Printed Book Page # 56

Of Leaves and Life


Kyle I. S. Harrington

(written in 1998)

I fall in the sun,

Sit in the night,

What a sight I am to see with others of my kind,

All our colors blazing bright and attracting your eye.

We are learned,

But have seen much and traveled afar,

Seen the sun, the moon, and many stars.

With light blazing upon my back,

I race others through plains,.

In the night I race through forests of darkness and the howling wind,

Fighting others to get to the light of the moon.

But then slowly as winter comes,

I settle down in the bright warm sun,

And decide I have raced my races,

Seen the sun, the moon and stars many times,

Lived all the excitement I need,

I settle down for an eternal rest in the light and warmth of the blazing sun,

I lay down to never rise again.

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