Iowa Obituaries
Eldora Weekly Ledger 10/01/1891
Eliza Jane January Higginbotham (1816-1891) OH/IA
Jane Higginbotham died at her home in Clay
township Thursday, September 24, aged 74 years, 10 months and 8 days. Deceased
was born in Highland county,
Burlington Hawk-Eye 03/11/1893
Clara ???? Higginbotham O'Leary (????-1893) IA
The Fate of an Eloper
Murdered by the One Whom She Left Home With
Muscatine, March 10.-Five years ago Mrs. Clara Higginbotham deserted her husband and four small children at this place; and eloped with Daniel O'Leary, a saloonkeeper. After wandering all over the west from Seattle, Washington, to Miami, Texas, the couple arrived at Wichita two months ago, and O'Leary purchased a saloon. Wednesday he beat the woman, and yesterday she died with symptoms of poisoning. O'Leary is under arrest and a post mortem and inquest will be held.
The Eldora Herald 12/31/1914
James Madison Higginbotham (1841-1914) OH/IA
James Higginbotham Expires at his Home Northwest of Town Monday Afternoon-Long a Resident
James Higginbotham, living northwest of Eldora and a well known resident of this section of the county, died suddenly Monday afternoon at his home, death being due to heart trouble. Although Mr. Higginbotham had not in the best of health of late, nothing of a serious nature was thought of. A short time previous to the coming of the death messenger Mr. Higginbotham had been visiting with a number of callers at the farm, showing his friends his thoroughbred chickens, the growing of which he had made a specialty of for a number of years.
Mr. Higginbotham was born near
Mr. Higginbotham was a man of rugged honesty, a friend of the best possible government and a citizen whose life was worthy of emulation.
The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon
from the Christian church, the service being in charge of Rev. A. I. Martin. The
burial was in Eldora cemetery.
The Iowa Falls Sentinel 12/10/1918
Joseph H. Higginbotham (1840-1918) OH/IA
Another of the early and pioneer residents
of Hardin county died on Thanksgiving day with the passing away of Joseph H.
Higginbotham. Mr. Higginbotham was born in 1840 in Green county,
Hardin County Ledger 05/15/1919
Robert Monroe Higginbotham (1844-1919) OH/IA
Robert Monroe Higginbotham was born near
When but a boy of twelve years of age, in
1856 he came with his parents to
On August 18, 1866, he was united in
marriage to Lydia Stewart. To this marriage were born two sons, E. D. and R. S.,
both of
Two sisters grew to womanhood in the home
where Robert grew to manhood, both of whom survive their brother. They are Mrs.
Mary Jones of Eldora, and Mrs. Susan M. Webb of
Soon after the marriage of Mr. and Mrs.
Higginbotham, they started the Christian life together. First they united with
the United Brethren Church of Mineral Point. When the
Funeral services were held from the home on
Monday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock. Rev. Albert R. Rice officiated assisted by
Rev. William Ramsey of
The Iowa Recorder 06/11/1924
Daughter Hickenbottom (1923-1924) IA
Fairfield-A grain of popped corn lodged in the lungs of the 13-months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hickenbottom, of Lockridge, causing her death after a week of suffering. The child was playing with the other children of the family who were popping corn. When she started to swallow the corn she laughed and a big fluffy kernel lodged in the windpipe. The operation the night before she died was futile.
Fairfield Daily Ledger 09/07/1927
Prudence R. Hickenbottom Pfoutz (1849-1927) IA
Long Time Resident Here Died At Home of Daughter Mrs. C.H. Woellhaf
Mrs. Prudence Pfoutz, a resident of this city for nearly 33 years, passed away last evening at 6:10 o'clock at the home of her daughter Mrs. C. H. Woellhaf, 706 North Fifth street, after a three weeks illness with typhoid fever. The funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Woellhaf home in charge of Rev. Harvey E. Butler. Burial will take place at the Lockridge cemetery. Mrs. Pfoutz was formerly Miss Prudence Hickenbottom and she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hickenbottom. In early life she was married to Jacob Pfoutz, who passed away in this city 20 years ago last January. Mrs. Woellhaf is the only child. She leaves the following brothers and sisters: James Hickenbottom, of Broken Bow, Neb., R. E. Hickenbottom of Callaway, Neb., Mrs. Josephine Baker of Gig Harbor, Wash., Mrs. Frank Moore of Tacoma, Wash., Mrs. Belle Case of Roseburg, Ore., Mrs. Jane Eastman of Arcadia, Neb., and Mrs. Anna Jensen of Nowata, Oklahoma.
The Ogden (UT) Standard-Examiner 11/11/1929
J. A. Higginbotham (ca1855-1929) IA
Leaves-J. N. Higginbotham, 2540 Jackson avenue, assistant general yardmaster of O.U.R. & D. Co., left today for Shenandoah, Iowa, receiving word last night of the death of his father, J. A. Higginbotham.
