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John Kendrick Family

Contributed by Gerry Hill

John Kendrick was born in 1756 at Granville Co North Carolina. He died 14 December 1802 at Washington Co. Ga. He was the son of James Kendrick Rev. Sol. and Susannah Robertson.

He was in the Revolution in Granville as well as his Father and Brothers.

John married Martha Montgomery at Richmond Co Ga. She was the daughter of John Montgomery and Mary Wilcox of Chatham Co NC.

Their children were:

Mary Kendrick born 1789. Married John Carter 1804.
Meridith Kendrick born 1790. Married Charity Harvey 1814.
Pricilla Kendrick. Married Theophilus Isham Goode.
Saline Kendrick. Married John Monk.
Elizabeth A Kendrick.

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This Page was Created July 2008 | Last Modified Sunday, 15-Mar-2015 14:16:50 MDT