The royal lineage of many of our
early New Jersey families
I'd love to compare notes with you on this family!
E-mail me [email protected]

As published in "Whallon and Kitchell Families"
by Edward Payson Whallon, 1932
Note from Edward Payson Whallon:
This genealogy may be traced through "Burke's Peerage," "Burke's General Armory,"
and "Americans of Royal Descent," and as given here may be relied on as correct.
Variations, as given in "The Willis Family" and "John Kitchel and Esther Peck," give five generations of the DeMontfort line in this lineage, from 1326 to 1483; several generations of the de Say family of Magna Charta Barons, from 1315 to 1397; and through Henry I, the Malcolms of Scotland, Alfred the Great, and Egbert, King of Britain, died 836, descended from Cerdic, who lived in 510. Katherine Montfort, who married Sir George Booth, who died in 1483, had Sir William Booth, who married Lady Ellen, daughter of Sir John Montgomery.
Another interesting variation traces the Kitchell family back for several generations in England. Instead of going back from Abraham Kitchell, who married Sarah Bruen, to trace the line through English, Scotch, French and Italian Kings to Pepin and to Cerdic, the line may run through Samuel Kitchel, Robert Kitchel, who came to New Haven in 1639, to Thomas Kitchel, born 1622, who married Deborah Bowle, daughter of John Bowle; his father, Thomas Kitchel, who married Jane Barnes, and his grandfather, John Kitchel.
- Obadiah Bruen, born 1606
- John Bruen, born 1560.
- John Bruyn
- John Bruyn and Dorothy Holford, Lady
- Sir Thomas Holford and Jane Booth, Lady
- Sir John Holford and Margaret Brereton
- Sir George Holford and Isabel Leigh
- Sir Thomas Holford and Maud Bulkley
- William Bulkley
- Sir William Bulkley, Justice of Chester and Margaret Molineaux
- Sir Richard Molineaux and Elizabeth Stanley, Lady
- Thomas, Lord of Stanley, 1458, Knight of the Garter and Joan Goushill
- Sir Robert Goushill and Lady Elizabeth Fitzallen, parents of Lady Joan Goushill
- Richard Fitzallen, Earl of Arundel and Surry, beheaded in 1398, and Elizabeth Bohnn
- William Bohnn, Earl of Northampton, born 1360, father of Elizabeth Bohun
- Humphrey Bohun and Princess Elizabeth Plantagenet
- Edward I, 1272-1307, father of Elizabeth Plantagenet, married Eleanor, daughter of Ferdinand III, King of Castile; Edward I and Eleanor were parents also of King Edward II
- Henry III, father of Edward I and son of King John
- John, married Isbel, daughter of Tailefer, Count of Angouleme
- Henry III, King from 1154 to 1189; married Eleanor; parents of Richard Lionhearted
- Maud, or Matilda, married Geoffrey Plantagenet; mother of Henry II
- King Henry I, 1100-1135; married Maud, daughter of Malcolm III, King of Scotland, 1080-1118
- Matilda, daughter of Baldwin V., married William the Conqueror and they were the parents of William Rufus, King of England and of Henry I
- Baldwin V., and Adele, daughter of Robert II of France, parents of Matilda, Robert II of France was a son of Hugh Capet, King of France
- Baldwin IV married Eleanor, daughter of Richard, Duke of Normandy
- Arnold II married Rosala, daughter of Beringarius, King of Italy
- Baldwin III married Matilda of Province, son of Arnold I
- Arnold I married Alice, daughter of Count of Vermandos
- Baldwin II married Eltrude, daughter of Alfred the Great 849-901
- Princess Judith married Baldwin I, Count of Flanders; parents of Baldwin II
- Charles the Bald married Ermentrude, daughter of Count of Orleans; parents of Princess Judith
- Louis I Le Debonaire, son of Charlemagne, married Judith, daughter of the County of Guelph Ottorf, ancestor of the Royal House of Great Britain
- Charlemagne, born 743, died 815; married Hildegarde of Suabia. Son of Pepin the Short
- Pepin the Short of France, married Bertha, daughter of Count of Laon.
- Charles Martel married Rotrude, "Charles the Hammer"
- Pepin Le Hiristall
- Dodo married Anchuses, daughter of the Bishop of Metz
- Pepin the Old, 560-639, "Pepin of Lauden."

