Matthew Evans Estate-1845



Matthew Evans Estate Record



Estate of MATTHEW EVANS-1845
Warren County, North Carolina

Surveyed March 1845 for the Heirs of MATTHEW EVANS of the County of Warren and State of N. Carolina one certain tract of land situate lying and being the County and state aforesaid and bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning at a red and white oak on the south side of the Shingle branch thence up said branch as it meanders to the mouth of the Tarkill branch thence up the said Tar kill branch to its head at MILES BOBBITT fence thence south 40E to an old stump in JOHN HAITHCOCK's line thence East 47cl 25 to a pine MILES BOBBITT's and WILLIAM HAITHCOCK's corner thence North to the beginning containing fifty six acres, and divided in the following manner, to wit,
Lot No.1 drawn by FANNEY TONEY and bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning at a Black Jack and in JOHN HAITHCOCKS line thence East 3 cl to a black jack thence North 34 cl 25 links to a persimmon on the bank of the Tar Kill branch thence up the Tar Kill branch to its head at MILES BOBBITT's fence thence south 40c to the first station containing 7 acres.

Lot No.2 drawn by MOSES EVANS and bounded as follows to wit, beginning at a Black jack corner of Lot No.1 thence East 22cl 25 links to a Spanish oak bush near a hickory thence North 12cl 13 links to a stone thence west to a pine the line of Lot No.1, thence south 12cl 13 links to the beginning containing seven acres.

Lot No.3 drawn by ISAAC and bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning at a pile of stones corner of Lot No.2 thence North 12cl 13 links to an other pile of stones thence west 22cl 25 links to a bunch of sowerwoods in line of Lot No.2 thence south 12cl 13 links to a pine corner of Lot No.2 in line of Lot No.1 thence East to the first station containing seven acres.

Lot No.4 drawn by HENRY EVANS and bounded as follows (to wit) beginning at corner of Lot No.3 a pile of stones a little north of the house thence west 22cl 25L to a bunch of sowerwoods in line of Lot No.1 thence north along line of Lot No.1 10cl 40 links to a persimmon tree on the Tar kill branch thence down the said branch to a white oak thence East to a stake thence south 12cl 13 links to the first station containing seven acres.

Lot No.5 drawn by CRECY GREEN and bounded as follows (to wit) beginning at a Spanish oak bush near a hickory corner of Lot No.2 thence east 22cl 25 links to a pine MILES BOBBITT & WM. HAITHCOCK's corner thence south 12cl 13 links to a buch of sowerwoods near a post oak stump thence west 22cl 25 links o a pile of stones, thence south to the first station containing seven acres.

Lot No.6 drawn by NANCY GREEN and bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning at a bunch of sowerwood bushes near a post oak stump corner of Lot No.5 thence west along the line of Lot No.5 22cl 25 links to a pile of stones thence north 12cl 13 links to another pile of stones a little north of the house thence east 22cl 25 links to a stake thence south to the first station containing seven acres.

Lot No.7 drawn by CEILY TONEY and bounded as follows (to wit) beginning at a stake corner of Lot No.6 thence along the line of Lot No.6 west 22cl 25 links to a pile of stone a little north of the house thence north 12 cl 13 links to a stake thence east to a pine thence south to the first station containing seven acres.

Lot No.8 drawn by PATIENCE MARTIAL and bounded as follows (to wit) beginning at a pine corner of Lot No.7 thence west along the line of Lot No.7 and Lot No.4 44cl to a white oak on the Tar kill branch thence down the said branch to where it empties into the Shingle branch, thence down the Shingle branch to a red and white oak thence south 8 cl to the beginning containing seven acres.

State of N. Carolina
Warren County

In obedience to an order to us directed from the worshipful the County Court of Warren November Term 1844, we the undersigned commissioners appointed to divide the lands of Matthew Evans dec’d, have divided the same according to the prayer of the petitioners in the following manner to wit,

Lot No. 1 drawn by Fanny Toney containing seven acres valued $1.50 cts per acre making the sum of $10.50 his equal share being $8.75 he is to pay to lot No. 2 $ 1.75 cts the boundary of which can be seen by reference surveyors report.

Lot 2 drawn by Moses Evans containing seven acres valued at $7 his equal share being $8.75. He is to receive from Lot No. 1 $1.75 the boundary of which can be seen by reference to the surveyors report.

Lot No. 3 drawn by Isaac Evans and containing seven acres valued at $1.25 cts per acre making the sum of $8.75 which is his equal share the boundary of which can be seen by reference to the surveyors report.

Lot No. 4 drawn by Henry Evans valued at $1.25 cts per acre and containing seven acres making the sum of $8.75 which is his equal share.

Lot No. 5 drawn by Crecy Green and valued at $1.50 cts per acre and containing seven acres making the sum of $10.50 his equal share being $8.75 cts he is to pay to Lot 7 $1.75 the bound of which can be seen by reference to th surveyors report.

Lot No. 6 drawn by Nancy Green and valued at $1.50 cts per acre and containing seven acres making the sum of ten dollars and fifty cents, is to pay to Lot No. 8 one dollar and seventy five cents her equal share being only eight dollars and seventy five cents.

Lot No. 7 Drawn by Cely Toney and valued at one dollar per acre making the sum of seven dollars her equal share being eight dollars and seventy five cents. She is to receive from Lot No. 5 one dollar and seventy five cents the boundary of which can be seen by reference to the surveyors report.

Lot No. 8 drawn by Patience Martial and valued at one dollar per acre making the sum of seven dollars his equal share being eight dollars and seventy five cents. He is to receive from Lot No. 6 one dollar and seventy five cents the boundary of which can be seen by reference to the surveyors report.
All of which is respectfully submitted.

W. C. Williams
Miles Bobbitt
David D. W. Dowtin

Warren County May Court 1845
This report was confirmed by the Court & ordered to be recorded.



Documents: Pg.1, Pg.2, Pg.3, Pg.4, Pg.5







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