Churches Troup County, GA |
Coordinate Style : |
Cemeteries in Troup County, GA
About the Troup County GenWeb Project
About the GA GenWeb Project
About the US GenWeb Project
Cemetery | Address | Coordinates | Pictures |
Advent Lutheran Church | 1416 Old Vernon St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0335166,-85.054983 | TR156G1.JPG,TR156G2.JPG,TR156G3.JPG |
Antioch Baptish (Hogansville) Church | 1142 Blue Creek Rd., Hogansville, GA | False,33.182,-84.894516 | TR1G1.JPG,TR1G2.JPG |
Antioch Baptist (LaGrange) Church | 129 Sunset St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0574666,-85.037683 | TR155G1.JPG,TR155G2.JPG |
Applying the Word Church | 838A New Franklin Rd., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0672,-85.028516 | |
Arbor Grove Baptist Church | 200 Brown St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.029,-85.021333 | |
Asbury United Methodiist Church | 4320 Youngs Mill Rd., Hogansville, GA | False,33.1615833,-84.996183 | TR21G1.JPG,TR21G2.JPG |
Ayres Memorial United Methodist Church | 2771 West Point Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0164,-85.09475 | TR4G1.JPG,TR4G2.JPG |
Baptist Tabernacle Church | 849 S. Davis Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0320833,-84.987166 | TR205G1.JPG,TR205G2.JPG |
Bethel Baptist Church | 7855 West Point Rd., West Point, GA | False,32.8980666,-85.162816 | TR23G1.JPG,TR23G2.JPG |
Bethel United Methodist Church | False,32.91175,-85.104083 | TR15G1.JPG,TR15G2.JPG | |
Bethel-Chapel Baptist Church | 210 Handley St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0255,-85.031833 | |
Bethlehem Baptist (West Point) Church | 1109 E. 10th St., West Point, GA | False,32.87575,-85.1688 | TR24G1.JPG,TR24G2.JPG |
Bible Baptist Church | False,33.1331666,-85.034033 | TR151G1.JPG,TR151G2.JPG | |
Big Springs United Methodist Church | False,32.9921,-84.915966 | TR25G1.JPG,TR25G2.JPG | |
Bishop Darden Ministry Church | 513 Miller St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0293333,-85.038333 | |
Bright Star Church | False,32.8903666,-85.000716 | TR26G1.JPG | |
Bringing Back The Gospel Church | False,33.0436666,-85.019083 | TR32G1.JPG,TR32G2.JPG | |
Burkes Chapel United Methodist Church | 855 Burkes Chapel Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,32.9265333,-84.994916 | TR27G1.JPG,TR27G2.JPG |
Callaway Church | True,33.0404,-84.9635 | ||
Callaway Baptist Church | 310 John Lovelace Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0080166,-84.96975 | TR189G1.JPG,TR189G2.JPG |
Canaan Baptist Church | Moody Bridge | ||
Carter's Temple | 500 S. Lee St. LaGrange, GA | True,33.0305,-85.050666 | |
Cedarcrest Community Church | False,33.03545,-85.083616 | TR133G1.JPG,TR133G2.JPG | |
Central Baptist Church | 506 Hamilton Rd., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0299,-85.0244 | |
Christ Gospel Church | False,33.0763333,-85.026533 | TR245G1.JPG,TR245G2.JPG | |
Church of Christ | True,33.0279,-85.0244 | ||
Church of Christ - Murphy St. | 1301 Murphy Ave., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0204,-85.038983 | TR31G1.JPG,TR31G2.JPG |
Church of Christ Bartley Road Church | 1638 Bartley Road, LaGrange, GA | False,32.9508,-85.032066 | TR259G1.JPG,TR259G2.JPG |
South Park Avenue Church of Christ | 1208 Park Ave., LaGrange, GA | False,33.02095,-85.04155 | TR30G1.JPG,TR30G2.JPG |
Church of Christ - Northside | 1101 Hogansville Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0514333,-85.007416 | |