Eldora Herald Ledger 03/16/1933
Sarah Jane Rhodes Higginbotham (1845-1933) OH/IA
Mrs. Higginbotham is Taken by Death
Sarah Jane Higginbotham, 88 years old, a pioneer resident of Hardin county, died at her home and that of her son, Harlan, near Steamboat Rock, where some member of the Higginbotham family have lived for the past 75 years.
Mrs. Higginbotham was born in Licking
She was married May 1, 1864 to James M.
Higginbotham, who died in 1914. To this union were born four children, Arthur of
Kingsley; Harlan W. of Steamboat Rock; Mrs. R. N. Lawrence, deceased; and Mrs.
E. A. Albertson of
Funeral services were held Monday at 2 p.m.
from the
The Waterloo Sunday Courier 09/19/1937
Robert Lewis Higginbotham (1925-1937) IA
TAMA-Robert Lewis Higginbotham, 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Higginbotham, Friday at Marshalltown hospital; born Aug. 19, 1925, in Tama; surviving, parents; two brothers, William, 9, and Leonard, 2; grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Higginbotham of Monticello, Ky., and a grandfather, M. C. Musel, Tama; funeral Monday at 9 a.m. at St. Patrick's Catholic church.
Moulton Weekly Tribune 07/16/1942
Winfield Harvey Higginbotham (1858-1942) OH/IA
Winfield Harvey Higginbotham, son of John and Sarah Higginbotham, was born in Ohio, October 18, 1858, and passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. T. Livingston of Unionville, Iowa, on July 6, 1942, at the age of 83 years, 8 months and 5 days. He came to Iowa with his parents at the age of 3 years, and has spent the most of his life here. He was united in marriage to Alvira Exline on August 26, 1883, and one daughter was born to this union, Mrs. E. L. Dodge who now resides at Toledo, Iowa. His wife preceded him in death on Nov. 14, 1884. He was later married to Aretta Exline on December 2, 1888 and to this union were born six children, Clara Livingston, of Unionville, Ia., Laura Hayworth, of Moulton, Nancy Morse, of Boone, Orpha Hitchcock, of Pleasanton, Iowa. Two sons preceded him in death, Carey on Nov. 9, 1938, and Paul Nov. 16, 1903. Also his wife on July 1, 1922. He is survived by 5 daughters, 29 grandchildren, and 20 great grand children, one brother, Grant Higginbotham of LeGrande, Iowa, and a host of friends and relatives. He has been a member of the Holiness church of Moulton for many years and has been a faithful follower of the word until death. The funeral was held July 8 at 2 p. m. at the Hitchcock Funeral Home, and burial was made at the Otterbein cemetery. Mrs. J. J. Sales read the obituary and spoke from the first and second verses of the 14th chapter of Job. Mrs. Sales and Mrs. Herman Tiffany provided the music, which included hymns that were special favorites of Bro. Higginbotham.
The Davenport Democrat and Leader 02/17/1949
Edna Higginbotham Garman (1889-1949) IN/IA
Mrs. David Garman, 59, who resided on a farm three miles south of Durant, died in her home at 1 p.m. Wednesday after an illness of several months. She had been seriously ill the past two weeks.
The body was removed to the Esterdahl
Mrs. Garman, the former Edna Higginbotham,
was born July 31, 1889, at
Surviving besides her husband are a son,
Norman E. Garman, Chicago; a daughter, Mrs. LaMoine J. Watkins,
The (Davenport) Democrat and Leader 06/26/1949
Bernice Bales Hickenbottom Engelhardt (1898-1949) IA
Funeral services for Mrs. Bernice Engelhardt,
51, of
Mrs. Engelhardt, who resided with her son,
Clifford Hickenbottom, at the
The former Bernice Bales was born Sept. 8,
1898, near Miles, and was married to John J. Hickenbottom in 1917. She was
married to F. R. Engelhardt in
Surviving are her husband; 5 sons, Clifford
Hardin County Index 03/17/1950
Harlan W. Higginbotham (1868-1950) IA
Funeral services for H. W. Higginbotham of Eldora who died Wednesday at the home of his nephew, Floyd Lawrence in Union were held Saturday afternoon at the Biersborn Funeral home in charge of L. K. Schuler of Eldora. The casket bearers were Arthur Chamness, Charles Mitchell, Lawrence Balvanz, Lewis Simcox, Lynn Fuerehelm and Paul Williams. Interment was in the Eldora cemetery. H. W. Higginbotham was born August 29, 1868. He spent his entire life, with the exception of a few years in Hardin county. He was preceded in death by his parents, two sisters and one brother. In early life he taught school but in later years he lived on a farm north of Eldora. He is survived by seven nephews and two nieces.
