Ebenezer Baptist Church

Thank you to Jerry Franklin and the church body who gave permission to post these minutes on-line.

Special thanks to Debbie Moore <[email protected]> for her diligence in transcribing them.

We welcome additional information about any of these individuals.

History of Church Photo of Present Day Church


The minutes were transcribed by Debra Moore. We thought you'd be interested in seeing an image of the book and a sample page.

Image of book   Sample Page     Membership List   (For later minutes, see part 2 of Book 1 and Book 2 (in progress))

Ebenezer Baptist Church

Ebenezer Church Road
corner of Stevens Road and Ebenezer Road
Ellaville, GA

Organized in 1836

Continuation of Minutes (1854- )

April 16th 1836
Georgia Sumter County
met in conference the Baptist Church of Christ. J J Battle  moderator
1st on motion read the constitution
2nd opened a door for the reception of members when recieved by letter James Jackson and his wife Sarah and his daughter Lucinda also Catharine Harper also Eli F. Walker and his wife Nancy Walker and Sarah Thompson all> of which were recieved into the full fellowship of the church.
3rd on motion by Bro. Eli Walker that the church set apart Saturday before the 3rd Sabbath in May> next for to chose a pastor. The church agreed to purchase a Blank Book.

                  A. Burk. Clerk P.M. (Protem?)

May 14th 1836
Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in conference
1st when recieved by letter Joseph Battle and his wife Sophia Battle also Levi L. Walker and his wife Elizabeth Walker a Deacon and deaconess into the full fellowship of the church. Also recieved Mary _?__ by letter. 2nd Elected by ballat elder J.J. Battle pastor of the church

Signed by order of the church, Absalom Funderburk CCk

end of #2

July 16th 1836
Met in conference

1st Brother L.L. Walker moderator

2nd Brother Samuel Douglap(Douglas) Clerk ProTem

3rd Opened a door for the reception of members no application no references

4th Heard Bro. Absolom Funderburks sketch of decorum which was adapted unanimously Signed by order Samuel Douglas Clk

begin #4

August 20, 1836 Church meet in due order

1st Recieved by letter Lurany Thomas)Now Thompson also Mary Mathews by her letter

2nd On motion resolved to unite with the Columbus Association as a Componant Member of that body

3rd Called for the Columbus constitution which was read and adopted as the Constitution of  this church by adoption

4th Delegated Brethren Eli F. Walker, Levi L. Walker and in case of  failure Bro. Robert  Wall to represent us in the Apociation(Association) at its next meeting

5th Apointed I.D. Zeun? to write the letter for the association

6th Agreed to send one dollar for Ministry

Samuel Douglas CCk

Our brethren who were delegated to go to the afsociation (association) to represent us failed to attend. So we are not as yet connected to any association.

Absolom Funderburk C. Ck.

end of #4

Georgia, Sumter County, The Baptist Church Ebenezer meet in conference 14th January 1837.
;Elder J J Battle moderator when a door being opened for the reception members when Brother Thomas Evinham, Sister Mary, Sister Phebe and sister Charlotte Evinham and Brother Lewis Evinham{an ordained minister of the ghospel} all came forward and were recieved by letter
2nd On motion the church went into a choice of a man to supply us as a pastor for the year when elder J J Battle ware(were) the choice
Don(done) in and by order of the church in conference John Monte Clk Protem

end #5

begin #6

The Baptist Church at Ebenezer Sumter Co. Georgia met in conference Sataurday before the 3rd Lord's Day in February 1837

1st Rec'd by letter Sister Sarah Clark

2nd On Motion Brother Battle then answering the church agreeable to their call by accepting the pastorial charge for another year Agrud(agreed) and signed by order

Lewis Evingham Clk Protum

end #6

begin# 7

The church at Ebenezer met in order Saturday before the third Sunday in March 1837 moderator present

1st Opened a door for the reception of members recieved by letter Sister Martha Calloway, sister Nancy E. Douglafs(Douglas) and sister Selah-belonging to Levy Calloway.

3rd Brother Wall being reported to the church for the crime of drunknefs(drunkeness) a committee was appointed to scite Bro. Wall to the church.

Brethren James Jackson and Joseph Battle were the committee.

Signed by order Lewis Eveningham Clk Protem

end #7

April 1837

Church meet in due order Satuday before the 3rd Sunday in April

1st Recieved by letter Marth A. Everingham and Absalom Funderburk.

2nd Bro.Wall being absent his case was laid over till our next conference the same committee continued to cite him to attend.

3rd On motion the church went into the election of a clerk when our _?__ of the voats it was found that Absalom Funderburk was the unanimous choice of the church.

4th Resolved that the Deacons be authorized to buy the necepary(necesary) vessels for feet-washing.

5th Resolved also that the meeting house be _?_ out at the lowest bidder for one year whereupon Bro. James Jackson bid it _?_ at six dollars. It to be _coured (scoured?) twiced.

Signed by order of the church Absalom Funderburk CCk
end #8

begin #9

May 20th 1837

Church meet in due order

1st Levi L. Walker Moderator

No application (of new members)

2nd Bro. Walls case wase(was) taken up and after som(some) deliberation Bro. Wall give such satisfactory evidence of his penitence that the church forgive him.

Signed by order of the church Absalom F. Clerk

end #9

begin #10

17th of June (1837)

Church meet in order

1st Elder J.J. Battle having resigned his pastorial charge at this church resolved therefore that we make choice of a man to go in and out before us as a Shepherd of the little flock at this place.

This choice to be made at our next conference in July.

Signed by order of the church Absalom Funderburk C Clk

end #10
begin #11

July 15th 1837

Church meet in conference Elder Lewis Evingham Moderator

1st Opened a door for the reception of members when recieved by experience of grace Malissa Allen into the full fellowship of the church.

2nd On motion the church went into the choice of a pastor when Elder Jessee M. Davis was the unanimous voat of the church.

3rd Resovled the brethren Lewis Eviningham, Levi L. Walker, E.F. Walker and a. Burk be a committee to _?_ on Jessee M. Davis to know of him whether he will supply us for this year 1837.

4th Resolved to defer baptism until the protracted meeting in August.

Signed by order of the church A.Funderburk CClk

end #11

begin #12
August met in Conference, Saturday before 2nd Sunday 1837 Jessee M. Davis Moderator

1st Elder Jessee M. Davis accepted of the call of the church

2nd Resolved to unite with the Bethell Apociation(Association)

delligated our beloved Brethren Elder Lewis L. Eveningham, Levi L. Walker and in case of failure Eli F. Walker to bare the letter.

Appointed Lewis L. Eveningham to write the letter.

Signed by order of the church L.L. Eveningham C.Clk Prom

end #12

begin #13

(This appears to be a week long report of a revival meeting)

Sunday morning, opened conference, recieved by experience of grace William Jackson

August 14th opened conference and recieved by experience of grace Mrs. Mary Smith and by letter Mifs(Miss) Catharine Jackson, Nickolas A. and Mary Purifoy.

Monday Ebining(Evening) Recieved by experience of grace Lot Watson and Hirum Miller

Tuesday 15th-August Recieved by experience of grace John Jackson and his wife Caroline Jackson and Jef a servant of L.B. Smiths.

August 16th recieved by experience of grace James Douglafs and Lucy Kizen? Recieved by letter Mifs(Miss) Catharine Jackson

August 17th 1837, Thursday Recieved by experience of grace Mifs(Miss) Elizabeth Funderburk

Friday 18th Recieved by experience of grace Mrs. Pearce

Saturday 19th Recieved by an experience Mifs(Miss) Mary(or Macy) Jackson, by letter Malcom McNabb

Total number 49

This closes the Associational year of 1837

end #13

September church met in order 1837, Lewis Evenham moderator

Opened a door for the reseption of members when recieved by Experience Eli Smith and Mary Watson, wife of Bro. Lot Watson.

Sunday morning recieved by experience _?_ Araminta Walker.

A. Funderburk CClk

end #14

begin #15

October, Church met in conference-Jesse M. Davis modderator

Opened a door for the reception of members when recieved Henry Ellison and Elizabeth Smith

A. Funderburk CClk
end #15
begin #16

November 1837

Church of Christ met in order Novem(ber) 11th Recieved Mrs. Parrisade Ellison, Mifs(Miss) Nancy Collom, Mr. Lovit B. Smith, Mr. Thomas Rainey, Mr. King Golding- All by an experience of grace)
[Note: Martha Rainey [email protected]
Mrs. Parrisade Ellison is Ann Parrisade Rainey Allison. She married Henry Leonidas Allison.
Mr. Thomas Rainey is Thomas Frederick Rainey, Sr. (3xgreat-grandfather). He was a brother to Ann Parrisade Rainey Allison.]

[Note:Pat Lowe [email protected]
I am pretty excited about seeing Henry Ellison (Allison) and his wife (Ann) Parrisade Rainey in this church record. They were married in 1827 in Jasper county, and I have a family bible record of them. Ann died in 1845 having her 11th child. My ancestor was her 4th child, Francis Randolph Allison. Henry married after that twice more--to sisters Mary Ann and Ruth Lanier. The Thomas Rainey in the record is the brother of Ann Parrisade Rainey Allison. He married Mary Dwight Collins in 1845 in Marion County. I don't know much else about her---could be that this Nancy Collum (Collins) could be a relative.)]

On Motion by A. Burk and agreed to appoint a committee consisting of Brethren James Jackson, Eli Walker, Lovit B. Smith, Absolum Burk, James Douglass, Joseph Battle, N.A. Purify to select a location more suitable than the one where the house now stands for to build a new framed house.

The committee to report to the next conference

The brethren Levi Walker, his wife and daughter, John Jackson and his wife, Eli Smith and his wife, all made a request for letters of dismission which were granted. (Levi Walker and Eli Smith have an X and the word "dismissed" written over their name)

Sined(signed) by order of the church Absalom Funderburk C.Clk
end #16
begin #17

December 8th 1837

Church met in Conference L.L. Evenham moderator

1st on motion the church held an election for a pastor for the next year when Elder Jessee M. Davis was unanimously the choice of the church.

On motion the church granted letters of dismission to the following members: _?_ Catharine Jackson, Brite Watson, Mary Watson, Henry Ellison, Parisade Elison, Thomas Reyny, Elder Lewis L. Evininham, Martha Evininham, Thomas Evininham, Mary Evininham,

(continued to the next page)


Members dismissed Phebe Eveninham, Charlott Evininham

end #17
begin #18
December 9th 1837 met in order

Jesse M. Davis moderator

1st Opened a door for reception of members when recieved by an experience of grace William Allen and his wife Moriah Allen, Jesse Ursary, and by letter Jeremiah Allen his wife Pat__ Allen.

2nd On motion the committee reported they had selected a place for to build a new house which report ware(were) rejected.

3rd Brother Absalom Funderburk was recognized a deacon of the church.

4th Elder Jessee M. Davis accepted the pastorial charage for the next year 1838

A. Burk Clerk
end #18
begin #19
February 10th 1838

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in order E.F. Walker mod

1st Recieved by letter John Jackson and JuliAnn Jackson by letter

2nd The case of sisters Monk and Calloway was deferred until our next meeting in course.

3rd Granted a letter of dismission to Malcom McNabb

Absalom Burk CClk
end #19
begin #20
March 1838

Church met in order present Elder Jessee M. Davis pastor

1st Recieved by letters James L. Engrum, Sarah Engrum, Etheldred Engrum and Pheby Engrum in to the full fellowship of the church.

2nd Took up the case of sister Monk and Sister Calloway and after some deliberation it was resolved unanimously that they both be excommunicated for uniting themselves with the Ramah church without letters of dismission from us.

3rd Brother Walker reported that Brother King Golddin had been drunk and used profane language. Appointed a committee to cite him to the church. Jackson, Ellison and Walker the committee.

4th Bro. James Jackson requested letters of dismission for Tyre A. Goyne, Nancy Goyne, and Polly Goyne which were granted.