More miscellaneous notes
about the BRUEN family...
From Beverly Crifasi to all, December 1995
There are several of us who have BRUEN/BALL interests, so I will give you what I have on them. As far as I am concerned it is extremely speculative, because I have barely scratched the surface on it and not yet gone past secondary sources. I don't see an Esther BRUEN who married Timothy BALL in the BRUEN stuff I have, but that means nothing- these are really just my notes. Her will isn't in the NJ Archives for 1771-1780, but she's mentioned in his will in the 1751-60 volume. Do you have that? Charles Candee Baldwin's "The Baldwin Genealogy from 1500 to 1881" Cleveland, OH, 1881 indicated that he had obtained this Bruen information from George F. Tuttle of NYC; Baldwin said he had intended to publish all of the Bruen material, but the Baldwin Genealogy was too big, so he condensed it. (I'm sure there is more on this family at the NJ Historical Society, but I just haven't gotten to them yet. I will make a note of your Esther and see if I can find anything next time I go there. That will probably be later this month.) CC Baldwin includes "data" that proports to trace John BRUEN's line back several generations to Robert LE BRUEN. It's in the Baldwin Genealogy on pp. 840-843, and I quote:
ROBERT LE BRUEN, 1 the first of the family, appears in a grant of lands bearing date 1230, and had issue:
1. Thomas le Bruen, grantee of lands from John, s. Hugh, s Hanno de Brune
2. Eva, m. Phillip de Stratton
3. ROBERT, 2 heir of Bruen Stapleford
The last had issue: EMMA, 3 sole dau. and heiress, m. ROGER LEBRUEN, and had ch
1. Joan, 4 m. John Holford, and
2. Robert, 4 son and heir; d before 27 Edward III. (1354), and had issue:
1. Robert, 5 who commanded a Company of Archers in France, 30 Edward III., (1357)
2. ROGER, 5 son and heir, by deed, 11 Edward II. (1369); d 35 Edward III. (1662); m. Catharine, dau. John de Leigh, and had issue.
1. Geoffrey, 6 ancestor of the Bruens of Tarvin.
2. Nicholas, 6 m. Ellena, dau. Roger de Praers, and sister and sole heiress of Henry de Praers, of Duddos, and had issue.
ROGER, 7 marriage contract, in 1383, to Catharine, dau. Sir John Norris. By inquisition, 4 Henry VI (1426) <snip> He had issue.
THOMAS, 8 who m. Alice, dau. Thomas Greenway, of Biddulph, County Stafford, who had:
John, 9 second son.
Robert, 9, third son, living 4 Henry VII (1489)
JAMES, 9 eldest, m. the dau., who is heiress of John Dedwoods of Chester, and had issue.
1. John, 10 eldest; m. but d. without issue before 24 Henry VIII (1533), and was succeeded by his brother
2. JAMES,10 who m. Anne, dau. Geoffrey Starkle and Sybella his wife, and eleven ch., of whom the eldest son was
JOHN, 11 He m. a dau. of Ottey, of Ottey, County Salop. He had issue:
JOHN, 12 eldest son; m. 1st, Anne, sister of Sir John Done, who d. without issue; and he m. 2nd, Dorothy, dau. of Thomas Holford, of Holford. John 12 d. in 1587, and had a son
JOHN, 13 bapt. in 1560, the eldest of thirteen ch., the father-in-law of John Baldwin of Milford.
