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This page last modified on 09 Dec 2010 .

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This poem was published in Godey's Lady's Book in the July 1841 issue on page 28. It is provided to us through the kindness of Nancy Mason, Special Collections Assistant of the library of the University of New Hampshire. This volume is located in their Milne Special Collections.


by James S. Wallace

Not think of thee! There is a spell
   Which binds remembrance to the past,
'Round which fond Hope will raptured dwell,
   And linger fondly to the last.

Not think of thee! Oh, Friendship's bloom
   Is like a flower, than shuns the light,
And only sheds its rich perfume,
   When veiled in absence and the night!

Not think of thee! Nay, when the bliss
   Of every former joy has passed,
I'll think of all thy tenderness,
   And love thee fondly, to the last.

Not think of thee! I could as soon
   Forget the home my childhood nurs'd;
I breathe no prayer—I seek no boon,
   But thy dear happiness is first!

Effort has been made to eliminate errors, but their absence is not guaranteed. This web page is copyright 2010 by Charles Hartley. Permission is hereby granted to individuals seeking family history information to copy the contents of this document for their personal use. It may not be sold, either separately or as part of a collection, without the written permission of the copyright holder; nor may it be placed at any other location on the internet without said written permission.

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