Church of Christ (Hogansville) | 4885 Mountville Rd. Hogansville, GA | False,33.1657333,-84.901266 | TR211G1.JPG,TR211G2.JPG |
Broad Street Church of God | 408 Broad St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.03975,-85.039133 | TR142G1.JPG,TR142G2.JPG |
Callaway Park Church of God | 501 4th Ave., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0202833,-85.038 | TR33G1.JPG,TR33G2.JPG |
Church of God | True,33.0226,-85.0519 | ||
Gray Hill Church of God | 2351 Bartley Road, LaGrange, GA | False,32.9390833,-85.05765 | |
Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints | 115 Clark St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0303333,-85.0553 | |
Church of the King | 911 Murphy Ave., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0249,-85.039016 | TR161G1.JPG,TR161G2.JPG |
Clearview Chapel | 2101 Davis Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0126833,-85.012566 | TR169G1.JPG,TR169G2.JPG |
Concord Baptist Church | 3311 Mooty Bridge Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.1072666,-85.077033 | TR10G1.JPG,TR10G2.JPG |
Confidence Missionary Baptist Church | 705 Colquitt Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0246666,-85.013733 | TR192G1.JPG,TR192G2.JPG |
Congregational Beth El | 210 Church St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0419666,-85.03185 | TR36G1.JPG,TR36G2.JPG |
Corinth United Methodist Church | 620 Highway 100, Hogansville, GA | True,33.1971666,-84.921166 | |
Cornerstone Church | 104 Lukken Industrial Dr., LaGrange, GA | False,33.01305,-85.030883 | TR170G1.JPG,TR170G2.JPG |
County Line Church | True,32.9499,-84.8902 | ||
Courts of Praise Church | False,33.0194166,-85.084566 | TR135G1.JPG,TR135G2.JPG | |
Courts of Praise Christan Center | 1904 Hamilton Rd., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0028333,-85.016 | |
Covenant Presbyterian Church | 116 Church St., LaGrange, GA | ||
Cross Road Fellowship Church | 1890 Baughs Cross Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,32.91555,-85.02095 | TR162G1.JPG,TR162G2.JPG |
Dallas Presbyterian Church | 1234 Wares Cross Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.1075,-85.074266 | TR16G1.JPG,TR16G2.JPG |
Davidson Baptist Church | 2921 SR 18, West Point, GA | False,32.8786833,-85.116533 | TR38G1.JPG,TR38G2.JPG |
Destiny Worship Center | 190 Industrial Rd., Hogansville, GA | False,33.15145,-84.915616 | TR234G1.JPG,TR234G2.JPG |
Dunson Baptist Church | 5 Bernard Ave., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0455333,-85.007766 | TR40G1.JPG,TR40G2.JPG |
Eagle's Nest Cathedral | 1306 E. 10th St., West Point, GA | False,32.87485,-85.16735 | TR247G1.JPG,TR247G2.JPG |
East La Grange Baptist Church | 312 Hines St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0382,-85.029133 | TR42G1.JPG,TR42G2.JPG |
East Vernon Baptist Church | 2918 Roanoke Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0338666,-85.103 | TR8G1.JPG,TR8G2.JPG |
Eastside Baptist Church | 1016 Mason St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0297666,-85.009416 | |
Eastside Community Church | False,33.0631833,-85.008366 | TR146G1.JPG,TR146G2.JPG | |
Ebenezer Baptist Church | False,32.91695,-84.901033 | TR44G1.JPG,TR44G2.JPG,TR44G3.JPG | |
Ebenezer Presbyterian Church | 308 E. Main St., Hogansville, GA | False,33.1725,-84.911016 | TR239G1.JPG,TR239G2.JPG |
Emmanuel Chapel CME Church | 1309 E. 10th St., West Point, GA | False,32.8753166,-85.167 | TR45G1.JPG,TR45G2.JPG,TR45G3.JPG |