John Bruen's life was published first in 1641, under the title:"The very Singular Life of John Bruen, Esq., of Bruen Stapleford, Cheshire, exhibiting a variety of Memorable and Exemplary Circumstances, which may be of Great Utility to all Persons, but Principally Intended as a Precedent of Piety and Charity for the Inhabitants of the County of Chester. By the Rev. William Hinde, Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford, and Preacher of God's Word at Bunberry, in the aforesaid County." It was republished at Chester in 1799, and in New York in 1857; and a Synopsis was published in Ormerod's "History of Chester." [CC Baldwin goes on for another couple of paragraphs of the wonders of John's character that I will be happy to snail mail to you if you want it. CCB also mentions John, 13's brothers Dutton, of Dutton and Thomas (who attended Oxford with John from 1574-1580) and his sister Catherine. John and Catharine's lives are in Christopher Morton's "Monuments of the Fathers and Reformers. London: 1706. 8 vo." And in case you were wondering- I do not have any of these books!] The genealogy continues on the next page [I added the gen#'s 14 and on]: JOHN,13 bapt. in 1560, d @ 1625 Bruen Stapleford, Cheshire, Eng m. 1st Elizabeth HARDWARE, who d. in 1596, [dau of Henry HARDWARE]; 2nd Anne Fox; and 3rd, Margaret ----. His ch. by 1st m. were:
1. John, 14 succeeded to the estate
2. Anne, 14 bapt Nov. 11, 1586; d. in 1605
3. James, 14 bapt. in 1586
4. Henry, 14 bapt. November, 1588; no issue
5. Elizabeth, 14 bapt. May 28, 1589
6. Calvin, 14 bapt Jan. 7, 1591; Mayor of Chester, and Sheriff of Cheshire in 1656; m. no issue
7. Beza,14 bapt. Feb. 24, 1593
8. Nathaniel, 14 b. July 28, 1597
By his 2nd marriage:
9. Katherine, 14 bapt. Feb 7, 1601
10. Abigail, 14 b. April 8, 1603
11. Jonathan, 14 b. Jan 6, 1605
12. Obadiah, 14 b. Dec 25, 1606+
13. Joseph, 14 b. March 4, 1614
14. Margaret, 14 b. Dec. 8, 1616, and three other ch. bapt. with Margaret
By the 3rd marriage:
15. Mary, 14 bapt 14 Jun 1622 at Bruen Stapleford, Cheshire, Eng, d 2 Sep 1670 at Milford, CT; emigrated to New England with her brother Obadiah and John Baldwin, Sen., of Milford, (ante page 190.) [CC Baldwin Gen.]
16. Son, 14 name unknown
[I have a note, but alas no source, that the surname for Margaret, the 3rd wife, was DONE.]
Obadiah BRUEN, 14 b. Dec. 25, 1606; m. Sarah _____; emigrated to New England. He was Representative in Massachusetts; after that, for fifteen years, Town Clerk of New London, Conn; one of the grantees in the Royal Charter of Connecticut. He was one of the associates in buying Newark and settled there. He had ch.:
1. Mary. (?) May be a mistake of Mr. Savage for Mary, the sister, who m. John Baldwin, Sen [Others think this is a mistake too]
2. Rebecca, 15 m. Thomas Post
3. Hannah, 15 b. Jan. 9, 1644; m. [13 Oct 1653] John BALDWIN, s. John, Sen. of Milford (ante page 300.) [CC Baldwin Gen]
4. John, 15 b. June 2, 1646
[CCB concludes by quoting Tuttle to the effect that (naturally) the Bruen's are descended from the usual collection of famous royals- William the Conqueror; ancient kings of Scotland; Saxon kings of England; Alfred the Great; Hugh Capet; Robert, King of France; Charlemagne and Constantine. Anybody have the sources on all that? (Bev asked ingenuously!) Oh yes, I left out Pepin, the Old; b abt A.D. 560; King John and four or five Barons who signed the Magna Carta. This last if from "At the Sign of the Crest" by Hazel Kraft Eilers in Hobbies, The Magazine for Collectors, Sept. 1952, p. 156. The references she gives for Pepin and company are "The Encyclopedia of American Biography" and "The Ancestry of John Barber White", neither of which I have looked at. Meanwhile, back in the colonies, the Bruens were continuing to create descendants. Eilers adds a few details (e.g. Plymouth) but seems to have relied upon CCB's account from Tuttle:]
Obadiah BRUEN, 14 b. Dec. 25, 1606; m. Sarah _____; landed at Plymouth, Mass., 1640-1. He first settled at Marchfield, Mass. He was admitted "freeman, 1642, selectman 1642 and for several years following. He was Representative in Massachusetts; after that, for fifteen years, Town Clerk of New London, Conn; one of the grantees in the Royal Charter of Connecticut. He was one of the associates in buying Newark and settled there. He had ch.:
1. John,15 b. June 2, 1646 m. Esther Lawrence, dau. of Deacon Richard Lawrence of New Haven, CT
2. Rebecca,15 m. Thomas Post of Norwich
3. Hannah,15 b. Jan. 9, 1644; m. [13 Oct 1653] John BALDWIN, Jr. of Milford [Beware of the confusions over John Baldwin Senior, Junior, John I, John II etc. It is argued- persuasively by some- that the John Baldwin Jr. of Newark was not the son of John Baldwin Senior of Milford although it is agreed that John Baldwin Senior of Milford did have a son named John Baldwin.
