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The purpose of the Wiregrass Genealogical Society is to research and preserve the history of the Middle Georgia counties consisting of Bleckley, Dodge, Laurens, Pulaski, Twiggs, Telfair and Wilkinson.

Our first meeing was held in April 1999. An informal organization was established in May 1999. We adopted our by-laws in November and had our first formal election in December 1999 for the Wiregrass Genealogical Society.

Our first elected board was:

  President: Billy White
  Vice-President: Skeet Brown
  Secretary: Doris Dixon
  Treasurer: Betty J. Smith

In 2000 we began our quarterly newsletter, activated our website and the Eastman Council Chamber in City Hall became our home.

Our first projects as a new group were to update the Bleckley County cemeteries and to put our individual family trees in our local libraries.We suggested that all members get their family history information compiled, copied, and put in a binder and donate to the Society to be placed in one of our county libraries.



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Wiregrass Genealogical Society


All Meetings
First Thursday of the month
6:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers
Eastman, Georgia

There is no meeting in July


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