A. Burk CCk
end # 20

begin# 21 April 7th 1838 Church met in due order

Jessee M. Davis Moderator

1st Opened a door for the reception of members. Recieved none.

2nd Took up the case of Bro. Golding and after some deliberation it was resolved to excommunicate him from the fellowship of the church.

3rd Sister L__ramey Thompson requested a letter of dismission, it was granted.

Clk Absalom Funderburk

end #21
begin #22

May 12, 1838

Church met in order, Moderator present

Recieved none

Absalom Funderburk CClk

end #22
begin #23

June 9th 1838

Church met in order, Modderator present

1st Opened a door for the reception of members when recieved by an experience of grace, Crawford Jackson. By letter, Abel Funderburk and his wife Rosanah Funderburk, John J. Cottle and his wife Elizabeth Cottle and Catharine Jackson, Julia Tundee, and Andrew a man of coller(color) belonging to the estate of Tundee. Also by letter Viney, a woman of coller(color) the property of E. ? Cottle.
NOTE:John E. Cottle [email protected] They migrated from Jefferson Co., GA, apparently about the time they joined the church. They were in the 1840 Sumter Co. census and apparently both died by 1842 when their son Ebenezer J. Cottle was administrator of their estate, a document which gave very little information. Ebenezer died about 2 years later, at a very young age but leaving a substantial estate. I have never known the name of John J.'s wife until you revealed that her given name was Elizabeth, but I still do not know her family name-------I have suspected that it may be Jennings, the middle name of Ebenezer.

2nd On motion by A. Burk and greed(agreed) to send delegates to the general meeting to be held in this county at Bethesda.

Lovit B. Smith and E. F. Walker and in case of failure Absalom Funderburk to attend its meeting.

3rd S. (sister?) Rachel Wheeler requested a letter of dismission. Sister Catharine Harper Requested a letter of dismission. They ware(were) granted cherfully(cheerfully).

4th On motion by E. F. Walker the Church agourned. A. Burk CClk

end #23
begin #24

July 1838 Church met in conference Saturday befour 2nd Sunday in July 1838

1st Opened a door for the reception of members when recieved by letter Henry Elison and Parrisade his wife into the full fellowship of the church.
A. Funderburk, CClk

end #24
begin #25

August 11th 1838

Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in order when recieved by letter Richard Mindshew and Nelly a woman of collar(color) belonging to Dr. Bond by experience of grace.

2 On motion resolved to appoint delegates to the Association to be held at Eichland M. House Stewart County Georgia.

Absalom Funderburk, Eli Walker and in case of failure of either of the two L.B. Smith.

Agreed that the Clerk prepare a letter.

Agreed to send $1.00 for minutes and $1.00 for the Association fund.

Dismissed [meeting dismissed]
A.Funderburk, CClk
Jessee M. Davis moderator

end #25
begin #26

September 8th 1838

1st Church met in order Moderator present

The letter prepared by the clerk for the association was read and adopted without any ammendment.

2nd Resolved unanimously that the church raise by subscription a permanent fund for church purposes. Absalom Funderburk was unanimously elected Tresury for the church.

3rd Recieved Brother King with a friendly letter of correspondance from Liberty Stewart County.

Resolved further to open up a correspondance witht he same church. Absalom Funderburk CClk

end #26
begin #27

November 10th 1838

The Associational Year Commences To Day, Church met in conference

1st On motion the church agreed to met Friday befour our next meeting in cours(e) to chose a preacher for the next year 1839.

2nd Sister Mary Mathews requested a letter of Dismission which was granted.

Closed by prayer by the modderator.
Absalom Burk CCk

end #27
begin #28

December 7th 1838

Church met in order, Eli Walker at mod(erator)

On motion the went into the choice of a preacher whereupon Jesse M. Davis was elected without a discenting voice.

John Cottle, Eli F. Walker, and James Jackson was appointed a committee to wait on J. M. Davis to know of him whether he will accept of the charge of the church.

A. Funderburk CCk

end #28
begin #29

Saturday 8

Church met in order, Eli F. Walker Mod

Brother J. Allen, Wm Allen, Moriah Allen, Caroline Jackson requested letters of dismission. All of which was granted.
A.Funderburk, CClk end #29
begin #30

January 12th 1839

The Church met in order E. Walker modderator

1st Recieved by letter Bro. Bright Watson and his wife Mary

The committee having failed to see Bro.Davis. When on motion the church appointed Bro. James Duglap to go with Bro. Walker

Dismissed by letter Nelly a woman of coller(color) belonging to Dr. Bond.

Absalom Burk CCk
end #30
begin #31

February 9th 1839

Church meet in order, modderator absent

On motion called E.F. Walker to the _?_(seat?)

Opened a door for the reception of members recieved non

A. Burk CCk

end #31
begin #32

March 1839

Church met in order Saturday before 2nd Sunday in March

1st Opened a door for the reception of members when recieved Elizabeth Metts by an experience of grace and was baptised upon a profession of her faith.

2nd J___ M. Davis agreed to continue his pastorial sirvise(service) with the church

Closed by singing and prayer by the moderator

JMD Absalom F Burke CCke

end #32
begin #33

June 8th 1839

Church met in order

recieved no members

adjourned until the next meeting in course
A.Burke CCk
end #33
begin #34

July 1839

Departed this life our sister Sophiah Battle in full triumph of a happy immortality beyond the grave

Recieved by letter Catharine Harper

end #34
begin #35
August 10 1839

Church met in Conference

1st Opened a door for the reseption of members, rec'd none

2nd Took up the refferance of choosing another deacon when on motion defered it until next conference

3rd Elected E.F. Walker and L.B. Smith and in case of failure A.Funderburk Delligates to the Association at Americus.

4th A. Funderburk to write the letter for the association.

J.M. Jackson mod(erator) A. Funderburk CCk

end #35
begin #36
September 7th 1839

The church met in order elder J. M. Davis present.

On motion the church went into the choice of a Deacon when James L. Ingram was duly elected.

8th September Sunday

Rec'd by experience of Grace, Elizabeth Allen and _am (Sam or Lam) a Servant belonging to McBride

9th Rec'd Mrs. Cooper by an experience of grace and Sally a servant girl belonging to McBride and Canday A woman of coller(color) belonging to L.B. Smith.

Tuesday 10th Rec'd by an experience of grace Greenbury Clark and by letter Bro. John Ingram and Axsy Smith.

Wednesday 11th Rec'd by experience of grace Mifs(Miss) Derrysaw

Friday 13th Rec'd by letter Catharine Varner

A. Funderburk CCk

end #36
begin #37

October 10th 1839

Conference met in order

1st Opened a door for members, rec'd none

2nd Read and adopted the letter prepared by A. Funderburk for the association

3rd Rec'd a letter from the church at Americus requesting helps to aid in the futher investigation of the case of Randol McDonnald. Complyed with L.B. Smith and Walker ware(were)sent to help them.

4th Bro. James Jackson requested a letter for himself and wife and daughter Lucinda which was granted.

A. Funderburk CClk

end #37

Church met in order, Bro Jenks modderator

1st On motion appointed a committee of five to select the ground for to build the new House for the church to report at our next conference

Bret/n (Brethren) Burk, Walker, Smith, Ingram, and Cottle

A. Funderburk end #38
begin #39
November 29th 1839

Church met in due order, S. W. Key moderator

1st held an election for pastor for the next year when Jesse M. Davis was duly elected

2nd Brother Eli F. Walker applyed for a letter of dismission for himself and wife which also was granted

3rd Brethren Eli F. Walker and L B Smith was apointed to notify Bro. Davis of this apointment and request and answer

(Done) this day in conference
LB Smith Clk ProTim

end #39
begin #40

December 7th 1839

The church at Ebenezer this day in order, Bro. John Jackson moderator

1st Opened a door for the reception of members, rec'd none

2nd Bro. A. Funderburk made a report from a committee appointed to select a place to build on. The committee selected a place near L. G. Smiths which report was rejected.

3rd Bro. William Jackson requested a letter for himself and wife which was granted

Lovett B. Smith Clerk Pro Tem

end #40
begin #41

January 11th 1840

Church met in due order

1st Brother Jesse M. Davis consented to continue his services as pastor another year.

2nd Agreed to have Bro. James Ingrum ordained to morrow morning as Deacon

Sunday morning

Bro`n J.M Davis and Phillip Belcher formed a Presbatery and set apart by ordination Bro. James Engram to the office of a Deacon. Bro. Belcher asked the questions, and made prayer. Bro. Davis give the charge.

Jefse(Jesse) M. Davis modderator Absalom Funderburk CCk

end #41
begin #42

February 1840

Church met in due order

Opened a door for the reseption of members , rec'd non

On motion adjourned conference until the time in _?_

A. Funderburk, CCk

end #42
begin #43

1840 March

Church met in order

1st Opened a door for the reception of members, Rec'd non

On motion dismissed until the time in course.
A. Funderburk CCk

Sunday Sister Pearsee Requested a letter of dismission which was granted

LB.Smith Ck Protem

end #43
begin #44

April 11th 1840

Church met in order J. M. Davis moderator

1st Opened a door for the reception of members - non

2nd Inquired for __?__-non

On Motion it was m___ the duty of the Deacons to Let out the _?_ for the next year 1840.

A. Burk CCk

end # 44
begin #45

May 9th 1840

Church met in order Modderator present

1st Opened a door for the reseption of members rec'd non

2nd Called for referances-non

3rd On motion the church ordered Bro. Battle to site Bro. Wall to the next conference in course to answer for his non-attendance.

A.F. Burk CCk

end #45
begin #46

June 13th 1840

The church met in conference

1st Opened a door for members-non

2nd Called for refferances-non

3rd Called for new matter-non

4th Heard the excuses of brethren for abscence which ware(were) rec'd

5th Marked absentees James Douglafs, N.A. Purifoy

6 Brother John Jackson to site Bro. Douglafs to attend the next conference in course Bro. Funderburk to site Bro. Purifoy.

James Ingram Clk Protems

end #46
begin #47

July 11th 1840

The church met in order, Bro. John Jackson Moderator

1st The brethren of sister churches ware(were) invited to seats with us.

2nd Brethren Purifoy and Douglafs made satisfactory excuses.

L.B. Smith Clk


Church met in order, opened a door for members-non

Called for new matter-non

L.B. Smith Clk

end #47
begin #48

September 12th 1840

1st Church met in due order, J. Jackson mod(erator)

2nd Called for refferances-non

3rd Appointed delegates to the association L.B. Smith, John Jackson in case of failure Absalom Funderburk.

4th A. Funderburk to write the letter.

5th $1.00 for Minnits(minutes)

6th Brethren are requested to bring up their contributions to the next conference for minutes and mishionary purposes

L.B. Smith Ck

end #48

August 29th 1840

The Church of Christ at Ebenezer meet in conferance. Bro James Mathews acted as moderator.

1st Opened a door for the reseptions of members. Rec'd Jeremiah Southerlin and Silvester Jackson by an experience of grace.

2nd The general meeting opened in order. Bro. Mathews in the chair called for delligates from churches from Frindship. _?_ and Wm.Cauthen, on motion recieved the delegates from the 4th district James Lunsford and James Mathews was recieved.

3rd Agreed that the next general meeting be held at Friendship Sumter County 2nd District Ga.

L.B. Smith Clerk
end #49
begin #50
December 12th 1840

The Baptist Church at Ebenezer met in order, Bro. J. Jackson mod

1st On motion the church went into the choice of a pastor when Bro. Phillip Belcher was unanimously elected

2nd On motion Bro. L.B. Smith and Bro. John Jackson was apointed to see the Rev. P. Belcher to know of him whether he will accept of the Pastorial charge of the church.

3rd On motion the Brethren Abel Funderburk, Absalom Funderburk, Nickolafs A. Purifoy, the sisters: Rosanah Funderburk, Elizabeth Brown, Mary Purifoy all requested letters of dismission which was cordially granted.

