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HERZ, Kuppenheim Kray (also spelled Grui, Krui), Kuppenheim K�lmel, Descendants of Blasius K�lmel K�lmel, Descendants of Hubert K�lmel EIERMANN from Eberbach to Sulzbach, Katzental and Schefflenz GRAMLICH, Schefflenz Reinhardt, Schefflenz R�SER, from Stein am Kocher to Dahenfeld van der Voorde from Belgium to USA includes various spellings (Vandervoort,Vanderford, Vandaveer, Vande(r)veer Vanderveer (external link)
Kuppenheim Steinmauern �tigheim Stein am Kocher Herbolzheim Kochert�rn Neckarsulm Binswangen Dahenfeld Schefflenz Surnames Genealogies Obituaries Pictures Biographies Sharing Maps Guestbook