Council Bluffs Nonpareil 03/30/1952
Maude Oliver Higginbotham (ca1883-1952) IA
Funeral for Mrs. Maude Higginbotham, 68, 2019 Seventh avenue, who died Wednesday, will be held Monday at 1:30 p.m. at the Rusch chapel. The Rev. R. K. Roebuck of Fifth Avenue Methodist church will officiate. Burial will be in the Carson cemetery.
The Monroe County (Iowa) News 11/09/1953
Leonidas "Lee" Higginbotham (1877-1953) IA
Lee Higginbotham Dies; Final Rites Wednesday
Lee Higginbotham, 76, longtime resident of
Albia, died Sunday at his home
Funeral services will be Wednesday at 2 p.m. at First Christian church, conducted by the Rev. Frank B. Marler, pastor, and burial will be in Oak View cemetery. The body is at Humeston Funeral home.
A resident of Albia 37 years, Mr. Higginbotham had been associated with telephone firms through that period. He was born Feb. 8, 1877.
He gave a quarter of a century of volunteer service to the Albia Fire Department, and served the organization as chief. He also served on the city council. He was a member of the Masonic lodge.
Survivors are his wife; three children,
Harold of
LeMars Sentinel 10/12/1955
David Wayne Higginbotham (1955-1955) IA
Higginbotham Infant At Kingsley Expires
David Wayne Higginbotham, 3-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Higginbotham, died Oct. 8 at his home at Kingsley.
He was born July 6, 1955. Survivors are his parents; two brothers, Norman and Harold; two sisters, Ruth Ann and June Ellen; and his grandmother, Mrs. Emma Bush of Plainview, Nebraska.
Funeral services were Monday. Burial was in the Kingsley cemetery.
Council Bluffs Nonpareil 01/20/1956
Edwin Dixon Higginbotham (1878-1956) NE/IA
Ed Higginbotham, 78,
He was born in Homer,
Mr. Higginbotham was a former employee of a
soft drink bottling company for 10 years. He retired three years ago. Before
that he was an auto dealer in
He was a member of the
Survivors include: five sons, Ray, Lawrence,
Hugh, all of
Rusch Funeral Home is in charge.
Council Bluffs Nonpareil 02/23/1956
Laurence Leland Higginbotham (1910-1956) IA
Laurence Higginbotham, 45,
Born in
He was a former brakeman for five years on the Union Pacific Railroad. Mr. Higginbotham later became a boilermaker, a position he held until recently.
Mr. Higginbotham was a member of the Boilermaker’s Union 663, and had served in the U.S. Naval Reserve from 1929 to 1931.
Survivors includes: widow
Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m.
Friday at the Rusch Funeral Home Chapel. Burial will be in
The Cedar Rapids Gazette 06/20/1957
Verla Doris Higginbotham Gabrielson (1908-1956) IA
Verla Doris Gabrielson, 48, of
Surviving are her husband; three sons, Neil,
Mrs. Gabrielson was a member of the
Christian church at Mystic, where services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Friday.
Burial in
Hardin County (Iowa) Index 03/06/1959
Robert Stewart Higginbotham (1886-1959) IA/CA
Former Eldoran Dies in Calif.
Word has been received that Robert Stewart Higginbotham, 73, one time Eldora resident, has died in a Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Higginbotham has been a resident of California for the past 49 years. Burial was in the Redlands Hillside Cemetery. He leaves his widow and son Robert Jr. and two grandchildren. Mr. Higginbotham was born on a farm north of Eldora and graduated from Eldora High School and Drake University.
Waterloo Daily News 11/04/1964
Pocahontas W. Higginbotham (1897-1964) IA
TAMA-Services are pending at the Mason Funeral Home here for P. W. Higginbotham, 67, who died Wednesday Morning in a Marshalltown hospital. Survived by wife; two sons, William, Tama, and Leonard, in England.
Le Mars Sentinel 02/01/1966
Arthur Evart Higginbotham (1898-1966) IA
Funeral services for Art Higginbotham, 67, Kingsley, were at 1:30 p.m. Monday at the Church of the Brethren, Kingsley. Rev. David Cave officiated. Interment was in the Kingsley Cemetery under the direction of the Sickison - Michaelson Funeral Home, Kingsley. Mr. Higginbotham died unexpectedly last Thursday afternoon at his residence in Kingsley. He was born Feb. 28, 1898, at Kingsley. His marriage to Thelma Weaver took place Oct. 24, 1921, at Storm Lake. He had been a resident of Kingsley most of his life. Mr. Higginbotham was a World War I veteran. He is survived by his wife; six children, Mrs. Vern Petersen of Galva, Kan., Mrs. Wayne Wenzel of Fairmont, MN., Mrs. Robert Badgerow of Le Mars, Arthur E. and James R. of Sioux City and Mrs. Paul Nitzsche of Le Mars; 24 grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Lucy Eppling of Kingsley and Mrs. Gunnard Carlson of Pierson; two brothers, James of North Hollywood, Calif., and Harlan of Kingsley.