Emmaus Primitive Baptist Church | Emmaus Rd., Hogansville, GA | False,33.1579333,-84.8664 | TR46G1.JPG,TR46G2.JPG |
Faith Baptist (LaGrange) Church | 552 Hammett Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0725166,-84.999966 | TR145G3.JPG,TR145G4.JPG |
Faith Baptist (Hogansville) Church | False,33.1756166,-84.907766 | TR244G1.JPG,TR244G2.JPG | |
Faith Believers Ministries | 210 Handley St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0253333,-85.031833 | |
Faith Temple Church of Deliverance | 221 Edgewood Ave. | False,33.01975,-85.017516 | TR231G1.JPG,TR231G2.JPG |
Family Worship Center | 200 Industrial Rd., Hogansville, GA | False,33.1506166,-84.915883 | TR243G1.JPG,TR243G2.JPG |
First Assembly of God (Hogansville) Church | 430 Corinth Rd., Hogansville, GA | False,33.1888333,-84.918883 | TR22G1.JPG,TR22G2.JPG |
First Assembly of God (LaGrange) Church | 1700 S. Davis Rd. LaGrange, GA1700 | False,33.0168,-85.00315 | TR187G1.JPG,TR187G2.JPG |
First Baptist (Hogansville) Church | E. Main St., Logansville, GA | False,33.17215,-84.910466 | TR206G1.JPG,TR206G2.JPG |
First Baptist (LaGrange) Church | 204 Fannin St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0312,-85.0266 | |
First Baptist (West Point) Church | 301 E. 8th St., West Point, GA; | False,32.8756833,-85.1772 | TR50G1.JPG,TR50G2.JPG |
First Baptist on the Square Church | 100 Broad St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0395,-85.032333 | TR48G1.JPG,TR48G2.JPG |
First Hispanic Of LaGrange Church | 802 Truitt Ave., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0288166,-85.036116 | |
First Methodist (West Point) Church | 306 E. 7th., West Point, GA | False,32.8743333,-85.1777 | TR47G1.JPG,TR47G2.JPG |
First Presbyterian Church | 120 Broad St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.03965,-85.033383 | TR53G1.JPG,TR53G2.JPG |
First United Methodist (Hogensville) Church | 414 E. Main St., Hogansville, GA | False,33.1727166,-84.911483 | TR228G1.JPG,TR228G2.JPG |
First United Methodist (LaGrange) Church | 401 Broad St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.03935,-85.03685 | TR52G1.JPG,TR52G2.JPG |
Flat Shoals Salem Rd Baptist Church | False,32.90435,-84.96845 | TR55G1.JPG,TR55G2.JPG | |
Franklin Road Baptist Church | New Franklin Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0780166,-85.028166 | TR56G2.JPG,TR56G3.JPG |
Friendship Baptist (1) Church | Gabbettville Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,32.9428166,-85.131216 | TR57G1.JPG,TR57G2.JPG |
Friendship Baptist (2) Church | 106 N. Bernard Ave., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0537666,-85.007816 | TR193G1.JPG,TR193G2.JPG |
God's Open Door Church of Praise | 525 Greenville St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0411,-85.0203 | TR101G1.JPG,TR101G2.JPG |
Grace Baptist Church | 3731 West mPoint Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0018333,-85.118133 | |
Grace Covenant Worship Center | 1402 Bass Cross Rd., Hogansville, GA | False,33.15425,-84.875316 | TR220G1.JPG,TR220G2.JPG |
Grey Hill Baptist Church | 3285 Bartley Rd., West Point, GA | False,32.9284833,-85.07425 | TR14G1.JPG |
Hall's Chapel Baptist Church | 434 Burkes Chapel Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,32.9226333,-85.00785 | TR163G1.JPG,TR163G2.JPG |
Harmony United Methodist Church | 5831 Roanoke Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0411666,-85.196833 | TR21C1.JPG |
New Harmony CME Church | Adams Road, West Point, GA | False,32.90285,-85.099283 | TR80G1.JPG,TR80G2.JPG |
