
Rules, Rules, there always have to be rules.


It's my site, I set the rules.


All information added to this site will be open to viewing by anyone on the Internet, as such, any information sent to me to include in this site, will become open to all the world. I cannot be responsible for the truth, or non-truth of any information.


Due to the problem of identify theft by unscrupulous people, I do not want or intend to display any data of living persons, that will help in any way to allow the bad guys to assume the identity of the living persons who are shown on the site. This means therefore that all who send information to me, must be careful in the information sent in. If unsure if the person is alive or not, set a cutoff age of 70 years old into your data, and only give name and no other data of anyone younger than that. If you are not sure of date of death and have documentation of same, submit name only. If the names of all are shown, but they do not connect directly with where and when, it will be very hard for those would misuse the data to do so. If your have a special request, please send me an e-mail.


This site is being constructed for the use of all those who are working on the tree from Abner Newton Henderson down. If you have been sent here by some other site, due to their search engine thinking that this site has information that may in some way be what you are looking for, that is good. However if you do not see any information pertinent to your work, I will in no way be responsible for their work. All that I have to give is on one of the pages of this site, and any questions pertaining to anyone not on same, by those sending you here will not be answered. If you however are working on this same line and are wanting to join us, I will welcome you in, and hope that the group and you will be able to help each other.