Thomas Dunn - Revolutionary Pension Application

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Thomas Dunn
Revolutionary Pension Application


Oglethorpe County

Personally came in open court the same being the Superior court of said county and State on this the fifteenth day of October eighteen hundred and thirty two Thomas Dunn aged sixty nine years living in said county who first being duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.

That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. The applicant states that he served during the Revolutionary war four tours amounting to nine months. The first tour he served as a drawn or drafted Militiaman two months in Sussex County Virginia under Major Nathaniel Lucas ~ thinks that this was in the year 1781. Cabin Point was the place of encampment. Col. Harrison‘s Artillery was there part of the time. The second tour he served at Cabin Point under the same Major and thinks that Eldridge was Captain. Does not recollect the name of the Colonel. He served six weeks in the second tour.

The third tour applicant served three months the winter before the Battle of Guilford as a drawn or drafted militiaman ~ Fleming was Colonel, Eldridge Captain and Mulenbury was Brigadier General ~ thinks that the Major was a Frenchman by the name of Dick Canard. Head quarters was at Mays Mills but was marching to and from to Portsmouth or near that place where the British was. However in no engagement or battle but the infantry had occasional skirmishes with British and took some prisoners.

The fourth tour applicant served under Genl. Stuben two months the summer (he thinks) before Cornwallis was taken. Harrison was Captain. There were he thinks two regiments. Genl. Lawson was Brigadier General, Col. Gascin commanded the regulars new recruits, Col. Tucker commanded the militia. We started from the point fork on James River ~ marched through Cumberland County ~ from Cumberland to Charlotte court house thence to Prince Edward court house and thence to Carters Ferry on James River Island at Carters Ferry several miles up wished to join Lafayette but was prevented by the British. In this tour applicant served four weeks in this Artillery ~ joined it at Prince Edward court house under Captain Williams. The Artillery lay at Carters Ferry. The main army crossed James River and marched to join Lafayette.

Applicant was discharged at Carters Ferry. He has no documentary evidence of his service and knows at present of but one person by whom he can prove any of these services. That person is Isham Rainey whose statement is annexed. When he went into service applicant resided in Brunswick County Virginia. Does not recollect the precise time of entering or leaving the service.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any States.

Thomas Dunn, Sen.

Sworn to and subscribed in open court the day and year first above written.

John Landrum, Clerk

We, Miller Bledsoe a clergyman and Isham Rainey, both residing in the said county of Oglethorpe and State of Georgia hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Thomas Dunn who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration, that we believe him to be sixty nine years old, that he is reputed and believed to be in the county where he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution and we concur in that opinion. Isham Rainey states that he was with the applicant during his third tour and knows of his own ---- that applicant did serve in that tour as he has stated.

Miller Bledsoe, M.G.
Isham Rainey

Sworn to and subscribed in open court the day and year first aforesaid.

John Landrum, Clerk



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