Harrisonville Baptist Church | 2885 Highway 54, Hogansville, GA | False,33.1762833,-84.9916 | TR194G1.JPG,TR194G2.JPG |
Heart of Worship Assembly of God Church | 1848 Lukken Industrial Dr. LaGrange, GA | False,33.0188666,-85.0744 | TR246G1.JPG,TR246G2.JPG |
Heavenly Heights International Ministries | False,32.9884666,-85.0389 | TR72G1.JPG,TR72G2.JPG | |
Higher Dimension Ministries | False,33.0263333,-85.056933 | TR157G1.JPG,TR157G2.JPG | |
Highland Baptist Church | 407 Askew Ave., Hogansville, GA | False,33.1791666,-84.90635 | TR207G1.JPG,TR207G2.JPG |
Hillcrest Baptist Church | 3637 New Franklin Rd, Hogansville, GA | True,33.1368,-85.0405 | |
Hillcrest United Methodist Church | 3439 New Franklin Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.1312666,-85.040666 | TR60G1.JPG,TR60G2.JPG |
Hillside Congregational Christian Church | True,33.0301,-85.0508 | ||
Hilyer Baptist Church | 88 Lower Big Springs Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,32.9819333,-84.990183 | TR63G1.JPG,TR63G2.JPG |
Hogansville Church of God | 316 Holmes St., Hogansville, GA | False,33.1773166,-84.903533 | TR214G1.JPG,TR214G2.JPG |
I Am That I Am Tabernacle | 1510 Highway 29., West Point, GA | False,32.8843666,-85.1701 | TR232G1.JPG,TR232G2.JPG |
Jackson Street Holiness Church | True,33.0285,-85.0524 | ||
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses | 1518 S. Davis Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0181666,-84.997 | TR221G1.JPG,TR221G2.JPG |
Jesus Christ House of Prayer | 106 Handley St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0253833,-85.0305 | |
Keeney Memorial United Methodist Church | 703 Avenue K, West Point | False,32.8736166,-85.1702 | TR229G1.JPG,TR229G2.JPG,TR229G3.JPG |
La Casa Del Alfarero Church | 223 Oak St., Hogansville, GA | False,33.17275,-84.9141 | TR240G1.JPG,TR240G2.JPG |
LaGrange Church of God in Christ Church | Miami St, LaGrange, GA.30241 | False,33.0256666,-85.018816 | TR255G1.JPG,TR255G2.JPG |
LaGrange Church of God | 672 Hudson St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.00435,-85.119433 | TR212G1.JPG,TR212G2.JPG |
LaGrange Pentecostal Holiness Church | False,33.0491166,-85.013133 | TR85G1.JPG,TR85G2.JPG | |
Lakeview Baptist Church | 267 Maley Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0103166,-85.124 | TR258G1.JPG,TR258G2.JPG |
Landmark Baptist Church | 7204 Hamilton Rd., Pine Mountain, GA | False,32.8897666,-84.8918 | TR254G1.JPG,TR254G2.JPG |
Lebanon Church | False,32.9393,-85.058083 | TR12G1.JPG | |
Leete Hill Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church | 810Hamilton Rd., LaGrange, GA | True,33.026,-85.0241 | |
Liberty Worship Center Church | 202 W, Broome St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.03755,-85.033366 | |
Life & Spirit Church Church | 4157 Greenville Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0375833,-84.8894 | TR261G1.JPG,TR261G2.JPG |
Lighthouse Church of God | 722 Jenkins St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0258833,-85.057166 | TR158G1.JPG,TR158G2.JPG |
The Lighthouse Tabernacle Of Jesus Christ | 33 Lincoln St., Hogansville, GA | False,33.1804666,-84.90015 | TR186G1.JPG,TR186G2.JPG |
Living Waters Baptist Church | 2648 Greenville Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0424,-84.93945 | TR260G1.JPG,TR260G2.JPG |
Long Cane Baptist Church | West Point Rd. LaGrange, GA | False,32.9605833,-85.13835 | TR68G1.JPG,TR68G2.JPG |
Long Cane United Methodist Church | False,32.9604666,-85.135016 | TR69G1.JPG,TR69G2.JPG | |