Absalom Funderburk Clk

end #50
begin #51

January 10th 1841

The Baptist Church at Ebenezer met in order, Bro. Philip Belsher moderator

1st on motion Brethren L.B. Smith, John W. Jackson and James L. Ingram was appointed delegates to a general meeting to be held at the Baptist Church at Friendship community on _?_ before the fifth sabbath in this month which motion was agreed to .

On motion L.B. smith was appointed to write a letter to said ministry.

These are motion the conference adjourned. L.B. Smith Clk Pro Tim

end #51
begin #52

February 13th 1841

The Baptist Church at Ebenezer met in order, Bro. Philip Belcher moderator

1st opened door for the reception of members, none came forward

2nd called for references, non

3rd The church went in an election for clerk for said church when Bro. James M. Douglas was unanimously elected.

On motion adjourned. John W. Jackson Protem

end #52
begin #53

March 15th 1841

The Baptist Church at Ebenezer met in order, Brother John W. Jackson moderator

1st opened door for the reception of members when Bro. John R. Battle and his wife Litia came forward and was recieved by letter.

2nd Called for references when the church went into an election for two deacon for said church when Brethren John W. Jackson and James M. Douglas was duly elected they being present and excepted.

3rd Brother Crawford Jackson came forward and beg the church that they would forgive him for drinking two much spirits which was cordial done after hearing the brother.

Douglafs CClk (Douglass)

end #53
begin #54

1841 April 10th

The church met in conference after sermon by our pastor.

1st Opened the door for the reception of members when brother James Jackson and Sarah Jackson was rec'd on their letters from this church. Bro Seabor Jackson and Nancy Jackson his spouse was rec'd on their letter from Friendship Church.

2nd on motion sister Sarah M. Douglas was rec'd on vouchers

3rd on motion granted Brother John W. Jackson Liberty to Excercise his Tallents in the _?_ of this church and the neighboring sister churches and take any portion of God's word as a foundation for exhortation or doctrine.

CCk James M Douglas

the meeting house bid of by brother Crofford Jackson to keep for the next year at five dollars the 10th April 1841

end #54
begin #55

May the 8th 1841

The Church at Ebenezer met in order Brother Philip Belsher Moderator

1st opened a door for the reception of members , Rec'd none

2nd called for referances, none

3rd Moved that a committee be appointed to wait on Brother Lonsford to request him to attend at this place as presbitter to ordain Deacons when Brothers John Jackson and L.B. Smith was appointed to wait on him.

4th Moved that a committee Be appointed to wait on the two brothers Joseph and John Battle to settle a differance Between them when Brethren James Jackson and L.B. Smith and R. Wall was appointed to settle the case and Report to the nesct(next) conferance.

James M. Douglas CCk

end #55
begin #56

June 13th

After divine service the church met in conference

1 opened a Door

2 Called for refferences and took up the case of Br Joseph and Br. John Battle. the committee Reported that they could not Effect a reconciliation.

3 appointed Bretheren J.W. Jackson, L.B. Smith and James Jackson a committee to visit Br. Joseph Battle and cite him before us at our next conference.

4th Sister Michall Derisoe applied for a letter of Dismifsion which was granted

J.M. Douglas

end # 56
begin #57

July 10th 1841

After Divine Service the church met in conference

1st Opened a door

2nd Called for refferences and took up the case of Br. Joseph Battle and on his refusing to attend the church She pronounced the sentence of Excommunication against him.

3rd A charge was peferd against a Black Brother by the name of Jeff for disobedience to his master Bro. L.B. Smith and on the testimony of Bro. L.B. Smith, Jeff was excommunicated.

J.M. Douglas

end #57
begin #58

August 1841

After divine service, met in conference and opened a door

2 called for refferences

end #58

begin #59 (very difficult to read)

September 11th 1841

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in conference Bro. Philip Belsher in the chair

first opened door to new members, none came

2nd Read the decorum

3rd Bro. Eli Smith was appointed to see Bro Jefse _?_ and request him to attend the next conference and give reasons what was the _?_ of attending the conference the last year.

4th The church went into to choose_?_ to attend the apociation to be held at _?_ on friday before the 3rd Lord's Day in next month when Brother L.B. Smith , Jus L. Ingram was chosen and Bro. John W. Jackson in case of failure.

5th Elected Bro. L.B. Smith to write the letter

6th Brother James M.Douglas applyd for a letter of dismisfsion from said church which was granted.

7th The church went to an election for clerk to fill the vacancy of Bro. J.M. Douglas when Bro. ______ was duly elected.

8th Agreed to corraspond with Fellowship and Friendship Churches when Brethren J.W. Jackson, L.B. Smith and Jas Jackson was appointed delegates to said churches.

9th Brethren James MGarrah and Abel Funderburk was cordially recieved as Corrospon_ del__ (corrosponding delegates?) from Friendship Church to this church.

Conference then adjourned
L.B. Smith Church Clk

end #59

begin #60

October 9th 1841

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in conference, Bro Philip Belsher monderator

1st a door was oppend to recieve members, non came forward

2nd Bro L.B. Smith made a full _?_ concerning a difficulty that was made on him by A. Whaley at Pond Town on Monday the 4th of this month. After hearing the same fully stated by himself and Bro. James Jackson the church unanimously _?_ him.

3rd The letter wrote by Bro L.B. Smith to send to the afsociation was read and _?_.

4 the following sum of money was sent by delligates to the apociation for minutes. One dollar for apociation fund one dollar fifty cents _?_

adjourned L.B.Smith Church Clk

end #60

begin #61

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in conference Bro. _?_ W. Jackson moderator

1st door opened to _?_ members, non came forward

2nd Went into Election for deacon for said church when Bro. Greenberry Clark was duly elected.

3rd Appointed the following Brothern as corrospondery delligates to Friendship Church. Brothren B__ Watson, S__born Jackson and James C. Jackson.

4th Bro. L.B. smith appointed to write the Letter to said Fellowship Church of _?_.

Then ajourned L.B.Smith C.C.

end #61


November 14th 1841

The Baptist Church of Christ met this day at Ebenezer in Conference, Bro. Philip Belsher moderator

1st opened a door to recieve member when _?_ Mittileda Thompson came forward and was recieved by experience

2nd _?_ to have Brethern John W. Jackson and Green B. Clark ordained deacon tomorrow morning

L.B. Smith CC

end #62

end #63

15th November 1841

The Baptist Church met this morning _?_ to the above order and further agreed to grant the ordination as Deacons John W. Jackson and Green B. Clark. Brethern Philip Belsher and _?_ B. Deavour formed a presbitary and _?_ a part by ordanition the said Brethern Jackson and Clark to the office of Deacons Brothern Deavourn asked the questions and made prayer Brother Belsher give the charge.

L.B. Smith CC

end #63

begin #64

(the date on this one is December 1842, but I believe it is supposed to be 1841)

December 10th 1842

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in order Bro. John W. Jackson moderator

first opened door for members, non came forward

1st went into an Election for Pastor when Bro. P. Belsher was duly elected this next year

2nd appointed Brethren Jeremiah _?_ and Eli Smith was appointed to notify Bro. Belsher of his call, then adjourned

J.W. Jackson CC proTem

end #64

begin #65

December 11th 1842 (1841)

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in order, Bro. Philip Belsher Moderator

1st opened the door to recieve members, none came forward

2nd Brothern A. Funderburk, _?_ _?_ was named as corrospondery delegates to this church from Friendship Church

3rd Brothern Garland Reid and Eth__ was also _?_ as corrospondery delegates from Fellowship Church.

4th Articles of faith _?_ _?_ decorum was read

5th Appointed Brethern L.B. Smith and John W. Jackson to see Bro. _?_ Wall and request him to attend the next conferance,

adjourned L.B. Smith CC

end #64

begin #65

December 11th 1842 (1841)

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in order, Bro. Philip Belsher Moderator

1st opened the door to recieve members, none came forward

2nd Brothern A. Funderburk, _?_ _?_ was named as corrospondery delegates to this church from Friendship Church

3rd Brothern Garland Reid and Eth__ was also _?_ as corrospondery delegates from Fellowship Church.

4th Articles of faith _?_ _?_ decorum was read

5th Appointed Brethern L.B. Smith and John W. Jackson to see Bro. _?_ Wall and request him to attend the next conferance, adjourned L.B. Smith CC

end #6

begin #66

December 12th 1842(1841)

The Church of Christ _?_ met in order, Brother Philip Belsher moderator

1st ordered 12th section of the Decorum be struk out and the following be inserted (viz) That if any Brother should absince himself two conferences it shal be the duty of the Church to appoint one or more of the Brothern to go and see the Brother and request him friendly and admonish him to be moor strict to his duty. L.B. Smith C.C.

P.S. Brothern Clark, Cottle, and Eli Smith appointed corrosponding delligates to fellowship Church

Opened conferance again at said church, Bro P. Belsher Moderator

1st opened door of the church to recieve members when _?_ Mittilda Thompon came forward and was recieved on Experience of Grace

L.B. Smith Church C

end #66

begin #67

Jany 8th 1842

The Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in order, Bro Philip Belsher Moderator

1st Opened a door for the reception of members when Mifs(Miss) A___ Jackson came forward and was recieved in said Church on Experience of Grace.

2nd A charge was _?_ against Jno R. Battle drunkennifs and profane swearing- on motion the case was laid over to the next conference

3rd The case of Brother Ufsury was taken up and on motion Brother Eli Smith and John W. Jackson was appointed to see Bro Jefse Ursury and request him to attend the next conferance

4th Sister Elizer Mitts requested a letter of difmifsiion from said church which was unanimously granted in full fellowship

L.B. Smith CC

end #67

begin #68

February 12th 1842

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in order, Bro Philip Belsher moderator

1st opened door for the reception of members when Brother William Jackson and his wife came forward and was recieved by letter from Friendship Church

2nd Called for referances when the case of John R. Battle was again brought up for drunkenefs and profand _?_ and on the acknowledgedment of Bro Battle the church agreed to restore him again in fellowship

4th(3rd) On motion Bro Jefsee Ursury was excommunicated from said church for his failing to attend said church when after requested

4th Brother James L. Ingram called for a letter of dismifsion from said church also for his wife which was cordially granted in full fellowship

5th Appointed Brothern James L. Ingram, John W. Jackson and James C. Jackson corrosponding Brethren to friendship church

6th Bro L.B. Smith appointed to write the Letter

on motion adjourned L.B. Smith CC

end #68

begin #69

February 18th 1842

The church of Christ at Ebenezer met this day in order, Brother John W. Jackson moderator

1st on motion agreed to go into an election for Pastor to serve this church the present year. When Brother James L. Lunsford was unanimously elected.

2nd on motion Brother L.B. Smith and Green B. Clark was appointed to wait on Brother Lunsford to notify him of his call and request an answer.

on motion adjourned, L.B. Smith CC

end # 69

begin #70

March 12th 1842

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in order, Bro. Moodant (Woodant?) moderator

1st opened a door for the reception of members when Sister Moriah Allen came forward and presented her letter and was cordially recieved.

2 Bro Joseph A. Cook was cordially recieved as corrosponding delegate from Fellowship Church to this Church.

3 Bro. L.B. Smith one of the committee appointed to wait on Bro. Lunsford has and inform him of the call made by them and _?_ Pastor for this year and performed that duty, and inform the church that Bro. Lunford will give an answer thursday next.

4 Bro. L.B. Smith made a charge against Bro. John R. Battle for disorderly conduct further then was a committee appointed to wait on Bro. Battle and request him to attend the next conference to answer the charges, that committee consist of Brothern _?_ Jackson, Clark and _?_.

5th appointed corrsponding dellygates to Fellowship Church. Brethren James C. Jackson and William Jackson. Bro. L.B. Smith to write the letter.

