Land Grants

Land Grants

of Spalding County

Spalding County

Those Who Came Before

Spalding County was created December 20th, 1851 by an act of the General Assembly—Georgia Laws 1851-52 page number 58. It was made up from parts of the Second, Third, and Fourth districts of original Henry County forming the upper part of the county. The lower part was formed from parts of Pike County that had originally been part of First, Second and Third districts of Monroe County. A portion of Spalding also came from Fayette.

The area was well settled when Spalding was formed. The City of Griffin had been incorporated on Dec. 28, 1843 and was part of Pike County at that time, but Griffin was initially settled around 1820 and was first known as Pleasant Grove.

The following list of fortunate drawers from the 1820-21 Land lottery shows who the original owners of the Land that became Spalding County were. Not all of those who drew these lands settled there but they did claim it.

Bob & Linda Ellis (August 20, 2006)

Land Grants Contributed by
2nd Dist Henry that became Spalding Bob & Linda Ellis
3rd Dist Henry that became Spalding Bob & Linda Ellis
4th Dist Henry that became Spalding Bob & Linda Ellis
1st Dist of Monroe that became Spalding Bob & Linda Ellis
2nd Dist of Monroe that became Spalding Bob & Linda Ellis
3rd  Dist of Monroe that became Spalding Bob & Linda Ellis

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