Louise Baptist Church | 191 Hines Rd., Hogansville, GA | False,33.0826833,-84.93475 | TR70G1.JPG,TR70G2.JPG |
Louise United Methodist Church | 1189 Hines Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0703666,-84.907383 | TR71G1.JPG,TR71G2.JPG |
Love Union Baptist Church | 800 Austin St., West Point, GA | False,32.8843333,-85.186683 | TR196G1.JPG,TR196G2.JPG |
Loyd Presbyterian Church | 550 Upper Glass Bridge Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0047166,-85.126816 | TR5G1.JPG,TR5G2.JPG |
New Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church | 111 Johnson Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0370833,-85.021266 | TR43G1.JPG,TR43G2.JPG |
Manna Fellowship Church | 1111 3rd St., West Point, GA | True,32.8699833,-85.181166 | |
McGhee Chapel A.M.E Church | 1185 Hammett Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0863,-84.985866 | TR149G1.JPG,TR149G2.JPG |
Midway United Methodist Church | False,33.1243333,-85.129633 | TR74G1.JPG,TR74G2.JPG | |
Mission Baptist Church | 2478 Roanoke Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0345666,-85.087733 | TR132G1.JPG,TR132G2.JPG |
Mount Airy Church | 187 Burgess Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,32.9615333,-84.9419 | TR76G1.JPG,TR76G2.JPG |
Mount Beulah Baptist Church | False,33.0242,-85.064066 | TR160G1.JPG,TR160G2.JPG | |
Mount Gilliard Baptist Church | 119 Cedar St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.024,-85.028666 | |
New Mount Nebo Baptist Church | Old West Point Rd., West Point, GA. | ||
New Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church | Knott Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0114,-84.944216 | TR77G1.JPG,TR77G2.JPG |
Old Mount Olive Baptist Church | 547 John Lovelace Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0034666,-84.960816 | TR84G1.JPG,TR84G2.JPG |
Mount Perria Baptist Church | 2942 Mobley Bridge Rd., Horgansville, GA | False,33.1605166,-84.922816 | TR197G1.JPG,TR197G2.JPG |
Mount Pleasant CME Church | 4153 Greenville Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.03755,-84.89005 | TR223G1.JPG,TR223G2.JPG |
Mount Zion Baptist Church | 420 E. Mount Zion Church Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0604,-84.941083 | TR79G1.JPG,TR79G2.JPG |
Mountain Springs Baptist Church | Highway 18, West Point, GA | False,32.8771833,-85.06685 | TR75G1.JPG,TR75G2.JPG |
Mountville Baptist Church | 4505 Greenville Rd., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0393333,-84.878833 | |
Mountville United Methodist Church | False,33.0396166,-84.876933 | TR141G1.JPG,TR141G2.JPG | |
New Beginning Apostolic Church | 207 Cherry St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0321666,-85.032666 | |
New Beginning Baptist Church | 506 Ware St., Lagrange, GA | False,33.0368,-85.021 | TR122G1.JPG,TR122G2.JPG |
New Beginnings Full Gospel Church | Highway 54, Hogansville, Ga. | False,33.17555,-84.982266 | TR217G1.JPG,TR217G2.JPG |
New Bethel Living Word Ministries | 1514 US 29, West Point, GA | False,32.8846166,-85.1699 | TR251G1.JPG,TR251G2.JPG |
New Community Church | 1200 S. Davis Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0268666,-84.992233 | TR140G1.JPG,TR140G2.JPG,TR140G3.JPG |
New Hope Baptist Church | 4050 Roanoke Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0354,-85.1402 | TR7G1.JPG,TR7G2.JPG,TR7G3.JPG |
New Life Apostolic Church | 402 Cooley Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0135833,-85.007033 | |