L.B. Smith CC

end #70

begin #71

April 9th 1842

The Baptist Church of Christ met this day at Ebenezer in order, Bro John W. Jackson moderator

1st opened a door to recieve members, none came forward

2nd Bro John W. Jackson one of the committee to see Bro John R. Battle for a charge of disorderly conduct and request him to attend this conferance, that reported that he had performed that duty and was ready to report. He stated that he requested Bro Battle to attend this conferance which he refused to do, and after hearing the charge read _?_ was a move and a second to excumunicate him which was unanimously done, from all the Benefits of the said church.

3rd The following named Brothern petioned this church for Letters of dismifsion which was cordially granted in full fellowship. (viz) Bro Eli Smith and his wife Elizabeth, Bro Robert Wall and his wife, Sister Julian Montgomery, Sister Metilda Thompson, Bro Hiram Miller Also Bro L.B. Smith and his wife Mary.

4 Went into an Election for clerk for this Church, Bro Southerlin was unanimously Elected.

5th On Motion agreed all Letters grantd from this church shall be granted in full from said church, and not _?_ to this church for any conduct whatever after the said letter is given and signed by the clerk and the person applying, may Join any church he may think proper,without naming in the letter when Joined to any other church order as _?_.

moved and ajourned L.B. Smith CC

Bro Watson preferred a charge against Bro Seaborn Jackson for making false statements at several times

end #71

begin #72

May 7th 1842

The Church met in order, John W. Jackson moderator

1st open the dore for the reception of members,none came forward

2st took up the case of Brother Seaborn Jackson

3rd Moved and secondid that Brother Seaborn Jackson be excommunicated, the _?_ of the Church was equally divided and it was laid over until next Conferance.

4th the following members has applied fer a letter of dismission from Said Church.

5th Brother John Cottle and wife Also a colerd Brother Andrew the property of Charles R. Tondee Also a Colored Sister Candis the propperty of Bro L.B. Smith Also Sister Axey Smith Also Sister Letty Battle Also Brother Ethelelred-Ingram and wife Also Brother John Ingram

done by order of Conference Jeremiah Southerlin CCk

end #72

begin #73

June 11th 1842

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in Conferance, Brother Howell moderator

1st opened the Door for the reception of members , Recieved John Acre under the watch care of the church

2nd Took up the case of Brother Seaborn Jackson and after his making Satisfactory Acknowledgements was restored to full Fellowship

3rd Went into the choice of a pasture(pastor) when Brother John Howell was unanimously elected

4th Appointed Brethren J.W. Jackson, G.B. Clark, and J. Southerlin to inform Brother Howell of the call

5th A committee appointed to write to Valey Grove Talbot County to request the ordaination of Brother John Howell

6th Appointed Corrisponding Brethren to Fellowship Church, J.W. Jackson, G.B. Clark and J Southerlin to write the letter

7th Sister Catharine Harper called for a Letter of Dismifsion and was objected to

Done by order of conference}Jeremiah Southerlin CC

end #73

begin #74

July 9th 1842

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenenzer met in Conference, Bro John Howell Modr.

1st Opened the door for the reception of members when Susan M. Justice came forward and was Cordially recieved by an Experience of Grace

2nd Sister Catharine Harper called for a Letter of Dismifsion from this Church which was granted

3rd Sister Elizabeth Cooper called for a letter of Dismifsion which was also granted

done by order of Conferance Jeremiah Southerlin, CC

end #74

begin #75

July 11th 1842

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in Conferance, Bro John Howell Modr

1st opened the door for the reception of members when Nathanial B. Ingram and his wife Rachel Ingram and Mary King and A. H. Justice, All of which was recieved by an Experience of Grace. Sister Catharine Werner applied for a letter and was granted

Jeremiah Southerlin CClk

July 12th

met in conferance when brother Levi Justice, a deacon was recieved by Letter and Margaret A. Fleming by an Experience of Grace

July 13th

The church met in Conference and recieved by Experience of Grace, Edmond and Julia A. Jackson

July 14th

Met in Conferance, recieved by letter Eliza Metts and William Strauder under the watchcare of the Church and Also Sister Nancy Strauder was recieved by Letter

Jeremiah Southerlin CCk

July 17th

The Church at Ebenezer met in Conferance-recieved James Acre and Samuel Acre by an Experience of Grace
Jeremiah Southerlin CCk
end #75
begin #76
August 13th 1842
The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in Conference, John W. Jackson Modr
1st open the dore for the recipton of members, recieved none
2nd Called for refferances, none
3rd The church agreed to alter there former mode of granting Letters of Dismifsion, have agreed to rite them after the usual mode tht is laid down in the Minutes
4th Brother William Jackson and Wife called fer Letters of Dismifsion which was granted
done by order of Conferance Levi Justice Clerk protem
end #76

begin #77

August 19th 1842

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in Conferance, Brother John Howell moderator

1st open the door fer the reception of members when sister Rody Jackson came forward and give Satisfaction that she had lost her letter of dismifsion and was cordially recieved into membership

August 20th the church met in Conferance

1st open the dore fer the reciption of members when James O. Watson and Francis Glover was recieved by an Experience of Grace Also sister Ellin Justice was recieved by Letter

2nd Brother John Battle came forward and after making satisfactory acknowledgements was restored to membership again

3rd on motion the Church agreed to give Brother John W. Jackson ritten Licens to go Into All the world and preach the Gospell where ever his Lot may be cast

August 20th

the church met in Conferance, open the dore fer the reciption of members, recieved Ellington Battle by Experience of Grace Also recieved John D__? by Experience of Grace

Jeremiah Southerlin CC end #77

begin #78

August 21st (1842)

The Church met in Conferance, open the dore for the reciption of members, recieved Jackson Justice and wife Lavera Justice by Experience of Grace

Jeremiah Southerlin CC

end #78 begin #79

September 10th (1842)

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met according to previous Appointment Brother John Howell Modr (moderator)

1st open the dore fer the reciption of members, recieved non

2nd Invited Brethren and Sisters of Sister Churches to Seats with us

3rd Called fer Corrispondence and recieved from Friendship Church Brothren King and Glover

4th Called for refferances, none

5th went in to the Choice of deligates to represent us in the Afsociation when Brethren John W. Jackson and Levi Justice and G.B. Clark in case of failure

6th Appointed the Brother Clerk to rite the letter

7th Agreed to send $1.50 to fer minuts and $1.00 fer Funds

8th this Church Agreed to become a Censtituent member of the Convention through the Afsociation

9th Appointed corrispondance to Fellowship when Brethren Crawford and Seaborn Jackson agreed to go, done in Conference

September 11th

recieved by Experience of Grace Jane Irwin

Appleton H. Justice Clerk Protem
(Note: The Levi Justice mentioned here was the son of Dempsey Justice (1766-1827) a Rev. War soldier, Baldwin County. Appleton H. Justice is believed to be the son of Levi Justice. It is thought that Jackson Justice is another son, although I have not been able to find actual proof. Jarrett/Jared Justice is also thought to be Levi's son and I have been trying hard to find proof of their relationships. Anyone able to give any help on this would be much appreciated. In 1832 Levi was acting as Deacon at the Concord Baptist Church, north of Pleasant Hills, Talbot County.) Morris Justice [email protected]

end #79

begin #80

October 1th

the church met in conference and recieved Edmond Cruchfield by Experience of Grace

J Southerlin CC

October 4th

the Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in Conferance,

Brother John W. Jackson Modr.

1st open the door fer the reciption of members, recieved non

2nd called fer refferances, non

3rd Called fer new matters, non

4th on Motion the church agreed to _?_ one afsociation letter _?_ on the fourth Saturday in this month

J Southerlin CClk

end #80

begin #81

The Baptist Church at Ebenezer met in conferance

On motion the Letter to the association was red and rec'd

Jeremiah Southerlin CC

end #81

begin #82

Nov(ember) 12th (1842)

the Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in Conference J. Howell mod(erator)

1st opened the Door for the reciption of members, none recieved

2nd Called for refferances, none

3rd _?_ the _?_ of choseing a pastor from December meeting to _?_ meeting

4th went Into the Choice of A pastor when Brother John Howell was unanimously chosen

5th Brother Allison and wife called for letters of Dismifsion from this church, which was granted

Appleton H. Justice Clerk protem

end # 82

begin #83

December 10th (1842)

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in Conference, Brother John Howell, Mod

1st opend the Door for the reception of members, recieved none

2nd Called fer refferences, none

3rd Called fer new matters,none

4th on Motion the Church went into the Choice of A deacon when Brother Cullen L(?) Battle was unanimously Elected

5th on Motion the church has Agreed to have a presbytry fer the purpose of ordaining a Deacon fer Ebenezer Church on Fryday before the Second Sabbath in January 1843

6th Called fer Corrispondance from Fellowship Church when Brother Walton Read came forward and was recieved

7th Brother Bar___ was also recieved as A Corrispondence from Friendship Church

8th Brethren Seabern Jackson, Edmund Crutchfield, and James C. Jackson Appointed Corrispondance to Fellowship

9th Brother Levi Justice and wife and Brother Jackson Justice and wife called for Letter of Dismifsion from this church which was granted

10th On Motion the Church Appointed Brother Cullen L. Battle in place of Levi Justice to _?_ _?_ A comity to _?_ fer Brother S____thes letter and Brother John Acree letter also

December 11th recieved Elizabeth Battle by Experience of Grace, done in conference
(Notes: The Elizabeth listed below was Cullen Larzarus Battle's wife. She was Mary Elizabeth Countryman, born May 17, 1822 , died, August 22, 1899. She and Cullen are buried in the Ellaville Cem.
Her parents were John Countryman and Mary Kirk. They are buried in Ebenezer Cem. She had a sister Martha that married Samuel Caskey. I believe he was mentioned in some of the first minutes of the church.--Martha Rainey) [email protected]

Jeremiah Southerlin CClk

end #83

begin #83

December 10th (1842)

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in Conference, Brother John Howell Mod

1st opened the door for the reception of members, recieved none

2nd Called fer refferences, none

3rd Called fer new matters, none

4th on Motion the Church went into the Choice of a deacon when Brother Cullen L. Battle was unanimously elected

5th on motion the Church has agreed to have a presby_ fer the purpose of ordaining a deacon fer Ebenezer Church on Fryday before the second Sabbath in January 1843

6th Called fer Corrispondance from Fellowship Church when Brother Walton Read came forward and was recieved

7th Brother B_?_ was also recieved as a corrispondence from Friendship Church

8th Brethren Seabern Jackson, Edmund Crutchfield, and James C. Jackson Appointed Corrispondance to Fellowship

9th Brother Levi Justice and wife and Brother Jackson Justice and wife called for Letter of dismifsion from this church which was granted

10th on Motion the Church Appointed Brother Cullen L. Battle in place of Levi Justice to _?_ _?_ a comity to _?_ fer Brother S_?_ letter and Brother John Acree letter also

December 11th recieved Elizabeth Battle by Experienice of Grace

done in Conference Jeremiah Southerlin CClk

end # 83

begin #84

Jan 7th 1843

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in Conference

1st opened the door for the reception of members, Sister Nancy Daiverson was recieved on her confefsion that she has bin a member of an arm of the Baptist Church in Pulasky county from which she was excommunicated-which we have restored not having accefs(access) to the arm and also sister Elizabeth Southerlin was recieved by Letter from Fellowship church.

on motion the church appointed Brethren John W. Jackson and G.B. Clark and Brother Appleton Justice in case of failure to represent us in the General metting to be held in the Second Dist(rict) at Pleasant Plains Church,

on motion the church Expelled Brother John Acre and Brother William Strawder from under the watch care of the church and also Sister Nancy Douglas called for a letter of dismifsion which was granted

Jeremiah Southerlin CC

end #84

begin #85

February 11th 1843

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in Conference, Brother James S. Lunsford modr

1st opened the door for the reciption of members, recieved none

2nd called for refferneces-none

3rd called for new matters when on motion the church appointed Brethren John W. Jackson, G.B. Clark, and A. Justice a committee to cite Brother Ingram to our next conference to make his excuse for his none attendance

Jeremiah Southerlin CC

end #85

begin #86

March 11th (1843)

The Baptist Church of Christ of at Ebenezer met in Conference, Brother John Howell, Modr

1st opened the door fer the reciption of members , recd none

2nd called fer refferences Took up that of last meeting of Brother Ingrams none attendance agreed to wate on him untill next meeting

3rd took up the Subject of foot washing agreed to have it on Sabbath at the meeting house at Communion S_?_.

