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Across the Fence



By Arvord Abernethy

April 2, 1982


Most of Hamilton County received good rains Saturday, but they were accompanied by high winds. Little damage from the winds has been received; the value of the rains would greatly outweigh any damage.


The official rainfall at the Soil Conservation office was 1.61 inches, which is slightly less than most reports over town. Amounts over the county varied greatly as you will see from the following reports.


Mrs. Willie Roberts, south of Indian Gap, reported .60 (6/10) of an inch and Evelyn Fuqua, north of Gentry’s Mill reported .70 inch. Mrs. Roy Chumney said it varied from 2.10 to 2.50 inch in the West Point community. Jeff Perry reported 3 inches at his place which is about 2 miles north of town, and the same amount was reported by Lester Roberts and Cecil Grisham in the Lanham community. Mrs. James Billingsley also reported three inches in the Ohio community.


Many people reported that there was enough runoff water to fill stock tanks that were either dry or nearly so. Very little rain was reported at Comanche, so Lake Proctor may not have caught much.


The Texas Almanac gives the average rainfall for Hamilton County in March to be 1.90 inches. The official amount recorded at the Soil Conservation office for March is 3.98 and I recorded 4.45 inches, so we are well above for March. The official amount received so far this year is 6.17 inches which is slightly less than the Texas Almanac gives for the first three months.


Many farmers report that they have their corn and maize planted and some of the corn is up. The rain fell so hard along with the high winds, some farmers may be concerned about the ground packing enough to keep freshly planted maize from coming up. Some early gardens are really looking good and, with some more spring rains, should do real well. A mess of new potatoes and green beans would really hit the spot now.


Shared by Roy Ables




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People and Places: Gazetteer of Hamilton County, TX
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Copyright © March, 1998
by Elreeta Crain Weathers, B.A., M.Ed.,  
(also Mrs.,  Mom, and Ph. T.)

A Work In Progress