Mary BRUEN, 14 b June 14, 1622, Cheshire, Eng. (Obadiah's half sister) m. 13 Oct 1653 John BALDWIN b 24 Jun 1619. Mary BRUEN died 2 Sep 1670. She was John BALDWIN's second wife. His first wife was Mary CAMP. John BALDWIN and Mary CAMP had a son named John BALDWIN, b either 1640 in Milford, CT or 20 Mar 1648 also in Milford. This son is the very same John BALDWIN who married Hannah BRUEN, daughter of Obadiah BRUEN. I made a chart to show this, because I kept getting confused, what with the similar names, dates etc:
Anne Fox m John Bruen m Margaret DONE 2 b 1560 3
| |
Obadiah BRUEN Mary BRUEN - m - John BALDWIN - m - Mary CAMP
b 25 Dec 1606 b 14 Jun 1622 2 b 24 Jun 1619 1
m Sarah _____ 13 Oct 1653 |
| |
Hannah BRUEN - - - - - - - m - - - - - - - John BALDWIN
b 9 Jan 1644 13 Oct 1663 b 1640 or 20 Mar 1648
Another Bruen researcher, this one current, Nancy Hoffman Jones of CA, is the source of some of the following information about John BRUEN's descendants in Newark which I have supplemented with information from the Baldwin Geneaolgy and Conger, EB Crane and NJ Archives (see below).
1. "Collections of the NJ Historical Society- Supplement: Proceedings Commemorative of the Settlement of Newark, NJ on Its 200th Anniversary, Vol VI." W. Whitehead, T. Ward, W. Kinney and S. Congar, Newark, NJ: NJ Historical Society, 1866 (This is Conger Genealogy reference cited by CC Baldwin)
2. "Calendar of NJ Wills Vol. I 1670-1730: Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey. First Series Vol XXIII." William Nelson, Ed., Paterson, NJ: Press Printing and Pub. Co., 1901
3. "Calendar of NJ Wills Vol. II 1730-1750: Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey. First Series Vol XXX." A. Van Doren Honeyman, Somerville, NJ: Unionist-Gazette Assn., Pub., 1918
4. "Calendar of NJ Wills Vol. III 1751-1760: Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey. First Series Vol XXXII." A. Van Doren Honeyman, Somerville, NJ: Unionist-Gazette Assn., Pub., 1924
John BRUEN, 15 b. June 2, 1646 m. Esther Lawrence, dau. of Deacon Richard Lawrence of New Haven, CT
1. Eleasor, 16 (or Eleazor or Eleazer) [See #2 above p. 66 BROWNE, Eleazer Nov 20, 1711 Wife Ruth BRUIN; 3 sons, unnamed] m 1st----?
1. Eleazor, 17 m. Charity GILBERT [? mentioned in will of Samuel Cooper Aug, 2, 1737- "bonds due from . . . Eleazer BRUEN" P. 110 #3 above]