4th on motion it was agreed to Appoint a treasurer when on balloting A.H. Justice was elected

5th called fer Corrispondance and recieved from Fellowship Brother Wm _?_ with a letter

6th Appointed Corrispondened to Fellowship Brethren C. Jackson and Ed Jackson agreed to go

7th called on Brother Battle for an answer relative to his becoming a deacon when he rose and consented to be ordained

done in conference Appleton H. Justice Clerk Protem

end #86

begin #87

April 8th 1843

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in Conference, Brother John Howell mod

1st opened the Door for the reciption of members recieved Brother John Brown and wife Elizabeth Brown, and Also Sister Elizabeth Cooper all by letter

2nd Called for refferances, none

3rd Called for new matters, none

4th recieved by the treasurer of the contingent funds _?_

April 9th recieved Sister Caroline Jackson by letter from Friendship Church

April 10th recieved Elizabeth Battle the wife of Brother C.L. Battle by Experience of Grace Also recieved Isaiah Dicken by Experience of Grace

on the Least Mention _?_ of the month The Baptist Church at ebenezer met According to precious Appointment fer the purpose of ordaining Brother C.L. Battle a Deacon fer the use of Ebenezer church. Brethren Isaac Deavers and John Howell forming a presbytree. Brother Deavers asked the questions an Brother Howell give the charge. Jeremiah Southerlin CClk

end #87

begin #88

May 13th 1843

The Baptist Church of christ at Ebenezer met in conference, Brother John Howell Modr

1st opened the reciption of members recieved _?_ Watson the wife of Brother James O. Watson and Elizabeth Ann Watson both by an Experience of Grace and Also Sister Mary L. Acree by letter from Corrinth church also recieved Benjamin P. Jackson under the watchcare of the church till August meeting

2nd Called for refferences,none

3rd Called for new matters, none

Jeremiah southerlin CClk

end #88

begin #89

June the 10th (1843)

The Baptist Church at Ebenezer met in Conference, Brother John Howell modr

1st open the door for the reciptoin of members, recieved Susan Clark and Susan Hutson Both by Experience of Grace

June 12th recieved _?_ Hutson by Experience

2nd Called for refferances, none

3rd Called for new matters, none

4th Called fer Corrispondence, recieved Brethren S. G. Smith , H.F. Burk and P. Derden from Friendship. Brethren Golden and Wall from Pondtown. Brother Walton _?_ from Fellowship.

5th On motion the church Appointed Corrispondence to Fellowship, Brethren C.L. Battle and _?_ C. Jackson. Correspondance to Pondtown, Brethren G.B. Clark, P. Battle, B. Watson

6th Sister June Irwin Applied fer a letter of dismifsion which was granted. Brother Edmond Crutchfield and aplied fer a letter of dismifsion. Sister Crutchfield letter was granted and Brother Crutchfields letter was objected to in Consequence of Disorder

7th on motion the church appointed a committee to cite the Brother to attend our next conference to _?_ the report fer himself. Recieved by the treasurer of the contingent funds 75 cents

J. S. C. C. (Jeremiah Southerlin , Church clerk)

end #89

begin #90

July 4th 1843

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in Conference, Brother P. Howell Mod

1st open the door for the reciption of members, recieved none

2nd called for refferences when the church took up the case of Brother E. Crutchfeild when the Brother came forward and made the necesary acknowledgements. The church willingly forgive the Brother his fault. Brother Crutchfield then called for a letter of dismifsion which was granted
(Note: Brother E. Crutchfield was Edmund James Crutchfield. He married abt. 1839 in Schley Co., Elizabeth Battle. Elizabeth, born abt. 1824 was the daughter of John Randolph Battle and Lettie Ellington. Martha Rainey [email protected] )

3rd Called fer new matters when on motion the church appointed a committee composing of Brethren P.M. Jackson, B. Watson, and C.L. Battle to Enquire in the cause of Siser Elizabeth Carroll leaving her husband and report at our next conference.

Jeremiah Southerlin, CClk

end #90

begin #91

9th (July 1843)

in conference recieved Archibald Brown and wife Elizabeth Brown and Famy a collord(colored) woman the property of E.P. Cottle all by Experience of Grace

10th recieved Elizabeth Coopper Shadrick-Meginty all by Experience of Grace (there was not a coma in this list of names only the one dash)

11th recieved Caleb and Ann the property of Brother _?_ G. Smith Both by experience

12th recieved Green Davison by Experience also Hurtwell H. Sims and wife L_etta

13th also recieved by Experience Joseph Clemmons and Wife Martha Clemmons, Merida Monk, Isam the property of Brother A. H. Justice and restored Wm Holloway who has bin Excommunicated in Monroe county.

14th recieved Mary Goff by Expereince, Also by letter James M. Douglas by experience James Davison and Delila Wells and Everet Wells, Daniel Owens and wife Caroline Owens, George Hughs, John Linsey, Pamela Hugh

15(th) by experience Michael Deriso and wife Elizabeth Deriso, Stephen G. Smith (P_?_) Thomas Holloway, by letter Nancy S. Gadley By Experience Absalem Jackson

16th recieved Elizabeth Gwinn by Experience of Grace

Jeremiah Southerlin, CClk

end #91

begin #92

August 12th 1843

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in conference, Brother John Howell mod

1st open the door fer the reciption of members, recieved none

2nd called fer refferences when the Church took up the case of Benjamin _?_ Jackson who was recieved under the watchcare of the church three months previous to this conference On motion the church rec'd the Brother Benjamin _?_ Jackson in full fellowship

3rd on motion the committee reported that they had enquired into the case of Sister Carroll leaving her husband as strictly as possible and rec'd no precise Infermation on the subject on motion the church rifer(refer) the case of sister Carrel to our October conference the named committee continued to use their best endeavors to Investigate the matter

4th a charge preferred against Brother Ellington Battle fer impropper conduct and on motion the church appointed a committee to cite the brother to our next conference to answer fer his Improper conduct the committee composing of Brethern Clark, Justice, and Wells

5th appointed corrispondance to Friendship Brethren J.C. Jackson , Wm Holloway, _?_ Brown

13 rec'd Harriett Melton by Experience of grace also Brother Steppen G. Smith called fer a letter of Dismission which was granted

14th recd by Experience Kissey L_ and Winney-Meginty

15th by Experience Nancy _?_ Thompson , Thomas Graham and wife _utha Graham by letter also William Hubboured and wife Elizabeth Hubbard by Experience also Wm Clemmons and daughter Artha Clemmons by experience Also Jefse L__(same as above L_) by experience

Jeremiah Southerlin CClk

end #92

begin #93

Sept 9th (1843)

The Baptist Church of Christ of Ebenezer met in Conference J. Howell Mod

1st opened the dor fer the reciption of members recieved Sarah Davison by Experience

2nd Called fer refferences took up the case of Brother Ellington Battle when the Brother came forward and after making the necssisary Acknowledgements the Brethren forgive him his fault

3rd called fer Corrispondence recieved Brethren read L_?_ and Mott from Fellowship Brethren Derden and Edgar from Friendship

4th Corrispondance to pleasant plains H. Sims, P.W. Jackson

5th on motion the church appointed delligates to represent the church of Ebenezer in the Afsociation to comune at Lumpkin _?_ County, Brethren C.L. Battle, A. Justice, and J. Brown in cace(case) of failure

6th the church agreed to 150 cents fer minutes on _?_ fer association funds

Sept 10th recieved Eliza Clemmonds by Experience Jeremiah Southerlin CClk

end #93

begin #94

Georgia Sumpter County Oct 7th 1843

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in conference, Brother John W.
Jackson Modr

1st  open the door fer the reciption of members, recd none

2nd Called fer refferences took up the case of Sister Elizabeth Carrell _?_
which was refered till our next conference

3rd  the letter to the Association was red(read) and recd(recieved)

4th  Called fer new matters none

5  Brother Archibald Brown and Sister Elizabeth Brown called fer Letter of
dismifsion which was granted                          J.W. Brown   CC Protem

end #94

begin #95

November 11th 1843

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in conference, Brother John
Howell, modr

1st  open the door fer the reciption of member, recd none

2nd  Called fer refferences took up the case of Sister Carroll and on motion
the church dismifsed the case provided the Sister would live with her
husband. Appointed  J.W. Jackson and C.L. Battle to see the sister and
advise her to live with her husband

3rd  appointed Brethren John Brown, C.L. Battle, J.W. Jackson to rite fer a
letter fer Bro. Wm St__der

4th  a committee appointed to wait on Brethren M.  Monk and George Hughs fer
theirs non attendance Brethren C.L. Battle, J.W. Brown, James Watson

5th  on motion the church went into the choice of a pasture(pastor) when
Brother John Howell was unanimously elected

end #95

begin #96

Georgia Sumpter County  December 9th 1843

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in Conference, Brother J.
Howell, Mod

1st  open the door for the reciption of members, recd none

2nd  Called for refferences, none

3rd  Called for new matters, none

4th  Called for corrispondance, none

5th  appointed corrispondance to Fellowship, Brothren C.L.Battle and J.W.

6th  Sister Nancy S Godly aplied for a letter of  Dismission which was

Jeremiah Southerlin CClk

end #96

begin #97

January the 15th  1844

The Baptist (Church)  of Christ  at Ebenezer met in conference, Brother J.
Howell, mod

1st open the door for the reciption of members when A. Clark, Margaret L.
Clark and Ellin Clark  came forward with letter and was recieved. Also _?_
Sellars by Experience of Grace also Will, a collerd Brother the property of
_?_ M. Godley was recd by Experience of Grace

2nd  Called for refferances, none

3rd  Called fer New matters when Brother Crawford Jackson came forward with
an acknowledgement of gilty for drunknefs which was not recieved but was

4th  A charge prefered Against Brother Wm Clemons for Mifs Conduct and a
committee appointed Brethren G.B. Clark and J.W. Brown

5th  A charge prefered against Brother _?_ R. Battle for Ill conduct
appointed the following committee.  _?_   _?_ , G.B. Clark and A. Justice

6th  the Brother James O. Watson and wife, James Acre and wife called for
letters of dismifsion which was granted
C.L. Battle   Clk Protem

end #97

begin #98

February 10th 1844

the Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in Conference, J. Howell mod

1st  open the door for the reciption of members, recd none

2nd  called for refferances when Brother Wm. Clemmonds came forward and
after making the necisary acknowagments the church forgive the Brother

3rd  the church also prefered a charge against Brother John R. Battle for
last conference for Ill Conduct and the Brother came forward and after
making the necisary acknowledgements the church forgive the Brother his

4th  Call for new matter,none

5(th)  A query proposed by the Brother Moderator, is it rite for a Baptist
to take a _?_ (possibly dram?)  where Spirits is sold by the retail  In
Answer to the above query the church desided it was not because they
believed it to be _?_  patron to lay before the world.

