The GENMTD-L (soc.genealogy.methods) Home Page

The GENMTD-L (soc.genealogy.methods) Home Page

What is GENMTD-L (soc.genealogy.methods)?

This is an online group which discusses genealogical methods and resources. You can participate through e-mail or through USENET news. Either way, the discussions you see should be identical. The discussions are archived and are intended to be searchable and retrievable, although we are -- continually, we sometimes think, in a state of transition on just how to do this. More at a later time, on this topic!

The methods group is one of a great many online genealogical groups. For pointers to many of these see the ROOTS-L Home Page. Most of these groups focus on particular geographic regions or ethnic groups. Others specialize in particular topics: surname queries, computers and genealogy, genealogical ads. A few are general purpose.

The methods group is a moderated group which is intended for helpful discussions of the (non-computing) research methods, resources, and problems that genealogists have in common, regardless of the different families or different cultural groups which they study. Those who develop specific questions or problems in their own research may solicit suggestions from the group on how to attempt to resolve a research problem. Those who discover useful research resources and strategies are encouraged to share their expertise.

Postings from both experienced and inexperienced participants will be welcomed. The philosophy of moderation is to be light-handed and to offer extra help behind the scenes for new participants, who may be experiencing problems with e-mail addresses or net customs or the like.

While the methods group does not carry surname queries, it is desireable to provide specific details (date, place, names, events) about a particular research problem you have run into. Don't expect to turn up a long-lost cousin from your methods post, though. The followup discussion is much more likely to focus on the methods and resources that you can use to resolve your research puzzle.

How to join in the discussion

Using e-mail
In order to participate through e-mail you need to send a subscription request via e-mail. There are three different ways you may receive the articles: as individual mail messages; as a daily (usually) digest of multiple messages; or as an index -- subject lines only, plus information on how to obtain copies of those messages which sound interesting. There is a different e-mail address for each subscription format. Send e-mail to
[email protected] if you prefer mail format
[email protected] if you prefer digest format
[email protected] if you prefer index format
In the body of your message say only


Don't include anything else, no signature file, nothing but that one word. (These restrictions are because you are communicating with a computer program which manages the subscriptions, rather than a human. When the program adds your e-mail address to the subscription list, it sends you an acknowledgement message.) Later, if you want to unsubscribe, send to the same address, the one word


If you decide you want to change to a different distribution format, you must unsubscribe from your present format and resubscribe using the address for the new format.

There is a fourth address, too, the one you use when you want to say something to the entire group:

[email protected] for sending an article to the group

In this case, follow the usual e-mail conventions:

Is this confusing, to have so many addresses? You bet! It is the commonest sort of problem with participating via e-mail. But the moderators can help you if you get confused. And if you send a subscription request or a very personal response to a post to the entire readership by mistake, they will catch your error before it gets distributed to everyone.

Using USENET news
All you need is access to news software and a news server and the knowledge that the group is called soc.genealogy.methods. You will have to tell your newsreader to show you articles for this group. Use your news software to post articles to the group; don't be surprised that your article does not appear immediately -- a delay is normal because this is a moderated group.

Archived discussions items ("posts") and public files

The group archives
All posts to this group have been archived, in two different formats. You can search all the messages that have ever been posted to GENMTD-L at

Or view more recent messages in a threaded format at

The Moderators

Moderators are:

Don't send posts directly to the moderators -- we assume such items are intended as personal communications.