1. Eleasor, 18 [?Is he Elezer BRUEN a neighbor of Eliphalet JOHNSON p. 177-8 #4 above?]
2. Caleb, 18 m. Anna WHEELER
1. Matthias, 19 m. Hannah COE
2. Caleb, 19 b. 1768
3. James, 19 b. 1780
4. Phebe, 19
3. James, 18
4. Mathias, 18
Eleazor, 16 m. 2nd Ruth BALDWIN [See # 2 above p. 67 BRUIN, Ruth July 11, 1717 widow of Eleazer BROWNE; stepson Eleazer BRUIN; sons Timothy & Obadia; executors include "brother" Joseph BRUIN]
2. Obadiah, 17 m. ---? [may be bondsman mentioned in will of Isaac Baldwin p. 32 and witness to will of Stephen Freeman p. 559-60, #3 above]
1. Daniel, 18 m. ----? [?could be Daniel BROWNE whose will is p. 70 #3 above; dau. Mary WARD, Abigail ROBARDS, Esther TICHNOR & Dorcas BRUIN; also mentions Dorcas WARD (dec); son-in-law David WARD and grandson Joshua WARD]
1. Jabez, 19
1. Daniel, 20
2. George, 20
3. William D., 20
[not clear 1. Julia, 21 m. Mort. S. Ward if these 2. George A., 21 m. Anna Sanders + issue are
1. William G, 22 1860-1937 m Ellen Mulford 1869-1941 from George
2. S. Georgianna, 22 m Julia L. or both]
3. Stephen, 22
4. John Elliot,22
3. William D., 21
4. James, 21
5. Clementine, 21 m. Theo Runyon
6. L.F. Bruen, 21
4. James, 20
2. Obadiah, 18
3. Abraham, 18
1. Elias, 19
1. C.T. Bruen, 20
3. Timothy, 17 m. Lydia CRANE? (conjecture- see EB Crane p. 27; is he the Timothy BRUEN paid from estate of Joseph MEEKER p. 330 #3 above?])
1. Thaddeus, 18
2. Nathanial, 18
3. Josiah, 18
4. Josephus, 18
5. Phebe, 18
6. Charlotte, 18 m. ? FARRAND
7. Catherine, 18 m ? CRANE
2. Joseph, 16 [Executor to estate of Ruth BRUIN p. 67 #2 above; ?debtor mentioned in will of Cornelius BOARD? P. 49-50, beneficiary in will of John Carinton (Carrington) p. 84 executor of will of Samuel DAVIS p. 136 neighbor of Thomas DAVIS P. 136 #3 above and neighbor of Samuel WARD p. 348 #4 above?]
1. David, 17 m. 1 ----? [?Is he Executor of will of Jasper CRANE p. 122, "friend" of James Davis will who renounces Executorship p. 134 #3 above? and/or executor of will of Nathanial WARD p. 348 #4 above?] m. 2 Phebe CRANE
3. John, 16 [?debtor mentioned in wills of Cornelius BOARD? P. 49-50 and John Carinton (Carrington) p. 84 and neighbor of Thomas DAVIS P. 136 #3 above?]
1. John, 17 [?John Jr whose will is p. 45 #4 above?]
2. Joshua, 17
3. Joseph, 17 [? Is he debtor mentioned in will of Cornelius BOARD? P. 49-50, beneficiary in will of John Carinton (Carrington) p. 84 executor of will of Samuel DAVIS p. 136 neighbor of Thomas DAVIS P. 136 #3 above, neighbor of Samuel WARD p. 348 #4 above? and/or witness of will of John van Winkle Sr p. 340 #4 above?]
4. Rebecca, 16 ?
5. Esther,16? m. Joseph BALDWIN
Note also: On p. 82 #3 above there is mentioned Phebe BRUEN daughter of Israel CANFIELD. I didn't notice- because I wasn't looking then- whether this Esther BRUEN who supposedly married Joseph BALDWIN was in the CCB Gen.- I don't own it- only some photocopied pages, but it is well indexed and I will search for her in it if you want. I know that book (and its supplement) are available on microfiche and also as reprints, although they have been on my "too expensive list".
Sorry I can't be of more assistance- I'm too new at this and have just not done that much with the BRUENs. I would be interested in and grateful for anything you find on them. BTW, I haven't looked for them at all in most of the NJ Archive books; what is mentioned above is as far as I have gotten. Regards- Bev Crifasi, PO Box 122, Caldwell, NJ 07006-0122
Subject: Fwd: BRUEN/DAVIS royal links
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 1995 13:21:38 -0500
From: [email protected] (Judy Gluck)
BRUEN/DAVIS - source says DAVIS FAMILY is direct desc. of OBADIAH BRUEN plus CALEB I DAVIS'S wife, RUTH BRUEN is desc. of OBADIAH [see btm. of this] note: "to" = "parent of" [BALDWIN - ties in this tree - have no records of this] Read that out of 350 orig. early colonists - 167 families can tie into royal genealogy.
