016 in Nixa, MO at the age of 94. Lenora was a lifelong resident of the area and worked at Haggle Garment Factory in Reeds Spring, MO. She was a member of Calvary Bible Church, Nixa, MO. Lenora was preceded in death by her parents and six sisters, Eulas, Vera, Beulah, Neoma, Berdine and Betty. Survivors include: her husband, Herman Higginbotham of Nixa, MO; three sons, Carol Mease and his wife, Patti of Hollister, MO, Lonnie Mease and his wife, Judy of Hurley, MO and Dale Mease and his wife, Phylis of Reeds Spring, MO; three brothers, Kenneth Hedrick of Kansas, Carl Hedrick of Kansas City, MO and Kirby Hedrick of Reeds Spring, MO; two sisters, Reba Hendryx of Gore, OK and Della Ellingsworth of Chillicothe, MO; nine grandchildren; thirteen great grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held at 1:00 p.m. Friday, May 6, 2016 in Stumpff Funeral Home, Crane, MO with Bill Rice and Rodney Mease officiating. Burial will be in Yocum Pond Cemetery, Reeds Spring, MO under the direction of Stumpff Funeral Home, Crane, MO.



Kansas City Star 05/22/2016

Emma Gertrude Hall Higginbotham (1921-2016) WV/MO

HIGGINBOTHAM Emma Gertrude (Gertie) Higginbotham, age 95, went to be with the Lord and her beloved husband, Art, on May 4, 2016. The youngest of eight children, Gertie was born in West Virginia to Roscoe Stanton Hall and Fay Bailey Hall. She was affectionately called "Tudie" by her brothers and sisters, since as a small child, this was her own pronunciation of her name. Gertie was married to the love of her life, Arthur (Art) Higginbotham in 1950, and resided much of her life in the Raytown, MO area. Gertie and Art were married 34 years until his death in 1984. She was baptized July 6, 1973, at Spring Valley Baptist Church, where she was actively involved for many years. She had many interests in her life including, cake decorating, candy making, dog training, sewing, gardening, becoming an artist, traveling, and golfing. She was a marvelous cook and loved preparing elegant gourmet meals for her friends and family. Whatever her endeavor, it was done with excellence! Gertie is survived by siblings Carmen Massey of Fountain Hills, Ariz., Clifton Hall of Roanoke, Va., and Ruth Whittaker of Fairless Hills, Pa. She is also survived by many nieces, nephews, and friends. The family is especially grateful to Garden Terrace of Overland Park, for their excellent care in the last phase of her life. A memorial service will be held on Tuesday, May 24, 2016, 11:30am, at Spring Valley Baptist Church, 8801 E. 79th St., Raytown, Mo., 64138. In lieu of flowers, contributions are suggested to The Alzheimer's Association , 3846 W. 75th St., Prairie Village, Kans., 66208; The Parkinson's Foundation Heartland, 8900 State Line Rd., Suite 320, Leawood, Ks., 66206; or Garden Terrace of Overland Park, 7451 Switzer, Overland Park, Kans., 66214. Newcomer's Floral Hills Funeral Home & Cemetery.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch 05/30/2016

Suzanne Higginbotham Carroll (ca1935-2016) MO

Carroll, Suzanne (nee: Higginbotham) of Saint Charles, MO, was fortified with the Sacraments of the Holy Mother Church on Sunday, May 29, 2016, at the age of 81. Loving wife of Eugene Gene Carroll; beloved daughter of the late Thomas and Marie Higginbotham; devoted mother of Laura Suzanne Gallagher, Eugene (Lisa) Carroll, Diane (Mike) Boerding, Ann (Jim) Butler, and Kathleen (Mike) Parvis; cherished grandmother of Eugene Gallagher, Katherine Gallagher, Andrew Gallagher, Molly Carroll, Jack Carroll, Gretta Boerding, Elliot Boerding, Claudia Parvis, Zoe Parvis, and a special grand-dog Sophie Butler; and dear sister of Robert Higginbotham. Also survived by many Higginbotham and Carroll nieces and nephews, other extended family, and friends. She is preceded in death by her son-in-law Rene Gallagher; brother, James (Jane) Thomas Higginbotham; and sister-in-law, Edna Higginbotham. Services: The family is being served by the Baue Funeral Home, 620 Jefferson Street, St. Charles, MO where visitation will be held Thursday, June 2, 2016 4:00-8:00 p.m. Visitation prior to Mass on Friday, June 3, 2016 9:00-10:00 a.m. at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church. Funeral Mass Friday, June 3, 2016 10:00 a.m. at St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, 610 N. Fourth Street, St. Charles, MO. Interment St. Charles Borromeo Cemetery. Contributions may be made to the Academy of the Sacred Heart Endowment Fund in memory of Suzanne Carroll. Funeral Home Baue St. Charles 620 Jefferson St St. Charles, MO 63301 (636) 940-1000.




Glendola Higginbotham Wright (1934-2016) MO
(August 22, 1934 - June 8, 2016)
Campbell – Glendola Wright, 81, of Campbell, passed away on Wednesday, June 8, 2016 at Landmark Hospital in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
Mrs. Wright, daughter of Luther Cleveland and Mary Lena Garrard Higginbotham, was born on Wednesday, August 22, 1934, in Cardwell, Missouri.
She was a Homemaker and a member of the South Canaan General Baptist Church.
On December 31, 1955, in Hernando, Mississippi, she was united in marriage to Harold Lewis Wright. He preceded her in death on January 22, 2010.
Her survivors include three daughters, Cindy Hays and husband, Stanley of Campbell, Lori Kayser and husband, Glen of Jackson, Sherri Vancil and husband, Mike of Piggott; two grandsons, Justin Paul Hays and wife, Lauren of Fayetteville, Arkansas, Nicholas Guy Hays and fiancée, Cathryn Chapman of Memphis, Tennessee; two great-granddaughters, Hadley Elizabeth Hays and Harper Grace Hays.
She was preceded in death by her parents; five brothers and three sisters.
Visitation will be from 12 - 2 p.m., Sunday, June 12, 2016 at the Landess Funeral Home in Campbell, with services beginning at 2 p.m., at the funeral home chapel with Mr. Randall Baker officiating. Burial will follow at Woodlawn Cemetery in Campbell.