Jeremiah Southerlin CClk

end # 98

begin #99

March 9th 1844

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
Conference, Brother J. Howell Mod

1st  opened the door for the reciption of members,
recd Brother Chappell Hughs by letter from Friendship

2nd  Called for refferences, none

3rd  Called for New matter when Brother _?_  _?_  came
forward and acknowledged he had made use of Spirits to
an Excefs(excess) and made the Necesary
acknowledgements and the church forgive the Brother
his fault

4th  A charge prefered against Brother Wm. Clemmonds
for Drunknef (drunkeness) appointed the following
committee to wait on him, Brethren C.L. Battle, _?_ W.
Brown, and _?_ Owens

5  A charge prefered against Sister Caroline Jackson
in case of Adultry, a committee appointed to
Investigate the matter and report at our next
conference, Brethren C.L. Battle, E _?_ W. Brown,
James Douglas  and A. Justice

6th  a committee appointed to wait on Brother
Ellington Battle to cite him to our next conference
fer Improper conduct {committee} Brethren James
Davison and H. Sims

7th  Sister Rhoda Jackson, Sister Margaret Clemmonds,
Brother Wm.  Holloway and Thomas Holloway called for
letter of dismifsion which ws granted

Jeremiah Southerlin, CClk

end #99

begin #100

April the 13 1844

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st opened the door for the reciption of members, recd

2nd  called for refferences, on motion took up the
case of Brother Clemmonds when the Brother came
forward and made the necisary acknowledgements and the
church forgive the Brother his falt.

3rd  Took up the case of Sister Caroline Jackson when
the committee reported they had endivered (endeavored)
to Investigate the matter as far as possible and the
committee decided against her  and also took the voice
of the Church on the case, when the Church expelled
the Sister from the fellowship of the Church

4th  Took up the case of Brother Ellington Battle and
he was expelled from the fellowship of the Church and
appointed Brother James Davison to see the Brother and
request his letter of dismifsion which he got from
this church

5th  Called fer new matter when Brother Thomas Graham
rose and stated that he had gotten into a Difficulty
with a Brother and the Church decided against the
Brother and he was expelled from the fellowship of the

6th  Brother Benjamin _?_ brought up a charge against
himself for taking corn that did not belong to him and
the church took up the case and expelled the Brother
from the fellowship of the Church

John Howell moderator,   Jeremiah Southerlin  CClk

end #100

begin #101

May 11th 1844

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
conference, J. Howell Mod

1st  open the door for the reciption of members, recd

2nd Called for refferences, none

3rd  the Church prefered a charge against Brother
George Hughs, appointed C.L. Battle, J. Brown, J.
Jackson a committee to wait on him and report at our
next Conference

4th  the Church prefered a charge against Brother J.
L_insey and expelled him from the fellowship of the

5th  Took up and discussed the subject of Sunday
School and on motion the church elelcted Brother C.L.
Battle President and A.H. Justice Vice president to
arrange and attend to the School

A.H. Justice  clerk protem

end #101

begin #102

June 8th 1844

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
Conference, J. Howell Mod

1st  opened the door for the reciption of members when
Brother E.D. Eason and wife Elizabeth Eason came
forward and was recd by letter

2nd  Called for refferences when the Church took up
the case of Brother George Hughs and expelled him from
the fellowship of the Church

3rd  Called for Corrispondance, recd Brethren L.B.
Smith, D.M. Philips, B.T. Smith, N. Golden and Walls
from Pond Town Church . Also recd William Holloway and
Edmund Jackson with a letter from Mt. Carmel Church in
Stewart County Also, recd Brethren N. Derden from
Friendship Church

4th  _?_  Brethren to Pondtown and Friendship Churches
_?_ Corrispondance Brother C.L. Battle to rite the
letter to Pondtown Church

5th  a reconcideration of our last Conference on the
case of Brother Graham and restored him to the
fellowship of the Church

6th  Sister Sarah Jackson and daghter(daughter)  _?_
Jackson called for letters of Dismifsion which was
objected to, appointed a committee to Investigate the
Matter and report at our next conference. Brethren
A.H. Justice, J. Brown, and D. Owens committee
Jeremiah Southerlin, CClk

end #102

begin #103

July 1844

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened the door for the reciption of  members,
recd none

2nd  Called for refferences on Motion _?_ over the
refferences till next Conference

3rd  Called for the report of the committee that _?_
for Brother Strauders letter and they reported they
had recd a letter of Dismifsion for him from the
church he was expelled

James Mathis Modr Clk Protem

_?_  1844

A protracted meeting was negleced(neglected) to being
recorded by the former clerk when the church
recid(recieved) by experience 10, a part of the names
not recollected

Freeman Allen and wife Jefse Clark and wife Martha
Clark Garland Gauf Fillis, a servint of E. Wells Elisa
Golding Jefse Wadkins

end #103

begin #104

August 10th 1844

The Baptist Church of  Christ at Ebenezer met in
Conference, J. Howell mod

1st  opened the door for the reciption of members when
Sister Mary Smith came forward and was recd by letter

2nd  Called fer refferences when the committee
reported they had recd a letter of Dismifsion for
Brother William Strauder from the Church he was
excommunicated and was recd in full fellowhip of this

3rd  on Motion the church referred the case of Sister
_?_ to our next conference

4th  Brother Chappell Hughs called for a letter of
Dismifsion which was granted

5th Brother John W. Jackson came forward and returned
his licens to the church from which he recd them, on
motion the church reserved the right of Brother John
W. Jackson to Excercise in aney way he may fell
Impressed in his own church at Ebenezer

Jeremiah Southerlin CClk

end # 104

begin #105

Sept 7th 1844

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
conference, Brother J. Howell Mod

1st open the door for the reciption of members, recd

2nd  called for refferences, on Motion took up the
case of Sister Sarah Jackson when the committee
reported that the Sister yet wished a letter of
Dismifsion after a full Investigation on the Subject,
the Sister agreed to remain with us

3rd  recd Corrispondance from Pond Town B.T. Smith
from Mt. Carmel Chappell Hughs from Friendship J. _?_
T. _?_

4th  Appointed Corrispondance to Pond Town Brother
C.L. Battle and others to Friendship Brother E. Wells
and others

5th  Appointed Deligates to the Afsociation  Brother
C.L. Battle, _?_ W. Brown, and G.B. Clark in case of
failure, Agreed to send five Dollars for missionary
purposes Two dollars for Minutes

Jeremiah Southerlin  Clk

end #105

begin #106

October 12th 1844

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  open the door for the reciption of members, recd

2nd  Called for refferences when the letter to the
association red(read) and recd

3rd  A charge prefered against Brother Thomas Graham
for Improper Conduct and after a  full Investigation
on the subject the church expelled the Brother from
the fellowshipof the church

4th A charge prefered against Brother Nathaniel B. _?_
for improper Conduct, on motion appointed J.W. Brown,
J.W. Jackson, J.Southerlin a committee to cite the
Brother to our next confeence to answer the charge
prefered agaisnt him

5th  The church went into the choice of a preacher
when Brother John Howell was elected

6th  Appointed Brethren C.L. Battle, J.W. Brown, G.B.
Clark to inform the Brother of his call

7th  Brother _?_ Lee and wife and _?_ Watkins call fer
letters of Dismifsion which was granted

8th  On motion the Church Appointed a Building
Committee John E. _?_ Cottle, Brethren E. Wells, _?_
Goff, D. _?_ , C.L. Battle

Jeremiah Southerlin CCk

end #106

begin #107

November 9th  1844

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
Conferance, Brother T.B. _?_ Mod

1st  open the door fer the reciption of members, recd

2nd  Called for refferences, on motion took up the
case of Brother Ingram and took the voice of the
church on the Subject and expelled the Brother from
the fellowship of the Church

3rd  Called for new matters, none

4th  A charge prefered against Brother John Ward for
Drunknefs and other improper Conduct appointed
Brethren C.L.Battle and J. Southerlin to cite the
Brother to our next conference to answer the charge
prefered against him

5th  A charge prefered against Brother Wm Clemmond for
drunknefs appointed Brethren G.B. Clark and D. Owens a
committee to cite the brother to our next Conference
to answer the charge prefered against him

Brethren Shadrick-Meginta and wife, Sister Perm__  Ann
Hughs, Sister Ingram, Isah Dickens, J. Southerlin an
wife, Sister Graham called fer letters of Dismission
which was granted

6th  on motion the church went into the choice of a
Clerk when Brother A. H. Justice was unanimously

Jeremiah Southerlin, CClk

end #107

begin #108

Saturday December the 7th 1844

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception
of members and recieved none

2nd  called for reference and took up a charge against
Brother Ward for drunknefs and forgive him

3rd  took up a charge against Brother Wm Clemens for
drunknefs and excommunicated him

4th called for correspondence, none

5th  Sister Melton called for a letter of dismifsion
granted, _?_ called for also granted, Will the servant
of _ M. Godley a letter of dismifsion

Appleton H. Justice  CCLK

end # 108

begin #109

January the 11th 1845

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception
of members

2nd Called for reference

3rd  Called for acknowledgements when Brother Joseph
Clements came forward with one for drunknefs and was
forgiven his fault

4th  called for new matters

5th  Brother Luther Suard called for a letter of
dismifsion which was granted

John W. Brown, Clerk Protem

end #109

begin #110

February the 8th 1845

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
Conference, John Howel Moderator

1st opened the door of the church for the reception of

2nd  Called for reference

3rd  Called for Acknowledgements

4  Called for new matters the church prefered a charge
against Sister Carrel for unchristian conduct,
excluded her from the church

5th  prefered a charge against Brother H.H. Sims for
non attendance and appointed a committee to site him
to the next conference, Committee Davison, Wells and

6th          A. H. Justice  Clk

end #110

begin #111

Saturday March the 8th 1845

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met
inconference, John Howel Mod

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception
of members

2nd  Called for correspondence and recieved from
Friendship Brother A. Burk from Pond Town Brother B.
Smith from Mount Carmel Brethren J. Sertherling and E.

Appointed Correspondence to Friendship C.L. Battle and
J. Davison to Pond Town A. H. Justice and G.B. Clark
to Mt. Carmel J. Jackson and B. Watson

3rd  Called for reference and took up a charge against
Brother Sims for non attendance when he arose and
satisfied the church

4th  Called for Acknowledgements when Brother Joseph
Clemens came forward and acknowledged having been
drunk and after his promising to dring(drink) no more
Spirits the church forgive him

A.H.Justice CCk

end #111

begin #112

Saturday April the 12th 1845

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
conference, John Howel Moderator

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception
of members and recieved Brother A.N. Carns and wife
A.H. Justice CClk

end #112

begin #113

Saturday May the 10th 1845

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st opened the door of the church for the reception of
members, recieved none

2nd  Called for new matters, none A.H. Justice  CCk

end #113

begin #114

Saturday June the 7th 1845

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception
of members

2nd  Called for correspondence and recieved from
Friendship Brethren N. Darden and H. Sheffield

3rd Called for reference

4th  Called for new matters when a committee was
appointed to examine into a publick report against a
black Brother and report at the next conference

A.H. Justice  {CLK}

end #114

begin #115

Saturday July the 12th 1845

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception
of member and recieved by letter Brother Wilson
Watkins and wife whenever she comes forward

2nd  called for reference

3rd  took up a charge,  Cali_ the property of S.G.
Smith and expelled him from the church

4th prefered a charge against Brother _?_ McGinty for
fighting and on motion laid it over until next

A.H. Justice  Clk

end #115

begin 116

Ellington Battle Sunday July the 13th recieved by
restoration into the full fellowship of the Church

Monday night July the 14th recieved by experience of
Grace John Hudson and Eli Clark

July the 15th recieved by experience of Grace Binum
Reed and wife Maryan Reed , Jeremiah Jackson, Fanny
Clark, Matilda Clark and by experience a slave the
property of Mrs. Melton and by restoration Thomas
Graham also by experience Gincy Clark, Mandy Roundtree

A.H. Justice  Clk

end 116

begin 117

Saturday August the 9th 1845

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st opened the door of the church for the reception of

2nd  called for reference and took up a charge against
Brother McGinty from last meeting and on motion laid
it over until next conference

