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Oscar Lee Pierce Family

Source: Jacob Carpenter

Oscar Lee Pierce was born on 25 Nov 1890 to John A. Pierce (Pearce) and Elafare "Fairy" Malinda Lindsey. He married on 05 Jan 1925 at Oconee to Laura Lee McCoy, a daughter and second daughter of Rufus Elsbury and Willie Nora McCoy.

Oscar worked as a farmer before his marriage, and eventually worked in a saw mill. With Laura, he had two sons.

Their children were:

Alton Pierce
Roger Lee Pierce

Oscar died on 25 April 1928 at Oconee, and Laura remarried to Robert Lee Giles, son of Alex Hamilton and Sallie (Ellis) Giles. Oscar is buried at Antioch Christian Church Cemetery in Oconee, laid in an unmarked grave on Laura's right side, while Robert Giles in on her left. Alton died very young, and lays somewhere nearby.

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This Page was Created July 2008 | Last Modified Sunday, 15-Mar-2015 14:16:51 MDT