Welcome to the Taliaferro County GaGenWebProject, a part of the USGenWeb family of genealogical sites!
Taliaferro County, Georgia's 69th county, was created on December 25, 1825 from five of its surrounding counties:
Its origins actually date back to June 1, 1763, when the Creekand Cherokee Indians ceded to Governor Wright and John Stewart, the crown's agent for Indian Affairs, a large amount of land in payment for debts of $200,000.
The county is named in honor of Colonel Benjamin Taliaferro, a Revolutionary War officer who was prominent in state and national affairs. He was a member of Congress and a candidate for President. His name (and the county's) is pronounced Tolliver in the English fashion.
Taliaferro County is the home of Alexander Hamilton Stephens (1812-1883), vice-president of the Confederate States of America, state legislator, U.S. congressman and governor of Georgia. The astronomer Robert Greir was born in 1782 in what is now Taliaferro County. He was founder of the nationally famous "Grier's Almanac." Another notable citizen of Taliaferro County was Richard Malcolm Johnston (1822-1898),an educator and author, who wrote Dukesborough Tales and Old Mark Lampton. Also from Taliaferro County was Roselle Mercier Montgomery (1874-1933),who was considered one of America's finest poets and often wrote about Crawfordville.
Crawfordville, the county seat, was named for another presidential candidate,William Harris Crawford (1772-1834). He was a member of the cabinets of two presidents and served as Secretary of War, Secretary of the Treasury and Minister to France. Due to illness, he withdrew from the presidential race in which John Adams was victorious.
The town was laid out by Herman Mercer, brother of Jesse Mercer, founder of Mercer University. The town plan became known as the "Crawfordville Plat" and was used by many subsequent town planners in Georgia. The town was incorporated by legislative act, on December 27, 1826, with the following named commissioners, to-wit: Herman Mercer, Thomas Chastain, Wylie Womack, Sherwood Towns, William Little, John Murphy, and John W. Jordan.
Be sure to check back often as I am currently in the process of abstracting Taliaferro County genealogical records including census, property records and 19th Century newspapers.
Cemetery Records
Taliaferro County Cemeteries First Roman Catholic Church in Georgia Locust Grove Chapman-Rhodes Crawfordville Baptist Photographs Edwards-Stewart Ellington Family Margaret's Grove Baptist Biographical Records The Flynt Family Dr. William Abram Love Alexander H. Stephens Biography: 1854 Rev. Romulus Moore Biography Rev. A.B. Murden Biography The Elijah Ballard Family The Cullen L. Battle Family TheG unn Family The Alexander Stephens Family
p>Military Records
Captain James M. Sanford's Volunteers: 1836 Stephens Home Guards, Company D, 15th Regiment: Civil War William R. Evans Pension Abstract WorldWar I Soldier's List Probate Records John Chapman Nathan Chapman Jr. Rachel B. Chapman ThomasChapman CharityColclough SusannaBoring Hart RebeccaTowns
Property and Land Records Taliaferro Creeks and Streams Taliaferro County Historic Map Collection 1827Taliaferro Land Lottery 1827Taliaferro Residents Thompson-McLaughlin Deed: 1830
Census Records 1830 Taliaferro Federal Census 1850 Taliaferro Federal Census 1880Taliaferro Federal Census Mortality Schedules Miscellaneous Records
19th Century Newspaper Abstracts History of Taliaferro County: 1854 Taliaferro County Militia District Map Liberty Hall: Description and History The Arrest of Alexander Stephens History of Crawfordville Message Boards, Mail Lists and Queries
Genforum TaliaferroMessage Board Rootsweb TaliaferroMessage Board RootswebTaliaferro Mail List
| Be sure to visit the Taliaferro County GAGenWeb Research Directory. This page gives contact information for various Taliaferro county and Georgia state governmental agencies, libraries and newspapers. Also included on this page is expanded information on Taliaferro County research source material. The USGenWeb Georgia Archives
Be sure to visit the USGenWeb Georgia Archives TaliaferroCounty Section!Several items are located in the Taliaferro section to help you with your Taliaferro County research. Below are quick links to the various Taliaferro County sections in the archives. Please note that the Taliaferro County GAGenWeb search engine does not index files in the archives, therefore a search from this page will exclude items in the archives.