CEDRIC [invaded Eng. in 495 -d. 534 to CREOLA to CYNERIC to CEAWLIN to
EAFA to EATHMUND to EGBERT to ETHELWULF to BEGGA (son) b. 638 to
PEPIN le GROS b. 650-741, to CHARLES MARTEL to PEPIN the SHORT (son)
b. ca. 715, d. 9/1/768 - grandfather of great monarch: CHARLEMAGNE - b. 4/2/742,
d. 1/28/814, to LOUIS le DEBONNAIRE - b. 778, d. 6/20/840 to CHARLES II
(son) - the Bald b.823, d. Nov.-877 to JUDITH (dau.) mrd. BALDWIN I -D. 877
(Baldwin I kidnapped her by horseback from her husband & father and then married her;
their son was: ALFRED THE GREAT to BALDWIN II (the Bald) mrd.
ELFRIDA to ARNOLF I (the Old) b. 874. d. 3/27/964 to
BALDWIN III - d. 1/17/961 to ARNOLF II - The Young d. 3/30/989 to
BALDWIN IV known as PULCHA BARBA (COMELY BEARD) d 5/10/1036 to
- b 1081 - 1101 to WILLIAM de BLOIS - he adopted his wife's name) AKA: WILLIAM de SULLI to
dau.: MARGARET de SULLI mrd HENRY de EU - 1150-1183 to ALIX (dau) mrd
RALPH de EXODUM - b. before 1172 d. 1219. to dau. MATILDE mrd HUMPHREY de BOHUN
- 9/24/1275 to dau. ALICE de BOHUN mrd RALPH de TONY to GUY de BEAUCHAMP to
MAUD de BEAUCHAMP (dau) mrd GEOFREY de SAY - 1305-6/26/1356 to IDONEA de SAY
de MONTFORT (dau) mrd GEORGE BOOTH (d. 1483) to SIR WILLIAM BOOTH (son)
- d 11/9/1519 to JANE BOOTH (dau) mrd THOMAS HOLFORD - d 9/24/1569 to
DOROTHY HOLFORD (dau) MARRIED: JOHN BRUYN (BRUEN) b. 1560 - d.1/18/1625
to OBADIAH BRUEN ["our" Obadiah from Newark, NJ] b. 1606
JOHN BRUEN (son) b. 1646
b. Jan 17, 1717 is "supposed" to be grand-dau? of John CALEB I is the son
1689/90 - 1 Feb 1778. The same Sarah who mrd. into BALL family.
I will send DAVIS genealogy soon.
PROBLEM: The above royal lines are "believe it or not" until I can get back to NJ to find the source refs. for you. My husband copied it - our 1st trip and did not write down the source at Morristown Public Library, NJ. Sorry! There are discrepancies in royal lines - for those interested you can surf thru many groups on the web: one: [Newsgroup: soc.genealogy.medieval] Submitted by: Judy Gluck
Subject: Fwd: Addition to BRUEN/DAVIS royal links
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 1995 20:00:53 -0500
From: [email protected]
I found more in my records. Please note additions in [*] words from the preceding e-mail:
DOROTHY HOLFORD (dau) MARRIED: JOHN BRUYN (BRUEN) b. 1560 - d.1/18/1625 to
OBADIAH BRUEN ["our" Obadiah from Newark, NJ] b. 1606
*JOHN BRUEN (son) b. 1646 had son:
My ancestor: RUTH BRUEN DAVIS w. of CALEB I DAVIS b. Jan 17, 1717
*[The above shows John "is" her grandfather]
CALEB I is the son of JONATHAN DAVIS. JONATHAN'S sister is: SARAH DAVIS b. 1689/90 - 1 Feb 1778. The same Sarah who mrd. into BALL family. I will send DAVIS genealogy soon.*JONATHAN'S father is THOMAS DAVIS. *THOMAS'S father is *STEPHEN DAVIS.
*The royal genealogy was taken from old NJ State books in possession of the Clarence Dillon Public Library, history room, near Lamington, NJ. STATE OF NEW JERSEY - there is an index volume. Found under Bio. of DAVIS, William Jerome, attorney, b. 1858. Also, saw roy. gen. at Morristown. Will get full citations of sources when I go back there. Thank you. Judy Gluck |