3rd appointed Brethren Sims and J.W. Jackson delegates
to represent us at the general meeting to convene at
Pleasant Plains friday before the 5 Sunday in August

A.H. Justice CLK

end 117

begin 118

Saturday September 13th 1845

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st opened a door for the reception of members

2nd  called for reference and took up a charge against
Brother McGinty and forgive him

3rd  Called for correspondence and recieved from Mt.
Carmel Brother Holliway, from Friendship Brother JRT

4th  Elected delegates to the Afsociation, John W.
Jackson, C.L. Battle and G.B. Clark in case of failure

A.H. Justice  Clk

end 118

begin 119

Saturday October the 11th 1845

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st opened a door for members

2nd called for reference

3rd  read and adopted the letter to afsociation

4  Elected Brother John Howel moderator for the next

5th granted Letters of dismifsion to Brother Strauder
and wife, Thomas Graham and Amanda Roundtree

sent for minutes 1.50 for funds 3.25

John W. Jackson (mod) ProTem                     A.H.
Justice CLK

end 119

begin 120

Saturday Nov the 8th 1845

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened a door for members

2nd  Called for new matters

3rd Sisters Elisabeth Cooper {ju} Sarah J. Thompson
and Elisabeth Cooper {Sen} Called for letters of
dismifsion which were granted

4th the church called on Brother Howel for an answer
relative to his serving another year when he arose and
answered in the affirmative

A.H. Justice CLK

end 120

begin 121

Saturday December the 13th 1845

Opened a door for the reception of members

2nd  Called for reference

3rd Called for acknowledgements when Brother Joseph
Clemens Acknowledged having drank too much spirits and
on motion the church forgive him

J. Howel {mod}                        A.H. Justice Clk

end 121

begin 122

Saturday Jan the 10th 1846

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened a door for the reception of members

2nd  called for references

3rd  called for new matters

J. Howel {mod}    A.H. Justice  C

end 122

begin 123

Saturday Feb the 7th 1846

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception
of members

2nd  called for reference

3  Called for new matters when the church prefered a
charge against Brother Joseph Clemens for intoxication
and expelled him from the church

John Howel A. H. Justice

end 123

begin 124

Saturday March the 7th 1846

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer in conference

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception
of members and recieved by letter Nelly Sims

granted a letter of dismifsion to John Ward

2nd  prefered a charge against William Strauder and
appointed Brethren Battle, Owens, and Jackson to call
for his letter and cite him to conference

John Howel             a.H. Justice

end 124

begin 125-129

Saturday April the 11th 1846

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened a door for the reception of members

2 called for reference and took up the case of Brother
Strauder and on motion laid it over until next

B. Sims  mod                        A.H. Justice Clk

Church in conference 4th Sunday recieved by experience
of Grace William Walker

Tate moderator  A.H. Justice clk


Saturday May the 9th 1846

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception
of members

2nd  called for correspondence and recieved from Mt.
Zion Church a letter by Brethren Newby and Ship

3rd  Called for reference and took up a charge against
Brother Strawder for improper conduct and forgive him

4th appointed Friday before next meeting for the
dedication of the new meeting house and appointed
Brethren C.L. Battle, E.D. Eason and A.H. Justice to
represent us at the general meeting to convene at Mt.
Carmel Friday before the fifth sabbath in _?_ to
invite ministers to be with us at the dedication of
the new house

John Howel-mod             A.H. Justice


Saturday June the 13th 1846

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception
of members and recieved by experience of grace
Margaret King, by restoration Joseph Clemens also at
knight(night) Catharine Anders and Fanny Watson

2nd  called for correspondence and recieved from Pond
Town H. Lumkin and B.T. Smith

3rd  on motion the church recieved and welcomed
Brother E.D. Eason as one of the deacons of this

4th  appointed corespondence to Pond Town  Brethren
Battle, Justice, and others

5th  appoined A.H. Justice, C.L. Battle, and E.D.
Eason a committee to wait on and settle a difficulty
between Brethren J.W. Jackson and  B. Watson

John Howel{mod}          A.H. Justice  CL


Saturday July the 11th 1846

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception
of members

2nd  called for reference and took up a charge
against Brother John W. Jackson for improper conduct
and forgive him

3rd  called for acknowledgements when Brother C.L.
Battle arose and acknowledged having gotten into a
difficulty when the church freely forgive him


Tuesday the 14 of July recd by experience of grace
William T. Eason, Thomas Waters and Ebenezer J.

Thursday the 15 of July the church restored William
Clemens to the full fellowship of the church in
conference at night recieved by experience of grace
Hezekiah McC__e

John Howel          A.H. Justice Clk

end 125-129

begin 130-134

Saturday August the 8th 1846

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met when
Brother Douglas preached and Brother Howel rose in
exortation and the good Lord was with him and the
church and showered down His Spirit to the over
flowing of all present

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception
of members and recieved Philip King by experience

2 called for reference

3 called for new matters

4 on motion the church agried to join the Columbus
Afsociation and elected Brethren A.H. Justice, B.B.
Clark, and C.L. Battle in case of failure to
represent us in the Afsociation agreed to send $1.50
cts for minutes and $6.00 for Domestic Mifsion

J. Howel, mod             A.H. Justice  CLK

Saturday the 12th of Sept 1846

The Baptist Church of Christ at E (benezer) met in

1st  opened the door for the reception of members

2nd  read and adopted the Letter to Afsociation

3rd  Called for correspondance and recieved from Mt.
Carmel Brother Corley and from Pond Town Brethren
B.T. Smith and S. Elkins

J.W. Jackson              A.H. Justice

Friday Oct the 9th 1846

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception
of members

2nd  Elected Brother Howel pastor for the next year
and appointed Brethren Battle, Curns and Jackson a
committee to wait on him and inform him of his call

J.B. Deavours {mod}    A.H. Justice

Saturday Nov the 7th  1846

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened a door for the reception of members

2nd  the church prefered a charge against Brother
Joseph Clemens and expelled him also expelled Wm.
Clems and John R. Battle all for intoxication

3rd  granted letters of dismifsion to G.B. Clark and
wife, James Hudson and wife, John Hudson and wife,
Bright Watson and wife and daughters and Susan Clark

John Howel{mod}     A.H. Justice

Note:  The reference of correspondence between the
church at Ebenezer and Pond Town Brethren B.T. Smith
and S. Elkins--B.T. Smith may very well be my GG
Grandfather, Benjamin Tarpley Smith.  They were living
at Pond Town during that era. According to the family
history, they were Christian, Church going people.
researcher:  Mary Beth Marchant [email protected] 

Saturday Dec the 12th  1846

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened a door of the church for the reception
of members

2 called for reference

J. Howel {mod}       A.H. Justice {granted a letter
to {M} Allen}

end 130-134

begin 135-143

Saturday Jan the 9th 1847

The church met in conference

1st Called on Brother Howel for an answer in _?_  to
his serving us the present year when he answered in the

2  Elected Brother J. B. Deavers for the next year and
appointed Brethren A. H. Justice, Battle, and Jackson a
committee to wait on him and inform him of his call

3rd  the church give Brother Howel a written
recommendation to the Mercer University at Ten Field Ga
for his Chriastian _?_  Sound faith and orderly walk

J. Howel mod      A. H. Justice CLK

P. S. granted letters of dismifsion to Jefse Clark and

A. H. Justice

Saturday February the 1_th  1847

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in

1st  opened a door for the reception of members

2  took up the case of Brother Eason's acting as one of
the deacons of this church when the  committee reported
he wouldn't serve

3rd took up the case in relation to Brother Deavours
serving us and on motion laid it over till next

C. L. Battle mod               A. H. Justice

Wednesday night February the 24th 1847

The church at Ebenser met in conference, on hearing of
Brother Deavours refusal to serve the church on motion
the church reconsidered apart of last minute and went
into the choice of a pastor when Brother Hart was
unanimously chosen and appointed John W. Jackson to
wait on him and inform him of his call and report next

J. W. Jackson mod                   A. H. Justice  Clk

Saturday March the 13th 1847

the Baptist Church of Christ at Ebeneser met in con

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception of

2nd called for reference when the church called on
Brother Hart for an answer in relation to his serving
the church this year when he answered in the

took up and laid over the election of a deacon until
next meeting

Isaac Hart mod   A. H. Justice  chs Clk

Saturday April the 17th 1847

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebeneser met in

1st  opened a door for the reception of members

2nd  called for reference and took up the case of a
deacon and laid it over until next conference

Isaac Hart mod                 A. H. Justice CLK

Saturday May the 15th 1847

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebeneser met in con

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception of

2  called for reference and took up the case of a
deacon when Brother John W. Brown was duly elected. The
church caled on him for an answer when he accepted the

3rd  appointed Brother Battle to request Brother Seay
to aid in the ordination of Brother Brown, appointed
friday before next meeting for the ordination

I. Hart  mod              A. H. Justice

Saturday June the 12th 1847

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebeneser met in

Opened the door for the reception of members and
recieved by letter Brother Jacob Sellers and his wife
Georgian Sellers

I. Hart  mod                     A. H. Justice   CLK

Saturday July the 10th 1847

The Baptist Churchof Christ at Ebeneser met in

1st  opened the door of the church for the reception of
members and recieved by letter Brother N. A. Purifoy
and his wife Mary Purifoy Also Sister Mary Mathe_  and
Brother James M. Davis

Appointed friday before next meeting for the ordination
of Brother Brown

_?_ took up a querry found on the _?_ Is it or is it
not right for a church member to bind ardent Spirits,
the church answered it is not right

The church prefered a charge against Brother Thomas
Waters for keeping grocery and appointed Brethren
Jackson, Battle, and _?_ to labour with him until next

NOTE: Keeping grocery open on 1st day of week.

Brother William Hubbard called for letters of
dismifsion which were granted

I. Hart mod              A. H. Justice Clk

Saturday night in Conference recieved by experience
Elisabeth Jackson and Louisa M. Sellers

I. Hart                                   A. H. Justice

Saturday August the 7 1847

the Baptist Church of Christ at Ebeneser met in con

1st  opened the door for the reception of members

2  called for reference and took up the case of Brother
Waters and expelled him from the fellowship of the

appointed next meeting for the ordination of Brother

appointed A. H. Justice and E. L. Eason to represent us
in the general meeting

Elected Brethren N. A. Purifoy and J. Owens to
represent us in the Afsociation _?_ Justice, _?_ Battle
in case of failure

Upon the statement of Brother John W. Jackson the
church prefered a charge against him for intoxication
and expelled him from the fellowship of the church

Isaac Hart mod          A. H. Justice  CL

end 135-143

begin 165-170

Saturday July 7th 1849

The baptis church of Christ at Ebinezer met in conference, brother John
Jackson mod

open the door of the church for the reception of members, none

cawled for references, none

C.L.Battle Clk

Saturday August 12th 1849

The baptis church of Christ at Ebenezer met in conference, brother I. Hart

open the door of the church for the reception of members, recieved none

cawled for references, none

cawled for new mater, brother Eli Clark is charged with sporting. We appoint
as a commity N.A.Purifoy, John W. Jackson and C.L. Battle as a commity to
talk with him

appointed N.A. Purifoy to prepair a leter to bee red at our next afsociation

N.A. Purifoy  Clk

Saturday Sept 8th 1849

The baptis Church of Christ at Ebinezer met in conference, brother I. Hart

open the door of the church for the reception of members, recieved by leter
our beloved brother Isaac Hart as a minister of the gospel

Toock up references the case of Eli Clark continued

we send $1.25 cts for minuets

Sister E. Golding is charged with unchristian like conduck, we appoint
brothers Austin Clark, N.A. Purifoy, Mikel Derrisaw as a commity to see the

report  beeing in circulation that brother Edmun D. Easan had traded on the
Saboth, the brother braught up the case themsilf and after giving the cause
of so doing the case was toock up and deferd until our next miting

elected delogates to represent us in our afsociation who ar I. Hart, C.L.
Battle, D. Owens in case of failure