Iowa City Press-Citizen 07/06/1970
Claude Higginbotham (1895-1970) IA
Claude Higginbotham, 75, of
Services will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the
George L. Gay Funeral Home, with the Rev. Robert Welsh officiating. Burial will
be in
Mr. Higginbotham was born June 22, 1895, in
For a number of years he owned and operated
the Hicks Barber Shop in
He married Monnie Kinchelee on Dec. 25,
1935, at
Surviving are his widow; a son, Clark J.
Higginbotham of
Moravia Union 07/02/1980
Irene Higginbotham Hefner (1909-1980) IA
Mrs. Irene H. Hefner, 71, a piano teacher
and resident of Mystic for 60 years, passed away very unexpectedly at the
She was born March 19, 1909, in Mystic, the daughter of Thomas and Jennie Andrews Higginbotham. She married Leonard Hefner in Mystic on July 10, 1949, and he survives.
Mrs. Hefner was an active member of the
Christian Church and Order of the Eastern Star in Mystic and the White Shrine in
Her parents, two brothers, Claude and Gerald Higginbotham; and one sister, Ethel Jones, preceded her in death.
Besides her husband, she is survived by two sons, Barrie Browns of Columbia, Missouri and Burrell Browns of Centerville; three grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews.
Funeral services are today, Wednesday, July
2, at the Miller-Wehrle Funeral Home in
LeMars Sentinel 01/14/1986
Thelma Weaver Higginbotham (1903-1986) IA
Thelma Higginbotham, 82, of LeMars died Monday ( Jan 13, 1986 ) at Floyd Valley Hospital in Lemars after a brief illness. Funeral will be at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the Mauer - Johnson Funeral Home in LeMars. Rev. Debra Warnes will officiate. Burial will be in the Kingsley cemetery. Mrs.. Higginbotham, the former Thelma Weaver , was born Nov. 18, 1902 in Iowa to Frank Weaver and Mabel ( Parker ) Weaver Maywall. She attended Meridian Schools, she married Arthur Higginbotham Oct. 14, 1921, at Storm Lake. The couple lived most of their married life in Kingsley. He died in 1966 and she moved to LeMars in 1968. Survivors are three daughters: Dorothy Nitzsche of LeMars, Mrs. Robert ( Carol ) Badgerow of Harrison, Ark., and Mrs. Wayne ( Kathleen ) Wenzel of Fairmont, MN.: two sons, Arthur E. of McPherson, Kan., and James R. of Colorado Springs, Colo.; a brother Wilbur of Stuart, Fla.; 28 grandchildren and many great - great grandchildren, She was preceded in death by her parents, two sons and two daughters.
Mildred I. Higginbotham Carlson (1915-1987) IA
Mildred Carlson, 71, of Pierson died Sunday, January 25, 1987, at St. Luke's Medical Center, Sioux City. Services were held at the Pierson United Methodist Church with Rev. Nova Wells officiating. Burial followed in Grand Meadow Cemetery, rural Washta, Iowa, under direction of Dickison-Michaelson Funeral Home, Kingsley. Mildred I. Higginbotham was born May 9, 1915, in Kingsley, Iowa, the daughter of Arthur E. and Mary Ann (Smith) Higginbotham. She was a lifelong Kingsley-Pierson resident. She attended school at Kingsley. On January 10, 1934, she married Gunnard Carlson. They lived on the same farm since 1935, retiring from farming in 1981. Mrs. Carlson was a member of the Pierson United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Women, the Grand Meadow Garden Club, a past member of Pierson Eastern Star, and a member of the Hobby Club. Survivors include her husband, four daughters, Mrs. Roger (Marjorie) Irwin of Remsen; Mrs. Keith (Marlene) Walker of Cherokee; Mary Ellen Wenck of Noblesville, Indiana; and Kay Carlson of Storm Lake; two sons, Robert Carlson of Quimby and James Carlson of Cincinnati, Ohio; one sister, Lucy Eppling of Kingsley, 17 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. She was preceded by three brothers, Art, Jim and Harley.
Estherville Daily News 10/06/1990
William Lester
Higinbothom (1902-1990) IA
ESTHERVILLE - Services for William
Lester Higinbotham, 89, will be held Monday at 10:30 a.m. at Henry-Olson-Fuhrman
Funeral Chapel with the Rev. Neal Armstrong of Gruver Presbyterian Church
officiating. Interment
will be in East Side Cemetery. He died Thursday, Oct. 4, 1990 at his home.
Friends may call at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Sunday. He was born May 22,
1902 at Gruver, the son of Charles and Grace (Lawrence) Higinbotham and attended
Gruver School. July 14, 1926 he was united in marriage with Alice Ramsey at
Fairmont, Minn. The couple lived in Gruver following marriage until 1937 when
they moved into Estherville. He was employed by Thomas Motors and Lyman Auto
Supply in Estherville many years. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church
of Gruver. Survivors include one son Dean, Houston, Texas; one daughter, Mrs.
