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By Arvord Abernethy

April, 1981


I had heard that they were having a Children’s Story Hour at the Hamilton Public Library, but it was really revealed one Tuesday morning a while back when I happened to be in the library just as the hour was breaking up.


There was a host of happy pre-schoolers and their mothers, chattering and checking out books. I asked Mrs. Robinson, the librarian, who was responsible for such an enthusiastic program and she told me that Mrs. Nichols of Shive was the leader.


I called Mrs. Nichols and told her that I would like to learn more about the program, so I listened in on part of the story last Tuesday.


I met Mrs. Nichols, Vicki, as she is known, and found her to be a little dynamo of energy, ability and love for children. Her past experiences as a teacher of children has well equipped her for this story telling project. When asked why she wanted to undertake such a program, she stated that she felt that it would be great for children to learn that books can be interesting and that books can be one of their best friends.


She told of a very shy boy she had in a class before she came here. It was a long time before she could get him to respond in any way, but she finally broke the shell he was encased in and he became a responsive boy. She felt that helping that one boy was worth all the effort that she had put out.


Mrs. Nichols also wanted to do something in community life that would put her in contact with other young mothers. The Nichols have two young sons; I’ll introduce the family to you a little later.


Vicki told a story this week of a man in Paris , France . She got the attention of the children with a little hand puppet and she had him speaking French, as she wanted the children to learn other languages are spoken around the world. She later told me that she hoped that none of the mothers there spoke French as hers might not have had the right sound. As the story unfolded, boys and girls sat close around her on the floor, all eyes and ears, as Vicki went from page to page telling the story and showing the pictures.


About once a month, she entertains the children with a puppet show. On these days, the largest group of children attend, as often the day care mothers bring the children they are keeping. She is planning now to give a Valentine puppet show on February 10th.


Vicki would be glad for other mothers to bring their pre-school children to the story hour. If you would like to know more about the program, you might call Mrs. C. E. Nichols at Shive or Mrs. Lydia Robinson at the Hamilton Public Library. I visited the children’s room at the library and found it full of books for every child from little tots on up through the elementary grades. Regardless of what age you are, you should drop by the library some day and browse around; you will find something you like.


If you have the opportunity, please meet the Nichols, Clifford, better known as Kip, is a native of Houston and is a geophysics consultant. Vicki is a native of Ozona and she met Kip in Harlingen where she was teaching with Kip’s sister. He had just returned from a term of service in Vietnam .


After their marriage, the Texaco Company sent them to West Africa for about a year and a half, and then on to Indonesia . After returning, they lived in Houston , but it had long been their dream to live in a more rural area, so they bought a house in Shive right on the “corner of Main and Broadway’ and they also bought the old Wagner farm across the corner. Vicki has an uncle living near Evant, Alex Applewhite, and he is running some cattle on the farm.


The Nichols have two wide awake sons, Clifford is now four and Derek is two. They attend the First United Methodist Church in Hamilton and are finding Hamilton County a great place to call home.





 Shared by Roy Ables




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People and Places: Gazetteer of Hamilton County, TX
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Copyright © March, 1998
by Elreeta Crain Weathers, B.A., M.Ed.,  
(also Mrs.,  Mom, and Ph. T.)

A Work In Progress