Will of John Milner
Tallapoosa Co. AL Will Record Vol. 1 1838-1907
Pages 63, 64 and 65
LDS Microfilm Number 1304546
Salt Lake City UT
State of Georgia
Fayette County
In the name of God, Amen
I, John Milner of said State and County being
of advanced age and knowing that I must depart this life, deem it
right and proper both as regards my family and myself that I should
make a disposition of the property with which a kind providence has
blessed me, do therefore make this my last will and testament hereby
revoking all others heretofore made by me.
First. I give and bequeath to my daughter
Nancy Simmons three negroes to wit; a woman by the name of One and
her two girl children.
2nd I give and bequeath to my
daughter Martha Graden on negro woman by the name of Harriet.
3rd I give and bequeath to my
daughter Susan Cade the sum of two dollars together with what she
had received from me at the time of her marriage.
4th I give and bequeath to my
daughter Mary Knowles two negroes to wit; Lucy, a woman and her son
5th I give and bequeath to my son
Robert Milner one hundred and sixty five acres of land in Henry
County, adjoining James Campbell leasor, he last had possession of
this land for some time.
Item 6 I give and bequeath to my son John M.
Milner one negro man by the name of Cob and two hundred and a half
acres of land in Henry County, adjoining Henry Couch, he has had
possession of this land for some time.
7th I give and bequeath to my son
Joshua Milner two hundred, two and a half acres of land in DeKalb
County near Decatur and adjoining James Kirkpatrick and two negroes
one a boy by the name Jim, the other a girl by the name of Eliza,
all now in his possession.
8th I give and bequeath to my son
Thomas Milner one negro man by the name of Adam, now in his
possession. Remarks and Explanation. The property willed above is
in their possession or have been for some time, I have given it to
them and forever quit claim to the same.
9th Now at my death and after the
death of my beloved wife Susan, I give and bequeath to my son
[blank] as before named and my son Jefferson Milner and my son
Jackson Milner and my son William Milner the following property to
wit; One negro man named Nelson, one negro man named George and one
negro woman named Betsy, one hundred and fifty two acres land in the
County of Fayette and fifth district, being part of lot No. 41 forty
one, one square of land Two hundred two and a half acres in 12
district of Henry County adjoining Washington Morris, and all my
stock of horses, mules, cattle and hogs, my wagon and carriage and
all my household and kitchen furniture, and all the money due me, or
that may be obtained in suit or that may be collected from any suit
in law after my death and the death of my beloved wife Susan this is
to be equally divided between my sons Jefferson, Jackson and William
as above named, but if either Jefferson, Jackson or William should
die before the come in possession of their share the surviving ones
as above named shall be entitled to his share of said property
willed by me.
10th Now in as much as three of
these my sons to wit; Jefferson, Jackson and William are at this
time mentally deranged, I do desire that my son R. M. Milner should
provide for the feeding and clothing of them and in between take
care of their share of the above named property, and not give them
the control of it unless they or either of them should become sane
and in their right mind and capable of taking care of it themselves.
11th I hereby constitute and
appoint my sons R. M. Milner and John Milner my executors of this my
last will and testament this 28th day of March 1848.
John Milner-his seal
Signed Sealed Delivered and published by John
Milner as his last will and testament in the presence of said
testator at his special instance and request.
T. D. King
G. C. King
M. J. Murphy
The foregoing will was filed in office
November the 30th 1850 and was on the 21st day
of March 1851 admitted to probate as to the personal Estate by
Depositions and ordered to be recorded. And duly recorded April the
1st 1851.
M. C. Lane, Judge of Probate
By Simeon Goolsby, Clerk
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