Harold (Janet) Hart, Chandler, Minn., four grandchildren: Kay, Jeff, Beth and
Sarah; and one brother Lawrence Higinbotham of Estherville. He was preceded in
death by his wife Alice Jan. 22, 1969 and his parents.
Cedar Rapids Gazette 01/24/1996
Bernice A. Wacha Higginbotham (1933-1996) IA
Bernice A. Higginbotham, 62, of rural Tama, died Monday evening, Jan. 22, 1996, in Grinnell Regional Medical Center, Grinnell, after a lingering illness with cancer. Services: 11 a.m. Thursday, Mason-Hand Funeral Home, where friends may call after 10 a.m. today and where the family will be present from 6:30 to 8 tonight. The Rev. John Epperson of Grinnell Christian Church will officiate. Burial: Woodlawn Cemetery. Toledo. Survivors include her husband. William; two sons. Randy of Tama and Roger of Toledo; a daughter. Carol Kalinay of Toledo; four sisters, Evelyn Bidwell and Marie Wacha, both of Tama, Lucille Jacobsen of Hudson and Genevieve Iezek of Dysart; and two brothers, James Wacha of Brooklyn and Roger Wacha of Toledo.
Sioux City Journal 12/05/2001
Jody Lee Higginbotham (1976-2001) IA
MOVILLE, Iowa -- Jody Lee Higginbotham, 25, of Moville died Saturday, Dec. 1,
2001, of injuries suffered in a farming accident near Blencoe, Iowa.
Services will be 10 a.m. Thursday at Evangelical Church of Moville, with the
Rev. Ken Brakefield officiating. Burial will be in Kingsley Cemetery, Kingsley,
Iowa. Visitation will be 3 to 8 p.m. today at McCulloch Chapel of Christy-Smith
Funeral Homes in Moville.
Jody Lee Higginbotham was born Jan. 24, 1976, in Sioux City, the son of Harold
W. and Connie M. (Allen) Higginbotham. The family lived in South Sioux City
until Jody was 6 years old, then moved to Kingsley. He attended and graduated
from Kingsley-Pierson High School in 1994.
After high school, Jody moved to Moville. He was employed with Rocket Auto Wash,
Sears Automotive, Schaeff Incorp and AGP. He was working very hard to become
He was a member of Pheasants Forever. His hobbies included restoring vintage
trucks, landscaping, watching NASCAR races and was a huge Dale Earnhardt fan.
Survivors include his parents of Moville; three brothers, James Higginbotham and
his wife, Marci of Ponca, Neb., Jeremy Higginbotham of Rockwell City, Iowa, and
Justin Higginbotham of Sioux City; his fiancee, Sara Wibbels of Lawton, Iowa;
two nephews, Evan and Tristan; grandmother, Martha Klave of Sioux City; aunt and
uncle, June and Robert Turpen Sr. of South Sioux City; cousins, Angie, Robert
Jr. and Michael Turpen; second cousins, Koty and Jennah Turpen; and other aunts,
uncles and cousins.
He was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Harley and Helen
Higginbotham; and great-grandmother, Clara Johnson.
Pallbearers will be Cory Loreth, John Olsen, Don Sulsburger, Matt Thompsen, Mike
Turpen, Robert Turpen Jr. and Steve Meyer.
Sioux City Journal 12/11/2002
Jeremy William Higginbotham (1978-2002) IA
MOVILLE, Iowa -- Jeremy William Higginbotham, 24, of Moville died Monday, Dec.
9, 2002, in Le Mars, Iowa.
Services will be 10 a.m. Friday at Moville Evangelical Church, with the Rev. Ken
Brakefield officiating. Burial will be in Kingsley Cemetery, Kingsley, Iowa.
Visitation will be 5 to 8 p.m. today at the church. Arrangements are under the
direction of Christy-Smith McCulloch Chapel in Moville.
Mr. Higginbotham was born March 20, 1978, in Sioux City, the son of Harold and
Connie M. (Allen) Higginbotham. He grew up in the Kingsley and Moville area. He
attended schools in Kingsley and Moville. He was employed with Demco
Manufacturing in Boyden, Iowa, and later for U.S. Metro in Sioux City.
He loved to tinker with cars and audio systems. He enjoyed reading and
He is survived by his parents, Harold and Connie Higginbotham of Moville; two
brothers, James Higginbotham and Justin Higginbotham, both of Sioux City;
grandmother, Martha Klave of Sioux City; a nephew, Tristan; and aunt and uncle,
June and Robert Turpen Sr. of South Sioux City; three cousins, Angie, Robert and
Michael Turpen; a second cousin, Koty Turpen; and his girlfriend, Crystal Smith.