North Side Baptist Church | False,33.06405,-85.037683 | TR17G1.JPG,TR17G2.JPG | |
Northside Baptist (West Point) Church | 33 Givens Cir., West Point, GA | False,32.8997166,-85.164316 | TR65G1.JPG,TR65G2.JPG |
Oak Grove AME Church | 3517 Whitesville RD., LaGrange, GA | False,32.9609,-85.02115 | TR81G1.JPG,TR81G2.JPG |
Oak Grove Baptist Church | Hamilton Rd, Pine Mountain, GA | False,32.9281666,-84.9075 | TR82G1.JPG,TR82G2.JPG |
Oak Grove Congregational Christian Church | False,32.9056166,-84.924966 | TR83G1.JPG,TR83G2.JPG,TR83G3.JPG | |
Oakside Church | 1921 Hamilton Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0027166,-85.014633 | TR9G1.JPG,TR9G2.JPG |
Old Pathway Baptist Church | 350 S. Davis Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0474666,-84.984616 | TR152G1.JPG,TR152G2.JPG |
The Pentecostal Church | False,33.07185,-85.02515 | TR117G1.JPG,TR117G2.JPG | |
Pentecostal Community Church | False,33.03225,-85.0194 | TR153G1.JPG,TR153G2.JPG | |
Pilgrims Rest Church | True,33.0171,-85.1083 | ||
Pineview Church | False,32.9835666,-85.0295 | TR87G1.JPG,TR87G2.JPG | |
Plain View Community Church | Highway 54, Hogansville, GA | False,33.1621166,-84.875533 | TR61G1.JPG,TR61G2.JPG,TR61G3.JPG |
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church | Pyne Rd., LaGrange | False,33.0338666,-85.103 | TR6G1.JPG,TR6G2.JPG |
Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church | 3704 Hamilton Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,32.9621,-84.980916 | TR88G1.JPG,TR88G2.JPG |
Providennce Bible Church | |||
Pyne Road Baptist Church | |||
Reeds Chapel Baptist Church | 7258 West Point Rd, West Point, GA | False,32.9135,-85.1569 | TR19G1.JPG,TR19G2.JPG |
Restoration Tabernacle Ministries | 537 Revis St. LaGrange | True,33.0324666,-85.01795 | |
Richardson Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church | True,33.0179,-85.0558 | ||
Rising Grove Baptist Church | 209 E. Crovat St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0268666,-85.026383 | |
River of Life Christian Church | 104 Youngs Mill Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0509333,-85.0123 | TR147G3.JPG,TR147G4.JPG |
Rock of Ages Baptist Church | False,33.1264666,-84.926766 | TR242G1.JPG,TR242G2.JPG | |
Rocky Mount Church | 515 Hillcrest Rd., Hogansville, GA | False,33.1369833,-85.026716 | TR92G1.JPG,TR92G2.JPG |
Roper Heights Baptist Church | 507 Polar St., West Point, GA | False,32.8881,-85.1653 | |
Rosemont Baptist Church | 3794 Hamilton Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,32.9621833,-84.977683 | TR93G1.JPG,TR93G2.JPG |
rue Holiness Church | 304 Dix St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0335,-85.020766 | |
Saint Bethel Baptist Church | False,33.1610333,-84.923033 | TR94G1.JPG,TR94G2.JPG | |
Saint James CME Church | 106 Revis St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0325166,-85.023883 | TR154G1.JPG,TR154G2.JPG |
Saint James United Methodist Church | 401 Granite St., Hogansville, GA | False,33.1785833,-84.908216 | TR224G1.JPG,TR224G2.JPG |
Saint Johns Methodist Church | True,33.0382,-85.0269 | ||
Saint John's Episcopal Church | 501 Avenue C, West Point, GA | False,32.8721166,-85.178866 | TR216G1.JPG,TR216G2.JPG |
Saint Marks Episcopal Church | 207 N. Greenwood St. LaGrange, GA | False,33.0417,-85.035233 | TR96G1.JPG,TR96G2.JPG |
Saint Mary United Methodist Church | 100 Pine St., Hogansville, GA | False,33.1721,-84.921283 | TR227G1.JPG,TR227G2.JPG,TR227G3.JPG |