Cemetery Records Military Records Archival Photographs Vital Records Bible Records Census Records Deeds and Land Records Newspaper Abstracts Will Abstracts Biographical Records Church Records General Histories Obituaries
African Ancestored GenealogyLinks AfriGeneas African AmericanCemeteries Online Cyndi's List: African-American African-AmericanGenealogy on the Web About.com: African-AmericanGenealogy Sankofa's African SlaveGenealogy The Freedmen's Bureau Online Library of Congress:African American Perspectives Genforum: African AmericanForum
American Civil War Research Links
The United States Civil War Center ConfederateRegimental History Links Union Regimental History Links American Civil War Portal
Excellent Research Links
The Vanishing Georgia Photographic Collection of over 18,000 images is the result of a Georgia Archives project begun in the mid-1970s to locate and copy historically significant photographs held by individuals throughout Georgia. Vanishing Georgia's historical photographs document the economic, social, cultural, and political history of the state. The project visited 66 counties and includes images from almost all of Georgia's counties includingTaliaferro County. Be sure to visit this excellent site!
The 1880 US Federal Census located at the LDS Family Search siteis an excellent resource! Be sure to look for your Taliaferro County ancestorsin this massive database of the entire US 1880 Federal Census.
The National Register of Historic Places TaliaferroCounty Inventory page contains interesting information about historicsites in Taliaferro County.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Family History LibraryCatalog TaliaferroCounty listings gives detailed information on what is available pertainingto Taliaferro County.
The Civil War Soldiers and SailorsSystem is an excellent resource from the US National Park Service.This system includes a computerized database containing basic facts aboutservicemen who served during the Civil War. The database currently containsapproximately 2.7 million soldier names from over 30 states and territories.
Documenting the American Southis an electronic collection sponsored by the Academic Affairs Library atthe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It provides access todigitized primary materials that offer Southern perspectives on Americanhistory and culture. It supplies teachers, students, and researchers atevery educational level with a wide array of titles they can use for reference,studying, teaching, and research.
Cyndi's List of GenealogySites on the Internet: US - Georgia, contains an abundance of excellentlinks to various internet sites dealing with Mississippi genealogy andhistory.
TheOnline Books Page History: United States (Regional), and the AmericasSection, contains links to scores of valuable 19th century and earlierregional histories, biographies and other works. Making of America,(MoA) is a digital library of primary sources in American social historyfrom the antebellum period through reconstruction. The collection is particularlystrong in the subject areas of education, psychology, American history,sociology, religion, and science and technology. The collection currentlycontains approximately 8,500 books and 50,000 journal articles with 19th century imprints. Looking for a location in Taliaferro County? If so try the USGSGNIS database. Contains information on cemeteries, creeks, post officesand much more!
The Political Graveyard TaliaferroCounty page contains several valuable links pertaining to TaliaferroCounty as well as links to biographies of politicians who were either bornin, or were residents of Taliaferro County. Georgia Historical Markersin Taliaferro County is a wonderful site detailing the text of allhistorical markers in the county. The OfficialSite of the County of Taliaferro contains detailed informationabout the county.
An excellent contemporarymap of Taliaferro County is the Georgia Department of Transportationmap. This detailed map shows roads, creeks, communities and much more.This map is in PDF format.
 Although I am not a resident of Taliaferro County, I will be happy to assistyou with your Taliaferro County, Georgia research. Just send me an emailand I will try to answer your questions about general Georgia or TaliaferroCounty historical and genealogical research. Visitors are also invitedto subit material about Taliaferro County's rich history and heritage,so that others may benefit from the information. Such items as biographies,deeds, wills, old photographs and such are welcome. Please contact me,the project coordinator, if you wish to submit material relating to TaliaferroCounty, Georgia. Best wishes with your Taliaferro County, Georgia research!