He was preceded in death by a brother, Jody Higginbotham; grandparents, Harley
and Helen Higginbotham; a great-grandma, Clara Johnson; and a cousin, Jennah
Pallbearers will be Robert Ferdig, Richard Harvey, Ed Niemeyer, Aaron Smith,
Michael Turpen and Robert Turpen Jr.
Sioux City Journal 02/01/2004
Sherry C. Welch Higginbotham (1942-2004) IA
SLOAN, Iowa -- Sherry C. Higginbotham, 61, of Sloan died Friday, Jan. 30, 2004,
at Embassy Rehab and Care Center in Sergeant Bluff.
Memorial services will be 11 a.m. Tuesday at Meyer Brothers Colonial Chapel,
with the Rev. Kevin Richter officiating. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery.
Visitation with the family present will be one hour prior to the service Tuesday
at the funeral home.
Sherry was born May 25, 1942 in Sioux City, the daughter of Bert G. and Virginia
L. (Rowe) Welch.
Sherry lived in Sioux City until 1972, when she married James (Rob)
Higginbotham, when they moved to Colorado Springs, Colo. The couple lived there
until they moved to Sloan, Iowa in 1996. She graduated from Blair Community
College in May, 1986, with a degree in medical administration. After graduation,
she worked at the Colorado Springs Medical Center. Sherry always loved to camp
and fish up in the mountains of Colorado. After moving to Sloan, Iowa, Sherry
volunteered at the Westwood Animal Hospital. She was a loving mother of five
boys, Edwin Porr of Arizona, Darrell Colwell, James Zacek (deceased), Kevin
Liebsack and Dana Higginbotham, all of Colorado Springs.
Survivors include her husband, Rob; four sons; 12 brothers and sisters, Bert Guy
Welch Jr. and his wife, Deb, Thomas Edward Mitchell and his wife, Deb and Dennis
Michael Mitchell and his wife, Nancy, all of Sioux City, Patrick Neil Mitchell
of Sloan, Gary Robert Mitchell of Sioux City, Dawn Rene Bashara and her husband,
Ness, of Omaha, Neb., Norma Jane Cotter of Sioux City, Pamela Ann Boetger and
her husband, Dwight, of McCook Lake, S.D., Ricke Roxanne Sloan and her husband,
Bill, of Sioux City, Dennis Dean Welch and his wife, Kathy of Hubbard, Neb.,
Susan Diane Strohbeen and Patrick Paul Welch and his wife, Markie, all of Sioux
City; and eight grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents; a sister, Jackilyn Mitchell; and her
son, James "Jimmy" Zacek.
Sioux City Journal 07/28/2006
James M. "Rob" Higginbotham (1936-2006) IA
James "Rob" Higginbotham, 69, of Sloan, Iowa, passed away Tuesday, July 25,
2006, at a Sioux City hospital.
Graveside services will be 10 a.m. Saturday at Calvary Cemetery with the Rev.
Alex Washington officiating.
Rob was born Dec. 1, 1936, in Plymouth County, Iowa, the son of Arthur and
Thelma (Weaver) Higginbotham.
He was an avid fisherman, hunter and mechanic by trade.
Survivors include six sons, Dana (Pam Lee) Higginbotham of Springfield, Mo.,
Robert (Trish) Higginbotham of Sioux City, Kevin (Tina) Liebsack of Colorado
Springs, Colo., David Higginbotham, Darrell (Cindy) Colwell of Colorado Springs
and Edwin Porr of Arizona; a brother from Oregon; and two sisters, Dorothy
Nitzschke of Le Mars, Iowa, and Carol Badgerow of Harrison, Ariz.
He was preceded in death by his wife; his parents; two brothers and three
The Daily Nonpareil 08/29/2006
Doris Louise Stewart Higginbotham (1931-2006) IA
Doris Louise (Stewart) Higginbotham, age 75, of Council Bluffs, passed away Aug. 27, 2006, at her home. Doris was born July 25, 1931, in Council Bluffs to Edward T. and Robin (Hewitt) Stewart. She worked as an administrative assistant for a medical center print shop. Doris was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother who was also a master gardener. Doris is preceded in death by her husband, Bud Higginbotham (1964); her son, Jeff Higginbotham (2002); and granddaughter, Amy Rutledge (1986). Visitation will be Tuesday from 6 until 8 p.m. at Henry~Livingston Funeral Home. A Celebration of Life Funeral service will be Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. at St. John's Lutheran Church; 633 Willow Ave., Council Bluffs, with Pastor Jon Benson officiating. Interment will be at Cedar Lawn Cemetery.
Globe Gazette 05/02/2007
Randy Lee Higginbotham (1963-2007) CA/IA
MASON CITY - Randy L. Higginbotham 43, of 113 Eighth St. S.W., died
Thursday, Feb. 1, 2007, at Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa in Mason City.