St. Louis Post-Dispatch 07/08/2016

Wilfred E. Higginbotham (1931-2016) MO

Wilfred E. “Bill” Higginbotham, age 84, of Washington, passed away on Wednesday July 6, 2016.  He was born on November 14, 1931 to the late Morrie and Pearl (nee Agers) Higginbotham in De Soto, Missouri.  Wilfred enjoyed golfing and hunting, and was very active in the Washington Elks Lodge 1559. A visitation will be held on Saturday, July 9, 2016 from 2pm until time of Service at 6pm at Miller Funeral Home.  Interment will be on Sunday, July 10, at 11 am at Woodlawn Cemetery, 1402 S. 5th St, De Soto, MO 63020.  Memorial donations are appreciated to the Elks Lodge 1559, 1459 W. 5th, Washington, Missouri 63090.  Bill is survived by five children, Daniel and wife Karen Higginbotham of Ballwin, Debbie and husband Joseph Quicke of Oakville, Donald and wife Beth Higginbotham of Cedar Hill, Lisa and husband Curt Apprill of Washington, and Karen Mazzochio of Washington; eight grandchildren, Tara, Tory, Dustin, Tony, Mark, Hollie, Nicole, and Hope; one great grandchild Rory; other relatives and many friends. He was preceded in death by his parents, wife, Stephanie Higginbotham, and one brother, Roy Higginbotham.




Nina Pearl Wasson Higginbotham (1928-2016) OK/MO

June 15, 1928 - September 21, 2016

Nina Pearl Higginbotham, age 88, formerly of Joplin, passed away at 11:55 a.m. Wednesday, September 21, 2016 in Altoona, Kansas.

Nina was born June 15, 1928 in Miami, Oklahoma to the late Albert Wasson and Ninnie Reeves Wasson and had lived in the Joplin area most of her life before moving to Altoona ten years ago.

She owned and operated two restaurants in Joplin, Rex and Nina's and Tumble Inn for several years. She also owned and operated the former Higginbotham Grocery for several years. Nina served as treasurer and sexton at Hornet Cemetery for many years. She will be missed by all that knew her.

Nina married C.R.'Rex' Higginbotham on July 1, 1961 in Joplin. He preceded her in death on December 21, 1995.

She was also preceded in death by a granddaughter, Tammy Mahan; a great granddaughter, Faith Ann; one sister, Susie; and a brother, Jimmy Wasson.

Survivors include a daughter, Jodi Ketron, Joplin; grandchildren, Tracy Mitchell, Terri Farmer, Shawna Ketron; one brother, Monroe Wasson, Altoona; a sister, Stella Waller, Council Grove, Missouri; great grandchildren, Aaron Stiber, Matt Stiber, Drew Mitchell, Gabriele Christophel, Felisha Drake; and nine great great grandchildren.

Graveside services are planned for Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. at Hornet Cemetery. Rick Tracy will officiate. Pallbearers will be Robert Edwards, Zack Mahaffey, Wyatt Raida, Larry Raida, Hunter Mahaffey, Jesse Mahaffey and Rod Wasson.



the News-Leader 04/04/2017

Cecil E. Higginbotham (1945-2017) MO

Cecil E. Higginbotham, 72, Collins. Arrangements: Sheldon-Goodrich Funeral Home, Collins, MO.




Francis Allen Higginbotham (1960-2017) MO

September 22, 1960 - October 28, 2017

Francis Allen Higginbotham, 57, passed away on Saturday, October 28, 2017, in Knob Noster, Missouri.   A celebration of life will be announced at a later date.   Arrangements: Sweeney-Phillips and Holdren Funeral Home (660) 747-9114.




Teddie Paulus Higginbotham (1926-2017) CA/MO

Teddie “Ted” Paulus Higginbotham, age 91, of Branson, Missouri, passed away peacefully at home with family by his side on Wednesday, December 6, 2017. He was born March 20, 1926, in Ventura, California, the son of Elmer and Matilda (Earhart) Higginbotham. Arrangements and burial are under the direction of Cremations of the Ozarks. Proudly serving our country in the U.S. Army, Ted loved his country and loved veterans, handing out 63 Veteran WWII Medallions in Branson. His deepest love was for Christ and his family. Ted appreciated the beauty of God’s creation, especially bluebirds, and would feed ducks at the Landing. He also traveled all over California and Montana, collecting Indian and Western relics and pottery. During his working years, Ted was a hydraulic engineer for ESCO. He will be remembered for his fun, loving heart. While on this Earth, Ted never missed church, and now he will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. ​He is preceded in death by his parents and four brothers: Nolan, Ben, Ned, and Omar Higginbotham. Known as “Papaw Cowboy” to many, Ted is survived by his son, Ted (Carol) Higginbotham of North Little Rock, Arkansas; two grandchildren: Bruce Higginbotham of Springfield, Missouri, and Stacy (Brent) Higginbotham-Begin of Overland Park, Kansas; and four great-grandchildren: Bailey, Avery, Gage, and Harmony. Burial with full military honors will take place 10:00 a.m. on Monday, December 11, 2017, at Missouri Veterans Cemetery in Springfield, Missouri, with Brother Dave Hamner officiating.






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