Saint Paul AME Church | 101 Popular St., Hogansville, GA | False,33.16725,-84.916816 | TR226G1.JPG,TR226G2.JPG |
Saint Paul Baptist Church | 205 Union St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0362666,-85.024366 | TR115G1.JPG,TR115G2.JPG |
Saint Paul Christian Methodist Episcpal Church | 250 Lower Glass Bridge Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,32.9612,-85.146866 | TR97G1.JPG,TR97G2.JPG |
Saint Peters Catholic Church | 200 Lafayette Parkway, LaGrange, GA | False,33.0382,-85.029133 | TR98G1.JPG,TR98G2.JPG |
Saints of Christ Center | 208 Clark St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0304166,-85.053483 | |
Salem United Methodist Church | Salem-Chipley Rd, Pine Mountain, GA | False,32.8764833,-84.955233 | TR99G1.JPG,TR99G2.JPG,TR99G3.JPG |
Sardis Baptist Church | 1308 Lindsey St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0188333,-85.036333 | |
Second Baptist Church | 304 Fair St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0445333,-85.015466 | TR100G1.JPG,TR100G2.JPG |
Seventh-Day Adventist Church | 75 Patillo Rd., LaGrange, GA | ||
Shiloh Baptist Church | 3847 Highway 54, Hogansville, GA | False,33.18635,-85.020716 | TR102G1.JPG,TR102G2.JPG |
Shoal Creek Baptist Church | 1032 Youngs Mill Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0756333,-85.011966 | TR103G1.JPG,TR103G2.JPG |
Smyrna Baptist Church | Highway 219, LaGrange, GA | False,33.10535,-85.075216 | TR18G1.JPG,TR18G2.JPG |
Solomon Grove Baptist Church | 1 Fulton St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0455166,-85.0019 | TR104G1.JPG,TR104G2.JPG,TR104G3.JPG |
South Highland Presbyterian Church | 39 S. Highland Blvd., LaGrange, GA | True,32.9993,-85.0102 | |
Southwest LaGrange Baptist Church | 1301 Washington St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0207,-85.0466 | |
Springfield Baptist (Hogansville) Church | Poplar St., Hogansville, GA | False,33.1663333,-84.916516 | TR201G1.JPG,TR201G2.JPG |
Springfield Baptist (LaGrange) Church | 743 Ringer St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0229,-85.0113 | TR202G1.JPG,TR202G2.JPG |
Springhill Baptist Church | 2239 Hammett Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.1131166,-84.9759 | TR107G1.JPG,TR107G2.JPG |
Staint Andrews Anglican Church | 204 Beallwood Dr., West Point, GA | ||
State Line Baptist Church | 112 Glenn Rd., LaGrange, GA | True,32.9615,-84.9045 | |
Stovall Baptist Church | Stovall Rd., LaGrange, GA | ||
Sunnyside Church | True,33.0432,-85.0063 | ||
Sunnyside Baptist Church | 107 Mallory Dr., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0405333,-84.995266 | TR139G1.JPG,TR139G2.JPG |
Sunrise Baptist Church | 1500 Whitesville Rd., LaGrange, GA | ||
Sunshine Church | 91 Oak Grove Rd., Pine Mountain, GA | True,32.9124,-84.9608 | |
Teaver Road Baptist Church | 215 Teaver Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0173666,-85.108016 | TR208G1.JPG,TR208G2.JPG |
The Temple of Truth Church | West Point Rd., West Point, GA | False,32.9027333,-85.159733 | TR252G1.JPG,TR252G2.JPG |
Thankful Baptist Church | 1195 Cannonville Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,32.9643,-85.103716 | TR110G1.JPG,TR110G2.JPG,TR110G3.JPG |
The Life Church | 2170 West Point Rd., LaGrange, GA | ||
The Living Cornerstone Church | 934 Kelley St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0289333,-85.012616 | |
Threats Grove Church | 192 Rosemont Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,32.9634,-84.946083 | TR111G1.JPG,TR111G2.JPG |