Memorial services will be held from 3 to 6 p.m. Saturday, May 5, at the gazebo
in East Park in Mason City with Deb Gage and Jerry Hewitt officiating, and with
honors conducted by members of 8th Texas Gun Salute and Bagpipers.
Randy was born Aug. 11, 1963, in Selma, Calif., the son of Harold and Judith
Higginbotham. Randy graduated from Winters High School, Winters, Calif. He was a
member of FFA and showed sheep and hogs at the Cow Palace in Oakland, Calif.
He enlisted into the United States Army, where he was stationed in Anniston,
Ala.; there he met Kaye Wright, they were united into marriage on July 15, 1983.
Together they were stationed in Germany until his honorable discharge in 1985.
They moved back to Waterloo; where he graduated from Hawkeye Tech in law
enforcement and the Police Academy, in 1986. Randy was a police officer for
different communities including Nora Springs, where he was chief of police. In
1998, Randy became a counselor for Francis Lauer until he couldn't work anymore
because of health issues. In 2005, he started working towards his bachelor
degree; he wanted to be a history teacher. Randy will be remembered for his
great knowledge of the Civil War; he was a walking encyclopedia of history.
Randy loved the history of the Civil War, fishing, hunting, movies, and dining
out; his greatest love was spending time with Kaye, his family and his two
Chihuahua dogs, Mike and Rex.
He was a member of the 8th Texas Civil War Reenacting Group and the Sons of the
Union Veterans.
Randy is survived by his wife, Kaye Higginbotham, of Mason City; father, Harold
Higginbotham, of Quitman, Ark.; step-mother, Barbara Higginbotham, of
California; siblings, David, Todd, Darrel, Angel and Laurie Higginbotham, all of
California; aunt, Deena Cote, of Louisiana; mother-in-law, Audrey A. Wright, of
Waterloo; brother-in-law, Kent Wright, of Waterloo; nephew, Isaac Wright and
niece, Naomi Wright; along with other relatives and friends.
Randy was preceded in death by his mother, Judith (Underwood) Higginbotham; and
father-in-law, William Wright.
Hogan-Bremer-Moore Colonial Chapel, (641) 423-2372.
Des Moines Register 11/27/2008
Mildred "Millie" Higginbotham (1914-2008) IA
Granger, Iowa - Mildred Higginbotham, 94, went to be with her Lord, Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at Polk City Nursing and Rehabilitation. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday, November 29, 2008 at Hamilton's Funeral Home, 605 Lyon St. with burial at Glendale Cemetery. Visitation will be held one hour prior to the service at the funeral home. Mildred was born September 5, 1914 in Sioux Rapids, Iowa. She made her home in Des Moines for most of her life. Mildred retired from J.C. Penney after 21 years of service. Mildred is survived by her children, Sandra Turner of Pleasant Hill, Iowa; Carol (Don) Moore of Newton, Iowa; and Brian (Rhonda) Higginbotham of Granger, Iowa; five grandchildren; and nine great- grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; a brother; a sister; a son-in-law; and a grandson. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Lung Association.
Ottumwa Daily Courier 06/02/2009
Bernice Ireta Flinspach Hickenbottom (1915-2009) IA
FAIRFIELD — Mrs. Bernice I. Hickenbottom, 93, formerly of Fairfield, died Sunday May 31, 2009, in Peoria, Ariz. Visitation will be at the Raymond Funeral Home on Thursday with the family present from 6-8 p.m. Funeral services will be at the Raymond Funeral Home at 10 a.m. Friday with the Rev. Suzanne Swahn officiating. Burial will follow at Evergreen Cemetery, Fairfield. Memorials may be made to the First Christian Church, Diabetes Foundation, American Heart Association, Jefferson County Hospital Auxiliary and Lou Gehrig's disease foundation. Condolences may be sent to the family at Born August 29, 1915, in Fairfield, she was the daughter of Robert and Grace (Hyde) Flinspach. She married Marshall E. Hickenbottom Feb. 24, 1935, in Fairfield. He died Dec. 1, 1984.Bernice graduated from Fairfield High School in 1934. She was a homemaker and helped her husband in farming and the Hickenbottom Implement business in Fairfield. She also worked as a cook at the Jefferson County Hospital. She and her husband enjoyed traveling and square dancing. Survivors include two sons, Jerry Hickenbottom and wife Donna of Ottumwa, Jim Hickenbottom and Patty Backos of Peoria, Ariz.; three grandchildren, Alan Hickenbottom and wife Peggy of Mt. Pleasant, Bob Hickenbottom and wife Liz of Batavia, Jeff Fleming and wife Jennifer of Ankeny; two great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. In addition to her husband, she was preceded in death by her parents; a sister, Enla McCleary and a son, Bobby. Arrangements are by the Raymond Funeral Home.