N.A. Purifoy  CLK

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebinezer met in conference, brother I. Hart

1 open the door of the church for the reception of members, recieved by
restoration _?_ R. Battle

2 cawled for references, tuck up the case of brother Eli Clark, laid over

also the case of Sister E. Golding  was continued and another commity was
appointed to wait on the sister

also the case of brother E. _?_ Eason when he guive the church Satisfaction

Sister Mariah Cooper cawled for a leter of difmision, granted

went into the chois of a Minister for the insuing yer when brother I. Hart
was unanimously chozen

a contribution of $22.00 was made up for moderator

C. L. Battle  CLK

Saturday December 5th 1849

The baptis Church of Christ at Ebenezer  met in conference, brother _?_ W.
Jackson moderator

1 open the door of the church for reception of member, none

2 cawled for references when the case of brother Eli Clark was taken up and
the satisfyed

toock up the case of sister E. Golding and after hering from the commity she
was expelled

4 brother Austin Clark and family and brother Eli Clark and wife, brother
James Davis and wife caweled was granted

brother Thomas Waters came forward with an acknowledgement and was restord
to fellowship

brother Waters and wife cawled for leters, was granted

N.A. Purifoy  Clk

Saturday Jan 12th 1850

The baptist Church of Christ met in conference, brother I. Hart mod

1 open the door of the church of the reception of members, recieved by leter
brother Calib Owens and sister Mary Owins his wife

2 cawled for references, none

N.A. Purifoy  Clk

end 165-170

begin 171-180

Saturday Feb 1_ 1850

The baptis Churh of Christ at Ebenezer met in
conference, brother I. Hart Mod

open the door of the church for the reception of
members, recieved none

call for referances, non

A. Purifoy  CLK

March and April minute mis laid but nothing of
importence in them the saim as the above

Saturday March 9th 1850

The baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
conference, brother I. Hart mod

open the door of the church for the reception of
member, recieved by leter brother John H. Purifoy and
Eleza Purifoy his wife

2 called for references, none

N.A. Purifoy Clk

Saturday June 12 1850

The baptis Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
conference, brother I. Hart mod

1 open the door of the church for reception of
mem(bers), recieved by leter brother Calib Owens and
Sister Mary Owins

2 cawled for references, none

N.A. Purifoy Clk

Saturday July 1850

The baptis church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
conference, brother C.L. Battle mod

open the door of the church for the reception of
member, recieved none

no references

N.A. Purifoy Clk

August Conference the saim Brother I. Hart mod         
N.A. Purifoy Clk

Saturday Oct 12 1850

The baptis Church of Christ at Ebinezer met in

1 open the door of the church for the reception of
member, recieved none

cawled f(or) references took up the case of cawling our
pastor and laid it over until next conference

brother Green Davison relates a case of grievence which
was taken up and laid over until next conference

I. Hart mod       N.A. Purifoy  Clk

Saturday Nov 9 1850

The baptis Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
conference, brother I. Hart mod

open the door of the church for the reception of
member, recieved none

2 called for references, toock up the case of cawling
our pastor when brother Isaac Hart was unanimously
chosen also the case of brother Green Davison and
forgive him

N.A. Purifoy  Clk

Dec  conference mislaid

Saturday Jan 11 1851

the baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
conference, brother I. Hart mod

1 open the door of the church for the reception of
members, recieved non

cawled for references, none

N.A. Purifoy Clk

February conference mis laid

Saturday April 12th 1851

The baptis church of Christ at Ebinezer met in
conference, brother _. W. Jackson mod

1 open the door of the church for the reception of
members, recieved by leter Sister Gillen Owens by leter

called for references, none

the church being destitute of a pastor cawled upon
brother Fletcher to serve us the remainder of this year
upon which we have selected a commity to wait upon him,
commity C.L. Battle, E.D. Eason, N.A. Purifoy

brother E. Wills cawles for a leter of dismifsion which
was granted

N.A. Purifoy  Clk

Saturday May 1851

The baptis church of Christ at Ebinezer met in
conference, brother C.L. Battle mod

open the door of the church for the reception of
members, recieved non

cawled for reference, the commity being cawled upon
reports that brother Fletcher promises to serve us the
remainder of this year

John A. Purifoy Clk

Saturday June 8th 1851

The Baptis church of Christ at Ebinezer met in
conference, brother Fletcher mod

1 open the door of the church for the reception of
members, recieved non

cawled for references, non

new mater, we appoint a commity to see brother H.H.
Sims to know why he retains his leter from us

N.A. Purifoy Clk

end 171-180

begin 181-189

Geo. Sumpter Co. July 12th 1851

The baptis church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
conference, brother J.U. Fletcher mod

1 open the door of the church for the reception of
members, recieved by experience Martha Page

2 cawled for references, toock up the case of brother
H. H. Sims lerning he had joined Pondtown church
difmifs the case

non new mater

N.A. Purifoy Clk

Georgia Sumpter Co. August 10th 1851

The baptis Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
conference, brother J.U. Fletcher mod

1 open the door of the church for the reception of
members, recieved none

2 cawled for references, none

3 cawled for new mater, when brother M. Monk was
reported for non attendence and a commity appointed to
wait on him and report at our next conference. commity
C.L. Battle, D. Owin, E.D. Eason

Also elected brothers Isack Hart and C.L.Battle to
represent us in our next afsociation

Georgia Sumpter Co. September 12, 1851

The Baptis Church of at Ebenezer met in Conference,
brother J. U. Fletcher mod

1 open the door of the church for the reception of
members, recieved by leter and experience:

Edmund Jackson Julian Jackson Margaret Powers John
Jackson Permlia Jackson Mariah Antinet Dickson Mary
Derrisow Elizabeth Owens Sarah Owins Katharine Jackson
Penelope Wigins Mary Hart Rebeca Eason Carah Purifoy
Mary Kiser Sarah Kiser Elizabeth Wells James Purifoy
Elbert Scofiield Thomas Owens Edward Neuman Mary
Clements Sarah Clements Sarah Battle Matelda Thompson
Margian Countraman Samuel Hart Thomas L. Dickson G__y

Peter the property of McBride Rebe_ the property of
Cottle Cherry the property of Cottle July the property
of Hart Cupit the property of Hart Pheby the property
of Hart Sandy the property of Daniel

2 cauld for references toock up the case of brother
Monk cauld upon the commity who reported favourably

N.A. Purifoy Clk

Georgia Sumpter Co. Oct 10 1851

The baptis Church of Christ at Ebeneser met in
conference, brother J.U. Fletcher mod

1 open the door of the church for the reception of

2 cawled for references, none

2 cawled for new matter, none

N.A. Purifoy Clk

Georgia Sumpter Co. Nov 8 1851

The baptis Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
conference, brother J. U. Fletcher mod

1 open the door of the church for ther reception of
members, none

cawled for references, none

cauled for new mater when Sister Anna King, Mary
Kastin, Elbert Scofield, Margaret Scofield cawled for
leters of dismifsion which was granted

John W. Jackson Clk

Georgia Sumpter Co. Dec 13 1851

The baptis Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in
conference, brother I. Hart mod

1 open the door of the church for the reception of
members, recieved none

cawled for references, none

no new mater

N.A. Purifoy  Clk

Georgia Sumpter Co. Jan 10 1852

The baptis Church of Christ at Ebeneser met in
conference, brother I. Hart mod

1 open the door of the church for the reception of
member, recieved none

cawlled for references, none

no new mater

N.A. Purifoy Clk

Georgia Sumpter Co. 7 Feb 1852

The baptis Church of Christ at Ebinezer met in
conference, brother I. Hart mod

1 open the door of the church for the reception of
member, none

2 cauled for references, none

no new mater

N.A. Purifoy Clk

Geo. Sumpter Co. March 13th 1852

The baptis Church of Christ at Ebeneser met in
conference,brother J.U. Fletcher mod

1 open the door of the church for reception of members,
recieved by leter brother Morris Ansley as a deacon ,
sisters Nancy Baker, Elizabeth Ragan, Sarah Jane Ragan

2 cawled for references, toock up the case of brother
Jame Davison for non attendence, on report of the
commity think it bes to further wait on him. Appointed
a commity to wait on him, John W. Jackson,C.L.Battle,

also prefered a charge against brother Edward Neuman
for drunknefs and swarring, the above commity to wait
on him

granted a leter of dis___  to Joseph Albrit

N.A. Purifoy  Clk

end 181-189

begin 190-194

Geor. Sumpter Co. April 10th 1852

The baptis church of Christ at Ebeneser met in conference, brother I. Hart

1 open the door of the church for the reception of members, recieved by
leter brother James Williams and sister Susan Williams, his wife

2 called for references, toock up the case of brother James Davidson and
continued it until the next conference commity to wait on him. C.L. Battle,
E.D.Eason, Wm. Mckey

also the case of brother Edward Neuman, after deliberation excumunicated him

N.A. Purifoy  Clk

Georgia Sumpter Co. May 8th 1852

The baptist church of Christ at Ebeneser met in conference, Brother I. Hart

1 open the door of the church for the reception of members, recieved by
leter Sister Mary Daniel

2 cawled for references, toock up the case of brother Davidson and he being
present gave the church ample satisfaction

N.A. Purifoy   Clk

Georgia Sumpter Co. June 9th 1852

The baptis church of Christ at Ebinezer met in conference, brother J. W.
Jackson mod

1 open the door of the church for the reception of member, recieved by leter
brother Nealey McNeal

2 cawled for references, none

Wm McKey  Clk

Georgia Sumpter Co. July 12th 1852

The baptis Church of Christ at Ebineser met in conference, brother I. Hart

1 open the door of the church for the reception of members, recieved none

2 cawled for references, none

we send as delogates to reprosent us in our general meeting  I. Hart, C.L.

N.A. Purifoy Clk

Georgia Sumter Co. August 7th 1852

The baptis church of Christ at Ebeneser met in conference, brother I. Hart

1 open the door of the church for the reception of members, recieved none

2 cawled for references, none

we send as delogates to our Association I. Hart, C.L. Battle, Wm McKey in
case of faliour. We send $1. 25 cts for minuets and $5.00 for Associational

N.A. Purifoy  Clk

end 190-194

begin #195-198

Geo. Sumpter Co. Sept. 11th 1852

The baptis Church of Christ at Ebineser met in conference,  _?_ Rufs mod

1 open the dor of the church for the reception of members, recieved non

2 cawled for references when the leter to our association was read and

granted a leter to brother Morris Ansley

N.A. Purifoy  Clk

October and November minuts mislaid

Geo. Sumpter Co. 12th Decm. 1852

The baptis church of Christ at Ebeneser met in conference, brother mod

1 open the door of the church for the reception of members, recieved none

2 cawled for references, none

granted leters to brother William V__fe, sister Catherine Andrews, Sister
Wells and servent brother Mackneal

N.A. Purifoy

(There are a 4 pages blank between this entry and the next)

1854   C.L. Battle Chs Clerk
Georgia Sumter county

The Baptist Church of Christ at Ebenezer met in conference

1 open the dore for the reseption of members when brethren Anderson Barlow,
John E. Barlow, Garland Barlow, John T. Barlow and sister M.E. Barlow and
Mahala Barlow and Thomas Barlow and his wife Mary Barlow cam forward with
letters, Rec'd

2 caled for Reference, taken up _?_ went in to the choice of a minister to
serve us the Remainder of the year. Chose Bro. Hog__ and appointed comitty
to Wright, Battle, and Purifoy

May 11th 1854    C.L. Battle                       Bro. Ansley mod

Saturday June 9th 1854

Baptist Church of Christ met conference

1 open the dore for the Reseption of members, recd non

2 Caled for Refference

C.L. Battle   Clk        Bro. Ansley mod

end 195-198
Continuation of Minutes
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