Trinity Methodist Church | True,33.021,-85.0472 | ||
Trinity on the Hill Church | 101 N. Davis Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0583333,-84.985066 | TR144G1.JPG,TR144G2.JPG |
Triumph Holiness Church | 502 Brown St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0291666,-85.017833 | |
True Holiness Church | 304 Dix St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0335,-85.020833 | |
Turn Around Christian Center Church | 3028 West Point Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0150833,-85.1026 | TR184G1.JPG,TR184G2.JPG |
Union Chapel United Methodist Church | 1098 Hammett Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.08315,-84.987083 | TR148G1.JPG,TR148G2.JPG,TR148G3.JPG |
Union Springs Baptist Church | 6708 Whitesville Rd., West Point, GA | False,32.8751333,-85.0341 | TR114G1.JPG,TR114G2.JPG |
Union Springs Methodist Church | False,32.8757666,-85.0346 | TR253G1.JPG,TR253G2.JPG | |
United Congregational Christian Church | 623 Juniper St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.029,-85.0399 | |
United in Christ Church of Deliverance | 719 Jenkins St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0262166,-85.05645 | TR159G1.JPG,TR159G2.JPG |
Unity Baptist Church | 715 S. Greenwood St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0299,-85.0355 | |
Unity Methodist Church | True,33.0293,-85.036 | ||
Upper Room Ministry Church | 145 Trimble Station Rd., Hogansville, GA | True,33.2036,-84.8926 | |
Upper Room Apostolic Church | 3479 Hogansville Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0593333,-84.974766 | TR238G1.JPG,TR238G2.JPG |
Valley Grove Baptist Church | 126 Grady St., LaGrange, GA | True,33.0207,-85.0585 | |
Ward's Chapel | 140 North St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.05485,-85.0322 | TR121G1.JPG,TR121G2.JPG |
Warren Temple United Methodist Church | 416 E. Depot St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0352666,-85.02465 | TR123G1.JPG,TR123G2.JPG |
Wehadkee Baptist Church | False,33.0175166,-85.188433 | TR3G1.JPG | |
Wehadkee Baptist (Black) Church | 572 Old Schoold Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0467166,-85.174333 | TR124G1.JPG,TR124G2.JPG |
Welcome Baptist Church | 3328 Hogansville Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0567666,-84.9823 | TR126G1.JPG,TR126G2.JPG,TR126G3.JPG |
Welcome All Baptist Church | 1015 Glover Rd., Hogansville, GA | False,33.2070166,-84.92325 | TR125G1.JPG,TR125G2.JPG,TR125G3.JPG |
West Point Presbyterian Church | 1002 5th Ave., West Point, GA | False,32.88015,-85.184866 | TR129G1.JPG,TR129G2.JPG |
Western Church | True,33.1771,-85.1094 | ||
Western Heights Baptist Church | 2382 West Point Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,33.02105,-85.083616 | TR134G1.JPG,TR134G2.JPG |
Whitesville Street Methodist Church | True,33.0304,-85.0288 | ||
Williams Grove Church of Deliverance Church | False,32.8775,-84.922733 | TR131G1.JPG,TR131G2.JPG | |
Word of Faith Ministry Church | 206 E. Hillside Dr., LaGrange, GA | True,33.017,-85.0255 | |
Word of Grace Baptist Church | False,33.0432666,-85.0156 | TR39G1.JPG,TR39G2.JPG | |
Youth for Christ Church | 1603 3rd Ave., West Point, GA | True,32.8890833,-85.184166 | |
Zion Hill Baptist (1) Church | 2780 Bartley Rd., LaGrange, GA | False,32.9400666,-85.064 | TR13G1.JPG,TR13G2.JPG |
Zion Hill Baptist (2) Church | 118 Cox St., LaGrange, GA | False,33.0522333,-85.03255 | TR204G1.JPG,TR204G2.JPG |
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