Des Moines Register 07/29/2009
Frederic J. Higginbottom (1934-2009 IA
Des Moines-Fred Higginbottom, 75, died Monday, July 27, 2009 at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines. He was born on January 22, 1934 to Frank and Vernal Higginbottom in Des Moines. Fred served in the United States Army until his honorable discharge in 1957. He was a lifelong farmer and was a commissioner for the Soil Conservation Commission for 20 years. Fred is survived by his wife, Mary; children, Joel Higginbottom, Laura Hoyer (Mark), Paul Higginbottom, and John Higginbottom (Barbara); step-children, Pam Barnes-Palty (Dave) and Ron Barnes (Lynne); grandchildren, Garrett Hoyer, Bailey Higginbottom, Nellie Higginbottom, Brita Higginbottom, Daniel Higginbottom, Abigail Higginbottom, Roni Palty, Alyssa Palty, David Palty, Madison Barnes, and Alex Barnes; brother, Richard Higginbottom (Darlene); and sister, Miriam Welch (Bob). Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, July 30, 2009 at the First United Methodist Church of Ankeny, 206 SW Walnut St., Ankeny, Iowa 50023. A visitation with family present will be from 9 a.m. until service time on Thursday.
Lanny A. Hickenbottom (1939-2010) IA
Born: January 29, 1939 Died: August 15, 2010
Lanny A. Hickenbottom, 71, of Long Grove passed away Sunday, August 15, 2010 at the Rock Island Nursing & Rehabilitation Center. Cremation will be done with private services. Memorials may be made to the family and online condolences may be made at Lanny was born January 26, 1939 to Cliff & Esther (Hayes) Hickenbottom. He married Sharon Crabbs on November 24, 1962. On February 14, 2001 he was united in marriage to Diana Maxfield in Davenport. Lanny was a veteran of the U.S. Navy. He loved to fish and spend time with his grandchildren. Survivors include his wife Diana, Long Grove; 2 daughters Susan (Jason) Hickenbottom, Leslie (Sara) DeLaere; son Jim (Dawn) Hickenbottom; 3 daughters Kimberly (Ed) Vander Pool, Dawn (Brad) Jones, Regina (Brian) Van Acker; 11 grandchildren; 9 great grandchildren; and a brother Gary Hickenbottom, Atlanta, GA.
Des Moines Register 12/27/2011
Roger Allen Higginbotham (1952-2011) IA
TOLEDO- Roger Allen Higginbotham, 59, of Toledo, passed away Saturday, December 24, 2011 at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. Funeral Services will be held Friday, December 30, 2011 at 11:00 AM at Kruse-Phillips Funeral Home in Tama. Interment will follow at Woodlawn Cemetery in Toledo. Visitation will be held Thursday, December 29, 2011 from 4-7 PM at Kruse-Phillips Funeral Home in Tama. Roger was born on September 28, 1952, in Marshalltown, Iowa, the son of William Paul and Bernice Ann (Wacha) Higginbotham. He graduated from South Tama High School. Roger and Sue Schafer have been together since July 1, 1970. He delivered newspapers and was employed at Higginbotham Sawmill, Gene’s Super Value and then at Tama Meat Pack. Roger was a member of Motorheads, National Nostalgic Nova and also the Eastern Iowa Chapter of NNN, Marshalltown Street Rods, Drag Racing Association of Women, National Hot Rod Association, Oldsmobile Club of America and Central Iowa Street Machines. He loved car events, swap meets, music concerts and drag racing. Roger enjoyed bowling, martial arts and his puppy dog, “Kalo the Pup Girl”. All of the clubs, Petersen Publishing and most of all Roger’s friends and loved ones made his life wonderful. “Music, cars and puppy dogs”! Preceding him in death were his parents. Survivors include his longtime companion, Sue Schafer of Toledo; one sister, Carol (Emil) Kalinay of Toledo; one brother, Randy (Alicia) Higginbotham of Tama; a niece, Rachel (Mike) King of Alaska; and his nephews, Curtis (Jenn) Higginbotham of Des Moines, and Shaun (Jenna) Blake of Pekin, IL. A memorial fund has been established.
Laura L. Higginbotham Rutledge (1956-2016) IA
Laura L. Rutledge, age 59, of Council Bluffs, passed away suddenly April 21, 2016. Laura was born July 18, 1956 in Council Bluffs to the late Edwin C. “Bud” and Doris (Stewart) Higginbotham. She graduated from Lewis Central High School in 1974. Laura was preceded in death by her daughter, Amy and brother, Jeff. She is survived by her husband, Dan Rutledge; sons, Nathanael (Paul Mucciarone) Rutledge, Clark (Megan Manire) Rutledge, Stewart (Julia Ekman) Rutledge; daughter, Heather (Ryan Mueller) Rutledge; one grandchild on the way; siblings, Lynne Kutchara, Karen Hayes, Elizabeth (Richard) Portrey, David Higginbotham; many nieces and nephews.